1 - !••• — 11.11 PO Y1AE 01 ADTAJfCB Mlm4 to hav« been t raasd by - H^oor. John AtkifU, farmer living on Mm Garwood road, «u mmpowsisd and UH hi Um county jail Tues day evening after he had emptied hisj revolver at poHco headquarters while driving by hi an automobile He is slated on eharires of shooting with intent to kill and as being criminal ly insane. Atkins was taken into custody by Chief W. F. Evtrsman, Sergeant Ed. ■cNally and Officer Hickman after Us car collided with a post directly across the street from police station.) The farmer was attempting to load • shotgun when officers, overpower ed him. Chief Everamaa said. He is believed to hare set out on aa expedition to "get" city and coun ty officials who arrested him last month following a similar "rampar*." Authorities said he had beea drink Last night the prisoner was in the n—1> Jail, every precaution being taken by Sheriff Dan Chaptnan to prevent his escape or possible injury to other prisoners. une 01 tM bulleta Tram the revol ver, which wu a .32 calibre weapon want through thf glaaa in • tranaom •wr the aouth door of No. Om hoaa hooar ami lodged in the door frame of Cjiaf MiDar'a office. The other four bulleta fired were not located Wat night hot no damage waa done aa far aa could he aacertahted. Um bombardment, which took phm at I o'clock, came aa a aurpriae to men atationed at headquartera. At I ftrat it waa heliered that aa automo bile motor waa backfiring, the ahota earning in rapid anewaahm. Chief ■veraman, however. from hia office waa able to aaa Atkin* aa he ripaat adfcr fired at tha building According to the chief, Atkina waa atee hi a Mall touring ear which he waa driving aouth m Fifth atreet. Be held the wheel with Ma left haad | tomokila Atkins niiHwl aat N tha Atkina calmly aafcad tba poMw flat tha troabla dm and AmMmH kiww ladga of haiku flrad at Dm WMIh, Chief tr r—.n nM. Atkina had baan at Hkarty am OM bond foOowinc hia tndk liaiil by tba grand jury an thraa ooonta, bor rlary, aboattnc with Intent ta kill and malirioua iaati natlun of yaupwtj. a* a rwmlt at allafad attacka on Omar Toont, a neighbor, and afforta ta aat flra ta Yoon**a koaaa. Ha waa ar raatad an tba night of Dae. IS aftar a wild.rbaa* In wbiek poliea fliad at Mm rapaatadly aa ha flad ha tha dark noN, Ht idwrittwt at tint tkM tint ■U. Maigkbora at Atkina Taaaday at tarnrxm barama a«ai* of tha fact .ff Chapman. Tha calla. bawarar. wara r«eai»ad only a Urn mlnataa af t«r Atkina attack on tha dty building and hia aabaaqwnt art aat. ■ranter of the Utter waa itw«n •noifk to km hlwaatf ihrtri PfM ident of Bajrti. Gen. Petlon ho retreated to the north of tha ialaad, tkara had claimed kin* ami Wit "Citadel". Hla reign n If and cntl aa that of Hen. Evan Ha vine suffered from apoplexy, which all hla voodoo tpella could not cure, ho de rided to commit suicide. Bat not is the ordinary way. Ha waa determin ed that his manner of fairing off should be worthy of a great King. He had a golden bullet made for hU pistol. and with it be ihot himself. Ratifies Phoenix, Aria.. Jan. 11—The Houaa of Repreaantathraa of the Arteana legislature today passsd by a vote of 41 to S a raaolution ratifying the child labor amendment to the Feder al constitution. The reeolotion waa Mt to the Sen ate. World Flight Cheap at $177, 481, Members Congress Feel Actual Figure $114,482.99, 1 Deducted—Cost of Navy Skip* Would Have Been ii Washington, inn. 18.—lhabm of Concr** ar* showing • lively in tar eat In the coat nf tha history making world (light made by tha Amy Air Service but yanr. Tha total coat of the flight to tha Air 8ervica aa compiled to data U 1177,49136. Of thil total h la ani mated WtlMJI r«pcaaenta axpen.ee that would Haea been tnenrred on a flight of similar pcapurtlons and du ration entirely wHhin tha United Btataa. Thia laaena aa actaal coat of 9tl4,48LM, which doaa net include the coat of tha planea need, the mo tor*, i para pane and pay of par eon ment for a SB minion or twi t M million dollar afford at thia time to handle »orh an amount. Uto situation which governor and budget au North Carolina • hundrad million dollar* worth rf honda on th» market hi the hurt four jraara. To throw IS millions top of that would i financial standing and •alt ;.i m pot loea through the asces sity of making unfavorable aalaa of the additional issues. Highway Chairman Prank Pat* ia understood to onenr hi the view that expenditure* should be restricted to I* or Vt milliona a yaw for the next two yeara. He has conferred with member* of the budget commission and they have asked him to supply them with information as to the ac tual needs of the commission for far ther road building. When the legislature gets the facta It likely will accept the view of the Mr. McLean incidentally has speci fied no amount for road construct ion. His recommendation on road bonds will swait the report of the Uad pt commission and correct informs* tion on the state's financial condi tion. Vken Regular Expenses Arc Tender* No* Considered, as i Use, Anyway. OS thia proVrt. r* of Casfraaa i.. •ntly sts ntlilM wfth tha tdilm aaant of Um Air Serrtea an ) fool that the entarpriaa «u wnrtS H I U*as It coata, ihsHImi of what tha »<"tual fiftma may ha. ffkm the flight was rant#ni4atal Major Un. M. Patrick, CUaf «f the Air a in the total number of bills I linw branch so far to 141. No bnpnrtant legislation is m until aftar the Mhn| at I noon. Him m no Mlla ponding to* ralrtaf Um fiscal policy at DM atoto