CUridge'i Drug Store Prescription1 Druggists Mount Airy, N. C ■ Phone 31 The Rexall Store Who* Judgment May Be Trusted to Manage Your Property? V '1 ■ ''J* .. 'i>': •; ♦: ;,,v M «N It to to Haay ha Va h llBpftNiflM tikst tila CdBBaVt of Ml *«tatoby a Wg oraaotmattoa Hha tfco Bank of Mmnt Airy MhdBBMBBitSg ■«!■■■■■■■ U»«t tbay an < natr ■m .)y law whan • ba of THE BANK OF MOUNT AIKY Ada aa AAaMatratar, bmtor, Qmmttm aa W. E. MEKRITT CXX umoaos m wt m. DtVOE PAINT AND VARNISH PRODUCTS YOU SHOULD NAME THf SURRY COUNTY LOAN I TRUST CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: n« Trust Conu; will Mi that your will to tawa etmctlj ai, wha» mm4 h Exacutor. make* ao chary— lot piupwlj diawiat ap tha will ar kaaping It under Mai in iu vault. Director* W. W. Burka. A. G. Bowman. W. F. Carter, E. H. Wren*. W. A. Tark. P. 8. Eldridga, W. W. Hampton W. G. Sydnor, I. D. tattfc. W. P. CASTER. PiaaMank. W. W. BURKE, Viea-Piaa. W. G. 8YDNOR. Sac. * Tim Doll, Sluggish Feeling «g LACK-DRAUGHT ■tud-hf," ityi B LAC K-DRAU BUT Mm affliMa received warnI of the raptor* today fr«M Warder, 8. J. Mn, of the priaan, who effect The trial of. Dr. fwmt far the killing of Chief of Ptiiiw J. C. fay. tor, of Til—IM*III», kit eaheeqoent of iMrt priaan, Ma wnip. ami the natlan-wM* **anh aktek It prnripi. tatad, fanned one of the atoat noted 11 111—I caaaa la the aimal* of North CMaf Tayloa au ahot torn by tha phy»tcla» In the itraat of Thoni **ville wil| In April. 1M1. hitaik waa jailed, and at hi* trial hi Jon* of that yoar waa found to ha inaane br tha Jmt and araa committed ta tha Oi August M. IM2. Peacock earap *d from tha prlaai hjr aaakii tha bara of Ma call and tying hia blan ket* into a rapt down which ha ht tudad. Prieon official* inunediatr hr inatitatod a *anrch, and laat year Peacock waa aaaa by a North Caro linian in Florida, who reported tha mattar. Tha doctor had appaarad before fhrida official*, had himaalf ex amined and declared aaaa and re amed tha practice of hia profeeeion. Mi extradition kjr the tiamtlw of Florida and a hiring took place in Tallahaaaae. It waa announced that Faacock would he latui nil to North Carolina, bat before the pnpeu coo Id he iaanad he disappeared. Be had not been under arreat while the hearing A fw weeka afs ha waa traced to Loe Angola*. Caloflrnia, hot there he diaappaarad. Laat woek priaan of ficials were notified that a man be Kmd to ha Faacock waa at El Ca Jan. California. Governor Morrison, at the request of anperintandent Poa, of the prison, issued extradition paper* naming Warden Baahee aa the agent of North Carolina. Warden Buabet left at once for the weatorn atate and ex perienced no difficulty according to dispatchea received hare, in locating Peacock and effecting Ma arrest. Warden Bosbee notified Superinten dent Poo that Peacock will fight ex tradition, hot, in anticipation of thia, the warden waa given authority to employ counsel in the matter. ! Alwaya Feel Good After Eatiag ! Chamberlain'a Tablet* are just wM t I you need when you feel dull and ata , pid after eating. They stimulate the I action of the atomach. liver and | bowel*, and the whole body respond* to the renewed activity of these ba ' portant organ*. Only 2Bc. I . are aa 'If Tour him b Tbere, WUTnNeed ItaGMd Tmhc For the KkUeys" The Udani are the Ktvengtri and tbey work day and night in aeparat te aad the pokoaa from the blood. Their aignala of diatreaa are eaaily recognized and include nch «ymp toma aa lumbago, backache, deprn atona, drowaineaa, irritability, head achea, dixxineia, rheumatic twingea. dropay. People ai •vary day that the 4o the bo well, n« oacaaionaRy. The _ ehminative organ aad are cosstaatly working, tepa rating the (olltn from the blood. Under thia coa tinual aad perpetual action they are apt to coogeat, aad than troable atari a. Uric add hacka ap into the ayatem, cauaing rhenmatiam, neural gia, dropiy aad many other Mrioaa disturbance*. It meant that yoa are • victim of uric add poiaoning Then aak your druggist for Anurk (anti ark acid) aad yoa will very aooa he come one of hundreds who have beea helped by thia powerful enemy to ■rk acid. Dr. Pierce manufactures Anuric (kidney backache) tablet* aad yoa can obtain a trial pkg bv enclosing 10. jr..I jdrirrsting 1> Pkrte. In valids' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y. " ^'SSi : for the Ever Van Liod ley's an mm —PHONE— W. S. Wdfe Dreg Cf. No fi«r of rvfl rmMm from riwip of dK watar, or elunku, coaearna thoae who tak« on tW abort trip, or toac joorney, Chmmbrrlain't Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. Knf a bot tle handy and ready far emerccncy, nijh» or day one of the ^Buick models T. J. Smith wick Willard Service Station J. C. Vtfln, M. P. PiiMnwn ami W. M. . Priprittm. Lw*ti4 at Fm* of Saatfc Main Street Hill That Good Golf Gu—Oil—Free Air and Water Strict 24 Hoors ialkDiy BattoriM Kptiwd * Eight Hor CW|mi Soric** of Grocariaa, C«M Drinks. Tiraa. Tahaa and £*Omany people think that any l3oil will lubricate any bearing. , As a matter of fact the choice of the best oil for any given piece of machinery is a difficult technical problem. a Speed, pressure, temperature, clearances and the kind of metal are some of the things that have to be taken into account in se lecting the correct lubricant. Fortunately there is a wide range of oik to choose from. Some Oil*" Sut SO IttIWt II SIIWlM likti lufy will wuck thfif way through the tightest joints. Others are eo heavy as to seriously irurd the mntlnti iuhjhlji - motion oi movuig parts. a correct lubricant for every part of every car. "Standard" Polar ine Motor Oils and Greases, for instance, come in a complete range of consistencies wiitihlr for every part of your car. The gine is to use the correct "Stand ard" lubricant for each part and to renew it as frequently aa Next time you are at a "Stand ard" dealer's garage or service station study the "Standard** ip Jjujbic f R ndbi dona. It tells exacdy which coo Milt my to uae in each place, Summer and Winter. Tab tea to be exact—k pays. * the STANDARD OIL COMPANY, (Now Joney) Eahibit at the Carol mas' Expoiitioa, Charlotte, N. C., Sop Umber 22 to Octohor 4 fW*

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