Che lUcsscuflcr FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26. 1897. Marion Directory. Tftwit Government , v,,r V. M. Martin. iirnieii-J. Morgan, Wm. Sweeney MvN.irt. W. VY. Nichols, Jno. II. Finley. :iml Treat. Wm. Sweeney. rihul C. I. Kailer. County ioverument. -K. I- Nii-hols. Mipcrior Court B. H. I'rice. rrflfl Joe C. Ilrown. iri-r win. C. McCall. v Mirvi-vor Jos. It. Ilurin. i-r I r. ;. I'. Kcid. Arrival of Trains. :iii.K-i K aii. WAV (liastern timel N'fi. ,!ii,iilc, west, lue 11 :'!" j. m . No. 1 1 , ilue I 12 p. in. liast. No. 1, vestibule. 1 i a t:i. No. l'J, east, due 4:32 p. m. fn iiit, irarrirs passengers,) cast, due ! in., west, ilue 4:ri p.m. w. V C. Kaii.wa v I'asvner arrives ; in , ilaily , leaves 1 :'.Kt p.m. I.oiles. n ets every Thursilay niht in the I. Caston's store. Wm. Swce- A. M . meet on I-'riilay nixlil on i ll full moon in the lodge room ,;o'on's store, I.onon building. W. M. m-i-ts enrh Tuesday at 7:31) p. m. hall. . II. Corman. W. K. , M. meets enih Monday nt 7:30 soiiii- hall. It. C I.amberth, C. linn lies, ;.-i . It. K. Mason, pastor s , . , , , : ; i -1 and third Sahliaths at 11 1-nl in tii'' evening. Sabbath si-hoo iil.atli. ' '" a. m . It. It. I'riee, supt uiiIh-hiiis" meet on alternate Salilinth ,,,,, l.adirn' missionary Society noiithly, on TueMliiy afternoon after lili.ith. I'rnvt-r meeting Wednesday on second Sabli.ith the pastor sat Itridgcwn tcr, and on the fourth I nrl, I I a m and eveniiiK ioiht. Kcv. T.J. Kodgers, pastor. i -.i-rv Sal. bath at 1 1 a. in. and in the extent the fourth, when the pastor s.-il mi-hv Hill. Sabbath school. II) ,, h S.-ililiaih. A. It. C.ilkey.supt. Mia. ;et v. tirst Monday evening after m .li.itli. Ladies' Aid Society, each v :'. j.. m , alter tirst Sabbath. Prayer : Wednesday cveniiig. ii ii..- Kcv. C. J. Wingate, rector. - i vrrv tirst Sunday, morning and ;, Miiiday si-hool at 'I in afternoon. 1 i-rt every l'ud Sunday . morning and Miml.-iy school at lo in morning. -, ikiman. Kcv. Win. II. White, pas n ii is every second and fourth Sab- 11 ;i in. and evening. On first Sab-i-tur is at Siloam, 1 1 a. in.; Old Fort nc. on third Sabbath at Old Fort i . Siloam in afternoon, 4 o'clock; in evening. The Marion rtab meets every Sabbath, 1( V Ii K.-itlill. supt. Ladies' Mission- ii tv everv Saturday lie fore third Sab I I in. Young i'eoplc's Missionary mi Ii tirst Sabbath afternoon at i 1'i a viT meeting Wednesday evening. coi.oki:i. i: ion chureli, Kcv. A. Mclver, pns .II lim every tirst and third Sunday m . .'1 p. in. iiml H p. m ; nt Old Fort ne hours on the second and fourth s, Sunday schools at t a. m. Ii church, Kcv. W. It. Williams pas rein lung every second Sabbath nt 1 1 : p. in. and H p hi ; ltridgewnter on I and third Sabbaths; North Cove on nh Sabbath, Sabbath school nt U a. Sabbath. LOCAL NEWS. The machinery of the McCall I I'Hirmo; Mills has reached Marion, and will soon be arranged for business. Thanksgiving services were 1 ;-.!d yesterday in the Baptist, Epis copal, and Presbyterian churches at i i o'clock a. m. The dense smoke the past few days has made the sun in this region appear as a ball of red fire a large portion of the time. On Crooked creek last week the burning woods enveloped some hos and sheep, burning them to death. Mr. J. L. Davis lost sev eral hogs. A teligious historical address nil the 250th anniversary of the Westminister standards will be made in the I'resby terian church 011 Sunday next. Mr. (ins. Martin, our champion squirrel and tuikey hunter, tun tight in sixteen of the nimble, tmir Ir-ugi'd climbers on last Satur d ly. Who beats it for one day? The ladies of the Presbyterian church will sell refreshments on Tuesday evening, Dec. 14th, for the! purpose of raising funds to buy a new organ for the church. The late meeting in which Kcv. ('. A. Munroe was engaged licit- has done substantial good to many members in a revived life and a better fitting for future nuik. It is apparent that there is haimony and more vigor. -Married, on the second Sab I ..ih tl this month, at the home of the btide's father on Buck creek, Mr. J. (i arret Palton and Miss s 1 v.uinah Kllis, Kev. J. C. Sorrels Iministering the ceremony. Our inpliments are extended. Mr. G W. Battle, formerly of M-'tganton, has opened a stock of family groceries, confectionery, ami ft nits in the Seigle block, be tween Cline's shoeshop and the furniture store. His home is with 1: s son-in-law, Mr. J. B. McNeely. The Methodist minister who s u'ceeds Kev. T. J. Rogers at this ; i me and at Bridgewater is Rev. J. 1. Sherrill, lately stationed at Waynesville, Mr. Rogers taking his place there. We wish him ' ! speed in the Master's work in i s new field of labor. Kcv S. L. Thompson, pastor : the A M. K. Church at High Point, preached the funeral of Rev A Mclntyreat New Prospect last at bath. On Monday he preached ! a crowded house at Carson's Hail in town, after which there was a general, joyous handshaking with his old friends here. The next meeting of the Mis s nary Society of the Presbyterian 1 hurch will be held at the home of Mrs. K. I-". Greenlee on Saturday -tternnon before the t ,:rd Sabbath n December. The society has 'etermined to raise funds as soon possible with which to buy a : e.v organ for the church. Master James Crawford, sen ! ur postmaster, Mr. G. XV. Craw- : id. reached his tenth birthday n Tuesday, when, to the joy of : young boy friends a happy : '"'-.'light of his was put into shape m having them to join him in a ' '" pulling. The candy was never teeter, and the cup of youthful y was full. Col. P. J. Sinclair has received 's new mill machinery, which has it been placed in his mill on Muddy creek, a few miles south of Marion, and within a few days he '11 be turning out first-class flour v the roller-process method. His ' 1 rench burrs" are used ODly for grinding corn. The business man who tells the public in an attractive adver tisement about the goods he offers is the one who gets the largest business. The Messenger goes into the intelligent households of Marion and the surrounding country, and the merchant who desires the trade of the best people will invite It through these columns. The ladies of the Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church have shown in a most practical manner their sympathy for and appreciation of the efforts of their pastor, by giving him at their last monthly meeting a purse, which was received and will be remem bered with the greatest gratitude by him. This encourages as we labor in the vinyard of the Lord. May they, each, be blest in "basket and store," and in an abundance of "the true riches." Mr. J. H. Gorman, one of Mari on's jewelers, went hurriedly this week to the plantation on Buck creek, on account of the fire in the mountains threatening property. He reports that Mr. Spencer Elli ott had some 600 panels of fence burned and that his dwelling nar rowly escaped being destroyed. In that section occasionally the flames would leap in a few min utes to the top of tall, dry trees and sparks would be blown to other localities. But the steady rain of yesterday was welcomed by our friends in the mountains and by us all in putting out "wild fires." Much damage is reported to timber, outhouses and fences in Yancey and portions of Mitchell county. An Infant Found Ied. On Wednesday we learned of a sad case of death. The infant boy of Mr. J. M. Ma.shburn was found dead id bed with its parents that morning. It did not appear to be ailing in the night, and there was no alarm. The cause or death is not known. The child was about three months old. Much sympathy goes out to the parents. The burial took place in the IJrovvn family burying ground on Tuurs- J'y. Little 1'eoplt)' Enlertalntneut. The " little missionaries " of the Presbyterian church gave a birth day party at the Eagle hotel on Wednesday night. Each child gave as many pennies as he or she was years of age, and the money thus collected will be sent to the Orphans' Home at Barium Springs. Some forty or more children took part. Iu the cakewalk Demargo Sinclair aud Klma Carson received the first prize the cake. Steve Gruber and Sallie Finley, and Carson Sinclair and Mattie Guy deserve special mention as very nearly reaching the first prize. The booby prize was awarded to little Benny Poteet and little Agtiws White, being a beautifully deco rated tin cup aud saucer. Tour dollars was realized for the Orphans' Home. The children greatly enjoyed themselves iu the dear old-time home plays. The taetuoiltat Conference. The following appointments of local interest were made at the close of Conference on Monday: Morgan ton District J. W. Jones, P. E. ; Morganton station, W. II. Leith; Morganton circuit, .). II. Brandle; Table Rock circuit, L. h. Smith; Marion station, It. I). Sherrill; Old Fort circuit, E.Myers; McDowell circuit, supplied by It. H. Penland ; ltutherfordron circuit, G. II. Detwiler; Broad ltiver cir cuit, J. 15. Carpeuter ; Green ltiver circuit, J. D. Carpenter ; Burusville circuit, supplied by C. H.Curtis; Baltl Creek circuit, J. 1). Gibson; Bakersville circuit, W. Y. Scales; Elk Park aud Estatoe, J. II. Moore; North (Jove circuit, supplied by A. G. Barringtou ; Silver Creek mis sion, supplied by J. C. Brown ; Connelly Springs circuit, C. G. Little; Forest City, J. A. Cook. Conference will meet at W inston next year. New AdTertlseinenti. There is a new ad on the second page for Payne's Celery Compound. Mr. Thomas Medd, Marion's variety store merchant, has an ad on this page calling especial atten tion to his large aud beautiful stock of Christmas goods. A cor dial invitation is extended to all. Mr. Medd also advertises some bargains in teasets, lamps, hose, towels, etc. The Marion l urniture Company advertises 20,000 feet of lumber for sale cheap. Their ad appears on this page. Elsewhere on this page the Marion Hardware Co. spreads before the readers of THE Mes SKNUEU a list of goods to tuit all the needs of this region. The company also has a local ad calling attention to a pipe cutting and thread cutting machine which they have in their store. Ihe ad will tell you what this machine will do. G. W. Battle advertises that he is nutting iu a new stock of family groceries, confections, etc., aud solicits your patronage. Educate Your ltoneU Vlth Caararetft. Canilv cathurtic care constipation forever. lUc. If c. c. c. fail, druggist refund money. T.oii.linf Democrats of Ohio hare decided not to euter into any coalition to elect a Republican in place of Hanna. They declare that since they cannot eieci a Democrat, everv political consider ation urges them to let Hanna secure a seat iu the beuate, as uis urpmi in that national nouy is calculated to harm the Republican and help the Democratic pany more thau anything else that could happen. So the prospects are that Mr. lianua win acuiee the object of his ambition, with a comfortable sense that be is only allowed to reach it because be is regarded as a "horrible example" and the worst possible man for the place. To Cure Conntlpatlou Forever. Take cascarets candr cathartic. lOc or 25c. If c.c.C.fuil to cure.druKKists nfund money. 23?Do you want to post your land against trespassers! We have the printed blauks. Only a lew words to write. Large size, good paper, plain priut. One cent i each, 10 cents a dozen. I'EKSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. J. M. Ellis moved into a two story house of Rev. M. L. Kaylor, near the Southern depot, on Monday. Miss Maud Hopson recently left for Columbia, S. C, where she will spend most of the winter with rel atives and friends. Messrs. Henry Leonard and J. R. Carson left a few days since to work on the new railroad near Mooresville, N. C. Mr. Chapman left recently fcr Richmond, Va., to stand an exam ination for admission into the United States army. Mrs. S. A. E. Carter has bought a lot just below Mr. Caston's, on Morgan street, with the intention of building a dwelling on it in the spring. Rev. R. D. Sherrill, who comes to Marion, is raid to be a good preacher of about eight or more years' experience. He has a wife and child. Mr. Austin Jimmerson has moved from the Butt place to the country, and Mr. Charles Jimmerson moves into the house vacated by Mr. Austin Jimmerson. Rev. F. H. Wood, who has been at Winston as presiding elder of that district, to which point he is returned as such, has been visiting his son, Ma. Frank Wood, for some days. Ex Sheriff J. G. Neal, Miss Bon nie Neal and Mrs. Minnie Blanton left this week for Washington, D. C, to spend a few days, including Thanksgiving, with Mr. W. W. Neal who has a clerkship in the War Department. Rev. T. J. Rogers and family left this week for Henrietta and other points down the Ohio River & Carolina Railroad, to visit rela tives and friends before leaving for Waynesville, the new home, within a few weeks. Messrs. George Turnbill, Eugene Neal, Paul Simmons and Thomas Anthony have gone to Cleveland with Mr. J. H. Hemphill and party, to aid in constructing the North Carolina Midland Railroad from Mooresville to Mocksville. Greenlee Notes. Correspondence of The Messenger. At Mr. White's regular monthly appointment hero on last Sabbath night one person joined the church. Rev. Jesse Sorrels will preach at the Greenlee academy on Saturday before every second Sabbath aud ou the Sabbath following at 11 a. in. until the new Baptist church is completed which is soon to be built just above the Sewell Brown place, about a half mile west of the Brown family burying ground, on Buck creek. Mr. Sorrels received four mem bers into the Clear Creek Baptist church on the second Sabbath of this month. This is the church organization which will be moved to the new building when com pleted. Mr. Will Neal will move bis fam ily to Capt. Park's farm, near Gleu wood, within a few weeks. Prof. J. M. Robinson will move back to Mitchell county this week from the Presbyteriau manse uear here, and Mr. Long, a carpenter from Mitchell, moves iuto the building vacated. Mr. Buchanon, who occupies one of Mrs. Brown's houses, will move into the house to be vacated by Mr. Will Neal, which house and lot he has bought of Miss Leuuie Greenlee. On last Sabbath Dr. G. P. Iteid was ordained au elder in the Siloam church. On the same day Mrs. L. XV. Williams and her three oldest children united with that church. Three others united two weeks before. Four persons joined the Ebenezer Methodist church on the secoud Sabbath of this mouth. The congregation at Siloam will observe Thanksgiving day with songs, recitations, addresses, etc. Nov. 23, 1897. Free Pills. Send your address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action aud are particu larly effective in the cure of Con stipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria aud Liver tioubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be per fectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vege table. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach aud bowels greatly iuvig orate the system. Regular size 2.M-. per box. Sold by G. I. White, Druggist. It now look as if the "business methods" used by $ Mark Hanna ou the negro delegates in the St. Louis convention from the South are to be applied quite as eflectu ally to the kicking Republican members ol the Ohio legisla ture. Mark stands to it that will tell. Two Millions a Year. When people buv. try. and bur again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the I'nited States are now buvini? Cascarets candT cathartic at the rate of two million boxesi a -vear and it will be three million be fore New Year's. It means merit proved that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for evervbodY the year round. All dructfists, 10c, 25c. 50c a box, cure guaran teed. From the present indications the great battles of the coming session will be fought on international lines, and except in oue mstance between the American people aud the individuals aud syndicated robber trust interests which were counted in over the will of the majority as expressed in the ballot box, to rule them. It will be a sesssion full of interest to every true American patriot. A Sure Thing for You. A transaction in which vou cannot lose is a red tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused bv constipation and sluggish liver. Cascarets candy cathartic, the won derful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are bv all dnjjtjrints jruarantred to cure or mouev refunded, c. c.c. are a sure thing. Try a box to-dav; 10c. 25c, SOc. Sample and I booklet tree t ail druggists. Old Fort News. Correspondence of The Messenger. The forest fires have gone past our town or burned out with no serious damage in this immediate vicinity, but I regret to learn that some of our farmer friends living on or near Hickory Nut mountain were uot so fortunate. Mr. Cain Davis is reported to have lost fit teen sheep and six large fattening bogs which, being caught by the flames iu one of the numerous caves, were burned to death. This is quite a severe loss to this good citizen. Dr. aud Mrs. W. XV. Clark made a short but pleasant trip to the thriving town of Morganton this week on Tuesday and Wednesday, returning on the fat mail Wed nesday night. Dr. and Mrs. George P. Reed were among the visitors to confer ence in Asheville last week from Old Fort. Mrs. Reed will make a stay of some weeks, but the Doctor has returned to his quite extensive practice. Messrs. Haruaan and Dalton,our energetic carpenters, are putting up a very neat fuce for Mr. Pink Mashburu, which, when completed, will probably be as nice a bit of wotk as any iu the couuty. Mr. Kellian, night operator at the Southern office, is off duty ou a ten days' vacation, which he is spending with his mother "over the ridge." A. J. Dula, Esq , spent some days in attendance upou the M. E. Coufereuce. Business generally is dull, though there is every day some shipment of produce. The farmers are getting in their corn without any hindrance from the weather, as that is as fair as can be. Many friends of Rev. E. Myers are glad to learn that he will be another year on Old Fort circuit. The neat handiwork of that clever young man, Mr. Winslow Crawford, is seen iu new signs at the Blocker House and the post office. Postmaster Blalock is leav ing nothiug undone which may be required for the convenience of the patrons of the postoffice. Many improvements have been made of late ou the interior of the Baptist church building here. The walls have been worked over and made white, seats made more com fortabIe,and iu fact a general fixing up inside has been done, of which when completed I can make fuller mention. Sidney. Nov. 24, 1897. The Surprise of All. Mr. James Joues, of the firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, HI., in speaking of Dr. Kiug's New Dis covery, says that last wiuter his wife was attacked with La Grippe, aud her case grew so serious that physicians at Cowden aud Puna could do nothing fur her. It seemed to develop into Hasty Con sumption. Having Dr King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, he took a bottle home, aud to the surprise of all she began to get better from first dose, and a half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Cough s aud Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottle at G I. White's Drug Store. Something t-w fur Marlon, And of interest to saw-mill and factory men. The Mauion IIaud wake Company has a Pipe Cut ting and 'lh read Cutting Machine in their store. If yourirou piping breaks aud a piece is to be added to it, or if new threads aie needed on your piping, this machine, within a few minutes, will cut off a new piece of piping to tit, and make new thieads to suit, if de sired. You can now save the freight, or express, both ways to Morganton or Asheville iu having such work doue, and done just as well at home; you save time, too. Try the machiue when you may need it. Glenwootl Gleanings. Correspondence of The Messenger. Business is increasing at this place. Mr. S. J. Brown, one of our prominent citizens, is doing an un usually large business, both in saw ing logs and grinding wheat and corn. Mr. Thomas Brackett, the agent at this place, is studying telegra phy in order to get an office here. We wish him much success. Mr. A. L. Bright, formerly of Bright & Elliott, is doing an unusu ally large business. Prof. J. E. Wilson, of Rutherfoid College, was in town last week en route to his home near Ruth erfordton. While here he stopped one night at Mr. E. G. Goforth's and another night with our suc cessful teacher, Mr. E. M. Carver. We hope our school committee will give us Mr. Carver, or some one who has the gift of teaching, as he has taught our school. We need more such teachers. Mr. John Grayson, one of our best teachers, is now at Ellenboro, Rutherford county, teaching. Mr. Harvey Grayson, who stood the civil service examination at Asheville last March, has received an appointment as mail clerk. Mr. Ralph Morris is moving to Forest City this week. Mr. Trios. Morris is out again, after confinement to his room four or five months with typhoid fever. Miss Callie G -forth leaves here about the last of December to resume her studies at Rutherford College. The people of Glenwood should build an academy and keep their boys and girls at home. The peo ple of this place are able to edu cate their children, and a good school could be run here eight or ten months in each year. Nov. 22, 1S97. Elisha. Everybody Says So. Cascarets candy cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age. pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act centlv and positively on kidnejs. liver and bowels. cleansing the entire system, d'spel colds, cure hcrdachc, tevei . narutual constipation and 1 biiiouiness. I'lease tiuv and trv a box of c. I c. c. to-day; lo. 23, o cents. Sold and guaranteed to by all druggists. A New Store and a New Stock of Goods. Mr. G. XV. Battle is receiving and placing oo sale a new stock of family groceries, plain aud choice confections, candies, etc. He keeps ou baud a supply of good home and foreign fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, bananas, oranges and lemous; peanuts, chestnuts, almonds, cocoanuts, etc. Cigars also kept on sale. Mr. Bat tle solicits a share of your patron age. Beauty Is Bloody Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. Nobeautv without it. Cascarets candy cathartic clean your blood and keep it clean by stirring up the lazy liver aLil driving ell impur.ties irom the body. Ilegin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking cascarets beauty for lo cent?. AU druggist, satisfac tion guaranteed. lOc, 'oc. o'.'c. Io You Want to Build ? Twenty thousand feet of culled lumber for sale cheat by the Marion Furniture Company. This is second grade, but good lumber for building fences, barns and out-houses. Description : Scant ling 2x3, and plank from lxC up to 1x12. Call at the ollice of the Company, near Southern Railway depot. uov2C-4t. ' I Extra Special... 1 I! A Good Fit in a flood Fair of High Grade Spectacles. A Nice Article; Low in Price. Five Dozen Pair Of Fine Bronze, Steel, Aluminum none piece Spectacles fitted with Best Quality Peri Bcopic Lenses, and a nice case for them AT 75 CENTS Complete. Come and get a pair before your number is gone. Jas. B. Swindell, .... JE1TKLKU .... STATIONERY..., Box Papers, loose. Papers, Tablets, Inks, Pens, Pencils, Envel opes, Visiting Cards, Books, Magazines. Special Line of School Supplies. Every Item Maked Low Don't Forget the Place ::::::::::: ....SWINDELL'S. Qome and (joining ! yhat ? f Piping, Unions, HARDWARE FOR FARROS BUILDERS AND MILL MEN Haliers, Check Leather, Harness usually kept in from a paper of want. All arc cordially invited to conic and examine our stock. ....YOURS TO PLEASE Marion :-: Hardware :-: Company, J. 6. NICHOLS & BRO.'S OLD STAND, " YELLOW FRONT," Marion, - - - - - N. C. iiiiiiinjiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii!iiiii!iinii;iiiiii:iii;i:Mii!iiMii!i:iiiiiii SOMETHING NEW JUST OPENED. 1 E AT L. GASTON'S are some beautiful designs in r lAC the Dress Goods Department. It will pay yeu before E purchasing elsewhere to examine his B: oacloiris, Dress Flannels, Cassimeres, Plaids, and Woolen (Jo -ids of r: E all kinds. He can furnish you also Something New in the E E way ot Skirt Binding, called 1 "BRUSH - BRAID." 1 I also have the Latest Thing in Dress Trimming. E I especially invite you to to see my Thorough ind E Complete Stock of Clothing. E E Very Resi kctfully, E 1 . . . . E. L. Gaston. MtlllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllMIIIUIIIilllli HiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii!iiiiii:iiii! IP .ROGRESS1VE MARION We Are The If Van With Goods to suit the wants of all. We make E a specialty of Gentlemen's Underwear. Cotton E Shirts 25c. a pair to All-Wool $4 a pair. Ulan- kets from $1.25 to S5 a pair ; Guilts and Com- E forts from 50c. to $1.50. "Macintoshes, Overcoats, E Rubber Shoes, and Shawls for winter wear. Sec E E our Shoes for men and Shoes for all aes. Neck- E E wear and Notion Specialties, from a paper ot pins E to a Si. 50 silk handkeichief. We can but men- tion our stock of Groceries, Hardware, Ready- E Made Clothing;, etc , etc. E " The proof of the pudding is in the eating," so come and see us. I SINCERELY, 1 McCALL & CONLEY. 5iiiiUHnmmi",!MnMM'mM"l1Miimm"'u"' Hello, There! We extend to one and all a cordial invitation to visit our display of Sac .; Iioni t'tful Holiday Gvotls, espe cially seclected with a view to meeting all the require ments of the gilt makers of this locality. Our maguiii ceut stock includes innumer able attractions perfectly adapted to meet the require ments of people who are in search of gifts for old and young, expenxire or incrptn sire. Iu lact, HOW IS THE TIME . AND THIS IS THE PUCE to iet just ichat you want and jut what will please the per sou vou desise to remember. The PBICFS AUK BIGHT on every single aiticle in this entire stock and we will satisfy you iu this iespect as you weie never satisfied be fore. He sure to call and see our yoods. Besides Xmas Goods we have a full line of Class ware, Crockery, Tinware, Buckets, Brooius,I)ry (loo .Is, Jewelry, aud a new Hue ol Lamps just iu, suitable for the Kitchen, Dining Boom or Parlor; also, the BKST BLACK STOCKINGS you ever had a chance to buy for only 10 cents a pair. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM. Those Turkish Bath Towels, nearly 00 inches long, ami onlv'mc each. KXTBA SPECIAL: An lS-piece Decorated Tea Set for only $1.15. Don't fail to see this, as I have only 1'J sets left. Do not fail to call and see our goods and get our prices Thomas IVXedd, VAKIKTV STOUK. MAUION. N. C. REWARD. KEWAKD will be !ni.l f..r the 3f arrest nnd delivery ol'Kobt. I-'K-m-minn to the Sheriff of Mi liowt ll. Kksckiption : Five feet and nine iiuhi-s high; lijjht complexion and blue eves; had dark coat, blue shirt, and lit;ht jiants on when heesciiied. liishomc i mar Kid Hill, Mitchell county. K. 1. . NICIIoI.S. Nov. 19-tf. Sberill. 2!?" Blanks for sale at this office : Sherifls execution against proj erty, personal and real, li cents each, 15 cents a dozen; State bill of costs, each 5 cents, 15 cents a dozen; SherilFs notice. Reducers, T's, L's, 11 is'iirg, Gl be valves. Check Valves, Rubber rackintr, Henp rack ing, Aabfstos Packing, .Nails, Stove Piping, Stoves, RaOber Beltine, Builders' Hardware, li iis, Loc ks, Tio . ( ..ii i-:..,io c . t a ) ii.,,. wi.,, c Lines, Bridles, White and Red Sule Leather, and, in fact, every inn g a First Class ll ird.vare Si re, tacks t whatever else y u may I "Honey Saved We c a save you mauey w hen it conies to buying Watches, Clocks, Jewelry anJ Spectacles. Wo keep only l THE VERY BEST- T And Fully Cauruntoe every article we 6ell to give the BEST of V SATISFACTION. We also do I WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING, Jewelry Kepairin,;. anJ Enravin in the Finest Possible Manner. It CANNOT be excelled bv anv'oue in the South. Give us a trial. 9 u ours to'pleastf, I . . . J. H. GORMAN. f)-:iiiiiniiii::i!iiiii:!iuiininiiiniiiniiiiMiMiiiuiiiiMiiiiii;;.:..;!iii)()0 I EverythingNew&Up-to-Date f LANTON'S. I I Everybody Cordially Invited I TO INSPECT OUR STOCK. f I lrcheapdojf - prices 1 I FOR CASH OR (iOOD PRODUCE. ! See u.s before selling your l'roduce, and sec us before buying any Goods. We can please you. CO iiiiniuiiiiiiii.'iiiiiiiijiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiD( GJou and DO VOl WANT TO DIIKSS WELL? Then see our new line of Fall and Winter Goods Tamis cloth for evening dresses, Irish dress linen, lawns plaids, silks for any purpose, calicoes, dolled swiss and trim mings; general line of Gentlemen's Negligee Shirts. Also, Shoes (the Douglass Shoes), Hardware, Farming Implements, Harness Goods and Saddles, Lime and Cement, and Groceries. J. S. DYSART. Manou, N. C. March 22, iSo7.-t f. ARE YOU himselt, VrV of elegant ? mm . and Overcoats of 7" Who for you less Notice lo Tax-ravers That TIn'y Will 15c indicted. SEC. 52 of the Uuvouue Act of lb'J7 is as follows: "That it bhall he and it in herehy made the duty of the bhtrilf of each county in the SLate to make dilit-nt iii'iuiry and re port to the judge at each t-rm of the criiuiiMil court held in the county following the time when the license tax and taxes provided for in schedules A, li and (J of this act bhould have been paid as to w hether or not Huch license taxes aiid other taxes have been paid by all persons or corporations liable for the same, and to make out a li.-t of all delinquents. And it hhall be made the duty of the ju lg !i t-ubmit the lint of tbe delinquent.-, li the hoIic itor to the end that hiich delini ueiits m.iy be probecuted fur njch defalcation I in the manlier ircvided m tne i,ext sec tion of this act.': It will be a painful aud tii-agreeable duty to comply with this law . an it is clear from its provisions that all per sons who owe any tax whatever are required to be reported by me. Sched ule A is the provi.-ion for property and poll tax. H-iiedule li for license tax, etc , and s-ht dule C for railroads, etc. As this law is entirely new. being for the first lime p:.sed by th- Legiolature of 1 give below, for the informa tion of the public, the penalty in. posed by law for failure lo pay laxee. Sec. '' of the Kevenue Act of l-'Jl is as follows: "That such person or coj porations who are liuole to pay the license tix ol taxes provided lor in si:heduh-s A. U and C of this Act a.':d the Machinery Act, arid shall faii to pay the same as provided by law. shuil be guilty of a misdemeanor, arid puni.-iie i by a fine not exceeding five huddled dollar or imprisoned not ex .ceding six months; an 1 the rh. nH shall be a. lowed t-y the j ide such coriip.-n-ati on f r making si;i.ti r poit as he may d-i-m j'i-t and proper, to ie paid by the county." While I feel like n w ill he a great surprise and a great hardship to indict some of the citizens of McDowell county for failure to jay their taxes, where th-y are really unable to p.iy. still the law is exj. licit and I cannot do less, as a faithful tiicer. than to comply with its plain provisions. All persons ow ing me taxes aril who do not bettle will he reported to the judge at the coming term of the criminal court, and from the above quoted provisions of tbe law, it will be seen what the result must be. 11. L. NICHOLS, Sheriif of McDowell County. ri?'Legii! I'lanks by the hun dred, and Printed bta'.ionerv a specially, at The Messenger office 1M ' call oy is Money Made." J a o a 0 c o c a a o 6 AT. LANTON JI?ay I$now It is Good fot Soo Figfp. A COWARD? 3 sciteof if his jjarnu nts are ill-littin( or in a shab-.4 At first q;rrritlhismaysee,ntobe J tion. We arc tolj however, by the famous author, J Iiisraeli. t iiat anv man a rowarit. vpn in nil rif l ry condition. If you wish to enjoy the bravery j you enjoy the bravery attire vou should order your 5ults' hi nmi & CO., U. UUKfl THE GREAT CHICAGO MERCHANT TAILORS. 20 years have led all rivalry in Custom" Tailoring and never failed to please in Material,., Slvli-r.r Wnrkmin.hin. A "KHUN" cult u ill s-ntt than the kind of tailoring that malteJ men cowaruiy. uvery 1 eaiure uuaranteea. 300 Patterns to Choose from. 3 Q. GILKEY, Agent. TO-DAY VRY DAY g KKLIA.IiI.IC... ...'AVATCIIICS Z . " OILUKKT...; Z CLOCKS " . y SI'ICCTACLKS t THAT KIT 2 JAMES B. SWINDELL, -lw"E? DISOSVAY. THE DRUGC1ST, OlD FORT, N. C, Offers to hiH cuhtomcTH an absolutely rorn-ct ftock of Dings ami Patent M-di-I'liif.s Seasonable Goods Just In: stovi-; i:i:f;sjij-:s STOVK polish .0. SCKiriMilMJ liliCSHKS AMi SA POLIOS. Livery and Feed Stable. GOOD U'KXOUTS. CAREFUL - 1)1!IVEI!S. A. B. GILKEY & SON, Marion, C.

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