W. M. Jackson Write* About The Australian Balot Law SAYS WAS SNEAKED BY HIM m la aay state in the Un i hwr Is ca' d the Law, bat hi my Ja it) Griat at Csld Stanley coaatiaa. title waa all that waa of tha Hooa* at you see It only to Caldwell and Stanley aaftwaaaat I bog to say that I wax just •a aacbjurpriMd as you eoold have haan when I noticed Tom Boat's arti- • 4e ta the Greensboro News some ten ; 4ays ago, la which he stated that; lorry County, Alexander and some ether coonties ware included in my WII. I presumed then that theae coun piHipBHHMH _J added in the Senate and I find oa investigation, that that waa the ease. As to who was reepon riUr for the other counties I do not yet know, but on receipt of your let tar I remembered that Senator Boyett was Chairman of the Senate Commit tee oa Election Laws and I went to his home yesterday afternoon, found Mb in bed sick, but was able to get aa tatarview with him. He tells me that it is his recollection that Sena tw Woltz, of Gaston, was instrumen tal In having Surry County placed '* * operation of our bill. I Owpn of Sampson, placed in it by a sapalsmiatal | MO, hot I did not know that these oth m coon ties were included, and I am hi no way responsible therefor, nor la Mr. Qnat. when the bill was in- ; traduced by Mr. Grist and Myself the hill only referred to Stanley and Caldasn Counties, and so far as I know R Ml the Rouse In that form. , I wear even heard Surry County ■d In this connection by deal er republicans. 1 trust you wilt believe me when I tell you this. T was elected ta represent Stanley Ml Bam County or any other coun ts and I believe what yon know of Ste while in the House will bear me «at In this If this matter has or ghall cause you aay trouble or eiabar AM I am la no way responsible'for jay county being In the bill except If you are throuvh Albemarle at I may Dm, It aora to look Br up. kmming you of My paraonal re Youra nn truly. To«. P. "* b jostle* to Mr. WoKa rafarrad to i tha tkofi tettor 1 bat to iM) ha dmiaa havfciff anything to 4o wtth placing Surry County in tha Auatralian Ballot Ml, but admit* that ha knew a bill wa. introduced for m. c I M HfJ to _ . h' the AuatnUu BUI. I did lit know it until ! re nM ymm Mv. I hnaa mm Mm who did H, bat I npmh it waa th« iirtf work mi iuh democratic peli ■ BUI for s; II *H t eoyy of the or Mil. morn did sot ra rer to the Stanley and o«r cawnly war* Mintiji m that Stanley and Caldwell 5S*. With boat wiahn. I bad to rrnmmm. Toon »ary truly. Thoe. E. Owen." K. C. Oct. «th, 192-4. Hon. W. 11. Jackann, Doboon, N. C. My Bear Sir: Replying to your latter, I will aay I waa mm Much aurpnaed aa yoa were So hear that Sorry County waa in 1 uded is the Calitaril BhMitay ao-call •d Australian Ballot Bill paaaad dur tng the recent Extra Session of the Legislature. I remember very well irhen tha Dnmgat dner-Criat Bill, lilacing Caldwell and Stanley Coon :iea under a so-called Australian Bal lot Law, waa before tha Hooae for mnaiderntion and pnaoage. At no lime waa it nude known to the Mes srs of the Houae while tha bill waa kcii( voted upon that Surry County eaa included in its proviatona. Aa he toll waa read by the reading clerk t applied only to the twa counties "alowell aad Stanley. Bala Ct of the Houae of Bepreaen •ativee reads aa film: ahall t£ of tha same." of tha aoh of a bill referred to in the fore . _ role la the title or cap ion of tha bill aad except in eery rare inataacee tha title or caption of i local or public local bill la all that a road by the reading clerk when the >ill conies up to be voted upon, it ba ng understood by all of the members. uid inquired by Hooae Bala il. he title or cup?ion carriea a trne joees of the bill. You, Mr. Jackson Jiad no notice that Surry County was includ.-d in a bill ehich by its title referred only to Caldwell and Stanley Conation. I do not know who ia responsible for be dirty job of placing Barry Con ;y under a detestable and unfair eo •alled Australian Election Law in plain violation of Houae Rule &1 and ill other rules of decency. Honesty ind fair dealiag, bat I assure the cit zenship of the good County of Sor ry that yoa had no means of knowing hat Sorry County was included in a Jill the title or caption of which ap plied only to Caldwell and Stanley Counties. Yours very truly. Chaa. H. Cowlea." I further bcf to uhriic that Hon. Chas H. Cow Irs and I roomed togeth rr while attending the recent extra session of the Legislature and we ■rare together day and night, and that Mr. Cow las is a memt er of the House Committee of Election Law* and says that at no time when he was present it the meetings of the committee was Snrtjr County in any bill pending be fore said committee or mentioned In ■onnection with the so-called Stanley ind Caldwell BUI. He farther says that the Bumgardner-Grist Bill was lever amended in the House placing Surry County in Mid bill, fiat he had nothing to do with keeping Yad kin and Wilkes or any other counties nut of the bill, as he had no notice *f any bill excel* the Bumgardner Grist Bill for only Caldwell and Stan ley Coantiaa, and that his coonty rould hare aa easily been sneaked In to that bill as 8«rry County. The unfair and dishonorable demo cratic politicians who sneaked Sorry County bit* thia bUI knew they wonld have to keep it absolutely from me and conceal Its tracks. Vhlch they ilid I* order to get H through, for -hay well knew thwre wars enough honest democrat members in the House that would stand by me and keep Surry County oat of this abom n^i'iiiiM Th*t mmtm nkd ** tk* 11 iiIiumi i i ; hi aimaad Sorry Comity art given the power* of the Cnr of Rmm. with tW only mam «f the Board of | Sorry County, for under aid act tW mlitwn arc fini the power to ap point all the Marker* to desiring lo vot« whi vote without assistance hi the pre paration of their ballots, by the turn sent of the Chainaaa of the Board of Elections If the Chairman performs his dut ies as in my judgment is contemplat ed under said act the marker* wiTtX he composed of an equal number oW democrats and repablicans, because the Registrars are to appoint the I marker* "by the consent of the said ' Chairman. AH marker* shoo Id be appointed before the day of election by the registrars and by and with the concert of the said Chairman. Under the Bnncomb Comity Ana-, ♦rallan Ballot Law are two official marker* for each votinf precinct, one democrat and one republican, recom mended by the Chainaaa of the De I mocratlc County Executive Commit tee and the Chairman of the Repub lican County Executive Committee, yet Surry's law does not make this provision, but Justice aiu^ right <)r. msnds H and this la the course par sued by the people of Buncumb County, in administering their elec tion law for the poor and unfortunate that cannot read and write. I certainly hope and trust that the officer* in chair* the coming elec tion will administer the preeent elec tion law on the elect! sa day fairly and honestly, so that when election | is over that republicans as wall a* democrats will feel that they have been given a fair deal. ! want the good people of Bun; County, regardleee of party, who ka li honest elections te i shake the of tricksters, who placed this expensive election law on as. If I am sleeted, and I expect to ha, I will repeal thie law by and with the consent of honest mwhins of the next General Assembly. Dobeon. N C„ Oct. 14th, MM. wm if Forsyth Albert Byrd. ae«rn, of Lenoir ■oonty. rrimmaJ aaaanlt, and Jim Col in*, Mfn at r r* ti » T«C •r old youth Cecil Brewer. tt-jwr old youth xxwrnp. hi a patient at Martin M*m Tim) hnaptta! nheie he ia mo»n in* 'mm Injai i«* wwlr»< when he ram* a roataet with the hull of a taulr "«fl wm op early mm faa ha ■ the T not the of *M Berk the hoy sp a bonrh of away at the m the flank, rhla bin—tit forth a aqaaal and a :lek followed with am heel landtnir qaare on the aid* of Cecil"* head la kept Ma premnte of mind and nada hh way to the himaa where hla | ■renta aaw he wna aailunahr hurt. fl* Hek had opened op a had rash ■n the aide of hi* hand ahoee the rar : ind examination at the hoapital *how d the akull to he rntrked ahoat four nrhea al«n* the aide. The hoy ia heeifiil. ha* remained ronatiom all he while and I* on the mad to rrmr- , ry. ahhoarh he will carry the print eople at the election next month and o date they are conspicuously lack. r>r for friends. Copies of the pro meed amendments are being distri cted hi a limited way from the office t the secretary of state, but there is rf> campaign for or against either or U of them. The first, urged by Governor Morri m and mambus of the budget com mission, would guarantee the hiTtota «Uty of sinking funds. A new sec ion would be inserted, under the bill, ending: "The general assembly hall not use or authorise to be aaed ny part of the amount ef any sinking ■ad for any it of the who, if aeroM. it the to pot it I effort behind that it will fee I1 Tm Pot ty iyM TW • lattar circuit** ia hy the W«yi at Mm tee propomn* to raiM (MM.SM Pennsylvania for and aamBcd that ta contribution from New York be more than a million. "Sloali fund" of nor* than tvm er fnr» million dotlara, he Mid. waa hi prmpact for tha nirpuaa of the faction." La FoOetta dropped his a broadsword and tote into tha pufclieaa in a manner that now on ha u roiwtto he told eh* Republicanism at WU that at not that of Andrew with nit] This is the niinl of th* State and the Sail The exposure at the i tribotioa letter, and the the Ule»iam to Senator ■»inHi| aa Ineastigatisn by the i mittee of which Borah is the was prepared for by a MttsJl meat of the Coottdc* Admjnistrntisu >nd of he President L1 " Senator La FoDette told Ms I that he was expected to he < that K was necessary for the States to come to the rescne West. He said he knew State was duply rated hi -anisni. but expressed the State is at heart Pratrsssiis "I firmly kdim today,'' "when the Republican Party I nittod more completely to < ind privilege than rt did ondw Taft, ranta will again apeak sat for hss •st representative, pimisssln Cor at Washington. Cootidge sat to th* Cab net with Pall and Daacksvty and Osnhy while the policies of this Ad is cat in the United rhea I revealed the locality and rst ennese of the ofl Isasss and strtsmsd i Senate iarsstigatioa of Mr. Cnoi >aughsrl>. Den by, tot Mi