Meedames Mollis HtpMN, Emma Jenkins and C. M. M ip—t Monday in Winatnn-Salem. L. T. Avery of Maibini, Va. ayoit the poat weak and with friends in thin city Mr*. C. E. Ketlam of Biaooe spent the paat we^k and with Mm W. A. Bolt in this city. Miaa Maa Sharp* and brother John Sharps of Greandbore. »pant Easter with their si star Mrs. W. M. Jordan. Mm. N. J. Dixon, of Silar City, •pant Eaater with the family of bar brother, R. H. Leonard. Miaa Minnie Paly of Wtnston-Salem •pant the week and with Mra. Clydb Shelton in this city. W. E. Lindsay and family, accom panied by Misses Myra Olive and An na JReece «nent Eaater at Chapel Hill returning Monday. Herbert Neville of Raieiirh and aia ter Mis* Annie of Chapel Hill visit •'<1 their uncle. W. E. Lindsay, Mon day and Tossday. M. T. Hick and Samuel and William Moon of Hlfk Point apent Monday here to visit Mrs. Lola Moon who is ill at the bMM of Mrs. W. A. Bolt in this city. Mrs. T. 8. Early and daughters Misses Blanche and Grace Early of Winston -Salem spent Eaater bars guests of Rev. aad Mra. C. C Ha Miss Gertrude Pierce of Goldabore waa a lovely visitor bare for the Baa tor holidays, she waa the roast V Misses Anns Johnson and Elisabeth Primrose, totters in the hone of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lewis. Dr. and Mrs. M. 8. Martin and dauchters Virginia and Elisabeth and • son Dick Martin left the first of the wssk for Jacksonville, pia., where the doctor will attend a Medical meet be Rev. 0. W. Taylor, returned mis sionary from Brasil. spoke to the wo man of the Presbyterian church, in the home of Mrs. C. A. Bsird Monday afternoon, on the mission work for women in Brasil. Miaa Jeannette Culverh <use, of Oca la, Pla., stt lent of N. C. C. W„ Greensboro, attended the dance at the club rooms Monday night. Miaa Cal verhouao is the roast of Miss Eliz abeth Long. The Pin* Arte department of the Woman1! club kw poatponed its meet blf from rridajr afternoon until a on account of the eran «aHatic awHm in p*m>a— at Cen 1m) Ua4kni(U4 nil in mil rrai Jirinoaisi rnurvn. Miaa Mm Wert left wfll attend the rraduatlnir i recital of Miaa Julia Marahafl Little, of Mnrren, at Oreenahoro Collate for Woman' at *:S0 Wedneeday evening. Miaa Weet wfll aiao riatt Miaa LociU John eon at SmithfleM heftae return h»f 4| Miaa Kate Johnaon, of Charlotte, and Jaa W. Johnaon. atodent of the Stata college, Raleigh, apent Eaatar with tMr parent*, Editor and Mr*. J.'K. Johaaoa. Hugh Boyer and Reward Pay atu af Trinity college. Durham, the Kaater vacation with tMr Dr. aad Mr* H K. Boyer and Mr. and Mr*. B. C. Fay in thia eity. At a anatlm of the wurfcaw coun cil of the firat Bapthrt Sunday achool «. K. Jaekaon te a to H 11 ill work in* in cwjwittm wltfc Hm Wa mm ftowarln* ttuMmtf that woald ha unirafaally adoptad by tiM rtty M (to (mrlto plant. II* dw tawrtiaj open th» awttar of play igmh for tha chlldran and ngrattod vary araeh that the yownr paopla of anr etty did nnt Hav» tha pill Hag ■ of • municipal pl*jL*n>ond (WM Andrew, manager of the hots! had arranged an artistfe de corative effect with apple Uomm ■ Hj| |nai iilllla Bai<| — -J «■ alalinsata inti /nni|U!i* nn»i wrvni mn flinoriif • I* i*owa* Bma consisting of fruit, cocktail, celery, pickl*. olive*, spring • hicken. ham, graaa pen*. Saratogn potatoes, talari# A La Bine tee cream moulded aa Easter tilies I.ih. arty Mi, CHrimlh slippers, statues | of nnimal*. t ark ay* and many other interesting forma. Iwqmfnrt cheese, •uiltines after dinner coffee and mint* The fa»r>r» for the ladies war* rose leaf satcheta In iprin* eolar* and tha attendance prise for ladiaa waa drawn Hy Mian Iran* Smith and for clnh members by R. C. Brown. Fir* Destroy* Good Couatry | Fanned by • strong wind. Mr* Joal Simmon*, of Kranciaco, Stoke* Co., aged N year*, stood and aaw a tiny blasa on the roof of bar horn* grow Into a roarin* furnace which da rt royad her eight room bouse. tobac co barn, feed barn, ator* house and outbuildings, causing a ioaa to her of morn than $10,000, with only 11,100 insurance. Thin all occurred within a few minutee on laat Saturday afternoon. With Mr*. Simmon* lived her (on and several grand children. All the member* of the household war* visit ing a neighbor with the exception of Mr*. Simmon* and a six-yaar old grand child. Mr*. Simmon* diacov erad the ftre on the roof near the chimney when it was Jost a tiny cart of *mok* and licking flame, bat owing to bar age she was helpleaa and tha high wind that Whs blowing *oen brought daati action to bar waMwei and other building* The store bones was unoccupied but contained all the grain, meat and other provision* *f the family. Mra. Simmons is a sister of our clothier, 0. L. Simmons i —| Clark-Williamson It will be of intereet to friends of the bride here to learn of the mar riage of Miss Mary Louise Clark to Otis Loftin Williamson, of Sanford. u ulch occurred in Bennettsville, 8. C. April IS. The Marriage waa haft secret a short time. The bride is the youthful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, of San >nJ formerly of Moant Airy, and left here a year ago with her parents % mere school girl The groom is aleo vou'hful aad has the contract for Handling the in-coming and out-going mail at Sanford. About twauty fWe couple* enjoy «d the twenty third annual tutor 4*«e» *»-.* In the 0 mmercial '•tab! o<>m» Monday eretiln*. Muale «u furnlahed by the Robert j E. Lee oreheetra of Wbinton Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Smlthwieh Ian returned to their home fan thia eity after (pending aeveral raontha fas Mr. and Mrs. Garland Shelton and children of Statearille eiaited the fam ily of T. 0. Fawgett last week. Mr. aad Mra. i. 0. Saunders and' [children of Iter bare with relatirea. \ ] &T" "» Mrs. R. H. Jadwm of Waatfleld to Hatthf bar aona J. A., R R and W.j E. Ja E. B Eldridge aad Rrr. C W. Irrta of Glade Valley W. C. Turner Max Meadows, Ta, the city at Po of laat •t t:90 o'clock whan Mlaa BMa* bride of John T. tutor Jr., tUr. K. B. WIlltMMon paator of tho ThahrMa ■tudf-nt at Willi 'Carolina .lb* fM • w—tn of the | rlaaa thla 7MT. Mm la a daughter of Mr Mid Mr* CImtIm Coon, of Wilann. nmf a trfanddauffhtrr of Mr. and Mm. B. f. Spar*ar of thia cttjr H«r fa W. who la aoperintrndrnt at aehoola of Lonotr county ia wan Known hi «tat* adoration rtreloa. Mr* Baxter a y-ry charming young woman and quit* popular wharo war aha la The bridegroom La thr son of Mw( and Mm. John T. Baxter, of 8armr r*H«i itrert extension, OraenMMro. The young man i* connected with the North Carolina Car flirilw aaaocia ' on which haJ headquarter* at High Point. .„ The <rr»moa» wa« eery quiet and w*n witnessed only by a few frinuh and nttthm of the young people. Mr. and Mr*. Baxter left for Ashe II* for a bridal trip. On their ra il they wfll ha at kaaw hi Airy B*y WWt la Nt»Y«k New* ha* beea received here of the marriage of Bryon Gantry, for merly of thi* city, to Ml— Eleanor Bartley which took place at the home of the bride'* parent* Saturday even intr at •:» o'clock Blrhmend Hill, New York city. Mr. Gantry la a *en of Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Gentry of thi* city and since he completed his (du ration he has s^ant much of hia time in Waahington and New York, he la now employed wtth the Western Elec tric Co. in N M York and after their return from a bridal trip te Boston they will be at home in their own home in that city. A Saturday even in it at *-M o'clock at the haaM of Ber. and Mrs. C. C. Hay mora whan Miaa Clara Linaback be came the bride of Trtjr B. of Bluefield, W. Va., the Bav. Haymore officiating. The bride ia the youthful of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Linaback of thi* city She «u attractively at tired ia a costume of dark bin* crepe with aecaaaoriaa in Alias bin*. The groom is a valued aaaployaa of the Mount Airy Mantel and Table company and a native of Bluefield, W. Va. They are now at home at the f4al» 'Icnca of the bride'* parent* on Worth ■treat Collage Girl A party of aavan student* of Salem by a teacher spent Easter camping on the lawn of the C. Binde on Pine atreat. The party was poaed of Miaa Chaaa, teach* Maaaaehuaatta, Miaaaa Miriam Braita, Selma. Elisabeth Tyler, Briatol, Tana. Ix>i* Culler, KarnarcrtUa, Agnee Carl ton, Margaret tflannah, Eloiae Wtnia all of Winaton-Salam and Flora Bin der of this dty. . A Bride* Party a Xlim Isabel Smith antortetea# ffunitoy rmiat at two Ublaa of bridge M*!11! MImm Irene Dobbtna, Ethel Harnea and Elltabeth Loot wfco lears m far a distsat dtjr to • hospital for nurse training. , Other gvaats ware Miss Ja V'ulrerkooaa, of Florida, gnaat of Mia I-nnf, Misaaa Eleanor Hffl. Leaato Smith. Natl Folfsr and Mrs. B. H. Mrs. lwwB)u won the prise a I wy pendant. .» »! aandwicbea, to ^ >,1. rfator Mra-C ^ te«a al * at Mi •ither brain power or phvilral rnrrrj. Uncheckdd. it will do Doth. Cham berlain's Tablets, convenient to taka, unobfruaive and gentle in action, M tirely without unpleasant after effect stimulate the entire intestinal tract, and are exactly fitted to the needs Wtuday nicht mtM the dM of a sevtaa M iaiti»la ttM hv. Mr. fw daa ha* fcatd In tMa aeetten dartac the Baptist Ml Ma mmUm umllii It is BO • •d at of to the '» m. rhildrai'i Wuh Boy's Salt* ..., Children's Play Suit* and Romper* priced.. .Ma ItttJI New Homarfe fob Dreaac* for Woman and Children t !Mm af Tl—*«»'■ Sate mt Laad \b* Ttrtm of authority veatod in m a wrtil» M of truat nwsM hy J. r. William, to Edw. M. LinviUa Truatoe for J. H. Dow on tko 5th day of March 1M1 to aerure an indebt nfaMa of HjtOOM and recorded hi tho Begietor of Daada office of Surry County, Dobeon, N. C., in M of truat book 76 pan 48, default having boon read* in the payment of the no tea therein eecuml, aad at tho requeat mt the holder, I wilt aaU for eaeh, to the higheet bidder, at pobtic auction, in front of the Bank of Mount Airy, M. C., on Saturday May 17th. I«4 at 1 o'clock P. M„ the following deaeribed real eatate: Lying and being in Surry County and in Rockford township and adjoining the laada of T. R. Doom Mrm. Bird Hill et al aad beginning at a red oak ■tump and old corner in Charlie Sinpeoa't line and alao T. R. Doaa'e corner aad rune thence with Charlie Simpeon'i Une and B. T. Edmond'e lino H. 4 X-» 4w. E 27 chain* to • rod oak E T. Enaimf» imuoi; IIm N. Ml do*. W. 14.7* eha. to a maplo aaruut na tho bonk of tho branch; than 74 Haka, tluim 70 Haka to tka branch: tbanco down tho branch 10 24 eh* to Bird- HiU'a hao; those* 8. S l-« dag. W. 7. tt eh* to a rack In T E Dom'i Hao; thence l.N(kf.L 11.« eba to a rock; tbanco E t l-S do*. W. 1.40 cha to a rock; thane* 8. as doc. E It eha to tho bofinninc. Contaaa inr lUt aero* axiro or looa. Stic iw§4f to satisfy a balance of I170SJ* principal, mttrnt and e«t of aala to add. Thi* the 18th day of April, 1924. Edw. M. Liari'la, Trnatoo. ' HALE'S DEPARTMENT STORE CASTER BUSINESS < " . • • Our Easter business was the largest we ever had since we have been in business. In fact this is the biggest April business we ever had. Ladies' Ready-to-W ear—Looking Ahead Now don't think that our stock has all been picked over and you can't get what you want We were looking ahead and have had brand new Ladies Hats and Suits come in for after Easter business so you can get just as good choice now as you could before Easter. ... V- ..... Men's and Boys' Clothing Special lot of Young Men's Suits from $12.48 to $14.95 Also Boys' Suits at popular prices. Basement Basement 2000 Yards of 88 inch LL Sheet ing only,. 10c 2000 Yards of Dress Chambrys, . 10c 500 Yards of 82 inch Dress Ging hams, t— 18c Buster Brown Shoes

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