- Airy Edith and Paulina Parry man of Winatun Halnn ara viaitinK Mra. Crnueh. Mra. J. OrrtUa Richardaon of t, Va.. la tfca gaaat of Mra. * " ~««« John Foy haa ratnrnod to Hty after teaching in Um J. f. North*ott, of Wtlaoa, ia viartto# bar daughter Mra. J. H. Hunt of ikb city. Mra. S. N. Allrad Ml laat waak tor im Jaa. & Bray and ehUdran aad Smith, of OWnkoaaa, arrirad M la i ML 8. go to »i»H ralatNw to bare, Danville and ticlwnnd, Va. Mra. C. C. Haia and Mra. k. ft. Jaekaoa ara apanding thia waok at tka hooaa of Mra. Jnduon'a parcnta in Mr. ud Mr*. F. C. PYaitt, Mr V. M. Terry and Mia* A tin* T« the wok tnd with Mr*. B. Nuh in Mr. ud Mn. J. D. Green aad On children left Friday for their hooka a Welch, W. Va., after rit ami relativea in this 1 mS T.CMtf Mr*. J. D. a Ihroly Wldf party We in* homiriac Mia* and Mr. Chaa Daridaoe. a# Ga.. hooae paaU of Mr*. S. Mia* Bacha! Miaa Sara Davideoa left Friday fa* their hoate, Uthoaia. Ga.. after a de lirhtfui three woeka riait with ant Mr*. S. T. G. C. Lovill aad W. H. Wo loaded the an.tlt of the 1 in Hinarille teat Monday at which the Fancy Gap road waa ordered C. C. Hale, Blair Hinea, Will Prath, er aad Dr. L. L. WllHaaii. of tMa city, aad Dyke Yeaag, of i Mm Mary Elisabeth Martin, at Wjrthe county la vliitini relatives Mr. and Mr*. Wll. twr Short will return today from a .toy at Marrttt Oscar Porterfleld, of Mtvilk, Va.. m r«eum*d home after visiting hi* I •inter Mr*. William Merritt. |/Wttle Mia* Sm Ma* Hendren ia a patient at Martin hoapital for treat Fo*. and 8am Marshall, of Baleich, war* week and pmU of their parent* i Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Marshall. R. J. Gailcrway loft laat week toj buy good* in Maw York and Balti Mra. Stedman, of Southern Pines, | at the Creech with their ef Florence, 8. C„ laabel Hunt la visiting rela-1 tivea fat Hondaraon, Wilaon and Wood Hatcher, of Brim, is Waiting her atetor Mrs. V. L. Swan-1 aon in Pilot V. L. Miaa Lucy Bowat Galax. Mrs. Willie Raymere and Mrs. 1. D. Thorn peon a pent Sunday at Moore's ] Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sargont | have returned from a tan days visit | to II or ahead City. Miaa Mary Loo Hatcher, of Brim, wu a visitor here Wedneeday an rente to Richmond, Va., to viait her | Mn. B. H. Mayes. Mrs. Hampton Hatcher, and Dr. Frank Joyce, of Stuart, Va., were viaitors hare Sun day. J I Maaii of Mrs. T. B. McCargn will M aorry to barn that she will ha con ' fined to her had aeveeal weeks with Waaaa Kathrine and Francaa Faw cett are vWthiK the family of their I uncle Dr Charlea Banner in Greenyj horn. hrnthor Wyatt PaiHidge have ra a viait to relatives hi TiMj.y Irtnl ~*r ,:ars.s rr.^ for* MmmI Aby. tL~"~ Mr. and Kn •. C. Fruitt, Mr. aad Mr*. I. M. Tarry pad Mia* Allan* Tarry apeat the will ■»< In Monrea. Mr. aad Mrs. Hoard Rmka, Hal—i ratafl ^ L. * t — — wiiii Bir w nwmi •ni that already two Moravian frianda, of Wlnaton-Salem hava donated the eoat of tha ilofla in tha bMldtnga. Ami I Haa. B. Gihaon Dark, Paator ■chool. 9:46 a. ». Morning worahip, 11:00 a. m. B. Y. P. U 700 p ai. Kvening service, _ 140 p. at Regular prayar and praiaa sar vicee Wadnaaday, S:00 p. m. Tha paator arill preach next Sun day morning and evening on the fol lowing (object* , "Our Source of Pow er." and "Chooatag a Master " Too are cordially invited to all theee ser vicee. The church ia the bride of Chriat, and any tualmmt yoa extend to the church ia the same aa if extend ed Him. The T . E L. claaa will meet with Mrs. Carroll Hill oa Main street Mon day afternoon Aug. 18 at S o'clock p. m. Important mattera will eon be fore the claaa and a full attendance is urgad. n i Bridge Party for Visitor* Xndum E. C. Bmmt and P. *. utiri vim joint hoataasea at pretty bridge party Friday rvaalar riven in tha hum* of thatr parenta Mr.' and Mrs. 8. M. Hal*, in ronpltMHI to Nn Hale'* gu«-«t*, Mm Q. K Nim ucka. Jr., of K.iyetteville, and Mrs. j Howard Hark*. of Hampton Boad*. Va Raecivinr with the honoreea wan Via* t.nra Waller and iaa Nawcomha. of Durham, curat* of Mrs. G. K. 8aow. Aftar a number of mtargeting rub bar* cantaloup- with nut rraam, deril* food caka and poand cake were aarv-1 L Mr*. Niaaork* raceivad the guest of honor prise, Mra Hanka the tap Wayne Christian the ( bride's prire and Mr*. Ballentinc the. Attaad Family Miss Alma Ursulla at the AOf« 4mm4 h • •*». *«» \ V hn»» a ■■dim tafatoria Am to a ] • rwM to mrnf ptrncf tka atoa at Maun I Airy, lualid a* lull Mm mm twiow the paaf offiaa. it la tone ■p.. al. i by Prultt awl U*d«a. a C. ■■HalBik m than Hjm to toi aaa friai (Jl la 11:» to I JM P. M ami ft:** to I'M; aad Mala «W dar at all otka M. C.. Ana. k-Ttonr wltoa Mt naiil today with Arabia aalaa a* tkto aad atkar par cent of tka off tiring* war* caai mon (irtoilf and tka priaea rinfad friHB four ranta to forty ilia. Alt fraaiy and tka fai nn» »m arail Tobacco waa off to quality forty par canto. Pricaa aa all gradaa of caaaaaa and andiiii tobacco »«i» fnaa ftf toan to tttoaty-fW* per caat bicker than on tka ayaaint toat aaaaan bat rhaoMTQ to tka pricaa of tha tew tula thai oheoaad op. Fai' and twenty-five tkeaaend RUMMER CPUS Hotcomb & Don't forget wc an still aakki a f>ci«l Ford Tina. 30x3 at - - - $6.75 30x3 1-2 at - - 7.50 Tubes $1.50 and up." We bare sold over 500 of tbese tire* to bed customers. Get yours aud joiu the ■mhihl If you went your Tobacco Fluee at the right | price see us early. f Big supply of Twiae, per Holcomb & Midkiff "PAY CASH AND PAY LESS' NORTH CAROLINA SEASHORE EXCURSION TO NORFOLK, VA AUGUST IS. lttl VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ftooad trip far* from Moaat lAry, N. C., $7.SO. Pilbau sleeping can aad hi|k tlaa day rnarh— Special train* leayw Gwmtnw »:M P. M. A«| 1». Arrives Norfolk T:4f a. m. Ai|nt IMl Ticket* good 8 Dajn aad t Nifbto ia Norfolk.