5 The Kassesger Prints . the . News nl Is sought after by the peo ple of Mcliowell, Yancey, Bun comlix, r.ulherford, Burke and other oountiegla Western North Carolina, and U there fore a Oood Advertising Medium. Bm5 furnished on application. Ad-Jr"', TUE MESSENQ2B. Marion, N. a JOB PRINTING i THEME88ENCER, 5 S Marion. H. C. t Promptness, Accuracy, Kettaet I "4 Oood Stock Guaranteed. 5 5 J Letter Heads, Kote Heads, BUI Heads. J Enrelnpe, Circular, Card. Poi- tere, TaoiphleU, and any kind ot 5 Printing. J J VOL. IL xo. :j2. MARION, N C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1897. rrice$l Tcr Year, in Advance. ,1. B v..1- tp, PtIakes It An Issue and Declares !T WAS RIGHT IN THE SIXTIES. II.. I- Alin Opposed to Any System lli.it dlu's rnuir to Shout Down Inno. "-lit l-ab'T. l.uita r p: !h Miva: 'l"he an ijan.in" M. Black I 'nil y ( oinmercial. candidacy for tho i( l;t ol ! Yt..r ..f t! .Mv. of I, omiil it Hill for Congress to i.iw.igtcn, from tin; At- tin t, I. lings out n new i.lat-,M.-i .' -i.-i, iiig hiui-e!f in luvor i : ? ::i i '. ' ! 1' -tut loll of the plat! .-v.. in a I Vinori'iit having of I, is own, ami 1 favor u v that I believe to he g oo'l results 1 my peop'.o .1 to In- found in tin; platform. ):ioi of 1 yiiehing lnilos for dime, I ccau:-u I believe, tha 1 1 i . i : ; i 1 1 1 - to keep South- pur.- :.;:.! U I. -h-li led. I be- i.Mtii '' a- ri-lit in the sixties, !o; i imetit of her people u in.' to .lay. I mil opposed vt.iii I'nal g i f s brutal and . !.oj hunts tin! right to n i'i!;oi-i'li labor as whs late l'ei,i: ln ii:t. " I CNOI l.I.IJ ANDALMOSf IIKI. ' nii- I a in. i a-1 -. Re iiiarUiihlc t.ii IN ri.'iif , WY - li.- P.!., aid u in, a; I'a , : i ' 1 1 1 hyi'hoti dispatch says: .-.I 1.-.. of D.-la-d died as it re fil at a private f i iw.-ii W. I luring thi Everett, even ill'' ma has some skill in rt. 1, p'C .llcit f-evcinl young i w iii also 'o!i- ll.-S I I to try the t.t. I i.onris ma. if a few slight .hshis 'I:-s l'a!iiii hiis iisc'i in a .!::!;. Slicwa nvivi'ii, hut be- I. v-t.-i t'-ii! u'eptlf oil! 1 u:tl pa -i i-..l- f.-l! I le.l -l.-pt i; n I ; 1. 1 linally Iftp:-fil into loll. n!f I to aw aUeit her. to tin: . I'. ii nir, but uftor win unable to -li'ii'le! Hootli 1111(1 .1. Mm till, w i-o ..i.---e-ses skill as livp-"ti-ts. M-if hastily .-a!!e'l frotu their ci- ami f. .iin-l Ml-.-. Hahhin cold, nli her pulse s ii-iiio.li.-iiil v l.t-atin at in I v li iiu- a in i nut . l.-ea'-ional.y she would evhv.m: '"I in an uiie. ' Alter an hour's hard ink the lii.'it li'lored her to co'l- oil Hess. l eu Pn! ice Oili el Minder M.X;o. -Spec -f hc lillll .lerel :i . .ils Must Die for : lie of A I leva-. iai The ;'re!'t trial .1 Arroyus has been Inislu-d, term mat i dea'h pl(ioli-.li'e ! ollii i.-ds and poli.-. i h:it.-heiy of the I..- iiMa.-k on I'm-' i -i pn.foi! nd a sciisat n i in the sentence of i i ten of the police i.-n eoiii erius! iu the I !e-s w retch, hose lit !ia iviust'd so in here. Hi i n -1 e " 1 1 1 -i I do not 't-eiii to ie.il- pel iloi: . po.-ition and take the oi-lly. 'I heir lawyers liac eti- le i an iii'pcai li it i t in this li.-t of the jury lii eiii'li e.ie. I llhllc ily sustains the ver iid the - entt'lice of the ollf. v i i I ilncers o murdered at nil fill 1 v .hit. A I'os i. N. t.i.r.l been isited by a obi cis. The safe d of prof, v Ie post. .'lie d of ,ts col: money, it 1 " e rcjiteri io!l:ll i ns blow n open and t There was s':iu S'.'ci! i u stumps r. :id ii tiers, all of which burglars liist visited 1 1, w here they secured in I Si I in the old hi'st. hey took that the put(-!lice and ut o! the door. 11:11 s ere tn M-n. I .t 1 lacks, nth's a drill. They hla.-ksmdh's p iinj then we: ki ked a l-ai: Design lor Armor I'l.ile I'i.tnt. Ihespe.-'a! iPivid boaid appointed t-. -unine into the c . t of ai luor-itiakin, 1 is desi-ne 1 a p'ar.t. dt tai!n of which .t m!1 piiseiii to ( 'onre-s. It will .-. st moie lliali three ini'.licll dollars ni.d w ill hae a ciij ucity of r,e.M tons of in mor p r iini.um. w inch i-- about the . . inl ine. 1 cai iicity I the two ai mor ) 'ip.ts now Mlpl 1 i:i'4' the nay. III.' M.-s.i-e fiillipli-l,'. 'I he ( 'abine t hc!d a cry short n-.ect-ii;.,' last wee!.. It took UP matters fioni several of the depart men ts. t'resi ilent McKinley informed the Cabinet that his mcssaLC was pi-utii-all v c. . pleted. Iledi.inot read anv of it. It will probably be consi lered'at the next meeting. Hull llca.l Mountain on l ire. A special from I.lkin. N. C, t the hill lotte b-erver. sa days the atmes here u Yadkin valiev has bcei bull Mead Mcu.itaiu. fiom here, is on tile, timber, feuoin. etc , 1 l o doubt a grand m eel: Tor several and down the full of smoke. twenty miles It is sweeping fore it. and is (oloni.il i mate teie; t !. coiintv. on .leio IIiiilH-d. from Northamp easteru shore of :inia. states that the handsome eol ! residence of l.ieit. I'.dwin S. bs, b. S. N. . retire I. lias been in. 1 to the .round. Lieut, .lacobs mates his loss at ST'i.oihi. Must Pay I li lr Debts. 1 i.o Secretary of the Treasury has is " -1 an i rd-r that clerks teceiviug a '.'oed salniy must pay their debts or ' 'e thcr j laces. Ibiptists Condemn Football. '1 Le Virginia I'aptist Association, in --ion at boanoke. passed a n solution :.a::m:ouslv tint the bodv recommend i.e authorpies of Richmond Colle ' fiiminatiou of football from the ' i ts of the school. Had to Kim Away. - iiree men w ho have bcenwoi kiii 1 i.osphate mines m South Carolina ' .-e reached Savannah, (ia , and tell tt i i'ifi.1 tale of theii treatment; they were I rlect (-laves and had to urn away KN I I.M l-.l I t) !H:. I II. PEARLS OF THOUCHT. v lien you Bay 1 t01l t care." trv 1CO see that your tone of voice doesn't in- j Sell at Loss to Meet Advances Made, dieate that you do. I Bradstreets commercial report for Never mind the woild, it floats with f the past week says: There is a mod the stream ; it is the duty of man to erate improvement in BtaDle prices. swnu U'.'ainst the stream. Of that noble courtesy which makes true frenthj-hood. the tinest Kra,' is sensitiveness to gratitude. livery man has some jieeiiliar train of thought which he falls back upon when he is ahne. This to n great de gree moulds the man. The good and noble, when passed from the daylight of life, leave behind a twilight of memory full of sugges tions of starry sphere". Ill pioneer days people often followed oaths blaed through the woods. Fol low the path marked by the footsteps of the godly in all ages. It will-lead you home. Jf good maiiiiei s are not practiced at '' , but :.!: allowed to lie by until occasion calls upon their weaver to assume them, they are sure to be a bad fit w hen donned. It is hard to personate and act a part long, for w here truth is not at the botlotn, nature will always be etnleav oiing to return, and w ill peep out and betray herself one time or other. In order to reach perfection it is absolutely necessary to have either very faithful friends or implacable enemies, since we must be made sen mLIc ..f our failings, either by the ad monitions of the former, or by the iu- ei-ti'. es of the latter. As long as injustice continues in the w orld, so long w ill there be a place for anger, and a mission for it to per forin. I5ut, like tire, w hile it makes a Nerygoml nervaiit, it makes a very bad master. I'licoutrolled, the one will destroy a i-ity, the other will ruin a charii'-ter and happiness. PREACHERS AND MUSTACHES. I Of!', rent lilt.'. Is of n r.iur.l I on t he oil l.-s illi,-.l l.v a SM-eialUI. The Church J'conomist has been discussing the effect of ft beard on the voice, and in a rei e;it issue it quotes a weli-Kiiown throat aim voice special ist us follows: "The edict will depend largely up on the individual. If the speaker has naturally a thick voice which he uses ba ily, a small amount of obstruction w ili make itself apparent. Jf lie has a dear, penetrating voice, the effect of a moderate amount of obstruction may not be noticeable, although it would certainly exert some influence, greater or ltss, upon the carrying power and resonance of the tone. "'A mustache will interfere in pro portion to the amount of space upon which it encroaches in the neighbor hood of the middle of the mouth. Thus, a mustache trimmed to the mar Kin of the upper lip, or one rolled from the middle of the lip so us to be free of tl'.e margin of the lip, however long it might be at the ends, would not in terfere. A drooping mustache, on the. other hand, especially where it covers the middle of the mouth, is a great hindrance to the proper emission of un. I. The presence of but a few iii s i:i this situation may materially odify the tone w aves and impair their ieet.' "Anything better calculated to de nt tiic object of the speaker than a Fpeecli miiiuiilcii through a uroopiug mustache w it h the head bent dow n ward could hardlv be imagined. The iii is an admirable example for the minister to follow. When he sings he perches himself on a twig, breast well oul, head up, bill opened wide, and pours forth '-'throws out," as the voice iilturist would say his lovely little melod v. Sur lv common sense should be the leading rule for a public speaker this and other matters. One has little toleration for the man. your hbor at dinner, w ho addresses you w ith head bent over his plate, as if in uversation was subsidiary to the nsumptioii of food. A minister who bends over his desk ami addresses the lloor should stand no better in the es timation of his hearers. Aci-..liitif Work for I lie Tongue. If -oiir tongue is in good condition r doing a little acrobatic work try iding th following nord curiosity aloud. It mav be familiar to some ot Mm. for it is one of the treasures that we ilug up in an oi.i mthoiiook: If you stick a stick across a stick, I r stick a cross across a stick, Or cross a stick across a stick, Or stick a cross across a stick, Or cross a cioss across n stick, Or cross a cross across a cross. Or stick across stick across a stick. Or stick a crossed stick across a OSS stick. Or 'loss. Or l oss a crossed sti.-k across a stick across stick across a a stick. Or ross a crossed crossed siick. Wouid that be an acrostic? Bos ton .'oiirual. All Knee. The Marquis of Lome, when governor-general of Canada, w as present at some snorts held on the ice of the St. Lawrence. 'I hough wrapped in furs, he felt the cold acutely and was astonished to see an ancient Indian meandering round barefooted, enveloped only in a blan ket. He asked the savage how he man aged to bear such a temperature when he had so l.ttle ou. "Why you no cover face?'" inquired the India.li. The marquis replied that no one ever did so and that he w as accustomed to have his face naked from birth. "Good." roined the prairie king, "me all face." and walked away. Spare Moments. The I.o ) Ciiifrt. There was au alarm of lire the other night. A clerk of one of the local hotels, leing told the fire was in the imme.li-.ite neighl orhoo 1. pushed the button for thepoi ter. "I wish you would wake tip the guests, Joe." "Yes, sah: I would Like to. sail, hut he ain't dun gone to bed." New Or leans Times-1 lemoci a'. True Worst is the name of a ?Jary viile (.Mo. ; drummer. TRADE KEI'ORT. Some Coltnn Planters Comnelled to and in distribution of woolen goods, shoes, hats and hardware in the region tributary to Chicago, St. Louis, Kan sas City and Omaha. In South Caro lina, Tennessee, Alabama, (Georgia and Louisiana business is delayed by yellow fever quarantine. I here is a moderate revival of demand from interior mer chants, which report some of the busi ness delayed by yellow fevor quaran tines. Trade reports from Georgia and Texas are quite irregular. Some eotton planters are compelled to tell cotton at a loss to meet advances made earlier in the season, and have little or no surplus with which to buy merchandise. Others, notably in Tex as, continue to hold eotton, which de lays mercantile collections and in souio sections Las an unfavoralle influence. Colder weather in the Northwest and in the Central Mississippi and Missouri rver valleys has helped the retail trade. Manufacturers of iron, steel, agricul tural implements, stoves, railway cars and woolen goods report an active de mand and largo output, although the appearance of speculative steel has re sulted in weakening the price of billets and a like tendency on the part of Bes semer pig iron. Higher prices are recorded for wheat, corn, oats, s3Tup, hides, leather, shoes and turpentine. The reaction iu iron aud steel is likely to be followed by an advance if the present rate of consump tion continues. Lower prices for wheat, llour and ork are expected to rocog uize the advances on wheat and Indian corn, so that a lower prico for copper is practically the only important decline iu the week. There are '2: business failures report ed throughout the United States this week compared with 2?: last week, :0 in the week a year ao, two j-ears ago. 2;' three years ago, and as con trasted with :i's in the like week of 1S!3. FKMALK IXKIIl-;ii 1NTI1K I't'LIMT. Kinniii (.obliuan, Anarchist, Lectures In the Congregational Church. At Detroit, Mich,., I'mina Goldman, the anarchist leader, lectured in the People's tabernacle (Congregational i, and boldly proclaimed her iu fidelity, her disbelief in the laws aud her oppo sition to the custom of matrimony, etc. Miss iohlniau was invited to address the corgregation by the pastor. Lev. II. S. McCown, despite considerable opposition. A majority of the deacons and many members of the church do claro the proceeding to have been out rageous and wholly without excuse. They call upon the pastor to resign, otherwiee they say they will quit the church. iiknky ;i:oi:ii:'s will. Kveryt im; to Ills Vife--The Hook lie Most Kslcenied to be Published. The will of the late Henry George, filed for probate iu New York, leaves his eutiio estate, consisting of the home at Port Hamilton, w orth about Vt M, uTid the copyright of his books io his widow. Mr. George's book on political economy, in tho writing of which he s ent the last six years of his life, and on w hich he expected his fame to rest, will be published in a few months. MLXICO WANTS (1B. Mexico tit J" In jiers Ureamiiip; About a Great Tropical Itepublic. The question of the future of Cuba is exciting some interest in Mexico City, Mex., owing to the talk of a possible union of the island with the Mexican republic in case of its ultimatelj- gain ing its independence, which would be pleasing to a large portion of Mexican people. The Herald remarks: 'Cuba should become a part of Mexi co, which will eventually form a part or the great tropical republic, extend ing to the mouth of the Orinoco, ma king the Carribean sea and the (Julf of Mexico the new world's Mediterrean. ' Cl'HA TOBACCO. r.lanco l'rge.1 to Allow 10,000 Hales to be K.xj orted. The chamber of commerce and the leaf tobacco merchants have informed Marshal Jilauco that he ought to per mit the exportation of the 10,000 bales now iu market. These are valued at ",0(H , OHO. The manufacturers are barely worked, and tho growers are iu dismay at the small prospects of sale. Moreover they still have a part of tho old crop in the warehouse. 1 li3se con siderations havo been strouglv urged upon the captain general. Train Uobbcrs Heavily Sentenced. In the district court at Austin, Tex., L. W. Fisher aud Felix Wolff pleaded guilty to robbing the International aud Great Northern train nt McNeill, twelve miles above here, on the after noon of Oct. is aud were sentenced to fifty and forty five yers, respectively, iu the State penitentiary. Twenty Years for Criminal Assault. The jury at Newport. Ky.. in the case of George Gerret, indicted for criminal assault on Mrs. Gleason, lc.ought iu a verdict of guilt v, and fixed the penaltv at twenty years in the penitentiary at hard labor. Next to capital punishment, this is the extreme peualt- of the law for this crime. Against Sunday Mail. The following resolution was passed by the M. II. Conference in Asheville: "We, the Western North Carolina Con ference of the M. L. Church, South, lo most earnestly but respectfully pe litionyon. and through you. His Lx telleney. the President, to forbid the rausmission of any mails on Sunday and order the closing of all postofliees throughout the United States on that day. " Five young men were admitted into the Conference. The Conference will meet in Winston next vear. Columbia's Xero Mill. The Elmwood Manufacturing Com pany, the cotton mill company organ ized by negroes in Columbia, S. C, and r.-hick will employ only negroes, has pur chased land for the site of the mills and have arrangedfor theconstruction. The machinerv will be delivered in Decem ber. " President MeKlnley's Turkey. .f Horace Yose, who has aunually eut a turkey to thePrcssdcnt since tb c Jays of Senator II. P. Anthony. Rhode Island, has se'ccttd a li-.'. thi? vf j w hich w eighs 2T rounds,. ' TOLD IN A PARAGRAPH. The South. Three men were killed in a boiler ex plosion at Louisville, Mi3s. David Gastee Worth, of th firm of Worth i- Worth, Wilmington, N. C.,ia dead. Governor Elleibe, of South Carolina, announces that ho is a candidate for re election. C. Henry Oliver, 40 years old, of Norfolk, Vii , shot aud killed himself at his home. At Moultrie, Ga. , a fight occured at a party in w hich one man was killed aud another wouuded. Lx-Governor Evans, of South Caro lina, is to be married Dec. lSth to Miss Plume, of Connecticut. During a fight among negroes while gambling at Patesburg, S. C. , three were killed aud two wounded. North Carolina has eighty-six roller flcuring mills, and a large majority of them are operated bv water power. Cuicksand beds in the suburbs of New ( Means, La , have caused tho partial abandonment of a large sec tion. The office of the internal revenue col lector for the Second district of Vir ginia has been moved from Richmond to Petersburg. A handsome silver service was pre sented to the gunboat Nashville at the Norfolk navy yard by citizens of Nash ville, Tenn. The University of Virginia defeated the University of North Carolina, at Richmond, ou Thanksgiving day, in a game of football, 12 to (. The State newspaper at Richmond. Va. , has goue into a receiver's hands. The management hopes the suspension will be only temporary. At Alexauder, near Asheville, N. C. , au attempt was made to wreck the aast bmind freight, but was detected just in time to prevent its success. Governor Atkinson, of West Virginia, aunounces that for want of fuuds no requisitions will be issued for any fugi tives from the jurisdiction of the State's officials. In Portsmouth. Va., Quoug Tung, a Chinese lauudrvman, was assaulted in his shop and beaten to death with a club. A negro has been arroeted on suspicion. The receivers of the failed Western Carolina Pauk, of Asheville, N. C. , havo tiled their report, show ing assets, good and bad, in excess of liabilities. f'Jli.-W.MW. At Rockstile church, iu Webster count v. kv. . lov Allen, a young man, horsew hipped Rev. Jopiin, who had re proved him for bad behavior during the services. S. IT. Fishblate, of Wilmington, X. C. . has assigned. The assets estimated at S2.),.0(), are said to exceed the liabil ities. Preferences amount to 12,000 or?i:t,M0. A barrel cf alcohol turned over on a lantern in the warehouse of the Ravens- wood Distilling Company, St. Louis, causing a loss of 100,oiki, with insur ance of about "i per cent. Henry Oliver, aged about -b) year., committed suicide at Richmond. Va. , by placing a gun under his chin, blow lug off tho entire front part of his head. The cause of the rash act is not known. A dispatch from Atlanta, Ga. . says Clnrk Howell, editor of the Constitu tion has withdrawn from that paper, and that Evan P. Howell and Clark Howell will begin the publication of a big morning and evening paper. Wilmington, X. ('. , has just organ ized a paid tire department modeled after that of Atlanta, w hich is one of the best in the South. An Atlanta tire mau w ill go to Wilmington to tiain the members of the new department. The North. The National Evangelical Union will meet next yenr in Detroit, Mich. The second trial of the alleged wife murderer. Luetgert, is now iu progress at ( hicago. The Warwick Cycle Manufacturing Com pan v, at Spritigfield, Mass., has been attached for glMJ.OOO. John Denmark, n farmer, was killed by au assassin, who shot, through a w indow, near Van Ettan, X. Y. During th forty hours devotion at a Catholic church in Kankakee, HI., Mrs. Miohu'l Rrazil recovered her sight after two years of blindness. At Cincinnati. O.. ('apt. William P. Anderson died suddenly of heart fail ure. He was a half brother of Maj. Anderson, of Fort Sumter fame. The Indiana Supreme Court has ruled that prosecuting attorneys may sue for wives and minor children and recover money lost in gambling. Tho unknown man who committed suicide at Charleston. S. C. , a fortnight ago, has beau identified, by the num ber of his watch, as II. S. Rains, of Buffalo, X. Y. At Baltimore, on account of a motor man disobeying orders, two electric cars collided, which resulted in killing two motormen and injuring several other persons. At Hollydaysburg, Pa., two men are sentenced to hang for murder; a man iu the Baltimore penitentiary, just be fore his suicide said he had committed the murder. At ( leveland, Ohio, J. J. Shipherd has been arrested on a charge of em bezzling nearly $200,000 from Y. I). Robinson aud a receiver has been asked for his firm, which is alleged to be in solvent and owing $2,000,000. Miscellaneous. Kentucky distillers have abandoned their efforts to form a trust. Dr. Thos. W. Evans, the famous American dentist, who died in Paris, left most of his fortune to charitable institutions, which is estimated at $1", 000.000. The Marine Hospital service, in the yellow fever districts, has closed its work and the fever is officially ended. Liverpool will expend $31,500,000, aud Bristol, (England. $7, "tOO, 000 ou dock aud harbor improvements. Earthquakes iu the mountainous dis tricts of Saxon Thuriugia have seriouf ly damngedthe famous railroad viaduct of the Geeltxch valley. Americanized and native-born Chi nese will appeal to Congress for tho right of suffrage and 1 he repeal of the Geary anti-C hinese law. The cost of the mi'.itarv operations of England is already estimated at2,50O, wo.ooo (?12..iio,w0 and these amounts will piou&oiy be doubled. Dr. D-iiiiel Quinn. at the head of the Greek aepartn;ent of the Catholic Uni versity at Washington, and one of the ino..,t eminent Greek scholars in this oAmutry, has. tendered his resignation. The quarantine restrictions having h?en removed tn account of the sul sidence of the yellow fever, the Sonth ! err. Railw ay l as renewed the United ; States fast mad train service from Wash j ington to New Orleans and the South, j via Atlanta aud Montgomery. THE LEASE CASE AT COLUMBIA. It Came Up On Questions of Contempt and Was Removed to Special Master Craige. The North Carolina lease case was before Judge Simonton at Columbia, S. C, on the 2'ith. The proceedings were held upon the certifications of Special Master Craige, of the refusal of a number of w itnesses to testify at the hearings had before him. Hon. A. O. Avery. Capt. W. II. Day and Col. Philip V. Avirett appeared for the Governor and the Xorth, Caro lina Railroad and ex-Secretaiy John G. Carlisle and Mr. F. IL Busbee for tho Southern Railway Company. After a prolonged and Litter argu ment by Col. Avirett in favor of order ing the witnesses to testify, and a brief reply by Messrs. Busbee aud Carlisle, Judge hi n .:iton held that it w as impos sible for L-.it. to pass upon the questions of contempt aud competency unless the record of the whole case was before him. He thereupon ordered the cae to be remanded to Mr. Craige, who will now hear the evidence cf the Southern Railway, after which tho parties charg ing fraud w ill be allowed to offt r further evidence, and Judge Simouto:i will then hear the case. The defendants, Russell and others, claim this as a vic tory, while the Southern Railway peo ple are also reported as very well satis fied. AX H THAGKOl S Ml HDKK. A Negro Arrested for Stealing a Mule Shot to Oratli by a Mob. Jerry Johnson, a negro, was uched by a mob near Screven, Ga. He was in charge of officers and w as being takeu to jail at Jessup. A crowd of men rode up to the officers and demanded the prisoner. The negro was riddled with bullets. Johnson had been arrested for stealing a mule. Usual Penalty for the Nameless Crime. An unknown negro was killed by lynchers near Blackshear, (ia. His body was riddled with bullets. The negro outraged Miss Rebie Davis, tho 17-year-old daughter of Eli Davis, a farmer living seven miles north ol Blauckhenr, while fhe was plone in her home. TOUCiALOO t'NIYKH! TY Ht'ltNKD A Negro College iu Mississippi Oc troyed By Fire. Fire broke out in ths dormitory ot the Tongaloo Negro Univer;ty at Tougaloo, Miss., au I despite ihe he roic work of the students, the building v ere quickly burned to the ground. The fire wes first discovered in tin third story and is supposed to hav originated from a defective flue. For tunatcly the students were all at prayci meeting, so no one was injured. Forty three students aud six teachers los their entire persona! cii'eeis. Tho !os is estimated at $2i,000. 'J he amount o insurance is uot known, as they wen all placed from the office of the Mis sionary Association, in New York. BKYAN IX POM I ICS I'OU LIKE. Whether lie Slmtl Atrniii Kim for Of (ice is I'nktiowji. William Jennings Bryan intends tt remain iu politic? until he dies. No long ago it was reported that Mr. Bryai was about to retire. Congressmai Gaines, of Tenuessec. heard the storj and wrote Mr. Bryan about it. Mr. Bryan replied: "riie newspaper iten is not true. I expect to remain in poli tics all my life. Whether 1 -'shall evei run for office again, depends on cir cumstauces.'" KKMj 105 KEKT AM) LIVES. Is Only a Lit lie Hurt-- Painter'? Experience at I'eidsville. Tho Edna Cottou Mills, of Rcidsville. X. C. , is having its 125-foot smoke stack repainted by a young man name'" Cole, a professional stack painter o Greensboro. While engaged in this work Cole lost his hold, near the top ot the stack, and fell a distauee of 103 feet to the roof of the boiler room. There were no bones broken and he seems tc lie only a little hurt, saying he will get out and finish the work. Convicted of Criminal Assault. Frank, alias Dad Meiue, has been convicted at New port, Ky.,of criminal!? assaulting Mrs. Win. Gleason, Octobei (ith, aud sentenced to twenty years in the penitentiary. Claxton and Greer have previously received the same sen tence for the same offence, aud all w ill, no doubt, receive twenty years each. The defendants belonged to a gang that insulted ladies, and the outrage on Mrs. Gleason was such that lynch ing was averted ouly by the transfer ol the prisoners to Maysville, Ky. Found Guilty of Immorality. At Danville, Va. , the Methodist Con" ference committee charged with the trial of Rev. M. S. Watts, of Middlesex circuit, for immorality, made its repot t. which finds the accused guilty, ami ex pels him from the ministry aud mem bership of the Methodist church. Coun sel for Mr. Watts gave notice of au ap peal to the genera! conference. The Middle of-t ho-Koadcrs. The national organization committee of the middle of the-road Populists held a meeting in St. Louis. Mo., and gave out an address setting forth the chief features of the platform in the next campaign; it will bold a meeting in January and asks the People's party committee to meet with them. Manufacturer Liggett Head. John E. Liggett, the millionaire tc bacconis of St. Louis, is dead, aged 70 He was the principal stockholder of the Liggett & Mvers Tobacco Comj any, among the largest plug tobacco aud cigarette manufacturers m the count! y. Manufacturer Blood Head. Aretas Blood, one of the foremost manufacturers of New Hampshire, is dead aed 1 vear?. Mr. Blood was owner of the Columbia Cotton Mills, of Columbia. S. C. Embcz.ler Griflin Pardoned. Fred W. Griffin, who as assistant cashier embezzled 850.000 from the Northwestern National bank, m lllr t i. - entoncd to tV6 nois, ana wuo years in the Joliet penitentiary, has been pardoned by President McKinley. Earthquakes in California. Two distinct shocks of earthquake were felt at Randsburg. Ca!.. a few daj s a"o The vibrations were from ncrth to south." Buildings shook perceptibly, but no damage was done. RESPITE FOR JOHN EVANS. Governor Russell Was Urged by Many and Council of State Advised It. A special from Raleigh, X. C, saya the council of State met on the evening of the 24th to consider what should be lone regarding John Evans, colored, who was convicted at Rockingham a few days ago for raie. All the peti tions and affidavits were laid before the council by the Governor and there was discussion. As a result of the confer ence the Governor respited Evans until Jau. 2U. The Governor gives the following reasons for respiting Evans: "The case demands serious and thoughtful inves tigation. Out of four other like cases that have occurred iu this State duriug this year, one of the culprits e?eajed before arrest, two were hanged by the courts aud one by a mob. Iu the two eonvietious there' was no reasonable doubt of guilt and the prob tbilities are that the mob got the right uiau. lit re comes a case w here a friendiess wretch has been put ou trial iu a commnuity fevered w ith excitement and iudigua tion, justly aroused by the commission jf a crime" for which the perpetrator :mght to sutler death. '1 hero were ex cellent men ou the jury, but no jury .au expect to deliberate and cooly weigh evidence uniufiueuced by the spirit jiervading the community. It is possible that a jury of like character in a different community would have ren dered a different verdict upon this same evidence, and it remains to be seen whether the jurors in this case may not change their opinion upon ma ture coudsideratiou. under quieter cir cumstances. Evidence directly mate rial to the prisoner's guilt has been produced since the trial, it is urged that the identification of the prisoner was incomplete aud unsatisfactory; that an alibi was completely proven by witnesses of both races, and that the admitted facts of the case strongly in dicated that the perpetrator of the crime was familiar with the habits of the prosecutrix in walking along that certain path, aud at that certain hour when the crime was committed; that the prisoner could not have known these things because he was virtually a stranger in town; that he had only been there once inside of a year and heuce it is most unlikely that he should have known the prosecutrix br been familiar with her habits. As to the truth of these allegations, no opin ion is expressed, but they come from sources in worthy of consideration as to demand time for close scrunity and thoughtful investigation. It further appears from documentary evidence that there is a sentiment to the effect that aside from tho guilt or innocence of this prisoner, it would be best for the county that the seuteuco of toe court be at once executed. This sen tence cannot be prevailing among just or Christian people except as a result of temporary ebullition of passions, pro voked by frightful outrages; lu grant ing a postponement of this execution, the executive is sustained by the Conn oil of Stat", by prominent citizens o! Richmond county aud various othei counties, by intelligent clergymen and eui'nent lawyers and editors, and for the further consideration of thiscase hf evoked the advice of the educated, sub stantial, religious aud law-abiding ele ments of the State. '' HANDS OFF CUBAN Ol KSITON. The President Will Advise Against I lie Recognition of Belligerency. It is understood that the Presideut in his message will suggest lo Cougres.f lhat it would be inadvisable at preseut to take any action w hich would compli cate the situation in Cuba. It is said that he w ill suggest that the passage ot a resolution recoguiziug the belliger ency or independence would be inex pedient while the measures of reform proposed by Spain and to be carried out by General Blanco are being intro duced. The release of the Comptrollei and other American prisoners will Ik referred to as gratifying and as reliev ing the United States from the neces sity of intervention upon the ground of the rotectiou of American lifo and property. Sold Collin Nails to Small Hoy,. At Salisbury, X. ('., twenty or more small boys testified before the grand jury upon the rubpo-ua of Solicitoi Holton, and as a result twenty trut bills were returr.ed agaitisi dealers iu cigarettes for se ling thtiu to minors under age, against the stntuto in such cases made and provided. Thcf e case will not be tried until next term, and meanwhile it is to be hoped the small bov will find it more difficult to obtain these ruinous things. The Leaksvlllc Postofllee Bobbed. A special to the Charlotte 'X. C. ; Observser from Winston says the post office at Leaksville, Rockingham conn ty, was broken open aud robbed. Tht office safe was blow n open and robbeii of all the money and stamps in it. which nitiounted to several hundred dollars. A French Railroad Accident. A dispatch from Tarbos, France, capital of the Department of Haute Pyrenees, announces that a ballast train overtook a passenge- train during a fog at the Toniuay Railroad station, oeveral cars were ground into splinters. Twelve persons were killed and nint severely injured. The bodies of several were badly mangled. A Monster Piano Trust. Another great trust is being formed. It is to be eomjKised of the principal piano mauufactnrers of the country, and to include by absorption all of the 2K concerns making instruments. 'I he capitalization has been placed at 3V, 000,0 'JO. The Glrafle Broke Its Ne.-k. The Atlantic Transport Company's steamer Massachusetts, which left Xew York on Xovember 12, for London, carrying as a cargo the greater part ol Barnum aud Bailey's menagerie and .-how. arrive 1 off Graveseud. at the mouth of the Thames on the 21th. Ex cept on the first three days she Lad a smooth passage. A dispatch from Gravesend says that the firaffe died o! a broken neck ou the night of the 14th. Four horses, incladiug Eagle, also suc cumbed. Plague in India Unchecked. The spread of the bubonic plague shows no signs of abatement at Poonah, Surat and elsewhere in India. It has extended to Belgium and Ahemidgur. At the latter place two-thirds of the in habitants have already sought safety in Higat. Bis Street Railway Purchase. Messrs. Alex. Brown .t Son, rei re seating a syndicate, has purchased all the e took, 20,000, 0'h. of the United Traction Cocrany of 1 lttsburg, ia , ndies of electric' street controlling 11 l ail way. FIXES IX THE 3IOUXTAIX9. They Obscure the Sun and the Asbea Fall in Marlon. A special to the Charlotte (X. C.) Ob server from Marion, of the 22d. says: Yesterday and today the sun hung in the skies like a ball of fire, and at times was almost obscured by the dense smoke, which borers over and around the town. It is the same story thathas been told for the past week of the forest fires, which continuo to rage with un abated fury. Flames with red tongnes can be seen from Marion at night, leapfng over the mountains, licking up everything that will burn. The flames are high, and great volumes of smoke are puffing heavenward. The fires have approach ed to within seven miles of Marion and the ashes of the loa.es are falling thickly in town. Mountaineers report that the fire is all over the mountains in the upper end of tl e county, on the Mitchell and Yancey county lines; also ou the famous Black mountain, and lhat many miles of fences have been destroyed. Leaves and brush are voy dry, owing to the fact that th.re has been no rain for a month. RETROSPECT OF THE EPIDEMIC Out of 4,'J81) Cases of Yellow Fever, 41 Proved Fatal. Accordiug to the last weekly report. issued by the Surgeon General of the Marine Hospital Service, giving the re turns up to the 10th instant, there had then appeared duriug the j-ellow fever epidemic iu the South a total of 4.2H'J cases, of which 44'i hod proved fatal. Of the total number of cases, 1,47 were reported from Louisiana, 1,023 from Mississippi, 740 from Alabama, 32 from Tennessee, 10 from Texas, 4 from Illinois, 3 from Georgia and 1 each from Florida aud Kentucky. All but ten 6f the cases reported from Louisi ana are credited to New Jrleaiis. 1 he cases in Kentucky, Illinois an I Geor gia were confined to refugees. A com putation shows that about lOi per cent, of the cases proved fatal. SHAKERS TO FORM A COLONY. Looking for a Site in Georgia on Wiilcli to Settle. Dr. J. R. Slingerland, the head of a Shaker colony iu Ohio, is in Savannah for the purpose of taking steps to or ganize a colony iu (ieorgia. He went out with parties for the purpose of look ing nt sotno land and says the colony will purchase 13,000 acres to start w ith. Two of the sisters. Misses E. Dow niiig and J. Foley have already ar rived, aud W. C. Ayer, Dr. Slinger land's assistant, is expected in a week or so. These four compose a board of ministers of the colony and thoy w ill decide what shall be done with refer ence to the location of the colony Dr. Slingerland says the colony w ill need about 30.0(10 acres of laud if the colony is a success. The colony expects to raise crops and blooded stock. ALL FOUR WERE KILLEJ.' Feud of Extermination In Louisiana Town. A special from Mandeyille, La , says: Bayou Lacombe, a small settlement 11 miles east of here, has been the scene of a ierrible tragedy. Xews has just been received here of a desperate fight between Arthur aud Edward Jolie on one side and Lawrence and Edward Cousin ou the other, which resulted in the killing of all the parties concerned. Shotguns and pistols were the w eapons used. The cause of the difficulty is at tributed to an old family feud. MEMORIAL EXERCISES In Commemoration of the Life of Sen ator Ishani G. Harris. At Memphis, Teuu., last Sunday me morial exercises in commemoration ol the life of the late Senator Isham G. Karris, was held at the auditorium. A seating capacity of C.OtK) was packed and hundreds were turned away. Ad dresses eulogistic of the dead Senator Turpie of Turpie of Indiana, Congress man John Sharp Williams of Missiit- sippi. Governor R. L. Taylor aud Gen John W. Gordon, of Memphis. Demands Prison Reformation. ('. K. Vawter, chairman of the com mittee on prison reform, presented a rt port to the Virginia Methodist Confer ence, which severely condemns the J crowded condition of State prisons and n me name oi uumanit y ami t hi lstian- ity demads reformation of the system prevailing there, so as to provide greater number of cells and otherwise improve the facilities. 'I he report was unanimously adopted and Lisbon Fitz gerald expressed hope that every news paper in lrginia would publish it. Scalper's 1 leket Causes Suit. James Foley, of Savannah, Ga , suing the Central of Georgia for S3,0i0 damages. Foley bought a scalper's ticket from Atlanta to Savannah and was put off the train. The ticket wa issued by the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad, in Chicago to Jacksonville. Foley supplied his name as purchaser, Will He Court-Mart biled. The Virginia Grand Camp Sons of Veterans' investigating committee at Richmond finds Mr. Minitree Folkes guilty of beiug in the employ of the American Book Company and he will be court-martialed by the grand camp of the Eons. $l:?,000,000 Paid Into the Treasury, The United States Treasury has re ceived from the ex-organization corn mittee of the Union Pacific road $13,- 04 ,20 in cash and turned over to the committee that amount, in bonds, which has been on deiosit with the government. Ofl,000,000 Is Needed. Secretary of War Alger, in his first annual report, asks for more men and officers for the army, and sa3s 000 is needed. He also wauts Alaska garrisoned to repress lawlessness. Total Indian Population. The Interior Department estimates the total Indian population of the United States, exclusive of the Xew York Indians and the five civilized tribes, at 117, 17, located on 177 reser vations, embracing 33,404,837 acres. Gets a LoDK-Xmae Holiday. The Richmond ( Va ) city schoo board has ordered the schools closed from Dec 12th to Jan. :id for lack of funds, the school fund laving been ra 1 duced in accordance with a general plan ol rerenenmen; receaur aacftci. THE MARKETS. NEW TOKK fOTTOJJ FCTrRKS. Xew York. Cotton quiet. Middling upland, 5 13-16; Middliug Gulf 0 1-tti. 1 uteres closed quiet. Open- Clos ing, ing. r, os 5 4 s ;s 5 tw 5 74 3 6J r. 7s 5 7 r s4 s o 5 7 r Ml 3 .i:i 3 IH 3 Ut 5 w ; 02 o o 6 07 fi 07 (5 07 07 XovemWr Decemler January February March April May June July August September October i-ivF.M'ort. r-rrov vaurc .. Liverjiool. Midlling 3L Futures closed quiet November :t 12 t Xovember and December 3 10 b December and January 3 001 s January aud February 3 OSlJ a February aud March 3 10 s March aud April 3 IOJa April and May 3 Ile)12 May aud June .'...3 13 s June and July 3 14 a July and August 3 13 J a August and September 3 Iti h September and October nTlIFtt fOTTON MAKKCTS. Charleston. Cotton quiet; middliug, 3 3-10. Wilmingtou. Cotton steady; mid dling 3L Savaunah. Cottou steady; middling 3 3-10. Norfolk. Cotton quiet; middling 31. .Memphis. Cotton steady; middling Si Augusta. -Cotton firm; middliug 3 7-10. Baltimore. Cottou no;inal; mid ling f. Xew Orleans. - Cottou quiet and easy; middling SJ. Columbia - Strict low middling 3; good middling 3. I HAM.OTTK COTTON MARKRT. Strict good middling 3 43 Good middling 3 Middling 3 3-lft Tingos 4(?$3i Stains 4$ Market easy. BALTIMORE ritOOrcK MARKET. Baltimore. Flour dull ; family 4. 40(i) 4.03; winter wheat patents, 4.H3(;05.OO; spring w heats straights, 4. y Oul 3. 00. Wheat Dull; spot aud month. ,7;!J7 December o;j(?j7i; May 04; bid; steamer Xo. 2, Red i)2i''i'J2; Southern wheat by sample tl2if'JS; ou grade i2k"o 071. Com Steady; spot and mouth aud December 32 jiff-33; November, or De cember new- or ohl 32(32 j; steamer mixed 30.Vi30;; Southern white eoru tt5yr;3(i; do yellow '.VlmyM. Oats ery lirm; No 2 w hite 2'J2Jt; Xo. 2 mixed 2(ijf 201. Rye Steady; No. 2 nearby 334j3; No. 2 western 5 1. Hav Ouiet: choico timothy 13.00 asked. Charleston The rico market H firm. The quotations nre: Prime 5(r,3J Good 4 '(3 Fair 4j(.i4J NAVAL STORKS. New York Turpentine firm at Jl2-jril 321. Rosin steady; (drained common to good 1.40(1.43. ( harleston- I urpeutino- firm, at 2'.: Rosm firm; quotations unchanged. Savaunah-- 1 iirpontiue firm at 2!'i bid; Rosin firm; A. B, O and D. 1.13; E, aud F, 1.20; G. 1.3'J; 11, and I, 1.33; K. 1.30; M, 1.70; X. 1.73; win dow glass, 2.40; water white, 2.80. llmiugton 1 urpeutino lirm at i'.i('t30. Rosin steady at 1.13(1.20. Crude Iturpentine firm at l.WvO.'Mh Tar steady nt 1.03. rorroK ht:r.i ir.. Xew York -Cotton seed oil steady; prime primo summer yellow 211; prime crude I M fr 1 h ; prime summer yellow, 20i(tf22J. i tlFFK K. Xew York. Cofleo options opened steady at 13 joints decline and ruled generally weak but more active under liquidation, following unfavorable ca bles, expected heavs Braziliau ship ments and slack 8ot demand and closed steady at 10 to 20 ixiints net loss or at the lowest point of the season. Sales32, -3 HJ bags, including December 3. 10n 3. 13: spot Rio nominal; No. 7 invoice fij;No. 7 jobbers Icj, mild dull; Cor dova 8 to 14.00. hVUAK. New York. --Raw, fair; refining, 3 3-10; centrifugal 5M test 3jj;rofinei firm; powdered 0. MONKV MARKET. Xew York. Money on call steady at 1J('A2 per cent., last loan at 2 ier ct. Prime mercantile paper 4 J per ct. Ster ling exchange steady with actual busi ness inbankers' bills at W(rtWi for demand, and at 4S2 J('4 tS2j for sixty days. Posted rates 484 and 40. Commer cial bills 482. Sil fer certificates 38ffc3:. Bar silver 32- Mexican dollars 43;'. Government bonds strong. State Itoudt dull. Railroad bonds strong. A Farmer's Trimt. The farmers of Texas arc organizing trusts and combines. One of the most recently orgrnized is the Texas Farm ers' Cotton Associetion. The objects as given out arc to hold cotton until a suitable price is bid by the buyers, and then it takes an order from the president, countersigned by the Secre tary, to turn loose a ba'e telonging to a member; to force hundreds to accept a prescriled share of the crops raised instead of demanding money; to hold dow n the price to be i aid for picking cotton, an agreement being entered in to not to pay over 4'J cents per 100 rounds. Negro Counterfeiter Arrested. At Rome, Ga., Bill Williams, col ored, has been arrested for having in his possession a full counterfeiting out fit. The city has leen over run ith spurious dimes for a year past. Wil liams attempted to pass one, which led to his arrest and the discovery of the outfit American Prisoners Released. Since the present administration came into office, March 4th last, twenty seven American prisoners have been re leased ia Cuba. h;s a:b gax ottt. Rpats Why is Handel Barrs band- aged so ? Socratoots He'n been stndyiua mediaeval history. . Spats What had that to do with it 1 Socratoots He wanted to feel how it was to be broken on the wheeL