!tc jUtcascntfcx. MESSENGER PUBLISHING CO. ruiiUsiiEus. J. XV. OH NT. ) K,morH. VM. Will IK. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, . $1.00 Entered at the Post Office at Ma rion, N. C, for transmission through the mails, as second class matter. FRIDAY, DKCKMIIHK '7, 8'J7- l-rom n St.i:r Correspondent. TIIK .'K.I.KO. TIIK rH.NMOM.lt, AM TIIK I'KOI'I.K. Some of the great Republican journals of the country are raising a howl over the pension roll and its magnitude of iniquity. Well, time changes, and men change with it. Time was, and not so long ago, when the pensioners and the pension roll were the chief asset, the stock in trade, as it were, of the (irand Old Party, the pensioner having succeeded the negro and social equality as the Republican shibboleth whe.i the bloody shirt and the oppressed negro was no linger a good enough Morgan until after election. The negro as an issue died as sojn as he was educated to believe that the Republican party's suc cess meant an office for himself and a measure of social equality (or his wife and children. Of course, as the Republicans never meant to let the negro have either social or political recognition, very little harm was done from the Republican point of view in har nessing t lie negro to the Republi can chariot. Rut they aroused hopes never intended to be satis fied, and the negro has become accustomed to consider himself a 'Publican and is the tool of unscru pulous and ignorant white men and will be till the end of time, fatuous politicians who urge Dem ocratic missionary work among them to the contrary notwith standing. And so the negro, hav ing been educated to politically subsist on Republican sawdust and wind, became a permanent book asset of the Republican party, and was succeeded by the pensioner as an active or vote gaining asset. It is not any part of our mission to decry tht soldiers of the late war. Honest and deserving pen sioners there are, and the vast majority upon the rolls are honest and deserving, but the dispropor tion between the number under arms at all times during the war and the number of pensioners on the rolls a generation afterward would be ludicrous if it were not so costly to the country. But the Republican party having made the negro its political hewer of wood sought to harness with him the soldier as the drawer of water. They have been less suc cessful with the soldier than with the negro, but the measure of suc cess has been sufficiently great to determine more than one election, and having demonstrated that all crooked pensioners and many deserving ones are Republicans, a halt is being called in pension ley; islation under the belief that pres ent recipients of unwise bounty will, like the negro, remain the unreasoning followers of the party of public plunder and broken promises. The Grand Old Party has its followers, right or wrong, in these two classes. These followers, docile and obedient though they be, are yet in the minority, and so the Republicans are now reaching out for still another class the bankers of the country. Aiming to get them all, there is in preparation legislation which will increase the scope, influence and numbers of the national banks and thus make it profitable for all private banks to come into the national syndi cate and help perpetuate the vie tory of last year. This "Rill to increase the effect iveness of national banks, and for other purposes," is another link in the chain of laws w hich has bound the people to the conditions of the present, each link adding to the weight bearing us down, and each making it more and more difficult for us to get rid of the burden. It is useless to attempt to phil osophize; it is worse than useless to be supine while the bin dens are to be added to. What is needed is a getting together of those who are opposed to the mle of the few. who believe with the declaration of independence that all men arr created free and equal, who fawr an income tax and oppose govern ment by injunction, who believe in untrammeied trade and the free and unlimited coinage of silver. North Carolinians, oyer against these fundamentals of prusperty do you propose to place your desires for revenge for some real or fancied revenge of the long ago, your hatreds of one or admiration of another, your disappointed per sonal ambitions or your commiser ation with others in such disap pointments ? Then if you do, if you continue to support the Piebalds, do you expect the rest of the country to pitch in and relieve you of your thraldom while you revel in the luxury of political scrap? In a combination of negroes and place hunters and the tools of corpora tions a few offices may be found, old scores paid off, petty jealousies revenged but is it politics? Is it horse sense ? KIlilOllIAI. NOTKS. We are sure that those who have folIoAed the meanderings of this column with amusement, curiosity, -r any other old emotion, will join ith the writer in demanding the summary execution of the printer man who made "fastened the infamous gold standard upon the country" read "fostered," etc., and a ho, a little later on in the same aiticle, made it to appear that "toasts his victim's feet" was "tracks his victim's feet." And that out of writing which the author can almost read himself when it gets cold ! Representative Hitt, of Illinois, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee in the I louse of Repre sentatives, has prepared a bill for the extermination of the seal herd of Alaska in order to prevent Brit ish poaching upon our preserves. This is the remedy proposed by "the best business interests," who bought the presidency for Mr. Hanna's man, and who want to avoid hurting the feelings of any British thief who wishes to prey upon American property. Had we an American administration, a branch of the White Squadron would te snooping around Bering sea capturing the British poachers and burning their vessels. True, ihis would be apt to caure "a panic in Wall street and disturb existing conditions," but an Amer ican jealous of his country's honor would not care to let the gam blers of the country put their .vind-inflated or bogus certificates of stock in the scales when weigh ing the chances of a defense of that honor. The Washington J'ost gloats over the failure of a newspaper which advocated the free-silver platform of last year, and sneeringly alludes to the poverty of a free-silver newspaper's constituency. The constituency of our esteemed con temporary will never be open to the charge of poverty. Not on your bicycle. When the bankers cease to give down, when Spain ceases to give up, when from the trusts and m onopolies the people will have wrested their own, then will the st be cantering gaily at the head of the prosperity procession and piping peacefully in the people's cause. Single standard, double standard, or fiat, the Post and its mercenary contemporaries know their master. In New York city recently three persons starved to death, while four others committed suicide in order to forestall that fate. How ever, it is as unreasonable to charge these sad occurrences up to the National Administration as it is to give it credit for the short wheat crops abroad, yet there are journal istic and oratorical liars who are daily proclaiming that there is work for all who wish, and at remunerative wages, as a direct and logical sequence of the policy of the present administration and its first born child, the Dingley Tariff Bill. The Republican party has laid upon the shelf its professions of friendship for silver, and will endeavor by direction or indirec tion to have the present Treasury policy of giving the obligation holder the option of choosing the coin of payment enacted into law. That will be all the financial legis lation they desire at present, and a very keen eye would better be kept upon all bills this session. The legislator who allows himself to be hocussed by any act similar to the one of 1S73 had better pre pare for retirement. Among the other signs of pros perity which are now bespangling the times is the reduction of the wages of the cotton mill operatives in New Fngland, in face of the fact that the raw material is cheaper than ever. The mill opera tives of New Fngland are to be sympathized with, but they should rear in mind that eveiy New Fng land St.ue voted for McKinley prosperity, and doubtless their individual votes contributed to the result. (loli-standard advocates are singing "ilush-a bye, B..by" to the cotton raisers of the South, and in the language of the refrain telling them the cotton raisers), "You'll be an angel bye and bye." But as 5-cent cotton and peace of mind in the cotton raiser are absolutely impossible at one and the same time, angel futures are not sooth ing in ci'tfct. Judge Linney, who represents this congressional district, has been telling the newspapers of Washington that his State is fee ing the effects of the revival of industry following the passage of the Dingley bill. Eminently cor rect. One of the results was the failure of the Piedmont Bank. May we be spared further evidences ! Having discharged his full duty to the negroes of the country by appointing a millionaire quadroon to office, Mr. McKinley will point to Register of the Treasury B. K. Bruce, the quadroon millionaire aforesaid, as evidence that he is keeping the letter and spirit of the promises he made to his chief con stituency in the South. The churches of Newark, N. J., have been presented by the grand jury of that city for permitting the structures to be overcrowded at every meeting. This is evidence of the paucity of the structures or the piety of the people. In deter mining which, readers will bear in mind that it is a New Jersey town. The Republicans are now pro posing to pass a law prohibiting the pensioning of those widows who marry soldiers after the year of grace 1897. This shows that our party of purity and financial honor has forever given up the three States wherein women vote, Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah. m When the Hanna senatorial round-up takes place, somebody's brand will be found on that batch of Independent mavericks shipped from Cincinnati, but it will not be a fire-engine fronted by smoking steeds rampant upon a field of fiery red, the significant heraldic design of the house of Foraker. If a vote is ever taken in the Senate on the proposition to retire the greenbacks, North Carolina Democrats and Populists who aided in the election in any degree of Jed Pritchard will experience a twinge of conscience. Revenge may be sweet, but it is most usu ally dearly paid for. Jed Pritchard and that delight ful political ingenue, the callow Marion Butler, continue to rattle around in the seats lately graced by His Immaculate Linen and ably filled by that grand old com moner, Zeb Vance. How do you like it, Fusionists-for revenge-only? From the manner in which China is being divided up among the Furopean nations, and the haste of the proceeding, it would seem they feared the growing power and influence of Japan, and hastened to file a caveat against a possible Japanese Monroe doctrine. So many cases of starvation are coming to light in the North and East that it is feared the people of those sections have deliberately undertaken to belittle McKinley prosperity by a horrible self sacrifice. This, we fear, is too great devotion to principle. The misbegotten child of com promise known as international bimetallism has been sent by its Republican sponsors to the found ling asylum, and in its place has been installed the " yellow kid " they have loved so long, the gold standard pure and simple. Gov. Griggs, of New Jersey, has been selected as the successor of Attorney-General McKenna when the latter goes on the bench. Won der what railroad he was counsel for before he was elected governor of New Jersey. Chicago papers are complaining ot the foul smelling water of the river which bisects that town. The river, however, cannot complain of the manner in which its water became contaminated. The time to organize the Dem ocratic party for the purpose of rescuing North Carolina from the piebald anything tor-office comti nation is now, this week, this month, this year. Spain continues to "deal stagger ing blows" upon a revolution which "has only a few scattered guerrilla parties acting independ ently of each other." Grover Cleveland continues to gallivant around the coast on board lighthouse tenders. Grover knows a good thing, and is not averse to using it. Democrats of North Carolina, have you ever figured out what a clubof ten Chicago platform Dem ocrats in each township would mean ? Organization is the life of a party. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take cascarets camlv cathartic. 1 "c or 2."c. H'c.c. c.lail to curc,iiruKi$is nt'unil mutter lliioklon's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores Ulcers. Salt lilieum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Clnlblaius, Corns, and all Skin Eruption?, aud positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give peifect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale l3 G. I. White, Druggist. WASHINGTON LETTEK. Interesting Continent on Matters at the Nstluual Capital. Special Correspondence of The Messenger. Washington, Dec. 13, 181)7. Senator Pritchard has mtroduced a bill Hi Cougress leducnig the tax on distilled spirits tu bond to 70 cents per gallon. Congress will take a recess for the holidays from the 18c h of this month until about the 4th or 5th of January. I heard the other day that there is a Congressman from North Caro lina who changes his, piivate sec retary every month so as to give as many of his constituents a chance to draw a few dollars from Uucle Sam as he possibly can. Didn't find out what district he represents. The Postofiice Department lias issued a fraud order against the German Supply Co., of Poplar Mountain, N. C, for alleged swin dling practiced by obtaining money for jewelry never furnished. A call has been issued for a cau cus of Democrats. The caucus will consider the questions of pol icy to be pursued by the Democrats in regard to Cuba, Hawaii, and the finances. It is pretty certain tut the annexation of Hawaii will be opposed. Afcout 70 Republican itienib of the House were present at a meeting held here Saturday liijjht to devise means for securing a change in the present civil service law. Messrs. Pearson, Linney and hue, of .North Carolina, wen there. Mr. Pearson seems to be taking a very active part against the present law. He is on the committee that was appointed Saturday night to devi.se a plan of action. Mr. Linnej" made a very inter esting speech on the pension appropriations bill in the House Friday. He is very strong against the civil service. At the climax of his speech, he asked w hat were the requirements of the civil ser vice, and auswered thus: "Spelling is one ol the requirements, and a man would have to spell properly, according to the books, before he could be admitted. Suppose that test was applied generally. Judge Arm field, of my State, spells God with a 'j , and a little 'j' at that Yet lie is the leader of the best legal thought in that great State, aud tins day the equal of any liv ing American." Mr. J. E. Cameron, of Kinston, an ex member of the .North Caro liua legislature, is here. He was relieved of a very fine overcoat by some thief at thj hotel at which he is stopping. Quite a number of North Caro liuiuus are here now. Most of them are looking for positions. I heard one say touight that he would take anything they would give him. A strong effort is being made to have the National Library aud several other public buildings open on Sunday, so as to give the labor ing man a chance to visit them. The death of the President's mother will cutset lie public recep tion which is always held at the White House New Year day to be done away with this year. The President and Mrs. McKinley will return here the latter pait of this week. Maj. II irper of Lenoir, and S. Otho Wilson, Esq., of Kaleigh. are here. W. W. N. I'reo of hurt to Sufferer. Cut this out and take it to your druggist and get a sample bottle free of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. They do not ask you to buy before trying. This will show you the great, merits of this truly wonderful remedy, and show you what cau be accomplished by the regular size bottle. This is no experiment, and would be disas trous to the proprietors, did they not know it would invariably cure. Many of the best physicians are now using it in their practice with gieat results, and are relying on if in most severe cases. It is guar I anteed. Trial bottles free at G. I. White's Drug Store. Kducate Your ICoweU Vith Cascarets. Candv cathartic core constipation forever, loc. If c. c. c. fail, drut'Kists 'return, monev. Mrs. Nancy Allison McKinley. or "Mother McKinley," as she was affectionately called, died at In r home in Canton, Ohio, early Sun day morning, at the age of !:; years. President McK nley kept vigil at the bedside ol Ins mother, and notified other in-inlx is of the family when signs of dissolution appeared. Tne fur.eral, w hich was held Tuesday, was attended by several members of ihe Cabinet and a I.ire uumber of frieini.s of the fa mil v. Two Million a Year. When people ltiy, trv. ami btiv ni;;,ii.. '. i-cmis they're satisfied. The people ot" the l"nm 1 States a.e now liuviny Cascarets cam! y catliartic at the rate ol two million liox. s a year and it will he three million be fore New Year's. It means merit proed that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the vear round. All dentists, loc. "5c, ode a box, cure guaran teed. ONE OF TWO WAYS. The bladder whs created for one pur pose, namelv.a recent aH for the nrinn and as such it is not, liable to mr form of ttiuease except by one of two ways ine nrsi way is trom imperfect action of the kidneys. The second wav is from careless local treatment of other dis eases. CIIIKF CAISE. Unhealthy urine from nnhealtiiv L-i.l. neys is the chief cause of bladder trou bles. o the womb, ike the hla.l.Ir was created for one nurtxise. and if not doctored too much is not liable to weak ness or disease, except in rare c;ie. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore auv pain, disease or inconvenience manifested in the kid neys, back, bladder or urinary passage is often, by mistoko. attributed to fe I male weakness or womb trouble of - some sort. The error is easilv made and may be as easily avoided. To lind out correctly, set your urine a.-ide for twenty four hours: a sediment or et tliug indicates kidney or bladder trou ble. The mild and extraordinarv eirect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, th'e great kidney aud bladder remedy, is ,ou realized. If you need a medicine, vou should haTe the best. At drugKi'-ts hfty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet Kth sent free by mail. Mention The Matuun Messenger and si d your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Hingham ton. N. Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees the genuineness of this offer. Written for The Messenger. WHY TIMES ARE HARD. CHAPTER IV. Lawful Monev, I.ecal Tender. From history we learn that pre vious to any legal aets or legist. i tion relating to money, the ancients used gold and .silver as a commod ity medium of exchange between other prodocts. They then had no flxed value among the tribes of men. As trade increased, by tribal consent and aflerwaid by i in penal deciee and national edict of law, these two metals came to have a fixed value by weight. The lim ited quantity of these metals in e-rly ages compared with the demand for them as commerce between, nations increased, made it necessary that a very small quantity of them should be used to represent considerable value in other commodities, and their fine ness began to receive increased attention. About the thirteenth century the English undertook to establish the fineness and quantity more completely, and had recourse to the tine metals of Eastern Europe, known theie as "Easter ling's Money." In so doing the valurt "Sterling Measure" was established or English money of the present day, the pound ster ling of gold being the unit of value. During this period the erioneous idea of mtriusic value originated and now finds expression as "real,'' "honest," or "true money." As soon as the amount and fine ness was establ.shed by any nation it became necessary to stamp such pieces so that their value would be publicly recognized, and hence arose the term of "legal tender." When the United States estab lished the vahu of coin it took as a uuit the German Thaler, which was silver, and a dollar which weighs 412J grainscoin silver, troy weight, is our legal silver dollar. The weight and fineness of the gold dollar was detei mined from itsrel ative value to silver in the "Easter lings Money," and both coins were made legal tender for all debts. At that time no nation contem plated the use and necessity for legal tender paper money, or any more money than the two metals would afford. Some eighty five years later our (Jovernment was confronted with the necessity of issuing paper l-edeia! money as full legal tender with gold and silver. The legality ami power of money as a measure of value originates in law, exists in law and in law only; also its legal tender money power exists only in law. Therefore what ever ol good comes through the element of money, we owe to the beneticialness ol" the law; and whatever of evil is chargeable to the banelulness of the law. 1 claim to have shown from his tory that the functions of money exist iu the law which creates it. Let us analyze its functions, and we sh dl quickly .ee the part of law that is beneficial and the part that is baneful. Mica, N. C. Sam'i. Archer. nYou will find something to suit your taste in the hands me line of silverware and novelties at Swindell's. Report of the iranl Jury. Xorth Curoliiwt, MeDoircll Count, Circuit Court, Dece miter Term, 197: We, the Grand Jury for the State, would most respectfully re port that we have through a com mittee visited and examined the home for the aged and infirm and find the inmates well fed, well clothed and well cared for, and everything in a clean and neat condition. We most respectfully recom mend that the outbuildings of the County Home be repaired and recovered. We also find the Court House and all in good condition, and would recommend that a closet be built on the county prop erty for the exclusive use ot jury and officersdunngcourt week. All of which is respectfully reported. Thos. V. Lyti.k, Foreman of Grand Jury. HP Look out for the nice line pictures and frames next week Swindell's, INSURANCE Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, OF JllUV.llKKE, WISCONSIN. Having all the luisir.es characteristics of jit-rfect reliability. I. oval to the interests of nil. sjK-cial prtvik-Kis to none; Most popular with its 1'olicv -holders who know ' 'I'iik lihsr To I'.K THK CiiKAl'Esr." Write us for information. United States The kich Man's Privilege: the Workwoman's Necessity. In this country, every five in in utes some one is killed by accident. Imj.VT TKl'ST To Ll'tK::: fikf. iNst KANCK. southiTn Stock Mutual Insurance Co., OK- V! '"c"."."" Has uniformly aid to its policy-holders a dividend of I'O jx r cent tone-tilth i of ;tll premi urns paid in. I'OLIC V-H M.hhKS Nu.VASSKSSA I'.I.K. iood management is the strength of any institution. STK'ixi;. SINK. AXIi SICt'liSSI-TL. A North Carolina Institution. (iesiiiiiK patronage. jr-Wealso represent other Strong and Reliable Insurance Companies. Ktr-Citizens n( Catawba, Caldwell, Hurke and Meliowcll counties, ami else w here, addrce J. G. HALL &, SON, IIOMi: OI'FICKS : Lenoir or Hickory, N. ; aug!2 Cm SOUTHERN THIRD Schedule effective May 17, This Condensed Schedule is published as information only and i notice to the public. S.VLISKIKY, ASIIKV1I.LK. HOT I ..11. ; laily. (Central No. lf I'ailv. . I 7,"., p m. s .-,.- a. in .j H.opm.' '.' a. m . '..M p m. lo.lT a m . lo.oa p.m. 1 1 a m . lo ::." p.ra 12.12 p. tn . 111.14 a.m. -.1 "j p.m. . 12.12 a.m. 2.2." p.m Salisbury ...Ar. Statesviilc-.I.v. .... Hickory.... .. .M or;an"ton . " M anon " Hiltmorc . . " .... Asheville.... " ' Fourth 1 2'. a m: :! T2 p.m . ' Ar.. Hot Spring a m ...... p.m. 11.2U p.m. I rams Mis. 1 1 and 1 J. tlail v . carry I'uii man Sleeping c ars bet eer. Jackson vi lie. So van ah. Columbia. Asheville and Cin.-innati via F. C. .V I'-. Columbia. Harriman ami i . c Also 'oilman I'rawini; Room Sleeping Cars lctw en Hoi Springs. Asheiilie. Wasl.iiijrton ami New York in connection with Washington and southwestern Limited Trains Nos. 15 and 10 Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 1'ullman Cars Kaieiuh and Chatui i'Ka. ItKIU'LK.N AM4KYILI.K AM M 111111 V. No. 1 7. lix. Sun. No. 0 7. lis. Sun fCentral 4.4o p.m. . '.t oo a.m. 7.f0 p m. 2.15 m. : 8 40 p m n no p.m. ! M OO p.m.; Lv.... A?hevi'lc....Ar. I " Iriilsboro ... " ' ' ..Prvson Citv.. " l-e Murphy .:..Lv. Throngh titkets on sale at princip.il .tat::.ns to a'.l points. For rates or information apply to anv fluent of theCompanv. V. H.GKKKX, j. M C1LP. V. A. Tl RK. General Superintendent. Traihc Manager General Passenger Aeent. Washington. D.-C. 1300 Fa. Ave.. VashinKton, t. C. STATE 'KWS. Hickory is wrestling with the measles. Several buildings were destroyed by fire of supposed incendiary origin at Mt. Airy S ttnrday, result ing in a loss of about ?S,0U0. The latest estimate of the tofal cotton crop of the United States for 1S07 is placed at 11,000.000 bales, of which North Carina produced about 000,000 bales. The collection of North Carolina minerals owned by the late J. A. I). Stephenson, of Statesville, lias been sold to the State and will be placed in the museum at lialeigh. Col. J. I). Cameron, one of North Carolina's most notable citizens, died at his borne in Asheville Thursday last. He was a veteran newspaper man and a fluent and able writer. Mr. Ellis Cook, of Burke countv, has purchased a saw mill in Lin coln couuty, near T'uiee Comity Corners, and will go out ol the 1 quor business in the near future. Hickory ZVm. Dr. A. .7. DeKnsset. Wilmimr ton's oldest citizen, died in that citv 1'iidav at the ace of 11 years He was a life long Episcopalian and was well known in thatdenom inatiou throughout the country. The 1'iims says the telephone rate in Coneoid is only l 25 per month for offices, stores etc., and only .SI cents per month for resi deuces, and even at these low rates it is estimated that the company can declare a dividend on its stock The State h is acquis ed the Castle Hayne farm property in Pender county, comprising 800 acres. The purchase price was .lf,000. It will be farmed by the penitentiary convicts. There are valuable phos phate mines on the propertv. A lease of the Grimes property near K'lleigh has been made to the State aud will also be devoted to farming purposes. Charlotte Xeics: John W.Sim formerly of this couuty, committed suicide by shooting himself iu San Francisco Monday evening. He left a note saying lie had killed his wife at Caldwell. Meeklenbur county, June L'0, 180.". The murder is well remembered here. Without any provocation, he put a pistol to his wife's head and blew her brains out. He was brought to Charlotte and put in jail here. But he was pronounced insane and sent to the asylum at Morganton, and was never tried tor the murder. A year ago he escaped from the insti tutiou. okm:rai. nkws. Charles Eleisehnian, of Cincin nati, is dead. He became famous and wealthy in the manufacture of compressed yeast. Hon. Win. ,1. Bryan, on a tour throuiih Mexico, was made the recipient of high municipal, State, anu letteral honors. The second trial of Adolph L. Luetgert, the Chicago sausage- maker, accused of wife murder, was begun in that city last week. The Fall Kiver, Mass., cotton manufacturers have voted to reduce the wages of their 2,800 employees as a result of the low price ot print cloths. Twenty-eight thousand opera tives in the mills of Fall ltiver, Mass., have been notified that beginning .January 1st their wages will be reduced 10 per cent. Premier Sagasta has announced in the Spanish cabinet that in the event of the United States wishing to intervene in behalf of Cuba it would find Spain prepared to de feud herself. Zff Books, Christmas cards and booklets, at Swindell's. OTreat yourself to a suit ol clothes at McCurry's, at the whole sale cost price before they are picked over. Li?" Legal Blanks by the hun dred, and Printed Stationery a specialty, at The Messenger office. - AGENCIES. Casualty Co., . . or m;v oiiK. RAILWAY. DIVISION. i subject to change withou M'KIMiS AM) KNOX V I I.I K. Time.) No. 1 2. I ' a i ! y . liailv. fi.4fl p.m. 5. p.m. rs. p.m. 4.1 1 p.m. a : p.m. 1 :..-, p.m. 1.2.1 p.m. " Oo a.m. . .1 ' a.m. I- 2.'( a m t 4! a.m. .1 ; i m. 1.41: Division. 1 1 !". a m 1 2 2r? p rn .. Mornstown .. I. v. y ;.o a.m. in,,., pm Ar Chattanooga Lv., 4.12 1m.' o 2(J p . No IK L'x. Sun. Time. 3.:5 p.m. 12 Ol p.m. ;t .V. a tn. 'j (.', a m. H 4U a m. s.i'y p.m. 4..'o a.m. OM Fort Now. Correspondence of The Messenuer. It has ht'cn uVcitled ly the latl:es of the Baptist church to have their oyster supper on the evening of Tuesday. Dec. L'Sth, iiistea.l of the 27th. This change is matlc s a insure getting ahsolutcly fresh oysters, and all h attend may rely that not only these hr.t every thing to -lease the palate ot the epicure will be of t lie let. From every o:;e who was so fur tunate as to attend the conceit at Siloam Academy on Friday even ing last, I hear unbounded praise. It is said to have hern the nicest affair of the kind that has been held iu Ihis section in jcars, and I hope the leporf that it is to be ten tiered iu Old Fort by the same tal ent during the holidays may prove true, as many of us were den:ed, by un propitious weather, the pleas lire of b.'iiig present. Q:n!e a chapter of accidents occurred last week on the Southern. On Wednesday night Mr. Frank Dale, while coupling cars in the yaid here, was so iin'oitiiuate asto get his ha lid very badly mashed, some of the bones being broken On Thursday night while Capt. W II. Kelley'a freight tiain was com ing down the mountain, by some mischance the air brakes were sud denly applied throwing him with much force against the car and bruising his lace quite badly, and on I rulay night, while on the way to Old Fort, at or near the ''big till, llrakeuiau (Jus. IUirgin by an accident to the brake which he was in the act of setting was thrown or fell from the top of a car, bruising his face and body and cutting his head, his escape from death being purely providential. All of these cases came under the skillful treat ment of out local phvscian. Dr. YV. YV. Claik, who, "it goes without saying," did all for them necessary. It is rumored that the Southern may appoint the Doctor a railroad surgeon. Certainly he is worthy, both by skill and position, of such appointment. Sidney. Dee. 15, 1S;i7. Oeaiity Is liloodv Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beaut v without it. Cascarets caml v catliartic clean your blooil ami keep it clean by stirrinj; up the lazy liver -inil driving nil ltnptir.ticK Irom tne nooy. itctrm to-day to lianish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by takini; cascarets beauty for lo cents. All lru;;'st. satisfac tion KU.-irantceil, loc 2;te, OOc. DISOSWAY, THE DRUGCIST, OLD rOBT, fl. C., Oilers to his customers an absolutely correct stock of Drugs and Patent Medi cines C'liri.slinas lards, Handkerchief Extracts, Purses and Pipes. The Flemming-Eagle, Two Hotels in one, under one ma ugement, by tiii:gkui;kii family. NO - RAISE - IU - PRICES. Summer, I'egular and Transient Iknitding. Reasonable rates. Marion, X. , .Inly L'L lSJMi. Livery and Feed Stable. GOOD Till! .NO UTS. CAHI-FUL - DUIVKIIS. A. B. GILKEY & SON, ZNTarion, !N". C. kM44. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. i qnlekly HseerTain I liivt-r.Ti'm is pr.hitt,lv fiateritHM. 4 'onininriin j ti"tismri-tly'iitll'iitiHl. l(aii'1hiok on I'atenta t Bent fr. Met Htwnrj for M'eiirmif putfiiti. & I'memi tnken llii-'.uih Mutm A .'. receive spfint tvitw.e, without charge, iti the i Scientific Amcricao. If A handsomely il!ntra'1 wpcklr. T.nrirwt rtr m culaU'm f any neientide Journal. Terms. 9:1 a ft yp-ir: f'uir months, f 1. SoM tjjrall TiewsoHlT. MUNN&Co.36,B. New York Braueh Office. 7 V HU WasLiuulun, l. t. j MS CALL i l&TTERHS THE STYLISH PATTERN." Ar tistic. Fashionable. Original. Perfect- Fitting. Prices lOand 15 cents. T None higher. None better atanvcrke. I Some reliabb merchant sells them In J T nearly every city or town. A0c foe T I them, of they can be had by mail from I I us In either New York or Chicago. " s Ci .t T - . C t" Ci . 2 sent upon receipt of out cent to pay I . postage, a-r-.- . VjW&i , . , - r I j MAGAZINE ) Brightest ladies' magazine published. T Invaluable for the home. Fashions of I the dav. Hnm- T Jtrattr- Hrw.VinM I Hints, Fancy Work, Current Topics, 7 I Fiction, all for rmlv SO rr,t a mr. in. A I eludings tree pattern, your own selec- I tion any time. Send two 2-cent stamps T for sample copy. Address irui. I j C THE HcCALL CCJ.7PAI, " 1 I 142-146 Vest 14th Street, New York. I JS9 Fifth Avenue- Ciitacn. " f (fa! ? ? WANT? A SHAVE OR HAIR GUT J. II. IU'iMinpfii-M nits li:ir lor 1.1c. (lioy.s nndi jearn IV.); ha. Uh'.; singe, lot-.; i::ni.ro, ' lt;rl tumuiPtl, l()c. ; j; t.iflie thel, l."f. ; Lulls' ilressiit;; at tl; lmin, hair cut, L'uc. 1 1 1 1 r 1 lL" l.V ; t'lls- !i.;r Sliop hlti'I.v Vict upii d ,N Sweeney. Vou will V tieil with uiv wink. Vi,i. ;r i.n- VKKY llESPECn-Tl.M , J. H. BEDDINGFIELD, Anitel by lten llai: l,,iit,,,,. A Single tandard only i possil.le. het i-ei ;. exeellenee in journalism, or i measurement "of iitani!t'u i, values, and The.... Philadelphia Record alter a e.-ireer of nearly tunny w ,t, ol uninterrupted uroyt tli i lust : 1 in elniniinv' that the M ui.lai l i lN. established liy its lonmUis is the , . true test of A Perfect Newspaper. To j.ublish ALL Till: Nl'WS or,.i sueeinetlv and in the in. m i form, without elision or lu:is; to diseuss its simiu ati frankness, to keep AN .V 1 OK I I Itl.lC A1H S1 S. I,. v sides II complete rtcord ol thought, lam k-s an, I dis... w n departments ol liuiu.oi a, In, I'AII.V i:iHTI(i.S ,,l i,,., i liases, and to provide tin u I its patrons at the n on ma i OXK CliNT that was n. n, set. and will eon tin lie to he t li "Tllli KlX'tlKK." The - Pioneer one-cent morning ticui.-ipt I'nited States. "The K....1 I. FADS WTII-KIv urillK LOW. Witness its unriynled nverae daily cii.ula tion exccedini; K. 0,000 n,pi,s, ;ni, an average exceeding 1 l'o. 1100 . ,,;, s for its Sunday editions, luir unit., tions ot its plan ol pnlilu atmn every important city of tin- 0.111,111 testify to the truth of the ass, , that ill the quantit y and j 1 1 : . 1 1 1 y : its contents. and in thepii.e.-it u In, h it is sold. "'I he Record" lias est., I, lished the standard liy u liu !i ex. el leuee in journalism must he iiu asui, ,1. The Daily Edition of "The Record" will l,e s,.,i ( ,v mail to any address for S.l.oo j r year or i!5 cents per month. The Daily and Sunday editions together, which will fr..-;ts readers the liest amllrrslirtl mi. .1 1. .1 tion of all that is k'oni on 11, ilu world every day in the year, in. I in holidays, w ill lie sent tor 5 run a year or :ir cents per month. Address : tii k i:koki ri iti.is.niNt. , Keetird Itiilldlui:, rliiladelphi.,, l a. F, C. Company Corsets, MAKE American Beauties FC.C0 CORRECT SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. Lengths. NEWEST MODELS. FANCY m PLAIN. KALAMAZOO mtm u r mm Ki t .-vI v,.v. m CORSET SOLE M ANU"ACTUH-:R3. McCall & Ooaloy. - r OiTEacli Hoi re rn. W I I Vi i mr'M 1

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