Ths Ksssenger Prints . the . News 61? -BIHDOMXMIO- t JOB PRINTING I an-'. i- .11 irht aftcrbytbe peo ple of M Ii'.til, Yancey, Bun 'rn::.l,i', liritherfor.l, Burke mil tipT .'.ii:1ti' In Western North Cart-lira, and Is there 1. .r- a Cocc Advertising Medium. liatps furnish", 1 on application. :A!!r', . XHli MKSHENGEB, Marlon, N. O, TO THE MESSENGER, Marion. N. C. Fromptnp, Accuracy, X sate Ma and OooU Stock Guaranteed. Letter Head, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Envelope. Circular, Cards. Poa- i Ws, Pamphlets, and any kind of I Printing. I VOL. I. NO. 50. MARION. N C, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1897. Price $1 Per Year, in Advance. ; i 1 iiiii an. : Richmond, as Ever, the Heart of the Confederacy. ; A SKETCH OF THE MUSEUM. An .; iii;; Interest lor t he Visitors, Wl.c.htr He Comes I n. 111 Hie North r N0111I1, Ea.-.t or West. l: ;(,u ci.'i 1 . found a short sketch of !: 10, t Virginia, North C'urolina, So'.tli (!.: 1 !.'::t and Georgia in tilt: ( '011 f i. i;iti- M 1. u 111 ut Lh-hmond, Va. l'm li 1 di-tinctive, 'with it'i rop- reM i.'nt i c u-L i iit or supervisor, ) but ! I :.-. ' .1 t 1 1 ...;:! .Ui ;.p eiiiii intei - ft f r lie vi-iior, whether be comes fi..i,i ti . oi 'ii. Smth, IVt or West; iti.,1 I ' :. il i itii s lire irresistibly cn-li-' ' ' these, mute but elo- p ' ' . : !. U has I. -li said in 1!.' ' .,;ii iiiii this museum of !-outh- cl i is calculated to keep alive '-! ' "l!!i si! V "'id perpetuate tlie lio .-;:.'.-!. 1 U ,.: .. tu. cn tho North ami t!.- 'in tin; contrary, it may be in !'! I t1 .:t the . -i'le.-t must l,i the oppo site. t!i:it sentiments of sympathy, :id -1 11 i' "I'd .-gard rail only be cx- I M . ut least, has been 1h.( '' 1 1 1 . 1 1 ! v . it-, c. ,:istant ly I, aii.'..iM :i Miile exception, 1 .nltltll ! I'lotu the Noitll IUI.I -...' i-1 1 : I.v' 1 . I i' t I,.!-.- i. ili d t!i" museum: 111 . vn Ki'OM. I if ' I all I Fcnate-;" of Virginia in . -..! i.l . i.-v (!., sacred to tho ., ..: 'i State., iliuli to her the II. ot!.. .. aii. She has gal l.ored u 11 ' . .. . : .ii i v.!!!-i i,f niie room treu III. . i r Mlent fjrundeiiv of II o.-i.-li..,, , !): I .1 olnistoli, .laek- . 1 in - :;!: and A. I'. Hill, l'i 11:.' Lilt 1 v. . of 'iav haired 11.1:1 unit ''!'!' i '1-1 ion to tho l.e.nt o! t n ! :-i:"iild -.meafler I il.:,-i i:., , . ;i . f f.nt!i's pi-rfeetion 111 iji' li H . I e.i hearted leader ar- 4 llt.i'l I:.: , : : , : 1 1 ' I'l 1 1 d . ' V lli.-t l'll-'U'l'd I lit;!.-nun . . i;pholdiie; in sppearaiiee, 11: in l.i -iiior ..f "ciith, reserved I dejm!, ::,.-:, 1:1 r of hi:; eall'-e u:id of in - .i:7:!t v I it i-i tlio tin cup and 1 Li'.. :.'- i I.v h:ei (hirintr tho war. I f 1 1 - lie; I hi!.,. ,:u..i II-. -I la h U :!! 1:1 , pi.! .1 II...I .' t: . . ei su e hcn ollfreid i.. . "i.l ! 11;. e what wus !: ii : wi:h hiui, HO : 1 a' t i.e Lent cup und .liieksou and : .'. : : ! da liin Stuart po 'M tell the . oM l.i: ,. s h indeed, Li 'i " a-. ;;ood soldiers,'' 1 over the river : lut le of tho trees. " relies of the,., he ll;' 1111 ! spurs, the ;;amit- . ; I e the same used liy : M..'- :li:i-" his imitL-iilesa 1 1 . and ly .Meieier for 1 t mi.- . the gauntlets of : 1 ;. ii. Joseph '.. '. "'1 hiiver.-aek, iield- t . I.- II. 1l.:il Ih-:- . , :!. !! i.nd .-puis, and tho liaisdh.--. 1 1 . i -i . ' i w : t ' 1 In.-, lilo'.- llo.'U, that stall ,.-he I tl.e f:i'.;il M-Ul,d fill that in. 1111, 1 1. 1 .l.iv ::l 'hall-ellor -ville; Stlt- a !'- eii .-.I. , I t -.iini s:i'!d.-, thesal'l'e of I'll - 1 . aiiau: e'i:ti'i -; the Clip and ea;., . i . I'. Miil. and r, lies that caniiot !, ,!:ii : : ed. and of value le Voii : ;.l :. '. of 1 I'l, e ilf I ly S!lo a'e 1 -n.r. . of the -.'Mailt yoilllj l'i.-:.. ' 1 !,i.i r 1:1... 11 these faces olie . ,1':"-. I. ,t i.ea:- the fry f the llt'W- ina.i -. I -. 1 ' 1 ; 1 1' 1 ; I hride. " '.-peak ta lue, l:,v I . 1 :.!. to !i:e .,'.,-e mol'e," as .lohitiv 111 t'e- roiieii au.i"ih'.iice, over I'lin.u - und !,-..s from the Imttletield, -he he ! t!,,. .l.-i 1 form of her k:u-:.t ly l-rid.-trrooni. Mm-ii. John l'e i: I'uni , i.l'. e i al II lit t 'lei's ! ' i;ti. I A I :i.i- ! . , il'fif". -t:'!id heve hauded dov. a (...'ether ,! ti. love of lil.erty and i..:!,',, la.,,!, through three rciiora tioii -. e,im.- ,.r the mnmied patriots of t!ir. '.a: I i 1I'.'. I fill. riaited-stia'-. 'i.'....' inieif l.oiinets and j.luves; : .is -i h .!iie-.p.lii, oeit oil tin! I la. .'all. I:- ; v. , .in I .y t he SoiU hel n VI' i : t-icy i.l it tin' s..)'ks e.f their '-"Id I n. i - -i'i, I 1,; ,iiie''s, lie near; I. di-pat.dies from the . ' ;im lal I'etialetoii) :i!:i:i::,i ill I,:. tile, cried: ..! on their muiIs, W I.e. lea Iv !i!; ; are these il !usi riutis : :, ,'i all ; t eadaut and :: all to . ;,':t ,.;,., und Hot les; a! tha:i those who led the a. I luavtd the hearts and 1 ' t'.i i' me'.i. lmt even more '. .--!. i .'m! a'l, I c ouraueoiis are ' :'i i 1.: !-. I'.'id liie, whose lnemo :'i l' i-. !' em as their deeds do till rid. I ett.-i -, c!i:!te'ii-, Mvonls, . t . ;..! I ja kei . of "lay and lat :.:: lo ! ::: f t he re to tell the story !id sftvi.-e and unooiu- , . of tho-e i.ieti in jnt.v " i if "!. u iihoi-.t tho crow u i v. ai: I 11. ov siivp in uuinelcss t ! oi 1 . ru-t, : '1.0.1,... dn-t. s.-.l aro with the saints, we ' u ! ' 1 ill" i,;ni ( i;oi,is i;,',iM. !'i t'atoiiua offiii.i,s the room v.s tin- uai.-erv in the home of ;t hiivN. It has n liia-ii'.ti.-i-nt i :''.a! of li'fhuion.l known ': iiid. It was L'lvon to North ' a a- one .f the choicest apast- ' Man, ion, 1 ailMof North ' i' 'i'.liaut refold the 1 riol'otato tho liinnlier of '":, ': ,"l. and substantiated ly '"' - they have a memorial ' v . ri is f Cleveland cotintv, - : -d. It el:i'oits this nust ' a ,- .. : ' i::,-t un - that out of a - r -ii of in, a.: , , :.,,ty t;ave the C'onfeilerato '' '' ;!. In one case is a 1 card w :th a little sjiri of cedar e i P. :t. w ith these words: "t'ut ' ; t v.lieie t'ol. Charles K. :. 'ft ... c.t'.i N.rtii Carolina regi- ' .. 1. i:t the lirst hattle of i v J!, l;." tuly a lit- - " e.iar. small and insiuiti- a : . . calls to mind that Hi! - ' 1 . , i nature's nolileuieu 1 !:- '" 0:1 the altar of his coilll- ! 11. e il .. anions; the lirst to receive !: 'loveii.or of Noitli Carolina ' ' . !.;.i, the coiumission of '1 . ;.e,:u N.ith Caroiitia reui ' : !: i. ui-nent lie raised and : i- own iNpetise In less two weeks from tho time he left ...e!.e w as hi-fituht hack a corpse, n' f.. I... in, r that he won at that '.-Mtoiv of Manassas. Julv VI, w.i at a fe.utul co-tto frieinlsaud -0 is the picture of Henry hist inaitvr of the war, i :;t I -eti. el church, June m, ism. a v. i ;i . 1 oietiires of other promi fetit so:.ii.-r and generals. In an in f. d M o-id ea-e a.-e the etl'ects of the gal- l hint Sia-.-r leu. porsey l'ender; the "i:lt ' :Tay in wliifh he wft:5 killed; his I t ..., inn i, , i.e. s - one as lieutenant in' I tb-' I lute tatcs anny, jiiveu Una by j'i "re ?, t I avis. then Secretary ol ' War ;u tiie Cabiuef of l'resiflent Fierce; l ? tn other hi commiseion of maioi i general in the Confederate SUUs army. A beautiful Gag adorns the -wall, which was ;;iven by the Edgewortn "ills, of (ireensboro, N. C, to the (luilford iiays, commanded by Capt. John Sloan, of tho 27th North Carolina State Troops. Of the gallant (Jen. L. 0 H. J Jranch, they hare his pistols and holster and his glove. A lare frame is failed with important dispatches from 1 resident Davis" to (iovernor John V. Ellis, of North Car olina; also, one of condolence to his wife on his hearing of the death of (ioYornor Ellis. There is also the flair that was presented to the (iovernor bv Mr. ;. ilayo's girls, of Ivaleigh, the same flag which draped his ooffin. THR SOUTH CAROLINA BOOM. Col. Wade Hampton, of Revolution ary fame, captured from one of Tarle ton's Legion a sword ol finest tteel in a tcahhard beautifully overlaid with tor toise shell, lie used it during the war of tlu l.'oltttion and in the war of XftVi. It descended as an heirloom ttj Jja ";i Hudson, "fJchT Wade fiampton. 'ine sword once, more aw nervice at First Manassas wielded by that gallant cav alry leader. Sheathed now and crossed with a long sabre, also hiistorio from having been used by the noble Hamp ton, it stands in the uniform case in the South Carolina room, close to the Uni forms (lsiji-iNi;.-,) of (Jen. James Con nor, (Jen. M. M. Uary, (Jen. T. M. Lo pun, Col. K. 1'. Ifarlee, Col. Perrinand others. Standing guard over the 32- records and relics hangs a full length oil portrait of (Jen. Hampton in uni form, taken during the Confederacy. Around him are (Jens. McCJowan, But ler, Connor, Stephen Elliott, 8. 1)., J'.rattoti, Wallace, Uaood, Col. Magood, the youngest colonel in the Confederate army,) Capt. Langdon 1 heves; the South Carolina war (iover nor, I'ickens; tho Hon. . Torcher Miles, aud other heroes of the old Pal metto State. All these tortraits were ollected through the personal efforts .f Mrs. H. V. Itichardson, of Colum li:i, S. ('. A tablet case contains valu t'.ile papers, letters, war music, memo rials, etc Among the battle-scarred lags in another case rests that of the Mb South Carolina Regiment, which vas borne through twenty nine battles. It hough in tatters the embroidery upon t, wrought by woman's hand, is well reserved. May this later work of wo man, the preservation of Confederate relics and records in the Confederate Museum, endure for countless genera ions to come. TILE UEOEOIA ROOM. The room assigned to Georgia was the draw ing room of the White House jf the Confederacy, and is one of the aiost beautiful in the Mansion. In this room was held the reception given to 'apt, William '(Jrillin Waller and his hride, who was the sister of President lavis. Tho sword presented to Capt. Waller ui on this occasion by President I avis is now in this room, loaned by bis dauirhter, Miss Elizabeth Tyler Waller. i 'r. Everard Do Renue bequeathed to the (Jeorgia room tho very valuable and jxtensive collection of books, papers, pictures, and all manner of relics accu mulated by his mother, Mrs. Mary De lleuue, a native of Savannah, and a most devoted Confederate. The books nlone in this remarkable collection number over 300, some of them of grept. rarity and historic interest. They lemonstrate, many of them, by the lingy hue of the paper and the dis tinctiveness of tho print, and further by tho binding, (in pome instances wall paper) the dire straits of the South in the want of material and appliances. One interesting feature of this ?ollection is tho largo number of mtograph letters, somo from Presi lent I 'avis, his Cabinet, the Con federate (Jenerals aud ninny prominent nen ot that tune. 1 liree large cases have already been tilled from this col lection, und there are yet many articles in packed. A fourth case, much larger than tho others, contaiss the relics winch have been sent from (Jeorgia Separate oases will be assigned to each uty as soon as tho number of relics makes it necessary. A few must be mentioned to show the unwavering love, the patient toil, and the faithfulness Dveu unto death of those who lived in those sorrowful days. From Savannah jollies the miniature of Capt. Edward Kiehardson Cheves, of the staff of (ien. A. 11. Law ton, w ho was killed in the battle of Seven Pines at the ago of 19 veil's, lie was the only sou of his mother, and she was a widow, ''rum Augusta a loving sister has out in memory of her brother, lldward 11. Hall, a large num ber of war photographs and relics of different kinds. 1 his brother, who was killed at Murfreesboro, Tenn.,was color bearer of Company I, 1st (Jeor gia Volunteers. A pair of trousers worn by Sergt. John W. Eester, woven from cow's hair by his mother, and the shut tle with which they were woven, comes from Americus. Amongst the portraits hv the side of her brothers, (Jens. How ell and T. R. If. Cobb, hangs one of .Mrs. Mary Cobb Johnson, of Atlanta. This heron; woman personally supenn tended the exhuming and giving Chris tian burial to ;!,tHio unknown Confeder ate soldiers. ''This that she has done shall be told as a memorial of her." Work of a Cyclone. A special to the Evening Constitution A Monday from Arlington, Oa. , says: V cyclone struck this town and has left behind it a trail of death and disaster. 1 he high school building was blown to pieces and from the wreck nearly a huu lied people dead, dviug and injured have already been taken out. Rlakely, (Ja , was struck dy a severe torm also which did enormous damage and io-t several lives. The chaos : ansod by the storm is still present, and during tho confusion nothing can be letinitcly learned as to the amount of harm done or the number of lives lost, .t is know n, however, that several are ii i1 led and many more so severely in Itired that they will probably die. A special from Washington, Ind. , ays: A small cyclone struck this coun iry at 4 o'clock." The north wall of the -wan 1 ond school building was torn ant and the stone cross on St. Simon's chun-V steeple was blown off and bro ken. any trees were uprooted and windows broken. At Wheatland, Ind., at an early hour a cyclone passed over the town doing much damage. Many houses were un roofed and trees and fences destroyed. r- o) wr.s seriously injured. No Action at l'resent. The declaration of a blockade of the island of Crete by the allied powers has raised a serious question of interna tional law and it is said that the stop ping of a vessel of another nation going to ( veto would amount to an act of war agtiitist that nation; all Americans in ininldn are anxiously awaiting Secre tin v Sherman's rerly to the notice of the I lockade which has been le sent to . i:r fovpiimieut. The United States wdl take no action at present regarding th Cretan blockade. Secretary Sher man says le will fimrly acknowledge the levcipt of the notes irom tne repre ...ntiitivfs in Washington, of the pow- tis,' which were delivered to him Monday. HARD BLOW AT RAILROADS. Supreme Court Decision May Cause a IJig Rate War. Within a week it is expected by high railroad officials that not one of the or ganizations having jurisdiction over passenger and freight rates will be in existence in this country, as a result of the plain decision of the United States Supreme Court that all associations which have for their purpose the main tenance of agreed rates and the division pf traffic are illegal. The oldest organi zations of this character must go to pieces. In fact the work of disintegra tion has begun, the legal advisers of the great railroads being quick to grasp the hopelessness of the situation, so far as continued membership in these associa tions was concerned. General Solicitor Keuna, of the Santa Fe system, advised the traffic manager of that road to with draw immediately from all freight as sociations of which it has been a mem ber. On reliable authority it was stated that the following important, lines have also decided to give notice of withdraw al: The Wisconsin Central, St. Louis and Kan Francisco, the Minneapolis and St. Louis and the Chicago Great Western. The peremptory action of all these companies means the certain disruption of the following associations and com mittees: Western Freight Association, I'rans-Continentiil Psssenger Associa tion, Southwestern Traffic Association, Trans-Missouri Association, Southwest ern Passenger Committee, Mississippi Valley Freight Committee, St. Paul and Minneapolis Rate Associa tion, Colorado Freight Association, the Local Passenger Association of St. Louis, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Den ver and ( hicairo, Local Freight Agents Association of Chicago, St. Louis Asso ciation of General Passenger Agents, Chicago and St. Louia Traffic Associa tion, Western Classification Committee and Minneapolis Central Freight Asso ciation. 'I he concensus of opinion is that a period of widespread and disastrous rate disturbance is at hand, because each road can now do as it pleases, and cut rates, openly and secretly, regard less of the interstate commerce law. Railroad men and shippers agree that such conditions will work injury to the general public, giving big shippers and merchants who get lowest rates an ad vantage over competitors. Wreck on the Southern. Tassenger trein No. 11, on the South ern Railway, was wrecked near Blacks burg, S. C. , Wednesday afternoon. The train consisted of engine No. 2SB, mail and baggage cars, one second-class coach one lirst-class coach and one deadhead sleeper, "Hazelmere." The engine, mail and baggage cars stopped entirely clear of the main line, all right side up, except the tank and en gine. Tho list of injured were: En gineer Chatham, bruises on hand, head and foot; Fireman Hulsey, hurt on an kle and hands; Flagman Chapman, leg hurt; Robert Mansfield, postal clerk, injured on arm and chest. The dam age to the train was slight. The cause of the accident has not been ascer tained. Town Completely Under Water. The town of Elba, on Pea river, in Coffee county, Alabama, is completely covered with water. It is six feet deep in the public square, and flowing through every business house in town. Geneva, at tho junction of Pea and Choctawatchie rivers, is in almost the same condition. Every bridge in Cof fee county has been swept away. There is much suffering throughout the flood territory. Twelve bridges have been washed away in Parbour county and much damage done to farming in terests. Merlin's Centenary Ceremonies. In the celebration attending the cen tenary ceremonies of Kaiser Wilhelm T, Emperor of Germany, Tuesday it is estimated that upwards of 20,000 per sons marched in the procession, which was of the most gorgeous description. Many of the historic costumes worn by the paraders were of costly material ana ornamentation and of artistic design. Prince Bismarck has beri the recipient of almost countless telegraphic, written and verbal congratulations in connec tion with the centenary of the Emperor. Fatal Collision at Aiigustn. An open switch caused a head-end collision between two trains on the South Carolina & Georgia Railroad just across tho river from Augusta Wednes day afternoon, which J. T. Ewing, fireman on the accommodation, was killed. Tho passengers were badly shaken up, but no other serious damage was done. The Aiken accommodation, coming to Augusta, ran into a siding, colliding with a shifting engine at tached to a train of freight cars. ABOTT "TO BREAK DOWX. OBlce-Seekers Are Plaeins Too Great a Strain Upon McKinley. President McKinley is show ing the effect of the pressure upon him for of fice. He arlves to each visitor a courte ous hearing, but the tax on his vitality is very severe. 1 he olhee-6eekers are at the" White House w hen the doors are opened in the morning and they remain in evidence until the 1 resident is com pelled, through sheer fatigue, to seek the seclusion of his private apartments. I'he warm weather of the past few days has added to his discomfort and it has been suggested that he spend an occa sional day in rest at the seashore, or in the country near the city. The Presi dent insists upon staying at his desk as iong as his strength will permit. His friends believe that if be does not take a brief outing he will break down from overwork. They maintain that he has been nnder a terrific strain since his nomination last June, and that it is not in human nature to continue it indefi nitely. Another Texas Failure. At Paris, Tex., Wednesday morning, John Dixon filed a deed of trust, cov ering Lis 6tock of clothing, etc., to 0. C. Connor, to the amount of $o2,100. A large portion of it is borrowed money, due to the Farmers and Merchants' Bank, and local capitalists and whole sale merchants iu other cities. The failure was caused by the closing of the Farmers and Merchants' Bank. Munitions of War. The Petersburg (Va.) Iron Works Company, which has a large contract for furnishing the United States Gov ernment with munitions of war, shipped Tuesday 83t,tHHj pounds of projectiles to the arsenals at Sandy Hook and Fortress Monroe. The "company Las just received from the Ordnance De partment at Wabhingten another large order for projectile. NEWS ITEMS CONDENSED. Southern Pencil Pointers. Attorney-General Boyle "has ruled that the anti-trust law juet passed by the iventucay Legislature applies to la bor organ.avaCions. The office of shipping commissioner at Mobile, Ala., has been abolished by Secretary (J age, and the same action will be taken with reference to the same position at Brunwick, (Ja. Martin Wipe & Fitzhugh, of Paris, Texas, one of the largest cotton firms in the South, assigns. Mrs. Chas. A. Collier, wife of At lanta's major, died at her home Wed nesday of nervous prostration. Tho I.ouisviile Chair' Company has assigned. Liabilities are JJiiO.DUO. It is claimed the assets are much larger. Col. John Churchill, owner of tho celebrated Churchill downs, died at Louisville, Ky., aged 78. He left an estate valved at 7ou,000 to his wife and child. IJ. R. Riordan, formerly a Charles ton (S. ('.) journalist, but recently liv ing in New York, died at his residence in the metropolis March 21. He was a native of Virginia and 5'J years old. John T. Smith, a negro preacher, was shot dead at Scottsbbro, Ala. He was charged w ith outraging the wife of a white farmer. J. R. Littlejohu assaulted his wife, at Danville, Va , beating her with a stick He was arrested and locked up aud later was found dead in his cell, having taken laudanum. At Houston, Texas, Walter Hughes was shot dead in attempting to kidnap a daughter of Frank Dunn, a wealthy resident of that city. The purpose of the would-be-kidnapper was to keep the girl iu captivity aud demand ?f40, 000 ransom for restoring her to her parents. Geo. E. Bennett, formerly of Pennsylvania, committed suicide at Fayettev lie, X. C, by drinking four ounces of laudanum. He left a letter attributing his reason for sjiieide to a faithless wife. All About the North. Iron ore producers of Pittsburg, Ta., have made a cut of from 4 to 2.155 per ton. Five children, all under 12 years of age, were burned to death at their home at Laddsdale, la., Wednesday morning. The bursting of a flywheel in the Edgar Thompson steel works at Pitts burg, Pa., wrecked the building aud fatally injured two persons. The large factory of the Acme Bicycle Manufacturing Company, Reading, Pa , was burned 'I hursday, causing a loss of ST.), 000, on which there is an insurance of oft,o:)0. Over 400 hands were ren dered idle. Tho company will rebuild. George Dixon, eh impion feather, weight pugilist, defeated Frank Erne of liuffalo, at New York Wednesday night in the 21st round. At Centre City, Minn., Tuesday morning George Kelly w'as hauged in the county jail for complicity in the murder of Edward Paul and Jacob Hayes. Mr. Archie Paxton, of Xew York, clerk to the Assembly of that State for many years, will be appointed Second Assistant Postmaster-General. The handsome residence of the late A. A. Cohen at Alameda, Cal , has been destroyed by fire. When built it was said to have cost, with its contents, over .-J.iOO, t00. The total insurance on house and contents was $15-,000. A sharp earthquake was felt Tuesday evening at Malone, N. Y. Also at Montreal, Can., a heavy shock caused great alarm. Dispatches from various points in eastern Ontario report simi lar shocks, but without any damage of consequence. The three most dangerous convicts in tho Joliet (111.) penitentiary escaped Monday morning by sawing the iron bars of the wi-idow in two. They are all noted counterfeiters. At Center City, Minn., George Kelly was hanged f-r complicity in the mur der of Edward Paul and Jacob Hayes. ' Seven Chicago, III., women have lost 2-", oi) j by following an astrologer's ad vice in wheat gambling. Christian Kiolneeker, of Philadel phia, died in a hospital from blows re ceived in a prize right. The Franklin sugar re finely, at Philadelphia, Pa,, will soon bo started up again, giving employment to 1,000 hands. Ten persons were injured aud one killed in a wreck on the Haiti more and Ohio Railroad near Oakland, Md. Miscellaneous. Valuable estates in Peru have been destroyed by recent freshets on the River Joro. The Taris Figaro savs the govern ment will ask the Chamber ef Deputies to vote a credit of 160,000,000 for the construction of 4o new warships and lt- torpedo boi ts. The President has sent to the Senate the nomination of Chester G. Brush of Connecticut to be recorder of the gen eral laud office. President McKinlev has granted a respite to four men, wlio were to have been hanged Tuesday at Santa Fe, New Mexico. Reports from Loudon to the New York Times tell of shocking revelations of the custom of wife and husband murdering in Austria aud Hungarv. A chemist made the remark that all the village cemeteries iu Styria were full of arsenic. Ian Maclaren is to be called before a Presbyterian synod to give an account of his alleged unorthodox holdings. According to the War Office statistics Spain has sent, up to the end of is;, HtS,o47 men and 40 generals to Cuba. The deaths in the field and from yel low fever and other diseases were four generals and 22,731 men nn. officers. The celebration of centennary of Em lorer William I, who was born March 22, 17'.7, which began Monday was observed throughout Germany as the national holiday. Thei sueof standard silver dollars from the mints and Treasury offices for the week ending March 20, was 817, S32; and for the corresponding period last year was 34 22,0V). The shipment of fractional silver coins from March 1 to 20, aggregated 495.030. Reports from Washington say that Gen. Wade Hampton's condition i greatly improved. The Philadelphia branch of the na tional Republican l eague of Busine. 8 Men has requested the former i'ottmas-ter-General, John Wanamaker, to be come a candidate for State Treasurer before the next Republican State Convention. TIIE DESTRUCTIVE CYCLONE. Further Reports From the Work of the Winds In Alabama and JeorgU. Family of Eight Persons Drowned. A special to the Chicago Tribune from Eufaula, Ala., under date of the2:jd, says: This city is central in a section which was swept by a tor nado on the 22d, in which death and disaster has played a dreadful part. 1 or several days there has been Bum mer mildness" all through southwest Georgia and southwest Alabama, the country tributary to the Chattahoochee river. On Sunday the thermometer went up to 8o and the air was oppres sive. Monday morning leaden skies and an increasing wind pressure pre ceded a storm which came sweeping along with terriflo force. Shutters and roofs pave way, and for two hours there was terror and desolation, when tho tornado passed off to the northwest, coursing along the Chattahoochee val ley. 1 he reiMji ts soon coming in told of the horrible devastation. The town of Blakeley, in Georgia was nearly lifted out of existence, and people seeking refuge indoors were as badly knocked about by creaking and falling timbers as were those on the outside, who were unable to dodge fence rails and other flying missiles. From Henry county, Alabama, around Abbeville, there come 6tories of death and wreck. A family of live per sons are reported killed near Geneva. A second disaster, that of floods, is now upou the country. The rivers and creeks are swelling with the rainfall, which almost resembled a cloudburst in its copiousness. Cn both sides of the Chattahoochee, south of this, the fields are overflowed, destroying all the winter's work of preparation, carrying away cabins and stock. News has been received of the drowning of a family of eight members on the Alabama side of the river, in Henry couuty. Richard Manson, with his wife and six children, lived on the river bank, and at the crossing of the Central railroad from Columbus. The waters rushed in and befor they could escape all were lost. CIVIL SERVKK HOLDS. Lonj; Makes a Sound Ruling In the Public Interest. Secretary John D. Long, of the Navy Department, has made an emphatic an swer to congressional delegations from New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia ant California, who have been requesting bim for the past twoweeksto "letdown the bars" at the Brooklyn, League Is land, Norfolk and Mare Island navy yards, so as to admit party workers into them irrespective of merit qualifica tions. It has been alleged that in car rying into effect the civil service regit lations favoritism was shown to Demo crats. Mr. Long replies that when the system of employing mechanics and la borers upon merit first went into effect itjwas reasonable to suppose that those who were to administer the regulations would make some mistakes, but "favrr itism wiil not be allowel." Then he adds these explicit instructions: rt is in tho intention of tho department to enforce fairly aud justly the regulations as promulgated, and to disarm unjust criticipn it is necessary that the atten tion of each official at tho yard under your command be called to what is expected of him, as to the certainty of punishment of any person er trusted with the enforcement of the labor regu lations who violates them, or fails, through carelessness or negligence to perform the duties expected and ro quired of him. ' The department desires you to per sonally communicate to officials at the yard under your command its views as expressed above. " THE PURCHASE OE CUBA Reins Considered by the American iiovrrnmeut and Spanish Minister. It is declared at Havanna in Spaninh circles, upon the strength of private dispatches received from the United States, that the administration at Washington is planning in co-operation with the Spanish Minister, i-enor De lome, somo solution of the Cuban prob lem. The news is that the plan which is being considered by the American gov ernment and the Spanish Minister is the old scheme of ending the war in Cuba by an indemnity to be paid by the island to Spain in exchange for tho rec ognition of its independence. it is added that in the opinion of some persons well acquainted in Wash ington with the Spanish Minister, Spain, under the Government of Senor ( anovas, is inclined to oiler more liber al home rule to Cuba than that con tained in the last decree of reforms, in stead of accepting the plan of indemni ty, which means the sale of the island. THE RAGIN; MISSISSIPPI. Lives Lost, Stock Drowned, the Country Desolated Worst Is Not Over. A special from St. Lon'?, Mo., under late of the 20th, Fays: Tho earning lent out by tho Government signal ser iice on the l;dh that the Mississippi Kiver and its tributaries would con tinue to rise has been i ulniied to the letter. The communication with the dooded section has become difficult, but dispatches received from widely separated points show that all have suffered alike. It is estimated that a section of country with an area equal to that of the State of Missouri ia now mder water, and that the worst is not aver. Advices from Cairo. 1'adacah, Memphis and Helena show that the reg'on begiuuing North of Xew Madrid, . o., west to ami including the valleys jf the St. Francis, the N hite and the u kansaa rivers in Arkansas, cast in entucky and Tennesste, the valleys of :he Tennessee, tho Cache, the Obion nd the Yazoo rivers, and south to the ued river are under water. The inter vening ranges of hills and high ground ue the only places of refuge. 'I he dis patches received here tell but one story - iives lost, stock drowned and country lesolated. At Cairo, Illinois, the river -ea -hed f.O.'.i feet and rising 6lowly, Lich is but one foot short of the high record of 1 SS5. All the country south if there to Memphis is submerged. A relief steamer from the fiats below Bird's l'oint brought in four families. ;t is reported that a flat boat contain ng a number of people was sunk at Is aud No. 10. All the cotton fields in the valley of Forked Deer River in Tennessee, are mder water, lhe Memphis Relief As jociation has five boats at work. These ooats go to poins that are some twenty mles from 6treams navigable in ordina ry stages of water, 'lhe unanimous Vpiniou of St Louis river men is that ;onditions must become wor.-e Kfore there can be permanent relief, il.t.v jay that numerous breaks in tLe lower levees are really blessings, a9 they are uatural outlets for the deluge that it -trtain to crAe from the melting snows .f tba Xorth. A QUICK HEARING Will Be Had of Appeal In Traffic As sociation Case. Attorney-General McKenna has di rected District Attorney McFarlane at New York to take an appeal from the decision of the circuit court of appeals, delivered at New York last Friday, in favor of the Joint Traffic Association, composed of Eastern trunk lines. This case is closely allied to that of the lrans-Missouri freight association, in w hich the United States Supreme Court last Monday held that the anti-trust law was constitutional. The same questions aro involved as in the Trans-Missouri case with the addition that the Joint 1 raffle Association is charged with vio lation of the anti-iooling clause of the inter-state commerce act. The circuit court of appeals held that the United States had no right to go into court in an attempt to dissolve the association under either the anti-trust or inter-state commerce acs. It is contended at the department of justice that even the dis senting opinion of the Supreme Court did not sustain points sustained by the circuit court of appeals. When the papers in tho appeal arrive the Attoruej--(Jeneral will ask the Supreme court to advance the case so that it may be heard at the present term. Another Road Draws Out. The St. Louis and San Francisco rail road Thursday gave notice of with drawal from all the traffic associations, both freight and passenger, in the West and Southw est. This "action is taken on account of the Supreme Court decis ion on Tuesday decluring the Trans Missouri Traffic Association to be il legal. So far no action has been taken by any of the car service associa tions. News of the Flood. Another break in the levee at Fifteen Mile Bayou, nine miles below Modoc, Ark., is reported. It is now over live hundred feet in width and hourly in creasing. Assistant United States En gineer Notty states that in his opinion all the White river levee system, from 'oloc south, will eventually go to pieces. i Kansas City, Mo., the Missouri river is w ithin 2 feet of the danger liue and the indications are that it will go at least one foot higher. The bottom at the mouth of the Kaw river is over flowed and tho squatters have been compelled to take refuge on the bluffs. The Relt Line Hailway tracks are un der water in places and serious trouble is feared. The Armour 1'acking Com pany has a large force of men at work to guard against damage by the expect ed overflow. Several more breaks in the levee at Bird's ioint have occurred and a cur rent of water as strong as a mill race is rushing through the center of that vil lage. Already a dozen houses have been swept from their foundations and it now looks as if there will not be a building left in the place. Fortunately the dwellers had ample warning and removed most of their household goods and merchandise. With one exception, the bridge.over the Flint river, at Albany, (la., there is not a public bridge left in the county. The iron bridge across the Kinchee foonee creek, recently built jo:ntly by Doughty aud Lee counties and costing " i was swept away without a vestige being left. Huckct Shops Win. Judge Norton, of the circuit court, has overruled the motion of the board of trade of Chicago, the Western Union Telegraph Company, tho Gold and Stock Telegraph Company and the Pos tal 1 elegraph Company to dissolve the temiHJiary injunctions, restraining these parties from detaching telegraph wires from lhe place of busines of Har ry E. Wyly and the W. A. Michel Com mission Company et al., and from re moving "tickers" and from cutting off or in any wise interfering with "the supply of information as has been here tofore supplied." in concluding his decision, the Judge suj-s: "The defendant telegraph com panies have been so long permitted to continue to transmit to the public the 'market news' and said telegraph com panies have been so long employed by the public so to do that said companies may new be considered as agents of the public for that purpose, recognized as such by the board of trade. " Free Silver Republicans. A new political party has been launched in Nebraska. It is composed of members who have heretofore affili ated with the Republicans, but last No vember voted for W. J. Bryan for Pres ident on the currency question alone. The convention which met in Lincoln was not largely attended. Chailes Wooster, a member of tho lower house of the Legislature, was made chair man. The present name Free Silver Republicans of Nebraska was retained. Judge I). D. Gregory, of Omaha, was made the Xebraska member of the Xa tional Committee and a State organiza tion was effected. Six Congressional district committeemen were also select ed and arrangements perfected for car rying on an active campaign. Contrary to expectations, Mr. Bryan was not present. Three Friends Seized. At Jacksonville, Fla., Thursday the steamer Threo Friends, which arrived in port Thursday, has again been seized by order of the United States Court, in accordance with the recent decision of the Supreme Court, in the libel cave pending against the boat. The bend was cancelled, after which a deputy marshal was placed in charge. The tug will be allowed to do towing on the river, pending a trial of the case against it. Birmingham's Big Cotton Mill. At Birmingham the Avondaie m:)j, capital S-VKJ.iXHJ, were formally launch ed Thursday night with I'mi,"o,io of the Ftock subscribed. At a meeting of the stockholders B. B. Comer was elected president and treasurer and David Trainer, secretary and general manager. The following were elected a board of directors: B. B. Comer, Holert Jami son, W. J. Milner, David Trainer and M. V. Joseph, Birmingham; C. H. Hutchins, Worcester, Mass. ; D. M. Thompson, Providence, R. I. ; and J. P. Wilson and H. S. Chadwick, Char lotte, X. C. LuU Found Guilty. The jury in the case of Dr. Jo3e Luis, who has been on trial in the United States Court at Baltimore on the charge of conspiracy with General Roloff, to send a filibustering expedition to Cuba in July, 1S93, on the steamship James Woodall, returned a verdict of guilty. A motion was made for a new trial. New York Follows Georgia. Both anti-tru6t bill 6 introduced by the Lexow trust investigating commit tee at Albany, X. Y., have passed the Assembly without amendment. Tb iow go t thj gtsata for yt:s. FI Fl Y- FI F T II CON C. K ESS. Report of the Proceedings from Day to Day. SENATE. Movdat. The legislative session cf the Senate lasted alnrnt 40 minutes, the arbitration treaty between the United States and Great Britain being taken up thereafter, behind closed doors. In the short open session nearly sin bills were introduced and many o'thers were retorted back from committees. In cluded in the latter were the "free homestead" bill, and the immigration bill, with the provision as to Canadian laliorer eliminated, lioth of which weie under consideration in the last Con gress, the latter failing to become a law owing to President Cleveland's veto. The four great appropriation bills, the agricultural, the Indiana, the sundry civil and the general deficiency, which also failed for lack of Mr. Cleve land's signature, and which were re introduced and passed last week by the House, were referred to the com mittee on appropriations. The House joint resolution was passed extending until December next the investigation as to the use of alcohol in the arts, by a joint commission of Congress. XfESDAY. The Senate indulged in ap almost one-sided denunciation of the civil service law and its administration. ( )nly one Senator, Lodge, defended the law, and the upshot of it all was that a motion was agreed to, without a divis ion, but amended so as to instruct the committee on civil service and retrench ment to inquire and rejort whether the civil service law should be continued, amended or repealed. Turpie (Dem ), of Indiana, made an argument in favor of a constitutional amendment to make United States Senators elected by the popular vote instead of by the State Legislatures. These bills were passed by the Senate: Directing the Secretary of War to furnish a thousand touts to shelter aud relieve the sufferers from the flood in tho Mississippi ri er; to amend the act repealing the timber cul ture laws. A constitutional amend ment to make the 30th of April inauguration day was introduced by Mr. Hoar. Wedn bsdat. The Senate spent only half an hour in oien session today, the remainder of the time being given to the consideration of the arbitration treaty, behind closed closed doors. The agricultural appropriation bill, one of the four money bills that failed at the last ses sion, was reiKirted back in the shape in w hich it passed the House last week, and was placed on the calendar. It ill be acted on at an early day. The attack uion the civil service law and its administration, which distin guished yesterday's proceedings, was followed up today by the introduction of two bills, one by Mr. Allen, Popu list, of Nebraska, for the repeal and annulment of the law and of all execu tive orders issued under it: and the other by Mr. Pritchard; Republican of North Carolina, chairman of the com mittee on civil service and retrench ment, modifying it in its application to tho Government Printing Office. While in executive session the Sen ate confirmed the nominations of Rin ger Hermann, of Oregon, to be Com missioner of the General Land Office, and Ernest C. Timine, of Wisconsin, to be Auditor of the State Department. Thiksdat. Among the bills intro duced and referred was one by Mr. Foraker, Republican, of Ohio, to pro vide a modern organization of the ar tillery of the army. Mr. Pasco pre sented, in an amended form, the cre dentials of John A. Henderson as Sen ator from the otate of Florida, ui.der apiiointmeut by the (iovernor, until the uext meeting of the Legislature in April next. Air. Hoar stated that no action had been taken by the commit tee on privileges and elections in tho matter of the admission of Senators, the appointment of Governors. At 12:20, on motion of Mr. Davis, Re publican, of Minnesota, acting chair man of the committee on foreign rela tions, the Senate proceeded to the con sideration (with the doors closed) of the arbitration treaty. At 3 p. m. the doors were re-opened and the unfin ished business, the bankruptcy bill, was taken up, the bill being read in ex ten -so. The reading of the bill occupied exactly one hour. Some formal amend ments were offered by Mr. Hoar and were agreed to. Mr. Nelson, Republi can, of Minnesota, offered a substitute tor the bill, which was also read in full, and when it was concluded, the Senate, at 4:20 p. in., adjourned. Three minor nominations only were continued bv the Senate, of local inter est to New England and Ohio. Friday. Mr. Gray, Democrat, of fered a resolution for printing the re cent decision of the Supreme Court in the Trans-Missouri case. Mr. Cullom, of Illinois, stated in that connection, that he had received a large numlr of letters aud telegrams, asking tor print ed copies of the decision aud that at least 1,000 copies ought to lie printed. Mr. Cockrell, Democrat, Missouri, suggested that after the decision wns printed as a Senate document, addi tional copies could be ordered, within a cost of 500. The resolution was then agreed to. Mr. Morgan offered a resolution which was agreed to, directing the A t torney General to inform the Senate whether any, and if so, what agreement has been entered into by the President, or any of the departments relating to the future disposition of the Union t acific Railroad property, by sale or otherwise. A resolution was offered by Mr. Lodge, Republican, of Massachusetts, calling for copies of all papers and cor resiondence, diplomatic or otherwise, on file in the State Department relating to the arrest and imprisonment in Cuba of two American sailors, Kicheliu and Polton. A large number of bills were introduced, among them one by Mr. (juay. Republican, of Pennsylvania, by request, to suppress pauperism; and by Mr. Cullom, Republican, of Illinois, to promote aerial transportation. At 4 o'clock the Senate adjourned until Monday. not; -ii:. Monday. lhe tariff debate was fair ly and regularly started in the House The reading of the bill occupied nearly two hours and a half, although there was no pretense on the part of the clerk that he was followintr the text in lull. Dingley, 'Rep. ) of Maine, made t'ie 0ening speech, and it was an exhaus tive explanation and defense of the measure. Wheeler, (Dem. ) of Alabama, asserted that the prosperity which the people of the United States ha I enjov--ed had been the result of their own in dustry and energy ; not of the protective F.vstem, etc. He was followed by Hop kins, (I'eti. ) fif Illinois, in favor of the bill, and against it by Bell, iPop. ) of Colorado. At 0 o'clock a recess wu taken nntil h p. m. , when the continu ance of the debate was had. Tuesday, 'l he House had t he iecou day's debate on the tariff bill. 1 he event of the day was the speech of M..i liver. He held" the attention of t'ie whole House, Democrats and Republi cans alike, for over one hour, and kept his hearers laughing heartily nt-a i from start to finish by his humor ous deseript on of the effect of free trad,, or tanff for revenue only. Hia Aloqtwut periods in ftdvocacv lal defenw ol ib- pr?t1nw tariff lolioy aroused his poliTical associ ates to a high state of enthusiasm. Other speeches on the bill were made by Messrs. (iibson, (Hep.) of Tennessee: I ace v. (Hep 1 of loa: Xewlands, (Sil ) of Colorado, the hitter of whom sjioke as an opponent of the Republican party's financial policy, but as an advocate of protection "A full measure of prosiority, he claimed, would never be restored to the coiutrv until the old time parity of silver with gold wa re-established. The speeches in opjiosition to the bill were made bv Dotkery, (Dem ) of Missouri, who at tacked the agricultural schedule, par ticularly, and Mr. Mcl am in, (Dem ) of South Carolina, who advocated a tariff on cotton and rice, and announced his opposition to the ioliov of free raw material, lhe Senate joint resolution appropriating 1.'.,000 to enable tho Secretary of War to purchase tents for the houseless victims of the Mississippi river flood was agreed to Wednesday Largo audiences in the the galleries, and an unusually large attendance ou the fl.ior of the ! louse of Representatives, heard the third day's general debate upon the tariff bill. 'The principal Seeches of the day were those of Johnson, of North Dakota; (Jrosve nor, of Ohio, and Evans, of Kentucky. Republican members of the Coinmitt. e on Ways and -Means, in favor of the bill, and of McMillin, id Tennessee. tin oldest Democratic member, against it Other speakers were Fox, Democrat, ol Mississippi; Sims, Democrat, of Teu nesee; Torry, Democrat, of Ai kansas; Sayers, Democrat. of Texas, and Mad.lox, Democrat, ol Georgia against the bill ; and by Adams. Republican, of Pennsvlvauia, and Walker, Republican, of Massachusetts, in favor of it. The general debate will be closed Thursday, when Russell, ol Connecticut; Palzell, of Pennsylvania: Steele, of Indiana, and Payne," of New York, Republicans, members of the committee on ways and means, and Bailey, of Texas, the Democratic leal er, will speak. Mr. Brownlow, Republican, of Ten nessee, introduced in the House a bill establishing a department of com merce, labor and manufactures. Thursday. This was tho last day of general debate on tho tariff bill in the House of Repre sentatives under the order apopt ed last week but, because Mr. Pailey's throat would not permit him to speak this afternoon, an agreement was mu le to give two hours to general debate juat before taking the vote next Wed nesday, which will be occupied by him self and Mr. 1 ingley. The proceedings were unusually in teresting, and they were listened to generally by a large number of mem bers and crowded galleries. Speeches against the bill were made by Messrs. Talbert, Democrat, of Pennsylvania; Clark, Democrat, of Missouri; Mc'.Juirc, Democrat, of California; ( innn. Popu list, of Idaho; Simpson. Populist, of Kansas; Cox, Democrat. (,.' Icni'i .'.-; McHae, Democrat, of Ark.i'.i -is; Uurke, Democrat, of Texas; Lent., Peinociat. of Ohio, and De Vrmoiid, Democrat, of Missouri. In its favor speeches were made by Messrs. Tawney, Kcpuhlicuii. of Minnesota; Dalzell. Ilepubln-an, of Pennsylvania; Russell, Ut-publicii'i, I Connecticut, ami Payne, R.-publican. of Xew York, members of tho tee on ways and mnns; and Crow, P publican, of Pennsylvania; Col: on, He publican, of Kentucky, and Haw icy, Republican, of Texas. At the evening session the debate on the tariff bill was continued Mr. Skinner, Populist, of Noith Carolina, in supporting the bill, said tlu-.t if for the past 2' years tho South In I o.-.-n trying for protection as the Noithand East had, it would today bo the most prosiierous section of tho oountry. Funny. The consideration of tin tariff bill under the live minute rule, for the purpose of amendment, which it was exiMcted would be strictly busi ness, ociied with the liveliest xtlitical contest of the session, lasting through the three hours. Promptly uiti reading of the prefa tory page of the bill, Mr. Dockery, Democrat, of Missuri, offered an amendment for tho Secretary of the Treasury to admit free of duty any ar ticle the production and price of which was controlled by a trust in the I ni'ed States. Mr. Dingley, chair man ot the rommittee on ways and iifans, made the oiut that the amendment was not. in order in that place, 'lhe point was sustained by the chairman, aud his i ul ing was sustained by n vote of ir,H to K4. In the course of the afternoon several changes of duty were made, anion,; them being an inn ca'-e of half a cent on the duty on carbonate of increase from i'i to 4 ) cent a (snind in the duty on sulphuric ether; and in creasing tho duty on the products of pig lead from 21 to cents a pound. At .r:l" p. m. the House adjourned, having di-iMised of !i pages of tho l l of the taiitf bill. Copied thf Nainn from IIin c;rip. Mr. Smith, an Engl.sli traveler, nr rived one evening at a hotel In Austria. On the way he had picked up n smart German and hired him as a servant. In Austria every one Maying at a hotel Is obliged to register his name ami oc cupation In a book, which is kept for police examination, so Mr. Smith told hU servant Fritz to bring this book for him to write hi name. "I have already registered mil or," bald Fritz, "as an Eiig'i.shman of inde pendent means." "But I've never told you my name, so how do you know what It 1V" "I copied It from milor's portion n teau," answered Fritz. "Why, It iwi't on my portmanteau." cried Mr. Smith; 'bring the look and let me see what you have put down." The look was brought ami Mr.Siuiih. to his amusement, discovered that h clever servant lmd described him as: "Monsieur Warranted Sol. l.e-ith r!" The GripKar-k. Victoria' Gold I'lnte. The gold plate at Windsor cast!.; . o:v I'st of about lo.ixo pieces. It kfljt li the gold pantry, which M a:i Iron ooni sltuat.-d on th- ground tlor nn Jer the royal apartim-nt. The n.-ik )f tho pantry gives It out In iron xes ind receives a receipt for li. It i fir :ied by train, und.-r .'sr..r? of pjard of soldiers, and deliverI ! -I. hitler at Buckingham palace. He give I receipt fr It and Is responsible ( I; while it r irifiins at the p:il.i. I . lime formalizes are observed in t o 'tig it back, and all person-; cosr-i-ru - I re xlarl when It is once more r. ...! I 1 the safekeeping of the go! I panir.v '.'he total value of the plate In this lartment Is nearly 2.i .. A gi-v leal of It dates from the reign tjeorge IV.. but among the juitiquit'.i--!re some pieces which were taken fr ue Armada. "Uncle Simon, what Is a pht-noi:.. non?" "A phenomenon Is a man wl. . gets bo rich that he wou't accept a pa v OS, a raixaad.'.-r-Ctr1cflgo U'X ord. i

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