Frank E. Walker Homeplace On Poplar Street At Auction rYi'1iy- Oct 12th terms easy Linville-Ball Realty & Auction Company CITY SCHOOL STANDARD RAISED Laboratory Installed—Spanish Now Taufkl And Business Coursa Offafad For msny yesr* Mount Airy lias been hoping for and looking forward '• the tin* when she would have as wsll equipped" schools as sny town of her sise. To a large extent this ha» ronw tnie, and mora has been done this year than in sny other year in the school's history. The standard of the school has been rsised considerably. Spsnish has been ndded to the language snd chemistry to the science. In connection with chemistry and physics s laboratory has been equip ped. The equipment has recently arrived snd been installed. This equipment consists of chemicals and; spparstu* for performing experi ment* in chemistry and physics.: While it is not complete it consists! of the most essential things needed in laboratory work. A laboratory, hss been greatly needed in Mount • Airy High School in the science de partment and we hope the students will avail themselves of the oppor tunity to prove by experiments the theories they learn in physics and J chemistry books. A new feature In the High school this year is the addition of a complete bostneee course. This Is elective for tenth snd rleventh grade students. High school athletics has been de finitely organised with Mr. Murphy in charge of the boys and Miss Groves the girls. .. Meant Airy Defeats N. Wllkeebero The first football gasss of the season was played at Beddkk Park Friday afternoon. The score was 14 in favor of the local team. The outstanding feature of this game was the touchdown mads by Grey Sydnor. — Reported Ftrwt-TMcW Association TV Parent-Teacher aaaociation will meet in the hick school audi torium Monday evening. Their sub ject ia one of vital interest to every parent aa they will deal with "en tertainment for young people." Some of the high school boyi and firii hare been invited to apeak on the subject of the need of amoee Merita from the view point of youth. Salea At Banner Ware Childreaa * A lata, M Iba. 60c. Jake Jeaaup 40 Iba., 9 60c. J. M. Hodge, 60 lbe., # 60c. Harvey Money, M Iba* f 60c J. E. Boberta. 22 Iba., # 61c. 60c. Reynolds, 9C Iba., 0 68c. D. C. Handy, 28 Iba., 0 6& H. H. Hodges. 84 Iba., 0 Me Martin Cook, S4 Iba., 0 66c. Williama, 60 Iba.. 0 68c J. P. Overby, 186 Iba., 0 68c Geo. Mankina, 166 Iba., 0 60c W. H. Vernon, 28 Iba., 0 61c. Walter Jackaon, 64 Iba., 0 62c. Williama ft Mills, 842 Iba., 0 66c. W. H. Cain, 160 Iba., 0 68c. Walter Scott. 274 Iba^ 0 61c. Joe 8Iata, 84 Iba., 0 70c. J. M. Prance. 42 W. 0 68c. Reamer ft Low. 816 iba., 0 6k. Billy Adama. 166 Iba^ 0 E0e7 Sam Hawks. 100 lb*.. 0 77a.' Childreaa * Brown, 470 Iba., 0 68c. J. B. Joyce, 246 Iba., f tie. G. W. Simmona. 214 lb*.. # 62c. Johnaon ft Marnhall. 62 Iba^ 0 60c. Cheater Vaughn, 172 Iba., 0 60c. B. W. Wall. 1» Iba., 0 76c. W. H. Bishop. 42 Iba.. 0 60c. Webb ft Beck, 88 lbs., 0 66c. Dewey Smith, *10 Iba., 0 62c. The better gradea hare advanced aaase the paat weak and we think it to a good time to aall aome of your •ood gradea. When yoa are ready to sell don't forget that the Mount Airy market made the highest aver age iaat year of any market waet of Darham and that Banner ft Urill always gat yon top prices on every BAHNER ft LOVILL MIm Kelly Addfesw Wo man'* Club The Woman'* Club held it* flrit regular m«rting for tlw new club year. Kriday afternoon at S o'clock in the City Hall. There ou a ■plvndid crowd present to hoar Mlsa Klixaheth Kelly of Raleigh, who ■poke quite informally on, "Are You An Educated Illiterate?" The uaual hualneaa meeting preceded Mlaa Kelly'i talk. New officers were an nounced aa fallow*: Mr*. G. K. Snow, chairmai of friendly co-opera tion with ex-nervice men, Mr*. Jim l»vill, chairman of muaic and Mra. E. C. Bivena, chairman of civic*. The finance committee made a report of over *.V>0.00 made during the *umm»r month*. This money la to go to ward* paving the debt on the lot for I the Community building. The pre*!-i dent announced the district meeting to be held in North Wilke*boro on i the 20 of thi* month and urged all member* to attend. The club de- 1 rided to invite the district to meet with Mount Airy in 1923. Mra. Vance Price was appointed to make the prayer in North Wflk—bore. Five new member* were ananimou* ly elected to club membermhip. The meeting was turned over to Mia* Kelly. Her aeriou* line of talk wa* punctuated with unusual glimpae* of humor which k<-pt the sympathy of her auditors thruout her address. Mia* Kelly is more interested In adult schools for illi terate* than anything els* in the world and at the conclusion of her talk, a round table dlacnaaion waa held, in which *he br< t the whole thing homo to Sur-y county and Mount Airy la particular, and showed what the club women could do to help decrease the appalling figure* of 44.000 illiterate women voters, and 4«,000 illiterate mm voter* in North Carolina. She emphaaised the great Joy* and value of good reading and pointed out the groat responsibility resting on u* to aee that reading material was provided. After adjournment, friend* of Mi** Kelly came forward to welcome her. She ia one of Mount Alry'a early teacher* and ha* many close friends here. She remained In Mount Airy until Sunday, during which time she was entertained In the home* of Meadame* A. Q. Trotter, Rhoten Hine* and John Sobotta. Club member* are reminded to pay doe* 11.16 for the year, some time thi* nxmth to Mr*. C. M. Ball— Reported. To ' Organize Auxiliary American Legion Mr* J. K. Norfleet, of Winston Salem, mat with oar men and woman who an interested In the organisa tion of an auxiliary to the local poat American Legion last Fi May morning in the Commercial club parlor*. Mrs. Norflaet stated the aim* and purposes of the organisation and eighteen nsmea were signed to an application for a temporary charter. Mrs. Martin Bennett was appointed temporary chairman, and win call a meeting when the charter la receded so that officers may be elected and a permanent organisation effected after which a permanent charter may ha seemed. Hew Better Than Pillar The question has been aaked. In what way am Chamberlain's Tablets superior to the ordinary cathartic and llrer pillaT Oar answer la, they are eaaler and more plassant to take and their effect Is so gentle that one hardly realises that It is produced by a medicine. Then, they not only ■wee the bowels hot improve the ap pftlti and itnnftKen th# difwik>B. Would Ium Nothing But Serial Bond* Charlotte, Oct. 7.—The formal In stallation of the Tax Inquiry, incor porated, charter for which haa boon issued with Plummrr Sewart aa pre sident and Mian Julia Alexander aa | secretary, and an address by 1. W. Bailey of Raleigh, former federal revenue commissioner, featured the firat official meeting of the orgsnna tk>n at courthouse thia morning. Mr. Bailey laid ^ere were two factors reaponsible for the wide spread intereat in the aubject of taxation, firat, the tremendoua and sudden increases of taxea of all aorta, state, county and national, and second the revulainn at what ia known aa the revaluation art. "We can resist extrarairance and vainglorious projects desirable in themselvea, but beyond our means; we can arrest the present tendency to issue bond* for all sorts of magnifl rcnt enterprises," Mr. Bailey aa .J.; He aaid that he would advocate that there ahall never be isa'ued train in North Carolina a public bond except of a aerial kind which ahould be a«- j rompanied by a sufficient tax to provide the money to retire it. "It ia nothing short of foHy to exhaust the credit of the atete, or country or a town with long term bond iaaoea payable 30 or 49 year* hence aa we are now doing. No aenaible buaineaa nfan would do auch a thing for htm aelf. The day of reckoning la sure to come." Largest Chair la The World A chair, made ia the plant of the Thomaaville Chair company, will be placed on the town commons par- j manently. The back is IS feet Ugh; the front legs are I feet; it to • feet wide In tha front and 6 1-2 feet wtta in the back, and eontaina enough lumber to manufacturer 100 ordinary chain. It required S men working 10 hoars a day for one week to build It It to now on exhibit In the Mads in-Carolinas Exposition at Charlotte, and will be carried to the stats fair at Ralsigh next month. F. & Lam beth and C. F. Finch are financing the building and erection of the chair. H» Didn't Have 1W Httrt A young physician was called in by a gentleman who had a rery sick mother-in-law. After looking into the case thoroughly the young M. D. called the gentleman aside and said: "Wall, the only thing I can suggest is to sand your mother-in-law to a warmer climate. The man diaappeared and came back with an axa a moment later, and exclaimed: "Hare, doctor, you kill bar; I really t*ven*t the heart" . Shack leg! A trembling nervous prisoner stood up for trial. TSe justice of peace aaked: "Wall, who are yon, and what are yon charged wtthT" Priaoner: "My nana la Spark. I are an electrician and 1% charged with battery and offering resistance." J. of P: "Jailer, pot him In a dry cell until wo can get more light Into the case." "Help! Help!" cried an Italian laborer near the urad flats of the Harlem river. "What's the matter there?" came a voice from the construction shanty. "Quick! bring da short brings da peek! Viovanni's stock in da mad.' "How far In?" "Up to hie kneee." "Oh! let him walk out" "No! No! He no canna walk! He wronga end up." At Tk# PrMbrtwiu Church 1 A Bible claia for men to bring formed at the Presbyterian church. This claw will b* taught by Prof. - J. H. Hunt, the superintendent of the city schools. An organisation1 will ba effected soon whan all of the j officers which go with a regular or-, vanised Bible claas will ba elected. Aa a hanb for thla claaa there war* present last Sunday If men who' talked over informally the plans for the future. Personal invitations are; being extended to alt men of the town who are not affiliated with other churches. For the pfosent the claaa will meet in the study of the church at the regular Sunday school hour. The schedule of services for the Presbyterian church on next Sunday is as follows: Sunday school and Bible claaasa for igrn and women, 9:46. Morning worship at 11 o'clock with preaching by the pastor, Rev. Z. V.1 Ro1 ■eraon. Sunday school at the Rock at 3 o'clock, and preaching by £he pastor at 7:80. Sale* At Planter* WarthouM Mm. 8. C. Smith , 70 lb*., 0 38c; 104 lbs., 0 46c; 60 lbs., 0 61c; 86 lb» 0 7Be. Nora Owen*, 132 lb*., 0 37c; 144 lb* ® 43c; 50 Iba.. 0 63c. H*rry Clement*. 160 lb*., 0 30c; 126 Iba.. 0 39c; 92 lba!. 0 45c; 41 Jba.. 0 60c. Ada Smith. 66 Iba.. 0 44c; 72 Iba., 0 42c: 76 Iba., 0 76c. C. M. Tuscare, 266 Iba., 0 36c, 190 Iba,, 0 60c; 102 Iba., 0 50c Clint Atkina, 98 Iba., 0 42c; 102 Iba., 0 62c; U4 lb*.. 0 67c J. R. Hunter. 64 Iba., 0 42c; 160 Iba.. 0 46c: 114 tba., 0 49c; 240 it*.. 0 60c; 96 Iba., 0 69c; 70 Iba., 0 70c. R. D. Co*. 168 Iba.. 0 40c; 4§ tba., 0 41c: 80 Iba, 0 66c. R. G. Anderson. 78 la., 0 40c; ISO Iba., 0 41c: 1M Iba.. 0 67c. Richard Anderaon. 212 Iba., 0 48c 470 Iba., 0 48c; >24 Iba., 0 60c; ltt iba, 0 tfe. Jone* * Kin*. 300 Iba., 0 42c: 100 Iba.. 0 44c; 184 Iba., 0 49c; 176 Iba, 0 66c; 210 Iba., 0 71e. Hill A Arlington, 90 Iba, 0 29c; 420 Iba., 0 47c; 1*4 Iba., 0 61c. G. M. fioina, 184 Iba., 0 34c; 164 Iba, 0 64c; 62 Iba., 0 67c. C. H A. 8. R. Edmonds, 94 Iba, 0 33c; 182 Iba, 0 41c; 162 Iba, i 46c. Jones A C<>.. 188 Iba., 0 27c; 166 Iba, 0 |6er 842 lba„ 0 87c; 800 Iba, I <» 60c; 140 Iba, 0 60c; 888 Iba, ~ ' B. Johnson, 86 Iba, 0 42c; 60 Iba., 0 60c; 90 Iba, 0 60c. J no. Davia, 106 Iba., 0 88c; 40 Iba., 0 41c: 70 Iba, 0 66c. W. M. France. 94 Iba, 0 80c; 92 Iba, 0 49c; 100 lbs, 0 60c. J. W. Satan, 108 Iba, 0 40c; 280 Iba, 0 41c, SM Iba., 0 00c. W. L. Fance. ISO lb*.. 0 81c; 206 Iba.. 0 89c; 186 Iba, 0 41c; 286 Iba, 0 64c. R. M. Marion. 82 Iba, 0 41c; 144 Iba.. 0 48c; 186 Iba., 0 60c; 266 Iba., 0 66c. Tlia above prices should be proof to you that Mount Ainr is the placa to aall jpour tobacco and with Haynea, Brown A Haynea. For 16 years wa have led this market, both in pounds and prices and laat year we led *11 the mark eta in the Piedmont bait by $2.62 in the hundred pounds. Oar aversra for thia weak ao tar baa been over 180.00 oar hundred and over $28 laat weak, ao you ean aae that prices are getting better each weak. We understand that K la being circu lated over thia county that the warehouse will close down bore the 20, thia ia a mistake, w wiy open as- long aa there ia a pound tobacao in thia county to aeD. Moat all of oar customer a an plaaaad with prieaa from the fact that they gat caah for their tobacco. HAYNES. BROWN A HAYNE8 Dr. W. M. Hollif^ wovtlv I DENTIST Mount Airy, N. C. Shoe Repairing I have recently purchased a large lot of the beet leather on the market and am now better prepared than ever to do the highest class of shoe repairing. Bring me your winter shoes and those of your children and let me get them in comfortable condition for the winter weather that will be on us soon. Satisfaction is guaranteed on every job, and prices as low as anywhere else. J. Z. VAUGHN Moor* Ava Five-room Cottage For Sale 'Cloa* in, situated in om of lb* Wat Mi|bberk«odi in Mount Airy, ku fhrt room*, lights ud water. For doteilod information phono or call E. M. Lin* ▼Ulo. ' 10-27p NEW STORE I have opened a store on South Main street and will carry a full line of Dry Goods, Notions and up to-date Millinery. Everything new and clean and prices at the very lowest marie. MRS. J. R. HUNDLEY "It Shows North Carolina" STATE FAIR • RALEIGH, N. C October 16-20, 1822 • Advance entriaa uiurt the rrMtwt array of Liraotock mr aa tembled in North Carolina, with •Hry available foot of h ~ " In* apace filled with the finost product* of the farm. v NEW FEATURES • ES2?, Pin We Tueeday, MILITARY DAT, With General of the Pair SPECIAL PROGRAM RACK NIGHT PINE SELECTION OP PREK ACT*, SHOWS AND RACES GEORGEOVS DISPLAY OP PIEEWOEKS $6,000.00 For Haraaaa and Running Rim. |E^>M0 New ef Oae aad On*-Half Par* aa gpilhl aad Rafiltr IMm SEND POE SPECIAL DOG AMD HORSE 8HOW PREMIUM LIST THE NEWS, $150 Per Year jL ■ ■ ,t-.