ML J. O. HOGAJI Sydoor «ga. carrot*. aaya. burrowfal Ilka; "a*s al way* '■hewia tb> pa Iai <4T dk less a' faofa -•Oh? donl drowa tm. mister. f aaya ftee lp> la am. Ill cars 1m.' «ad I dM ears "ha. Inn; I did thai. I - i- - - tL , I, JUM rMMj co wiiver intir nan AVmnm'i hurlw. >« • "I had • cnrioua himHw of I tnff witcM by mm pec eon or par Mae whom I eoald not in » (nM( that «u mw to lea»e m« durinr the nnt two jwn." Mra. Amy Burke. fowiMM to Prtnceoe Unm daughter of the SuKan'n wm-in-law. in an article written for the Now York Sunday World Magazine, com mencing next Sunday, Baa pictured vfjMRy the life of the Orient hehJU t^<-curtain. To ha mre of a h TRUSTER'S SALS ^ Bjr virtue of the powrr conferred ion ■« by I deed of tiiut executed ► V Morris Samet a .d wife on the 19th d:it if February, 192! ami recanted in B< k 79, paye 11, at lite ivcvrd uf deed* of trust of Surry County, given to secure • debt of I2,2'M).00 to the Surry County Loan snd Trust Com pany, I will s«U to the higbeat bidder, in front of the First National Bonk, on Monday Dm Utii day of September 1924, at one o'clock P. M.. the follow ing described real estate: Lying and bemr in Surry County, adjoining the lands of R. G. Coiding, H. Leonard, Burd Snow, and bounM ss^follows—vii^JBegtnning at a stake Booker's corner, Southern part of this tract runs North seven and 10-100 cha to a w^thMic^Twt few ehs. West sixteen ehs. te a somrwoo}; thence. North four and 1! ehs. to a Chestnut oak; thence. North forty 'our dsgrass East fourteen and 1-1 ehs to a Mpb on the branch taw mill yard; thence, North t waive deg. East eighteen and 90-100 cha.; thence. North eight degree* East toa ehs. to the. corner sis as far K. C. Golding hi Coding's tea; thence. East twenty-one cha. la • Poplar Mr nerjUeo corner for H. Leonard; thence South forty-fire degrsee East savan and 1-2 cha.; thsnca. South seventy ieitrtea East four aha.; thanes South forty-eight Jugrssa East five and 1-2 cha. to Byrd Snow's line; thence South 27 deg. Weat 53 ehs.: thsnca. South sixty-five dag. Waal eight ehs. to the beginning, same containing 107 and <5-100 acres, more or leas. (Par fur i dead froa ther reference aaa dead from J. H. Polgar, Trustee to W. J. Byerly under date of April 1Mb, 191*. and recorded m Surry County Records to Book of Deeds, 77, pare 8, with the exception of 10 acres sold to Link Golding in the spring of 1920. Purchase money to ha paid in cash. Sale made to satisfy the balance of 91600.00 with Interest and coat to he _ 1 _S _ a This 11th, day af Auguat. 1924 A. Kyle Bydnor, Trustee By: W. P. Carter, Atty. MBS. BUSH TELLS OTHER WOMEN How Pains in Side and Draff* gmg Down Feelings Wm Relieved by Lfifia L Pink Kam's Vegetable Compound Maaaena,N.T.—"1 had terrible psina in both my sidaaanda riragtnng-dcwnfaal hw uuii Kiirvirg n»»* aotiiat I could hardly walk, and 1 got run down. A friend who had^Uken Ljdia E riaed me to try it and I luv« takes It with tha bait iw ■Ha. I doniy hulii n«. theaa facta If nv latter will b*-lp other women who *til) Miffer.Mra. Dm. bkrt Biwh. R. P. D. 1, Maamna.N.Y Theaf>uito/ helpfulneaa ahown in the kettert wa arc cooatantij publishing is worthy oi notice. Thaac women know by erpertmee > what l.ydia E. Hnkhamfa Vegetable I Compound will da Your trmblea are I the nm aa theira lim't it rvaauoabie U expect the «am* raaulta? If you have paini and a dragging Start the Boy to School all fitted oat in s New Soft You ean eerily afford it at the following price* and it really doe* help him with his afadiM to know he b m well dr— ti m the othor boya A fall line of lack Tar aulta, all A nice vaiMr of Mite, aioea • to IT $7.50 voltlM. HN Booutiful pottorne oil colon, all, 2 polio ponta, |1S.SO voloao, 116.00 volooo, oil Ihodd, stripe* and plaids, oil wool, caahmerea, Z polio Bxtro aisoa IS to 20, all ahodee. suits that will aotiofy, only flU* Comm and look thom over. Seeing la be lieving. Wars haw's Dept. Store OPPOSITE LEONARD'S JEWELRY STORE. Mowt Aft*, N. C NOTICE North Carolina, Sorry County i In 8uparior Conrt before tha B)erk. Special proceedings. VT 0. Mickey. Administrator of T. & Mickey, deceased., vs. Floyd Pnt lAson. Little Hill, Ellis Hill, 8. A. Mickey, Edd Mickey, Letha Hudson, Eliia Mickey. John Hudson, W. L. Mickey, hairs at law T. E. Mickey. DaeU. To Floyd Patterson. Lillie Hill and Ellis Hill defendants, above named, ■ You will take notice that an action entitled as above has beea nn—snrsri in the Superior Court of Surry Com- j tjr. to allow T. O. Mickey administra tor to sail tka land, of T. C. Wekey. dtcttftd to mht mtti to pty the dfbu and coato of administration of •aid estate *tH tba fu defendants will further taka notice that they are required to appear before the Clark of the Superior Court of Suit* Coot tjr at the court house to Docaon on Tkaraday Oct. Xnd. 1924 and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for Mm re lief demanded in said complaint. This 20th day of August 1914. F. T Lewellin. Clark of the Superior Court. BXKVTOrS none* Having qualified i_ _ mUU of f. Z. Vaughn, of Surry County, North !• to notify >11 person* against the estate of to exhibit them totW „ ar bafora the l»th day of IMS. or this notice will Ss bar of their recovery. AO dabtad U laid estate will immediate payment. TMa l»th day of August, 1M4| r. v. of I. Z. If you are planning to buy a lighting plant— TVB SURE you investigate the J. R. Colt system of Carbide 11 gas lighting, cooking and ironing before you decide. Lower in original cost than other plants of equal value, 55% cheaper to operate than an electrio-light plant (accord ing to published statements of the Wisconsin Agricultural College), and fitrniahea the light that science aays is nearer to sunlight than any other artificial illuminant. The highest insurance authorities agree that Carbide-gas is safer than the illuminant it replaces. No complicated mechanism to get out of order—no parts to replace—no fuel or lubrication. The J. R Colt system requires only recharging (average two or three times a year) with Union Carbide, and removal of residue which then gives service as whitewash, soil corrective or germicide. And remember—besides lighting, this system tarnishes gas for cooking, ironing and water-heating. The J. B. Colt "pit-type" plant is installed in a convenient place in the yard, out of the way and away from the buildings. Very liberal terms of payment allowed. Have a Colt man tell you the whole story. J. B. COLT COMPANY Qolt