Il.lf.Vty, XMtav. Ml Airy Chapter, « •.AM. BMrater iwiirtlw 235*«.* — W. K. Simpaan, H. P. W. W. Christian, 8m. St (Dr. I -V'. fNfldfy | Machinc Skip K. C. M. C To all io whom dmm pnmli my! ~ to*: 1 It MMti to |kf| of Um pwri.tti- tor the diaeolutlon thereof by thai ot au tirnmmtm M tai my off tea, that tka tmmaim 8|k of thin State, . . la lituated at No Street, to the town of Mt. Airy. County of Sorry State of North Carolina ). B. Haynaa bain* the agant therein and to etarfa whom proceee may •erred,) haa compiled with tka raoaira of Chapter tt, Consolidated antitlad "Corporations," jgr»- , lhainary to the leaning of tMa tificate of Diaaolntion. Now, therefore, I, Secretary of the State of North Carolina, do ' certify that the aid corporati on the 20th day of Jane IMS. fib -to ay office a duly executed ai - - - Mnaant to wilting to the of aaid corporation, executed by all the xtorkholdera, which r " and the record of the „ aforraaid an now on file in my office aa provided by tew. In teetianony whereof, I £,"3 1 A. D. 1928 N Secretory »f 3 In* that tfcap ft for Obrist ■M. Too attjr * * -» - » - « w will Airy. W. C. . nnouncement I have taken over.the office end practice of Da Cox in Mount Airy and *l e otttce will W maintained at the same place in the Lsennrd Bnildtaf. The pradiM will be carried on to urae way and manner M hire to-fore and all patients will receive my beet M Dr. POT L. PUUCJNS Airy, H. C W. N. Everett, Secretary of Stat* Sydnor & Sparger Imrarane* Afentc *OIJNT AIRY, -j- N C. IW W M BENTIST Mount Airy, N. C. j . L— Southern Railway System PASSENGER TRAFFIC SERVICE Arrival and Departure of Piimmer Trains Mount Airy, N. C Effective 6:00 a.a^ April 2M, 1923. No.| 130 131 132 1SS lioonFXffy Sanford Mount Airy ..... Wilmington Tm Wilmington Mount Airy Panford. Mount Airy Anbm 1 11:20am IsOOpmi T» N*J Arm* Lw«* Nw Tock^Waahtaftfla. Birmmffhaia-Atlanta .. Ntw rk-Washington. *•# Tork-1 Kew T® Atlanta-. Sanford. ft. C. M Mount Airr, N. C. Goldaboro-RalciHi .... isville-Danville N«w yOriwui-At w2SS«*1I,d0< C. ork-Waahlnjr A^fcrn^Han^.: if • • • Al_. N-w Arrive -res IMuk 10:10pm ■ T:Mm4 ft lrSOpa bit-sopZ •Mm JSm M«J ill a i? nil 16* 152 lS 4 i IT i N*. Ill 1 11 M 1M iH i« i l M Ll