M from tM to three gallon* of rich mOk a day tor yean. She waa worth two ordinary raw* to • family. And it required no «ore to keep her than H 4m to keep an ordinary cow. There ia no raaaan why the fainin of thia eoanty nhould not quit the habit at keeping inferior atoek and get the both tlM Central Kethodiat and tit* lyt — - A B—mim-W ■ ■ ■ m m MaJa — A r ir iv Mpnfi cvnrrcnn iui»f ruum m* ditiona to thai* bulldlnr* that brh* thrm ihmrt of tbe timea. in Nanit Airy ntrrljr aa liuaidaia, not ritiaena. We arc undifaated maaaaa hi tS» midat of the papulation. Once «t |«t tlx faetmc in oar Mood that thia in my iity. my hnm«. and I am proud of H, thrti jroa will too Mount Airy march ateadlly toward til* ro.1 at lOJM population in 19M. The Hrwn takes thin occasion to iKnk yon for the wwim of wwiai tHt you hav« helped it to achieve darin* tha paat year. M b irtnc the com ng yaor, any M'k| enterprise in any put of oor territory need* thia popart rap port, only lot ua know it and wo will aa ahray*. he at your aervica. Wo wiah all oar m4n the haat oar LAST ROUND FOR 1923 TAX! Dobm township. Sheriff* office, mil day Ju. Tth. Westfieid townahip. Hasten store, 10 *.m. to 12 m; SL C. Wood'i store. 1 to 3 p.m. Jsn. 10th Pilot township, Pilot Mountain, Farmers Bank.... .Jan. 11th. Shoals township. Trulove 4 Owens store. 10 to 12 m.; Kf^i ■tore. 1 to 8 p.m. Jan. 12th. iloam township. Key's store, 10 to 12 m.; SOoam. 1 to S pjBL, ..Jan. 14th. Kockford township. Banner's store. 10 to 12 m.; Har bour's store 1 to 3 p.m., Jan. lMh. Marsh township. Burch station, 10 to 12 m.; A. Phillips' store. 1 to S p.m Jsn. ICO. El kin township, at Elkin National Bank Jan. 17th. Bryan township. Plat Branch. 10 to 12 m.; Mtn. Park. 1 to t pja.. ; Jan. 18th. Franklin township, Martin's school house, 10 to 12m.; Lowgap, i to S p.m. Jan. 10th. Stewarts creek township, Round Peak P. O. 10 to 12 n; Pine Ridge, 1 to S p. m, Jan. Eldora townahip, Luther Venable's store, 10 to 12 m; Johnson's store. 1 to S p.stL Jan. Long Hill township. Ararat, (will have Eldora books). Jan. 2S. Mount Airy. Sheriffs office Jai NOW mmd AVOID (he PENALTY? I mm C H. HAYNES, Lilly Land Co. Hat Sold 550 Lots oo the East Gate Addition to the Gty of Roanoke, Virginia, To Satisfied Customers