By >Mm of L. , ■pan Mkjrt M of tnat < SI iMMt and wMa an Um 90th day April. »«0. MMl rtctrM ta Book I Ml Ui of Um loeurd of Deed* of will aall to the highat hlddir in front of lh« fM Natlon f Moat Airy. N C. on Um t9th day of Jaly, IMS, rk a the following do imI aetata, to-wit: • on North aide Eaat Poplar I on S. E. corner of Ira Jonaa lot aad running South U do iraaa SO mfarataa Eaat with aaid atroat ■«»Mlty-fWr (71) faat; thane*. North « dagreee Eaat ahwat S00 faat ta the Callaway lint; thence, with aaid Galloway lino. North 52 datraat SO Mlmtaa Waat seventy-five (71) faat to Ira Jones N. E eornor; thence with Ma Hm Sooth 40 dagraaa Waat about SM faat to J one* corner on MM hilar atraat and beginning. TMa aala la mada to aatiafy i of One THouaand Four Hundred fifty (91460.00) Dollars, principal, with utUreat and coat to be addec Thia »th day of Jvne, IMS. ft. M. SiauBona, Troataa. CUT FLOWERS For AB OCCASIONS NT. AMY DRUG CO. Far to dapia, which ha did hi good ayla and than triad ta leara tha lupnaaian that ha harAat 4mm wha want wtth him by telling a nary until ha waa drawn ahnoat deubie M aad hie faat and haad had U be itHM'l dawn te urfci la fat hMa hi tha coffin. Tha fuanral waa caaMhaet ed te a amall church baring oaly ana door. After tha aarrtaaa want ever •lane and rat tha atrap that ha Id »ha body and It begaa la Mia* op hi tha raffia Ivaijhadj mad* a hfaah far tha door and tha praathar. ha lag la tka pulpit, waa 'ha laat one te gat there. Th door waa «a crowded that ha eaaldnt fat aat and ha laahad bach aad tha earpa waa by that ttaM att tkf ap Ha aaii a laap anr tha haada of everybody alaa aad I11M head-foremoet an tha graand. Jaap ing ap and brushing tha daat from hia handa and clothing, ha naartli, "Why did anybody want te balld a church with only ana door!" Ha than declared that ha had aabthar door along wtth hha. T« Millioaa Stamp ad Envalopas Mada Daily Waahingtoa, June 27.—Mora than tea million • tan pad anvalopaa ara ba ins turnd oat dally by tha aunufac turrr at Daytoaj, Ohio, who ia undar contract with tha Poatoffice Depart mant to aapply tha goveiroaent with all envelope*, according to an an nouncmant harr by Poatmaater Ganar al Work. It ia Hkaly that tha eon tractor will tie required to ranch an average of elaven million daily if tha demand continue* to grow, it waa ** plained On May 2d a record mark waa rrached when nearly twelve mil lion ■ tamped anvalopea were aaid to have bean produced. Dying Mm Daclaraa Ha'll Riaa imSDaya Briatol, Va„ June 28.—"I know that I am going to die, bat I will ha daad only three day*. At tka aatd aI three day* I wfll he raaterad te Mh. PWaae don't bury my body, bacaaaa It will be uaelaaa expense. I aaa coming baek." This waa the »ta lament mada yea tar day by A. J. Mink, 6S, on hla death bed at hla home on Fourth atreat. An hour later ha waa daad. Satisfies the tweet tooth and aids appetite and digestion. * Cleanses mouth and teeth. A great boon to smokers, relieving hot, dry mouth. Combines pleasure and benefit. Don't miss the joy of the new WIMLCTS M-the sugar coated peppermint tftd bitl %J(» KAKLY HVVORT CIVKM OLD Cr. A T.V.MAO ■■■■II » "la tka early 60S after Dm Cape Fwr River M lM« ipaaid op for of My Own McNeil, who «h general >tnt at Ik* C*p> Fwr Navigation CtMpuy, he la mm ed a charter far the Vntern Kallwed, la Hart froai FayattevHIe and pa la mm point in tka aeatora part of tka •ate. presumably at that ttao to Salisbury. They alaa IMm4 tka City of FayetteviUe and Cumberland aaaa ty la rabaerike 1100,000 aack la baafe te aid la tka ronatractioa af the road. Many thoaaandu mor* of stack waa takan by Individual citiiena, and with thia mo nay, tka road waa built and equipped aa far aa Jonesboro, M. C. "Tha flr*t locomotive for tha road, waa brought up from Wllminrton In sections upon a barge and waa wwa Mad at tha river bank in Campbolltiin. where tha raila war* flnt laid. I wall remember tha day it waa flnt •teamed up and rule up town with Mr*. Gordon Denting at tha tkrottla, blowing the w hie tie at every rrouing and creatine the one Mr actuation of the time. It waa named after my grandfather, the "George McNeil" and I aa a privileged kid waa riding on the tender and felt like I waa tha biggeat part of tka ahow. It waa the o«ly engine that the road had for naw "Tka Civil War Mating oo, and tha Confederate Government, having re moved all of tka machinery aad or danca from tka araenal at Harper** Ferry, Va.. to FayetteviDe, thia place tka chief supply of a of the of coal hua— a a* Egppt. <■•» Cm k) coal ta tka arsenal aad alaa ta tka port of Wilmington, to supply tha tween thai port aad Naaeau aad keep ing the Confederacy la teock with tha outside world. "After the war the mid was operat ed locally for a few yam, daring which tfM undar the Iniyliallw of Mr. A. A. McKethan. the grandfather of our praaant mayor, another bond issue wu voted ta aid in the cons trac tion of Dm Fayetteville and Florence Railroad, aa another fuller to oar commercial life. "In the M's with the same and la view, which we now have, a company was formed by a number of the lead ing citizens of Wilmington, Fayette ville, Greensboro, Mt. Airy and others, known as the North State Improve ment Co., to take over existing '°nes and re-incorporste cs the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad, and to extend that road south to Wilmington and north to MoUnt Airy, with the Intention i.f making a vwnect. >.i w-th til Norfolk mimI Wwv.i and thereby Confederate Vetsru is Shot From Aabusk Albemarle, June S.—Frank Mer gan, a Confederate veteran seventy eight years of age, was shot from am bush near Oakboro Monday afternoon. He was passing along through a wood, traveling a somewhat abandoned pathway, when suddenly and without warning he waa fired upon by some one, a shot-gun having been used with the result that he was seriously wounded. It is said that he waa wear ing his Confederate badge and that the party who shot him possibly took him for a prohibitive officer. It will be remembered that three or four years ago near tbs same section a man by the name of Shoe was shot and in stantly killed while passing through the woods, bat the gailty party was never apprehended. Sheriff Morton waa called and niabed bo the sosne of the shooting and secured the woods for traces of the aseailant of Mr. Morgan, bat tilers seeaH to be no clae as to the guilty party. While Mr. Morgan 'Is seriously woonded It la hoped that he will re WfW. * 1 MHBfe A Splendid Medicine tor the Ktwauch and Liter "Chamberlain's Tablets for the stomach and liver are «plendi«J I never tire of telling my friends and neighbors of their qualities," writes Mr*. Will lam Vollmer, Eastwood, M. Y. When billions, constipated or troubled with IndigsstieH, give them a trial. They will do you good. 285 F.O. 5. DETROIT Terms if Desirad Every Merchant knows that quick delivery means sales ex pansion, greatly reduced costs and better satisfied customers. Expand. Buy a Ford— and Spend the difference. W« can mipply a body to Mat yaw apadal nqsirimtntt. GRANITE CITY MOTOR CO. PHOT MOUNTAIN MOTOR CO. Mount Aky. N. C Pilot MoonUta, N. C Ik* U/ M "' " III. W. I< MHfBgSWtrul DENTIST Mount Airy, N. C Dr. R. J. L0VE1 PHYSICIAN DR. R B. ROWE MM Airy, N. C mlactkb uuid to byk. BAB, NOBB B TBBOAT OUm Onr • ami 10c. Stem. To Every Owner . Of a New Car YOUR mt iWrve« the best rare that you can aire it and will more than repay you for it. Eitner from the »tand|»oint of satisfactory service, or of long life or "trade-in" value, the closer attention yon pay to a number of things about your ear the more y«a will get out of it. Vlthouah gasoline is only one of these, it is important. A '