Our toilet line was never more complete... Drop ♦ J> and let us show you. Preparations made especially for your complexion. Mount Airy Drug Co. "AGmIDiw 12a wnci of North Carolina. Sorry Cow**. Puissant to coil of the Choi rata* of tho Board of Elsctious of Surry Coun ty. tho mU Board of Eloctioao of Sarry Coonty, not oa this tho Ml day of Soft. 1924. and tho following pructMttnfi irt had &nd don* tow it: Tho following OniJ?" and Resolutia* i 5e aiado, satsssd and adopted, to wit: | Wfcereae it amari to tho Board that the four wards and polling piacee I hi Mount Airy Townahip, ar. not suf finent for tho sccsesadstion of tho . -*• - following Urritocy i_th. »*■■«*«- ** hn street to Main itmt; thence That the following territory shaB ha aad conatitate Ward No. I to wit: Bermnina at the intersection of Maia and Franklin Streets ia the Town of Mt. Airy, aad raoniag with Franklin street to Sooth (treat; thmw wtth Sooth Stieet to Ptse street; thence with Pine street to tho bridge oa Lovill'e Creek, the corpor ate limits of The Town of Mount Airy; then with the Ftae Ridge-Low rap road to the Mount Airy MMNMl i Creek Township line; with the Mount Airy and Stewart's Creek Township line to the Virginia line, and continuing with the liae be tween Virginia and Mount Airy Township to the Fancy Gan road; thence with said road to Lebanon Street at the corporate limits of tho Town of Mount Airy; thence with Lebanon street to Main street; thence with Main street to the iwtrinnin*. That all calls for roads and streets shall be held and construed to mean the middle of such roads or streets. tnd. That there shall he a new Registration in Wards No. 1 and No. I, aa above described and defined registration to be held in accordance with law.^ and for the neat ensuing Hurt the polling place, <# _ pracinct ia Ward No. 1 shall ha at Graaite City Motor Company room, on Main Street, Town mt Srd. v tin shall he at Old Central (now Tobacco Growers' Co-operative ■ Warehouse) oa Frantyia the Town of Mo la Its Town el Mount Airy. M. C. _ — j. Herrtag ha aad kg U kMMkf BMohltl Ward No I ind that WMsw s^pas • wt vsni ♦f®* . - aad Hawry Wolfe ha aad harthy apaninlsd Judaea ef in Ward No. 1. J2K,1 JLLsIflEuEL*?! W.J5 aaTthat rT McRianey^and ""TS* jtd£? rfTaStJlTbi I It farther ordered that Wards f, I and 4 ha aad rsaaahi aa at r mc. Lire AMD A FOY L. >«r LMiutfi Umbey DR. J. i DOT MOUNT AST. K C ML J. D. HOGAN Sydnor & Sparger Imvuc* Areata MOUNT AIRY. N f. KOY C MITCHELL. M. D. wttu"""1 Mi M(1m Im »-U A. M. ur.t Mot 1. lirHI, if* • IbMA.1L P.Ealkr tr )r. W. M. Hollies w*lb DENTIST Mount Airy, N. C. Dr. J. P. COX o*« MOUNT AWT. N. C DR. J. P. COX MOUNT AKT. ML C YOUR OPPORJVNITY ^ This is your opportunity to place a New 1924 Model Great Majes tic Range in your kitchen at a real bargain. By all means don't fail to see the New MODEL MAJESTIC—it's the last word in modern range construction. Many, many im provements hare been added to this already famous range and its graceful stream line beauty will please you immensely. Make it your business to drop in our store at least one day diving our Special Exhibit and Sale of Great Majestic Ranges ONE WEEK ONLY :.---I September 22 to 27 FREE tarn; Ihis Exhibit Only i Polished Solid St The set illustrated above it of par highly polished and of exquisite design. Every woman falls in love with it on sight— dont fail to drop in and see it Look at these two fine sets of cooking utensils! Either set may be your* absolutely ( without coat, just for decid ing to buy your Great Ma jestic Range this week in deed of later. ^^Evcrybody Knows What the Majestic 1>