MKSSENCKIl l'UHUSlllNd CO., ri'i:l.l.-llKl.. .1. V. (HI NT, I m. it. win i i;.i SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, Sl.00 Leered at tht ri N". C !st Office at Ma , for transmission r- ) J fjr 1 the t-r. U, as second- FRIDAY. DEC. Willi tin Cettig, of lev, I'a.. w liiN at a li.u t v, near his home, S itnl.v Va!- : uhti-kiti drank mimh; ; Ir.itd e:der from a barn-! through a i is'.l.i-r hit-. With tin cider he j w allowed a hoi iM't which had J 1. -mi in t !.e i auel. The insect i .-tung Ci'tt. s ' .1 !.- infernally that his throat swel'i 1 alu:ot j eimking hun. lie was in a pre-( ( itidtiM condition hr several hours, ; I. u; is imc.v out ol' danger. , I'-rilt tl,- KlolMllkf . j Mr. A C. 'I'lio'iia-, ol Mary.sville. : has found a more valuable ii !--i ! v tliau ha et I mm-h made i :i! tin- Klondike. For eais la. t Mi!l'. :cil untold aoiiv from eon- j mi mpt ioti, ;icrornp:Mi ied ly hemor rhage; ;uid was absolutely cured j Dr. Kind's Ni-w l)ieovery I'or. 'oiisuiiipf ion, 'oiihs ami Colds. II. - dcclaies that gold is of little ;i!n- m ro-ii i r i v(n with this mar- j eus run : woui.i nae ii, een n it rit a hiindi d dollar-a Mottle. A'tlnna, J'.ioii'-lntis .iiid all thioat nl lung nlferfiops me posjt i ve r.m d ly Dr. Kind's Xrw Dieov ery lor ( 'oiiuuipt 'on. Tri.d bottles flee .i! CI White's I )i iigstnie. Ilegul u s .f .".( ets. aad ?l 00. ( i uai anti'i-d to run- or price ic 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 . The lirst Aiih'I Iran soldiers landed and marehed to their camp at Havana on Friday. A squad ol Spanish 1 1 oops had cleared the r.imp lor their reception. Old (jIoiv will he formally raised over Moro Castle within a lew days. I i..- I'iIIh. Send jour address to II. 10. I.uek iii iV Co , Chicago, and et a free sample hox ol 1 i , Kind's New Life Tills. A trial will convince you ol their merits. These pills are easy in action and aie priticularly effect it e in the cure ot Constipa tion and Sick Headache. I'or Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to bo per fectly lice from every deleterious substace and to be puiely vegeta ble, 'l in y do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invig orate the system. Keguiar size L" cents per box. Sold by G. I. White, Druggist. The whaler Fearless, the last of the Arctic Hcct to arrive at San Francisco, Cal , one of the long ire bound vessels, caught nothing during her four years voyage. Don't be persuaded into Inning l.niiiieiits without reputation or incut Chamberlain's Fain Halm cost.s no more, and its merits have bem pioen by a test of many years. Su" ?r(iei as iu- follow ing from D (i. Ilaglev, liueneme. Cal., are coiistanly being received: 'The best remedy for pun I have er used is Cha in bei Iain's Fain I'.alm, and I say so alter having o d it in my family for several years." It cures i heuuiaiiHii, lame back, sprains ami swellings. For sale by .M. FA Morphew, Druggist. Alter piar rmg with her hus band, Mrs. WiYliam Santelle, of uume, u. l , tliMew her (.i It v Ml a well and ended er life by jump '11' in alter it. vi'ei nav irnr sotm-Mi len- s eon t'! piais:n- (; in, bcr lam's Coin-, Cholera and Diarrho a lleme.U, "u 1 1 1 - f!,.,!,. ,, naheiin, C.iliiornia. puirhascd a f 'ottle of i. for l is own u-e s ?iow as ennuis i sit ic o ( j U Ol !v ;S ;Ul (IPC cm I'lhi ,"ll ,-,!,! sios I's Moidelfill be. T lot sale- by 1. I'. Moi phew, I)i iiU'ist dohii I '.rooks, rulored, ron irt''l ol an assault upon a white worn.iriY was lianj;ed Satinday in the iail aid at iliniii'toii, . M iti. a household iss.H.riii tl 1 deatli ot tho btiluie to ke. on a sale and absolutely en fain rure lor eioup surh as One Minute l .nigh (',,. Se.- th it votir little ones .in- pi,,t. cto.I against t-mriein N . M. V. Moi !,e , Dnt lluriy ordeis lot the eiiLstiiiont tr ;i lew uao reci mis havt senf to Chirao, Illinois. I'een llou t I'l-ftent 1'iif iimotiiii. At this time ot the year a eold is veiy easily con: i a'-ted, and it left to tun its course without the aid ot some leliahle rouh rnrdi rino is liable t(-result in tliatdrtad disease, pneumonia. We know of no belter remedy to cure a coujli r -old than ChainU'; Iain's Coujh il"!iiedy. We have usfd it in?iv extensively and it MS always j t:ivea entire satisl'ac fori. Ola-ah I I nil IVr. Chief. " ' to it. "is is tne only rviiHMU that that is SUCCi " ".eumoni.; J ?f l'tor of IMymouth HiurL; tlat.ds who have 7," foV ! l00?' aeeou!11 colds and la grippe, we have ev ' ,,ea,th- kiidw io no ;l (....f ..... 1'leventive ' VMM s!,l-r,'' se having , IJMH e,l Ir, pneumonia. JVisons i ho have weak lungs or have ,ea j horrid keen ft,,. , , . , C .-a. J he and ;t cent sizes for sale 1 a'l bf:;,;; "S'T;;,:,,i:?.,:;,.!r; ;";h-:.tioa guarafcta W cure by ail druV J SAVED BY A CAT. The !lranK( Ailvrnlurr 'Mint Befell Tfvu Yoiinu 1-ii. Two y-uiin' nin k j;t bachelor quar ters tnf-ther in a quit t little street ia the Quartier Latin. liris Wh will call theia Jean and Chaibs. They Bbared their modest apartn.tnt.s with one other Wiinjianion, a cat. In order to ff.nomi.e, tlie friends prepared their ua al.-i at home on a little charcoal ttove. One evening while .Jea.. wj.i Htandius by t!ie stov; to- kinp trj hupper he. f' lt an uucontn.IlaLle desire to sleep. He eniht ii'it keep hi eyf-s fpen. Hi-i h .el b-r a-ue heavy ait'i nodfh d. Finally Ji- l it tb.j Wfirk to Charles, ani, throwing' himself upon a car Ii, v,i.i .Lo',ii in a ieej; slumber. hii'.rtly after tins Charles al-'j be;m to j;r(W dr'iWhy. He hlink;. his(:yis, fchook liirj.-eif u tid tri(l to ili on with the t-upper. Lut it wa.- t no use. The force was irresistible He was too fdeepv even to reason jiihI sec how htrane ?t was. 1 t lhi last miiM:to or so be ha 1 teen dimly aware tiiat the cat wai wandering around tiie r(o:n in evident distresH and rryiny lo-jfily, bnthi braiu had become too stupi'l to fjuite compre hend the fact. Almott before he knew it he had sunk into a chair, his head haiik'intr limp it ml his eyes closing. Suddenly he w;ih awakened by a i-h'irp pui! - f air in his face. He jun pen up qui'kly, reaiizinK that something was wron,'. A pnne of lai-sin the win d'",v before which he had been tittiaa was broken The cut wan outside ou the window sill. Hastily pushing up tb fcash, he s wallowed a glasa of water, and aroused hiH friend. Then the two looked around and be (.'an to und' rstroj 1 what had taken place Tho poi.-orH)us kh from the charcoal fire had slowly filled tho room, and pradnally, so that they failed to noticl it, had overcome their senseg. The cat. however, had detected the danger. Feeling sutTocated, she BongM means of ecaj,M. Tho door9 were sht;t, and hi r masters paid no heed to hei cries. The window, though closed, of fered the only ray of hope. In order tc reach it, she jumped upon the back ol a rocking c hair that stood directly bo fore it. Th spring and the weight ol thit aTiimal's body caused the back ol tlie chair to strike the window pan with a force that shattered tho glass into fragments. Tho cat was released and a saving whit! of air blew upon tin ileepTH within F. A. D. iu Philadel phia TimcR Tlie H-nr- Urn. A happy "I'l hn rn-t a dl8e.ntnteJ duck. :in. ' Cl;uk! iuack! Quack! Quack! Bit M li: "I always huva tho very worst ol l;ek. Quack! Quack! Quack!" . yv ... L.l- -rjsf"-: i- Fiilil .stio: "(it luij.plne.Hs I iievor lack! 'luck! (.'luck! Cluk!" "Itut what do you do when H rains lay? Qu.'iok! Quafk! Quack!" "I fln.I a cozy coiner, and there I stay! riu.k! t'ksck! Cluck!" "'Anl what ilo you do when the sun hut? Quack! Quark! Quark!" lly chicks and I lmd a shady spot! Cluck! Cluck! Cluck!" aD "And what will you do when you're killed io en tell; Quack! Quack! Quack!" "I'll make a potplo that can't be beatenl Cluck! Cluck! Clurk!" -Our Little Folks' Magalna A lint She Tlionsht Of. Little Marjorio is by no means fond of going to church, says tho Cincinnati Enquirer. She has to sit too still, and "tho man" talks about things she can not yet understand. " What's it for, mamma?" she asked one day. " What do wo goto church for?" Mamma tried to tell her the reasons, and concluded by paying: "And when you can't understand what the minister means you must re member ho is talking about good and beautiful things, aud you must miik up your mind to think of something good you: fel f. " That, day Marjorio was very quiet in church, and her mother praised her for it on the way home. "I did just as you told mo, " said the wee maid. "I thought of something good. " "What was it, dearlo?" "Apple pie !" An Odd . a in Iter. Did you ever hear of the Peculiarity .about the number 1-TJ.S57? It is not a i c-cent discovery, but those of you who ha jVi' "t heard of it will bind it interest ing ' If we multiply it by any number, fnm 1 "P t . wo urrive at prod- ts ex. lut sseu it exactly tne same ha- V th, original. Not onlv so. hut. with tJi.R ''xeeption ure leadsX ,fT c;ul1 the ti--ur.'s 's tho tion that a different fig- time, the order of figuri'f k s the same. 11 ' V" " ultipl:fd ly 1 1 th same. U-'.V.: i. a --U'li.-d by 2 Is LV..7U mv. 'bed hy 3 Is 4.571 H-'.s;,; jm.!-i ' h,'1 l'-T 5 x 7l4.i l4.'..-r ir.r.lti; ls,'l b-v 6 The peculi;iritv trfrred tostcps with multiplying bv ;', i llt another is appar ent if we multiplv'ht-y then we have as a result thd nF lmUr .dd.- - Golden Fenny ,e - v i Sootliiiii:, heal7ri.' '!eansinj, Ot "'it's Wit Hi HazerV Sllve ,s t,. ! li. VilX- ot sores. burns and tvoutuls It it VVl er fails cure IMes. Von may ' nI,on M V Morphew, Dru ,sr' . Ut'V. l)r. I.VII.AM AKKfftil d vede.l Henry Ward etolc,,Vr r,erTboly ym Cabarets r-an,,y ratharti c, tho most t-na. 'ii of lU' , sin -r O.V " -'VJ' " -vels, BERMUDA ONIONS. Bow They Are ni isf.K-iorll y Urann n Florltin Two metrVd- r.t i Bermuda cnioim are follow-1 by Florida garde i- er, and thes.e are tuus described by ! The Farmer and Fruit (irower of that j State: j Some plant set d f "' m O t. 15 to Nov. j IS and transplant in January. Others j bw iu drills in ti,'j li -M during tlm J lame time. Iu ein.-r oi-c the land ! BbouM be prejjard - w'. It should ! be, as the r.-ult ot s- ie-tjr,:j atlri treat- ment. in a thoroughly ;uhrized and i enriched cfimliti'.n, ia i.-t. but never , wet. All the trash an ! . ees should be previously removed, a- they will inter fere v. ry much with ultiv ..tion. Tl.e only alternative i.- to v! .v them under so deep as to be out f ' r. u h of the rake er harrow, but t!.. requires a two hore jdow, and is not ;idi.-able unless the hmd has Leen so n .oiy yeirs in cul tivation as to have bin me enriched, a:: neas(Jii d ei'ht or ten iiedien deep. L" the laud stauu ;is p-h-. i a few dayg, until the crab gra.-s b ms to appear, then broadcast fume good fertilizer oTi the land and ahallo w hjw it again. Kepeat this two or turee times at inter vals of a few days. Use any good fertilizer except stable manure. This will br (! cutworm and make trouble. As to quantity each one must judge, ft r himself frum the known age i fid fertility of the land. Apply geuen u-ly. Keep harrowing and dragging or rolling until the earth is a m-llow as an ash heap and yet to firm that a horse's feet will not sink into it over an inch or an in h and a half. In this condition, no iimtf r if there is a -rious drought prevailing, the mois ture will ris;e up overnight and show p'aiuly along the purfacu where it was rubbed down smooth with the plank diag. Ou ordinary pine land it is to fcuw the teed wh. re the crop is to be grown in the field. Ou richer land, as hamrno k r bay head, the transplanting system may be adopted with advantage The pine land is prelerable if one is prepared to fertilize liberally, as the hammock gem tally contains too much vegetable matter and makes the bulbs grow soft, splitting into segments and not shipping well or keeping well through tho rainy season. For the Bermuda onion a medium fertile sandy soil liberally treated with mineral fertilizer is better than a 6oil naturally rich with decayed vegetable or animal matter; hence it is best to 60W iu the field, with a drill, having a roller to pack the earth over the seed. If sown hy hand, the seed should be covered less than an inch deep and the row well patted down wdth the hack of the hoe or hy treading' on it. The im portance of firming tho soil on all suiull seeds cannot ho overstated. If the autumn remains warm, the crab grass will come up with the onions and compel the grower to do much hand weeding, a most wearisome and back breaking labor; hence the great Importance of working the laud over eevtral times before planting, in order to give all weed seed a chance to germi nate and bo killed. A llent rlctor Fur I'nruly Stock. It is not at all humane and never ad visable to put blind boards, pokes, hop ples and other "constrictions" of lika nature upon cows and horses that are tsX TO I'KKVKNT Jt'.MPINO FKKCKS. addit'd to jumping fences. They fret tho animal, and growth is impaired and milk production impeded, not to men tion that its life is often endaugered, says a writer in Ohio Farmer in sug gesting that a "restrictor" be used like the one illustrated. First arrange a light piece of rope upon the animal's head as a halter, then pass between the fore legs and around the body just Lack of the shoulders, making it secure. Have tho connecting rope just long enough so that tho animal can raise ita head to a natural position and no high er, and it will bo sure to stay in the lot and at the same time suffer no torture further than its possible desire to get out, for in order to jump over a fence an animal must always raise its head above the normal position, and this it cannot do v. h. u thus hampered. To 1 revent the fore leg from getting over the rope while the animal is feeding, it is a wise precaution to have it held up close to tiie brea.-t by a light cord pass ing around the i:rtk as shown. Of course the rope will stretch little by little with use. and accordingly all slack should be promptly taken up as required. When ou ask for I)e Witt's Witrii Haze! S rive don't accept a counterfeit or imitation. There are mote of Piles bein cured by this, than all others combined. M. 1. Morphew, Diuggist. Children and Thankafflvlnjc. tlratituo Is not a virtue of chiMhoud It h;is U-en doiined aw a lively Benso of fa vors to come, aaid children seldom trouble themselves to bok fttr Into the future. They incept what Is done for them or j-lv-en to them as right, a natural eoue queneo of thoir relations to those about them. Accustomod to be deiudent, the thought of making a return for Lat thty receive dues not readily occur to them. It may to surgesu-d to them, and Thank pivlnp. with all Its associations, sern to U' a i-ei:liarly fittirg occasion for tho It-nipt. Home Journal. A cough is not like a fever. It does not have to run a certain coirse Cure it quickly and effectually with One Minute Con;: h Cure, the U'st remeih f r :i!l ayes und for the most seve e cis. s. We recommend it b.'can.e it's good. M. F. Morphew, Drug gist. The skeleton of a matadorr lias been found on Sulphur Creek, in the Klondike region, a tooth in which w is 4 inches long. To 3!illionN a Year. SI ih When pe.;i.:e 1 t:v. try. ai.d buy acain. it lrf : : s t! , v - s tts:itsl. '1 in- .t-i.J.'e o! ;.. jki.:ted are r.ow bujii Cu.-.ret it l:ied. ;ne r.ow at the r ' y "' at the r.ite it two nu. Uevlce For rnttlnsr Corn Fodder. The sketch af a device for cutting corn fodder for feeding originally ap peared in the Ohio Farmer. A corre- m " H danger of 4J 4J CnTTlNo l:oX . ol; Font KK. P'!;d't:t s-ys: Where one wants to fer -. tram f horse" r a cow fir two, :t lr ill ti:;:t i- lieded. Tho space be ' :w i :i tie.- :.. ( f the floor boards (A) .;; ! il.e cro -piece (B) should be l1 inrht v ide, for the hay knife to work in. M.-ke the box wide enough for a pei-o i n stiiirn Ly the side of a buri al of foitdir. Hace the bundle in the b. t mis foremost, put one foot on it lie! ; i:t in len'tlis to suit cut 4 to 8 in-. ! i until you come to the band, th n i verse the bundle and cut from tie- tr p. I'sti any ordinary hay knife. Kvery farmer kuows the advantage of cut urn fodder over whole stalks. ie V.': Io Kiir Weevil In Corn. i f sM,r Trice fif the college station, is, says in Farm and Hunch: It li'-in clearly demonstrated bv re- 1- Te: p aie.l trials that the storing of wet cni'i j revents injurious effects from the weevil by reason of the fermentation and heat in the crib. A great many farmers take the trouble to haul water and sprinkle upon their corn after every few wagon loads have been hauled. If the corn is gathered in wet weather, there is no necessity for taking this extra trouble. I know of some farmers who leave their corn in the crib exposed to rainfall during the early fall and win ter season to prevent injuries from wee vil. Of course in all of this there is constant danger that some corn will be lust from rot, but usually the percent of los.s from this cause is very small and much lighter than would be felt were weevil allowed to attack the crop. Seed 'orii From Ti mill It-.ittn. It is somewhat common practice to discard the tips and butts of the ears when shelling tlie seed for planting, but the practice is of doubtful benefit. A number of the experiment stations in both the north and the south have made lepeated tests of the productiveness of eeed from different parts of the ear, but these tests have shown no marked or constant differences in yield, even when the selections have been repeated through several generations, according to Pro fessor S. M. Tracy. The September crop circular reports excessive rainfall, resulting in shedding and other unsatisfactory conditions of cotton in the entire cotton growing re gion east of the Mississippi river, while the boll worm and Mexican weevil have been very destructive iu Texas. Overcome, evil with good. Over come your coughs an 1 colds with One Minute O r.jh Cn e. Iti s so good children cry for it. It cures croup, hronehi'iV, pneumonia, grippe and all throat and lung diseases. M. V. Morphew, Drug gist. ! A Coronation Ilolte. Queen Willi lmina's coronation robe wa9 embroidered in Amsterdam by six young women under the guidance of the Fine Art Needlework school. It is said that these girls spent three months exe cuting the work, stitching hard all day. The train, however, of rich cream satin, was cut and made up by a Paris modiste visited by the young queen during her stay in the capital a few months ago, when her measurements were taken. The embroidery on the robe in renais sance iu character and carried out in gold and silver threads. The queen's bet dresses have hitherto been made in Vienna. From the South and YVeat. Of the many women art students to be found in New York it is said that by far the greatest number come from the south and tho west. It might be expect ed that tho women of the south would have more poetic and artistic tenden cies than women farther north, but en ergy is the quality that is looked for from the west However, a great many good things seem to be coming from that part of the country. New York Let ter. More Than One Idea. Mrs. Phebe Hearst of California could not justly be called a "woman of one idea. " She is a lover of children, being one of the founders of the Moth ers' Congress as well as a great kinder garten promoter, sjhe has a passion for ne dogs and owns a f 25, 000 dog ken nel. Now- she comes forward with a magnificent gift to the California uni versity for new buildings, taking a per sonal interest in their construction. Kate to bed and early to rise, prepares a man for his home in the skies. lint early to bd and a Lit tle Marly Uistr.the P'll that m ikes He longer and liefer and wiser. M. F. Morphew. Cood Cold Cream. Cold cream is essential to a woman'! beauty this time of year, when the wind blows and chaps the hps and complexion. To make a very good cold cream that will kerp mil, rinitely, secure about a pound cf muttcii fat. Try it out on the kitchen stove uiter the manner known to housewives. After the grease has teen r.ll extrat.d, strain through a f cheesed- th until it is perfectly cl ;:r Now add a few drops ot cam ph. r and a teapeoef jl cf melted lard. Pour while vvar-.i into your cold creani jar. and v. hen it hardens you will have an exquisite white cream cf the cons-ist-tncycf vaseline. This can be applied liiLtiv to the lips It will keep forevtr. A v re T;''nt trr I'.m. A tra";ii..:. ! v.... , .-..not !oeis& sure iiu..t: :a. . ,. .u.ruv.t. r- ri-u i.-u.. ' ..-.-,, .. j;-tac i.C liiJ ,- ! .... r ;,... .. U...1 Si'Jiial; lirer. Ca-.ant C - .u i -tie. t'i - uu:. itrful Lew 1'V . ,-.:i: !h t ;.:,u il:-s tuuic are y ah I: . 2 .-. rjr.r.iuiccu to -1.: or niiuv'ieiu.!. . t. C ;. are l ; .u'r'- kin-:. Try a tw t:x::: KK:.. -c.. Jur aby EwHine! Every mother feels an inde scribable dread of the pain and danger attend ant upon the most critical pe riod of her life. Becoming a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. MOTHER'S FRIEND is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, Lut all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. is a blessing to ivoman. S1.00PEF.BOTTLE at all Drugstores, or sent by express on receipt of price. BOOKS Confining Invaluable Information of rprr interest to all women, will te aent rniC to any address, upon application, by Til BRADFIELD BKCCLATOB CO.. Atlaata. ft. Miss Annie Corrian, who was mis tress of the school of Ashburn, County Meath, when the late empress of Austria visited Ireland, has received a com munication from the Baroness Limpoeck of Schoeubrun Schloss stating that the empress was so pleased with the man ner in which the school was conducted that she had left Miss Corrigan an an nuity of $100. A fund has been raised by the trus tees and other friends of Oberlin college to fuund a permanent chair in that in stitution to be named the Adelia A. FieM Johnston professorship in honor of Miss Johnston, who was professor of medical history and the first woman to fill a chair in Oberlin. The Richmond chapter of the Daugh ters of the Confederacy has adopted a resolution providing for the erection of a monument over the grave of Miss Winnie Davis, "Daughter of the Con federacy." It is tho purpose of the chapter to award the contract early in January, 1891). Society girls are putting on the mitts. Michael Donovan, picfco'sor of boxing at the New York Athletic club, has several smart women among his pupils. While proud of their muscular develop ment he inclines to the belief that Cu pid alone will figure in all their matches. A tax on the childless has been resort ed to in Madagascar in order to keep up the waning population. Ilucklens Arnica Salve. The host salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Kever Sores, Tetter, Chirp ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price cents pir box. For sale by (J. I. White, Druggist. A Touch of Itomance. A late wedding has a touch of old ro mance the wedding of Miss Annie M. Fowler, who served as a Red Cross nurse in Cuba, to Albert Vanshelle, a Delgian nobleman, delegate general of the Red Cross society on the 6taff of his majesty Leopold II. Miss Fowler is the daughter of Dr. E. S. Fowler of Springfield, IUh., and is descended from the first eettlenof that city. Soon after the war with Spain began Miss Fowler offered her services as nurse to Miss Barton, and in July 6he left for Cuba. She arrived on the battlefield at Santi ago after hostilities had ceased and did good service in aiding the wounded and sick. Boston Herald. Constipation prevents the body fro hi lidding itself of waste mat ter. I)e Witt's Little Early Kiseis will remove !he trouble anil cure Sick Headache, Biliousness. Inac tive Liver and clear the Com plexion. Small, sugar coated, don't gripe or cause nausea. M. F. Morphew, Druggist. IIot Ile Yntllat- Their Homes. The buzzing sound that bees make in their hives and which can be often heard by those standing outside is not Droduced for the sake of the music It is o expel the bad air, and a row or file jf tl.em may often be found near the rutrai-ce engaged in that health giving operation. Meanwhile there is another littlo company standing just outside, "flutter ing tne iresn air in. All this time the little messengers between hive and flow er 0. come and go and brush past the ventilating corps with their little loads of honey. As many as 20 bees may be engaged at once in this praiseworthy process of giving fresh air tw their homes. J The sooner a cough or cold is cured withouf harm to the sufferer the better. Lingering colds are dangerous. Hacking cough if dis tressing One Minute Cough Cure qaickly cures it. Why Miffer when such a cough cure is in reach ? It is ph asant to tlie tate. M. F. Morphew, Druggist. Miss Lizz:e Howard uluined Monday Iron a tw"o weeks visit with her sister, Mr. Sherrill, in Maiion. rieaoly I it Illootl Deep. Clean M.m1 means a tlean skin. No beauty without it. t'a.varet-. Candy Cathar tic tiean your Lioi arid ke it clean, lj Kirririi: uji the l.ty liver and driving ail im I'laities fnru the IhIv. l'-in today to banish j ::n;.ie,. !.,..!, ,lut hex, bla khead.s, and t!..t !-.ik.'y Lihous c..nij.!e: in by Ca are?-. U-.iut y 1 r ten rent.-. A!!d:u'- WE ARE "Stove OP." Do you want to see cooking done well and easily? Just put some raw material inside or on top of one of these STOVES. A carload of Richmond Stove Company's Stoves received r.t ihe Marion Hardware Company's Store, at from $7 50 to $ each. :i pieces cooking utensils goes with every stove. Over 15 stoves sold in the last ten months all kinds. MARION HARDWARE COMPANY. if gsapt iellf. It GJou and DO YOU WANT TO DRESS WELL? Then see our new lines, Spring and Summer, percales, dim ities, organdies, for evening dresses, Irish dress linen, lawns, plaids, silks for any purpose, calicoes, dotted swiss and trim mings; general line of Gentlemen's Negligee Shirts. Also, Shoes (the Douglass Shoes), Hardware, Farming Implements, Harness Goods and Saddles, Lime and Cement, and Groceries. J. S. DYSART. Marion, N. C., May 6, iSgS.-t f. We Want to CD-TU-IIS-JEL Customer of Ours. Just opened up the nicest and largest lino ol ltugs, Carp ts, FUtr Oil Cloths, Samples, elc. Shoes the most complete line we have ever had to show. Dry Goods and Notiorrs arriving daily. Trunks, Valises and Umhrelhis we are simply ahead ol :m of our competitors on Umbrellas. Tinware, Glassware and Queensware to suit every one. A full line of heavy Groceries, Plows, Ntsson Wagons, Harness, etc. All Xjglxt Dress Goods, Stara-w- Hats and Summer FaTDrics at One Half Price to get them 01T the counters and shelves. Yours lor honest dealings, McCALL & CON LEY. Helo, There! '1 We extend to one and all a cordial invitation to visit our display of New and lieautiful Holiday Goods, especially selected with a view of meeting all the requirements of the gift makers of this locality. Our magnificent stock includes innrrrneralde attrac tions perfectly adapted to meet the requirements of people who are in search of gifts for old and young, expensive or inexpen sive. In fact NOW IS THE TIME AND THIS Come while the stock is complete ami get just what you want and just what will please the person you desire to remember. The prices are right on every single article in this entire tock and we will satisfy you ir. this respect as you were never satisfied before, lie sure to call and see our goods. BESIDES XMAS GOODS We have a full line of Glassware, Crockery, Tinware, Ilucket-, lirooms, Dry Goods, Jewelry, and a new line of Lamps just iu, suitable for the kitchen, dining room or parlor; also, the best lilack Stockings you ever had a chance to buy for only 10 cents a pair. 'T FAIL TO SEE THEM. Those Tuikish I'ath Towels, nearly GO inches long, and only each. Kxtra special: An 18 piece Decorated Tea Set for only j?i.1.". Don't fail to see this, as I have only 11) sets left. Do not fail to call and see our goods and get our prices. VARIETY STORE, M-AiRioiisr, :isr c. Mrs. Wynn, aged and owner of half the town she lived in Urooklvn. Illinois has leen mur dered by robbers, who cut her throat in her front vard. Mr C. M. Dixon, a well known nierehant of Pleasant liidge, Ful ton county, Pj., has a little girl who is frequently threatened with croup, hut when the first symptoms appear, his wife gives her Cham berlain's Cough Iierriedy, which always afford prompt relief. The clTt and 50 cent sizes for sale by M. F. Morphew, Druggist. P. H. MASHBURII, Dealer in Drills, Perfumeries, Toilet Goods, Patent Medirines, Drug-gists .Sundries, Cigars. To haci o, etc. Prescriptions carefully com pound hy Dr. Whipple W. Clarke. Your trade villlappreciated. fully, P.H. MASHBURN, 0u Foict, X. C. Inow It h Good fot Soo Jjigf?. IS THE PLACE. j r r Digests v.hal you cat. Itartillr-i.u'yd'?.- food and aids NaLur.'j in st:e- l.n. ult and rcon- htn;':tir tlio ir:ir.s. It hi .'..1 ant and t-.i . caii aj pn ;k 1. fctar.n v r 4. . liil'l".:. I:.. Hat uKi. 10. Sick I Kmc: .c , :, llotherr--id frtpartd t E r 1 dir.f.tiv" or ": I : Tjar iti ' - V. It Ifi- :;t!y c:n-s A t : t ;. r 'n;; p-.arij t ri:i'r in. Co.. C..i:2o For sale by Dr. M. F. Morphew. W4 SO YEARS' EXPERlFNrr Trade Marks Cure I 3 . ff Copyrights Ac. SclcntiTic American. IIMIJIiro nb'' ,L Mllfill & Co.36ibt. lew York ill ce in 11. 1 , T"uv 1 ' a "ill in iiirtt m:!l;..n i i.., vu , v Y....J-... t ,,K.rjt ., lV,.,j "-s. .'.I :s ..r'Mhe T!i.: delihtt'u! !v.t 1 i i: f-yea n 'n t v, r bod y ti.e year round. Ah ri,1:!' ' c6 liK' vure guaranteed. fa V: hjH'Ck JfoC. tcv our U-