somebody Must Assume Your Prescription Responsibility Our yean of training and experience with our huge stock of the Pureet Drum and Chemk mce. Praacripitoni lent for ud delivered promptly. Eldridge's Drug Store J3m%za that inonoy can buy enable* ue to do it with the Phone 31. 112 Li The Rexall Store nnnwnnnnnniaiaiaiBii FOR SALE—Good (Mb watermelon*, cantaloupes, orange*, banana* and lemons. Buy aom* and enjoy the hot weather. Ujvill-Di* Co. 7-Te WANTED the people of Mount Alnr to know your old friend The N. R. 0. Laundry Tablet* are back in town and *nxiou« to help you our with your washing the** hot day*. 7-lS-p. TOR SALE—-Good fresh watermelon*. cantaloupe*, orange*, bananas and em on* Buy (omc and enjoy the hot weather T-ovill-Dix Co. 7-7c WANTED—Ten thouiand pound* of packing butter and other countr Modurp. Beat price*. Blue Rid'i « Produce Co., north *!de Hayne* u Brown ware ho .i»e bldg., Needmore St., opponitf Gilbert wagon *hop. 4-t FOR SAt.E—Peach basket* and peach crate material. Lovill Dix Co. 7-15e FOR SAI.E--Good 'reah watermelons. cantaloupe*, orange#, banana* and lemon*. Ruy some and enjoy the hot wfiather Ui'nIWx Co. 7-7c FOR nburn Tan, Freckle* •t*Qttycool**nd eeedwiry. kminikii AmmMwii wtU a> • rtntiy Rmovn coainieaioecleBi. vehety, itifuf driktl*. • nff r»(ranee to Ikftf Woo l nbof. la ibfatodrttct. * I I Use—^ I MagnoliaN Balm LIQUID Fmw and IMtt fOWD&R anfiiiiiiiuiiiniiiiHi FOR 8ALE Paach baakata tmi paach crate mttoriil. Lovltl Dte 0#. Ml fOlIATE WmMwiii m WVamK ^iA^Prht^nw,'a,^h cmt# niAi^rw. uvtiII i/i* to. T-llt fOK SALE—Goad fmh watermelons. cantaU/upaa, tttnfM. bananas and lemons. Buy mm and e> Joy the hot weather LoriH-Dtx Co. 7-7e REMEMBER N. R. 0. mIm wmIi In* tut and doss not hurt the hands or mjora the clothaa. Aak for a package today, for ante at all •tana. Price lie. 7 16 p WANTED—Work In* hands for show, those who can drive truck profered. Call or writ* Tribley Devene show, Dobson, N. C. 7-7p TOR QUICK and saay washing use N. R. 0. Laundry TaMote. Nothing equals thorn. Price 18c. 7-lS-p FOR SALE- Peach baskets and poach crate material Ufitl Dt* Co. 7-15c N. R. G. means "Energy." Ws want you to save your energy and lot our N. R. 0. do your washing. 7-lS-p WANTED--A live wire man who la acquainted with Mount Airy to work a line of cifara. Can mako from 120 to fifi per week spare tima. Write to Wlllard Cigar Hf(. Co., Higrh Point, N. C. 7-7p NOTirr I h»v>' for kjiIc the following pro perty. to-wit: One 25-horn* power boiler, up right. One •-horse power hoisting engine. WO f« «»t "f cubic w're 1-4 inch, practically new. Apply tor information to either W. F. P.-lt.n or W F. Cr.rter. Tlile Jun- 28rd. 1922. There is Strength in EveryTablet Oaa daaa oAn Mn oaa j wiwitwrtrtirwMiid ft and raaltaltaa your worn nr w< NixitM iiiin V) NiuM Iran to a Bower fena of Iran. Ilk* Uu> iron I la row hlood Ud like the Iron la aptaaah It to eo prepared thai It will not Injare the teeth •or dleturb Um «tiM»rb. It u nadir tor olmad haawdlatr abaorptinn and aaamllaUon b» Um blood while aaOM ptiy •Iclana dtto metallic Iron which people aeually talc i> sat aheoitied at all. If foo arc not atron« or wall foa owe it to jwiraalf to make tl>a fellow lag teat Sao bow loo« toucan k work or Itow tor rati nut walk Bwlthoul baroaln* tired Nnl rtaka two ItrWn tablet* of Nuxatrd Iran- three 11 tree per day. after aieale far twoweeka. Than taat »oar atrentth a fain Iran i« hH under an •baoiuitiuaraiitr* thai roar moMf wMI br rrfanilrd if yn* it* nut abUIn pat-tartly »tlalbc»ory rawlta. For nW ta Una city br , Eldiiilf*'* Drue Stoic. W. 3. Wolfe Drag Co.' CASHIER GETS POUR YEARS H#ttfocd Ex-Boakor, CMvfaftid t-i— M mmi Steffi for tko Pm Hertford, July 1—H. 0. Sollfraa, former miMh of ft local bank, an Mai here this Mtk charged ill foor counts (or abstracting bonds, for *ieaMar ine bonds, tor sottversloo of bond* and tor misapplying bonds wttk totaat to injure, was found guilty by • Jury to Superior court lata this sftsrnoon and sentenced by Jode* W. M. Bond to Mm fear yaan in tba stata priaon. Tbs ease was given la tha jury at S;1S o'clock. Aaida from tha defend ant's own testimony little evidence was Introdoood by tha dafeoaa baton It rested Its case at S o'clock ysstarday afternoon. Mrs. H. C. Sullivan, wife of tha defendant, testified aa to the visit of Director Brian daring which I he stated defendant had only made a ' business mistake and that tha matter i would soon bo straightened oat. Wit ness testified that Brtnn told her he wsat to the back door to avoid sus picion on the part of the pobHc as to anything wrong with tha bank's affairs. After being oat for only fifty min utee the jury brought In s verdict of guilty on the four counts for which the defendsnt was Indicted, and Judge Bond gsve the defendant four years In the penitentiary, the defendant arreeinjr to take no appeal. The defendant, his mother, two brothers, and father-in-law ware all present when the verdict and sentence wwra announced and both were receiv ed without apparent emotion on the I art of either. To all sppeerances both the defen ; d»nt and his family have withstood , the ordeal of tha trial wiph stoicism. Except for the collapse olj the defend j ant on Thursday aftemopa ao evi ' ih-nce of feeling has been disclosed. ( until the accused broke down while being led to Jail. He waa bid farewell f>v all his relatives and taken to Ra leigh on lata Norfolk Southern train in custody of Sheriff W. W Wright. Defendant requested that he be taken sway tonight and spacisl nrranpemcn's were hurriedly made. After boarding the train ha calmly pr-xhiced the latest obtainnbla news paper and when the train pulled out of Hertford no suspicion among other passengers on the train was aroused aa to his identity. HERTFORD BANKER REACHES PRISON News and Observer: U. C. Sullivan, former cashier of 11 he Fanners Bank and Trust C jm ' p«ny. of Hertford, Perquimans county, spent the first of his 1.441 days in tbs State prison very quietly yester : day and three weeks or more must ' elapse before he has completed tha : entrance routine and be assigned to : the job that will be his for the four ' years of hard labor imposed upon him i by Judge W. M. Bond Saturday aftar noon. ' Not often does a convicted man urge haste In beginning to mvi his Mntwci. tin th#n m iwf tftfr Judge Bond had fixed the torn of grwut la which he moat ami the Stoto In fMtiM for defakattoae la | hii hank, SalHvaa had mM that ha i ha brought hwaediatoly to liMjk. Accompanied hjr Sheriff W. W. Wri«M , ha arrived horn ysetorday mo ml ax at i tl:S0 o'clock and waa tiassediatoly commit tod to the prison. 1*1 rat among the things that will ha attend upon his prison record will ha tha typhoid Immunisation, given ; over a period of thras waaks. During that time ha will ha kept to Central prison, and la tor wy ha sent oat an a road gang, or to tha Stoto Prison farm. Na dacision has baan raachad by tha Warden aa to what dispoehton will ba made of him. For the praaaat odd Jobs shout tha prison will ha his lot. Sullivan accepts his fato philosophi cally, and without complaint Ha went through tha routine ef entrance yesterday morning, giving hia age, education, business, submitting to the physical examination, got Ma prison clothes and took hia place among the reet of the prisoners. He expeete to make a good priaoner and take fall measure of the deductions in time for good behavior. Peanuts worked tha undoing of the young banker, according to the evi dence at the trial in Hertford during the past week. He waa Interested In is corporation organised to hfndle a [ large part of the peanut crop In North Eastern North Carolina "Hie bottom dropped out of the market srvi left , him high snd dry. The shortage In |TtS» bsnk amounted to more than *100,000. It* business was taken over ! by another bank without I oat to de I positors. EDITOR CRTS IN BAD An Oklahoma editor lust about to ' cn to press "pied" a couple of articles, ne concerning a public sale, and the ■ ther a write-up of a wedding. He , uaked tha office devil to get the two articles together—and he did—hut here is how he put the two together, nnd th«* mixture waa not known to the editor until an angry preacher and the motlv r of the bode appeared on the KCAni: "William Smith and Miaa Lucy Anderson were disposed of at public auction at my barn one mile east of a beautiful cluster of roses on her , hreast and two whito calves before a background of farm implements too numerous to mention in the presence of about seventy p»*ets including two milk cows, six mules, snd one boh ■led. Rev. Jackson tied the nuptial knot with 200 fe.*t of hay rope and the bridal couple !<-.'* on one John Deere Kang plow for an extended trip with terms to suit purchaser. They will be ; at home to their friend* with one good : baby buggy and a few kitchen utensils after too months from date of sale to responsible parties and some 50 chickens."— Upshaw (Tex.) County : Echo All that Ireland m«M to UM old 4mju «m i Into. AmI il ate anil now la km •< '«■. A. Southern Railway System Greatly Reduced Round Trip Fares — For — SUMMER SEASON, 1922 Take Your Chotco Wwk-rnd fares, Sunday excursion far**. Summer excursion fares, Special excursion fares to Atlantic City and Niagara Pan* Atlantic City and OU>«r Jtrwy Date* tale ria Son. A PRE June 28th. July It, August lit and 15th. Data tale via Sou. 4 B40 July 0th, 12th and 26th, Aufuat 9th and 29rd. Niagara Fall* rla waaMagtan •r Philadelphia Dataa uk ria Sou. A BAO June 29th, July 18th and 27th, Augunt 10th and 24th. Date aale via Sou. PUR July 5th and 19th, Aufuat 2nd and 16th and .10th. Ticket* food for utop-ovm on return trip at WMhlnfton-Muimoii Buffalo and Philadelphia Week-End Excursion Fares On a#l« Friday nights, Saturday and Sunday moraines to Seashore Reaorta and Western North Carolina JUaorta. Ticket* good until following Monday and Tuesday (Exo-ption i irk eta to Waatern North Carolina told Saturday and Sunday morn ing. good return uatil following Molte. Sunday Excursion Fares — To — Norfolk, Wilmington and Morehead City Theae ticket* are on aalr Saturday nighta and Sunday aMtrnings from Salisbury. High Point, Winaton-Salem, Greensboro, Durham, Raleigh, Princeton and all intermediate stations. Good returning Sunday night. Not good in sleeping or Parlor ears. SPEND SUNDAY AT THE SEASHORE Summer Excursion Fares To All Resorts Mountain*, Springs and Seaabors. Tickata on saJc daily, final limit October Slat, li>22. Stop-over* permitted in both directiona. Through Pullman Sleaping Can to All Important Pbmu Excellent Service—Courtesy—Convenient Schedules. Write for Beautiful Southern Railway Summer Reeort Booklet and Other Literature. For Further Information Call on Southern Railway Ticket Agents or Addreaa t tfc. R. H. GRAHAM, Division - Passenger Agent, 207 West Trade Street Charlotte, N. C. TICKETS GOOD POR 18 DAYS Statement of THE BANK OF MT. AIRY, rr rJiTL ».« 0. C. Welch, V.-Pree. Wm' J' Byerly' ^ E. M. Linrille, Vic®-Pre#. ^ P- SPARGER, Cashier. W. W. Christian, Asst. Cashier. RESOURCES. Loans and discount* $929,102.88 Overdrafts, J™)"®. Liberty Bonds, . 32,945.46 All other bonas 16,588.83 Banking house, furniture aud fixtures, 19,568.18 War Saving Stamps, 1,015.00 Cash on hand and due from banks, 117,870.45 TOTAL $1,116,590.24 LIABILITIES. Capital stock . $100,000.00 Surplus fund 76,000.00 Undivided Profits, 15,086.96 Unearned discount • • 12,194.71 Accrued interest due depositors 12,778.97 Dividends unpaid, 80.00 War Finance Corporation advance, 90,000.00 Deposits, 810,854.60 TOTAL, $1,116,590.24 I. P. P. Sparger. Cuhier of 4o solemnly swear that the abort the beet of my knowledge and b« Uef. F.P.8PABO>B. li Ira* I* Subscribed and sworn to before me this the the 5th day of July, 1922. W. L. Dunman, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: W. J. Byerly. A. V. West F. M. Poore, G. G. Welch, Directors. a Scott, wffS. T- J Smithwick'W Sydnor'F' *•Poore.w- J- Byerly, A. V. W«t,J. D. Sargent, H. L. Stone, I. W. Bnte.a. COURTESY EFFICIENCY We need your business. You need our service. SERVICE CO-OPERATION Gome in often and ask for any service you may need.

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