Former ML Airy Boy Make* Fine Writs* World Record Taylor, ft. M. Taylor mm! Mr*. Taylor, NU of Trinity wfcji, mo that R ia SH by 8H •tao of puliirfc, w aoo that ho hao written lljtM word* in if 1-4 iqwri MMa. Mow, my writing on tfco poat Som than *27-A2nda by Sl-Kada of an tech, or at a rate that would moan M4t» wofdn in tho aaao space in wMeb Professor Durso has writton 11,000 Or, to figure It aa other way, ho baa writton at tho rata of 875 in a . 1 Secretary Chas. E. Hughes I Resigns As Cabinet Member^ "« u of Ami lf» in the participation in the Mr. Fort of ap to daattuj my "Wt win prava," he uM, commni ttair on Ms art ion. "that Mr. Fort the co-operative or M J »Iff -»• * rfpuniiranii who itvorva rtQTKtniR of the league of nationa with i aaai la tiona la* (2,000,000 to to flaw York New York. Jan 10.—Street Tayier ' a# to daftf toe caat a#