%xd/hu^a Dr. R. J. LOYILL ^PHYSICIAN NOT1CB OF BALK ,^£££5*S3 rHS.v'iK la "?• '•"thw MB oi >««!&&: ■« fit's £ b«r >®th. 1M2. Co^™" Sh#riff of S»"T Notice of Adminiatrtttofi tlJ1I«♦*n?af' ^ E**cn*or of the Laat V/ill and TwUiBCTt of Lavi 55 p*™°na holding cUima arainat thi« NUU to prwnt the um, £ «*_Payment within tw.lv. month. 2SLtilnd^ °f ^ or thU ptaffcd ta har of r» «wy thereon. Peraoni indebted to tha MUto art notified to makVtmm. *U pammt to ma. ™» Sept. 2t. 1922. __ Beuban Neater, Executor of th. will of Levi M J.a «P, ftfe d. Iirlm. N. C. Route 1? J. H Folgw. Atty. T» Gain • Good Reputation r^ras; &GHS 2^#^* tt» reputation aa a sAan: ssfcga a 5' SV"S Wjrhatajidard of e*ead*ee claimed fc^j fj0?1* k»»e found that H can «JePTH. upo„n tor the and «wre of theae ailment* and that it i« pleaaant and lafe to take. NOTICE North Carolina, Surry County, .i, ¥1I2ue °f "order of the Clerk •f the Superior Court, mad. the twenty-third of September, 1#22 in gj* "° «""«?<». Mandy Hammock. Cornelia F nm Id in, Walter Hammock. Jeeae Hammocka Rudolph Ham ■ooka and Kreddie Hammocka, v. S*'y'" T?cker* Guardian ad litem and Vivian Hammocka and Charlie Ham k•' L W'" *•" on "k premiaea to 'ifc !!igh?!t. bi»22. at on. o'clock p.' oltaU followm* deacribed real *nd Jot in the Town of Fnown «^fc""d^°n S°Uth str«* S^"1 ~ th' Georjr. Hammocks IwUnJ^ fiPDpt.rty •^Jo'"1 Troy £/'" the N°th, South ■ net »d wwr^CHrom'rtie rthe &SZ and W. C. Sydnor on the Eaat aide IJS SsW tai" *»'""»i»t i. T. B. McCarpo, Commissioner. CRAMPS, PAINS AND BACKACHE St Louis Woman Relieved by Ijrdia EL Pinkham'a Veg etable Compound St LomaTMo.-"I waa bothered wkk erampa and paina every month and nad Dackacne and had to go to bed aa 1 could not work. My mother and my whole familr alwaya look Lydia E. Pink baun'a Vegetable Compound for each troubles and they induced me to try ft and It hai helped me vary much. I don't have cramp* any more, and I can do my houwwuifc all through the month. I recommend your-Vege table Compound to my friend* for female trouble#."— Mr*. Drlla SCHOLZ, 1412 Salisbury w Street. St. Louia, Mo. J oat think far • moment. Lydia E. Ptakhama Vegetable Compound baa been in uae for nearly fifty year*. It ia prepared from m< dirinal planta, by the at moat pharmaceutical skill, and aupe rior methods. The ingredienU thus combined in the .Compound correct the •ooditiona which cause such annoying ■raptoma aa bad been troubling Mrs. SchAa. The Vegetable Gound exer cteee • restorative influence of the moat 4aairaMe character, correcting the trou bta in a gentle bat efficient manner, tfcia ia noted, by the di«*pp*aranea, one after another, of the JiaagreeaMa Fultoa-Cartwr Walnut Cave, Oct. t- Perfect la mrjr detail *ai the marriage Wed nesday morning at 10:80 o'clock In Christ Episcopal church at Walnut Cava whan Miaa Anna Corriaa Ful ton was united In marriage to Edwin Carter, a jrowi lawyer of Mount Airy. • Bav. J. k. Mallet, of Wltmlnfton, former paator of the bride officiated, the ring ceremony being uaed. The church waa decorated with ferae and Bride rosea. The eolor schaase of white and green waa carried oat In every detail which to the soft rays of the autumn sun and the candles made • most impressive Miaa Elisabeth Fulton, slater of the bride, presided at the organ and rendered aeveral selections preced ing the entrance of the bridal party. Mendelaaohn's wedding march waa uaed aa a recessional. Promptly at the appointed hour the Junior veeted choir advanced up the isle singing "O Perfect Love." Then, came the bride on the arm of her father,-who gave her In aurriage. She waa met at the attar by the groom who sa te red from the veetry room with the Rev. Mr. MaUett. The bride waa attired in a tailored suit of midnight blue poiret twill with gray aceeaoriee and a corsage of Bride roses and lillies of the valley. Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom left for an automobile trip to Washington and through the valley of Virginia. On their return they will be at the home of the groom's parent* in Mount Airy. Mrs. Carter is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John (!. Fulton and is a graduate of N. C. C. W. at Greensboro. Mr. Carter is the son of Attorney and Mr*. W. F. Carter, of Mount Airy. He is a graduate of Davidson College and is forging to the front in the practice of law. Leading Iowa Republican* Revolt Dea Moines, Iowa, Oct. 8.—Re solutions were passed at • mnoting of 200 Iowa Republican* here thia afternoon denouncing Smith W. Brookhart, Republican candidate for United State* aenator and pledging support to Clyde L. Herring. Demo cratic candidate. Plana for a ■ tat*wide campaign among Republican* to bolt the candi dacy of Col. Brookhart, who was nominated over a field of five other candidatea at the June primaries, were perfected at today's meeting. An executive committee composed of leaders in the eleven congression al districts of the state were appoint ed with power to organize precinct committee* for the purpose of bring ing about the defeat of Brookhart. . .Col. Brookhart was denounced in practically every one of the score or more of speeches made at today'* meeting a* a radical with socialistic sympathies. NOTICE North Carolina, Surry C<-unty. In ; the Superior Court. J. A. Atkin*. vs Warren Nowlin. Order for publication. It appearing from the affidavit of J. A. Atkina, plaintiff in thi* ac tion, that the plaintiff hai a good rat'se of action against the defendant and that the defendant, after due diligence, cannot be found in the , state, but is a non-re«ident of the I state: It is therefore ordered by the court that notice of thi* action by adver tisement at the courthouse door and ; four other public places in the county ( be made, and also that notice be I published in the Mount Airy News, a newspaper published in the County of Surry, for four successive weeks, which shall state the title of the action, the issuing of the attach ment, and a brief outline of the subject matter of the *uit, and re-1 quire the defendant to app«ar before the Clerk of the Superior Court of! Surry County, at hi* office in Dob. 1 son, on the 11th day of November, 1922, and answer or demur to the complaint of said plaintiff Tnis 6th day of October, 1922. J. A. Jackson, Clerk. NOTICE North Carolina, Surry County. In the Superior Court J. A. Atkins, vs Warren Nowlin. Notice of summons and warrant of attachment. The defendant in the above entitl ed action will take notice that on the 3rd day of October, 1922, a summon* ■in said action was issued against the defendant by J. A. Jackson, Clerk of the Superior Court of Surry County, North Carolina, plaintiff claiming | the sum of eight , hundred ($800.00) dollars, balance due him for a Cadll i lac automobile, 1916 model, which summon* is returnable befye the Clerk at hia office in Dobsoi# on the 11th day of November, 1922. Defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by the Clerk of the Superior Court on the 6th day of October, 1922, against the property of the said defendant, which warrant Is returnable before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Sorry County, at his office in Dobson, on the 11th day of Novumber, 1922. at the time and place named for the return of the summons, when and where the de fendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint, or relief demanded will be granted This the 5th day of Oct.. 1SS2. J. A. Jackson. Clerk MT. AIRY MASONS TO BUILD TEMPLE "BUY A STONE** CAMPAIGN (I 30th, IMS.) By L. J. HAMPTON (Staff Corraapondent) Ml Airy, Sapt Granite Lodge, Mo. m, a. r - — have a of at Maaniw. LmmW by Jmm r. PntlWr, a loyal Maaon and a prominent merchant hara, the ?SS5S\£tfu puMaTgained'» thualaatic »upport Now U>« («■■ | "Buy Stone" plan, alao inatitutad by Mr. Prather, baa been given official aanction by Grand Secretary Wilaon, of Raleigh, and Maaona all ever tba data will bo allowed to contribute. At tba initial banquet bald laat October, officially opening tha cam paign for tha $100,000 goal, fit,. 000 waa aubacribed through tha building and loan, 1600 being takan by tha Eaatarn Star, $600 by tha Royal Arch and f1,000 by Granite Lodge. tha remainder being takan by individual aubaeription. Then laat April another $10,600 waa aubacribed through the same means. Already the "Buy a Stone" campaign has net tad over $400, donations ranging from $1 to $100 and coming from Wmaton Salem aa wall aa other portions of tha state. The plan evolved by Mr. Prattler is a splendid one and haa in vtow the ultimate ownership in fee simple of tha $100,000 Temple by Granite Lodge aa a whole. ThoM who sub scribe through the building and loan plan will accomplish a saving lust the same aa if they ware to put their funda into a building privately owned and constructed, for It is planned for Granite Lodge, No. 322 to gradually abaorb the stock aa -he years go by, repaying, upon conditiona prescribed by regular building and loan laws, the invMtment made by individuals in the enterpriM. Aa now constituted the plan is being carried out by a stock com pany so as to conform to tha laws and so as to make everything safe for everyone concerned. The mem bership of Granite Lodge is now 170 and it is enjoying a steady growth commensurate with the growth of the city, its members including a large portion of the bueineea and profM sional men of the community. "Bay a Stone" Mr. Prather ia having mailed out hundreds of cards for contributions of $1 or mqre, each $1 contribution showing the doner haa made a pur chase of a stone and donated to a worthy cauM. The funds raised through this method will be the pro perty of Granite Lodge as a whole, the Income from which will be used in the absorption of outstanding stock with a view to ultimate owner ship of the temple by the lodge. Therefore contributions made in tnis manner, the public at large and Mas ons are assured, will not be placed to the credit of any individual,- but will be the property and a source of in come for the lodge as a whole. Fugitive From Robeson Found After 44 Years St. Augustine, Fla.. Sept. 28.— Jo seph B. Kemp, alias J. \7. English, aged 62, was arrested yesterday by local authorities in connection with the killings of Daniel McNeil, at Red Springs, N. C.. Auirust 15, 1878. To a newspaper representative Kemp admitted the shooting, claim ing self defense, and told the story of the occurrence. He stated that dur ing a quarrel with McNeil,who, he Baid, was related to him. McNeil threatened him with an axe. and he shot him with a pistol. McNeil's brother, he stated, it the only living; witness to the affair, which occurred 44 year* ago. He left the small town that night and has been in Florida aver a score of years and in St Augustine a year, he said. Several months ago Kemp seated himself on a bench beside • stranger. Conversation developed that they came from the same locality, and * "hen a discussion of the McNeil kill ing came up, Kemp appeared so familiar with the details of the affair that the stranger became suspicious. He communicated with relatives in North Carolina and ob tained a description of the man with a tin-type picture of him. A scar on his right forehead identified him. It was learned that Kemp had been indicted -fof first degree murder in connection with the killing, and he was placed under arrest yesterday. Hamily dissension, he stated, play ed a large part in the shooting. He refused to comment oa this, and said that he would not do so unless com pelled to on the stand. He was just 17 yean old at the time of the shooting, which he said occurred when McNeil attacked him with a wood axe after he had im plied that McNeil was a liar. WImni Every Mvvi Hurts Lum eawry morning. achy ud •tiff all day, woraa whan it'» 'lamp or chilly? Sua part your kldnaya and try tka remedy your mIiMwi uaa Mr*. Chaa. Walton, tit Wllaon 8k, aaya: "Soma yeara afo I tuKirad conaideraMy with my back. My kidney a wara hi pratty bad way aad It aaarnad aa though my back wara broken. I couldn't lift anything without aharp pilM cattMn M and of tan I could hardly itialfhlaa up after banding. My Irlihiy dUil act pro parly j I waa larwua aad fait mlaarahla. I finally bagaa taking Doan'a Kidnay Pllh and ona boa mada my back aa atrong aa a*ar. I havan't had any trouble with my kidaaya tinea Doan'a Kidnay PlOa curad «aa " Naarly fWa yaara la tar, Mra. Walton aald: "1 aaa Doan'a Kidnay Pilla occasionally for kidnay an noyanea, tor I know thahr merit*. Whenever I dont faal J oat right, • faw put ma In good aha pa." 80c, at all daalara. Poatar-Mllburn Co., Mfra., Buffalo. M. T. A. Good Pfcyalc Whan you want a phyaic that k mild and rentle in effect, easy la take and eartain to act, taka Cham barialn'a Tableta. Thay ara will lent. Admlnlatrator'a Nat lea I. M. A. Chilton, have thla day qualified aa admlnlatrator upon the aetata at J. R. Chilton. Thla fa to notify all peraona owing money to the aetata to par the una to me immediately, and all peraona having claima ifalnat the aetata will prraent them within a year from thin date or their payment will be barred. Thia the 30th day of Sept., 1922. M. A. Chilton. Administrator of J. R. Chilton, Deed. NOTICE North Carolina, Sorry County. In the Superior Court. Charles R. Johnson, vs Grace John son. To Grace Johnson. You are hereby notified that we will proceed to take the deposition of Charles R. Johnson before Isaac S. Peoples, Jr., Attorney at Law, 802 Herald Building*, Augusta Ga., on Wednesday the 18th day of October, 1922, between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m„ and 5 o'clock p. to., to bs wed aa evidence on the trial of the above entitled action, when and where yon can be present, either in person or by attorney, to cross-examine the wit Ttiis 27th day of Sept., 1922. Carter * Carter, Attys. for plaintiff. Notice of Application Per Pardon I will on the 21st day of October apply to Hia Excellency, the Govern or of North Carolina, for the pardon of Charles Jessup, serving a fourteen month's term or imprisonment on conviction of involuntary man- i slaughter, the case having been tried in the Superior Court of Surry 1 County. Any person* minded to oppose the granting of the pardon may present their protest to the Governor on or before said date. This October 3, 1922. J. H. Folger, Atty. for Charles Jessup. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received, until twelve o'clock, noon, on Oct. 14. 11*22, by A. V. West. Mayor of Mount Airy, N. C. on two povtng project* in the Town of Mount Airy, Mount Airy, N. as follows: First project is on South Main street and extends from the north end of-the state highway concrete bridge in a northerly direction to the present pavement, a distance of a1 little more than Eighteen hundred feet. Second oroject is on East Oak street and extends from the inter sect on of the proposed new state highway -vith East Oak street in a westerly direction to the east side of Main street, a distance of approxi mately fifteen hundred fifty feet. Botr. projects to be all concrete, 18 feet wide, seven inches thick in the center and six inches thick at the sidf *. The small amount of grading ne c saary before paving is to be includ "d at an agreed price per cubic yard. Plans and specifications for both projects may be seen at the office of the mayor, A. V. West, Mt. Airy, N. C. Mount Airv. N. C.. Oct. 8, 1922. I. W. Barber. Engineer. Notice of Commissioner's Safe of Valaable Real Eatato Pursuant to and in accordance with an order made and entered in Su-; perior Court of Surry County, North Carolina, on the lOtn day of Jnlyt 1922, the undersigned commissioner will, subject to tne confirmation of i the court, aell ta the highest bidder, on the premises in the city of Mount Airy, North Carolina, at 2:80 p. m., November 4, 1922, the following de scribed real eatato, belonging to the estate of R. K. Marshall, deceased: Beginning at the Intersection of Pine and South streets, and running along South street 47 feet, thence north ak>n« McCarvs line 46 feet, thence west with McCargo's line 69 feet to the old line, thence north 46 feet to the corner of 8. C. Stewart's line, thence east 112 feet to Pine street, thence south along Pine street to the beginning. Terms: One fourth cash on de livery of deed, one fourth in one, two, and three years, jrtth interest at six per cent on deferred pay ments, secured by deed in trust on the property. The above property will t>e sub-divided *nd sold in lots. The undersigned commissioners re serves the right to sell as S whole if in his judgment he deems R best loner. Eldridge's Drug Store Ml Airy. N. C Prescription Drwgfkte PImnmSI. Shift into Neutral at The Service Station i ' Every time your gas get* low Fill your tank with TEXACO TEXACO GASOLINE THE VOLATILE OAS TEXACO MOTOR OILS The Successful ^ Cake i Cole's Sanitary Dcrtfn Draft Range *?ith its COLE'C HOT BLAST kJ FUEL SAVING SYSTEM of Combustion insures rfen baking on all sides. Everything comes out of the oOen perfectly baked Wo disappointments for the Housewife. The husband is interested because of its one-third to one-half fuel saving results. Cole's Hot Blast Com bustion burns all of the combustible fuel gases (wasting nothing.) With fuel and food at its high price these are things that even? and wife will find of interest in Colt's DoWn Draft Range This range is furnished in blue or gra£ enamel or plain black finish. Come in and let us tell you of its man} valuable features and shoW its beautiful and samtar^ construction. W. C. Merritt Co.