Uw. M. LinvilU, m4 to exhibit them A at Whuton-Salem, or before the 5th < 1984 or thU notice i Thli-the 8th day of Dec. 192S. 1-Up J F Saunders, Adrar , Mra. B. J. Saunders. Dee d i —"—Y— —*■ —i \Uy« •— Mr. mmI Km. Omw WWt-f t%, of thb city arrival at tk Urine j«M«r okWr. this Moat visit ot tkaj famoaa Wrd waa ta ba a' ; Both Mra. WhiUi. and law »iraw< op te i at mm vMt, howmr.i But whan tha »tork fUppad hto tee! ■ and porchad an tha Whittla iaa to it—three haya and ana fill •) Aba LfLa.. unr 01 IM DOjn-fCM MtVmll— waicha fiva POMMU. Each of the othij All i Thin iiwraaaa at the KM* efcht children to tweNa at' one viaH la a bit < aa| much aa w» would ha»a ona." And aa far Mr. Whittle, ha*i «%hty, proud of "w" and tha foar naw ar riv®ln Mra. Whittle m thirty-aa van. Har fc N«Un «f Twetee'a Mb W Land By virtue of authority vwM to M in a certain M of truat nmUd SA?b**RV1U&t J. W. Chilton. Trustee for Nelaon ; Hardware and Mac Unary Company tS, 40.00, and rernrded to the Register of Deeds Office of Surry County, N. C. book U pace 274,, default Having been made in the pay ' Mat of the note therein secured. and at the requeet ot the holder I will mB. at public auction for caah. to the high I eat bidder, on the pnmiaea in 8Uoam fowhip, Surry County, N. C an Saturday Jaaaarv ISth, MM. mm aVtoek P. 11, the following deecribed rani estate: Heitinning on a iwk to Eaker Flin c hum's corner and bounded aa fol!ow« by Eaker Flinchum'e land. jfie E. Peek-, W F. Peele, Edgar Flinchum and Henry FHnchuro. Containing m 1-2 acrea except 4 2-10 acrea more or toea. The mm toad waa conveyed : by Wealey Hill and wife to J. W.J Flinchum. Regiaterad to Book II ' page 678. Second trnat. Conveyed by L A. I Venable to i. V. Flinchum and bound ed aa follow*. Bv Edgar Flinchum. H. T. Flinchum, W F Peele Con taining twenty and ft-10 acrea more or leaa. Recorded in Book of Doeds 61 on page 400. Subject to Dead of Truat made %&jAlbert Hlatt. Sale made to^atiafv a debt of tS40. principal, intereat and coat of sale to add. Thia the 10th day of D* 1»2S. J. W. Chilton, Trustee. Xmas Coal We wish to announce to the public that we will deliver any coal during Christina* week from the 22nd to the 29th, aa our force wants to take the Holidays off. So please bear in mind and order your coal in advance to carry you through the Holidays. We have on band a supply of Clinchfield, Red Ash lump, Virginia blue gem, also egg and New River Smokeless R.O.M. Can make prompt deliveries on any of the above coals. Your order will be appreciated. Wishing you a Merry, Christmas and Happy New Year. Booker's tCoal Yard Proprietor OF THE COPPER-CLAD THE WORLD'S GREATEST RANGE Tkk k *• hat Gnat Reduction Offer w« will pal mm •o mmjo* \ f . m %;-x-, r„, At Our Store Li. / ■'y* Week of Dec. 17 to 22 The Copper-Clad Crank— a special factory representative —will be here during the entire week mentioned above, to show and explain the many Copper-Clad exclusive features. He will explain about range rust and the pure sheet copper lining in Copper-Clad* He will tell in detail just why Copper-Clad owners must be "Range Happy falks. SEE ASBESTOS SWEAT! No matter whether you want a ranee now or next year, or any other time, it will pay you to come and see the Copper-Clad Crank make Asbestos Sweat. He takes any piece of Asbestos, puts it between two iron plates—heats it and shows you sweat You can roll it up in drops Artth your finger. You see for yourself WHY ranges rust out Then you will know why the pure sheet cop per lining in Copper-Clads adds many years to its life. « ' " • • REMEMBER THE DATE Dec. 17 to 22 FffiC ALUMINUM WEAR "FREE" means that this ware does not cost Copper-Clad buyers a single penny. It is a reward for buying while the Clad Crank is here. This ware is \ atantial and just the kind that you select if buying for your own use. 7-in-l convertible cooker takes the p «even different vessels, as shown by 1,2,8, 4, 5, 6 and 7. You will And this utensil every day.