STATE SHOULD BUILD MOUNT AIRY-WINSTON HIGHWAY ixmstrucooKi would Lieveiop Wonderful Farming Section Best Interests De mand Division of District's Funds We in not able to understand Jnat Salem Ik** to kavt -heir «ye set on Km com plat inn of the Boon* Trail read rathar than othar roada that mm to ba of vaitlf mora importance. J oat Haw much sentiment thaw la aannaetad with tha nan ef "Bum* TmII" ws an not ahla to say, hot suspect that than la noma. Tha bnsinsM man of Win*ten-#aJ am are supposed to hnee mm influ enee with tha policy of tha road offi cial* of thia part of tha atata, and ha question they hat*. No better Urt than at Winaton-Sa leoi. They an Just aa far seeing Just M patriotic ami Just an anaetfiah m leople. That doea not mean, of that they are able to aae the of the country in the fulleet iwt) time. For month* we hare had It in mind to My that it ta a miatoke to bend all enoririea to the completion of Trail -when there i to the It ia common here about thia town for careful *en to fat op before day in the boey aaaaon. when they plan to drrre down to Winston-Salem, and make the atart before, day thai avoid, tor the rnah of traffic that ia on the road after the public (eta out. To bear the casual maafka made about the volume of traffic on the toad be tween thia town and Winston-Salem will convince anyone that H must ba Immense. If the merchants of this town, the (•tail merchant*, could vote on th* ■abject we suspect that many would vote to make all other roads before the on* from her* to Winston-Salem Tor it la well known that many peo ple. now that the automobile la with oa, /«*fer to do their trading where th*y hare the opportunity to make ■* lections from larg* stocks. Anyway there is a disposition on the part 01 people here and all orer this section to make fmqoent business trips to Winston-Salem. If the roads moat oaed are the most important, and thia mast be the case, then the road from this town to Win aton-Salem moat be rastly more im portant than th* Boon* Trail at this stage of the development of the coun try. It is very well known that more than 5000 people lire at thia town, to say no thine of th* number that lira In th* suburbs. PUot Mountain la 1 settlement of no small proportions and th* same la tru* of a half doaan other tow a* along the road from her* *a Wmston Salem and the** people aO Wr* to nm down to th* big town mmi n^y I NitiiMl Mffcwiy Ntrth A ntudy of the map iIimn that Um nwit inyiftMot hifhwiy l^wttny into Winnton-flalcm for Um hard-aurfac tnir of which no prariakm Hm aa fit been mad* la Dm mad from Mount Airy. In fast, thia highway la, hi many f pacta, mora important to Winnton-Salan and a large faction | of tha Seventh Djatrict than aoma roada that hare been or ara now be ing hard-eurfaead by State and coun ty. Wa kan Heard that tha mgiaaei of tha Seveath Diatrict givea it aa hia opinion, haaad on cloaa oheerratioivi that there la no road la tha Aeventff Diatrict on which the traffic la haz ier than on the forty-mile highway <4>imect)i<g the rtty of Mount Airy with the rity of Winaton-Saletn. Rut nothwithatandinr thia, and la ■pita of the fact that thia highway mnnecte tha two lanreat ritiea in tha Seventh Dfctrirt. nj pmriaian haa' been made aa yat for haH-aorfaehiff any part of thia road earept the link between Mount Airy and Pilot Moun tain, which ia new being graded. The t«t toad forsyth county Mid Winston-Salem should strive to com plete la tbe Mount Airy highway. Forsyth's link of thia highway ex tends from Winston-Salem to the Stoke* cotmly line, a thort distance beyond Rural Rail No other high way conntnjcrion project should be allowed to come liatwin Fonyth and thia project. If Forsyth builds the link It the Stnkes (hie there wfll ha left a sector of only about tan er sierra mQes aeroaa • comer of Stokes cotmty. With hard-surface extending from Pilot Mountain to Mount Airy and from Rural Hall te Winston-Salem, It would then clearly he the duty of the State Highway Commies ion and the Monty of Stokes to make pro vision for the construction of the Stokea link, in order to complete one of North Carolina's crest interstate highway*. Hie map of Northwest North Caro lina and Southnsat Virginia shows that the Winston-Salem-Mount Airy road is far more than a local thor oughfare. It ssaksa direct connec tion at Wytherilfe with the Lee Highway to Roanoke and Bristol. It taps the "Danville Pike" at Hills, rille. It furnishes an outlet to North Carolina's largest city for the people of Carroll. Patrick and Floyd coun ties. Virginia, and for Surry, Stokes snd a part of Alleghany counties in our own State. It offers to the tour ists one of the moat beautiful acenic highways across ths Blue Ridge to he found in all America. mere u every nuon to expect that thi« highway will be com plated heyond Mount Airy >mI uraM the moataiM. Governor Trinkle of Virginia it on record as strongly fav oring Ha construction And Virgin ia is BOW building road a. In a re cent communication to a friend tat thia city, the Governor of Virginia « preeeed the opinion that thie high way would certainly he built to the North Carolina line. Winston-8aleai ought to hs ths first to ists hi a genainely earnest and aggreeeive effort to cossptoto tits construction of the Monat A by ss*4 without furthei delay. It baa waited Dm hi tha uotwMj dlatrieta la mm Jtwt thia wash tt ta ra papor that tha Uaral Fork aartien, whkh la Juat aima tha in Carrwtl Dr. 8. A. Cotwhiff, who Is « In law of our townsman. O. ■ Wahh, taking hta wtfa and son wtth Mm, laat waak laft tar Haw York, ha will taha a pnat cradoate In madlrina In tha Columbia Dr. Conduff will rrmain In that etjrt for ntna montha and it la not mrrtain what hat ho will rrturw to Lmrol Fork or locate alaawhara. R la loamad that tha doctor wrote M*«ral atadlcal arhoola for tha purpoaa of aaruring a phyairian to loo« after hia prac tioa whila ho la away, hot that apon looming that hia waa a tounti y tiaa. Invariably tha fmmf doctor* '■lined tha / The pic hauler Is mi addad proot that apring '» «*ning, for within the v past week he has again Keen passing! thru Mount Airy with his trwka and wagons loaded to the guards with annealing pigs. The spring crop whirh is asually marketed about sis weeks old la now just beginning to rome upon the market. Figs raised! this wtnter and spring will no doubt figure ill nest winterV fat hog ron Laat fall the supply of pigs rather iinwluns. it bat* in tuna of the demand. This it is thought that the price will rang* i a little higher than last fall and the supply will not W ortr abundant. World News Briefly Told SAIL SEAS IN M FT. ■OAT— Eighty year* old. Captain R. W. Nye, hii wife and John Sjsntna are mom to aail from San Francisco hi a for ty-foot boat in March of pearls in the Galapagos islands in the Sooth Smb. At tifhtf Ny« ha* mad* and loat throe fortune* and now ho and his aged wife aro to bra** tha mon aoons of a troarherooa Ma in search of another fortune. R. R PRESIDENT KILLED FALL ING FROM HIS HOBSE—Alfred H. Smith, who started aa a messenger boy with the Lakr Shore Railroad in Cleveland at 94 a week ar.d tom to the presidency of the New Tork Cen tral line*, wu thrown from hia hone in Central Park New York city Bator day afternoon aa he polled op to avoid colliding with a woman rider who** hone *addenly iwerred in front of him. He died in Fifth Avenue Hos pital a few minute* later of a broken neck. LETTERS FRO* TRENCHES CONING—Many ■ mother and sweet heart wondered during the war why •on and soldier boy wrote so seldom. It was customary at the lero hoar ju«t before an engagement for the boy* to writ* hone. It baa now bean learned that the reason many of these letters never reached their de stination waa beeaoae they were stored instead of being mailed. Re cently SO boxes of these letters were found stored with an army supply dealer and the poet office authorities bars ordered that they he forwarded immediately. This paper wanta to print the (fast on* to arrive to Sarry coonty. BOTH REED AND MCADOO UWB |—So far as Missouri la iibiiihI I both J ha Reed and William McAdae i can go away back and alt dawn. 1st urday In th* statewide township and ward conventions both asphnnts tor White^Roues honors failed to elicit ,i 3 CrirtnHw tktkim, wUk 9 fill in ii. U ill 111 in mrnim CwrtCriHlillliMii New York, March %1.—Mm. Vary Hans of Ma. M *Mt lMth atraat birthday a ywrtrfcy. About the only drawback to old a«e aha flnda. to Mm* you rant r»t ■ cake hit enouirh to hold the birthday randlea. A ynr sao. for ImUmm, hat whuw she lira*, bad to^coatant bar W -a I aL M a I — —— ^ wwii wiw ox ®o®ovpia and tracing mi tba Miht tbat tt waa bar mother'* 1001b hi«thday Uhto candle-power electric light and owe toper, but inatead tba caka waa dis pensed with. Mr*. Han* had too much to ba (lad about to fret over a little thin* Ilka that. Nine of bar eieean children art livinar and attondad tba birthday din ner Ia»t Mcht. To Hven thing* up a bit tnay brought along b«r fifteen rraiMk'hiidran and thirty greaugriMd rhildf-n Aim lira. Han* waa ip and about the house in bar usual apnghHy man ppr and that waa something elae to he thai kful for. She atill .naiata im Purlin* )>otataaa, helping waah .liahea and -rwtof hetweea tim»a to hcl; paaa tlw montha between >h»hday*. But aha la strictly "modern" in bar Ideaa. \ "Certainly women ought to rota," aha aaya, "and you might aay I'm mine to caat my ballot againat Pro hibition If It ater put up to the peo ple. I don't believe in It." Mr*. Ran* waa horn In Raden-Bad en In \Ml and came to thia country when she waa seven. Until twenty four yeara ago aha lived in Albany. Since then aha haa made bar home here witl/Mra. Reardon. two unmar ried daughter*. Josephine and l-Mie. and a eon. Prank. Other children present at the fam ily reunion wan Anthony and Joeepfc Han* of Albany, Mr*. Fannie Farrell, 191at street and St. Nicholas Avenue, and Mrs. Caroline Schneider of St. Mark'a Place. Brooklyn. VOTERS TO U SHAVED—To pre mt npnttfi is the fwiMnitlil flections to b held in lut* Dwinfo March 16, safety num km bean ordered and as each • lector casta his ballot, • judge of the staction will' shave a spot on his haad back of tha right ear. In preview election lyk voter was required to stick hi* fin rer in a pot of indelible ink bat wi ly politicians discovered a chemical that wonld rtwoTt the ink and permit the rotor to "repeat" aa many time as bo wished. COOLIDGE DENIES FILIPINOS INDEPENDENCE—Before the Fili pino people are granted independence they most make greater strides to ward self government, declared Presi dent Cool idee in a latter last week to Manoel Koxas, chairman of their in dependence Commission. For several yean the Filipinos have been de manding that the United States with draw its Governor General and permit them to "go on their own." but H has never been thought wise to per mit them to do so. ARIZONA HAVING A DROUGHT —for nearly thra* month* Arizona according to pa ra ?» reaching Mount Airy. In Um moantaini a ft* light mows hare fal len bat over the atata the pracipiU tion has bean Moom and ta Ti of alfalfa hay. v ■ i rors INSTALLS THEFT OF NAVY'S OIL SHOCK TO DANIELS Says He ^Sweatee Fields for Use i Now York, Mar I Joaaphna Ma, chubby Sotitham •lippad «|ui«rtljr Into town marly jiato day ConfuMwl by th» May* of tirmf fk, ha ptotifad about tba tfty an boor lata for all hi* appointment*. Only one* did tba ahrawd twtnkla hi hia poefcarad ayaa van lab. ft wan whan ha waa «paaking to • rapartor for Tha Haw York World of tba naval oil aaaraa«, wbiek ha fenfht to ftm «ar*a aa Secretary of tha Nary tor atffht yaarn hi tha Wllaon Adminia trrtion. "T awaatad blood to kaop than for tha na»y." ha tald graraly. "Then to aae them turned o»«r for tha a*, nloitation of Dnhany and Sinclair waa Ilka lta»lnr a child yon had rataad batrayad. "Guilty of a Crime" "Any member of ths Nary Depart ment or the Interior Department who knew of the leaning of the naval oil ruaervas to private Interest ami did not ftght to prevent It «aa guilty of a crime ami ought to fat oat of office or be pot out." Ha waa going down on tha elevator of tha Hotel Pennsylvania to kaap an appointment for which he waa long overdue. A few m inn ten before, in his room on tha seventeenth floor, ha had discnaaad the oil acandal at length. Ha spoke In explosive bursts. He waa diacaaainc tha merits of tha laaaaa made by the Harding Adminis tration with Harry T. Sinclair and E. L. Doheny. "The whole purpose of the oil re serves waa that the navy might have oil hi eaae of emergency." ha said. "President Taft act the fields apart for that porpoae. Every adminis tration that followed guarded tha re serves jealously. What would happen if there were a shortage of Mexican oil and we ware at war? Our navy would be helpless without oil. These reservea were ty be there for Just such an emergency. Rebuffed Daheay'a Agent. "It waa never intended that those fields should be developed by the Government or turned over to private I Blood" to Keep o Emergency year* I fowrht tn le tha ad to the 4ay when the nary wasM Baal 11. I fnmrht tt hefnre Cuu»WM. VIh • about tha ail naarvaa 1 Mi Mai thay wm»M ha tohaa tmm tha navy ■"* Uaaad to private la to* eat aaly mr my dead body. • "Safer* thay eooM have tiawafamd tha rnntiwl aver tha etf hiihm fits tha Wavy Department to tha hitoftoa Department thay wnald have had to Mi ma. Tha aU waa tor tha navy *nd far it alone. "There la nothtaff hi thia atory that I favored leaatng tha ad raaarvea. I mwgaated to Cangiaaa and it waa ea artad that taaaaa ha it allied along tha edft* of tha ail raaarvaa to offaet tha leaka#a into wad* Joet ootaida tha Oovarmnant limit which were drate to amall tarn pan lea. Thay were far na- other purpoae than preneiitinf welH nutaida draininir off the naval ad. Hn|^| Hy "Thin thieving haa shocked me. II ha* shocked every one. The Repub lican* of conscience, the independent voter* and the Democrat* art* to the nest Democratic National Can v.-ntion here Id bring forwaH a mar whom character and MfOtRtM. la «ueh there can ha no donht ha woaM not countenance the tomtn* i v*r of (!nv»«i«ffit property. eio-*cialW tha Mavy'* ill reaerve to prtv-itw lute re ato for 'Mr exploitation. "There ooght to he two planka la the Democratic Pre*ldential platform. "Thoo Shalt Wot Steal." whether through 'stupidity.' intimate frianda,* loan*,' or crookednesa, and The* Shalt Not Kill/ meaning that the country which fought so hard to end war should go hack to tta effort* to hrinjt about peace in the world. Ft cry man would ttand hack of that plat form who did not believe hi thieving, 'Stupidity or- war". Mr. Daniel* had riaan. The twfn kle returned to hi* puckered eye*. Ha araa asked if he woo Id ha a candidate for President at the Democratic Nat ional Convention. He nailed, leaned forward and whispered: "Too may aay Mr. Daniel* said the Democratic Party might ga far and not do so well - McAdoo Will Enter North Carolina Primary Washington, March 9.—The imw of William G. McAdoo ia to he mt«r H m the North Carolina primary. That person may ha aa dead, politi cally, as the proverbial dodo, hot facts are facta. The name cf McAdoo, if preaent plana do not trader**) a eeM pleta chance, will he filed wUh the state board if election w'tfcin ike «*t two wckc. • All of wl eh signifies. o* --.orsc that McAdoo and his friends are oat to captors the state delegation to the New Boric contention. The question immediately What is this rotate to do. to the Dm. T The giea Mr. of to I 1w it will not to doM. If the state IiIb—Mm to wfll torn to fight far it, and to wfll have to fight McAdoo. the mam wtoae cause to aa • to« while ago. He wee a «# tto sthte thai V H ! HZ tnal McAdan 1 K V to of ti popular rata. If It 1 and it ia pointed not that the con vention would not be justified at ll in Miminf that no on* would enter the primary, ereo if ne niaw abouM he filed by that ttae. There ia the consideration toe. that the legalised primary »-#l not ha held until Jane 7. and this vote wffl he binding. If the Daniels people •SouId ask the conrentioa to indoraa their man the effect of their actio*, if seriously tonaMawd. would ha. la forestste, or nullify, the rale of the people who participate hi the June primary, and it aiapiy could not ha do>»e. legally, for Mr. Daniels or tar any other candidate. Ia 1M0 8 ana tor Pimmons waa |N* the support of the state ecBTeatioB, hat « hoik rnoaa waa votad on In the primary. If Daniels therefore la la gat • Mt fa. ha will hare la gal lata the pri. la the priaaary ha wnald ha cMLaai

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