Mount Airy News. , W. W. Ami of Rocky Mr. and Mr*. Stott Noble ud «f Wb»atoti-B*l— iMM ' f. P. OtlTW ef Daarflto, Tl with Wood it Whit* Plata*. 1 H. Dixon axlt i kdMN trip Mr. and Mn. J. E. A yen to Parker-, submitted to an at th* hospital Wednesday Msadamss Giersch and Ja Miss Blair of Oalai Va. sprat Tw day km .hopping. Mrs. Will Clayton and, littla son bft Saturday for thair horn* In PayatterlDe after spending a few day* with Mrs. J. L. Ashby. Mia* Maod* Idding* *nd Wilbur Blown of Oromaboro will spend th* aeaaing week and in this city roast* ef Mia* Cooaie Stewart. Mr. aad Mn. P. B. Miaa Nita Maaten of ■prat Toes day here with Mr. aad Mr*. P. B. Maston Jr. Mia* Hasan Gentry who teach— at Walnut Cot* sprat the pact weak end with her parents Mr. aad Mra. W. 8. Gratry an BockfoH sti**C Mm J. J. 8h*lton wd aoi C. B, Ihalton laft Wadnaaday nomisf to ▼fidt her relatives la Gaffney S. C. making the trip thro th* country. Mr. and Mr*. C. C. Pulp of Waah togton D. C. spent a tow day* of last weak with Mr. Pulp's sister Mrs. Clyd* Shelton. Mr*. J. Edward Johnston of Rey nold* wa* the guest of her parrata Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Smith Wedneaday •f but week. Mr*. L. J. Bray of Elkin i* visit tog her dauber Mrs. M. K, Pleas anta on B. P. D. aad *on Jaa. Bray in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Nat Pulton, Mf. and Mr*. J. C. Bruce of Winston-Salrai and Mrs. Jan* Pulton of High Point war* guest* of Mr*. J. H. Walker Sunday. Mrs. W. S. Yates of Raleigh Is ■pending nme time in the bom* W her di«|ht«r Mrs. Eugene Smith while Mrs. Smith U i patient at the hoipiUl. Mr. and Mrm. Lindsay H. Swaim of Winston-Seism wera called bars Saturday to the bedside of her father E. A. Hannah who suffered a alight stroke of paralysis and is a patient at the hoapKaL A. C. Hunter, manager of the local chair factory since it was open ad about a year ago, has accepted a position in Winston-Salem and will move hi* family there Wednesday of thia week. \\ Bar. O. W. Williams moved hir family into the new Rockford street Methodist tabernacle parsonage last weak. Iter. J. A. Cook of route • pastor of the circuit moved hid family into the circuit parsonage cM North Main street. w Mia. Baa. Graves Mtaa Elisabeth of YanceyviHe Mis. Margaret McAllister and Worth at Winston-Salem spent day with their auot Mrs. Irta Whlt k>ck who is a patient at Martin Memorial boepitaL and daughter Sunday Preeby Nert Sunday is the day for holding Ike regular qoarteriy Communion aarvice at the Preeyterian church. There will he a eermon by the pastor, , jkw. Z. V. Roberson, at eleven o'clock followed by a celebration of the Lard's Supper. It is moat earnestly hoped that every communicant he pi saint for thia aervice unlaaa pro vUsntAlly hindered. At aeven •Vhek In the evening them wftl ha a ear men and the administration of the Lord's Supper at the and Mm. W. W. B»sfce "**^j Charles Htatt. >nd Miaa Auk of Pilot Mount* In spent Tooeday 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Steals W Dob-| keeping in U»o homo of Mr*. R B.| Short. ' cq Mound Lu\e »p,tJ D. 0. Cnwi of «u i business vialtor hot* Toeeday. Ha was accompanied by hia Mrs. Wtnaton from the aaitarn of the state. Miaa El isobath Merrltt appointed chairman of tha Bed ■Tubercular Sea! aala for the Mount] A try township with Mrs. S. Combs as co-chairman. Mrs. E. M. LinvMe and son Lind say Hnlcomh and daughter Mias Ruth Ho),comb spent the paat week end In Kemersville. Dr. M. S. Martin and Misa Weat of Martin Memorial hoapit left Wadnaaday afternoon to attend a meeting of tha North Carolina Hospital Asaociatioa in Wilson. Miaa Mabel Allan, graduate of thd Martin Memorial Training School fol Norma will complete her term at the hospital November 10th and win locate hem to do private nursing after that data. Tha Col. B. T. Graves' chitdrana chapter U. D. C. will meet Saturday afternoon at t o'clock November 4th with Mary V. Davis at her home on Pine street. Mrs. P. 8. Roth rock leader. „ Tha local chapter D. D. C. will meet Thnmday afternoon tha isscad of November at I o'clock with Miaa Mary Franklin Graves at her home on Rockford street. Kent Harm an left Wednuday to take charge, aa manager, ofla now Electric Shoe Repair shop ai Galax Va. for the E. Steele Co. <tf this, city. Joe Herald of this city wQI be the repair worker and left al tbe same time. E. H. Steele of Bobaen will take Mr. Harman's placq/ln the Steele Shoe store In this cltw — Parent-Teacher Association To Moot The Psrent-Teacher association will meet lr. the high school audi torium Monday evening at 7:M o'clock. All parents, are urged to attend. Mstdsmss Wolf* And Hir>es Hostesses The ladies parlor of the Blus Ridge hotel was the scene of two de lightful parties Wednesday, Mea dames W. ft. Wolfe and Earl Hinea being Joirit hostesses at ten a; m. to a number of friends, while at three p. m. they entertained the members of the Young Matron's Book Club. The hotel parlor was attractively decorated with baskets of yellow and white chrysanthemums, rook was played at eight tables in the morning, and at thirteen tables in the after- | noon. A delicious salad course was, Served in the moming by Misses Maei \wyn, Elizabeth Long, and Virginia Banner, in the afternoon by Misses 'Mary Franklin Graves, Nannie Ful Wor\, Msrgaret Ashby, snd Alma Yokley, the favors were littls Hal lo w'en baskets ■ filled with pistachio nuts. Girl Scouts Entertain Bot ScobU \ The local Girl Scouts gave \a Hallowe'en party Tuesday evening ins! compliment to the Boy Scouts. Two rooms in the Binder home on Pine street were cleared of heavy furniture, and autumn leavee corn stalk* and pumpkins lanterns used to stimulste the out of doors, a thick carpet of leaves making the pretense very clever. All the scouts were masked and some really attractive costumes were provided for • the oc casion. Games were played, marahmaTlowi toasted, eon popped, and bobbing for apples afforded much amassment. Miss Elisabeth MejrKt, Girt Scour' Leader SS gypsy fortune feller ni4 ■ dieted wonderful futuiee for/the . After the program Dm folks Ml> MM or.r Um ballding. asaoag Um nick penny attraction* war* • carta, aity shop, a mmtwWh and coffee booth, candy booth, fiah paw), two raal Ihra gipay fortune tallara, applaa ■aapmdsd by strings, •** otbar ap plaa floating on a tub of water to ba had by bobbin* or docklag and catch ing tbam with tha teeth. Everybody bad a |M tfaae and mqMy spent a IttUa laaay aad Um teaibiw wan happy Car whan tha aaah waa counted thay had SIM enough to pay for thair rtctrola aad racorda aad then mm to (para. Uaioa 3ai'»ka Tha regular fifth Sunday union service of tha churches araa hold in tha Preabyterian chnr-h Sunday night. Rev. E. L Olive of tha Pirat Bap tiat church prealded, and stated that J only one member of the ministerial association was absent, Um Rev. Mr. Kulghum of tha ,Second Baptist church but stated that they were glad to have Rev. D. Vance Price to occupy hia chair, for he said "Mr. Price ia a aort of Biahop of all tha churehaa." The sermon waa preached by Rev. G. W. Williams pastor of tha Rock ford Street Tabernacle, and praai dant of the miniateria! association. A large crowd waa praaanU both the auditorium and Sunday school annas being full. Mr*. J mm* Ash by 111 Nn. Jmmi Aahby bmnu v*ry ill Imat week white viaiting la Winstoa Stlm. Her mpknr Dr. L C. Aahby want down and brought bar to this city in an ambulance last Thursday. She ia now a patient in Martin hospital and ia aomewhat Improved tho bar heart and other organs are aerioualy affected. Her ton Paul Aabby will arrive from tha govern ment hoapital at Port Bayard, Naw Mexico, to attend her bedside. Mrs. Byerly Ho* tea» Mrs. W. J. Byerly wa* hoatesa to tha member* of the Entre Noue Book club and th«" Young Matron* Book club at her spacious home on North Main street Wednesday afternoon. Yellow and white chrysanthemuma1 adomed the room* where twelve tables were arranged for rook, and Hallowe'en acore carda were used. Mebdamea E. M. LHiville and A. V. | West a**l*ted tha hostsfa la aervtng a delicious salad course with eoffaa followed by yellow and whit* mint*. :1 Sydnor-Simraon* Mr. William Granville Sydnor an nounces the engagement and aj> preaching marriage of hla daughter j Margaret to Mr. Richard Morgatyf Simmon*, the marriage to take plaoi the 0th of December, 1022. Dr. Worrell Buy* Birthplacl Dr. T. H. Worrell recently bougW hi* father** (Maj. C. C. Worrciuf) homeplace, a valuable grai* furm of 454 acre* near Hillsville Va. jE^ Notice of Administration Having qualified a* Executor of the I.ast Will and Testament of Al fred W. Fogleman, deceased, I hereby notify all person* holding claims against this estate to present th* same to me for payment within twelve month* from, the data of this notfoe, or thl* notice will be plaadad in bar of recovery thereon. Persona Indebted to th* astata are n jtifiad to make immediate payment to ma. Thia No*. 1,192*. Wad* a Moody, Executor of th* will of Alfred W. Fogleman, Dec'd. Mt. Airy, N. & J Nat To Take Cold 8ome persona are subject to frs uent colds, while others seldom, tf 4 ttar. have a cold. You will find that! tha utter tak* aaod ear* of them a*lvea. They tauV shower or eoW/ a pong* bath every d.iy in a watr room, avoid over haatea rooms, al**p with a window open or partly open, avoid rxcaaaea, over eating, becoming over boated and than chilled and get ting th* feet wet Then, whan they feel the first indication of * cold, they tak* Chamberlain "a Cough Re medy without delay and it ia ao< MCURAUMA It V3£Z32«Z3 ■ ICKS r ai*o Rua MiasJhalWIH Hale's Department . Store i • ' \ Mount Airy, N. C. ————— Sweaters At Wholesale Prices ' ▼ ▼ ^ We are throwing on sale this week one big lot of Sample Sweaters. This is your opportunity to buy Sweaters at retail aa low sa any mer chant can buy them and at the time you need them. • ■ " ■ ' " •• $ " Our stock of goods in all departments is loaded with merchandise that we are selling as low as we can replace them on many items. * We are making big gains in sales over any previous years and the reae» on is we are looking after the interest of our customers as well as our own interest Good Advice I * Take our advice and buy your fall needs while our stock is going at old prices. - Hale's Department Store S. M. HALE, "Prop. , • • i, .>•:* r. •»« Hon A. t HOLTON i / Republican Candidate for Solicitor • % i /Will Address the Voters of Mount Airy at the CITY HALL • \ * Thursday, Nov. 2 \ %\ At 7:30 P. M. ^ » Everybody Invited To Come 1 i <• , jfl EDW. M. LINVILLE, CHAIRMAN REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COMMTTTU. - I't

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