tfek* W oae booth for the precinct. la pi >11 tie candidates f< tr office* of both parties last bo oa sUrtori go oa on* shoot, and township candidates of all parties go am the same shoot. At the head of the ticket is the naase of the party candidstes. Republican and Demo crat, and arfcere the straight ticket is Toted the roter simply makes a cross mark at the head of the list. Oa the reverse side of the ballot Is required to be printed the far-simile signature of ihr Chairman of the Board of El>-ctions. and these sre to I* delivered to the several Registrar* m packages of fifty, the Chairman taking receipt from tin- Registrar for them. When the ballots are count ed those voted and those not voted must lalloy with the number to the Reristrar. By this aiethod the bal lots are fll in the hand* of the elec tion officials and no one except the Crty wishing to vote is allowed a lint. To carry out the provisions of the new ballot law for these nine coun ties will require several thousand dollars additional expense on the part of the counties as the law states that the counties shall bear the estimated that it will cost the county at least IVOno more than under the system that will be used by the other ninety-odd counties of the state. Noted Mm to Speek Here Saturday The farmers of the county art look ing forward to the coming of Oliver J. S»nd», of KidHBon4, to tiria county when he will ipeak in Mount Airy Saturday afternoon at two o'clock ir. the intareat of the Tobacco Coopera tive Aaaoriation. Mr. SaiMia ia one of the leading hanker* of the Sooth and ia recogaiaad aa a my able boatneea Bitn. When the fane en or ganiaed the'r aaaoriation for the mar keting of t Amm Mr. Sand* waa ao by the organ iaatian aa Ma adeiasr along ftna-u-*«l t i tow through hia that the I of the Ul taM Mailed or left in The Newa of fice wOl not to publlahed If you eae an Hea that yea aent onaigned print ed in our pa par M ia a aigti that aone we were aMe to rertfy it We M to km newa tot nut know (tree it Thia ia far the pro • of the public aa well aa ear - • 1 of the tuaaty what! km voted a mimJ art tarnt getting started The with It the large the town nd coon try. 81s school bain convey the children of the country to aad from their he At Dohaoa the enrollment hi Tha day m the new building. which is he ma oaad for tha first time. This school employs eight teachers and on tha first day enrolled a total of 163 children, with 4* hi the high school Three hatsct art oaad to carry child ren from a distance. . s - Diw From hsjwriaa B. Prank Scott of Shoals diad at Martin Memorial hospital Friday af ternoon from inJmias i waited from a falling tree which he had sawed down. When the tree fell it lodged in another one and <>ne of the large Ihnbe flew back and struck Mr. Scott the blow breaking his back which caused his death 24 hours later in the hospital where he was rushed for treatment. Mr. Scott was one of the most prominent citizens of hit community and it is said the largest crowd in the history of the county attended the funeral services Saturday at Shpals Baptist church. More than 100 automobiles were in the funeral procession and H required an hour for the large number of friends to pass by tha remains and look upon their departed neighbor for the last time on this earth. Republican* to Organize i * Coolidge Club \ Republican County Chairman 0. 9 Webb has issued • call for a meet ing of all members at his party to be held in this city Saturday night for the purpose of organising a Coolidge-Dawes Club. Altar organ', izing and the election of officers, plans will be formulated for a can vass at the county in the interest of the party^At the same misting the Republicans of Mount Airy t ova ship will he called upon to nominate a candidate for Recorder in addition te a full township ticket Judge Lew ellyn is the Democratic nimiaii far this office, having been islsctsd by M» Jamas DJ^wi^JMsi After Following an illness at mors thaq a year Jamas D. Lowry, one of Mount A try's oldest eMms. paasad away last Thursday aMrnlng at the home of Ma mm, Arthur Lowry, on Keener street, about 71 years at age. Mr. Lowry had been a rsatdsnt of thls dty almost from his youth and for M years Seas associated with his hrnthsr T. J. Lowry, hi ths printing held from ths home by Dr ■. K. Boyer, pastor of Central Msthudlst church, of which the deraased waa a mssaber, and the rsmslns hitsiisd In ftshidals i—iisij. Cirr—■■ Ed Valentine, oi tkt Pilot Moun Un iwtin. died at Martin Measor ial hospital k«t Saturday morntef from • pistol bull* wound he had t» c*M two waaks baton Than is much mysury surroaodmc the dsath of this num. who wti about M jnan of at* Upon his arrival at tha hoa p tal M was found tha* a pistol hul let had entered his abdomen and there nev*r was any hope of his re •overy. He never talked Bark about the sec (dent only to aay that he ae •idrntly shot himself with an aoto •aatir pistol, yet thoae familiar with •hesr weapons cannot understand how he could possibly through acci dent hold it sa that the bullet would otrike as it struck him. Tha officer* have tried to fat some connection with tha nrrident account b»tt tliey cannot unravel anything ahnvt it. Valentin* was not married and was a son of John Valentine, who live* on Factory utreet this city. Jurors For October Covrt Oct. 20th First Week—J. ML Isaacs. J. M Chilton, C. S. Barnes, Oris Franc*. J. W Barker, 8. W Fulk. J. P. Lewis. R. 8. Fowler, J. A. Sparr<*r, Frank Taylor, J. R. Barker. C. W. Taylor. Matt Collins, G. E. Harrey. R. 8. Scott, C. B. Franklin, It L. Carson, W. F. She!ton. U. H. Eldridge.Joe W. Badfett, Joe A. Kirkman. P. L. Trotter, C.W. KIdennan, J. M. Callo han. C. E. Collins. J. P. Owens. J P. idUns. W. „ Loor. I. E. Bedsaul, L. P. Venable, Cockerham, John Adkins, ~ t<t jTa " Snead, J. A. Lonr. J. W. Jo E. Bedsaul, LP V enable, Low*. R. B. Short. T. H. Harris. B Second Week—R. 8. Poindexter R. N. Leftwich. A. L. Wilson. J. W. Mat thews, Geo. H. Badfett, j. M. 8m Hh, P. G. Lowe. W. TWhlte, M. C. Gen try, Irs D. Ferguson, J. M. Thomp ". R. Thompson, W. C. Prseneu. Welch, C E. hartley, Jee Hilt. rv T Hunt. T. J Fwrmiturw At C—InJ CWrch, The stewards of the church win I mee^-at 7 P. M. every Tueeday from no* until conference. V 1/ Beautiful aew pulpit furniture an&, a communion table to match have been presented to the church by two ladies of the charch. Mrs. P. A. Owen will entertain her Runday school class Thursday at 4:t0 P. M. Dr. H. K. Boyer has returned from Winston-Salem where be attended a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Chll*«rti the Children's Home. Children's Home to Fundi have been contributed for buildings to house 260 children. I The Mission Stodr daas will at 8 P7m. Ml with Mrs. J. H. HeMMI to plan fo fob Dixie Hint, wUM foe pnp or prodoc toww. Mrs. F D. Hull —> tic. AUTOS FOB SALE—1M0 _ Ford on*-ton track, for Ford roadster. W. L. tie FOB SALE—Om Iw twi Nfaa u new. One good L Sao B F. Law Airy, N. C. Boot# 4. ltp FOB SALE—Ftee Loo Cm>i, For* 0 rFirtd Om 102 •li two tenant I Fi* cotton land. On-- mi'o from town of Saaford. First class school facilities including high ickooL on* mile Lib oral terms. For further information «rite D. B. Teagoe. San ford. N C. 11 4p LOST! LOST—(toe white sad Mack Sotter female dog. S 1-2 year* old. also female pap six month* old, marked same as old dog. These dogs left home Sunday - even ing. Will pay liberal reward for re turn or for information leatLn* to re covery Clove Lewellyn, Dobton, N. C . Sept. It. lfM. ltc FOB SALE—Ford tounnr car in first class .-rendition. See J. F., Allred. Cherry St.. Mt. Airy, N. C. J ltc. POSITION WANTED—While girl desires position with small family to do general house work. Call at 1S1 Price street. ltp. FABM FOB BENT—Contain* 300 acres, at station, nod roads, dose to school and church, good outbuild-1 ings, high state of cultivation Paulo ' Micheli. Mattaox. Va. lO-lOp FOB SALE—-Good pair ai eight year old moles for sale, will trade for house and lot. Also nice saddle See W. E. Cantor at W. J. Herrings. tfe nurw. FOB SALE—One Williams Cora Mill, 20 tech Bocks. Good as now. at a bargain price. 8m or write W. A. Sutphin. Jr- Mount Airy, N. C. Booto 2, box SO. 10-llp OB SALE or reat—New eight hows om Lebanon SL All ■ Chriatiaa. at Airy tfe market! a r cotton rram «tock raking jwrt anything bar*. Beat and public roads la OtorfW. Q«-. *ell at a bargain, Sam Warrant »-l»p . lfc; stow, 12 1-fc. Whan yoa bay Mm ms sr C. Council 11-ltp LUMBER FOB BALE—Call aad aoo Woodruff at aew boose on Church FOB Call Tomateaa for raaahm. M *r see T. BAat What more pleating way of within* a speedy return to health for a nek friend than to send roar wage with Flow em? Send Van Lindley» Flowers. Largest Florist in the South. W. & Wolfe Drug Co. — YOU SHOULD NAME IK sum COUNIY LOAN & TRUST CO. AS YOU* EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: When You Hart Left the Room w. E. MERRTTT Ca DKVOE PAINT AMD VAftillSH PRODUCTS Whose Judgment May Be Trusted to Manage Your Property?

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