Party Imw Are Explained hi Democratic Campaign Book ■jmimUm of rmHttmmry nk; fcwwrt iwWn of tfco tartfl to rodaoo IIm oaat of Ihriac ami md Urn orgy of p*«*!>■■ Iiiy; fnrtbor i« rordtot I* tlM ability to pay; w>d m hornet itrtiffctfoi vofd fui lifI American action at homo ami mnil tion of American rifkti abroad, torn ,4 *- - - f,j ■ Hi, » kklnlotl - - - - PWHI nwHwy •no nripTui co-op Wktion to world r#c on itnictiM, to* etodtof aatry into the T api of Ka meat of tke American people H i* Tha pUtfunw of the Dmtmtic, and La FolietU ptatfora I; Democratic u4 l» m o< the Mf < Mm! bill I; ifrinitml by th* Sattk-Lmr! bffl and other beneficial patted It ia further pointed oat that Mif tba World War "wo had a that mitM America to Mfkti of honor and aad glory than ah* had erer known before in her entire hiatory" Bat, K it shown, "Transition from this period of malted Democratic leadership to the sordid record of the last three and a half years ■utkes the nation ashamed. It marks the contrast between a high concep tion of public service and an avid purpose to distribute spoils." It is declared that "The Democrat ic party believes tat equal rights to all the people and special privileges to none. The Republican party holds that special privileges are essential to national prosperity. The Repub lican party is concerned chiefly with auterial things; the Democratic par ty Is concerned chiefly with hitman rights." There la considerable in the book about Republican corruption and in efficiency—"Never before in oar his tory has the government been so tainted by corruption, and never has an administration so stteriy failed. The nation has been appalled by the revelations of political depravity which have characterised the conduct ef public affairs." "A vote tor Cootidge It a vote hr chaos!" That la the warning oonvey ei It Is shown that the hard—s of hlgk eoet of living is causing IWtrees. The tariff, ^af oar foreign mer er* Inking the profit o«t of a* em • Hrhf profit, tt ia akown and Democracy pladcaa IMf to «((M tha diaaattroua potiriaa of tha licana and ■<&>■ raatora tka to aconoaaie •quality with otkar tn (foatrialiata, by readjuatinrnt of tka tariff, fraiiht rataa. completion of y», atimulation of *r r*° liahment of an a*port marketing cor pora tiao or commlaaion; wturlnt of cradita aoltabta for tka Mala of tka Boy Wko Stol* 9772,000 b Chicago, hyt 17.—Willie Mto, tlM boy bank UMifg, who feld from the Northern Trust Conpaqi hank hi 1M1 with *772,000 ki Liberty tondi, waa irqatWid bf a jury Wed nesday It waa hia third ' 111, two jwtaa ha ring dlMgreed Dalton'i att ..nay* bt*ls*.e4 b. fera !t« Jury that Dal ton h»t no intent t» «teal, that ha waa "Intoxlc.ud" bf th< light of aa much money ant 4m to an emotional IbH'c with the bonda. Indirectly thay declare! that if Nathan LaopaU and K chard Loah wava |i«ai tha baarfl: of doubt on account of their •<<-<• years —and ■ parad from the gallows aad sentenced to Ufa imprisonment, Dal ton ahould receive conaideration be canae of hia youth. Alt the bond* except one for 1800 ware recovered whan Dalton waa apprehended at Hayworth, III., the defense attorneys also brought out. v.. • ' X ' Why Pick On Coolidge? He Never Done Nothing White I do not belong to any poli tical party, still I think Da via and La Follettc and the Hearst papers ought to quit picking on a little guy like Coolidga. What'a poor old Cal ever done? Nothing, aboolntelr noth ing. So why pick on him? Why, even when the exp pure in the Veterans' Bureau come off Cal never done • thing about It Hit call old man Reed over from Parnaylvan ia and aak Mister Seed to have !he investigating stopped. So why pick on CooNdge? He never dona any thing. Then somebody up and aays to Cal. "Sh-h-b-h, Cal. dealt yon think yon better flra A1 Pall?" Bat Cal wna kind-hearted, and ho never tat nothing. So why pick on Coolidg-? And IbsisN Mister IMy. Near ly every guy In writing distance told Cal to eat locoe and give Mister Don. by Ms walking papera, bat what did Cal do? Ha l>avsr dans anything. So why pick en Coolidgat. Old man Borah, and a wall season ad gsnt, like Senator ISppar both told Cal what ha hotter do with Mi* tor Dougherty, bat what did On) do? Why, ha never dona nothing. So why pick on CooHdge? When the inveatigationa got into the Internal Bsisaas Department why Cal mail a speech on the ovfta of hi bat Cal mr do* nothing So why pick on Coolldge? One* I ipent th« night at a hotel, and next day about noon My watch was found la the room at one of the aervanta. I aaked the manager to fir* the aerrant. The Manager re plied : "I an a new manager here, and thia aerrant waa working te thia hotel when I took K over, thsrefora. regardleaa of Ma dishonesty now. I will do nothing ahoat H." 11m preaent manager of the Hotel United Statea of America had noth ing whatever to do with who waa Ma ployed by It when he took It orer, therefore, whether the sMplujaa be honeet or not, ha baa fait it hie pa triotic duty, or poHUeal duty (take roar choice) to do nothing about H. awarded the lightning-bog's under shirt. I can call by name IT chureh of ficers, who will drill their children for bom aa the importaace of horn psty, and yet theae mm IT ekmeb officer* are gotag to half try to elect tog of rartaa. FdT" Donby and Daugherty. nothing. ftTC*? pick oa Cooli^reT Am thafa )aat the pitot. Cwl WB aoa to Charlotte Obaarear Tli* Supreme coot MMto next Monday. Jodp Colhotm «m into the heart of the whether wwtii htn the hold office under Going hack into of EnfUnd, on the which the gUintiff had •nit, the court explained that were net allowed to hold office m the old en—w law, principally canae of a fetal which op. It waa htaad M the for the all thin** the equal Too Liberal.—"My dear," the young husband, "did yon aak the milkman why there is never any cream on our milk?" "Tea. darling, and he explained quite satisfactorily. I think that It ia a great credit to him." "What did he any*" "That he always fill* the jag ao fall there is no room for can ship shoes to Pacific roast parte for !«i than half the chaff the St Looia manufacturer hat to pay. "Saving! on freight hooad for Pa cifie potato, la • jrear*s time, ha to •mounted to mot* than $180,000, and tho rail rata to Now York ha* been so reduced as to moo another $80,000 "Tie total aaTteca in freight raoring throught tba state pior for tho ported ending Jon# 80 hare boon 20 per cent of tho state's 'n tho project." W Pi Oiariee Canon, whow real •ru Corcoran, M a long priM ord, beginning in Now York he was nino years old. in prteon followed. While confined in the Folaom, Calif, penitentiary in 1907, ho wao one of est an conrirts who captured Captain J. R. Murphy an< Guard Jolly and need them as shields in an attempted escape. Mur phy and Jolly, aa weT as all of Um convicts wore wounded, four of the prisoners fatally. Caraon was sentenced to bo hand ed for his part in this affair and in September, 1909. while occupy in* a cell in the condemned row, awaiting execution, he suddsnty stopped talk ing. No intelligible word ever was heard to pass his lips again. He was subjected to many tests by alienists and finally in January, 1913, was declared insane and committed to the hospital for the insane hare, where he died Wednsday. The insan ity verdict provided that If ha ever recovered his sanity, the sentence of death would be carried oat. Even the assoMMMnt in February, 1917. that Governor Hiram W. Johnson had commuted his ssntence la life im prisonment in caaa of recovery, to bring a single syllable NEW YORK DEMOCRATS _ RENOMINATE AL SMITH bara a I aeO rmd can carry tha that do a atata or •national TWw win ba aa trooMa |S6,000,000 to b« aakad for at n«zt iftthit at tba li|l«hlM i. If tha the tha It tlSS.O6O.0M This will not ba tha flnt tha tra»alara 9200,000,000 «ind and thay ari rrmg bat ■ amall portion of tl» tha i tha akoat pot all a tha hi tha tha of a faw aiaathi rmtlad awful. Thay fat hifhwnya aa Tha faw aila* of cantly roads *•» Varaar khrrU to Y«»i Florida Woman Lexington, Sept. XI.—Hear) B. Varner, of this erty, new* pa per pub lished mm) operator of a chain of theater* in this section, was married in Alexandria, Va . at S o'clock yaa terdajr afternoon, to Miaa K.veljm Pearce, of Jacksonville. Pla. News of the marriage was received here from New York, where Mr. and Mra. Vareer will spend several ihji befoi » returning here. The bride ia a mem ber of a prominent Ftcrida family and haa recently been H.-ing ia Washington. Mr. Varner retired from the news pa pet game IS months ago, hot a week ago again assumed ownership of The Dispatch Salient Features of the Great Round-the-Worid Air Flight SMttk, Washington, Sopt Mtant of Um army |M* ancircHng fUgkt Tha flight wsa atartad officially bf l:M a. m., Sandtr, April (, an4or command of lUJar fradafkJi U Martin in the fiagplait waa oaaipMa today—fiv* i two at Mm , t>ne of tha ii»»n> Mm la the Mrtk la a horlay awde hi Am at itrikinc oil near Ctreaton, Africa. It waa carried down to • depth of 5,0*0 foot below the aarfaee of the land, which itaelf waa mm tc >00 foot abort the Nr.. Water now atanda in the Hole to wMhki thirty-two feet of hot thermometer* hare to down to Oil foot and t At the lowest level ia 187 dagraM m hi*h aa that af water. At flftjt-fln feat depth perature la 7> degrees Pa throughout the year. Above that level there ia boom feraMe. doe to the seasons. The >f increaae of tempera tor* u tho depth increaae* in the deepest hole ia the tart*, the San Joan del Bay mine in Brazil, the rock temperature ia 117 dogmaa at a depth of C.7M foot below the aor fa