NOTICfC OP BALI My virtu* of a deed of trust ««• eau-d to m« by J. D. Minick on the ttftd. day of October 1918 to aecur* a debt of Six Hundred (MM.OQ) Dol lar* due Mr*. Coia A. Gilmer, upon with tl«T« t* a hn'.vte nf Four Hun dred («400) Dollar* principal money lad 'nu n at on Mic pi:ncipal from th* HZ. 4 ilny >>f nctobi' ' lulijoct t«< a "nd • 'if . I'ty (I®*1 *• Ixi iuff On application of the holder 01 th* note ■•cured by aaid d"<-d of truat I will •all for caah to th.> •ughoMt bidder in front of Fir*' Natuiim Bank in Mount Airy. North CtratUia o- t!io Mth day <>f October. 1*23, at oae o'clock P. *!., th* following describe! real estate Mac and beinc in X.iuut A:ry Town Win, Surry Count y, North Ca/»\:na MM Bounded an l described at follow*: Dtat certain tract or parcel of land a4foining the J. D. Minick race right W-way, the lands of T. N. Brack and J. A Tesh A other*, containing 12 M-100 acre* more or 1cm and being aarticularty described in dee8 from Cbra A. Gilmer to the said J. D. Min iak registered in the Office of the Re giaUr of Deeds of Surry County, said Sad bearing date the 22nd. day of October. 1918. Sale made to satisfy the amount Asa on said deed of trust together with oosta of sal*. This Sept. 17th 192*. J. H. Folger, Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified u administrator •f the setate of Tyler Smith, Dec'd, I kanbjr notify all persons having shims against hit Mtate to present Am to me on or before Sept 1, 1M4 or this notice will be phrwd la ha* of their recovery. Ail persons indebted to aaid aetata wM please pajr me at once. TWa Sept. 1, 1928. »tay tn Kob* nudid for taking over the extra Mlaaion work which Dr. Dese rve aiwigned to mo until tha arrival a# Rn, W. J. Callahan, who raoaotly viaited Mount Airy, hot tha time waa needed for making purchaaaa and hav ing clothing made. Hare in Japan wo do not have accaaa to atocka of raady made clothing, unlaaa it ha inaaathlng like I ad tea' ahirtwaiata and auch lika; hut wa have o ir meaaurementa taken and aelact gooda in a tailor's eatabliah ment, and have our clothing made to order. Except for the tacovenience of waiting, thia la quite aatiafactory We have choice of excel lent Engliah gooda, auperior to American made cloth. The tariff la not quite so pro hibitive here. .Likewiae I ^vc all my fthoe* made here according to aw uremeni ana imm tne nest oi material obtainable and b> skilled' workmen. Thjte a.'vrn>agcs tell in the way my thoea hut c •■••t'ally whan my ponder oua weight it < wo hundmi twenty five pound* and my activity in bicy cling and watkinfr are taken into con sideration. ! have discarded only three pair* of ahoea during the inat eleven yean, one being the pair I wo-* when we came here from the United States In 1#12. one pair made hen in the Hutumn of 1012, and one pair of low shoes which waa finished up by walk ing over the Sparger orchard when at home on furlough The pair I wore for every-day in Mount Airy in 1919 i>td 1OT0 is now nine yeara A1 Jolson, Glenn Hunter, Hoot Gibson W other start All Wear "SURE-FITS" WHY? Imon it*» the biggest improve. A itrap-and-buckle riiTntiJ above tbc viaoc ■ihln yon to hn| k hi after a hair cut or in tbc wind. Aad eaae it out again if you want to. It'» the world'* moat coafcmUt cap. Yet it cm* the aaaae m my food cap. Sac hi The new Pall style* we now nady. SOLD At GOOD STORES Look for Them in the Window isits# IMiktRNItUVT | 702 Broadway. N«w York Otf Jitw 5kou Jo«v9" baan worn m thraa *rlpa fraw . For two or tfcro* month# each I waar low ihoaa. of wkicb 1 have had thraa poll alavan yaarm. On pair out by tho fUnta tn tbo 8par*er or mada; and another pair U still in aar »tc», •till carryta* a pair of oil taa n«i half-aolaa pot on in Maunt Airy; and tho third pair ia now and nooor boon worn. Hoi* aoloa and half-aolaa ara hand tawad. malrtng tho waits laat count of uainc tha IflkV MwmmL A aob War in tha homa land, on saaing a pair of my ihooa daalarad that thay war* machina aawad with aixtaan itltehaa la tha inch; hat I knaw battar. 11 all my win tar ahoa caitar atyla, *o that thay ara and quickly r—nrad and pit on. Thia pulant to anjoy lacing IT—'— I «U th. Ai-r 0» in Mount Air/ « I f 4ii not Joint hrt w» of Mm clotl»o« «m • Now K tha »bwi ikM alary Is not ■ufflckapt arldanoa of my loyalty to th* oMUbUaa principal T nil! « IMIPuW DENTIST Mount Airy, N. C. Tlewtbcupe ^ An entirely new body design lends distinction in *' * appearance, adds measurably to individual comfort, and ,j provides greater convenience in the new Ford Coupe. j Streamline body, windshield visor, and nickeled fit tings make this new Coupe highly attractive. Deeply cushioned seats, improved interior arrangement, and cowl ventilator provide increased comfort Wide doors that open forward, revolving type window « lifters, enlarged rear compartment and a'recess shelf for parcels, back oi the seat make for greater convenience. Set the Ford ComfH and other body tyfet at wsr t: carat Ford Dealer't uun