rouncs ««n mat tar*. Yea caa ftad know tog own who will tall ytju that It la wn to be a Wwwr victory end that North Caro lina will give • Xapublican majority. You cm aleo find knowing om* who pradlet that Smith la going ta ha elMtod by a aafa inaJerHj aad that North Carolina wilt pOa ap har aaaal majority (at tha dominant party. What esafassi la that aa many VOfetFVA WOQ|^l|| BOt lining up with the party. Deearttat ta tha in«my. their friends aay. Leav ing aa at a tima whan thay ara Mat n«idad. If thay had lived thirty years at* thay would have ham foand la tha nab of tha arohibittea party that aever did aaything but make prumlaaa. Prohibition cama by way •* tha regalar political parties aad act by tha aawly fanaad prohibition party that navar did anything bat mafia* a faw ardont folka who war# ta a har ry for raautta. Tha mi Da of tha (Mi grind alowly, bat thaaa ardant oaaa nn rtIJ ■. 11 —__. 11 I'Lah 4a iouju nfvtr wm»t i(< inty www* w til# prohibition ptfty. Somp one had tha impadanca ta re mark jaat tha otbar day that no Mv given far tha ratarn of a political prodigal aon. No fattad calf ever loot hia Hf a to do Honor to tha ana or ma man who aorrowfully raturnad howl to Um laid after grating far a tima in tha paaturr of tha political ana my. No dahca wa» avar staged for thaaa political prodigals who left homa when tha old folka were the baaieet with the political harvest and pined for the help of theae luaty onaa the moat, j No finger of one of theae poHttcal prodigal* ever displayed a ring placed there by tha aged political leader who aaw the wandering one return to the | fold. Ok well, we will forget it all in a abort time after the election aad get buay with tha affairs of life aad an other campaign in which we will find something to make speeches about. It has aver b*en thus. But we never had our wives and daughters deserting us before. You have to adpilt we are ap against something new under the sun. But we will find some way to evea matters up we suppoee. It would be intereating ta know by what mental process of reasoning the conclusion is reached that all the folks who have carried the political banner for years are now false lead ers and can no longer be followed. It la harsh to say it and it Is not true ta every case, but it is freely chargaf that most of the folks who are not voting it straight this year have not been voting it straight in otbar years. This is not their first excursion into the pasture of our political neighbor. But we will soon forget it and get busy keeping the wolf from the door. THE DISREGARD FOR LAW I The liquor proplc say that present effort to enforce prohibition is rwpoiulbh for the break down of respect for all law. It may be that they are rifht. If they are not right then how are you to account for the disposition of so many so-called food people to violate so many laws? Aa we see it, there ia no connection between the disposition to violate law and the prohibition movement. It is not sound reasoning to charge up i all tawlaasness to a moral awakening! such aa prohibition. Of course there will always be thoye who an- not ad vanced enough to line up with an}' forward asova such as prohibition Is. But ws started oat to write about ths fearful loss of llfs and property and happiness due to the violation of the rates sf the road. One can i out on the highway for aa in a road hog. It ia| • eery toad na«n< but an even strong " bo Justifiable. The to ft la la < tf i gs. They are men who an In their driving aa. to feared by all A TEACHER. A THIEF AND A CONVICT Some combination we in writing about—* iMtlwr I thief and a con vict Bat Much ia the story. Prof, ha dergraph, of this city in the owner of A sfei flbr thftt kt umi in Ht# school work and one Geo. White ia a citisen of the county. Lai Newman la aow a member of the chain pi( ia David son county and has Ua> for soose month* aad wiil bo for another five months if ha finiahes out Ma preaont term, which he may not do. Now foi the story. One night a short time ago Prof. Pendergraph had hia car •tole.t In a low days it was located in Laaka villa and returned to the owner. Goo. White was charted with taking the car and had no more aoitae t|aa to drive right straight to LoaksviUa where hia people live. Along with him at the time he took the ear waa Lex Newman who proved to be an eocap ed convict having yet five montha to servo of hia term. Now Newman to hack on the chain gang and White ia behind the bars In Dobaon to await hia boa ring at the neat term of Sur ry criminal court If any one la envioua of the goo* time those boys are having while they make fro* with thair n*ighbor'a property, or make eaay money ped dling liquor to their silly neighbors, It to for the want of a proper outlook on life that cauaea the envy. The man who deftoo the laws of a civilised people is not much removed from a plain fool,'for in time ho will got It in the neck to uae the language of the street Hew Mr. Monday Would Run TIm Sheriffs Otfioe The contoat for the office of aheriff in this county will ha the moot Inter eating part of the local contact for of fice. The buaineea of collecting the taxea to now of each Importance to the county that it to no longer the work of any one man but requirea the aor vice o fa number of others who must aid the sheriff in the performance of his dutieo. Mr. J. E. Monday tolls us that it will h* hia policy to have in his office, If h* to the choice of the people, a competent man who can be depended on to koop hooka and render an efficient service to the people and in this way he will himself not be confined at all time to the office, hut will be able to got oat among the people and give pari of hia time to the buaineea of a sheriff a* well a* that of tax collector. He reoognlsos fully the importance. at a sheriff aa well aa the importance of a tax collector. Re haa dear Idea* along thia line and we believe that his Ideas are In keeping with sound buai neea methode. Hia past exporlono* ef years fully equip him both for the du tiee of a tax col lector and abo for that of a aheriff. PInt ■»>!■» ClMnh RKV L T. JACOBS, Pnator Sunday school. 9:M A. M. Maniac aerriee, \ , llHtO A. M. Kvminc HrrW, 7:M P. M. B Y. f. V. meetings —■■ *•»» t- M. The paater wtU preach on two' Mv« tophi Mlt Sunday.. At the morning hour, tka Mb)** win ha, "A Man with a Purpoee," and tha evening (ubjaet will ha, "Tha Call of tha Maater." Thara ara always mm pwrpoaes and ealia greater than cthcra, that ara out of tha coqpaMinplaoe. higher and nob tar than othera, M la thaaa that will ha emphaaiaed at both aarricaa. Some folka never haar tha higher eaB, soma da not ncigntai It whaa thay haar it, aaaM do aat aara ta ■ follow whaa thay haar. Which claaa ara yau tat Hoaar Day With Baptiat November tha 11th, will ha tha tias* aat apart by Southern BaptiaU to ralaa tha money to replace that ctoten by Mr. Carnaa. Evary member at or try church in tha baa* of th» South era Baptiat Convention will be naked to pay at laaat 60a a pieee, which if all will pay. wiU enable the How Board ta pay back all the mooey mis appropriated by the defaulting treas urer. Baptiat dofct fail ta remember the day and the amount. BaptiaU Meat at Difcaia Next Tuesday Oct 30th, at t p. a. repreeentativaa af tha churchaa af the Surry Baptiat Aaaeciation will moat at Dobaoa to apportion $6,600.00 among tha charcbea to be raiaad next year, 1929, from thia aaaociatioa for benevolent porpoeea. Beth tha exec utive and tha ceoperativa program committees will meet at the tame time at Do baa* ta aid any Baptiat church la thia aceoetatlon that may need help. It la totrid that every Baptiat church in Surry aaaociatioa be well represented. Mr*. Htlliuiwortk HmUm Tmi<«y Afternoon tad Evoming The weiil calendar In Mount Airy is fall to overflowing this week and began on Taeiday afternoon when Mr*. Dr. Will Holhngsworth wo* hoa teaa to the member* of her book club which recently changed iU name from the Young Matron*' to the Wednesday Afternoon Book club. Other friend* were entertained with the dab am bers and hivh neore at rook among club meiaberi waa rewarded with a lovely comport whicfi waa won by Mrm. Winiton Kultoa. the visitors cut for another priae which feel to Mr*. C. C. Elder. Tempting refreshment ■ eon liating of chicken aalad, two kind* of undwichea, Saratoga potatoes, .-hesse moulded to represent small pumpkins and coffee with whipped cream war* served. The tallies and refresh men ta plates were suggestive of the Hal lowe'en season, and lovely fall flowers were ueed. In the evening Mrs. Hol lingsworth waa hosteee to the mem bers of her bridge club and other friends and Mrs. C. W. Andrew woo the high score dob priae a pretty vaae and Miaa Elisabeth Merritt won a deck of cards In cutting for the vis itor's priae. Miaa Jewel Johnean. of Albany, Go., was an out-of-town guest in the evening. Ptniu Mtilihr At Cwtnl M«ttkodiat Cfctih N«st « « In tha itlWII Of U* IMUtOY, wha to attending tb« annoal Muioa of Um W« North CaroMna Coofar enca at Charkrtta, Um Bav. David Chalabia will daHvar tha aarmoM at atovon o'clock. Ba». Mr. ChatoMa to • JParaian Chriatkm. • aattva of tha ancittt Bibk HI* nativi hont to Juit couth of Mount Ararat and not far fro* tha Gtidan of Edan araa. Ha haa raeatvad hto eaUaga and thaotoctoal training ta thto eoontry. Thar* wlB not ha any awrtu P reaching aarvice at Cantral Charch. Both of tha Epworth Laacaaa will hold thair aarvicaa at tha uaaal ttea. Send Her Fo Hollowe'en - Just received freah shipment of WHITMAN'S umI HOLLINGSWORTH'S . , . Candy for HalloWen PLACE YOUR ORDER Wednesday, Oct 31st is Hallowe'en. . . S. Wolfe Drug Co. Phone 53—We deliver any place, any where, any time

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