Grand Jury Finds a "True 11111.' Y here a prrari'l jury lun r.'tur.ied .1 "true till" iu an i-idii-tnn-nt t-it murder, t!i friends nrid counsel of th" u:.-u--i are not i : a positi u to be captiously critical lis t tli" I articular defence, they will :it up. t'itn" lluiii beilont! and at once. Xhey push the fvuleiK.-o anil chances In baud aud th--.-e oiilv. t". point -r .lim-'cr to liT.; and llbcrt.- the. sit nt i ju of Hid lit-:i vy dru.'ikHr.l in identical with that of the prisn,.r- and if Ui" recorded ht-tory of '1 In: Iv-i-iy Curt at firc.-tist.-'iro, N. '.. -.nily within tiio r.-.'i '!i of iuti.ii,'.!iit and interested iiiijiiirTrf. offers no hop.) of r'wii", to a certainty, nothinu !? Ju";. Hpniii'H I'liianrc-.. Spain's liti.iin'i-s iii.iy bo st.iti-.l In a few li'iin-s. Tin' 11:11 Ioii'h lnd !iti-(liit s.i Is .1.7'm.""".,,,iUi '!,(' 11 :':: 1 ilit'l' i st Id ! paid N lilxmt .v7i.iKXi,iKf). Th; lolal l'.'VCIHK' is 1.iMMiO,.MI(i, jind lifter Hi.- iiit-n st Is in"t only ij-So,! 100,000 is !!'! to ..'iy th"- -xi'-nsfs of t!i: frovt-ra- lin'tlt. . , . A Good Ifi-iiHon. "Yi-; I've m HI' -Mii'li"'"I." "A 'l;i !I-1 V" "oh, no. Some Idiot Is Uttin up nn oyster i:irlor Just .ii'mnul th.- corner from Iht lio!n."-'lvcliind 1'liiia I calcr. ll.-.ifiicm Cuiiuot r.e 11 1 oil liy I' upj.lii ai.inn--. .tstln y 1 iiitn.1 i-.-.n li the ili .i-.i-M- I porOn-i i.f tin- 1 nr. 'I In-n i- only on. w.iv to -u r-d -ifn.-s". aii'l llni. ihy nutti'i I lon.-il rem. liex. I ; in --i- 1 liy .'in n flunied eond1U1.11 it 1 n- inn. n i 10i:r..rr t h 1 .0 tiiari 'I ill..-. When iiii- t !.- I'.-t- lu ll oind you ha vi- .1 riirnliiinir - iti m I or ini;..-r n i t. h-arli.jt. mid when it is c-tir.-ly ein I a-1 1 in--- i . 1 in- r.--iill, ami tinl.-s-. i n- i ri !1 .- r -111 11 1011 1 .111 In- taken nut .-mil ti.i- t u In- re. , i...r.-d to it- normal i-nmlii i:,. h.-aron' will In: Nine e.-i-ti-s oi.t ol ten .-ue it used hy 1 iit irrti. w hi h i- iioloiii ; In, I ;i n in-rjn- I ondilioii of I'm- mmo-is rf.i' 1-. We will irivi- One Mm, died Dohar- l-.r an . 1 .-i-.- of lli-nfiies, (ranked Imul n il,, tint e.iu 1...I I,,- . ni-.-.J l.v Hull's 1 t.,,h i ur... s,.. 1 V. .1. riiENKV A Co., Toledo, O. Sold l.v Ilniivists, T. k-. H .-or- r'unnly I'nls a n- the lit. If It Only lllX-d a I.llt'o !t. w ould In vvoi t h ". ! his. ( in.- 1 mi i-V I n--loin lr .111 th- t-i'iil.l- i.-i-il.-tt i iik il"h '! t-tr. r - uoii.!, in or Hi.i:i a iioli l..,v.. T.-il.-nt." .-ts. It will . 111V...-1..V. and if- .In- oiny Linn thai ill 1 on-, .".'i .-i.l- :-l ilrn ; -Ion--, -. liy 111. ul 1 ruin .I.T. M.uiitnin', u annali. filadstonn, it i -"!!i only 117 I oiMid.s, and tlu- Marquis or Sulilmrv, to 1 r -si-nt l'mmier of (ifut Jlrit :i i n , lii.s tlio t ah's at 2oi j ouiids. To -'ur: it 'old in O1111 Day. Vaki- I.ixaLivt- liroini) (,ini ni in- T.i hl.ts. Ah 1 H 'l-r-'i -t. ri-fond iiioin y i i 1 1 fails t n o r.-. .'.'". . rormT rp'sl lntit Cli'viond Irn written !n- 1'i-xiri Alu.'iini A -isO'-iat ion t Irit his so.i will I.': in tliu class of l'Jl j or I'.M'j at l'riu.;j toa. I"i!s 1 r tii 11 1: 1-11 1 ! v riirnl. No lits or n rvo'u an.r II 1st il i'.'s a si- ,,f I ,-. Kliiu-s i i,-H'. N.-rvi- Kistonr. p:.' trial hot th-11 ml tn-it isi- f n-i-l'r. It. II., I.t L.'.HI Ar.-b St.. l'hil.i., I'.i. , T.nfcndio Ifinn, who li.n Iivi-1 many yi-ars in, sivs tk'it thn roli-sii. I i.'tiin-s ma Ii- l.y Jiipam-.-" ariists no .v s ju;u to liliu to In: trii''. . Ch.-w St. ! To:..i.-.- Th- It.--t. Sinokn Sli'dio- Cii;.iri-tt--s. Wln-ii Murk Twain win n-fvitly piva a 1iiiiii-r l.y 1 In' Vi.-tiim .1 . m rn.'ilisls' Clti l ho mad.. 11 s.i-'i-h hall' in V" rum 11 and h.iif i 1 Knllsli and Li-d bis iioa r-r.-t laughing uil til'- lllll.'. .Mis. Winsliiw VSoolliinu' Svi op rorrhildi-i-ii ti rtliiii. soil. 01s tin- villus. 11 do. in iiiil.iin-,. t.on.iilhi.vs iaiii.i'iin-s w ind i oir, :', . :i hoti!.-. I liavi- fo' iid I'Isti's dir.. for Consiiiiii.tinn an iinfailiiiL; iiii ilii ini. I . ;. 1.1. 1, :i.) SloI t M.., Ciivum'loii, Ky., (I, (. I, l -'.M. Rheumatism Caused Croat SufTarinci-A Well Man Since Taking Hood's. "I was aflli.-ti' l with rln-umat is:n nn l ltav h 1 11 K'ri'.'it suir.-r. i- with lliis dis. '.isi- mid also wila si. .iii-i. -h an 1 In-art's. I. ut thanks to lloo I s M;,i;. .-,. rilln I 11m now a w.'li mail. .My w il" Inn h""ii .'iir.'d of kl J.i -y dis..:is i.y Hood s 8:ir:iiarilln." Af.i. Si-iiukim.!! 'a 17 V-t i Ii str.-.'t, X.'w York, N. V. Hood's Sarsaparilla 1 lh.-'oi-t in r. 1 r t tin- On-'I'm.- ;l.d l'm'iii-r Hood's Pills ' in- all liv.-l- 111,. -.c. :,t :. A I n nif I'ipc, A novel iiic for li'.insniiiiiiiLt liydr.ui-!h- ii''ssiii'i- is in list' at lli 'i-ior:.t t:iilK''. ln'.ir the iiKiiith of tin- Kivi-r Ic-. KiiKlaml. As (l.'s.-i ilM il in Hi.- Kn inci'i'iiiK News, it consists of a hail;.', lll'awu lead iiie, covered with ciosc roils of copper wire, and Is used f.r I'onveyinir water at 7-"' iiounds per Sillnie inch pressure from niie side of the river lo the oilier In ojierale ll:c niaehiiieiy of a span of ihe swir;:; Iniil-re. At first a cupper pipe on,' and i half inches in diameter, .jointed wli'.t screwed unions, was used, lmt I lie Kcotirlni: action of the tide washed out Ihe led of the river, left the pipe un supported in two places and caused it ! leak. The new pipe made of lead, wrapped with copper wire. Is more tlexihle than the old one. and it is i-v. peeled it will work more satisfactorily. Vegetable Sicilian HA1RRENEWER Oeanscs the scalp and puts new life into the hair. It restores the lost color to gray s.-2Tv C Il '(M it . fei fu II III.OT 1K..C. Vi.lO . 1 - p COLD-BREAKERS WILL CL'HE COLO IaSt.il2h.mrs. 25G. fl BOX at hru-'si-t-nr THE COLD-BREAKER CO., AIKEN, - - SOI III CAKOUX.V. PIUM,MORFHlNE,WHISKEY.Ua- m'n . rdm-i-o nnl niilT-Oliiplnu ini.tM l-r.riiM.-ml ,-ur.-.l l.y II II l .- IK) K IIIKII MKM . lv I k. .-iitiitnl- is f.i'l in', r lMMi-ii. nmi:.-t fr lH. .1. . OII l. limiiii I lnli('lla ll-.lll.ilin;. I iiicno. lil. T.JOSEPH'S LIVER REGULATOR 9jl THE KENTON THE MAIiKKI, Ait in u.:.-i-ts and M.-n-tetiits. "! :.f-.l 1., K. Ol:H l I.K A II liAl:..n....t.i. l .-nn 0 R. BAKER'S nmi warn CURES SUFFERING WOMsN. .UU-1 .-s-.-I l!.!.- 1111.1 I.UHllMt.- -,! V .innn. .- tme.l l.v l .nil.iilll VlnunOiin Mi-di. llli-l iiliiiinii) l.r.-riii-iillr. linn Wll ' M(IHK. IO(M(:,i,i- I IN. iciaiun l.-tsl t.i o-niain K.-iiliis of pur.- .luintu- -a.-h, 1 1 el l.y mull or r-r f ' I'm up u ln a pa.-kiin-. s-n I fUnii.,m l'....r,l. r .I.T. IV.w, II U a u km 1,11. Ill AGENTS WANTED ZttZXl ! r Instiriini-c nin an I -oll-.'i.-i-s t,. i-is'..- l-i m. r.--I nllfd Malr. KrviMry t o., I '.S I'lfrh v.-.. VY. I Thompscn's Eye Water Fortune T.'l.l. T.-M : .-. & siaiiij. , nvci..j.. co.-rPi t anwf r puarantm-.l. c. 0 Oom nd. Holly Orovr , .rlc S. N. l So. 4'.( - I RiciJsznscSffffnsssnSsSHScSJHHisSsssjEHr: O THE CHARLOTTE j B iKIVAIt HUiillAL Bills Against Merchants for Selling Cigarettes to Mirers. TURNED FROM RED TO BLACK. Small n.-ink Failure Ifllntpient Tax-piiyi-rs--Iresili'rit I'olli's JJirthpIacc ioes at $1." I'cr Acre. I he CLurlott.! (bservr-r Fays a i:io:m ineiit to the sinei f-: of the .Meckitrihur; I fclaraiiuu of Indcpcadeuce is to l tuiveile'l in Clinrlott; on tlie "J: t!i of May, ls.s. This aiiuoiiticeiuent was made cc-rtain liy a jntuti!!' of the coia luitteo held it fow days ulto in the re coptiou loom of the Manufacturers' liih. 'J'he moetii)' was called for the purpose of tukiii decide. 1 action, mid the object of the mceiiao; was accom plished. .Mr. W in. A. ( inuit, of JJuiti more, was then ititrodiiced to the meet ing. Mr. (lault is tin; dt signer who ha-1 submitted tiie prize di aw inv, for a mouniiietit, a.idu was displayed on one of the walls of the room. It is a shapely design in luailiie, a l.e..-dle-p iuted laonolite, mounted upon au iinposiii"; mai bie base. 1 ho hei-lit ni the monu ment is ::'.) feet, the shaft beins a block of ;o!id marble St f-t-t in height, and weihim.' It! tons. 'Ihe base is !i feet i-.i)ai'(i. On the four faces wiil be i:tM tablets each with a s uitable ii-tioa or rie sii'a. iiu v. ii! contain the names of the f i'iif-rs id tlie declaration, aiid on another will lie ahri cU" m;.-,t in ieli-i'. All the letterii;,' will be raised. The monument will be placed id the centre of the court house frontage, on Ti vou t-treei and close to the snlcwa I;, and a ne it iron in: i will iu l-.--t- t :e bu-e. '1 lie whole will cost . "lheC'b ser cr c.111 sai'ely ; tate, " mid one of tiie committeemen, "that the '.' th of io-xt May v ill be toe -i catcst ,i iy in ( in r lotte known since tie: -:inial cele bration in is;."i. 'J Le monument wiil i be uuvei'e I i.-ii h.'ii day that much i-: usKiucd now and can be depended 011." Asked if there would not ho some dilli mlty in coii-iili ti.j,' the work iu live months he said that the committee hu 1 assurances that there would l.-e no trou ble about that that the completion of the work by the .''.'.h id May would be k'Uaruiiteed. Ihe wold, threli.l'e, may be seiit n!on the line that the next .' dh of Mnv is to bu a ;:re;.t dav in ( har lotte. The ( hai lotlo ihscrver suvs: "Mr. Ail hur Stain ill, of Morning Star town ship, sa- 111 the city a few days airo. but friends v ho knew him from boyhood would have piisM- l !i:m oil the s'.rc t without n no 1 oi' re"o-ir,?i..ii. Mr. StanciU was born w ith 1- I hair, aiid was known as a red headed boy an I 111:1:1. Mis hail' is now a proUoiinee l black, streaked with :.:::y. lie had an attack oS typhoid f. nr and his red hail was shaved oV an i his scalp blister. -1 by Ihedociors. in-n he recovered his hair ;;rew out black, and later beeamo streaked witli 1 ay. " -- The Sii reme Court decides in the case of the State against .bines, from KocLii:! ham tiiat under s-ectioiis o'J and of tiie new re. ciiue act it is m.t the duty of the sheri::' to make report of tax (icliiiiineiits to the coui t. as pro vided for by this law, until alter the day of ievy in"; and selling his passed. Tins fully sustains the attorney j;eii cral's ( pinion. " Wliit.! Caps" 1:1 force ! their way iiiti and beat : wife lied wdh a b.d ; luoli threw in r little where tiiev lemailu-i w recked t hi: house. 11 a lit at tin: outra three of the " I'.'.mcoml tic- In.;;,. 1 w it'll cl: .nut v .f luti. 0 in - l:i !: J'l. hildreui a' i 11 1- lit. and t iien j I are Ki li;,' e and have run '.'lute ( 'uppers. " -- '1 he I'.lkin -lotirna! rays a few dav: ago a man wanted t-i cross the toll bridge at that place with si. mo calves, and was told that it would cost l im :; cents. ilei.aid he would not pr.y that; he would ford the river lir.-t lie forded and the result was four of his calves wei e il row 111 d. Tli .?!'.', so he lost Sll.i; v cist him about On the fust Monday at Charlotte the i.:...i...i r is... 1 1 !.... in luieville township, was sold, .ami j Ul,,,st , il" 1 !u" f'f'ii.y upon it. Of was bought by Mr. A. Khyne, at .l.'i ' ''urse the Indians have to be uufii ptr acre. " j cieutly advanced to be willing to do this At Winston the Solicitor ha seventy-live or more bills to the jurv against merchants for selling ci"- 1 arettes to minors. ! At Moreu'iton the State I'iediuont i bank lias closed its cover the liabihtie door' The The directors of ihe Charlotte C. A. have voted dow n font ball. M. The State labor commissioner has completed his report on the tobacio in dustry, vhich shows that vJit.'.i'J;!..' Ii pounds wriii manufactured of ping and ;'.,:-;oo of snul!': a'so, -1. 0'J:i, cigars aiid :to,(i:i i.tiitil packages (if cigarettes, ( iurmg the year ended Nov. :!b-t. It is learned at the Agricultural 1 'e partnient that the uutiuuu sales if fer tilizer tonnage ta tugs are about :l ! !-:! per cent, less than those a year ago. This isan indication (fa big increase :n the acreage of small grain. William r.rieily. of Leeds, Lnglaud, buys the cke-iinil;ii:g j lant i f the Mills wagon factory in iuileigh. lie will double it atnl male spokes f.-r the I'.nglish trade. f!e has begun sbio mcnts already. The State charters the I'ast t'oast ; Ci.'dur Company, principal d':ice at j Kliziihcth City." c.itutal :v t K-m. 'Ihe i company is to buy and sell timber j lauds and make shingles mi l other ' wood products in !'as-'.ict:u.k, 1 are ! and Tyrrell, and aho in ce'itral and j western counties. 1 ' ' ' - j Thisyearnota company of the State I ( iuard has been disbanded. The Luve i is in better condition than ever be- fore. I The Auditor is now making out the j pension warrants. ."..T:' in number. I The State Superintendent oi' Public ; Instruction is nrg-ing nil the county supervisiiis to idt. 11 I ti.e c. :.v-nt l-ni in Kaleig'u. iVivmlvr ' -th. ie is As signing topics n . evera'i i t th, nu 'I h-. i principal loj ic is what may be .' bv : combining tiie smaib-r at. l v. .ake'r i school ihsti icts u i'li !;u er and s'.: ei.u, r ; in the township--. 1 1 - - . . ! The regards for Osborne t'.au-.bert. , the assassin l.f Lngineer in:;;ar,ltier, 1 i f the Southern l a:lwa, i:;.w aggro- ! gate no ie-s thr.u -i.i"... I I - j A young wlr.te n:;:n nanud P.aumgar j ten. hailiiig i: ciji Pickory, was arrested j at High Point, charged w ith an aiiemi t j at criminal assault on Carrie I.o;-; a j white g.rl abc.'.t 17 years old. At tho I trial beto:e Mayor J.radsbaw the ca-e : was promptly ii:.mis:e.i in the tin s j own evidence. I A report to the t'nite.l States Tfousa irotn 1 ne :-ccietai y 01 War 0:1 t;.e j to posed -l' 00 gement of the h . upe l .-. k. .it. this tate. tosh, ingest vessel, estimates tt.e c" bit al; .iter and tngitietiiLg 5-.,70t.,,,J0t'. 1 la-r i f lurti. toi':..' v. iivir '-r -V" & 5 & & 0) i The Noble Red In His Western Home. CO How Ke Gets a Homestead From Uncle Sam, His Dignified Mode of Life, His Sports and Pastimes. Yh-.-u I was allotting lands to In dians in North Dakota I lived in tc-nts out on the I'ort llarthold reservation about a hun bed miles from a railroad cr a civ ili .e l tett't-ment. AVitii me was a surveying corps in eludiii": svi ral Indians and au Irish man, aderman, a Spaniard and a mem ber of one of the first families of Vir ginia. We joyously entertained any body who chanced to come by our way without regard to his present cr pre vi .us condition. One day a Icia-tidl stranger hauled up, with hungry look, in front of 0111 ('.iniii-f tent and without so much as 'V'O' d morning" for a preface, sprang oil' his horse and remarked: '"A bi:c syndicate is paying me $'1 a day and expenses to sell land no dif ference wh it I get for it or whether I st II it at all or not."' He seemed about h follow this an- ! liO'.inc jmetit of his importance by ask iug the 2'fico of a 'bito' when I re pliel: "i'i.-ket your bronco an t f it do-vi. lo a feast. This smvi yingcrowd con trols all the country. ava working for a bigger syndicate tlrin y.m are and it pays me bigger wag-s than yoa get just to give laud awny." The iuvitati)!) needed norepe'iti i'i, b'lt tho statemetit that I was being paid to give hind away required con siderable ep! mation to the visitor. And the explanation may not be out interest to yon. Tiie Indians, v -u know. v. r-"0 Jo".:; ai-ci- n;e 1 t j have eveiythiu mm: t) -i'.i-:-.! i!i- ir 1 o'li s 1:1 t'i t) gr.i-:-.! i ) O'll ;;t th n piai is ; t u' ;t til 'tr w f',.m their hunt tii : co'iim tcnU win ir w tod; a 1 . sts; .VI'! riaii ( t'l ' to sta-k a-ed; to the c-iui-lish use th m ill r th s-- fr Tili their old ttm ; an 1 ng way of d dug things. It -- every p.'iiiciple of t!n: lights peilyaiil was cjrrespoii-Ung'y ivc t- s ivag -ry. Jt is th.! oi'tiie i.iVei'il:ili-lll to get t ll-Iil v -iiit ot th i-s stai-; and to make il'. io!a! of pr, desire e'I'i '. t!l-:n , of th--iiji tli i-M'is t ) thi ; en 1 is to reserva1 io'.is that they minion and to allot tho I in f!i'Wi;l.!("'i'im : . . i i-v-.-ii .. iiic, I.UX; DULL IN JUS lands in severally. That i, to give I each Indian a homestead, mark it oil' i by distinctboiin lary lines, require him ! to build a house on it, teach him 10 j cultivate it, and iu various ways help him along until he is able to suioort I 11 : r&mmx w& ! iiefore it can be done witn any degree 'nt ! f success. A portion of land is allot iand I ,i 1 ..i-i 1 1.-. , ', -, ,' ' ' ".f" ' ,n" r;l. Vlstoa 1 "f finding the land around belonging to 'eryoody and nobody, lie finds distinctive tract all his own. He is thereby taught the law of inheritance. The desire at onces comes to him to leave to his children an inheritance at least as good as that which was If ft to him. He sees other Indians all around lnm culhratiiig their farms j and earning for themselves the com- forts of life. A healthful rivalry thus established and ambition viously unfelt is fostered. r The Dawes bill, under whi-h allot ments are made, provides that the In dian shall become a citizen with all the rights thereunto appertaining within six months after he has taken his allotment and severed his tribal relations. It provides also that the Government shall keep the Indian's allotment in trust for him for twenty live years. Then he is allowed to do as he pleases with it. It is supposed that liy this timo he will be able to hold his own against all settlers in the -I. ii . '! THK PKIDE OF Till- C AMI. competition for homes. Just after getting an allotment, the average In dian would be strongly tempted to give a hundred and sixty acres of laud for a week's rations. The next step after dividing out the lauds and placing each Indian under his own vine and tig tree is to build a school house, eipiin it well, put good conscientious teachers in charge of it. require every Indian of school age to ' attend it. and thus push 011 the work ' of the Indians right iu the 1 heart of the reservation. The Indian ! school question has for some years en- gaged more than any other the thought of those interested in Indian work. And "the Schools to the reservations'' , was the policy of the last admfuistra- -tion. and will, I presume, remain the i policy of the present administration, j The Fort Uertho'ul reservation is ou i both sides of the Missouri llivt-r in the northern part of North Dakota. It contains a'ont a mL'ioii and a quarter acres and i as far from civilisation's haunts as any similiar-siz, ,1 piece of ground outside of Africa. The nearest I ailrgad train passes by nearly a Luu- 1 f m mmm 9. S: 4X Man (6 dre-l miles away. The nearest tele gi'atih instruinent ticks at the same dis tance. The agency employs a few white men who have married squaws, and a missionary or two are the only whites on the reservation. There are three tribes on this reser vation, the Gos Ventres, the Mandans and the Aiickarees. There is a sub tribe of fJros Ventres known as the band of Crow Flies High. They long ago eat loose from ail other Indians. They ha I to be brought with troops from their mountain fastnessess down to the reservation. They call them selves "Iloshkis" (huskies), which means ''bad lands." They still refuse to affiliate with any other tribe. Tiir nonsuit It was b this unreconstructed band that J t make allotments. Crow Flies High had been eiosed as chief in 1 Long J'.'iH put iu his plac-. Old Cro'.v no.'.' calls himself Chief Medicine m i l. lie still ha great influence and is sai l t 11 e a'd of it for the bad. Tli ; In liuu eli-ieis :lI-e great sticklers for dignity. Crow Flies High has a s ip.-r,i'i:i.i Ian "e. Tbe first time his ban 1 ca .1 d iw to have a council witii mi' he assumed marshalship of them although Long AJull, dressed in full regimentals, was spokesman. They halted their horses and wagons within a few hundred yards of my camp and sent nv word that they were ready for the eoni'eretiiv. I replied that I was at my "K'p.'e''n'id wculdbeverypleased t receive them. Crow insisted that I should e3me to him and it was only I, 111 (( LT.GIMKXTALs;. after an hour or two's parleying that he consented for his baud to come to me. I was not afUicted with Crow's spirit of dignity, but I knew that if the game was opened by my going to him. I would never cret one of his band to take an allotment without go ing for him with a horse and buggy and giving him his dinner to come. Most of these "Iloshkis" are hun ters, fishers, warriors, sports. They are great jumpers, runners, boxers, wrestlers. They have a supreme and loftly contempt for an Indian who will spou-1 his time working "just like a white man." They believein the sov ereignity of leisure. Wherever a crowd of them meet, they test their strength in manly exercise. Whenever their horses como together their mettle is tested m a rac-. They are brave. bright, strong-. Thev have their der qualities, however, and the two little girls that thev brought out from their tepee homes to show me as tho 'pri le of the camp' tho only two chil dren iu the band that had been sent off t o s-hool were as penile an 1 pretty as Indian girls should I.e. 1 induced them to decide to bo "goo 1 Indians," atid there is hope in their fill tire. They had heretofore re-fused to take allotments. They signiiied their will ingness to me, but they were very siow to put it into execution. When one came for his allotment, frequently, he talked about this way: "What can I get':" He was given a great variety of land to select from. "I want none of that," said he. "s there any special piece that I can't have?" He was told of the portions already allotted or re served. "Then," he would cry trium phantly, "I watit that or nothing!" and the allotting agent had a real nice time changing this notion. The average Indian's god is his din ner. In influence with him the "Great Spirit" docs not play even a poor sec ond. You may fail to cret him to agree to anything else, but if you will invite him to a meal he will foresake all things and come with you. Then you have at least a fair opportunity to rea son with him and drill your persuasive powers. When an Indian who means busi ness and there are many such is to select an allottmeut, he gets his pony, rides over the land, decides upon the neighborhood in which he desires to live and then picks out the special tract that he wants with a view to ita water supply, its nearness to wood or : coal mines its meadows, its plow j ground and all of its conveniencep. j His decision once made stands, and it is usually good, loo frequently, how ever, he selects a piece of laud that isn't good f.-r a thing in the wide, vi le world. After the allotting agent tried in vain to induce him to select a betttr, he always comes to Mark Twain's eonjlusioa that "if he want3 that kind of a thing, that's just the kind f a thing he wants.'' Claude Jf. lleuuett, in Atlanta Journal. Whit We Te. nmption per cat-ila in the United States lat 2'ouu is of cotton, wheat. 1 LT-". In si pout: is of sugar, .one?, l.ol rounds vear wa? IH.r, bushels of Is cf corn, t-2 s.'u pouml cf iron c-a'.- j Ions of beer and i of a gallon of wine. A A HORSESHOE RACK. Making the Begt of Thing! In the Moun tains of West Virginia. In the mountains of West Virginia, where there ia little money to spare for the small things of life, are to be nil llnfirii A IIORSESHOE RACK. seen, says the New York Tribune, many evidences of making the best of thiugs. Tin cans, traditional diet of goats about New York, are here made into hanging baskets. They are cut into strips lengthwise, fastened in po sition by wire and the whole is lined with a moss to prevent the escape of the earth. New uses are also found for the old horseshoes. Instead of having holes iti posts to hold the ends of the mova ble bars of the fences, or the more awkward double posts, with eross p.ieces of wood joining them and hold ing the bars, one thrifty man has nailed horseshoes to the posts and rests the bars on them. An idea of this and a further suggestion is given in the illustration. The old shoes are nailed upon the side of the cottage and hold the "alpenstocks" of chestnut and pine used in mountain climbs. Beneath the sticks is a "sand table," which affords endless amusement to the little children on rainy days. I'rinoc of Wales Happy Home Idfc. One of the kindest and most consid erate of hosts is tho Prince of Wales. 13oth His lloyal Highness and the Princess allow their guests to be happy in their own way and leave those whom they invite to partake of their hospitality entirely according to their own inclinations. At Marlborough House there is, of course, a certain amount of ceremony observed, but when at their Norfolk home the Prin cess is altogether inrormal. l'arely a day passes by without Her lloyal Highness visiting the stable and mak ing a call on her ponies, laden with apples, carrots and sugar, for thi it benefit, and every morning regularly she may be seen in a big white apron feeding her dogs from a basket hang ing from her arm. Within doors the scene is one of supreme cosiness. The furniture is most luxurious and the ho;is a per fect bower of llowers, for th? Princess wills it so. The conservatories are always ransacked during t'13 Prince and Princess' stay. There i a post ofiiee in tho house, where stamps and money orders maybe hn 1 and tele grams sent. Both the I'l in -i r. id Princess are simply adored round about their Norfolk bom ., r.-.i 1 de servedly, for they iK'Vi r mil tosi .i ly the comfort and well being of those who serve them, or to make their peo ple's troubles their London Figaro. Hard Wind. When the Californian tells you thai he has seen the wind blow so hard that it blew the gra-s out 1 f the ground, you will smile iti spite of yourself; it is so 2ierfeetly ridiculous. And yet it is true. I oneo planted a lawn in March, sowing Kentucky blue grass. It came up beautifuhy and flourished Juntil May, which i i the month in which the norther is reval ent. I think it was the middle of the month, and the grass was about three inches high, when tho norlher came along. In two days I had no more lawn; the grass had been blown out of the ground. JAs previously mentioned, the norther is a desiccating wind, and it dried the loose soil about the grass roots until it was reduced to a powder and thus unable to resist the wind, which dispersed it. Theioots, haviug no further hold in the ground, gave way. and the wind carried off the grass. This is how the w ind blew the grass out of the ground. It is a Cali fornia yarn, but simide enough wheu exiilaiued. Liiiinucott's. The South I'olar Expedition. The commercial and scientific ex pedition to tho South Pole, under Jlerr Porchgrevinck, will start from England next July. Inquiries are now being made for a suitable ship in Scot land and Norway. The object will be so reach Cape Adairi and 2roceed to j the South Tole on snow shoes. The ; 2 arty will include several scientific ; men. Hei r Porchgreviuck will go to ' Norwav at Christinas, and, with some ; Norwegian friends j shoe running. practice snow THE BIG KLONDIKE NCGGET ACTUAL SIZE. 'THE IRISH JOAN OF ARC" Interesting Toons Woman "With Ml-; ion Now in This Country. Miss Maud Gonne, who has come, to America in the interest of the Irish, cause, is one of the most interesting young women that ever came to these shores. Her life has been one of love of country, the poor people of her country and romance. She now lives in France, where she edits a newspaper devoted to war for justice to Erin and where the imaginative Frenchmen have given her the title of the "Joan of Are of Ireland." She is a convert to Irish nationalism from the camp of the Unionists, and she declared upon reaching America that there was but one object in life for her the rights of the commoners of her native country. Miss Gonne is the daughter of Colonel Gonne, who was an attache of the English embassy in St. Petersburg. She was reared in the society which would accompany such a position, but as a young girl the stories of the life of O'Connell, the Liberator, came un der her attention, and at the age of nineteen years she had resolved to de vote her energy and years to the cause which had been his. She has been in active battle for eleven yesrs, has miss maud cox:;n. : worked among Ilia lowly in London j and the dungeons and organized many Isociities for tho improvement of the I Irish 2' ea-an try. TTohrn f:i.n3 has brought to light n tiiin iu r-; c:irio:n!y interest ing tha i the fa ?t tha worry will kill, and the way i 1 which it kills is stated to 1)3 that worry injure.! beyond re 1 air certain cells of the brain. The hi :.'u being the nutritive centre of the body, the other organs become gradually injured, and when some dis ease of these organs or a combination of the, a arises, death finally ensues. Occasional worrying of the system the brain can cope with, but the iteration and reits r.ilion of 0113 idea of a dis (ju!"ti:i sort ill? cells of tiie brain are not proof a-.iinst. Piiarmr.jeutieal Prod -.let?. An extensive e vjo oi -al revolution ' i-t i 1 sight, if the claims of Dr. Prinzen j fie. rli'V' .-.;r:i r ut to b j what the doc tor a -,.n ts they are. Dr. Georlings, a ', Co . er.ioi.'-it oll'cial of Java e.nd form , iy Professor of chemistry at the I'ni versify of Amsterdam announces tho 1 discovery of a simple method of con- wrti lg potato starch into sugar. Ho h.n lodged his description of tho method u i;h th-i French Academy of Sci-. ti.'?, so as to secure jiriority for his invention, although be is not quite rea'y to make H12 details 2ublic. To Cafcli tho Worm. It will s interesting to those who enjoy plain lishiug with angle worms for bait to know the dest methods of ; obtaining them when the weather is ) dry and the bait hides deei in the gro.r.i I. Ii strong sait water or an in fusion of tatiniu or walnut husks is sprinkled on tho snrfaca the worms generally out. Again, if stakes r spades are driven deep in the ground and shaken violently, the op eration frequently calls the angle worms from their retreats. COLD MUCCrr WORTH S5S3. It Wcijrhn Thirty-Tour Ounce and Was I on n.l in the Klondike (iol.l Field. Michael Knutseu is one of the few miners who have come out of the Klondike region with a sack. His chief distinction among tha miners rests in his being the 2ossessor of the largest nugget yet found iu that dis trict a solid chunk of gold that weighs, according to Dawson City quotations, nearly SoOO. Knut sen's nugget weighs a fraction over thirty-four ounces Troy, and came into his possession two days be fore he got out of lh) land where famiue stalks. This nugget is somewhat irregular in shape, but very solid. It is liht yellow in color, and nearly fonr inches in length in its largest part and about tlirefi inches in width. Tt was weighed and found to be worth ex- t? a.'-njUj1!' desk to pol- i$siASsJ , A Bned UKl r -Sn I beveled ft s . - -il 1 j Pi"' " In top and a P'ik deep drawer below. Ar JjitS French ler: fyjffe also finished nil in mahogany. m $3.95 14 our spee U ial price for this W desk. I Mn:l orders filled promptly ) we wili mall anyone, treo or fU chsnres. our ner 112 paae PJt' loirue. containing Furniture. Drerle. lamp, stoves Crockery. Mlrrr9; Pictures. Heading, Kefrigerators. Baby Carrhnre. etc Ttii is the moat com plete book ever published, and we pay all potuire. Our lithoraphe-i riet Catalogue, showing carpet in colore, is also voura tor tho asking. If rPft sample ro wanted, mail us ec- In tamps. There i no reaon win you SboulTrar your local dealer 0 tper cent, profit when you can buy from the mill. Prop a line now to the nioney-save: A. JULIUS HINES & SON, Baltimore, Md. Pleas mention this paper. Tobacco will euro well, have a bright, rich color and flavor, with good burning properties, if liberally supplied with a fertilizer con taining at least 10 actual Potash. in the form of sulphate. The quality of tobacco is im proved by that form of Potash. Our t mnks will tell you just wha to use. They are free. Send for them. GERMAN KA1.I WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New Yoik. ALABAMA'S BRAVE WOMEN. Jenifer, Ala., snys: i ncvo used Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine 20 years, and know it will cure Liver Disease, Nervousness, Bowel and Stomach Troubles. I like it bet tcr than "Black Draught, or "ZeilinV medicine. Parenthood. Chililren bind hnshand and wife more cloaery than the wedding ceremony itsel. One-half of married misery i dae to the irrowinir physical wcaknessof women, which makes child-bearing n dreaded bnrden and prevents those close relations between hus band and wife, without which happiness cannot exist. IIow important then is it that the woman be bronpht to aa perfect a condition of health, of which she iscapable, so that she can give to her oilsprinR ont of her abnndanr.e cf life nrd fpirlts. Dr. Simmons Squaw Vine Wine will do this; it will purify her blood, tone up Iut nervous system and ftive her conrasje and assur ance of bafety to go through the ordeal oi childbirth. Ashland, Ala., writes: ITavo used Dr. !tf . A. Simmons Liver Medicine 10 years for Colds, Diarrbo-a, Summer Cuuiilaiiia with children. It gives better will. faction than "Thod ford's I:l;ick Draught," or "St. Josei ih's Regulator," or anything wo can get. Dimness cf Vision. In saces of weak and imperfect vision, the causes of disease should, if possible, lio correctly ascertained, no that they may bo as fur as possible obviated and guarded against. Where the trouble is functional and arises from some constitutional do rangement or dobility, aueh as torpid livrr or inactive kidneys, producing a moibid condition in tho organism, constitutional treatment with Dr. H. A. Simmons Liver Medicine will produce the happiest results. When canned by prolonged numing, exces sive sexual indulgences, abuse of etimu, tiio excessive nso of tho eyes on too bright or too minute objects, too much sleep or other circumstances which produce de termination of blood to the hr.-rd, 'Dr. Simmons Squaw Vine Wine quickly cuxca. Sterling: Silver Filagree Pin. 'llu in f.-l i.ii.l iii.isTI.. mitiliil Scarf I -lit mi tin- market t dav. To Introduce i.ur latfi-t ll.'.li.I:. '.-it:ili.Kii-c will send the T!ii i.n r.-.- i t ..f KK.I1T v v.s is c a t a i.i . i r. r h ii. D M. W ATKINS 4 CO , MI'g Jeweler 19 Vatic hU I'r.ivi.leuce , It. I., STENTS ere I'roprrly. Iteprr ml Wrnlili. t un lie So 1. 1. Arc .-liii:! INVKNT imj rovemwit in tue!. fin l.-n.-fitj. iis-li.,l m-n. i. ft.-. iite J-. !. Al'l'l.r.. M N, I'm t-nf l.nwyrr, nrlr ltlitti., Wasli iiiyteii, II.. I'rve circular ud advice. I.yw lie". 'heap UiarJ. Seu.l fo rONSUMPTION AND CATARRH Arere"l ef ('. n'mrtnl VoUril-.. Irn-n nnnnt Curr. Kwml off. f..r N ASiAL 1 NM'I RATI lit 'T 4 els. for 1 auii'hletto Ci. U. Faumlu, 1'i-rth, Oiit.,t'aiia..a. a Kril Itrr-ilj illvn..rrrf. Senil for a Fit KE I .-:.!. A let ! -v.-nK tul i'-.-ll. I'.-lai.-.-.-. 1 1IK. h. 11 Itlil.l, t liicaco. Ills. 8 K. U. No. i'J.'Jl. BL-.--.-I'a..LisJ l r.KT tiii: t;F,Mixr. Airici.i;t Walter Baker & Co.'s .Breakfast COCOA ( a. -ae... , Pure, Costa Lcsfi than lie sure Walter (Established 17X0 ) E Want to learn all about a Horse? IIow t- pick o it a fp! ' imperfectioia unJ 80 guar 1 against frail? Detect di-eiso a:i! 1 ::': when Bame is jiossiLle'r Tell tho ago hy tho tet-th? Whtt to call the arts of the auimal? How to shoe a Horso properly? All thi ' i valuable- information can be obtained by reailin our 10) rA'i'. TKATEJ) HOUSE BOOK, which we will forward, iiottpui 1, cu r cl. only 25 Cents in Ht-.mpa. Book Publishing House, Iii i Leonard Street, - - IVew York C: j MAGNIFICENT ARRAY s of IoveMqats; p rsp V T'lctr. m.rA n.n. r'. '-'0Tl'- epeetJon of these earmeuts hi-t.,-,1 "r,-;,l"r :P will be to your interest. All -iz-' t '' good linings and materials tei.'- v " I :'' rn nninii suc-eari a.t i.ikkkwili Mall Orders (riven prompt atUMitioa. l)tl AriLU lit, N. (! fill I r l n-rvi- When In the City Don't 1" .ill to Cull. E. M. ANORFV. chmlotie'; ;? In the Stat. I have some SFFfH! r. tj. 2 OnlNS to offer. Write tor i v . ! , , S dt prices, t. M. Andrews, t'l.:,: ; CHIGKENS EARN ur I ' tw roc aire Tni nn r. Ton emnot Jo this unlpM yon m l-r.t-i ih.m nJ know how to caler lo tlidr re i'iirf mxnts yon cannot spoil. I )-iv and .la'.Ur. .r tu i . , rience. eo j-u nnut bur ill,.. n-ir iy outers, WeoTor Oils to you (or only c-i j. YOU WANT THEM TO PAY THEIR OWN WAY. Ten If yon mrtlT keep Oiem as a .i;irir.livi. ln nrs der I.i hau.lle Kol JuUicI mi.It. jt,.-,i mw. kn.. omethlng about thrin. rawt nil. wunt telling a book airloi Hi eaoxTiencv i nn tte ot rio( iKiulti y raiser f..r V U illj LiiZ, twentjr-nre years. Il was written l.y amaf. n . jui all his mind, anJ time, and money to inx,-is- j . , s ress of i?hlcicen raising notasa i-aOm-., i-n as . Luslnesa and If you will profit l.y his tnfin. l., yeara' work, yon can ard many I'iil.-ks tiwui lr, and maice iiiur Fowls earn dollars for .v..u. itia point Is, that yon must iKalits to drtc-t tr ..i! ;n ths l'ouliry t'ar.1 as axu as H apjiears, an I know how lo remedy It. 'I Ills hook will tca.-ii y.m. It tells how to detect and cure ais,-;l-e; i,( f. i t-w rgg and aleo forfallenli; r..wls to av.. f. ireelln .nrO.MMi and everything, In.l. I, v.. iiould know nn this auhl to inak- it tiro'tu' 1 Beat postpaid for tweuty-ara mils in ai-aua, Bo?4t Publlshlnc; House w ..J.H laKkXARD 8t K. . Ctt; Irregnlariti.'M and (t.-r-ini; It Ii:ih the leading for this clasi nf trouldi-.- . I a wonderfully lie:ilin. mii i ing Illld Koothillg OillnelM the menstrual organs. J whites' ' and falinig of Un it tlojij fljuilii'.g mid rcn fressei and painful ni-nstr.i; or t'liaugn of Life it i- the l- -t intdiciiie iniiili?. it i.-t bi-iii !. i .i during pregiriney, tuid 1. p. t bring childr. 'i into in. mis I ri :i f..r years. It ! . ; t.--. .- laics, St renp,t hens the -.le " ten). This great r.-iie dy .s .1! i. I to all atlH.-te.l w..i. ii. V.'hv v- I anv woman Hiift.-r mii-'.Ih -r inin::!.: with certain relii-f r a. i: f Wine cf ardui only csls il ." - r bottle at j our dru store. For ailr' tnvt ...n'i...-; !,. '' f!.. . sVi, V . Rpv. J. W. SMITH. Car-'i'". S. C. svs: "My wile used Wine id C'.o-'iH ; hw far tnllina cl the wonib ;in. i! cntiri-lj Cured tier. as i ni Fr a sib a " b& j S has SeM I 1GET OUR FR!Cto 1&rCat ito'.i (.'; tr-k J- 'i .'- '' LOMKAKI) IliON HOKKS AMI M I'i'J Y lOIIMM, Al .lTA. . I.OIM.I . UWUU1W ll bullil LUilUO . C-jnsand RitlcsfronSZ to Sjo. "e-,'. volvere, 70 els. Ufi. Kniv'S, ta;r.r:. wr. ,r:.l Seines. Tents, Spertii)CDCds ol ! kinds. J1,V ', bend 3c stamps for 5 nano amoqi! and ry save 25 per cuni. ',90 Vi. rx,r. St. ' . ALEX.L SEMPLE &. CO. t3JisiiK. v' Rics'sGcosGGrcsse Lriif; Is lwriy sold under 1 liellfs ml lail.s. 1 -I.. ...i,.-.- 1 1 . : hiniins. brtiisi s i,.,i! ,i 1 11 . . . v nl to en 1 e 1 i.lil-, 1 in. 1 i : i.d . quicker t tin rt any Mm wi i.e. : N Do tiny. Sold liv nil .-n' . - ' . '' - ' Moi-.-. M.-t.ii- only l.v 10 -!. oi.i L1.M.MI- N i CO , ;iiKi..'.s.;..iii.. N. C. Delicious, Nutritious. f v ) OAr CKXT a cup. thit tae package l;-ar Baker & Co. Limitftf, f Dorthestf f, M..SS. IT IS! &:?; a C::::i I: Vc: uv.i To kee, them, l.llt It .;- I" t I . I' Suffer a ll 1 bieof the varl .is :.. -- (..- v b-n In a nian.ritr ..f a.i h . h..- freer. J had the owner . -s. -i :i't .- I. a. ran pro-urei fr.-ni H.e . i, 1 .n. .r i I . . -efter. enihraen Ihe I'm. :n at l l . -' ' i! r.-t -d twenty five .ars ! I - i.i- I-- i hM'.1rv Yard a a I.n-lni-s". i-.t a i-'.n IKrlnx of him If ami v '. e i.'i. il i i' I . t ..i, h af. nt i..e ;.. .-r: v .. ... ; .f I., t frari. I, and the result . .. t r.uel ..: -.- .- !.nt li.ti"h money an. i .-t I i.i.-:. . .1. .f i ' ens In ex.-rtni-iiniji'. A iit ? ..i.; -.l ti- years enilxilefl in this 1.. wj... . - m f. rTw.nty flv.i ect-ii. -.11.11 iii u. !.- -liet.t ami 1. 'lire h w t - i . -1 r I . 1 ..r l-:.tten1nif. whl.-h inwi. f.--.' - f-r Jr. 1- 1 bDdOtryllllM'.llI.lee I. y..n Ii u!-: '.I ' ' " ''.l BOOK IM m.HIIIM. HOl 1.14 Keonaiil ?t., . V. sr., Ji T-i-.i .1 .i TrTrrT-n n 1 '!. T . . ft- , V ""'.i.s ft '. has tlemonstrnled ten tli"t:in I j i time that it is almost ::it.u!iM'j E fgrvowan;s I ; WF&yA'ESSrS, wt eili. A 3 2 Rrsl-cteRn FHS. I! . LA

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