A million men have turned to One Eleven Cigarettes —a firm verdict for superior quality. 15 for 10c Ill cigarettes >••••••««••• J P*rmt-TMck«r Association Dmcuuw AmuMiMnt For Young Poop If The firnt burin?** Mission of th< Parent-Teacher a**ociation for tin m*w year was held in the high school auditorium Monday evening, with the president Mrs. R. E. Herman in the chair. Reports of committees were hoard and a grade mother appointed foi rach grade. Each grade mother, the president explained, will bo expected to eooperate with the teacher of hoi grade in securing the attendance ol her pupila the interest of the parents of the grade and their membership and attendance in the Parant-Toachor association as well as to assist in planning entertalnmenta or any thing that will advance the interests of the grade. Miss Burns, principal of the North Main street school announced that there would be a Hallowe'en enter tainment Oct. 27th. the proceeds of which would bo used to purchase a portable victrola for the North Main school to be used by Miss Folgor, teacher of public school music, in training the children. The aaeociation authorised Miss Folgor to purchase two victrola* at once for the school* so that thor* need be no delay in her work, pledg ing the association to make up any deficit that might remain after the entertainment. Mlas Foy presented a plea for furniture for the teachers' rest room at the Roclcford street build ing. They have two rocker*, two straight chairs and are aaking for a couch, ruga and mirror. Theae need not be new, discarded things in good condition would be acceptable The meeting was thrown open foi discussion of amusements and enter tainment for young people. Warren Davis was the first speaker from Um high school and gave the picture ' (how, automobile riding, and loafing in drug stores and on street corr.cn aa the principal amummcnta opeii to 'our young people. He suggested that the homes be thrown open for parties and card games, but pointed nut the fact that no homes were large enough for community gather i ings and that had a tendency to create groups or clans. He asked for a public library or readkig room open to young people who work, aa well aa those in school, a dance hall, and improved play grounda, trapese and other equipment for physical development. Miases Ethel Brim and Mary laalb Powell plead for a community center and among their suggestions were an indoor basket ball court with dressing room, a gymnasium, a swimming pool with water heated in winter, and a skating rink. Without exception the young people expressed themselves as favoring card playing and dancing. Superintendent Hurst pointed out that the town offered nothing elevat ing, nothing pleasing or entertaining and nothing instructive for her young people to occupy their time out of school and put it up to the people present as to whoee duty It was to remedy these conditions, con siderable discussion followed. All agreed that amusement should be furnished, while some considered card playing and dancing harmful amusements. A committee was appointed to confer with the achool authorities to seek their permission to throw open the high school building ss a com munity centre under supervision of appointees from the aasociation and left it with the authorities whether or not dancing and card playing should be permitted. Have Your ford Retired [ While Retiring is Cheap If You Retire With U. It WU1 Co.t You: 30 i 3, Fabric, 6.95 30 s 3l/t, Fabric, $7.98 30 x 31/,, Cord 9.96 Tubes and larger size tire* at proportionate prices. FrankSn St Motor Co. Tbe Granite Garage On Franklin Street T» The VMtn W Maaat Airf t herafey announce my >»ndldacy to. thr office of kownbf for the e» •ulng i«*rm I reepeel fully auk the «upnort »f my frl»M>, " i» m a judicial office and In no way loMMK'iml with the iaaaaa involv ed m atau anti national politico. Why put It on a baaia U> make it a foot >>a 11 for jmrtman politicianaT That lowers the preatig* and dignity of t.ha court, lit my opinion. I MM nerved you In thia rapacity for tha laat two year*: that I hava mada miatakc*. I am ready to admit. Would not Brother do tha aama. I think tha paople who ara familiar with tlu wbrk of thla ( ourt, know Ita lieneflclal affecta, particularly in a financial wa|. Ihcre la an inftuanco being uaad agalnut thla Caurt for aelflah motlvaa. Haa been avar «.nca it waa eatahliahad. I may hava mora to aay about thia latar. An effort la heme inada by km one to prajudh-a tha volar* agalnat ma. paraonall). undertaking to laad tha public to think that I am not enforcing tlx collection of finaa and coatr tax ad In thla Court To any unbiaaad paraon who really faala an intaraat in thia from uninvited mo tlvaa, and haa no axa to grind, who will go to tka Clark'■ office, Mr. Deyerle, tha Clark of thla Co«rt, will ailllnrly viva any information, aa to each Individual caaa now on tha docket, whare th» payment of finaa and "oat hava not baan collactad. I auk that thoae who ara Inclined to criticlac thla Court, do that, and in form youroelf bafore paaalng judg ment, I have handled all thaaa caaaa ac cording to my beat judgment aa to what ought to be dona under tha circumatancaa. The enforcement of the criminal and penal law* I* a vary difficult matter for thoae who have It on them a* a practical quaa tlon. It ia vary aaay to rrltlciae tha actlona of men who are in authority, and that without proper information aa to the facta. I InvlU the cloaeat investigation of my admlnlatration of thla office. T. B. McCargo, Sr. Resolution* Of CoadtltM* Whereas. God in His wisdom has seen fit to call from us our mteeraed friend and co-worker Commissioner at-lartrr Mr. John L. Banner, and Whereas. We are grateful for the privilege of having labored with ona no faithful, efficient and unselfish as wai Mr. Banner a* he represented the people of our city, and Whereas. We sorrow as we con template our loss in friendship, fel lowship. and service because of hi* having been taken from us, we, there fore desire to place on tbe perman ent records of The Town of Mount Airy, tlfts testimonial for Mr. Ban ner and direct that this resolution he published Jn the Mount Airy News and a copy of ssme be sent to the bereaved family to whom we ex tend our sincece sympathy. And yet, so weak and ineffectual ia all human conaolation in such an hour, but we doubt not your strong faith In Him who "doeth all thing* well" who will sustain and comfort y His own condolations which are ^'neither few nor small." The recollections of him who has so lately departed must be full of pain ful reirret, but we should all look to the brighter aspect, in the hope tbat he has gone to s happier sphere, and that what Is loss to his family and to us ia to him "unspeakable gain." A. V. West. Mayor. r M. Poo re, Sec. to Board. W. L Monday. T. C. Barber, Comrs. Ward No. 1 W F. Carter. Jr.. J. W. tylk, Comrs. Ward No. 2. Atlantic Coast Line To Spend $13&>0,000 Rocky Mount, Oct. IS.—The Atlan tic Coast Line Railroad company ia to spend over $18,000,000 for new equipment and improvement for ita property, according to announcement made this morning by local officiate of the company. The new rolling stock to be par chased it is stated in the announce ment, includes 46 locomotives, 60 pas senger cars, 3,800 freight-train cars, and 80,000 tons of 100-pound rail/ The improvements to b{ undertaken by the company include the laying of 46 miles of double track and the in stallation of automatic signala. Other than making the announce ment of the expenditure, officials made no comment upon the new equipment and contemplated improve ments. NO SERVICE AT CENTRAL SUNDAY MORNING Rrr. D. V. Prica To Prwich Sunday Night. Church Rais ed $17,210 Duriag Ytur Sunday aehool mm! league services held as usual next Sunday. There will be no preaching Mr vice Sunday morning owing to the abeeoce of the pea tor Dr. Boyer at the annual conference in Monro* Dr. Boyer goee to conference with a foil financial report, %he church haa raised for all purpoeaa during the yaar 117,110. This is the heat fi nancial report in the history of the church. Ten children wars baptised at the service last Sunday afternoon and three new member* admitted into the church - Vance Price will preach at the1 evening service next Sunday.— Press Reporter. We Ask: Are You Hard to Please « Reaify-to-Wear? There'* a coal, suit, or dress bore for you. We try to rait you, not ourselves, and our great assortment of new fall sty lee makes it easy to please everyone. The style you desire, in the color you prefer and at prices that will suit you. Beautiful styles in coats, suits, and dresses for stout wobm. % We have just received a shipment of Jack Tar Togs, in cotton and woolen fabrics, for the hoys and girls. Come Mothers and see thm « ~ *ey will please you. Jackson Bros. See Us First—Save Time and Money Soma Salaa At Bawwr Win. Ed Roger*, it lb*. # 60c. Mankin k Jem up, 124 lb*. 0 Me. Ro»*ie Wan. lot Ibi. 9 ft. . Charlie Nichol*. 76 Iba. 0 68c./ Jordan Smith, 172 Iba. flic, R. L. Jeaaup, 62 Iba. 0 69c. Goo. Eaater, 56 Iba. # 61c. Colllna * Brown. 224 Iba. # 68c. Bateman A Payne, 140 Iba. # 70c. B. E. Atkina, 276 Iba. # 62c. E. D. Ward, 82 Iba. # 67c. Jake Jeaaup, 60 Iba. (£ 60c. J. M. Hodge, 60 Iba. § 60c. W. H. Gammon, 96 Iba. # 66c. Champ Reynold*, 92 Iba. @ 6Sc. Urn WUliama, 60 Iba. « 56c. J. P. Overby, 186 Iba. & Me. W. H. Vernon, 28 Iba. $ 61 e. Walter Jackaon, 64 Iba. 0 52c. J. W. Hale. 80 Iba. # 60c. Sam Hawka, 100 Iba. • 77c. J. B. Joyce; 246 Iba. 0 61c. G. W. Evan*, 214 Iba. # 62c. B. W. Wall, 186 Iba. 9 76c. Dewey Smith. 810 Iba. # 62c. Lucy Palmer, 360 Iba. (d> 67c. Y. W. Simmon*, 1M Iba. $ 68c. Abe Gammona, 1M Iba. (a 70c. Geo. Reece, 240 Iba. # 61c. Charlie Martin, 64 Iba. 9 74c. Ella Beaaley, 26 Iba. # 69c. H. W. Young, 280 Iba. A 60c. A. M. Cook, 160 Iba. 0 60c. M. W. Harbour. 800 Iba. to 66c. & V. Perry. 1M Iba. ® 66c. Martin Cook, 224 Iba. # 69c. J. A. McCormick, 24 Iba. 0 60c. J. E. Arlington, M Iba. 6® 66c. Malan Cook, 128 Iba. 0 We. Montgomery A Mathia, 44 Iba. 0 68c. J. U. Jonaa, 304 lb«: <g> 65c. J. J. Pniitt, 290 Iba. 0 79c. S. M. Copeland, 826 Iba. 0 67c. O. S. Keene, 100 Iba 0 64c. San. Pike. 216 Iba. 0 57c. W. O. Davie, 188 Iba. 0 67c. D. L. Carter, 102 lbs. 0 61c. Can Hicka, 818 Iba. 0 79c. R. C. Wall, 20 Iba. 0 80c. Thia i* a few of the high priced pile* we hare aold the. paat week and you can aee from the above that wa are celling tobacco high. Wa arc celling for new customers every day bacauaa wa are getting them mora money. Bring ua your next load and let ua add year name to our liat of pleaaad eua torn era. Banner A Lovill A. Goad Pfcyak Whan yon want a phyaic that ta mild and gentle k aSaet, aaay to take and eartata to act. tain Cbaat bertain1* Tablets. They are ezaai lant • .i ■ i. i E. A. Hannah Wade C. Moody Notaries Public Five-room Cottage For Sale CIom in, litMltd in om of Km boot ■oiifcfc>rhnn<i ki Mount Airy, boa fir* room*, lights ud water. For doUilod information pkooo or ull L M. Lb ▼Ulo. 10-17p ^ FLORSHEIM SHOE For fine style, the Florsheim Shoe has no equal The new ideas—the smart effects well dressed men want, originate with Florsheim. & THE PARKWAY for the man who wants the style of the hour $10.00 ' J. D. SMITH CLOTHING CO. FOR THK MAN IB «®l WHO CARKS

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