Prof. J. K. William* of Mountain Put school. was in this part of the county the first day* of this week In the inure* at his school He will use the advertising section of this news paper to tell the cltlaens about what his school has to offer the younc peo ple of this section. Prof Williams Is de llfthted with the future prospects of his school and sew a gnat work hare for an institution of that kind. A sight on the streets of this city Monday wat that at sixteen new Btude baker can In line on tbelr way to Win ston-Calem from Oalax Each driver of a car had one of fhe same kind in tow. The ears had been shipped by rail to Oalax and then were being carried a nribtter of saving freight. Thr*eight mm driving the cars had been carried to Oalax by bus. Rev. A. C. Qibbe. and Rev. H. M. WeUaan. of this city, attended the dis trict oonferenoe at the Wineton-Saisni district at Advance, la* Tuesday Mis.' Long, wife at Oaptaln Long, popular railway conductor on the line between this city and Oreensboro. was operated on In Oreensboro last Priday for a serious condition and her many friends in this city will be glad to know that she Is well on the way to Presbyterian Church Note* Sunday School »:45 A M - i Morning Servicc* 11:00 A. M. Mr. McFall will use a* hi* *ubject at th«- morn in jt hour, "A Mother's . W«|t." and oil I deliver a mcsaage in honor at our mothers. A muatcal number. "Sweet Mother of Mine." will be given during the aerviee. A cord ial invitation T* given to other* to wornhip with u*. There will be no evening aerviee. , AdaMatrator* Notice i Having qualified aa administrator at the eatate of Mr*. Beaaie Brook* Witt, decaeaad, thi* i* to notify all persona having claim* against the ■aid estate to present them to the undesigned. properly verified, at Mauat Airy, N. C., on or before May •th, ino. or thi* nottae wtU be plead hi bar of recovery. AU persona in debted to the said eatate are request ed to make immediate payment. Thi* •th day of May IM>. The Fir*t National Bank, Admr., of Mr*. Besaie Brook* Witt, Deed. j people, and Mr IHiMmim nays that hie la the only out at tta ataa m tint MM* that employ* white help throughout Mrs. Mitchell Entorteiw Mr*. Roland Mitchell delightfully an. tertained with 3 tables of rook in the Woodruff apartment on Church Street Friday evening honoring Mi» TfiBe Albertaon and kin. W. H. Albertaon. joth or High Point. The rooms war* attractively decorated with (erne and spring flown. Mrs. Hcufh riwlyid high score a deck of rook cmrtfs. while low wore, a dainty handkerchief feU to Mrs Waller Prav. Mr. w. H AJbertaon waa prmntH with a lovely painted vaae and Wm Luclle Albertaon waa alveti a bos of bath salta. After the playing the boa tees served froaen fruit salad aad angel food cake followed by salted almonds Sunday School Meeting Stuart'« Creek Townahip Sunday chool convention will be held at Un ion Hill Friendi Church Sunday. May 1».. There will be all day (endow with dinner on the ground and you are In vited to some and brine • lull basket It Is hoped that the Sunday schools In the township will be well represent ed especially by the superintendents arid officer* of the achooi* At 11 A. M termor will be preached Uy Rev. J. B. Bart lei t Dinner will be lerved at noon. At 1:M P.i M. there will be devotional eaartlsss followed by Sunday tchool at l:4»,r. M. Problems will be discussed by Rev D M. Stan ley and at S:l> Miss Cora E. Mar shall win discuss what the 8unday school moans to the Home. At 2:46 P. M. Rev. J. K. Bartkett will on what the Sunday school Is to the church Special music win be furnished Jby the Antloch choir . See me or call me to dlanas your Hfs Insurance needs. J. B. RILEY OPP1CE: Blue Kidre ' "T Y r > * ALE By 'Mm at »n mUmMy Kit —c i, ■ ,0T * Fw«t XiUmI Kftnh, Mm AWy. M. C., *a IMMif, iMM t, Ittf M 1 atM F. H, tM {|U#Wtng laM |Mt: » Day b Soaday May 12 The Day With Caady 'a HOLLINGSWORTH DRUG CO. for the Home We desire to call the attention of totners, particularly the housewives are at preoent using electric range*, or contemplate using electric ranees, to the riu of lecturer to be prcti^ntfd by Station WBT at Charlotte each morning beginning Monday, May 18, through Saturday, May 18, at 11:15 A. M. WBT ha* secured for tbia aeries of lectures Mis* Bernice Lowen.'of Chicago and At lanta. probably the leading authority in America today on electric cookery.