She yic6scnncx MKSSKNCJKIi I'UHLISlIlXC CO., It 1 I.I-IIKIS. J. . Ot NT. K(ljt W.M. il. Will 1 K.I SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. (1.03 Entered at the Tost Office at Ma rion, N. C. ir transmission through the mails, as second class matter. KIDAV, lillCHM lilK 3. i':7- (l I! AMI HAWAII. To understand the future ..f the Jiep-iblican pled'fs in regard to Cuba and Hawaii w-.uM be to break into the secret s of the money Ion Is f.f Kuroj.e u-.'l lhi O ur.try who have enter' 1 into a leue to control the poMics the world. Cuba is not ;;i'h'd because the nir.r-ey lend-rs of h.urope hav investc- too much in Spanish bonds to lUten to any sentimental measure about the rights of man or the dictates of humanity. Hawaii is not yet annexed becatis' these same money lords are stiil in doubt as to whether they wish this country to enter upon an ex periment in foreign colonial aggression. And the Republican administration, which owes its accession to power to the money lords, awaits word from Europe as to how and when it shall carry out measures to which it is distinctly pledged, and which the people had supposed would have been adopted some months since. The carnage, suffering, outrages, and starvation in Cuba do not count. The imbecile Spanish monarchy must be supported le.,t the bond holders lose their investment in the tyrannical and coirupt mis government of Cuba. The ful some jingoism in regard to Hawaii does not count. The money lords say "wait," and the McKinley administration waileth. I'ut there is one thing the money lords fear. It is the indignation of the American people. Were their thrones and privileges in Europe secure from popular over throw, they would dare even war with this country and seek to crush forever the aspirations for the political rights of man. l!ut their thrones and power rest solely on bayonets. The people are not with them, either here or in Europe. Hence, jugglery, delay, finesse, promises, false issues, and all the other delusions by which the masses are k'-pt under control of seifish and narrow rule, and our government is degraded in the eyes of mankind bj its subservi ency to the p. nver of capital, intrenched in monarchical institu tions, and relying upon armies and armaments to protect it from popular supei vision and check. I'eihaps the money lords will at last allow the Republican admin istration to make an effort to redeem its pledges. If so, it will be tine solely to the persistence of the American pi ess and the gt ner ous indignation of the American people. Tin: in i y or in i: not ic. A straight party fight in North Carolina means one of two things, either that a majority of the suf fragants of the State are in favor of the principles all the princi ples, mind .You of the Chicago platform, or that they aie opposed to those principles. Twist it and turn it whichever way you may, there is no escape from the truth of that postulate. True enough, there are many indifferent ones who arc moved by fear of negro domination to actually engage in political woik when they fear negro control of State government, but even the indifferent, i nes are opposed to the Republican parly for other reasons than that that party enfolds the negro in willing embrace. So, accepting as granted our in itial postulate, whether Democrats or Republicans sr shall rule the State is of importance only as in volving the fear of the negio. The principles of the Chicago platform are at stake. Do you believe in the free coin age of silver by this country inde pendently at the ratio of id to i ? It so, what luivc you to do with a fusion the like of which resulted in the Duller Pi itchard combina tion wheieby thev ihre-.v lots f u the robes once worn by Scales. Jarvis, Ransom, and Vance? Do you believe in the freest trade compatible with the raising o! sul ficient revenue to tun this govern ment economically ad m '. n istei cd ? If yes, why indorse a pobev which certainly must tax c- :e sec tion or one class in favor of aw other (else it would not he: "pro tection") just because you w ish t, pay off an old J.uvis grudge o: Ransom hatred? Are you down deep in your heart opposed to an unlimited judicial monarchy by tH-ir,g com m'tted against a policy of govern -me u by ii junction? If so, why ally yourself with those who declare that ah' . ),,, hold to that doctrine are anarchists and architects of blood and dis aster? Do you favor taxing the incomes of the recipients of the proceeds of legislation conceived, framed, passed and signed for the benefit of clashes' If you do, why arc you in po litical cahoots with the party vio lently opposed to such taxation? j Democrats of No-th Carolina, ! y-;urduty is plain! Whether there I be 1 47, ceo or ;og,oco or any other J number of Dcm orats in the State, it is due the party, due your con ! sciences, due your country and I vour fiod that you stand up ! -.ija'u st trie common enemy and .viu or be defeated in a manly oatt:: for principle rr.ther than ongage in a traffic for a few or r.uny paltry offices by a fusion .vim a parly which stands to win everything and to lose nothing! Democrats, will you endorse the leaders w ho advocate fusion .vi:h infusible material having in I'ic.v merely a division of the poils of political warfare trading principles for position, parly fealty .'or persona! advancement? Nj! a thousand times no! Let is nail to the mast the flag of Jtffersoi' ian-Jackson ian Democ racy, and if any man tries to trade ,n your votes for his own base ends, let him go. If need be, turn the State over bodily to the negro loving Republicans and let them loot it, as they are doing, rather than a coalition of white Demo crats with Populist leaders, black and tan Republicans, and anything-lor-oflice spoilsmen should get it aid disgrace the white race by engaging in a cheek-by jowl plun der of a once proud State. Rut you don't need to take any such rash step. There is an over whelming majority in this State for the Chicago platform Democ racy. All it needs is a call to arms, a thorough organization, a burial of the animosities of the past, and a determination to have nothing but Democracy the test of political preferment. To your tents, () Israel! TIIK O.NI.UKS.V On Monday next the first regular session of the present Congress will convene, and the harpies and vultures are flapping their wings in eager anticipation of the putres cent feast which will in all proba bility attend its meetings. Not all the harpies, not all the vultures, are in the Third House in Washington, that mysterious "tdjunct to the legislative branch of the American government which alternately dictates and anticipates legislation, in either event reaping a golden harvest for service or speculation as guerdon for shaping legislation. Certain somersaults of policy on the part of New York papers indicate that there is sugar in the gourd, which may be extracted with ease if one be only directed how to proceed to get it out. The Dingley Deficiency Pro voker, erstwhile known as the Tar iff Rill, will have to be pruned and trimmed, shortened here and elon gated there, in order to make it perform its promised office. This legislation will put the Sugar Trust on the rack again, and that inter esting aggregation of philanthro pists will be made t'o give down like an unwilling heifer. Spain has an emissary in Cuba vho passed through this country a week or two leaving behind him the malodorous scent of brib ery, and whose suspected repre sentatives at the capital are already joyfully declaiming that there can oe no legislation which w ill benefit Cuba at this session. The itching palms of many newspaper man agers have been crossed with Spanish gold, and the Third House stands in an expectant attitude. The Nicaragua canal matter will be up for consideration and the Huntington transcontinental carrying influences may be counted upon to carry another million or two of dollars to that mysteiious "expense account" which shows such sudden, unexplained and irrational growths concurrently with favorable legislation for or attempted legislation adverse to the Huntington railroad and steam ship interests. There are other schemes and yet others out of which the shoal of stranded ex-members and Sena tors and politicians of high and low degree in Washington must nake a living, out of which the no-.r.hpicces of monopoly and class legislation must in part receive their bet ween -elect ions sustenance. True it is the political buzzards now assembling at the nati n's capital are wearing immaculate costumes and glittering diamonds as a result of the spring tariff cam paign, but they are as insatiate as the daughter of the h:tse leech. and must levy toll of every ques tiouable or unquestionable meas are before Congress. hut the only concern the Ameri can people have in the harpies and vultures, individually or as repre sented by a vena! daily press, is a contemptuous curiosity. It is merely thief against pirate; black mailer against robber. It is upon the legislators of the country that the country's eyes are fastened. Every vote will be scrutinized; eveiy action noted; every motive weighed, and upon the result judg- send Jed Pritchard JfyXht Senate ment will be pronounced next fall, as a rebuke to " bourbon " Democ Let no member of the present racy will p'.gase keep an eye on Congress stray from the paths of j Washington this winter. There rectitude and hope to justify him- ; wi!J.&e a line-up on many an occa seif before his people. The man. -'sion during the session, in each of who trafficks in the situaticof ! which the gold monometailists the session had better piaffe a big will stand up to be counted. Does pric- upon his virtue ?,i hustand any one doubt where the Repub the profits ofvVf perfidy ! ! lican Senator of this State stands? j , FITZItt",!! LKK'S ASl'IKATIONS. ! Jien. Enzhugh Lee, of Virginia,' T.e ' honest Populists of the has about concluded to declare - t different to the his candidacy for the United States slanderous ch-rge made by Sena Senate. Gen. Lee, it is to be pre- j t!er in his recent sPeh. sumed, is not smirched with Cleve j Mj"' -'f ltiem are realizing that landism with respect to his have been led into bad com cial views, or he would not invite j Pa"'- and have resolved to leave a defeat which would illy cap the 1 People's party and return to climax of a useful public life. lhe Part' of tl'e people-the Demo tVin Kii ! cratic parly. Butler's bacon is 11 UCH II 13 IUU.11U1.11.U mult...- hugh Lee's course in Cuba was all that saved the unspeakable Cleve land's Spanish policy from becom ing a stench in the nostrils of the people, it will be easily understood that no true American certainly no Southron would care to be placed in the predicament of oppos ing him for the august assemblage of millionaires known as the Sen ate, while all feel alike the neces sity of sending to that Cave of the Winds men who will not be con trolled by the influences which so nearly wrecked the Democratic paity. Gen. Lee can never be controlled in any offensive sense of the term, but if his predictions are toward gold, if he does not hold it to be a tenet of Democratic faith to use his every endeavor to return forth with to the money of the Consti tution independently or con jointly with other nations, then he is not the proper candidate at this juncture for the American Senate. True, this country needs his sturdy Americanism in a body sadly lacking (as far as numbers go) in that hitherto essential quali tication. Rut it is likewise true that unless the signs of the times are alto gether misleading it will need a few able military commanders with a general knowledge of the Spanish language and a specific knowledge of the "lay of the land" in Cuba. In the event, however, that Gen. Lee is for the Democratic plat form from bridle to tailgate, it is but one step, and a short one, from the Senate to the saddle. ClIIIIlKI A I. NOTKS. The free pass business has be come ridiculous and scandalous in some respects. When a railroad gives a pass to an editor in ex change for advertising space in his paper the editor's pass is then paid for, and is not free. This is a business transaction that con cerns only the editor and the road. But when public officials, as Butler. Russell, Worth, and some others, w ho are allowed mileage for travel ing, and still are given and use free passes on the railroads, it becomes a scandalous evil and should be stopped. Public serv ants should do nothing to raise a suspicion upon the right discharge of public duties. This latter phase of the business is becoming malo dorous. Let such a pass business pass away, and the officials so offending pass out of ofiice. Since Butler has said (and it has been proved that he said it in a speech at Rocky Mount) that if colored men would not commit the crime of rape often enough some white men would hire them to do so, he ought in self-respect, or for the honor and dignity of the position he holds, resign his seat in the U. S. Senate. As the Asheville Citi,ai says, to resign is the proper thing for him to do. We do not believe that white men hire colored men to commit such a crime that the white men miv cry out against the danger of negro j supremacy, it is a creation It is a rrPr.tior, ,f I Butler s venom. He is a disgrace to his State, the office he fills, and to his race. Talk about fusion with any party that he has any thing to do with' Scat away ! The Hon. Bill Chandler and his conscience are still experiencing that yeasty indigestion mistaken for change of heart. The Hon. Bill is now lambasting the Wolcott commission. There are those w ho affect to believe that the Hon. Bill is angling for an application of cart-less local treatment of ether dis Hanna " business principles." Be euses" ciiikk c w k this as it may, when votintr time' i-.o m r to nc i nh.-a thv urine from milieu thv fc .1- comes around, the New Hampshire 1 Senator will give his conscience leave of absence while he votes with the others of the Grand Old Party of trus monopoly, c! legislation, and the single stand ard. The cause of "honest money" is having its own troubles. Two cf its most active advocates of a year ago are being relentlesslv pursued bv some victims of the " . - U1C j silver craze who deposited money : in banks conducted bv the advo-: - " cates aforesaid, which banks have ; lately McKinley prosncrityed. ! ' I I Those Democrats and P. pulists ' , . , . , . r who aided directly or indirectly to i baked. Mark Hanna is now in Washing ton, looking none the worse for wear. Having bought a presi dency, a little retail operation like that involved in his senatorial con test was not calculated to ruffle his serenity or impair his com mercial rating. The Democrat or the Demo cratic journal who this year ex presses the slightest doubt of vic tory in a straight, clean-cut, Chi cago platform campaign is guilty of party treason. "If such there be, go mark him well! " Tammany Hall divided a cam paign surplus of $40,000 equally between the poor of New York and the Cubans. Tammany is persistent and consistent in injur ing the feelings of the mugwumps. Another court has sustained State railroad legislation, but the aggrieved railroad company has taken its case to the Supreme Court of the United States. Any body want to bet on the result? The one consolation to the Democrats, who now realize what the defeat of Arthur Pue Gorman means, is that Maryland will send another Job Trotter Wellington to the Senate to take his place Another great manufacturing plant in Toledo, Ohio, has reduced wages 5 per cent in order to de clare a dividend expressive of the tidal wave of prosperity which is overwhelming the country "Collars and Cuffs" may be a bourboii of bouroons, a Cleveland ite, and a gohibiig. but when we swapped him fur Pritchard how much did the cause of the people profit? It is according to the eternal fitness of things that fusion and f 1!" are alliterative. 11. -r i.r-- i -,i . ai r. .Hi! Mvimcy will soon have Congress on his conscience. Tin" iriiii(l-Ht Kt-meily. Mr. 11. B. Giec-ve, merchant, of uiiiiuowic, ceitiues that he had consumption, was given up to die, sought all medical treatment that money could procure, tried aU rough remedies heeouhl hear of, mil got lioreliel;Kpeiit many nights sitting up in a chair; was induced to try Dr. King's Sew Discovery, ami w.isotmM D.y use ol two bottles. For past three has been attending to business, and says Dr. King's New Discovery is ti e giandest remedy ever made, as it has done so much for him and also for others in bis community. Dr. King's New Discovery is guaran teed for Coughs, Colds and eon sumption It don't fad. Trial bottles free at .John lull's Drug Store. A Sure Tiling for You. A ti-nnsavtiiin in which von cannot l..scia siiru tiling, lliliousnvss, sick hr.-ulache. lur iv 1 1 torque, li ver, piles ami a thousand other ills are caused l:y c. nistijiation ami slu;sish liver. Cascarcts candy cathartic, the won dertul new liver stimulant and intestinal .rm.ey .;..uii. I.. ...tlV. l.i.' f' : " t,ainl)le 8ml A colony composed entirely of colored people has been established at Cedar Lake near Decatur, Ala. The negroes are to select tin ir own otticeis and govern themselves. The experiment will be watched with interest. ONE UF TWO WAYS. The bladder wa created for one pur lose. namely, a receptacle for the urine, and as such it is not liable to p.ny form of disease except by one of two wars The lirst way is from imperfect action of the kidnevs. TIih s.cnn.l nviviofr., ne's i-i the chief cause of Madder trou Ides. So the womb, like thp l! w as created for one purjiOr-e. and if not doet ired too much is not liable to weak ness or disease, except in rare eases. It is situate. 1 back of and very clo-f to the bladder, therefore miv pain, disease or incotivj-nienee manifested in the kid neys back, bladder or uriuarv naspane is often, by mistake, attributed to fe-j nrtle weakness or womb trouble of some t-vrt. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To lind out correctly, set your urine aside for twenty four hours: a sediment or set tling indicates kidney or bladder trou ble. The mild and extraordinary elfect '.'f ,I,r' KiIl,!erl'? "ip-Root. the great kidney and bladder remedy, is soon realized. If you need a medicine, you ?-f?uld 1"ehe bt"t,-U l'ruWt fifty cents and one dollar. ou may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, !p0tlf6?nt (rree b-v n,aiV Mftion The Marion Messenger and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Biugham tou- N- Y The proprietor of this paper guarantees the Keuuineness of this of- fer. SOCIETY WOMEN USE IT. Mrs. Kester Haines, Prominent New York Hostess, Relieved of Insom nia by Paine's Celery Compound. ' iv. There exists among women who are much iu society a form of weariuess resulting from overtaxed nerves, more intense and depres sing than any known to tired mus cles. The overcrowded lives of snch women make them slaves of anxie ties at: (I annoyances which they cannot ignore. The following letter from one of New York's busiest hostesses shows bow implicitly Paiue's Cel ery Compound is relied on among the most intelligent, well-to do families as well as in the many more humble households all over the country. New Y'oik City, Oct. 0, 1S97. Gentlemen I think it but fair to you that I bear testimony to the beneficial results of my use of Paine's Celery- Compound. Two yars ago I was almost a wreck from nervous prostration, resulting from overwork, mental and physical. I had lost my mem ory completely, and friends feared I would never leoover. After try ing several remedies to no avail, my ph.v.siciaii prescribed Paine's Celeiy Compound, and within a lew days there was a decided improvement in my condition. After the use of three bottles I was so much !i;ter that it was unnecessary tor me to continue its use. Since then 1 have recommen ded it widely, and have yet to hear that it has i-.iled to do'all that I claim for it. -INSURANCE Northwestern Mutual OF MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. Having all the business characteristics of perfect reliability. I.oval to the interests of all snecial iirivilcKcs to nunc! Most popular Be tub c 11 KAi'Ksr." Write us for information. At CI HI NT IN Si It.tM'K, United States The Kieh Man's Privilege; the Workinjiman's Necessity. In this country, every five min utcs sonic one is killed Ijy accident. IxjN'T TRUST TO LUCK !! ! fi re INSURANCE. Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Co., 0I:?mE,s?.0.B0 Has uniformly paid to its policy-holders a dividend of 20 per cent (one-fifth) of ull premi ums paid in. I'OLIC Y-HOLIjKKS NON-ASSKSSAIiLK. Good management is the strength of any institution. STRONG, SURE, AND SlCCIiStl-UL. A North Carolina Institution, desiring patronage. -f-VVe nlso represent other Str ing and Reliable Insurance Companies. Sir-Citizens of Catawba, Caldwell, Burke and McDowell counties, aud else where, address augt2 Cm SOUTHERN THIRD Schedule effective May 17, 189(1. his Condensed Schedule is published as information only and is subject to change withon notice to the public. SALISBURY, ASHEVILLE, No. 15. No. 11. No. 12. No. 1C. Daily. Daily. (Central Time.) liaily. Daily. 1 i 7.5". p.m. i H. 55 a.m Lv Salisbury . ..Ar. 6.4-Op.m.: fi OO a m.' S.Opm. 9.4t a.m. " Statesviile.-Lv. 5.4-n p.m. 5.10a.m. I M.:iil p m.jlO.4-7 a.m. .... Hickory.... " 4-.5K p.ra.l 4.23 a.m.j p.m.,11.2H a m " ...Morganton . " 4-. 11 p.m. 3. '. a.m.!. 10 35 p.m. 12.12 p.m. '.... Marion " 3.fU.'p.m.! 3.15 a m. 1 1 2.(14-a.m. 2.15 p.m. " .... Biltmore ... " 1.35 p.m. I 1 .51 a.m. ...... ;12.12a.ra. 2.25 p.m. Ar.... Asheville.... " 1.25 p. m. 1. 4-4 a.m. Fourth Division. 1 29 a m 3.52 p.m. Ar.. Hot Sprinf9..Lv. 1 1 .40 a.m 1 2 23 pmi 3 OO am 5.55 p.m. ..Morristown..Lv. y5oa.m.,1055 p m; 7 4) a m 11.20 p m. Ar Chattanooga Lv. 4.12 a.m. j 6 20 p ............. Trains Nos. 11 and 12, daily, carry Pullman SleepingCars between Jacksonville. Snvan ah, Columbia. Asheville and Cincinnati via F. C. P., Columbia. Harnman and O. Ac C Also Pullman lirawinn-Koom Sleeping Cars between Hot Springs, Asheville, Washington and New York in connection with Washington and Southwestern Limited. Trains Nos. 15 and 16 Norfolk mid Chattanooga Limited. Pullman Cars Raleigh and Chattanooga. BETWEEN ASHEVILLE AND MURPHY. No. 17. No. C7. . No. 68. J No. 18. Kx. Sun. I Ex. Sun. (Central Time.) Ex. Sun. Ex. bun. i I 4.4.1 p.m. I (MX a.m.i Lv Asheville Ar. j 3.35 p.m. 1 2 OI41.n1. 7.5o p in. ! 2.15 m.l ' Dillsboro ... 0 55 a.m. 0O5am. S.40 p m. j 3.3H p.m. I " ..Bryson City..' I H 40 a.m. 8.20p.m. ; b oop.m. I Ar Murphy Lv. j 4.30 a.m. Throueh tickets on sale at principal stations to all points. For rates or information apply to anv agent ot theCompany. W.H.GKKHN, J. M Cl'LP, W. A. TURK. General Su;icrfntendent. Tratlic Manager General Passenger Agent. Washington. D. C. 130O Pa. Ave.. Washington, T. C. The Flemming-Eagle, Two lintels in one, uiider one tmin iigeinciit, h.v the ;i:uisku family. NO - RAISE - IN - PRICES. Summer, Uegular and Trausient Hoarding. Reasonable rates. Marion, X. C, July 22, 1S9G. To anv one snflerincr from anv of the ills attendant upon continued loss of sleep I can and do heartily recommend it. Very truly vours, 1 1 ay rue L. Haiues. In all cases of nervous prostra tiou, nervous indigestiou, neural gia, sleeplessuess, hysteria or inces sant headache, the objective point of a true remedy like Paiue's Cel ery Compouud is to make more blood, gather flesh and increase the number of red, health giving corpuscles in the blood. Paiue's Ctlery Compound fills the vessels with red blood, drives out the dangerous humors aud thus gives relief to a host of aches, pains aud weaknesses. Women and men who have lost flesh and grown colorless aud are subject to aches and pains, gain quickly in health from Paine's Cel ery Compound. There is hardly a family of any size where there is not some member who is feeble, forever tired and below the stand ard of health to whom Paiue's Cel ery Compound would prove of invaluable help. Not only does this great invigorator drive out the aches and distress that have accumulated because of neglected rheumatism or neuralgia, but the libeial gam in llesh and blood that is always a noticeable and encour aging result of its use, bring about better health in the digestive, assimilative and secretive organs; 111 other wonts, all over the body - AGENCIES.- Life Insurance Company, with its Policy-holders who know "Tub Best to Casualty Co., . . OF . . NEW" VUKK. J. G. HALL Ss SON, HOME OFFICES : Lenoir or Hickory, X. C. RAILWAY. DIVISION. HOT SI'KINGS AMI KNOX VI LLE. YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Invention Is pr"bnMy patentable. Cniijiuntn tlontmrictlrcontl'leritial. Handbook on Hatit tent free. il1et airencr for securmtfpatetits. Patents taken tlirouvh Munn II Co. receive tpenat witict, without chance in toe Scientific American. A handsomely lllntrafed weekly. Lareent cir culation of any dentine Journal. Terms. t3 year: fonr montlit, f U hold by all newadealera, MUNN &Co.36,B,- New York Branch Office. S V St, Washington. D. C tLegal Blanks by the hun dred, and Printed Stationery a specialty, at Tjie MESstxctk office. TH3 Atlanta One i Of the Subscriptions o a r f Received from Cm) Contest to name ing word in the "Ougc Qlven ttie passion tor , mat one ol tlic precious metals will De most In deirand which Is etieapest." .'. .'. . X K And, in Addition TO THE 10 PER CENT, WE WILL GIVE Z $100 Cash Extras For the first Six Correct Guesses, as follows: $50 Vr for tne First Correct Guess and $10 Each for the 7 Next Five, in their order, provided the same are re- V ceived in our office on or before December 1st. j The period covered "hess. 1 By This Contest shows about 16,000 expirations v tfor The Weekly Constitution, and, of course, we want V j. . them all to renew and to enter the Contest. V 4 THIS MEANS $1,600 For the Missing Word O scriber entering the contest will swell the amount the more. This period also compares with our First Missing Word 0 Contest last year, in which Mr M. L. Brittain secured the A prize $ 1,035.50. As that was our First Contest, there . uvrt mori trun 1 fY1snhrrihpK r..p!r..l Hnrimr Vu iim. V who did not enter for prize. ? the plan is widely advertised and we have paid out within O the past twelvemonths NEARLY $5,000 CASH upon the Five Missin? Ji been of extraordinary interest, and the idea seems to grow in uic 'uliii. j laiui, The book containing the tentence is a standard pnlilicalinn ami has been sealed up and placed with Mr. V. A. Hemphill, 1'resiilrnt and liusiness Manager of The Constitution, who will hold it salclv iC until January I, 109S. ' The sentence speaks for tion for you to solve. The Contest Began November 1, 1897. The Contest Ends January I, 1898. This contest lasts two months and the amount to be divided will probably be in the neighborhood of There may be one cor rect answer, there mny be a dozen, there may be more, but remem ber it costs nothing to supply a word, and you may get it correctly. Whether ybu do or not, you get Trie Greatest of All flmerlcan WeeKln Newspapers tor One Year. Keep That in View and Send Your Guess With Your SSiimt"" Dollar for a Year's Subscription ""bs Ten per rent of thr liuriNi'ra' Snb-riliuii v- lo the Fund la be livilil. In otlu-r wordo, If thin SuliTiillni In ml munuiilN la 5i,0 for llif Iwa niniilho, I he Kami la nalolhr nui-r-alul ppr would be Mvl.OOO. Following nre the romlilionit al rnl-lt WK FROrOSK TO FI T 10 FT of iho amount wn rc.e for sul Tiptioim. tHT-in th- party mibiw-riliinK entvr th- .Mmsiii in ttftit. Into a lunil for iliptntiution anionic tli. who mime rorr -tly thv miMMing worl. For inian-e: IT onljr om- contt-t int -ln ih- wonl riKl'it. he or .Io ns the case nmy lie. will have all the moiirr. It more ih in oni HTlkf It! the Mim will bf iUully divl'ltM, each eorr.i t amwer n-ci'ivliig it rot.ortion Hlt shut of the fund. TIIK CONDITIO I'UEI KDKNT FOR SKMIIMi A li lS at tii MiHHini; Wurl l ra-li ami ev.-ry kmc niut Ih- areoiiipunli-il hv a ronm silhv.-ription to'l H K WKKKLY 1 1 (XSTITUTI' N; tha t'li... ."e,,t In the ill. ni leal enri-loi' that hririKB the money that pay lor thv ul.rr:i(..ii. fort.ettliii; It. or Ivaviim It out liy aixlilrnt or otlierwlw, or not kaowinK of the icu-aa at the time you auhwritieti. or any oth-r rfanun will not fntitl. urn to en'l a kiiiks arti-rwurda. 'I'ha Kiioaa mii-t cotue with the snlcr:itinn or not at all. Shoulil a party iwni1 mon than onv f nif.14. bn ur ih- will Ik niitli-i1 10 a share ot the tunil for each correct kuw4" aent; tliere will liv no rupitul irir evi ry one will cet a tint prtM. lVreoan may nuetu m many time aa they aeiitl fluhHi-riptiona. TIIF. fONTFST HRC If OV. 1 iT-We hvifaa then to k.-op aiiratv a. count of theaulmiTiitlon!i rei-vlved with icurwi a and on Iwo-vniwr lt ur will riihlish how iiiurh ia to the credit or tti- ant re iM-rn kiiohnidk, ami durin-t u-o.-niler wr will each m-ek how the luu.l haM urown. TIIK OM-KSr CLOCKS J.y. IST-Atwl.lrhtlnirwwlll pav out totho aui-ci-Haful party or parties the full prize amount that baa accrued In theeoulesl. In Mnkinc Vour An.wer You need not writ the sentenre out in full. Junt Ktale 5111. ply the Mls.-in Word tor January lat la " The above la the lan f Tha Conatilntlon C'oaleat, wblrh nil aubacrlbera to thai paaer and ours, aabacrlblna- nnder the elabblna ffer announced eUttwnere may eater. Addrcaa trJera to ij y THE MESSENGER, .Marion, !N". C- F. 0. Company Cobsets, MAKE American Beauties ECCO CORRECT SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. All Lengths. Outacti Box. NEWEST MODELS. FANCY m PLAIN. KAUMAZOQ CORSET CO., SOLE MANUrACTURERS. bOLO bY McCall & Conley. A 6000 TAILOR ESTABLISHED If you will give me your work. . . . Tailoring, Cleaning and Repairing Done to Order. B.W.BOND, Tailor, Craig Building, Marion, N. C. 6 V ? V Constitution onsrs Tenth those entering the r properly the miss, following sentence: " Fund and everx additionil nh- f It will not be so this time, for Word Contests. The series has itself and submits a very plain proposi- vyjvA x i' ? Kj :: i s it A SHAVE OR HAIR CUT J. II. IieuMingfieM cuts 011r hair for 1.5c. (boys under VI years 10c); Knave, 10c.; hair singe, 15c; hlnimpoo, n: ; beard tiinimcd, !. ; nioiis taclie dyed, 15c; lailies' dressiiiK at the. home, .0c ; hair cut, L'5c Sliop lately occupied ly Win. Sweeney. Von will he satis fied with my work. Very, J. H. BEDDINGFIELD, Aaalated Uy Hen llallbarlon. !! fry? zic- 0 ITSfl Is i! o x P