— 1 firs. W. DAW W. 1STAM m CHA*. M. VA^hS'il caStm W. J. BTKKLT ALEX CHATHAM F«r H. H. LEWELL YN ▼•tor* stay away from Um polls hsre far tha raaaen that they think it sat worth whila to bother shoot rathf, since tha Steto will go against them aaywsy If thaaa ia u| troth to the big Bepobliean fond hainr provided it Moot he their ptaa to got eat their vote thia jwr. One of the interesting facts of •( tha rotors have ever voted. In tha aarijr history of thia tuowtoj only shoot oka third voted, and during aD tha years the naasber has slowly ineraaaad on til today about half the voters bother to go to tha polls. If by soom means all tha people three foortha of tham, no telling how the coont would show. It is said that today this State would go Be publican, if there was aome way to get oat the entire Republican vote. Bat then the tame interest that would get out the entire Bepobliean vote would also bring oat. possibly, sn even larger nomber of Democratic Anyway, Democrat* msy look oat for s bfg fund with which to hire so tomobilea to bring oat the indifferent voter this year. It is in the sir that the leaders of the Bepobliean party fear that no candidate will get enough votes to elect and that Con gress will hsve to select the Presi dent, aa the law provides, where no candidate secures s majority of tha electoral votes. Prom this day on there ia sura to ha one of the liveat political contests waged in this nation that the coon try has seen. _ * A TUCK or Two fan ago Dr. th* Doctor did should not be to find ao easy a tray to Map*. It la Jut rack that make* many feel that the country needa some other , force along with the law to make the conditions safe about aa. the Kn Klux Klan. for instance. I FOR OUR FAR AWAY READERS This newspaper has subscribers watttnd ow IW wholr country from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Here and there are one or two sub scribers who have pitched their tent in some far corner of the earth and ! desire to keep in tooch wit* the folks ! back home. These are among our ' moat certain subscribers, far they ap 1 preciate the paper and look far it J each week as though it wers a letter ' from home, aa they often express it. Those of oar subscribers who live in the far wast whsrs they hare hot little rain should ha hsrs with us now sad sea what rain haa dons for us. Thars never was a bettor ooadt tioa created **»»» that which —fc— It possible for the rataia to coote as they do la this dtaaata. But It is a fact that we have entirely too much, msasuisd by huasan opinion, at times aad not eaouch at others. Just now whsa the ttea of year far har vesting the erops la bsre wa are visited with a protracted wet spell. Thousands of buahala of applte an ready to gather aad from day to day the rains have made K out at the Al- • ■ » a . ^a .a, _ ■ « A this wwi. KTMHiiuy to• mnif os feed Is being badly dslayil and much will be les| aa ttM result Along about this ttaaa of HayW ovary o^®a ah^mt here ^psts the spirit of Fair Thus ta his boass aad looks forward to a week of great fun see Jam- the righto at our annual Pair rains have mads ths grounds as wet that It wffl he hard to put oa the rasas, aad beeaaae of the ssad ths Palr arfll not bo enjoyed aa It anally is. But before the week safe the sua may soass out aad ths wtate blow aad chaage all this, which It saa ds I in a few hours whsa wsathir modi, jtioaa get right m 9*m wwm\^ «l to Hm m4 k. t* Mr to off «» to to i It Of • Mt to to tt» M* on tko Tko MCini floor of the hofldtec io taken op with ei which intereot tko women folk I jr. Horc the oekoob •i tko Hoplay tko work of tkoir in m etc. Tko health exhibit olwlin tko ntkoiW of pre renthre AM tko kootko for tko display of pastry article*. flow era and needlework are all filled to their caparity. YOUTHFUL DREAMERS The paper* win be t long time 4it cu**ing the case at Leopold and Loeb. the two millionaire murderer* who got a priaoa *entence for • cold blooded murder. prMBedttated ■ alt it* harrowing detail*. The court* found that the boy* wrre youthful dreamer* and that they had pemittod themaelve* to Indulge in bad dream that were finally worked oat in their Hm And from all thi* there may be valuable leaeon* to learn. Eeery youth ia a dreamer to *onte extant. The youthful dream* that all people have are more or lee* and bad, and the nature of the dream* or air-caatlee aa they are, will to a large extent he worked oat hi their future life. The boy who is too in different to he a dreamer, a builder of exaggerated air eaatlea, ia not likely to ever amount to much aa the world valoee men. But a wide-awake hoy. who let* hi* imagination rua wild and build all kind* of imaginary condition* for hi* lttm Ufa, ia the boy who make* hi* life count for good or bad, largely in nmfwmitf to the air castlae he build*. Ia the cm* at the Chicago mmderot* they Th^y life. And ee it I* well to cncoornge thi* habit of holding air-caatlee, hut let it be tmproceed ea the mind* of the youth that aa they build them they are likely to ftad they -will later bo into aetoal Hfe Vra mi A Bmm Trail v J. Hampton Rich hM placed HenA Airy m a Boom trail. Thi* wa. placed i tablet of Daniel ! High School ground* of thi* city. Hm awrker la of a hrme color M a granite slab and *taiM three toot high an* ia a Hkenea* of thoee u*ed on other Boom trail*. The eraetor had planned a ptugiam to M ieate the tablet on it* oroctioa M for aeaae rum It wa* net carried e«t and Mr . Uch| Dr. Im iS»iai hu been tinl— In Mi efforts to prnuM tiM Hmttof Ml himsetf wHh until men intereet hu iwt only been irttvc III Mtorivf has pmm»T put Into tke •eeerml "oontlee alonr the ravte prnwat «d local read bond ieeaee and irmil '<*al «en»l cut In ftrrwr of (nod road*. Recently Dr. Roeenbeha made a H«H to tMe Hty la the later—t «f the Toot# ssid continued hif Jovrncy through tke «tate to Charlotte. THOU SHALT NOT ef jrnn ago the wiaaat wrote for Ms paopl* ten eaaa m mm of which ia a Thoa Shah Nat. If ha had Hved in an aft of auto mobile* and fa*t train* and all tha complieatad machinery that thi* aga ha* developed, no deobt ha would | have made a hundred Thoa Shah Note where he made tan. There are many people who are ao constituted that they aeeai to be re bellion* against any refutation of their conduct. .They pt op in ana* againat any and every regulation that tha wiaeat men we have try to put into effect in an effort to make Ufa m?re tolerable. Every community, every atrect, every town ha* it* eM xena who are against what they think 1* a limitation of their Hbertiea. They oppoae prohibition, they oppoaa tha ■top law at railroad croaalng*, they oppoaa tha coaapolaory school law, they oppoae anything that they think takaa their lUiiilie* from tham. The fact remain* jnat tha una that in thi* aga of tnventioa man who aaa with open eye* know that thera moat be moch ragulation of duet if wa are to bve at moat ha many Thojj Shah tan, even if tha unthinking are op poaad. Thaaa folk* wha ar* for ever in appoahion ar* net the folk* who nova tha world, rather are thay tha ooea wha atend foravar la the way of tha march ot, We h*re a wonderful collection a# Holland Dutch Bulbs W. S. Wolfe Drag Co. far Vm LmAmj FWrt Wait For These Bargains Our buyers hare just returned from the North ern markets where they purchased many wonderful values which are now arriving and will be offered you just as soon as they can be unpacked and put on the ahelf We will occupy the building formerly ueed by J. E. Ayers k Co. and solicit your patronage. W. G. Lewis &. Co. J. E. Arms A Co. Old W Beginning Next Wcch He Red £ Oil Co. £$a*0aSwUSmc*J8IS The Red C Oil The Whi is C OH A brilliant ruby red to mJa A pure rfcl.e t« -ryjMl your lamps colorful etc-: aul .—a NO SMOKE . NO OCZr. Oil! lad abounding in human interest. We ace going to call this iryil' amo* SketctK* in Oil '. Wmdk Sot Number On*. "Ofl from Coal "Cod OiT *V ia M vmIc'i p*pft.

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