mm Eldridge's Drug Store * ' ML Airy. N. C 31. •MM M dMBW to U* ZZpuSt •r ralWf iid«< will U mnM. Tkla tlM 8th dar of Ort.J«l J. A. Ackaon, Ctovfc N* MMm N*l N» 0 Drs. Cox CHIROPRACTORS MOUNT ABT, N. C OMm keeni—0 U It *. m. Ik §m p. m. Nigkt kmi Ttolywm Dr. W. M. Itollings worth DENTIST Mount Airy, N. C. Shoe Repairing I have recently purchased a large lot of the best leather on the market and am now better prepared than aver to do the highest class of shoe repairing. Bring ms your winter shoes and those of your children and let ms get them In comfortable condition for the winter weather that will be on as soon. Satisfaction is guaranteed on every job, and prices as low as anywhsre else. J. Z. VAUGHN FREE—50c CAN JOHNSON'S SANI-SPAR VARNISH STAIN For re-finishing in cplor where you do not care to go to the trou ble or expense of removing the old finish. Apply Johnson's Sani-Spar Varnish Stain right over the old finish — it gives wonderful results on furniture, floors, woodwork and all in terior and exterior surfaces. Stain and Varnish at One Time One coat of Johnson's Sani Spar Varnish Stain gives you your color and a beautiful, glossy, durable finish. It dries dust-free in 2 hours and bard over night. Saves time, mon ey, labor and material.. Made in Natural and four shades Light Oak, Dark or Golden Oak, Walnut and Mahogany. Will Not Turn White Use Johnson's Sani-Spar Vamish Stain for renewing ■II interior work—furnitYirt, woodwork and floors. It is not affected by ammonia, alcohol, (team, hot water, perfume, toilet water, etc. Uae It alio for exterior work — window sills, porch furni ture, outside doors, screens, ttc. It will not turn white. FREE OFFER Bring coupon below to oar •toe* and get Free a hal&pint of Johnson'i San i-Spar Var nish Stain (shade desired) or use the coupon aa a 50c cred it on a larger can of John son's Sani -Spar Varnish Stain. Sold and Recommended by « HOLCOMB & MEDIQFF mm — 50c FREE Coupon ■ H Mr. Dealer: — Pleaae ghra nvc • SOc can at Johnsam'* Sani-Spar | ViwnUh Stain FREK or apptjr thi. coupon m a Me ermilt oa a tmUJohmsam t Sam! S*mr Varnish Stain. I win * I tflraa om 4*an onfr to arfurta—one to a /minify.) MISS KELLY ON ILLITER ACY ftUJa Cmh* Of Illiteracy, SIm Says, b iMcUquate lilliil Raleigh, Oct. *8—A brief In tho eaas ef Illiteracy n. 8UU of North Carolina haa been prasaatii by Mlaa Elisabeth Kelly, who repreeenta Um adaH UllUratM rvaa though aha Is ntakwd by tha Mala, that malm startling reading to Um>m who hart boon thinking that all that waa noM la tho stato educationally waa more money from tho legialatare. ' Tho main cauae of Illiteracy In North Carolina, aaya Mlaa Kelly, has boon an Inadequate school ayetem. Tha present ijrftoB of echoola cannot ha b la mod, and oompuleory education may horoaftor make lltornto every child eapabU of becoming M, bat tho facta of Illiteracy now art that: "In tho oloctlon for state officers In 1M0 North Carolina's native whlto rural UlltaratM could havo outvoted all lltarata whlto urban rotors In tha stato and hars had moro than two hundred rotM to span. "In this sassa election had all na thrs whlto rotor* go no to tho polls than would hars boon ons In wry group of eeven who could not . wrlto his nafflo, and ono In every four who could no* hars road his ticket." ThaM sta Union Is by Miss Kolly ars baaod on federal consua figures and "urban" means tho 84 towns of; North Carolina with three thousand i or moro population. Miss Kolly says that North Caro lina perhaps has the moat progressive I legislation of any stato for tho elhn-1 ination of Illiteracy, and that the1 need is for s demsnd so insistent and poraiatent that, the law may be put into effect And then striking her stride, which aha herself would probably rafer to as a "lope," Miss Kelly asks some questions: Do ministers of the gospel really want people to read their Bibleaf Do leaders of civic organisations think they have need for a follow ing capable, of intelligent Interpreta tion? Do public health workers believe .It Is poMihle to minister to ths in dividual needs of people who cannot read? do agricultural ana nome-maxmg departments hop* to oonviae* |Hfli of the beat ways to farm and make homaa ao lone •« ,oeh • fmt pro portion of the rural population must depend on second-hand information and are at the mercy of back-door' whisperer* and propagandists ? Do welfare workers believe that j illiteracy tends toward perpetuating itself? It is fair or aafe to continue to i»ilt. a general redaatton af IM.00 a ear baa been made la tba prlcaa of Ford Modal T Can aad the ford 1 Ton Track, a ft art It* October 17th. -Tba reviatoa to prlcaa,4 aaid Mr. Ferd. -to tba reeult of tba tecraaaad paay baa enjoyed during tba pmwl jraar aad alao, to tba teat that we own aauna* of raw material. which aaikba ua to Mittm toirsasing tba quality of our product and at tba aaaaa tea baop tba price a* tow tbat Ford ear* ara to reach of everybody. "Our production for IMS la already 'n mm of a million, which baa baaa aa laiportant factor tn lirlaglag dowa coato. Oar preaent dally output to averaging bettor than 1,000 eara aad truck*, which BMna a coaiploto Fold aar or truck every I 1-1 aaaoada ot each eight-hour working day. It la la anticipation of thla oontiauad de mand tbat price adjuatmenta arc again being aiada In order to heap la effect tba policy of eelling Ford prodacta at tba loweet price oonatot •at with (milltv. "Qualityluaaual, "aaid Mr. Ford," will continue to be a prime oonaidara tion In tba building of Ford oar*. Aa our bualneaa baa incraaaed wa bare oonatantly Incraaaed our equipment and manufacturing (acilitiaa, ao that thia price reduction merely reflacta the progreaaive methoda which coma M a raault of incraaaed rohme. "Thla reduction, which la the aixth •ince March 1920, bring* the price of the Fori touring car from 9676, the price in effect early in 1020, to the preaent extremely low level of $298, which to nearly 60 per cent leea. Corresponding reduction* hare been made on all other typea. Negroea Pick Up lnau» Whita Woman Raleigh, Oct 28.—Three whita wo men, patienta of the atato hospital for the inaana, while strolliag on a public road near the Institution thia afternoon, were picked up by two negroea in a powerful motor car and whiaked off in a eouthera direction, according to a report of Dr. Albert Anderaon, auperintondent of tba hoa pital, to the Raleigh police depart ment The women were Varina Ad cock, 30; Carrie Iarael, 60; and Mr*. Pearl Riggabae, 40. Efforta to trace tba automobile were unavailing. Authoritiee of towna in thia Beet ion have been notifi ed to aaaiat in apprehending tba ne groea and bold the women ""Tor hiapit al authoritiea if they anould appear. The three women were "truatiea," according to hoapital authoritiea. t An Easy Way to Get More Eggs Haas often will nut out equal pnris of acrstch uid math. Therefore, tticy become loafers. Why not feed tiubrr ■ ut Laying Feed- » •cratch and ni.iih aombiued that maku* nuuh unnrcieaary —that Insures each hen getting enough protein for hoary egg prodnetioa It quickly atarta hens to layisg after tba moult. Manj report pulleta start lay lac at S months. Oubemut Laying Feed, the Slal ecratch, eootalaa certain vital eleAenta which aeiance kaa recently found trr— aary to •(( production—elementa that at* lacking is all graias and waay pool try feeds. The cracked peanut cake aad flak aerap which go Into ererj hag tarn loafer* Into layer*—Insurea a bal anced ration for each baa—aupplira the needed elements. Gubernut laying Feed for sale by the Belton Grocery Co., distributors. Mount Airy, N. C. Money tafk if not satisfied. Administrstor's Notica I, M. A. Chilton, hava thia day qualified aa administrator upon the sstate of J. H. Chilton. Thia is to notify all persona owing money to the estate to pay the same to ma Immediately, and all persons having claims against the estate will present them within a year from thia data or their payment will b* bund. Thia the 80th day of Sept, IMS. M. A. Chilton, Administrator Notice of Administration Having qualified as Executor of ths Last Will and TeotaaMat of Leri aJeasap, deceased, I hereby notify persons holding claims against tla aatata to prsesnt the same to me r payment within twelrs montha from U» date of thia notice, or thia actios will be pleaded in bar of re covery* thereon. Persona Indebted to tba aetata am notified** auks Monroe r= Style Serrtce SaHsfactum ♦25 *30 *35 J. D. SMITH I — Hon roo 7 Juicy Fruit, Peppermint and Spearmint are certainly three delightful flavors to choose from. And WIIILEY'S M—the new sugar-coated pepper* , mint gum, is also a great treat for your sweet tooth* All are from the Wrigjby factories where perfection is the rule.