FOE Tt»ir iMil wheel. Saturn Tap. Very fine end clean. wT* Jackson. WANTED—Young Man with Me el energy Md mm aalee ability U >ln new Am. Good opportanKi lor right Man. Me oaattal MM Address "W" ear* News office, tic AUCTION SALE—Thursday, Oct Iflth. at I o'clock p. at tht Frank E. Walker boase place sttuate< m Week Faster etreet. Tersu May LtoTflte-EntfEeaHy A Anctioo Co. CAMEO PIN—4* the party whc found a cameo pin on Wedneedaj «l fair weak will return una ta •'i store they can mhn a re 1S-I* WHEAT For sale—Extrs food quality and clean. Apply al Haymorv's store. 10-20-< WANTED—A food second-hand 3C to 40 horsepower boiler. Apply u Alpine Woolen Mills. TWO OrnCE rooms tor rent orei Granite City Moter Co., all modern convenience*. Apply to Granite Cltj Motor Co. tfc FOR SALE—1»21 Ford roadster with ■tarter, in A-l condition. Priced at a bargain. General Motor Co. lt< WE HAVE s limited amount ol money to loan on Farms and othei rod Real Estate. Money loaned or and 10 years time at 6 per cent Mount Airy Insurance A Realty Co. 10-14c AUCTION SALE—Thursday, Ort! 12th, at 2 o'clock p. m., of the Frank E. Walker home place situated en West Poplar street. Terms easy Linville-Bal! Realty A Auction Co. #OR RENT—Two mom* for light bou Mr keeping to couple without children. Phone 306. 9-lS-c FOR BENT—The old Sheriff Davii house on South Main street Eight rooms, large lot, feed barn •ther out buildings. Good orchard lm mediate poitjieflifion. Apply to U C. Bvlton. tfc. HAVE mvlr connection whereby we mdvertise your Piirm that yov -want to sell *11 over the United States. no if you want to sell see ui at once. Mount Airy Insurance 4 Realty Co. 10-14< VOR HAI.E—1921 Ford roadster with starter, in A-l oondition. Priced at a bargain. General Motor Co. lb IXhST—Cameo pin on Main itmt Liberal rewaH for return to W K. Barnard. 10-14c REED WHEAT f^ sale Extra Rood quality and clean. Apply at Haymore'a store. 10-20-c WANTED—Good milling com at market price, at Snaugh mill. John ,Minick. tfc. AUCTION SALE—Thursday, Oct. 12th, at 2 o'clock p. m., of th« Frank E. Walker home place situated •n West Poplar street. Terms easy. Lravillr-Ball Realty A Auction Co. SCRAP CASTING—wanted at my foundry. Price according to rata*. J. D. Min Irk. tfc. AUCTION 8/TLE—Thursday, Oct! 12th. at 2 o'clock p. m., of the Frank E. Walker home place situated on Weet Poplar street. Terms easy. Liavflle-Ball Realty A Auction Co. FOR 8ALE—Oliver typewriter and Bui ruaghs adding machine, nearly ww. WO sell at a bargain. Apply €. C LsfllC*. IF YOU have a farm for sale list with us If you want to buy a farm "vr other real estate see us, we have ~aomt real bargains. Mount Airy In '—atf A Realty Co. 10-14c FOR SALE—1921 Ford roadster vtth starter, in A-l condition. ■Priced at a bargain. General Motor Co. lte. IF YOU need a good house I have five or six good ones in north Moot Airy for sale. Four rooms up 4s six Some with bath, some with sql All in good locality. Prices right and terms easy. Also many valuable farms. J. A. Atkins. tfc. MONEY to loan of. First Mortgage, es good, well located, farms. O. J. Denny. Winston-Salem, N. C. Can Trade Street Branch, Wachovia Bank and Trust Co. 10-27-c WANTED—Good live colored woman to act as agent. Address 744 Fsarsosi flt Greensboro, N. C. 10-14p ED WHEAT For sala—Extra good TW Sunday school wil) *Mt ki the main udltoHaa at »:tf for the ' opening. W. B. Hal* haa boon mad* ■upcrlntondant of tho Junior do port - ' mont and will have tho tpmlni of tho Junior Sunday school in tho an nas. Miaa Francos Folger will opon tho sor.-ico with a solo. Tha following wars r looted •towarda for tha year at tha 4th quarterly conferonoa, Thursday: C. W. Andrews. Jaaaa Ban nor, D. C. Bowman, W. J. Byorly, 0. C. Creveltng, J. W. Carp, C. C. Foy, Ooo. 6. Graves, Calvin Grave*. W. M. Jordan, Charlie 1 ssins, R. R. Leonard, M. 8. Martin, J. D. Mlnick. H. B. Row*, B. r. Sparger, W. W. Thomaa, >T. H. Worr.ll, 0. H. Yok loy, J. D. Thompaon, Raymond Saith, U. M. Foy. Wada L. Hatehor. W. B. Hals, tnpM Paddlaon. Junior Stewards: Calrln Graves, Worth Banner, Joe Jackson, Dick Martin, J no T. Moore, Winaton McKinney, Elbert Partridge, Frank Smith. The Woman's Missionary society of the church is closing up tfce re port of the year's work this wcok. The women hare raised for local and connoctional work during the yi»ar tl.4M.A4. Absher-Phelps , Raleigh. Oct. 5-22. The marriage of Miaa Irene Elisa beth Phelps and Mr. Claude Winifred Ahsher of Mount Airy took place vesterday morning at 11 o'clock at the Tabernacle Baptist church. Dr. Weston Bruner performing the cere mony. The altar was simply decorated in palms, ferns and a floor basket of yellow chrysanthemums. Miss Ellen Durham sang "At Dawning" and "Becsu«c." Mol*r». Peyton Brown, organiat, and William Naylor, violinist, played the follow ing musical program: Urijan: Nocturne in E flat (Chop in.) Violin: T rau mere i (Schuman). Contralto: At Dawning (Cadman) Oriran: Andantino in D flat (Edw. Lmar). Contralto: Because (d'Hardolt). ' "Schubert's Serenade." Miss Katherine Buchanan of San ford. who wax maid of honor, won n frock of ssppbire blue Canton crepe, black picture bat and carried a hoquet of pink Columbia rosea. The bride, who was eacorted and iriven in marriage by her brother, J. C. Phelps, wore a coat dreaa of blue poiret twill with grey accessories nnd a squirrel choker. She carried a shower hoquet of bride's roaea and lilliea of the valley. She wore a rift of the trroom, a string of pearla. The bridegroom had aa hia beat] man G. B. Floyd of Fairmont. The uahera were J. C. Buchanan of j Sanford, J. W. McCreary of Rich mond. C. H. Herring of Raleigh and | J. C. Weeks of Taifeoro. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. J. C. Phelpa of thia city. She ia a gifted musician. The bridegroom ia the son. of Mra. G. E. Abaher of Mount Airy, and a graduate of State College. Both have many frienda who will be in tereated in their marriage. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mra. | Abaher will be at home ia Mount | Airy The out of town gueata here for the wedding were Mrs. G. E. Abaher of Mount Aiijr, Mra. W. B. McCulley of Mount Airy, Mra. 8. D. Duffield of Wilkeaboro^ Mra. E. E. Eller of North Wilkeaboro. Mra. Phelpa. mother of the bride, entertained mformally at her home on South Dawaon street, laat night following the rehearcal. Fall flow era were uaed for the decorations. An ice course was served. Notice of Sale ef Real EetaU Under | Deed ef Traat By virtue of power of salo contain ed In • deed of tract executed to me by Jamea Revels and wife \ Mattie Revels on September tGth, 1918, to secure the payment of a certain ant of money, and default baring been made in the payment of same, at the requeet of the holder of the note secured by aaid deed of trust, I will sell for caah to the higbeet bidder at public auction, in Pilot Mountain, N. C„ in front of the Bank of Pilot Mountain, on Monday. November 6th. 1922, at t o'clock p. m.. the fol lowing described real estate: Be ginning on a stone O. O. Key's corner in old academy street rone 10 minutaa east to a stone hi the hollow, then down the hollow to W. J. Swanson's line then eastward with hia and G. O. Key's line to the beginning. Also one axe-handle machine end| one gasoline engine, five horse. The deed of tract ia recorded in the office of the Register of Derds of Surrv county. N. C. in hook M, pas'* 117. Ntv. 22nd. ltll. This October Ml. Ifff D. Owana. Trustee CROWNS FOR SALE If you have the money which you cars to Invert in a real crown you can now buy one or a half doaeft. No johe, for tha Bolshevik of Ruaala an putttnc on sale tha crown* of tha lata Mage of thetr country. For cm turiaa each now ruler would have tha haot goldaaUth* of tha worM to Make a now crown for hie haad. Tha old crown* ware treasured aa valu the valua Increased with tha yaan until thalr value la now aatiaaatad to be no teee than three huadrad aad fifty Million dollar* la our lacaay. Jest how the BolahoWki will be ahio to diepoee of thaae crowns to net known ma to then. What they want la to realise oa theai to real valuee In tha largaat way. Many of tha crowae are works of art that re preeent hondrada of thousand* of dollars, befog mad* of tha fteeat beaten gold aad art with the aaart coetly peart*, rahtoa aad dtoMoafo that tha king could ftad at that thao In all tha known world- The crown of Peter the Great to oaa af the fineot and la art with Mora thaa 800 of the ftneet dlaaioada. Tha cigwa of Catharine to another eery fine one and la peculiarly valuable for the reason that It has each a large num ber of fine diamonda to tha number of more than 2,600 and also the largeat and finest ruby the world haa ever known. Thi* ruby was bought in China In the year 167A and to now vatued at no lee* than $90,000.00 in oar money. Some of these cro wns are worth several million dollar* and whether the Bolshevik! will be able to find a buyor for them or not to doubtful. To break them up and (all the jewela and gold separately would destroy a work of art that many would like to see preserved for arta sake. Tree* the Oldest of All Thing* That Lire. New York Times. In hi* recent work on "Senescence" Dr. S. Stanley Rail speafc* incidentally of the old aire of other* than human being*. Among the potential cen tenarians that he And* in the animal world are crows, eagles, ravens, swans, elephants (supposed to be able some times to reach the age of 200), croco diles and parrots. On the whole, they are not a particularly inviting company with whom to spend the sen escent period of one's life. To And older and more congenial companions one must go to the vege table kingdom. Some plants live for only a few hours, other* for * few days and many only for a mason, yet. even so, like the ephemeride* In the animal world, never seeing their off spring. But in the same kingdom are trees, "the oldest of all things that live." Methuselans of the forest* have reached the age of over 6,000 years, thus spanning in one tree life practically the entire period of human life, aa it was estimated in the Ussher chronology. The concentric rings in cross-sec tions of trees that have perished In oar time have Marked to the view of many the growth daring the year "when Christ waa born" or "when the Magna Charta waa granted." We have still in America son of these mighty tree* in the redwood* of Call* fomia—"in many way* the subltmest types of the earth's vegetation." They share with the sequoia* of ths Sierra* the "distinction of being the oldest and grandest of living things." Every one who cares for trsSs most wish to have a part in saving and pro longing the live* of these giant* that have grown oat of antiquity and ao will be ready to join the "8ave the Redwoods League" and assist in se curing the needed Federal action far their protection. Gen. Pershing To Visit Ralei General John J. Pershing will the gusst of the Stat* Fair in Raleigh on Tuesday of fair week Wednesday as formerly s Drs. Cox CHIROPRACTORS MOUNT AERY, M. C Office hoars 3—• to IS a. a. I to l*J0 p. a. Night he'Ts: 7 to • p. m. Monday, Wedneeday Siluisy. No Medietas GREEK REFUGEES 'CABLE FOR HELP Think Occupation Thrac* By Turk* Will Mm Dm^ Athena, Oct. 7—Twent»-*i«ht | Gre*k diiintiu dtputWi of Thrace in the Oiwh national mwHy ha** cabled tho |imWm and th* Asseci tho Crook. Am—ion and other Christian population la eastern Thrace, ahould that itm bo tumor) or or to tho Tarts. Tho Chrtotlaa* of Thraco. up tho oiam, an In a state of m >tarnation ever tha probable terass of tho Madania arasietice, vhoraby aaatora Thraca would ho reetored to Tartu?. "They an under no ilhiaion of tho fata awaitinc then If thia iakqaltoaa decision it cifftd oit," continued tho MM|a, "for no pa par gaaraa taaa will inrar* tha fulfllhaeat of aay Turkish proaaiaaa and tha Kawallata maka na aatrit of thair datanajna tloa to wipe oat tha Christian popu lation undar Turkish rule by maaaa cra, exile and deportation." Tha dapatioa declared that at tha eloaa of tha world war tha alliaa Kara the Chriotlana of tha Otto man empire a pled re of liberation from the Turks, and Thrace war an nexed to Greece by the treaty. "In thia hour of despair then con tinue we appeal to the government and people of the United State* who have never turned a deaf ear to the cry of the oppraaaed, we invoke the powerful intervention of the United States to aave ua from the dreadful fate decreed against ua for no fault of our own. In the nam* of Justice, humanity, civiliiation and our com mon Christianity, we aak the rapport of the American government and people in our demand that It Greeks must evacuate Thrace, Turkish rale shall not be re-eatabllahed in Eu rope. We refuee to £e bartered like | | rattle for alien interests. We demand hut the most elementary human rights, freedom and safety of life,1 honor and property in our native land. Shall it be said in the annals of hiatory that in this supreme mo- i ment we appealed to Christian' I America in vain?" Little Johnnie, who had heen pray, j in* for some months for Cod to send him a hahy brother, finally became discouraged. "I don't believe God baa I any more little boys to send," he told j his mother, "and I'm going to stop praying." Early one morning not long after thia he was taken into his mother's room to see twin boys, who had arrived in the night. Johnnie regarded them thoughtfully for aome minutes and then remsrked. "Golly, it'a a good thing I stopped praying when I did." Really Marti Better An old gentleman entered a coun try newspaper office and approach ing the editor said: 1 want to gat copies of your paper for a week back." The editor replied: "Hadn't you better try poroua plaster?" A woman never realises that the worst has happened until the —l*e man says: "We have charming mod els in 'stoats" "—Atlanta Constitu tion. YOU can have a 4 Beautiful Complexion . —Nock and Arms Haiaa'i Xw* Mb beaatifea iamifr. 7i ymn' ai mdut»t tmxtm tiom*. mmbmrm, ua— Mk> akia like nlaat. Waa't nb p By WILLIAM A. RAOfORO. Mr WUHm A. Radford wUi ww inactions u>4 Urc adr** KKKB or COflT on all subjects rmtM« U Um ■uMM >r building "rt so lk« Ur», tmr the i ■« lm *f |U> m», <>■ »"■«" «t tie adds otalaw aa l«lirr. Sstbsr and ManutMtum. hs la wttheut 01 all part of bis (rats disap pear because of the activity of rata and thr*'Hfh spoilage by weather. Htlll million" of dollar* worth of '-orn -ire u* lb" ctltM. TI4C il«HtW oprmtM fry atihar ataftrtc MM (** wmitk, *1.1 •!«•> may to *m4 earn 'Iv •mall |mlM to tka mi haatf M»*. Thl« hulMire «qatppa4 with a | •torator pr>»*M« • aafe •«**#• far eorfe aad trata. «o4 ft lha iaw M rata tfc* Inlaw mot at rtartag MMM Tba coo»tructlou of tit la 1* almpl*, th* principal point* Ml to arart a sturdy bonding that ■ with«t*n