Grel3 Heady for .XLoilxer 0!bLrisl3Tn as! LOOK OUT FOR OUR BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY STOCKI In a few days we will open the most desirable line of suitable gif ts ever shown in Marion Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Novelties, Fine China, Lamps, Art Goods, Books, Christmas Cards, Etc. A stock full in Quality, Variety, Beauty, and Good Taste. Scores of the nicest presents imaginable for old and young. All at Popular Prices. IBS. S15BT3I3inIEiTr dlY 9 3T 3-5CT3llsir IK I DAY, DKCIiMHKR 17. 1807- LOCAL NEWS. Vc hear rumors of mistletoe aii'l marriage bells. Oar advertisers who handle holiday oo(ls are on the hustle. Sf-c (he change in V. II. Iis t.s.v.iy's ad, which appears on the sr-f.-jtid puse. Remember the services in the I . ; . t s : i ) a 1 church on Christmas ('.,) at 10:30 a. m. Considering the unpleasant ,vi-;! her of Monday, q'lite a num bi i of people were here at court. See the new ad of another of on: hustlers, McCall & Conley. ". iey air to be outdistanced. -In another place in this issue ti'.tethc advertisement of Dr. M. Miai man, of New York, eye ; .i-l 1 a 1 is t . --On Friday, December 24th, th( M aion Institute will close for the ( Misimas holidays, reopening on Jr.nury .5, iSyS. Tempus fugit. --Ueinr.injj with this week, we v. ill iive an outline, as space will j.'-imit, of the Sabbath morning s-itiioiis of the pastor's of the com i:.i:i;ty. The Ladies' Missionary Soci fiy of the I'resbytrrian church will m'-ct at Mis. Hila (ireenlee's on h.n 11 day aftei noon, Dec. io, at 3 o'. loi.k. --Mr. Charlie M. Hobbitt, a clerk l-i the Southern freight depot here, received an offer at increased w.ig-s to till a like position at M.itesviile, but he will remain here I .1 a a hile at least. The gross receipts from the lefieshments served by the ladies I the I'i eaby terian church at Mar tin's hall Wednesday night were .;; 7. During the holidays they will render a programme for the ! gan (u nil. -The authorities have made the best street crossings that we have yet had a raised walk of gravel. This being kept sufficiently high sr- ins to solve the problem of con venient, comparatively dry, and s.ite street crossings. Mr. S. M. Dugger, pioneer of better roads in the northern part ot our county, made a good talk to the public on the subject of better roads in the court house last night. He has done much toward com pleting the toad across the blue ndge, near the "winding stairs." Ivii ourage him in the good work. -Mr. T. A. M ! Ouarv, the young man "around the woild for $5,000 and an Arkansaw girl," resumed his strange journey from here on Wednesday, intending to stop at Charleston Christmas, where he will meet the yirl, before working los way by water to San Francisco, where again the girl meets him, before the journey is ended at Neosho, Mo, his home. It is a unique test of loyalty, and we tiust that no ill winds will befall him. Mr. Ci. I'. Aitcheson, of Alex ar.dna, V;., who was one of a party that spent a part of last summer at ti e ITemming, sent the proprietor, Mr. S. F. K. timber, a barrel of ovsters in the shell this week. At supper Thursday the editor had an opportunity of bearing practical testimony to the most delicious t!.,vor of these Virginia coast oys teis. The oysttr partakes of the good points of manymeats and at the l'lemmiug it is served at its best. It is unlawful for "cattle, sheep, hogs, or goats" to run at huge within the corporate limits ot the town at any time. Any su.h animal tak-n up can be redeemed on payment of 1 and ti.e expense of feeding. If such stock is not redeemed within two i!.is tli marshal advertises five '.as and sells for the charges, and t".- snipins, if any, goes to the . a tier of the -tock. Provided, (!..! cows may be allowed to run ..: Luge from 6 a. m. to 7 p m. We ate informed that fiie w. -ks may be exploded from 6 oYlotk p. m. "ii December .'4th to 1 i'ihu'k midnight 011 December hours in which to cele Si. .:. Anv one shootirg fite c:.ukeis or other ex plosive wit hi n c e corporation before or after this p-ii.'d will be liable to indictment, l .iewotks within the above pre scribed time may be shot parallel s ::h the streets, but it is indictable t shoot them across streets. This published as a caution to those a ho wouid enj y themselves with- t violation ot an ordinance. ( ):i .k'nuary 1st Mr. S. F. F. ; :!er. of the Idem ming-Fagle o ',, will give up the Fagle hotel, foiling the Flemming building. has bought from Mr. Frank 1 h lot between the Fiemming . I where Mr. W. F. Craig now . - Mr. Craig will vacate his : ted home January 1st, and it be arranged and used as a . ! the Fiemming hotel. The :i-: on the lot just bought will : : e:r, !e',ed ami used for sample ms.ctc. Mr. Ciruber is building .. !e on the rear end of this A: nit ten rooms of the aiming have been furnished v.i'h new suites of oak, cherry, and a . nut furniture. Some one, whose :n.e we have not been able to rn, will run the Fagle hotel a'ter January it. V An exquisite variety of rings, MUi pi! S, s!l!!t studs and stotling t i 1; u s worthy ot special ineii tion. Set; tlif in siuv, at Swindell's. 1F.KSOKAL PA KAfjKAl'HS. Mrs. V. S. Wilson recently took board at Mrs. Neal's. Mr. Geo. D. Fushee, of Boston, is a guest of Col. and Mrs. Ilorton at the Fiemming. Rev. R. I). Sherrill has moved j into Maj. Young's new house on South Garden street. Mr. Sam. McCall, of North Cove, has decided to move to Marion in order to send his boys to school. Mr. li. I,. I'ropst, a real estate man of Charlotte, was here the past week looking at some Marion property. Mr. Lannie Gaskill, of Salisbury, is visiting at Mr. J. II. Gorman's, and is enjoying himself hunting in our section. Mr. I'ierie, who was foreman at the Marion furniture factory for a month, left for High Point the first of the week. Messrs. Hamby and Klliott, of High Point, recently employed by the Catawba Furniture Co., occupy the G. J. Tate dwelling. The mother of Dr. G. I. White came from High Point a few days since to spend some weeks with the doctor and his family. Lawyers W. C. Newland, of Lenoir; M. A. Newland, of New ton, and R. S. McCall, of Asheville, have been in attendance at court this week. Miss Adaline Hall, of Scranton, Pa., is spending the winter here at the home of Mr. li. II. House. She is a cousin of Mr. Harry Hall, who spent several months here last year. Mr. J. II. Hemphill, who has been woiking a force of hands on the North Carolina Midland, from Mooresville to Mocksville, came home recently, and is on the sick list, though he is able to be about town. Mr. J. W. Kirby's family, con sisting of three sons and a daugh ter, came over from Lenoir this week and are occupying the Yancey house, from which Mr. Justice recently moved. Dr. G. S. Kirby will live with his father. Dr. 15. L. Ashworth, of Ilender sonyille, will locate in Marion about January 1st, and he and Dr M. F. Morphew expect to form a partnership for the practice of their profession. Dr. Ashworth is already well known to many of our people. Messrs. S. Shelton, of Richmond; W. S. Nash, of Dayton, O.; A. U. Creech, of Richmond; II. S. Wil liams, of New York; S. L. Smith, of Charlotte; II. G. Fwatt, of Hen dersonville, and R. S. McCall, of Asheville, were registered at the Fiemming Sunday. AVrntlier lorat. Our postmaster, Mr. (1. W. Craw ford, hits agreed to undertake the distribution of the weather fore casts sent from Washington daily, to be l'orwaded to other postoHiees in the county that such in form a tion may be of practical betielit to fanners and all concerned. And w ho does not want to know what the weather is to be? This "Cli mate and Crop Service of the Weather Bureau"' will begin Jan. 1st, lS'.ls, and will be of interest and value. The forecasts will be indi cated by Hags of different colors and shapes displayed from the top of some high building, the better to be observed by the public. Mitrriril. On Wednesday evening at (:-"0 o'clock Mr. Geo. Turnbill was mar ried to Mis Carrie Anthony at the home of Mr. John Y. Turnbill, a biot her of the bridegroom. The couple will lemain at the home of the bridegroom's father in Marion for awhile. The bride piesented a very pretty appearance in cream satin, llor fonner home was near I'.i idgewater, Burke county. The ceremony was pronounced by Rev. Win II. White, of the Presbyterian chinch. Our congratulations go with the couple for happiness. I "Dr M. Sugarman, Ee Spe cialist, of New York, will be at the Fiemming Hotel Friday, Dec. 17, and remain Sat ui day ami next Monthly only. Any weakness of the eyes reiicved and defective vision corrected by perfectly fitting glasses. Remember t hat Dr. Sugar man is well known for his skill of corieet ing delect of the c es known as ii stigmatism, w hich frequently is the in 1111 cause of headache. The doctor is endorsed by many promi nent citizens of this State. Con sultation fiee. The Coming Woimin Who goes to the club while her husband tends the well as i the good old fashioned woman who ! looks alter her home, will both at ! times get run down in health, j They will be Moulded with loss of ; appetite, headaches, sleeplessness, ! fainting or dizzy spells. The most J wondeiful remedy for these women i is Electric Bitters. Thousand of ! sntfercrs lrom Lame Back and ; Weak Kidneys use up and call it l blessed. It is the medicine for i woman. Female complaints and I Nervous troubles of all kinds are 1 soon ielieed by the use of Electric ! Bitters. Delicate women should : keep this tcmcdv on hand to build 1 up the system. Only ."c. per bot ' tie. For side by G. L White, I Last Notice. All debts owetl to Martin Broth ' ers and not paid by January 1st, ' lS'.KS, will be put into the hands of 1 an attorney for immediate collec tion. Those who ueither pay by the above date nor make satisfac ' tery airangemen's as to settling j the amounts due us, will be pub ' lishcd iu the press. Criminal Court of McDowell County. J. II. Garrison, assault and bat tery with deadly weapon, yi'O and contH. E. K. Bright, same charge, $.15 and costs. Joe Baker, and Golden Pairs, same charge, failed to appear. Fisher Poteet, same charge, failed to appear. Rich and Chas. McAllister, same charge, failed to appear and inata titer ca piai ordered. Doc. Morris, frame charge, not guilty. Tat Ray, same charge, two years id county jail or to be hired out to Buncombe county commissioners. J. II. Gar rison, same charge, not guilty. Jan. Jimmerson, same charge, judgment contiuued. J. II. Garri son, same charge, pleads guilty VL'O and costs. J. L. Fortune, J. C. Garrison, W. A. B. Garrison, Wm. It. Garrison, 0. M. Jimmerson, affray, cotitinued for defendants. Sid. Morrison, same charge, failed to appear. Tom Logan and Edgar McKesson, same charge, 10 and costs and t-5 and costs. Will Bartlett and II. Still well, same charge, Stillwrll 5 and costs, judgment against Bart lett for non appearance. Andy Wilson, same charge, not guilty. Bud Morrison, same charge, pleads guilty and pays costs. James Kiucaid, larceny, not guilty. Bob. Garden, same charge, twelve months in chain gang. C. M. Jimmerson, rocking home, failed to appear. Ed. Turner, carrying concealed weapon, not guilty. Logan Bur gin, same charge and assault, pleads guilty and pays 2o fine and costs. Chas. McKesson, carrying concealed weapon, not guilty. Calvin Hudgins, trespass, judg ment suspended and pays costs. Bud. Elliott, throwing at rail road train, not guilty. Paul Sim mons, same charge, continued by absence of State witnesses. Geo. Seary and Wilson Martin, retailing without license, guilty and pay costs. Wilson Martin, s t me charge, not guilty. Callte Wiseman, fornication and adultery, not guilty. Francis Jimmerson, disturbing meeting, pleads guilty aud pays costs. John P. Hall, muider, not guilty. The jury was out about four hours. Some expected Hall would be found guilty of manslaughter, but the jury, no doubt, looked at this case in the light of the law and the evi deuce produced. The jury were II. M. Taylor, W. S. Pyatt, J. J. I) ivis, Lee Morris, J. L. Mosteller, W. F. Craig, C. M. McCall, M. A. Young, J. C. Murphy, Hubert Mc Call, Z V. Morris, J. C. I'inley. I ji to T burst! a morning the grand jury brought in twenty-live true bills. Outline of Sermon l.t Sunday. Kcjiortcil for The Messenger. Rev. It. 1). Shenill. of the r th odist church, took his text from 2d Timothy :0-7 1 have fought a good fight; I have finished my; I have kept the faith, giving a ret respective and prospective view of Paul's life. Panl wrote as he looked backward over his work and life and to the future. Ho showed his moral nobility, his clear and powerlul logic, his zeal and eloquence set on fire by tie Holy Spirit, which enabled him to contend faithfully and successfully in the glorious light. He was con lident of the crown laid up for him, a ctown which awaits all faithful foIlovYcrs of God. The preacher made a strong eulogy on the char acter, power and work of Paul. At the Piesbyterian church in the morning, Rev. W. II. White's text was from Luke 16: 10 He t but is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in much; and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. The text pro claims Christian loyalty and faith fulness in obedience to law. As the guard at the sentry box in Pompeii, who stood faithful to the end an I was engulfed in ashes and molten lava, so must the Christian lie faithful to divine law aud be disciplined by it as the soldier by military law. Breaking one law shows a disposition to break oth ers, as being laithful in the least shows a desire to be faithful in all. The tine Christian acts and woiks fiom love of duty. Be loyal be cheerful, kind, patient, unsellish ami sincere. Encourage and help icllowmen : croakers and harpers are among the evil things. "Love mi Here th long, love beareth ail things, seeketh not her own. tliinketh no evil, love never fail eth.'" May God inlluenee us to be loyal to every duty from the least tt the gieatest. TO (I KK A COl.ll IN ONK DAY Take Laxative .roino Quinine TaMets. All 1 'rimcisis refund the mimey il it fails to Cure 2. cents. Santa C'l-i Ht W. H. Itatlifl. Candies to tickle the taste. Candies soft and haid, loose and in sealed packages, in sticks and iu all shapes, in prices from penny goods up to tine French candies. Fresh Fiuits Bananas, lemons, oranges, raisins, tigs and dates. Do you aim to bake a cake! I have the citron and other fruits. Nuts, all kinds, easy to crack, fresh and sweet. Delicious dried California peach es, prunes, pears and apricots. Examine the different kinds of pickles, jellies, etc., in the show windows. Fancy and family gioc lies for the table aud Iaider. Shall be pleased to show you goods and give you pi ices. Yours tor a pleasant Xm as, W. li. llATLlFI'. Kvrvtody Says !o. Cnscarcts cnmlv cuthnrtic. the must won ikruil riolical discovery ot" the age. persistant anil rtirihiiii; to the t;iste. act ncntlv and i.osilivelv on kn!::rj. liver arid LowlN. c'.eaiiMiii: the entire svstem. di-ixl colds cure hi.idachc. Iivu, liatntual constitution and biliousness. Please buy ami try a box ot c. C. c. to-day: lu. -3, SO cents. Sold t-nd liuaractecd to ctire bv all dniKKists. The Grand Jury. Following is the grand jnry of McDowell county: Foreman, T. G. Lytic; A. K. Weaver. J. A. Mason, C. C. Brad ley, A. G. Gray, Ed. English, A.J. Ledbetter, J. W. Bradley, Horace Crawley, W. W. Bailey, it L. Sim mons, J. . Noblitt. W aits Queen, T. J. Barnes, T. J. Fiemming, T. C. Dicksou, W. C. Nesbitt, Levi Arrowood. ISethrl New. Corre )onik-nce of The Messenger. We are sorry to hear that A. P. Burgin was accidentally hurt on Friday last. He was thrown from the train on which he was flag man. Jacob Lyda and wife are visiting friends ami relatives in this neigh borhood. Allen Burgin and Thomas B,:d have a shingle machine at the head of Crooked creek, and can now supply their neighbors with shin gles. Misses Sallie and Annie Lytle were at C. S. Burgin's Saturday and Sunday. Miss Moilie Gilliam and Miss Cora Burgin went to Marion last week. W. W. Clark has moved into his new house. Some of our farmers are already beginning to farm. They think they will notwait for the new year to come in. Good plan. Ed. Prof. A. C. Tate is teaching the public school at Belfont. We intend having an entertain ment at this place Christmas. We have a wideawake superintendent, and hope to have a nice time. Lui.a. A Sure Thing for You. A transaction in which von cannot lo8eia sure thin;;. Hiliousm-s. sick headache, fur red torque, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused liy constipation and sluKish liver. Cnscarets candy cnthxirtic, the won derful new liver stimulant anil intestinal tonic are by all dru'sts nuarantrci to cure or money refunded, c. c.c. are a sure tiling. Try a box to-day; lOc, i;."e, Goc. Sample and booklet tree at all druists. In making your Christmas purchases don't overlook the fine china and lamp goods at Swindell's. ISfFresh fruits, famiiy gro ceries and confections at Battle & Co's. I.if Do you want to be warmly and well dressed for the wintei? At McCurry's great cost sale of Men's and Boy s' ready-made cloth ing is the place to satisfy your wants. CF'A little cash buys a suit at McCurry's at w holesale cost. lo You Want to Build? Twenty thousand feet of ceiled lumber for sain cheat by the Mariou Fiunitiue Coinpary. This is second grade, but good lumbei for building fences, barns and our-houses. Description: Scant ling I'x.", ii:.d plank from 1x6 up to 1x12 Call at the ofiioe of the Company, near Southern Bail way depot. nov-0 It. J. H. GORMAN, ( Ira ihmto Wutchmukor .Hit I ( )ji(iri;in A specialty made of the very finest watch repairing ami adjusting. Spectacles scientifically fitted and a lit jrtiaranteed. tjrnii ni aut i:x ; n vix;- Yours to 'tVose, J. II. GORMAN, Londhig Jeweler. Hello, There! We extend to one and all a cordial invitation to visit our display of IVY w and llruu ti'ul Holiday Gymls, espe cially seclected with a view to meeting all the require ments of the gift makers of this locality. Our magnifi cent stock includes innumer able attractions peifectly adapted to meet the require ments of people who aie in search of gifts for old ai d young, crpvnsicc or inapt n '. Iu fact, NOW IS THE TlilE UNO THIS IS THE PUCE t 'J(t jut iclitit yon icant and jut what will iliae l he per son vou desise to remember. Tl.e PlilCLS A 11 E KICIl'l on every single ititicle in this entile stock anl we will satisfy you in tins respect jou weie never satisfied be fore. V.V sure to cull ami xec our yoods. Besides Xmas Goods we have a full line of Glass ware, Crockery, Tinware, Buckets, Brooms, Dry Goods, Jeweliy. and a uew line of Larnps j :it in, suitable for the Kitchen. Dining Boom or P.ulor; also, the BEST BLACK STOCKINGS y..u ever had a chance to buy tor only 10 cents a pair. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM. Tl.oe Turkish Bath Towels, nearly ' inches Ion?, and only ' 1-2. W. each. EXIT! A SPECLVL: An 18 piece Decorated Tea Set for only 1.1.. Don't fail to sec this, I as I have onlj lt sets left. ! Do not fail to call and see our floods and get our pi xc? TKomas Mead, VARIETY STOKE. M.VKIOX, ". C. THE DRUGGIST. TIIK larg-est lot of fine candies ever trpenod in Marion. Sded packages from ." cents to $1 .."0 something extremely nice. Chocolates, Bonbons, etc.. from 25 to 4 cents: alori line lot of Penny Goods to suit the little folks. Crystalized Fruits of all kinds. Oranges, Lemons, Uananas, Firs, Ilraisins, Nuts, etc. r I REWORKS. TheiK'st assortment in town. Crackers. Candles and Rockets, all sizes; Tin Wheels, Spinning Jennies, Spit Dev ils, Torjiedoes, larjje ami small; Wind Mills, and the latest thing out The Acronat. P FRFUMFRY, Toilet Articles, and nice presents for the young ladies, or as the hoys say, "for their girl." So when you come to town don't buy the first place you go into, hut look around. s Y! don't Ik1 scared off ly that "old gag" about drug-store ju ices, but come anil see for yourselves. "ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ri 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 li 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 I "What You Gwine... I j To Give Me for Crismuss?" I "Nuffin!" -What! Ye I ain't? Den I go to McCall & I Coxley's an' buy me somethin' cheap. 1 I Yes, that is the place to find what you want at prices to make gladder the holidays. Treat your friend or yourself to something useful and neat in Neckwear, Head wear, Footwear, Pocket Goods, Clothing, Overcoats, Cloaks, Shawls, Macintoshes, Dress 1 Goods, etc. 1 1 Close the old and begin the new 1 year by calling on us. Thanking you for past trade, we are yours for more. I McCALL & CONLEY. nifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.HmiiiiitmiMiiiiiiiiitiimiiitiiiiniiitiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Come and (joining ? $hat ? f Piping, Unions, Reducers, T's, L's, Rushing, Globe Valves, Check Valves, Rubber Racking, Hemp Rack ing, Asbestos Racking, Nails, Stove Piping, Stoves, Rubber Belting, Builders' Hardware, Bolts, Locks, Hinges, Tools of all kinds, Saddles, Harness, Whips, 1 Halters. Check Li nes. Bridles. White ai:d tied Stile HARDWARE FOR FARMERS BUILDERS AND MILL MEN reamer, Harness usually kept in from a paper of want. All arc cordially invited to come and examine our stock. ....YOURS TO PLEASE Marion :-: Hardware :-: Company, J. G. NICHOLS & BROS OLD STAND, "YELLOW FRONT," Marion, ------ N. C. !lltllin!ll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIMIiMIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM SOMETHING NEW JUST OPENED. i A, k GASTON'S are some beautiful designs in E lAt the Dress Goods Department. It will pay you before purchasing elsewhere to examine his Broadcloths, Dress Flannels, Cassimeres, Plaids, and Woolen Goods of E all kinds. He can furnish you also Something New in the E E way ot Skirt Binding, called E BRUSH I aLo have the Latest Thing in Dress Trimmings. I especially invite you to to see my Thorough and E Complete Stock of Clothing. E Very Respectfully, E 1 . . . . E. L. Gaston. FiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiLiiMiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiMii if cpapt GJou and !U0 YOnVAXT TO Dlil i "" " " """ Then sec our new Tamis cloth for evening dresses, Irish dress linen lawns plaids, silks for any purpose, calicoes, dotted swiss and trim mings; general line of Gentlemen's Negligee Shirts. Also, Shoes (the Douglass Shoes), Hardware, Farming Implements, Harness Goods and Saddles, Lime and Cement, and Groceries. 1 Marion, N. C, March 22, leatner, and, in tact, everything a First Class Hardware Store, tacks to whatever else vou mav - BRAID.' ell it JI?acj rnow It h Good fjot Ooo fi - SS WELL . "" line of Fall and Winter Goods J. S. DYSART. 1897. - 1 f. -!iiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiifiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiMHiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuttnu() ! ? I Too busy to write advertisements j -just follow the BLANTON'S BIG BARGAIN HOUSE :o' I and you'll he treated well. Fresh I Goods arriving daily. New lot of I Capes just in. E E I Respectfully, ...A. i ' i ()lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllljtlllllllIIIIIIHIIItlllllll(3) CHRISTMAS AT BARGAIN PRICES The most beautiful and only complete line that ha ever been seen in Marion. Every Article Fully Ciuaranteed. All Goods sold will bo Engraveil Free of Chartje. Yours for trade, J. M. GORMAN', Leading Jeweler. "A MAN MUST AT TO UV." 1 Y7E HAVE on hand a fresh stock of such goods, with all kinds of VAy I'laiu and Fancy Candies and other Coufections. Wo shall keep on sale a supply of fresh home fruits; also, foreign fruits, such as Lemons, Oranges and Figs. Selected Mixed Nuts. The best brands of Flour sold. We oiler the liesf. i:ir rimrttG Tobaccos. Goods exchanged for " Quick Sales and Small Profits. Most UEsrucTFULLY, MIDDLE OF SEICLE BLOCK. sp h of Qotftfy Cos( FOR CAS H. D ESI RING to close out my entire stock of ready-made clothing, to devote my attention to other lines, I have decided to offer, for cash, my large stock of Clothing at Cost. I mean what I say, and nothing else. To show the reduction made, I quote prices goods : Suits, formerly $1400; now $12 50 c . r 1 . . on ouus, lonneny Suits, formerly Suits, formerly Suits, formerly Suits, formerly Boys' suits, formerly $1 25; now 85 cts Boys' suits, formerly 225; now $1 75 Boys' suits, formerly 3 00; now 2 25 These are only a few of the figures. Come and see for yourself. I propose to do what I say. Be sure to see me before buying. Mrs. J. C. McCurry. The Iatcli 1 1 CALX. 1 I tJK- crowds to BUM GOODS Just received, and a fall line, too. Beautiful, High Art Silverware, Teasets, Bonbons, Desert Sets, Cako llaskets, anil other articles to nnmerons to mention. Tine Jewelry of every description, and all will be sold AND HE WANTS HIS FANCY AND FAM IUY GROCERIES GOOD AND FRESH. Eggs, Butter, etc. Our motto is Call and see our stock. 1 2 00; now 9 00 1 o 00; now 9 00; now 6 00; now 3 00; now 850 7 00 4 5o iimwwei String: Out. is well said that manners make the 1 t" man, but the more solid ingredient ot character is also necessary to a true type of manhood. If a man has these both, and also has the good sense to dress well he will find the "Jatchstrinj out" for bim all over the world. FOR REALLY CORRECT DRESS la Material, Style, Fit. Finish, and Gentle manly effect, you should order your tailor ing of M. BORN & CO., The Great Chlcifo Merchant Tailor For over 20 Vran the !1rr la the Cmtom : Trade. You can Ret a "BORN" Salt or Orrreoat t'jr lea money than la aanaUy paid for Inferior good d-1 tailoring. i FITANO FINISH CfAHAJfTEED. Thr Ilmn4rt thatmm Mampi la fiMym. J Q. GILKEY, Agent.