' -SD OiDXKS 701- JOE PRINTING TO THE MESSENGER, Marion. N. C. ; The Uesseagor Prints . the. Newo and U -.! cht after by the pes pie of McDowell, Tancey.Buft comb llutherford, Burke and othrr ceuDtitv In W eaten North Carolina, and ta there fore a Oood Advertising Madlurrv Kate furoUbs-J on applieatlsa. 4dru, THE MESSENOIB, lio-pt:,, Accuracy, Neatnm .', Goo J (Stock Guaranteed. f, Note Head, BUI Head or' 3, Circulars, Cards, p0I i . .-.phtetB, and any kind of 5 r VOL. III. NO. 21 jrlm. 2i. O- MARION. N. C, FRIDAY. (CT MUCK T.IS'.is. Per Year in Advance- - Mailt FORES ". .i.tro Has Been Done in V, ':(,in and Colorado. - ;.',H!lK of confederacy, .n.ii .smoikts (k-tting Ready fur i i ' f jHNeniors Ma bo Re-lm- ' errclarv lia takes the Oath. " ' Jiit!--, which have Irt'jS .: !: r.'.-rs pluoes throughout '' :-!. .vja for the i ast few ' r. " i into tut ions storms " !.i . 's v. mils and (li.l great o ..' 11 lilpp-Wa, '. rilj nod Tolls, counties. 'uy ton, A htmeua uud - '"-t w holly or partly te ili'iud llllS SU!'eld i i '. i ' i It'll wci'i-l, Marion, ' . I i. i ' i and Turtle Lake awd ... i v .bi gleat ciiolts. Ro- (!:!; uro coning in, but ! : : l i . -1 i t;x j -t in one lu i :: . i. .i v-i 1 --: 1 1 cheeked in i v ' i i and the Mib.iide i:co t ' : . A I - ;i t-'-tii.. 10 places t.j . .i'- 1 ui lioiu c':;,0'nJ,0o'J to i ' irest I ire:.. i : i w est ci ii j i)i t ii i ,f ' to t --1 i of 1 110 ruv;itn which hiil In l r to uter nft of tho forests in Santiago. inaugurated many i ting tho govornor- i i o lifts 1 ?i) moil coti- I ho goihage is taken and burned, ami the : tin; city drained. in the city and tlio i in tho hat lior hnvo i. I ho courts are ft, hut ieiicial Woixl nv as it police j'l'lo. .: careful lin-ilicul lit v.irtliv I'our iiro f I ;t 1 h ;i hfiii ilistrihutuil overy t!:o luericiiiis took tho ''p: - Itiivo hco'i 81u',Mi'l. ft s.;ci.M'-i utteiulin tho i-o!;i!;i:;; tho city, which aio !fi? cti .t'U iliiiiu y, are iihoiit I:. i;v tho c!cctivo mcas ft i v 'iciit'iiil o(n!. a cu-,ii- of yellow !'cv r has heeu I'lii h hopes soon to school i mill thus yet tho . ll o Muds. f ' 1 t ! J Lill!t;-Ivra.. ' ! n ' ; ( ; u: 1 1 : a whs h!m wii ri.-i i;i.s llSiitch i'lOUi hn !, !i-s i.ucy 1,00 Hill 'L.- litlo "I ani,'hter !"!. i c cuiit'ci 1 1 il upon her :i i i iciiil. Tiio general It ts.o !!!:! Colli. 1 ho tuns ! i. i i . ; ' it'll with at car t : r ''. :i! iciil !y "no.' Mis tii" , !y tliiii.rlitfi- of I'l !'!.' m t ho ( 'oiifeilc rjito u . : '.; l ii t iie I ifo of t ho . IcMcfsoil I 'avis w us : i'.. :i', c! t iio ( 'tuifctlci iiio i:, n '. . tighter of any olli.'ial !;..-. .r. ilic ( 'on f oi let acy. !;ti'j !nr V tu k. 'to:.. Iai is say.-; Tlio : .. j i io " commission : ii of its Wol lillli; : M'vcii rooms on tho 1 ! I otc! i out ir.entiil, !.:' 'hr Ilia- iie Kivoli ain . . ' , i o:..i'i:i:i.!in tho I'll i I -i :. ! tol liit'l 1 Uf.l hy ' ujeiii". A incricau J ; i iiii ah t o of tlu I'ciice ! .-. i t incut s. riioclet ie.il - . . in ui 'ion has boon syii 1 i now uorkniL; busily. . . .! ! n V. i , j) j K J IlIi'MfSv I. i I. Wtl! unptrol ler , r. n.'i i in iloi'iMoii I i ! t '!' IV ' i;lill! semeiit I l-tates n': I l i'i i itorios t .!!, 'S ! o'l tllfV 111 It V" in ui.h:. tho f uite I a ol i, :: t army. 1 1 o ' ioVfi h." may be rn-'a-oTi.'.bio i ts liu ill rcl ; . j : i . o!' tin' troops into i inteil State . . . . ::.i i ji-o the o.'tii. : . is , ,irn into ct'tico ! Maio, at 1 1 u'o!oc! I h ( ; io:i v took ' o '..lent"- room at tho : i: 1 the oath wi.s a.l : o. -t w-. II. ii tan. of tho Ir. Hay immeiliately .;;ii'i .u the rt'Lju 'ar -. I .iitT in tho :. ;m;i ins new vlutios. I ir S.inf!.lir'). '. ; e teen completed i" i t. ! a foreo ot ( 'uhati for tho province of . i-tmhi iMin maiiilant . ir. t !i' c. c:'.i !a!iis, ; -vi a -its. aii.l 01' ' ! lit - of ay of the '!;o :ii:.v ;i in tho .. !:!-.. u h:!c t ho o!lit'er il-neii.i t'a-tilh has 1 !;:. iiioi: ;s of the :ip- r-.TtJ T rautiff cJ. :.i i'aiis that PreyfiH t . aufet i C'l fnun It-le tie i.e. v, heio ho avsjtils a : h.iu to a 1'rencii or i !:e MrJ ir t kesign. i : 'on lent of i ho Loudon ' a says: "ihe Sirdar '. i.t :li st governor general '' " ui,."! may hold that post t.nt ho will resign the sidar '!;. .'birchaud was in straits ; i ic' arrived, and was glad -'i; isies from the latter, .::! be would have bcou i ou i Faslioda. Major i ii unable to show any au- tho i'reuch jovcrnmeut iiuy the place. " AKMY AN I) NWY l0S(i. The Movements of flur Army anJ Nav fireil'lv Told. V.i.ts have been opened at the Navy Ieiiartmentforthoeoii.,trufti'ji. of four harbor defetiM, v.rclr, oi' tho LioUi?. T typo. m tliMk i.l hy Coui;rs at itu et i'cnditute of l;-.'V),o..j ior ou..;, lu,jUl-"- In t e, tu.-y have ho .luplic i'e 1U luotleru -ljji, e omfi n. f nu,l ,...... thnu any thin - o. lo.jmble ti-.e iittlo monitors wLich .h-.tin.oi-! I Iht-.n :.fchs in tho civil iu.'. Whilo r, bliu roughly tho war niouitors, the now ves-els will bo vastly suporiur t. Hi'Jiii iu uetii.tl jower. '1 heir bpe.-d, for imtunie, will bo Jl kuot-, al.-ou' louldo that of the oM voxels. J h, u batteriu.i will consist of two 1 ,' iioh 'eooh lou'iin-nllet, oaimbie of pieic in-,' the side of iin.e-teuths of tho nual vessels of tho world four 1 ltich r.ip: !- ib lL i-T U M !luu t,..,:-.) thlt did Ml.'b rvice m tbo 'jttrufi;ou of "er vein's i-'piadroi. 'Ih.j lutter, hy t.ho way, are to bo (-lectrically controifed like 'those On the Jlronklyu. These turicts will be of tLb balanced type, lu-iuehes thick, behind 1 1-iiiclr bui bettes, and a belt of armour 11 inches thick and feet broad will b- placed on tho sides of the vessel. The mutoih will bo i.'v!' feet Ion-, .V) loot broail aUtl draw about U". foot of water, enabling them tu move freely in any of tho shallow At lantic eoaM haibois. Major io ieral Hami'ten S. Haw kins, Cnited States volunteers, coloio.-l of the TwetitietU liiiautiv, who com muiided the division which captured San .luaii hill in the n cond day's liLfht-in-ul Santiago, iias toon appoiiited !i bi ltradii i- general in tho regular army, to li!l the vacancy caii-ed bv tho retire incut oi ( "eiieral Win. H. (Iialium. Im mediately after receiving his comiuis siou, he was placed on tho ret it ad li.-t on his own application, under the "! yeaib' service clau-e, and this will en able tlio I'lesitient to similarlv advaiico Mi-jor ( ienei al A. V. Kent, V. S. V. . colonel of the Twenty-fourth Ii;f iutry, to tho ,'iado of brigadier iouerul i.u the regular nrmy. (enerai Kent com mandeil the w luo; of t'eneial Shatter's army which eiVeeted tho xaliantcaptiiie of Caney in the first day's li;:!ii, for which service ho was promoted to the present rank of major general of volun teers. Important results are likely to fol low the extensive tour of inspection of the military camps ju-t completed by Secretary Alrer, especially iu the mal ter of improving the hospital l erviro in tho tieh!. 'i'uo Secretary conferred cioeiy with not only tho com ma:.dcrs and medical otlii-eos ot tho camps, but especiiilly with tho fifteen olonols whom ho met, looking to tin; ascertaiu ment of their views upon tho relative merits of tho division hospital and ihe regimental hospital. Kaoh had t-trou advocates ami it lemained for the Sec retaiy to endeavor to reconcile their divergent :ews. Alter a thorough ex aiiiinatit'ii of tho ielatie merit s ami d--merits of tho plans, Secretary AU'fr has framed a project, which lie lias now under coiisidei i t:ou fur the aia.il:a:ea tiou of tho ho.-p:ta!, in siioli manner a i to retain the most desirable b-ature: of both. Tho War I 'epiu tment has tlecidi d to send live divisions of troops to '. "u i -:i for garrison duly. divisoo v i ' I piohahly consist of thice In .: ics o!' two leniieuts c.ifl;. It h;:s lu'et: do cided to establish i he headtit.iii i ers of so vol a! command -. at llavaui. I'uerlo I'.'iiit'ipo a;ul Sautiiio. It i - certain that Major f'eiier.al Wad.,- wiil bo assigned tt tho t-hief com m heiiis; stationed at Havana. (it.neral i.iwtou will coutinuo in ( hartre at Se.ntiao, and (ieueial I'it.huh Lee .il!have chief command at Puerto I'lincine. (ieiieral Wheeler will h:ive command of tho cavalry forces in tho island, which will form one of ihe tie divis ions of troops to bo stationed i;t several garrisons. The following points have beci re commended by tho Schwau board and accepted hy the War I 'opart men t tor campsite.-: Aul:uuu, ia. : ("eiuml'ia. S. ('. ; ( ! i eon v 1 1 !o, S. '. ; Spartautti i , S. C. ; Allauta, i;i. ; Athens. Ji;i ; Ma lmii, (in.; Columbus. Ca ; mcricu-. (ia., and All i'i y, ia. I lo -e aie tin ea mps at w h'ch Jill the o! u ni e r t ru - 'p not sent to the front will bo ijiiaitercd for tl o winter, iu accordance with tho decision ol too I 'ep kii ltieiit t" transit-)-tho troo. s in . tni liern cam ps to tho South when cob I weati:er begins. I he se'ectiuus were made by a s tend army loiird. heudid by 'eiiei;il Schwau, vitli Siii-feoii '''Keilly urn! Coo'Lc! Ilodeson assot'iatc-. Lieutenant Colonel Man-, ni-ieotor general on deuera! Miles' st:i'i. spent a day iu Auuisten, Ala . recently m si votiu,: the i'nst and Set oad ttt'culnr liifantry, which havt I ecu I'.e-.irnntetl as ti part if tho army oi filiation ! w Inch iroes tt Cuba al-iiit ( tctob. r -.'lith. Coloiod Mans found these r !ii.t'iit, which were in allot' the ii:htiuur treo-.o! Santiago. st badly broken up. loth mentally and pin s:, '.ill v, that he w;!l advise acaiut-t their oi:i:; until they et in better .s'.'.apc. Mejor (ieiieral '. V; pi ::'er has inpJe a report : the War lci artmetit. in hiding reports i -c lveti from tl n ; -ion briaile and rtiwrntal covamamiers o.' t i's corps, as to the tjtia.it. fy an I tjua'. iv of supplies furnished tiw troops if his t-omuiiit-il by the s veiai stalf do r-irtments siin'o ti e i ei'nii!: ct tu i he euer:.l cay in w ar wilh Sj a;n. lib j n.gnuut the jiiihtyi 1 -s. tenci u'ool in -nisi etl b.- the i ' artuieut w a aud thJ quantity ample. Tho Fourth I'nited Sta'.o Yoiur.te-r Infantry has been detached from the Sevjsnth Corps at Jacksonville. F:a. rnd ordered to proceed to Man. anillo. Cubv Major William I 'ovine. 1 rLude sur gcoc o." volunteers, ioisboen honorably tlischargtd. his services I eiiig no banger 1 1 qtiirotl. Tho battleships Oregon. Captain A. S. Parker, and Iowa, Captain Silas Terrv, have sailed for Ma'aila It i expocio.l that it will take the battler-hips tin days to complete the journey. They will 'stop at Pallia. Pru:!, to con i. The War Department has decided to send more troops to Porto Rico. Orders have been issued directing that the Fifth Regular Cavalry, the Sixth Fnited States Volunteer liifantry, and the- Forty -seventh New York, shall pro ceed to sum point in Porto K:eo. as may be desired by t he cummauuiug I seceral in that island. III mil A lidjl Wave Inundates the a Depth of Five Feet- City to SENATOR QUAY UNDER ARREST. lercijrii I hot Assembling at Tien Tsin Mavkctl Men Mtcr Negro Miners A higantie heal on lout in Cleveland, Ohio. A Jiiunswiek, (la., special Bays that during the tropical hurricaue of Suu-tiu-, a tidal wave was driven in from the sea and inundated for an average depth of live feet, practically every bu sinews house and warehouse in the city. Conservative estimates place tho property loss at half a million dollars, though when the details are all in, the liuures may be considerably Bha'lol eit her way. The Mallory Steamship and Southern Ibiilway docks were under water four feet. In the residence sec tion of the cit3r the water was from two to eight tech There was a full sweM of wind and water from tho ocean and across the city. Two fatalities iu Drunswiek and ona u few miles out have been reported. Those in the city were negro children. 'Their parents are iuissiDg aad may huo been drownel. Five vessels were ashore in I'runs wiek harbjr, two heiuR the Norwegian barks Ilecork and Louhe, one an American schooner and one a valuable pilot boat. I at rue Baltimore & Ohio Rumors. These baltimoro v Ohio rumors are not substantiated at the headquarters of the Company: That tho 1'a.ltimoro k i hio is contemplating shortening its main line from West I'nicii, V. Va. to tho 'hio river by building a new track down tho valleyof Middle Island Creek to tho Ohio river near Marietta; that the Faltiiuore Ar Ohio is about toiuvade the territory of the l'eunsyl vauia South Western branch and that a road will bo built from some point near Conuelhs villo which will reach the coal deposits between tho Youghiogheny river and the Pennsylvania Kailroad; that the ihiltimore A: Ohio is to build a million dollar tunnel under Mt. Airy, Mil., in order to eliminate a heavy grade. The only foundation for this rumor is tho fact that recently there has been souio talk as to what could bo done toward improving that portion of tho line, but ito action whatever has been taken. That therewili beany changenof any im portance whatever in the Motive Pow er department. The record made has been seldom equalled on auy railroad. I hal the general ollices of the Ihilti inoie A' Ohio will be removed from i -altiiiio: e. Masked Men After the Negro Miners. A special from Washington, Indiana, says: This city m iu a great state of ex citement. One hundred aud fifty coal miners from Paua, III., came here and met at the fair grounds, with the home union miners and organized. Ton o'clock at night they got together, ma.-ked aud visited all tho shacks w here tho colored minera live. About . ! negroes were corraled and at the points of pistols were driven out of town. hie negro refused to go and tho minoi.s lire 1 on him. He has not been found ami may bo killed. The police could do nothing. Senator Quay Under Arrest. Warrants were issued at Philadel phia. Fu. , for the arrest of United States Senator Matthew Stanley (tuay, his sun, Richard R. ,uay, ex-State Treasurer Renjauiiu Haywood and Charles II. McKee, of Pittsburg, law imniier of Lieutenant (Iovernor Lyon. Thv are accused of conspiracy vith John S. Hopkins, formerly cashier of j the People's Rank, to use public mon eys for their own benefit. Hopkins killed himself lftst March, shortly be fore the bank's failure. I crciii !eet Assembling at Tien Tsin. The State Department has received the following cablegram from Miuisto Conger, at Poktn: "There is no serious thmg'-r yet but considerable anxiety for the future. J he t'oreigr l'eet is assemb liuir at Tien Tsin. Some of the minis ters art! ordering marines to Pekin for legation gu.u d. " iiicricaii Ships to Take a Hand. Secretary Long, upon advices re ceived at tho State Department, siiow .r. ig the existence of threatening condi tions in (iima, has ordered Admiral pewey to send two warships iuuneli nTe'y ft . ia Manila to a point as near the chine-c capita' as possible for a warship to approach. Tho vessels se lected for this undertaking are the i'.aliiiiioro uud the Petrel. Cuiiibinati .11 of Armor Plate Making. ne of the most gigantic projects for the combinations of capital ia thi csiuntrv is leiug considered at Cieve !an 1, Ohio. It is no less than an at !,.;, t t unite the warship building in ter, st hi, t the armor plte and gnn inaarug mteiests of the world into one greai syndicate, whose factories shall It located t ear Cleveland. .;if-jnii; I rauJs Iniart'wJ. Mi.vor Van Wyck, cf New York, b.is ma le a .statement to tho eiVect that iLe cttiamis'iouor of accounts ha I dis covered ei gau tic frauds in the asphalt laving co:. tracts. District Attorney (iiirdi.er will prosecute the men charg ed with i articii ating in tLe fraud-. Vvarsli ps WantcJ at Chariesto.i. Represeuta-.ive Elliott, of South Car olina, called at tho Navy "Derartraeut lecei.tly to nquest that some rcpre-5-enta'ive ; of American warships be or dered t Charleston, S. C. , to take p .i t i:: the peace, jubilee to be cele brated there ou the 24th inst. Secreta ry Long wa-? not able to say at that time w hat tho Department would ab'etotloiu the matter, but made a .eio r.ii promi-o that some snips wouhl be sf ut Vi Chariestuu if it is possible to lit! so. mi Coin m as LtbiR. A Committee Appointed by Chairman Jones SdedS Him. Hon. -lanes lv. Jones, of Arkansas t hai: man of the National 1'eUioeratic co::i!iiittee, has ai J oiuted e-( iovel nor Stone, of Missouri; ex-1 ioveruor rstoLe. of Missouri: ex-( Ioveruor John P. Alt gold, of Illinois. Senator Win. V. Al ien, of Nebraska, uud Senator Henry M. ieller, of Culoiado, to act iu con junction with himself as a committee on ways and mean. This committee addressed tLe following letter to Wm H. Harvey iCoini of Chicago: Mr. W. H. Harvey, Chicago: "IearSir: Tho uuderbigned com laiitee on ways and means to further the caue of bi metallisru and the over throw of corrupt Mej ublicau domina tion in this country, tenders you the position of genera! inmaer of its work. Vo.i will observe th .'. the committee represents not only the liemoeratie party, but the allied forces thut am working with it for the protection of the republic and free institutions, ami it is in a epirit of harmony aud tru patriotism that we desire your assis tance. 'Signed) "Jamus K. Jones, "Wm. .1. Stunt:, "John P. Alt;i:li, "Wm. Ai.lkv, "Ib.MiY M. Tki.i.kk. " Mr. Harvey has notified the commit tee of his acceptance of tho position and has opened uu oiliee in tho l uity building, in Chicago. Travelled on a Tag. A number of passengers at the rail road depot in Cincinnati gathered iu the waiting room around a very inter esting little mite of a girl, Pohumain Horua, perhaps five years old, who sat by herself, hugging her doll. Ihe lit le one was pretty, with large black eyes, raven black hair, rather dirty hands, but a face so pleasant aud full of light that it naturally attracted every body. Around tho child's nock was a string that held suspended upon her bosom the photograph of a young wo man holding a babe in her arms. To tho photograph was a note written iu the Polish language, stating the uaino of the child, whither bound, and ask ing strangers to show her along the I way. 1 he child had come all the way from Hreuien, iu North (lermany, all alono and was on her way to her mother, whose nume is Anna Kloboska, and who lives iu St. Louis. The Fmpress Invited the Lmpcror to Drink. According to a dispatch from Shang hai the Fmporor of China intended to remove the Fmpress Dowager from his path, and entrusted his plans to an ad herent. The latter proved a traitor. EM IE Roll OF CHINA. The Fmpress Dowager, on learning of the plot, slernly upbraided tho Thupo ror anil iuvited him to drink tho con tents of a cup to w hich she pointed, iie swallowed the liuid at a gulp. Peace Jubilee. T ight thousand people attended tho peaco jubilee at Convention hall iu Washington. Sjieeches were made by Lev. H. M. Wimrtoi, of Maryland"; Lev. Father Stafford; of Wash ing:t n and ex Senator Patrick Walsh, of Au gusta, (bi. All spoke in the highest terms cf prai -o of the conduct of our sailors and soldiers iu the war. HelJ a Joint Session, i ho Fnited States and Spanish com missioners held a joint session in Ha van a Oct. 1. i he streets near the palace were carefully guarded. Tradesmen's hank Closed. The Tiadesmeu's National Rank, in i New York, was closed by Rank Fx- aminer Kimball, pending an official ex amination. Its latest statement showed over SL'Jnu.oiHi assets. Its checks were 'efused at the clearing house. The fail ure of the Tradesmen's bank is duo to backing the Wool exchange which re cently closH. Vice-President Rales says depositors will be paid in full. (ieiieral Wheeler Testifies. ( 'en. Wheeler was tie hrst witness be fore the War I nvestigation Commission Tuesday. ('en. Reaver, conducted the examination. Oen. Wheeler told of his trip to Cuba Ho sai I ho had no know ! edge of the piau of campaign until l.e boiiided the ship. He described the Ian iing and reccr.noitering under the orders cf Shafter. He told ef tha llrt l :tce at La ()uaiua and complimented the regular tioo; s on tLeir excellent righting. He testified regarding the ai.tiago cumpaigu and sa: I it was weld planned aad well executed. He faii he til l not notice any lack of tupj he cr munitions cf var, though some of the surgeons were killed or taken ill. Strike Vvrth the Sword. The Rerlin Vorwaeris j ubliehe an order issued by the Prussian minister to the (iovernor of Lrfurt complaining cf the leniency shown by the police in the recent election disturbances, and enjoinisg the police ia future to act lesolutely, using the edge and tot the tlat of their sword if rioters refute to disperse. Confederate Veterans Meet, i he Oraud Camp Confederate Veter ans cf Virginia met in Culj-eptr re v? tiy. fv r r&Hw uwfflls ")4 Wvr : Mil 8f America for Americans, Philippines for Filipinos. FUNERAL OF MR BAYARD. The War Investigating Commission's first Case -Peaee Commission Getting Down to Business Department of Porto Rico. A special despatch from Shanghai, lays telegrams furnished by the Taotia or local governor, a local paper, alleges that the Kmperor of Ctiina committed euieido ou Seitember 21, after Binin the decrees which placed the Dowager Fmpress at the head of affairs in China. This, ii is added, is understood to mean that the Fmporor was assassinated. The reports as to the means employed i in his takinir cil'diii'er. One storr has ! it that ho died by poison, aud another thai death was caused by strangulation, while a third states that he waa sub jected to frightful torture, a red-hot iiou being thrust through his bowels. All Fuglish spent in becretarien and the principal members of the Chineso Foreign ollice, it is further aunounced, have been seized and banished. The Commission's First Case. The war investigating commission , , , .t .. . , , , . devoted its time Saturday largely to the consideration of a statement tiled j bv Mr. Nelson, Hirsh, on behalf of the ; New York World, giving w hat ho i styles a record of facis concerning the j establishment of Camp Wikoll' and its management, together1 with specific THF SPANISH BATTLFSHIP MARIA TE-IIFSA. Recently liaised off Santiago by Lieut. Hobson. ) instauces of abuses, charged to have existed, dates, number of sick in hos pitals, deaths, etc. A long list of witnesses were forwarded ami there I was a general request inai xuo corres pondents and reporters of the World bo called. The commission directed that a rei lv be forwarded to Mr. Hirsh in forming him that the statements bhould have cartful consideration. - w Aguinald'j Makes a Speech. There is considerable comment at Mauilf. upon Aguiualdo's speech at Mnlolos leceutly. The key-note was the independence of Phillippine Is lands. During the course of his re marks, Aguinaldo said: "Our friends, the Americans, came for tho purpose of I'emonst rating the generosity aud grandeur of tLeir goverumeut and to assist in releasing the people from slavery without annexing the islauds, thus setting a good example. We now underoiaiid and apj reciato tlio famous X'jnrou doctrine of America for Ameri cans, and justice demands that they add the Philippines for tho Filipinos. " I xpelling the Squaw Men. The Dawes commission has issued orders deciuriugabout gO,W) white men who have married Indian women in the Indian VerriK.ry to bo intruders aud ordering them to leave tho country at once. '1 ho Indian agent has been called upon for his police to eject these squaw men, as they are called. Hear George .Nominated. At a meeting of tho Chicago platform Democrats in New "loik Henry 'eorge, the sou of the single tax advocate, was nominated to head an independent .Democratic ticket. lilipiuos at the White House. Agoncillo and Lopez, representatives of Aguinaldo, called at ths White House in company with ("cneral Oreeue, and had a private conference with the Pres- ideut in the cabinet room. T he inter- view w as entirely liitormol, it dc-icg uis- t'.nctly uu lerstaod that tho administra tion did not receive the tepresentatives of the insurgents in any ollicial capaci ty. The Sick to Be Brought Home. The President has given instructions that ail sick at Porto Rico be sent North as scon as they are able to travel w ith safety, his purpo-o being to relieve ieueial Rrooke of the further care c f the sick, and at tLe same time enable tLe men to receive the treat ment obtainablo in the Letter appointed hospitals. 'him with mud. Later in th3 day. tha : dispatch ad 1, for:.e American mis Wiil Seize Custom 11 use. sionanes were pimiiariy attacked, as 'i Le conduct of the Spanish customs j was the CLiaese secretary of the oth.-es t Havana is very unsatisfactory Suited States legation. Ihe la.t-r'c to the President, an t it ia said to Lve i rl"' "" broken. Sir t Iu le M. Mc l...... ,1..,m,U,I tn tn.6.if, f.f i ! I'oualJ. tLe Rritish minister at customs houa there at tu early ami administer i'.s atfa.rs undar regula tions to Le prescribe 1 by this govern ment. The Insurgents Will Disband, (ieo. Maximo (iomez, in an interview at Camp Rojas, province of SantaClara, is quoted as saying that the insurgent will nisbaad and a; ply themselves to farm labor a9 soon a the Spanish troops evacuate the island. The Ground Burning. Reports from the rire swept sections of Colorado and Wisconsin indicate a heavy loss or i roptriy, wuin n lew cs- lUitiei. In one place in olorado it is reported tLat even the grot;nd is buru- Trlt rCHI 441 or MR. B WARD. APrjfusionof Moral Offerings -Crnmi Very Simple. The funeral cervices oTerth remain of the !te lice. Thoa. J'. Httyard were held iu the eld S-r?duh church at W ib miugton, Del. Thousauds of people assembled at the edifice, but were m t admitted, as it had been ikeided not to oen th caket rnd permit the public t view the rt-muins. There pto futtiou of tlcral o.Teriugs, in addition to thoseofthe family, coming fromftiouds at heme aud at oihor places. The hon orary rail-bearer were: Former Pres. ident (trover Cleveland, former Secre tary of the Treasury Charles S. Fair child, Fbe W. Tunnell, (iovernor cf Delaware; Chancellor John II. Nichol son, Otorgo L. Hivte, of New York city: John V. Craven anil Thoma Cra ven, of Salem, N. J., and Jude Igna tius C. (irubbe. Dr. James A. Draper and Henry ti. 15anni:ij. of Wilmington. The services comprised simply the prayer-book service for the burial of the dead of tho Protestant Episcopal church. The service was read jointly bv He-v. Dr. (1. W. Douglas, of lux- edo Park. N. J.. who as rector of St. John's Protestaut I'piseopal church, Washington, performed the marriage ceremouy of Mr. and Mrs. Hayard, and Hev. Martiu H. Duulap, rector of Old Swedes. New Steamer for Baltimore Steam Packet. A steamer has just been completed for the Paltimore Steam l'acket Com- I pauy's service on Chesapeake Pay, b- I. . 1. i.:. .I 1 l :.. f ... iween i.ammore, , u.utut.. .NOlloia auti i or if uiuain, n., uiiu ia oue uf tLe Urtre8t Vet i,udt for use ou tho inland salt water bodies of this country. The vessel has i?.1) horse power aud 1400 tons measurement. She has a speed of 1 miles an hour when loaded and is propelled by twin screwc, a novelty in boats of this class. 'Jhd twin-Ecrew3 w ill enable her tobe turned in a much smaller area than a single screw steamer, und will be of gi eat value in moving nbout harbors. The 'Tennessee which is the name of the new vessel is modeled with r. llare in J tho hull which gives hor much greater w idth above the water Hue than is usual without interfering with her speed. This feature will render her exi.remely seaworthy. She is built of steel with lengthwise and crosswise water tight bulkheads, is finished in hardwoods and will have accommodations for ''.f0 passengers in addition to a large freight capacity. The Tennessee will be put ou tho route between Raltimore aud Hampton Roads, connecting with trains of the Seaboard Air Lino and otLer lines terminating at that point. A Business Meet ng at Last. A special from Paris says: The Amer ican atitl Spanish peace corn mission assembled for their lirat business k-s-sion at U o'clock Satin day afternoon, iu Ihe rooms assigned to them for tho deliberations at the French Foreign f lice. A si eeial eutrance is set apart for the use of the commissioner, in order to furnish them with every piivacyaud convenience possible. Wants to Send Troops From Manila. The rebellion in tho Visa) as is spreading, aud fever al provinces in the Island of Luzon have been invaded and some officers of tho gendarmes and their families mas wo red. The governor and officials at Iloilo, is'atnl of P.ti.ay, have fled to Manila. 'J he Spanish gov ernment is seeking the consent of tLe Fnited States to send Spanish troops from Manila to tho Visayas Islands to supl'ic-s the rebellion there, so as to avoid tho necessity cf dispatching troops from Spaiii. The Department of Porto Rico. The President has issued an execu tive order creating Porto Rico into a ; new military department tj be known J an the Department of Porto Rico, with Major ( ier.eral John Rrooke in eom- liiatoi. l ne iieau4uariers or me no- I artmeut will be at Ponce until after the evacuation cf tLe island by the Spttu;.-.h army, when it will be trans ferred to San Juan. Chinese Attack British Su'd:ct. TLe Rritish Foreign O.Toc ha re ceived a dispatch from her majesty's minister at Pekin, taying that Mr. Mortiner, a member of the Rritih lega tion, on returning home Saturday w ith a I adv. was inaulted and attacked bv 1 mob. which stone 1 him and covered Pekir:, reports tLat there is a danger ous feeling abroad. Step have bee-n taken to call the attention of the Chi nese government to thc-se outrage. 540.000 Sent to Spain. Information ha reached the Presi dent that the Spanish authorities at San Juan, Porto Rico, recently took po-f et-sion of and seat to Spain about 5-1 ),:) belong. eg to an association oi echoed tnc'it-r This master ha bo-n . tLe BUbjtfCt of a protect sent to the Sj anibh government. It is said to be ' the purpose of this government to com- i el it return, an i, ii cot, vigorous measu.-s w:ll be taken to collect it from tLo persons resonsib! for its WuaDEraor;aiion, Forty Thousand People Present The Launching a Success. RECEIVED BY PRESIDENT FAURE. GreaJ Destruction f Property t th: Hurri cane One Cnv W iped Out Merntt Tcs tifies Before the Conimik.ion. Nri'.ki Nm, Ya. , special). Amitl the enthusiastic j landits of near ly 1 V"' 1 intensely tutoicstod people, theshull s.tli.tatio:. if Uim whistles from many boats a:: lo,'-". a'.nl tho elrains of "iLe st.i spangletl wx Her," tho first class lattleship Illinois waslaiiuctd luesday. 1 Lo lituuch w w.t a brilliant success in every purtn'iilar, the mechanical rei arutious l- iug per fect 'Le ussfinbbigo of spectutora un irecedente l in the iiistoi v of the Nw jort NewsSjiit I'.nddi!;,; and Dry Dock ( 'ompany, and tli.-tiugiiisiied -i soiinef. The sponsored tLe vessel, Miss Nannio Leiter, of CLicugo. at Venn aiued by tovernor 'Fanner, td Illinois. lin utatr in full uniform, mid a crowd of distin guished Cliicagoans, came up from Old 1'oint early in the morning b steamer. The steamer Newport News brought the distinguished guests of the shq ards from Washingtiii, aud all tlio steamboat and railway lines poured peo ple into the pott up to the very hour of the launching. Notable amoug tho vessels in the harbor was the Presi dent's dlq at. -h bout DolpliiO. haviug on board Assistant Secretary of tho Navy Allen ami u party, of Washing toniaus. Tho dimensions of the Illinois are as follows: Length on 1-ul water lino, jr. feet; beam, extreme. "J feet ".'i inches; draft on noimal do-placement of 1 1..VJ " ton s, feet uu hes; mail mum tlisplacemeii t. i;i l ammunition and stores on hoard. I .',!'.'" tons; max imum indicated b ust: power (estnna tetb, pi.oon; pmbabl.t tq.eod. l'-) knots; norma! coal supplv, "' tons., coal nip ply, loose storugo, I ,".''n tons; full bun ker capacity, 1,l nt l.'.oo ttins; com 1 lenient of olficeis. !; seamen, ma rmot, etc , 11. . The muiu battery will consist of tour !:t inch, breech loading Titles, in Hichboru balanced turrets, oval iu shape, and placed in the ceiitro of tins vehcel, and tourtceu'" inch rapid lire guns. I Lo sectiiitl battery will consist of sixteen poutitlr rapid bin guns, two Colt gnus and two lield guns. Sho will carry four torpedo tubes. Kccciv ed In I Jure. A special fiom Pali', suys. I Im Spanish coiunii sp.iic. s. wete leceive l by President I 'nine i.t the lllvsee pal ace. The members ot t ho c uhuiihsioh were iutroduc; l by t!i ! Soautsh aiu bassudor, Senoi l.i'u'i ' irtilli'. Mini Senor P.ins x i - id the r i at i licut inn of the commissi. n at m.h ting the Presi dent of TlulMV. I l. line iiab-1 V ftdloW iug the lecepti.Pi ,i" th ; Spaniards, tht members t f the American coiiiuiisioii were received by I 'l t . niei, t Fiiure, at the liiysee. tienir.d Piitti met tho eomiuisbionei '. en the fttq f t t tLo court of honor, and they procee le i to tho giuud ;a!in Pnsident I nure, siir rolliidcd by u few in e n. i ! h if his offi ciul honst lo l l.i 1 1 -eiv 1 1 t- ni t "I Porter, who presented dudge Pay and thn other ii.cmbers f tLo n'H.i.n-i-iiiii in turn, after which .In lg-; Day piO'eute l President Fame vnh a messagn from President McKinltV. It wa dated September J '. und i a I a, lidlows: " u this ir t a.-ioii. wi.t-u tho commis sions of the I Mil I --bites ui.d Sjaiu are about to as 'nb'e ut tLo capital of France to i.egotmte fit and when tLe lepicsontutives ,.f ti:s govt rnment ure receiv ing tn! Los Mailt v and fcool will of tho repaid f. I, beg to 'onder n my most friendly pwironul greeting and tLo H'Sinaui-i") of my grateful appre lation of vour k led coin I es io'. to tho American tommis: Kuie' -. ' I reident Faure in n-i l vi jg. coiti t ons y -i pless-d Li- u; f fe.;4tlof! f tho coidial sentiments uttered and heartily recipro cated them. N nrk of ihe SPirm. A sj ecial from S,vh!i nah, (a , savs: Communicjit ion by curier L&4 ii.cr. f:stabli-li d w itit p unts in Florida cut tdl by the recent idoiM Report bw great b'f of i.f i .. pinpertv dam Mg will auiouTit to t-vera! inillioua of tiollars. 1 t rnundiiia and Rrunswirk liave lost half u million b Pars eab. Roth are cut oil from communication by wire. I ho village of St. Mary's, (ia., wns rvjp.d out. At I Vrfcaudina tLe tide rose and c ,;:! 1 sveral blocka in the city. 1 iij people wrre rescued from tLeir hemis bouts. The roof of nearly all the buildings wero eithsr blow u oil or damage 1 F our churches were detrovtd. Cargo after cargo was con.t letely blown awav with the tlestr m-t ion tj the b--ks . '1 Le quaran tine station was ib.-troye l. TLe em ployees :ai.ed on rafts. A large bote! and tweatj' cyttae at IVrnan thna Reach weie tb.utrojed. The in habitants were l'.oale l ahoro on raft. Gen. Mtrril Beferc the Commission. A social from Pari Fays: Ihe Amer ican peacj commiasioner devoted Tuestlay's aeasion to a conference with Major (ieneral Mtrritt, who detailed hi persona! viwa and those of Itar Admiral Dewey, regarding the physi cal, geographical, moral and political cooditioae (revailing in the Philippine Islands. Massachusetts Democrats. The Massachusetts Democrats aomi sated Alexander R. Rruce for (lover nor, and adopted the Chicago platform. In Defense of I'.is Mother's Honor. Franci O'Connor, K year old, a moulder ajrrentice, btabbed John Kitchen to the heart in defence of his mother's honor, at tLeir Lome in Mo- idle, Ala. Kitchen, w bodied instantly. was au oyter opener and an all round tough character, haviug served two year in the penitentiary. O'Couner surrendered to the police immediately after the killing. TLe transport OhJnin, which left Santiago for New- Yea recently, i ut back with her bucket on p-

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