- Etdriitge'i Drag Store ■ Prescription Druggists Mount Airy, N. C ✓ Phone 31 The Rtxall Store k rii,& • m Van Lindley's CUT FLOWERS —PHONE— W. S. Me Drag (s. TfMtM'i Halt rf By virtu* of the power of sal* cor UlMd in a certain M of tract eae *1 <tnd bu» ruted by Ksther Kay* O'Neal. band B. H. O' Neal, to the undersign ed, trust**, and dated February lit., 1M4, to awiuia a noto therein recited aa follows: 14,000.00 due August 11. 1994. with intaraat at tha rata at 6 pcant ffgm date until jMid said noto payable to J. Worth Davis, and aaid M of tnaat ia racordad la Ik* office of Register of Daada of Swrry County. N. C.. ht Book 81, an paw* MB. default h*vta«beon made jsTlhe bjMttla'haMar'af'iaM noto STdSi of truet.^for a aato of tk* ^landa da I win tall at pubrtc"iM»rtton to tba higheet bidder, for each, at tha Court Houaa door la Dobacn, N. C„ am Friday Hipfmbae fcth. 1M4 at it •'etaak M. tba laada diacrilid aad laavsyii la ■aid daad at traat, aa follawas A certeia tract of laad lyiag aad be la« ia Mm Coaaty of Barry, State at North Carollaa: f at the i of Fiah Ihw aa tba waat bank taa aaat 4$ eka. to a reck «a tha i SO cha. to a white oak! McKaugkaa'a earner; thence with MeKauckaa't Una 14 eka. to a stake; thence with McKayghaa'a line M.1S eka. to a white oak stump; tkanea waat to a: (n.L fWaaatu>a(la , ... ,, . a _laL • wW MB'wiijwn 9 roi iivi t viiviitc wiic 1 Davenport'* line to a white oak j ■tump; tkeaea 10 at a aounxaod W. T. port'* line 20 eka. wttk *aid Davenpei ck*. to a birch at Flak river; dawn tke river 10 eka. to a Thomas Wikaotk't corner tha Wflmoth's Una SU0 eka to tha of Fiah river; tkeaea up Ftsh river aa it anandwi 10 I t ck*: tkeaea croaaiag aaid Flak river t 1-2 to Fkil-1 »1 I - »-■- ... _j«_ iidb coriiFr, tnenc»* boui n wspqit wiin niiUpa' liaa 2 eka. froai the mar M; ck* to a wain at tree, tkeaea 2 eka. to j the weat bank of the riv down the aaid waat baak of the river 10 ck*. to tk* bagiatiiag. coatemiag 285 acraa, more or laaa. Except 110 acre* on the arret aide of the above Garner. Thia 28, day of August, 1024. Ckaa. R Helaabeck, Trustee, Rural Hall, N. C. those who take on the short trip, or Ion* journey, Chamberlain's Colie and Diarrhoea Rimed;. Keep a bot tle handy and ready for emergency, night or day. You caa get aa early copy at Tba News at Creed's Book Store every week. Placed ea sale there immed iately after coming tram the prsas. Willard Service Station J. C. Vtfltr, M. P. fiiurm aad W. M. BtuWy, Proprietor*. Located a< Koot of Sooth Mais Street Hill That Good Gulf Gu—Oil—Froe Air and Water Service 24 Hour* is Um Day BatUrm Repaired Eight Hour CWrgmg Service IftlliM. Starter ami Cwirate Work Lwe of Groceries, CoW Drteka. Tlrea. Takoa aW Automobile Acceaaoeiee Dull, Sluggish Feeling ■black-draught! Ow Th mmoi PMfea^H Sold • Tmt 5 par cant Work cm the Martha ffulltngvr: Horn* for Oirii la iirnnaiing wall. The arehitert la Mr. Erto <L fttillwell 1 of Hwtoiwtlh ami tha for—an | .,f tha conatruetIon ia Mr. W. Free man Thonsae alee of HcariffMflvHI#. Noarljr all tha urfMan and labor ara am tha jafc ara local peopla. Tha loyalty of thaaa man workiag <itt tha .fevildinc ami their interoat in tha achool la ahown by tha fact that mora than II per cant of tha labor la be ing donated by tha Man aa they' ara greatly naaM and thia la aa ay-1 poal to tha frMa of Froitland to all who Mlrn In Chiiatian tion to halp aa now la thia day off and of opportunity. Twenty - yaara of aoeeaaaful hiatory I la of tMa achool. At aa parted In tta hiatory baa tha upyut tanlty for gaotdaa i tha Hbad far tha kind of idaala which Fruit land upholds afar baan greater. Chore baa, Sunday achoola, Sunday achool claaaaa, miaaionary »uciotiaa, aa wall aa Individoala, ara helping in thia great taak. Principal N. A. Malton baa baan aakad by tha board of trnataaa to g+»t hia time thia yaar to tha raiemg of money for tha building program. Ha wilt welcome luggvrationa front any ona aad ha aincerely nrgee that tha frianda of tha achool randar every aervice poeai bla. Planaa do not wait to ba par aonally solicited. bat aond in tha aolicttor for the entarprioe. Worker* mm W«rhl*» K||mI Dui Win Rac* Afuwt Alexandria, Kgypt British engi nasri. who u* fast completing the world'* bifitnl dam on the Blue Nil* in the Sudan, have triumphed m a six months' race against the Nil* floods. The chief object of the dam ta to raise the level of the water at this spot to a height at which it will flow through canals to irrigate a tract of more than 3,000 acres of land. The annual floods, which reach their highest in mid-July, threatened to nullify the work of the engineers j Faced with this fact they have push ed the operations with an army of 19,000 workmen for the past six months before winning a victory1 which was In doubt to the last mtn-, ate. Turk* to Tu Visitor. Constantinople, Aug. t#.—The city authorities propose to exact income tax from foreigners visiting Con stantinople oa businesa. Despite a protest by the Turkish Chamber at Commerce, the proposal to likely to be accepted. A foreign business man staying beyond a certain time will only be granted a visa to leave Tar key sfter paying recoaae tax here. TUa-Japt. 1st. 1014 2-1* W, W. Chrintmn D. C. Rwlnr. Mr*. A.* Wi Tint National Bank Mfemt Airy, N C. I H» given satufaaory Krvk* v to its customers tor more than V , twenty-rive years. **yrcxj CM lcm all you need to know about cm lufarica. X taou in one ItMoa," uyi the Fleet Boa*. "There are juat faurndae. Sfeaadaedbe on'Standard Polarine. Gat the r^ttt The coeract conaiNtacyof oil or gteaee Car it ant raae, naoi aad track. If you are bo* sure whether you arc uaiug the right ooa aak your dealer to ahow you hia "Scandard" Mat ine Chart. Then, whuwu you go, aak far that conaaaCaaacy If you «apart your engine to he oa the job ahaww you ■aad it, it ia up to you to lake ante of it. Buy your oil oa • quality baaaa. Change it at leaat every 900 oika. Yaara of upttitacc hove ■how that to be about the Kmit of aofaty. Under average coudkioua fhe very beat of craaakone of col lec» enough road grit end unbunat fael in 900 oulae to kn dtmmft! dhatod freah ol you put in, evau a high ryiality oil tike "Suoadaad** Marina. Ploy oh—new ad on a wgaln achednte ia daaapar

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