MESSENGER PUBLISHING CO., PCBLISUEBS. J. W. COUNT. FdUor.. WSI. II. WHITK, IMItor.. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.00 Entered at the Post Office at Ma rion, N. C, for transmission through the nails, as second class ma'.fr. FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 189 STIM. IN Sl SI'KNSi:. Preparations irr war are still being actively made, but as to whether actual hostilities will oc cur the general public is yet in the dark. McKinley hesitates to act, notwithstanding the overwhelming demand of Congress that this gov ernment intervene and put an end to the butcheries in Cuba as well KtJP.Vl& ..rPH?li?n--lf. i Ke can sailors and the destruction of the battleship Maine. The latest report is to the effect that the President has prepared a lengthy message to Congress, but just when it wjil be sent in is not definitely known. It is said that Gen. Lee has requested that its submission be delayed until Mon day next in order that time may be had to get all Americans out of Cuba. There are many surmises and conjectures as to what the message contains, but nothing absolutely definite on the subject is as yet publicly known. It may be another week before we shall know whether we are to have peace or war. Tin: action of Governor Russell in dropping his fight against the Southern Railway to annul the lease of the North Carolina Rail road to that company, proves that he was not sincere in inaugurating the attack and that his game was, as frequently charged, to make political capital from the suit. If the lease was conceived in dis honesty and inimical to the public interests, as the Governor claimed, then no consideration should have permitted him to relax his efforts to have the contract annulled. After all the loud cry of fraud, the Governor has found that he can not prove his charge, and in order to save the State from the large expense which he has incurred in the suit which he abandons, now proposes to lease another State road to the corporation he has been fighting. As a preliminary to this arrangement the Railway Commission has restored former rates of passenger fares, revoking its order of February 21. To a man up a tree, it looks as if the Governor, as well as some of the "Me-Toos," had completely "flopped." l)lxoov!ry by a Woman. Another groat discovery has been made, and thai too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years Mie withstood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. She liually discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles, has been abso lutely cured, ller name is Mrs. Luther Lutz. Thns writes W. C. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby. X. C. Trial bottle free at White & Yan cey's, Marion; W. II. Dissoway's, Old Fort. Regular size 50c and $1.00. Krery bottle guaranteed. Sold by White & Yancey, Marion; W. II. Dissoway, Old Fort. Calvin Not m C&adldtite. Acocwa. Oa., April 4. Ikm. Martin V. Calvin of this citj Iim given oat to th proes iv Bifrued (statement declaring thai he will not be candidate for com mifionr of agriculture. Dtrldcsnd For Depositor. Ooluic, G., April 5. Another dividend of per cent has r?n d?o!ard In ftfcTor of th depositor of tho defunct CUttnhooeZ Nttiasol hank of thir city. Americans are the most inven tive people on earth. To them have teeii is.ned nearly 000,000 patents, or more than one-third of all the patents issued in the world. No discovery of modern years has been of greater benefit to'rnankind than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itetuedy, or lias done more to relieve pain aud suffering. J. W. Vaugn, ot Oakton, Kv.,sa: "I have used Chamberlain's Coiie. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in my family for several years, him! tiud it to be the best medicine I evr used for cramps in the stom ach and bowels. For sale by M. F. Morphew. Kvt ryboily Siy ut. Cnscarets candy cathartic, tho mt v on derful medical discovery ot the a;c. pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act i:entlv auJ positively on kidnevs. liver and bowels, cleansing the entire svstem. dispel colds cure headache, fcvci. habitual constipation and biliousness. 1 Mease buv and try a box ot c C. C. to-day; lO. 25. SO cent. Sold and guaranteed to core br all drngfiUt. CUBA WILL BE RECOGNIZED. Senate Committee Agrees on an In dependence Resolution. WAsmsoTOX, April 4. The fall sen ate committee on foreign relations has practically agreed to accept the recom mendation of the snljcommittee for a resolution recognizing the independence of Cuba and recommending armed in tsrvention if necessary to secare it. This conclusion was reached after a cession today that did not continue for more than un hour, and so far as can be learned there was no division of opin ion expressed in the committee as to the propriety of tins course. h -nators vuay, Itaniel and Turpio were ahs-.-bt, but the f pinion is expressed that none of them will make any oppostion to tLe reiort ing of the resolution. The general lines of the Foraker reso lution will 1 followed in the resolution rejiorted by the committee. The full committee gave most of its attention to the text of the report, which will bo made to accomjjany the resolution and which has been prepared by Senator Davis. After the committee had been sitting for a brief time, Mr. Davis called a car riage and mode a hurried trip to the White House for the purpose of compar ing views with the president on some points to bo made. The committee had also Admiral Ir win before them for some- time today rne .viaiinc disaster, and 'also "off" rfi'e f-trength of the Spanish torpedo flotilla and the best course for this country to pursue in meeting it. GROUT FOR RECOGNITION. He Introduces Joint Independence Res olution In the House. Washington, April 5. Mr. Grout (Rep., Vt.) today introduced the fol lowing: "Joint resolution recognizing the in dependence of Cuba, and for other pur poses. "Resolved, by the senate and house of representatives, that the United States of America recognize the republic of Ouba as a free and independent state. "That the president is hereby author ized to expend out of tho appropriation made for tho national defense in the act approved March 28, not exceeding ij&uO.OOQ to provide nonenmbarant Cu lans with the necessary food, raiment and medicine, their immediate relief from etarration; also necessary imple ments of agriculturt' and seeds for plant ing a crop; provided that relief herein authorized to noneombatant Cubans shall be extended only through duly au thorized agents of the United States; and to this end the president is author ized to request the co-operation of the proper officials of Spain in the island of Cuba." Mr. Grout eaid that he believed the president's message would go beyond a resolution of this kind. LEE PREPARED TO LEAVE. He Will Seek Refu on the Fern In Evnt of Hostilities. New York, April C A special to The Herald from Washington says: Consul General Lee has been instructed to turn the American consulate over to British Consul Golin, and has already made the necessary arrangements with Golin to do so. This is a mere precaution in case General Leo has to leave suddenly. lie is 6imply setting his house in order. General Lee had a long conference with Consul Golin, who courteously agreed to do everything in his power when General Lee received orders to leave or is forced to seek refuge on tha Fern with the other Americans by a sudden uprising of the Havana popu lace. Consul Golin will probably have his hands full if Havana grows violent, as English residents will be regarded as Americans if the excitement is great. Consul Golin, however, believes actual hostilities between Spain and the United States will be averted. General Lee has not abandoned all hope of postponement of immediate hos tllfes, and his conference with Consul Golin, tt is understood here, was due, not to his intention of having, but merely to insure the fullest protection of the consulate and American residents should he bo suddenly forced to abdicate. General Lec will stick to his post until it is folly to remain longer. NAVAL COMMITTEE MEETS. Three More Harbor IK-fcnse Vessels to He Constructed. Washington, Aj ril 1. The senate committee on naval affairs today dis cussed inform .illy tlx naval appropria tion bill and di-cid-d to recommend an amendment striking ait ihr provision for one of the three bat! h ships and substi tuting for it three barb- -r defense ves sels if the sc.-m f ivy of Vv navy should concur in the u i d -m of this o.urse. The opiiu. v. w. s generally expressed that three iig t vr0s o nM be built at no greater e.; i; than one battleship and that they ivul.l 1 Half in time for use in case 'if a war with Spain, while a battleship ecu Id not be constructed quickly enough to meet the pres. nt emergen-y. The committee decided tv let the hor.. provision concerning the docks stand without change. SECRET SERVICE SYSTEM. The tiovernnieiit Arranges to Trans mit Its Own Telegrams. Savannah, April 4. The United States government has arranged for the establishment in one day's time of its own telegraphic system for secret ser vice. The whole coast will le divided into two districts. Savannah will be district No. 4 and headquarters will be established here. The substations in Savannah's dis trict will be Cape Romanic, Charleston, Hilton Head, St. Simons. Mayport. Fa.. and Cape Cenevel. The government in tends to build houses on the beach, where naval reserve officers will be sta tioned with telescopes to keep watch and report to headquarters in this citv all ships sighted at sea. The system will have connection with the Western Union telegraph wires aud the long distance telephone. Two years ago 11. J. Warren, a druggist at Pleasant rrook Y., bought a small supply of Chamber lain's Cough Kemedy. lie sums up the result ns follows: 4iAt that time the goods were unknown in this section: today Chamberlain's Coughliemedy is i household word.' It is the same in hundreds of com munities. Whenever the go d qualities or Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy become known the people will have nothing else, l or sale by M. F. Morphea. GARL1ST UPRISING A HO nrnTf 11 llO UhlllAU Spanish Royal Family Badly Scared and Is Getting Ready to Skip. MUCH ALARI.I AH0NG OFFICIALS 11' HAD KID Pronurciunicuto II' p-i.iily I'f a red . From ;eneral Vv'cyKr ar: I tho M'iJ- ' tary I'arty lioy Kin.-; Will I'iy to l ' fan Juear dc iiarauiec!:t i;vlt;s,al of j ,. i Kurope to Help Osiecu Iiegent. llznuv, April 4. TLe Cei':.'!n r.m tass.ndor at Madrid, ilf rr vcu ll.i-lowitz, rejorts to t!c f'-rt-i'-n office here that thy Spanish r-.ya! f.tnrl'v ff-ar.3 nr. cut break rnless the (iirrerenc ea Unvi-tn the United States and Spain ax- r on eottled. The Carlist mveniPnt is a--nr.iin? :aore active fona and the royal family fears epecially a pronuncinnif nt from CJeneral Vc-yk-r ad tne miiituiy p;irty. Evervthir.e is prepared in the roy.t! jrJ."ior..r:i-bt. ILobovkin.:. Iiaran:eda, an Ar.da!:'..-ian p'.rt, v. I.e. -- a ya-ht is kept ready for .-ailing. The rejiliA - to the jur -en's i.-tt-r n!k iajr for the intervr.nt!'.a cf the K'"a lowers have been v. Lolly rju.s.:tiaf.:c-tcfi-y. FIRST MOVEOFfHS: FLClT. hclilcy Ibsiu"; Ordsr to I "nitrd Slates roitT jI'jN'pc:', Va., Acil S. Th? fteamcr Yorktov.u of tLvoli D'iah:i-.;n line landed 4" se-asacn Lve twLiy, :;0 of v,-i:cm ATer;.- f.;- -.".!-ln;ribi;i ar.'i '." to ' is expected 1 f ;; tl.i :a:t i';rpajut-d of ih re'i'-v-d r.n-i "-i :: tit mc-oidto l. Ida bcf-un r-i- iii 1 .2 : Avidia Iier e o: f tiier wn.'.H-ri ' f ueee"ir ite a ! ?::! Wuk. L-T cf'.let i-s e hV I.i -.'Kii' L'-!l .Ni v n at Mews iov of " '.!. 'i l.e ihyi nve e--an.1., r C!r.::;io;!.v.e in;:-. - fih-.-itly nff, r M.nsr.'-iu o't 1 HArn?-t-"iii i'leiads ;t: :"a--:l tO tti" j:ai: vi i. u ! .: an c- ; a :n and ,;1- inpr, r.-iil jcln t'-. ..-. aai.l -a; - a a.ilv the cojnn:') I av'.- v:'.'. on the Fqnadiv.n. The ad.lit'.. :: - i t-.-- . ncapolis will nail;--- a io'ur.C. ,b.e .' of 1'aBt fightinff vessels ce'u-lve o: Massachcsetts, vrhi.-h is rathr-r slower ! than tho others and tor vhi.-h ('ounno- !' very rapid action u re quired, will not wait. Both Comn odoic Scrl-.'r and Captain Cook, his chief of stfiff, aie very reti cent and rcfae to diser.s-. not' c-nlv events that lave taken pi .; -e, 1 at a!so j refuse to theorize cn any '-itnaii-.n j might occur. Tiie Moi? tgevnery, -hich is expected here today, is 1-c-li v -il to be I coming in for th-? paipnse of l;.-ivi?ur im provement'' made t- onie r her ;,r-a mounts and net join the soaa-lv -a. PRESS OM VAR PPiOC?LCTS. I Xevcspancrs cf London Say 'ov.uU-t Is Almost Certain Sow. Loxdo", April 4. Ti ? ar?ei r.oon pa pers deplore vrur bctv. cn Sj'am an 1 the United States, bat d !.:: -ha: i. is i::-evitabk-r.ulf-sj t: i hh-.l :::'- -.-, ..-.-Os m pa toning up an e:.--v."; H Senile ci tii" p-ap-Ts !-! -.-ie deiaon.'-t'ri'. a. 'j'h" V. zet'o r.-f-rs to i' ?. s-.--. t tioaal Neil'e tVren j-i-rfor Roval theater. " The Pali Mall ' L;-eit- r.-. "Pro.-idont M Kin ley I gnat part, but ho wiU'laa :'; !;; . I.7 e-- id v.-ttr ei.t-'"i.-t-'aa-r. v in tii? I-'L'-' l viiea tho limit has I eeii reach-.. I ai,d if -.-ur it is to b;- h will enter upon it with a qmct difnity contrasting s-tn-iiulp with the excitable, Ftago army effects of t:;e Mad rid opera Luaise." Xo Action by the Comia'tter. TV a s'ri i xgto ', April .".The Loae committee oa foreign affairs met at 10 o'clock this mornni;'. Mr. Giileit (llp., Mass.) said a few mimaT.s ato-r tiie committee cenvened that ti:e c-.aiiii.if '"ee would take no action teiny. Every member was pledg.-l to si"rrv tad' e the committee a-' j- urn.-Ml. Oao ot the Eepatilican members, however, ?-i-l in response to persistent inquiries: """e did nothing." The committee will meet again tomcirrow morning. Orors Fo AxXATVHJ.-s A' Nav:d Carets, dl 4. The naval ca s ? tcnlay roc.-iv( d p.--r- dets cf the llr-i cla eni;tcry ord rs t-one-. a;:;i wi: h a. Thi-ir dipl. .a:;-.-: w withou: th" i-a.-t. tiou. IVvh-.b-nt j senate ba iutrcdu iag s-jeo.i ',.; t-. c: prm and t o";p t : servo c-: r::ryi.:" L ::gr--:ia-;; Wa-;i;n. y; y. . rc-auh.-rs ,.f c..: early o. lay br v of avert war aa tlu ir hi 1L f -.). y ; biain ar the vr - st . -f !.;;. : taiarv .-v. ) air.'adv a ib.cir ship..? at , ;, y ! j a:o I . I to j ! 5 " I ; -: : I f i -a j - j I -,i ireii-f L.,t- Hi llA "A BhairO h.l: dar,d Ma; :ii pa.-..- nvrn:r.g. in which he dir-at- t' the ivcoiavntrados ia the uar v. proTi;us. lanar del lli Havana, Ma- j tauzas and Santa Clara. j Vet Vote to Volunteer. j Bristol, Tcnn., April The S. V. Fulkcrse-n camp of tva;vd rate v-. rerans, SC'O strong, by unanln-cu v aa- laive i tendered their .ervi -s to the govtru- Cient in ca;- cf a war with S:aiu. ! Mrs. A. I: t c n. r sitiii;r at 7i'o j Henry Sr.. Alto:;, IV. . suilcic! w;th j iClhirn i ii.-.nn.aa.m f.. ... . . . ! months. She do, tore i (cr i? ntaitl'v ! the whole ti;ac. ;is:ir v.tirfis n-:n- edics rec v) ;.i-hdi'; !,v it ., was treated by the ph -: i;,s. I :;r rt-rricl fo K-i;.-!. ?. ,-;; n-.'i one ::". a half ' ctrh - ( d. 'ai'i's jh:::i Ila!;a. t-:l '.-! a ' ron-p!i-?o ..!!-'. Tias j.N rnbhvl ! It i .., r ... .a... siiii'l.iilv ailla-ttd to :);tt CUfcd The L'" ind ) cijit sizes (or sale by M. F. MorpLew. BIG CRO WD loi 7 ril SENATE. i j ( lav N.iV- Til'T" Is X Kmeflv !"'s N,,t ('!v Independent--. :. x April s.-Tue senate v.t - v !:::red t-tl:;v witu r e-"p'? inter est'-! i. Cuhrn a:airs. Ti Chandl r i r.:-'.l..i :i calling :,r C'-U'-ular cerre- f ? :i. : v-,::t "" r, oa motion of Mr. Levi-, c'-ia:rn:.t:i -i th f .reign rr-Htions M'fii.iiTe, ;h:u1 Wednesday, and the .v v if. :: res- lurif ii followed. ;: . Cl " '. ( r?' .ria marie a sp --( h I rrriii.-tbrr.-' vd-i r :iv.-r',-d if it i - c f Oi" iff ruin, in a r : ..! q:ifti- a. l'-ci;;red i;p cf the Maine by the an act of war and ,v::i so regarded by the CLANCO'S ORDER A FARCE. Ii'-cei.f ; nt r.ulo- Are Not lieyond lle-p mi'i ?liist15ie. W. :-i:;notox, Apxil Rev. Enpene May, who lias in Cuba, returned to his hom7 here yetcrday. Hi repr-rt of th-'-emliti. .ns in the island di:1Vr in no ef sen rail detail that cf Senators Pro. t r. Thnr.-ton, (ialliti per ar.d otuers -5 bo havere ently sj ok-jn and vrritten cn Fiibjcct. Dr. May "1 ii" re'-ent itv'x-a'.ion of tho recon e:itr;.;l o crder is a lar v, as the i,eopla to v. h :n it p.-'plir? are t"o ill to work and hjve liMiainr with which to start la'! they tk.- f.reu;;th. laanks have i ! a issued to the starving wretches, wliie'i are to be liiled out with requisi tions for whatever t!-ey need and sent to Havana. The mockery of it is that the farce cuds with sending in the hla Xotrr:.- n:ore is he .ml of them. ' j he relief work is p.'in? forward rapiilly in 10 twns. but there are l e tv,; -'-n".";0,0'0 and 110,000 reconcentrados evho !:r.tst die, however penerons the , f'T tii v are ahc-adv bevond he js.iz-l d::; ,;. im coal lands. -:. x .' un cf Now England J-lvv.y to Alahama. r:;- ":::, Ala., April 2. Another (-.u h:- b . a mrnle in coal lands in bt-Lwi:; Li:.:-i (iLtrict. The Ivy Leaf 'l - 'O!: "-'.-'( i :aany, "Walter Moore :. l n k 'avr-.-l.f. .:, tel., syndicate consist - ' : -. . C. v.vd L. P. Mander : .'. I'. .:;, Si.lnoy IIcl lcrne83 ti 00O. purchasers. t uf which was 1J ;nd II. Y. -tsof acres raty cf the town of county, a part of :U-!'-r lease by the iv 0a f .cr: I com- " - e-: a;r ta..-. new or- a "'I ' ! . '.!-.. a-a-il ay mine a ' "k aa i so. iy enjipraiy's o ae ih':i- via be oiA'i'iited '. -::::.; -. ci t'nr- property "' ; i '..":,; -aa delay and tho 'a.i br ).' r.f the !arg.':t: and i .aid -k; produ' ing '!':''. j '.h niidersrr'orl v- -.l:!,.- ; -vw ioik aralew .It i:.. :s are Lehiad the 0tuTCr0E QUASHED. - . ' ."a;tc!"' ; Decision ':: r J Lra'K d Cas?. ' id -! . Tro coart of ca.'sa ! 1 year's ... 1 t f!nc im- ; . . . .. Z a oa I cb. a as i..- :ij.p.-- cf the charges im la :. Anrore against thy :h; .-vh.a;;y courtmarfial, . rr La-- ::o- ordered a trial be- .n '- h. : e 1 on the fa?t that ar of the 'ourtmartial r-hould .til 1. -i. -.-d t i:..-;c.ul a mpk'int against M. minister of war, as re- tee cofiVtir.r.rtial that w as- 1 l-y the tar.;, us uutlior and editor. jtif Ar a : ilVOT.').. .; ; 'e-e:,(i!!:' : A rr-mt ico. ii o Senor Que- vJV.l an junta in Vw!h a-g: : the As:ociated IV;-:-; today: "The (.-nb;r-n will never coi?.-nt to an irmi.-ti. e v-nt'l their inde pemb jicc is r. ( e;rni.e.a. Unril thnt th (L-y will not ae ftshting. When hidey r. la'e. e is roi-og::ir.-l the Cubans vriil ( "U-ent to aradsaep for settlement cf in tho island." Thisstate mrar is is a: do in r.ply to a query as to what Cubans would do with regard to the recent appeal by the Cuban autono mist cabinet. Slihps ; to Porto Rico. Nr.w YoaK, April 4. The Evening T. "ra-ld prints a copyrighted dispatch, dated April 1, cu board The World's e'.i-pat-h boat Triton, via Kev Wr-sst v. h-.' h s.,ys: The Spanish warships Vis- caya and Oqrando no longer lie like big blaek vstchdog across Havana harbor. Ti '7 ar'3 071 their way to Porto Rico. a;e World's dispatch lat followed ta-. m until this was made certain. Orders I'm- Naval Reserves. TlAia-.ioH, Aril 5. In compliance wah. a r pact from the navv depart- uant T'i 5 -re pa re tiie naval reserve? for a u eall i' r scrvi -e by the president, ir " X'V :i'T lius.-ei: lias a-der-d O-m- '- r M- tt-.'i to ra.-ruit ea-h division t :N ::.a;:aam stn-ngth, W. and to iu- v and those v. .a-, a an S laad.c- available as a "mos- S; ::r.L;i rieet's 3'ovf-mf nts. Ma:--:: At ril 4. The statement eall d L-r nih- that the toq-edo flotilla o:-p-;i!i lias ariiv--d at Porto Rico was '-ken iiau a n ws; ;p;-r here. Investi- -a::":! ?Lav the- ann.'Uncrment to lie Fraai-k fh-.Tilla ha ar- riv.-d ar Ca-e P-vold i-hnds and it is sa:-: will t r . .1 afu r cojliac. -L" J-hn' ti er' 1- b.-. n!-.i.) Aaint IIIovLshel. ';'!. A-ril G. L:-h.p C. K. : ' T .'e .r-ii. in a sermon at St. . 'L ; :- d the i-h-a of war. If V' c-'iif.ict.h.'.- said, it should ": rn 1 --Ji L'l- aa i not on t-atku-s a:a.."a:..l:-m. Ilntd;',tn Arnica Salve. i"- !"sr -alv,- : the world for ; : . .!! . 1 ;" ' y '' ''' -a -v. Sore- Ulcers. Salt :a. I-Vvi-s Sorcs.Tctfer.Chap--'- ' :!'! '.ih. Coins, and V.: ay; : as. a:.-l poxtrneh - I::!.-. ." : oo ;,.sy i-(-n;rcl. - :'. ;a;' p-l li-et - i. or : ,-.,iu- re lh'ii'l-d. c Hi . ;.l c-t bf". ior ale I'.'v k'z Yiin cy. !,:atjo::: W. Ji-!ia-;:y. Old Foit Iiurl4 Willi C:tcaret. e' v i. n.ihart'c curt constipation forever It c c c tail. rt7i;j,-ists rcfunu money. CENT GRAHAM AT MOBILE. Inable to Inspect Fort Morgan on Aceouut of a Storm. Mobile, April 1. General W. M. Graham, commanding the department of the gulf, with headquarters at At lanta, arrived in the city this mornm 15 3 o'clock from Ptnsacola, and at 6 o'cl-xt: left on the United States en liteer steamer for Fort Morgan to in-F7jf-ct the work at that place. There v'-as a howling norther blowing at the and the boat did not go far before i- wa? decided to alanden fae trip, i wi'ig to the impossibility of making a l.a.diug at Fort Morgan in such a wind. General Graham was peen at the Bat tle House and interviewed by a corre-f-i dentof the Associated Press. He t",M .f'MtlA VnH no official knowledge ixi to treops cither black or white, being ordered ircm Montana to Tortugas and wii" ir.alincd to believe there was noth ing in the report. He was ah?o of the Fame opinio n. relative to the reported trtrfer of troops from Fort Sill to M..biV. He said that ho would carry out ms inspection as originally mapped out. He left here at 4 o'clock for New Orleans, from which place he will go to Galre ton and thence he will return to Mobile for the purpose of going down to the lowr lay to inspect Fort Morgan. From here he will go direct, to Atlanta. lif-auty I Mood l-ep. Clean Mood means a clean skin. Nobeautv without it. Cnscarets candy cathartic clean lffcTaiy!iv(r'MhftcfiVivinrRll impurities froni the ttodv. IVtrin to-dav to banish pimple9 l;oils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking cascarets beauty for l' cents. All druKK'Sts, satisfac tion guaranteed. lOe 2oc, 5oe. RAILWAY RATES RESTORED. Caldwell Resigns as a Member of the State Commission. Raleigh, April 2. Another sensation in tho railroad tangle was created today When Chairman L. C. Caldwell of the state railroad commission handed Gov ernor Russell a letter in which he gave his reasona for a restoration of the old passenger rates in this 6tate. In the letter ho also tenders Mb resignation to the governor as a member of th 6tate ranroad commission. Governor Russell today spoke before the railroad commission. lie said that he re ared tod Chairman Caldwell's back- down. He has not yet acted on the resignation. Ey the vote of Caldwell and Dr. Ab bott tha old rates have been restored, Commissioner Pearson, the only Demo crat on the board, has filed his protest against the restoration. What the out come will bo does not appear. WHOLE TOWN IS WRECKED. At Iieast Three Hundred Caught by Flood and Swept Away. Evaxsville, Ind., April 6. Mayor Carney of Shawneetown appealed to congress for aid this morning for desti tute people cf his stricken city. He spvs the town is absolutely destroyed and that there is not enough food in town for one meal. He says 1J00 rjeople are drowned. All goods in the city are lost and the situation is distressing in the extreme. This city sent two steam boat loads of provisions last night that should reach bhawneetown this morn ing. It is reported that the levee broke while the people were at church, and that many were drowned because there was no -fing, tho fisod sweeping over t3 town ivse water tnrougn a null race. Execution of John Kvnns. Rockixgii.'m, N. C, April 4. John Svats was executed here at an unusual honr, 8 a. m., for the crime of assault upon the person of Mies Idle Cole, a re spectable young white lady of this town, aud an employe of tho Peedee mills oi this place. Tho crime was committed on Oct. 23. last, and created a ereat sen sation in the state. Governor Russell respited the nogro three times on the strength of new evidence. Evans de nied his guilt to the last. Ma her anl Jeffries to Meet. San Fravcisco, April 4. Sharkey has refused to deal with the Olympic club, so that organization finds it neces sary to look elsewhere for an opponent for Jeffries. Accordingly, a telegram was Pent to Peter Maher, and to the sur prise of all sporting men here, h has replied favorably through his manager. Dozen Buildings Destroyed. Rock Hill, S. C, Aprilo .Fire here destroyed 12 buildings, involving a los of $250,000, upon which there was an insurance of $150,000, distributed in 16 companies. The origin is yet a matter of speculation. Yt-llow Jaundice Cured. Suffering; humanity should be snpplitMl with every means possible lor its udief. It is with pleasure we; publish the following: '-This is to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the best physicians in our city and all to no avail. Dr. Hell, our druggist, recommended Klectrie Hitters; and nfter taking two bottles, I was entirely cured. l now tiike gteat pleasure in recommending them to any person suffering from this terrible 'malady. I am gratefully yours, M. A. Ho arty, Lexingdonj Ky." ON EOF t V (MVA YS. The blalder was created for one pur pose, namely . a receptacle for the urine, and as such it is not liable to any form of di.-ease except by one of two ways The rim way is from imjerfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local treatment of other dis eases. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid neys is the chief cau.-e of bladder trou bles. So the womb, like the bladder, was created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much is not liable to weak ness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore any pain, disease or inconvenience manifested in the kid neys, back, bladder or urinary passage in often, by misuke, attributed to fe male weakness or womb trouble of ome sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find out correctly. ?et your urine aside for twenty four hours: a sediment or Fet tling indicates kidney or bladder trou ble. The mild and extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp R,t. the great kidney and bladder remedy, is rood rtvtbze-d. If you need a medicine, you sdiouid have the bet. At drugg'ists fifty o, r,ts and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail, upon receipt of three two-cent stamps to cover cost of postage cn the bottle. Mention The Makiox Messenger and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees the genuineness of this offer. SAVE MONEY BY HOMEDJEING EASY WAY TO MAKE NEW SPRING GOWNS OUT OF OLD. FADED SUITS. Diamond Dj Mk Beutlfal and Bril liant Colors Which Not Fade-So Simple That Even a Child Can Use Them Succew follj For Twenty Year the Standard Home Dje. Don't wear a faded gown. Don't look shabby simply be cause you cannot afford to buy a new dress. It is not necessary to wear cloth ing that is faded and shabby be cause you have no money to buy more. With one or two packages of Diamond Dyes that cost only ten cents, the old dress can be dyed a fashionable and beautiful color and make to look like new. Thous ands of women will have spring dresses this year that cannot be told from new, but which have cost them only a trifle, the result of coloring over their old materials. Diamond Dyes areso simple and easy to use that even a child can, by following their plain directions, get fast and beautiful colms. They do not fade, crock, or wash out, and are the only package dyes that have stood the test of years of use. Do not risk vour goods witn imitations of the Diamond. Real Estate Office.... Of McDonald, Dale & Co. in Martin build ing, Koom No. 1, np stairs. MINERAL and TIMBER LANDS A Specialty. Corre spondence solicited. Ifcespi'ct fully, McDonald, Dale & Co., WAR WITH SPAIN is at hand and so are our choice lines of f GENERAL MERCHANDISES mtututiujxiiuniinjjijjti NOTIONS. Our stock of Notions is brimfull of choice stuff such as HAMBURG EDGING, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS, DRESS BRAID, FEATHERBONE CORSETS, LADIES' COLLARS and TIES, GENTS' SHIRTS, TIES, COLLARS, ETC. DRY GOODS Our lines of ORGANDIES, CRASH are hard to beat. A full stock Bleachings. 10-4 Sheetings STRAW HATS. An excellent line just arrived, SHOES. J All kinds, low and high cuts all prices. Be sure to see us befor:! purchasing. Respectfully, j McCALL & CONLEV. ? FULLY J. RUSSELL & CO P O It T A B L K T It ACTION S T ATIOXARY I Catalogues far nisbed oa ap plication. Estimates made on com plete outfits, and all infor mation cheer fully furnished by SAW MIULS1 . . . Low Down Cyclone Separator . . . if gi,apt and DO YOU WANT TO DRESS WELL? Then see our-new Tamis cloth for evening dresses, Irish dress linen, Ia4 IVJI Ally jjuipuac, cantucb, uouea Swiss ana u": mings; general line of Gentlemen's Negligee Shirts. j viso, csnoes itne uougiass bhoes), Hardware, Farmi Implements, Harness Goods and Saddles. Limpand Oemr and Groceries. J. S. DYSART.; Manotj, N. C. Jan. 7, 1898.-! f. Graduate Watchi,, ' I and Optician ' A specialty made of the very fi ' watch repairingand aditt Spectacles scientifically t?' ? and a fit guaranteed. IHIGHARTEXGIUYIxg Yours to please, I J. H. GORMAN, Leading JVW(.j DISOSWAY, THE DRUGCiSf OLDORT, Offers to his customer., 1 absolutely correct tol V Drugs and Patent ernes U1" j Fresh and Reliable f" Philadelphia Onion Setts j Sale of ValnahlpToTi .v J.dnc. "VX MonJay. the second ilnv t. Jl J 1 will sell at public uuctu.n a ih,,.8tlt- " House in Marlon. McDowell c.mnt- tosr? divided half interest in the f ill,., D'Ba ' of land in said county, the nri.iJ' 1 late Thomas Lytle. deceased ThrrlV' "'1 acres on Catawba river ami cu n(VJ granted to Noah Souther and Thom ?rt,i S date April 9. 1S61. ,nomaLri Also one other tract of one humln. i $ known as the "Fortune Old FielJs " 5 south side of one fork of Catawln'ri n Terms of sale lO per cent ensh bai." f six and twelve months. Title t. r until the purchase money is tiaul ,'"' i approved security. n"'r.; : This March 31, 1898 ) Admr. of Thos. Lytle. with the "fi j NORTH CAROLINA. Si rT7T"' McDowell Co. ) s-ci." p"; John F. Toteet ) t Mrs. Julia Patton and fSuni'non. Young Patton et al. ) Defendant, Young Patton. Will t. 1 Notice: ll T"d Thlsis a special proceeding for a parti I of the Lawhorn lands in McIowfi I in which you claim an interest, and To'n.l hereby commanded to appear and untwr, i' demur to the petition of plaintiff now liw I clerk's ollice in Marion, said countr i!n7 before May 9th, or relief prayed fr',!i Ci granted. ""' This March 24-th. 1893. Signed by order: Ii. IJ. PRICE. C S. C DIMITIES, PERCALES, LINENi price ranging from 5c to 1.75 each. . f- FOR SALE BY j J. H. GORMM The Best Bicycles t In the World. Prices from $35.00 to $125.00. .. GUARANTBEH H. GORMAN, j ENGINES. Ashevillt N. C. ANY 8IZK. SUIT IILK FOIt Al; KINDS OF WUK- r . ell ft Iot Soo iglp. t line nf Fall nnrl Wintpr Ooo4