Who Is Responsible For Surry's Australian Ballot Law Being Passed? No One Able to Solve the Mystery of How It Became a Law COST COUNTY LARGE SUM Surry's Representative of Its Passage w K, ICO Fwt «f tfca Fill IHhiliOiCnAi t» $7,000. VOWS or BOTH PARTIES AT THIS BUK ON THE COUNTY B. A. FrMMn of ths Coontj Board of elsctioaa, waa m tho citj booth* and ballot boM made thai tft n^vifsd tor tho Nuv ember elec ta** tmder tho Australian ballot Ian that ao mysterioasly waa placed or the county of Sorry along with eijrhl othsr counties durinc the last ipse ial eoeiiun of the leyialature. Aad tho way in which this waj plarsd oa the people of this cc intj wfcUo other counties continue undei the old ballot lyU— Is still a mys tery to all except these who engineer *Mat haw any sot at poUtidaas si 1» Is a known fact that aH local Mb hi the lnhlitnri aaust has* th* so affected hofors they can bs pot htar m«M when the Democrat! aader Mr Bjrtriy cot • thorough au dit Bade) bat they were unable to Mn the approval of 8urry*s r»p fUttw la their request for the appointment of mi officer to audit Ht book* of the comity. In thiscaas mbn* of the moat taftnantial Demo nb of the state were enlisted in bAilf of the Sorry citisena to secure Ab appointment yet it was turned down by a Democratic controlled leg taftsture because the Republican re presentative from Surry would not i»sait to the bill. How we have an Australian ballot There ut InMi Jt kdh paaaed which ear? fWw people over kaw and only thoee who kMV rf tkn •»« tri^li about IwiHi thai op. No mm apparently kn«w aaythinr of tlM Auitralian ballot hta( placed Xut hia uaual preparation.'""for holding tha election aa in former year*, when all of a wHw ha waa we Had the Aaatralian ballot, and hot far thie information ha would have •till been ignorant of any kind of nMH alant 1 n ai MiMflia^uina nrw fiw won * *§ *timuijiib. Under the proriaiona of the new ballot law the eoorty ia compelled to provide 116 boot ha for the voter* of the vario*a townahipa. Theae arc to be not lea* than three feat aqnare and ill feet hig^i and made *o no one ran hear ronveraatlon in them. The county ia compelled to furnlah 108 wood ballot bosea equipped with t loefca and key*. Theae two itemaj .alone will coat about $1,000. In eiectiona of tha paat the atata ha* furniahed all atata and national ballot*, bat thi* year the county mat furniah all ballot* for all partiea, the atata paying for one-third the coat of the atata haDota. Thi county will hare to buy according to the new law, •4,000 ballota. Theae moat all be folded and hare the aitnature of the chairman of the board of eiectiona printed aa the back. They are then to ha counted off ia Ma of fifty, plac ed ia envelope*, and aealad and de livered to tha reriatrar* of tha elec tian, the d airman of tha beard tak inc their receipt far the number da It,. . | Whan tha pafla are cioaad the re ristrar and judge* ara not allowed to open but one has nt a time far count. Heretofore aareral people would Join in tM worn of commting tlM Tirhm ban* and thus expediate the wurk bat the new law ia positive fa Ha terms that only ana box can ba •pened at a tima. Hare la another interesting fsatai i about tha count ing of tha ballots. During the wt ; inc a Hat of voter* la bspt aa in for mer elections, and when the ballet j bos ia apeaed the officials are requir ed to first eotmt the ballots before unfolding then and aae that the nam- j her tallies with the namber of voters enrolled on the poll hook. If there are more ballots In tha box than are names enrolled the jadges are then to cloee up tha box, shake it good, open it acain and draw oat enough ballots to make the number corres 4 pond with the number of polls. Af- j ! ter all tiiis Is done the officials then j proceed to unfold the ballots and make the actual count of rotes cast for the various candidates in that box. And so on through the five i or six boxes that will he need this rear After counting the ballots they are to be placed back in the hsot, looked up and delivered to the county j board of elections and thus kept tn-1 I violate for six months. It shall be unlawful to tear, deface j or otherwise mark or mutilate an of ficial ballot. If a voter wrongfully ;ssarks a ballot through mistake he mar return H and secure anothf, bat he cannot secure moea U an two of a kind after spoiling When tha ballot is delivered to the votqr it will ha folded snd across thaj top will h« placed the mmto of the voter with the initial of the official delivering the ballot to htaa. The voter than goes to his booth, opens up his ballot and peoteada to mark' ' H. Should he desire aaslstance he1 shall mate Ms needs known to the registrar vrito shall designate sane one selected to assist htm. These aa ststants ars to be appointed by the' irscMrars of el actions prior to the election and mmm other will ha per mitted to serve In tMa capndty. Af-, tifttk* or aw to be made or circulat ed any Mtfnpio or Imitation «f Um of ficial beBet, (ball alao bo guilty of a felony and puniahad aa tat tba pre ceding paragraph. No parson ■hall, while the polla are open, loiter about or 4a any election eering within each polling place or within 1M feat thereof, and no poli tical banner, poetar or other political advertising shall be allowed hi or upon such polling place on election day. There will be four sets of ballots printed snd the candidates for all partlea will be on the same beQot in parallel columns and the voter can pick from the entire list the candi dates he wishes to rota for. At the head of tlie ballot win be printed full instructions aa to hor to prepare the ticket The ballots being prepared will be about the siae of a regular letter head say • s 11 inches, and will ha folded up until they are about the aiae of an envelope. In thia form they will be delivered to the voter and alao folded back by the voter before leav ing hie booth. The law regulating the election in Surry this year contains SI pages of typewilUen matter. In the above paragraphs this newspaper has en deavored te give a digeet of the moat Important eectfcme aa It efferte the voter. There are pagea upon pages which dsal with the dutiea of the elec tion officials and the manner in which the election asachhwry b to be organised and put into asotkm, all of which ia of vary little bitaraat to voters. m Cunfl Hillsrille, Vs., New*.—It will noticed in tb* account of the tit ion of Gray ton County cittoens the | claim that the Gnat Lake* to Florida | highway will cot off AO mile* by crossing Grayaon county from Wythe-1 ville instead of Carroll. We should like to aaaare the pro- j moters that em IN milea of county road saved in distance ia no real aar inr. It is not the distance that | counts in thia choke bat the kind of, roads and the chance of an all round hard surfaced road. The entire distance across Gray son will have to he constructed. Not a mile of H has been hard surfaced and the county has presented no plan of construction. Can or will Gray son build It? As a contrast Carroll offers a part of the State highway system for this highway with part of it constructed and the rest provided for, all to be built by county money loaned to the State under the Robertson Act. Car roll ia building her road, and Gray ion is talking about saving a few For baoMnisiai AO Dor* Kinstoa, Oct. 1<—Veterinarian* will back a peapsssd law requiring ian of all dogs in North (V Dr. Prank B. McCallum, jf this'dty. I«m hill la expected to he Introduced, it the wit session of tto gei «ial iah army veterinarian, dedans (ha ire»eull»e treatmeat to "1M par cent •ffretire Of nearly 40.000 animals riven the treatment hi Japan, only Dtstrtek's nock was broken, left am broken la tkn* places, bam pantiathn flaah, and rfha fractured. Waycaster had right am brokan. shoulder crushed, rfxat and upper part of body mangled. When men arrived at the foot of the stack, he waa dutch ing at hia throat, eyca dia tended, tongue out, gaaping for brfith Diet rick 28 yean old, waa an ap prentice bricklayer, native of Rich mond, Va. Waycaater, aged 90, waa a steel worker. Hia hosae waa hi Reidsville. He had atartad to work on thia job only thia morning. The accident waa the third oa the ■tack since It waa atartad. A month ago four workman nearly loot their lives when the scaffolding gave way, managing to cling to it mtfl rescued. The stack waa than 166 foot in f. - I ,1 a wi|n< Mr. laOay Pi iling Hia Tfam* to Part Bill Raleigh, Sept. 29—That marketa of the West are cioead to Carolina oyatar shippers and those ad the East cloaad to Carolina truck shippers hy raaasw of the appalling freight rata discrim i nation, la an fasti sating dis covery made hy Joaiah William Bai ley, recent candidate for governor, who now la devoting hia time to the interest of the Pott Terminals aad Water Transportation sewn upon which the voters are to pass fat the coming election. A Chesapeake Bay oyatar shippsr, Mr. Bailey pointa out, can ship oys ters to Kansas City for 17 cents a gallon teas than his competitor in North Carolina can ship them to the ■ame point—and thia 1? cents is a handicap the Carolinian cannot «vbj rnas A California truck grower, for an other example, he dsdarea, can (hip vegetables more than 3,000 miles to the (Teat consuming mar'.et* of the Baat for $119.00 a far lea* than his competitor in Eastern Carolina can «hip to the same markets. "Woodland ft Co., Morchead City, shipped a ear load of oysters to Kan ssa City," Mr. Bailey said; "they found that the rate from Baltimore was 17 cents a gallon less than front Morehead City. This discrimination against North Carolina oysters ac counts for the fact, notwithstanding we hart abundant oyster bods on MB coast and extensive waters in which to develop the industry, «• can make no progress as compared with Vir ginia and Maryland oyster shippers.'' If North Carolina were a* equal footing with its competitors, it could control the oyster market, Mr. Ba&sy contends. citing the fact that the Carolina canned oyster, pat np at Mors head City, dstsimluss the prise m the Pacific Coast. This is ' & , '$ . _ ■ " . r Books Now Open For f~lj Registration of Voters The text of Senator Brookhart's letter follow*: "Charles G. Divm Km wrecked the republican campaign, especially in the notthwest He started out like a bold-faced plutogog' bat hia diiscourtesy and ungentlemanly lang itare quickly reduced him. la Ua own vocabulary, to * mere 'pea wit phi to flTOff ' "His 'sulphurate! hvdroren' ^ ^*®#pe»aaea il^W VpeM a^oaaaaa record, aa eatabliahed by the supream court of Illinois the day he was nomi nated, render* him unfit for the pafc. lie service, and he should be removed from office. His official defenae hi this transaction by a noted democra tic lawyer only makea this eonctaahm more emphatic. Ilw claim that ha waa ignorant of the impart of hia act and only regarded it aa a friaad-, ly favor adda color to the gsneraTs claim that hi* own advertiaed finan cial ability ia only a bluff and that he act* aa the agent of international banking power*. The farther de fense that all banker* are do in* the same thine is r>asated even by the bankers thsmsslms. "Under the false pretense of loyal ty he has organised a disloyal group I to conduct aa illegal defence ef the constitution of the United States with the secret purpose of destroying the constitutional rights of mion la-, bar, while the Pare OH cJkaay in which he ia interested is being sued by the government for violation of the criminal law. He ia aa inault to the whole laboring world, and hia sin ister designs are so well known that he will certainly loae the whole labor vote. "In addition to all thia hi* most dangerous and offensive acta in thia campaign ia Ms insult to the co-op erative movement In agriculture. He has brazenly denounced aa demago gues and hypocrites all thooe who favor and speak for the increase ia the price of baef on the hoof and the decrease ef its price oa the table This amazing statement shows a profound ignorance of the whole e» ■ | ,i . a | ■ | . » * operative m A « ^mawalMa^ aa# ^ 1 TMtifttinr thi. subject found that out of Ob dollar which the labortac ' man pay* for the ptadwta at the fans, the farmer only rata ST centa. Evan this report la probably white waahed and if the exact facta could he known the fanner probably rata leaa than tS canU. but wWmr the exact fi/uree may be erery farm er fmniaef in the United States and ee- : ery comparative erfniHr to the i United States la toachin* the dee trine that this imraoai expenae of < diati Ihotkm ia njaat and to takea 1 An who nave Moved their place of residence tn the comity will hin to secure a transfer and hare tMr namea placed on the booka now reside. have beMM tl years of >1* since the laat registration er will be tl before election day are entitled to register; alao thoaa who never before registered or votod. All person the state one year before election ire entitled to register and vote. The books will rsaaii three weeks, rliiaing at ij. OeL be settled for (he is 11 the mart grand jnry this afternoon rood. The Jims declared that in their opinion adequate facilitiee were provided by the old building for pres ent needa for holding courts and I ing county officials, for the at least. Judge MeElroy, who la pre siding over thia term, instructed the clerk of the court to spread the re port on the records and hold for fu ture consideration. a better eoortheoae be provided aad that without too asuch delay. Accord ing to a welt founded report the next session of the general i bly will be called apoa to enact a I which will give the needed authority to location aad erection of a more

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