A million men have turned to One Eleven Cigarettes —a firm verdict for superior quality. Ill cigarettes • * 15*-10, P roadway Thoatro To PnmiI Big Attractions During According to • statement made a tar days ago by P. A. Boona, the manager of the Broadway Theatre, this popular playhouse will preeent to tali people of this community through the month of November • lineup of attractions that reads like the blue book of moviedoaL A selec tion of pfcturaa have been booked that an the supreoJe efforts of the procurers, stars, directors, and au That yon may gain some Idea of the pictures booked read the following Eat. Norma Talmadge in two of her wff lataat productions, i'ne Wunderful Thing" and "Loves Re demption." Then there la the erer popular Gloria Swanaon and the ad mirable Rudolph Valentine in Elinor Giyn's groat story, "Beyond the Rocks;" Then there is the charming Constance Talmadge in her neweet picture, "Polly of the Follies. \ What will in all probability be the beat and moat appreciated picture of the month oomoa In the name of "Tol'able David," starring Richard Barthel Of coarse the month would not bo complete without good old William 8. Hart, famous for ais wee tern charac ters. Ha will bo aeen fat "White Oak." Betty Com peon appears In her moat recent vehicle entitled "The Green Temptation" and Shirley Mae on cornea to Mount Airy in "Jackie," one of tboae delightful storiaa that hare made Mlaa Maaon famoua. The Pa the News aleo ia to be ahown every Tuesday and Satarday, lays having baa days having bean abort subject days whan the beat that can oe found ia the way of continued plays, comediea and educa tional featuraa will be shown. J Obituary Of R. L. Wolf* ' R L. Wolfe was born March tt, 1867 at Stony Ridge, Surry county, M. C„ where he lived until December, 1*11, when he moved to Guilford county and haa since made his home there until his death on October 18, 1922. He was the only son of Dr. N. A. Wolfe and Aleatha Gordon Wolfe. He was married in June 1000 to Misa Alice Booker, who with six children William, Edward, George, Julia, Dorothy and Robert Jr. survive him. He alao leaves one sister Mrs. M. A. Jones of Mount Airy. He was a farmer and loved his work, being a progressive man and student of modern form methods, was a leader in his community. In his youth he profeaaed faith in Cfcrist im lived an upright and moral christian life. He Joined the Baptist church at Greensboro, May, IMS and was baptised by Elder O. J. Denny. His health gave way a number of •MM ago; tho ha oonauhed special ists, none gave him relief. His suf fering were borne pattortl^untfl the Ob the last evening be implor ed the Father to let him paaa into the Great Beyond before the dawning «< aanthar day. The number of floral offerings to the hich aateem In which his friends and neighbor* held him. The remaina were Interred at the family graveyard near Pinnacle, N. C. -Contributed. u Words Of Appreciation Mount Airy News, Mount Airy, N. C. Dear Sirs:—Yon will find my cheek for 11.50 to renew my subecription to the paper, u I cannot do without K. Edfir and I always look forward to it every week, aa wa aura do atill love Mount Airy. Best regards to all your family. Ellis Lundy Episcopal Church There will be services in the Episco pal church Sunday morning, Novem ber, 19 at 11 o'clock. Biahop Coad jutor Penick and Archdeacon Harding officiating. All member* are ee pecially requested to be present and a hearty welcome is extended to all visitors. Also have Holy Commun ion at the same hoar. 11-11 Notice of Trestee's Sale of Laad . By virtue of authority vested in me in a certain dead of trust, ass ented to the undersigned trustee, for the Bank of Mount Airy, on Nov. 12th 1019, to secure an indebtedness of $211.56 and due the 12th day of Oct 1922, and recorded in the Register of Deeds offies of 8urry County, H. C., in book 70 page 48, default having been made in the payment thereof, and at the request of the holder of the bond therem secured, I will sell for cash to the higheet bidder, at public auction, in front of the Bank of Mount Airy, Mount Airy, N. C. Friday, Dec. 1st, 1921 st 1 o'clock, p. a». the following described real estate: First tract—Lying and being in Mount Airy Township, Surry County, N. C., and bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of Jehu Math is and Henry Parria, on the Bast by the lands of James Irvin. on the South by Forkner'a creek and on the West by the lends of Lula Camp bell, containing ten acree more or less. This tract of land in the Northern part of lota No. 8, 4, and 5, North of Forkner's creek in the division of the estate of Samuel and Dalton Forkner. deceased of the home of Samuel Forkner. Second tract: Bounded on the North by the lands of Robert Forkner, on the East by the lands of Ed Fork ner, on the South by the- lands of Short end on the West by the lands of Ed Forkner—-containing four and 1-4 acree more or less, fliia Is the lot of land allotted to Mrs. Kate LongTidre fei the division of the estatee of Samuel and Dalton Fork ner, deceaasd in the mountain field tract and known aa lot No. 1. For further reference of these tracts or lots of land reference is hereby made to the division of the estatee of Samuel and Dalton Forkner, deceased, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Surry county, N. C. to ! book of deeds 75 pages from 1M to 191 and plat recorded to book of dssds 76 pare 597. Sale made to satisfy a balance of $106.06, principal, interest, and eoet of aale to add. Tnla the 80th day of Oct. 1922. J. H. Folger, Trustee J. E. WILSON Marble and Gran its Monuments, Toibi and Head itona, Cemetery Fencing GRANITE WORK OF ALL idNDS % * Corner South and Granite Streets MOUNT AIRY. N. C To the aarprUa of «I»miI mrmry nt» there i* an ooort at Mm this weak. Election ia coming on and »m>M) in attendance at Dohaan waa think inir more of tha content next waak than of court .and Judr Calvert decided to adjourn rourt and net try any eaeeo a* near eie*ion lima* Ha evidently had a little ■ ym pa tha tic feeling far Sheriff Aeh burn and Aoliettnr Omaa, for ha knaw that Porter Gravea wanta tol roll up a tremendooe majority thfcn tima, and ha denhtfaaa lhaaghl that! with Capa Haynaa running Sheriff Anhburn naadad to ha out hunting up noma votae now if ha ever expected i than to ha of any benefit to him., Tha grand Jury aubmitted ita report which etill contain* tha raaoMMM4a-1 tiona. Ilka thoaa ha rata fa ra. that a| fanca ha built arodhd tha jail and that1 tha roof of tha court hooee nhould be pat in rendition ao thdt H will not leak. Home one aaw Marvin Dawaon carrying a piatol which offenee got into court and he waa required to forfait the weapon and pay |M and tha eoet. . '% A caae that coneoaaed a goad bit of the eeart'a time waa that one where C. r. Caraon, J. C. Sl»«>x and J. A, Simmona ware before hia honor charged with a general affray in which deadly weapon* were *aid to be uaed bat which turned oat to he only rocka and atlcka. Tha trouble started whan Caraon • topped up an old road that had bean running through hia land' for year*. A 'new road haa been built near thia aame road and Careon chopped coma tree* down acraaa the old nyd to atop people from ualng it. One day Sim cox and Simmon* came along driving four oxeft to a wagon and they guid ed them over the treee acroaa the old road and clearing the paaaage way. Caraon happened on the acene to *ee the act and he got into court becauae > he began trying to drive theae two men off by throwing rocka at them. And the two driver* of tha oxen alao had to pav a fine for tre* paaaing on Caraon1* land. Practically all of Monday and Tuae day waa conaumad in trying a boy, Raymond White, who #ae "chargcd with an aaaault with a deadly weapon on a woman. White waa out hunting one day and happened to hlaze array with hia gun iwar a woman'a hov\ being ao cioae that ha pretty nearly a hot her front door down, acariag her ao bad that aba ran off and had White indicted for aaaaulting her with a deadly weapon. White claim ed that it waa an accident on hia paH and aa tha fttate waa not able to ahow any malice in connection with the offenae the jpry acquitted the ooy. Briton Floyd, colored road builder ef Elkin, paid a fine of |76 and the coat for aaaault with a deadly weap on. Just who Floyd aaaaultad never wu discovered but it was in evidence that one 8tiAday afternoon he get on a spree and pn»eedsd to shoot op the camp where ha hoarded. George Moore aad Dallis Dancer, two other members of the road fovea at Elkin, paid 125 and the coat for a little ^hootinjr scrape hi which they engaged wherein Geo. believed that ha was a bettftr shot than Dallas Al though it cost them 9X6 neither one proved that they were expert marks men as no one waa injured from eith er display of artillery. W. W. Atkins paid *60 fine aad Lela Hatcher, colored $26 for engag ing in a fight. The trouble aroae over who should cultivate a particular spot of land which was under dispute between Atkins and the Hatcher wo man. The woman wanted to fight Atkins but be held her off by main strength and in the meantime another negro woman who worked for Atkins took a hand in the affray and pro ceeded to give Lela s good thrashing before Atkins could interfere. Howard Wills mixed liquor and gasoline too freely aad paid , 1269.00 Coupo, s^u«, tff9ff.00 Truck, $380j00 ABOVE PRICES ARE F. O. B. FACTORY Can Make Immediate Deliveries Full Line Genuine Parts and Supplies In Stock sit All Times GRANITE CITY MOTOR COMPANY PILOT MOUNTAIN MOTOR COMPANY * I puty abenrr with • niki warrant for Bab*'* premise*. Baba knew la his own Bind that Im had don* nothing to bo afraid of tha law and ao lot tha party in to make tha aaarch a* thajr demanded. After tha searchers left he found that they had (tola aU his money daring their snnh. about ISO. Baba always had sa idaa who tha parties wars hot only recently waa he able to find one of them. Ha charges Toss Butner and Babe Kiger and a woman. Minnie Milton, 'with the crime. Botner was trisd st Dob son last week on the charge of lar ceny and housebreaking and the Judge gave him two and a half years in tha penitentiary for his part, ia the erima. He appealed to the Su preme court and waa able to give the $2,000 bond required by tha Judge. Babe Kiger ia at large and Minnie Milton is in jail at Winston charged with aiding in ths criminal assault on a young girl of that dty. Claude Worth Boat serve IS months on tha roads lor dealing in liquor. From this sentence he ap pealed to the Supreme Court and ia •till in jail at Dobeon not being able to rive the $1(00 bond he is under. Claude was first charged with tar nishing Len Taylor of this dty with large lots of liquor, and it took two trials in the Recorder's court here be fore he could be convicted. He ap pealed from a road sentence Impoo ed by Judge MeCargo and was able to make a bond for Ids rslsass Aad right then eras when Claude did not know whan to stop Soon after he was caught by the officers gi this dty bringing a gallon fef liquor into town in his car, aad was also bound over to Dobeon court for that offense. Last week John H- Folger eras able to convince the jury of a doubt about Claude supplying Len Taylor as waa charged and he was acquitted on the bill for which Judge MeCargo gave him the road sentence. But the eaae where the officers caught Mm red handed with the Uquor was too plain aad tha Judge had little meray for him when he handed out tha fifteen months on tha roads. Ed Bartlett, another colored gentle man who works oa ths road force near EMn. wasted S' few more Una campe and took pnssssskin of nearly all their belongings. lie was caught with the goods aad eould do nothing but plead fuflty. Twelve ssontha waa his sentence. Early Hutchena, of 8floam, eras convicted by a Jurr of retailing. 1W Judge waa willing to give thia jeiing pay in# com\ ana lane p™ v* havior oath. v Eugene Sim peon «u taxed wttt the coat in a falsa pretence chart* which p*« out of a tranafar of land to hia brothar. Ha cava hia brothei a dead of trust on hia hen for some borrowad money and whan hia bro thar la tar investigated tha mortgaga ha found that Simpaon had not In eluded tha how*. A settleasent°wai reached by tha brothara and tha caaa stopped 'by 8impeon paying tha coat H. K. Swanaon. a popular young man and of a prominent family, ai Pilot Mountain, ia tiad up good and fast far tha aaxt thraa year* by thi order of Jodga Calvert Swanaon waa before hia honor and plead guilty to being intoxicated aad driving i ear at tha same time. So aggravat ed waa the offanae that tha Jodga waa stern in dealing with this caaa. Swansea paid a $200 Am and tha eoat Ho ia also under hood not tc drive a ear for IS months and not to drink any whiskey within three years. Should any of these requirements of good bahavior be violated by him within the stipulate 1 time he is to b« brought into court and tako a further sentence. Aaa Da via and Coy Woohrina, two young negro boys, just oat of knes breechee, who Uve in thia city, plead guilty to an aaaault on a nagio girl above the cemetery last spring and were sentenced by the Judge to aarve 10 years each in tha penitentiary. The evidence brought out before the court after tha boys entered a plea of guilty was such that had the eaaa base allowed to go before a Jury tha leas than aae carrying capital punish ment Davis claimed to he only IS years old and Woohrtne 18. Matt Dranghn, who lives on ths Do boon road, paid $100 to the school find for Us confess ion of stilling. Just the saaae Matt says ha i> not |UIIf, »nnou|[n u» jam tin unag a ■till is his horn* on* day teat apiit Matt lays the (till belctaged to a fn«nd of his and that thfc cam* to hha om day and that the officer! war* getti after him and wanted to ■till in Matt'■ dation he granted. liev** that this nne friend and reported that • still found at hi* home. J. W. Surrati, of near got on a (pre* and started out his pistol, which got Mas Into c where he lost 950 aad the coat his little frolic. It was proven in court that 1 Walker, colored, had sold a plat at liquor to some of his Pilot Mountain, aad ha with $76 aad the coet. A hard fought caaa waa that Preeton Riley, a young hoy from i about Clkin, charged with stealing a Ford from J. P. Moeer, of the saase place. It waa nearly two months ha fore Mr. Moeer located hia car abandoned by the side of the read ap in Wilkes county. The caaa raqair ed a whole day and into the night and mora than 60 ; present in the caaa. The jury victod the boy and ha waa j to 18 months on the read*. Little Florida Gnna Hal Little Miaa Florida Gravee waa host*** at a Hallowe'en party to bar little friends Tuesday evening Tie time honored Hallowe'en enjoyed, not* apple* ate. Littl* Miaa Evelyn Fawcatt waa winner in a The tittle folks taiM toiler added sect to Umi msnt of the party. Five-room Cottage For Sale Airy, hM mm, Hgkta •» F«r dtaiWd y«mth. ^ «r call I. M. Lb. 1Mb