lH$'n?inWo r WTO , .' ' - . j V '' 7 ': V VL-J : eclfs wk dost BREAK. j D. N. Lonon fc Bro. have purchased V nubwription will be taken unless ( Wm- Burgin's stock of goods and have ,iU for in advance. . opcn9x ai f the tore room jn tfae Bur Five eents per line for all obituaries. ' gin nouse Don't take the paper out ol tne pos; IOc. THXTESDAT, a-JSTXTJST 3 1894 office unless you intend to pay for it. So candidates' announcements pb lijbed unless paid for in advance. Local notices 10 cents per line for flrnt Insertion, 5 cents thereafter. Display ads fK0 per column per year, r. ... j. -m i - J-t - UJ1--JL. i!-f St'BHCIPTION RATKK. Oue Year - $1.00 Hix Month - - - 50c Thre Months - 25c OEATH OF CHARLES 0. BLAHTON. He Died Suddenly of Heart Dis-ease.-The Funeral. Ten employees of J. I,. English's,! Hon.Cha. D. Blanton, ex-mayor om Asheville, passed through her j of Asherille, and formerly a resi- dent of Marion, died suddenly of heart disease, on Dec. 20th. He was the oldest son of Mr. William from Tuesday night on their way to his mill near Glenwood AHIUVAt AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. 3esrsi Railroad Wt bound train rrifi l Msrioa at 1.57. p na., nnl leaves t 1.04. Ktt Wound train arrives at 4:15 ard lnet t P- ra- C.. 0. k C. RAftnoAO Train arrives at 11:4s p. m , nl leavM t 4:45 p. m. LOCAL GLEANINGS. Bring your Job work to the Ricord. It snowed several hours yesterday. Stick to your New Year's resolution. Will Neal left Tuesday for Washing ton. R. II. Bennett was m Statesville last weak. J. C. Linney tjunt last week m Tay lorsville. Nisj Bckie Gardin is visiting at A. r. (lill.y's Mrr.. BettieRay isjvisiting relative in Knoxvillo. Kev. T. J. lingers returned from'Hcn rietta Monday. The Rkcobd did not make its appear ance last week. Dr. George White spent Christinas in Morganton. Mr. Jtff Hyams, of Bakersville, was in town Vouday. Deputy Collector Xeal's cfllce ia in the Tieduiont Hotel. A dance was given at the Fleroming Hotel Tuesday night. J. L. C. Bird spent several days in Greensboro last week. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Justice spent the holidays in Ruiherfordton. Eugene Neal returned from Davis' Military School last week. Starr Gadrn.of Vein Mountain, spent a few days in town this week. Elder Hoyle and family have moved to a dwelling on Spring street. A big strck Liverpool fait, in seatr- bags at McCall A Conley's. The young men deserve credit fftr their conduct during Christmas.. Mr Ceph Blanton and J. G. Grant have won the belt for bird killing. Christmas wasan unusually dull on? here on account of the bad weather. Several drove of mules passed through town this week going south. Tlx Mt. Ida Lodge K tf P. install; tion of officers took place lat night. Editor W. T. Robertson, of Rogars ville.Tenn., was m Marion this week. Prof. G. W. Bird is in town again after a tour through Mitchell county Several communications were crowd ed eet this week, but will appear next week. Don't forget ta call on Geo. A. Oil Wv fnr furniture near the K. & t. depot. Prof. G. W. Bird will give an ter tainment tomorrow night in the court house. Col. J. F. Morphew is pendingthe holidays with his wife at Piedmont, Alabama. George Tate is proud of th pair lit tle girl twins that arrived at his house Dec. 20th. TTe have put in a new and splendid job press, and can do all your job print isg cheap. L. L. McKay, of our town wants to buy for cash 5ow,o00 feet ef poplar lum ber, at once. Don't seM your Peas, Kg?, Ry Corn, Beans Ac, until you see J G. Nichols A Pro. (apt. John Tipton, the gifted editor of the Rutherfordton Democrat, was in Marion last week. John Newton after spending Xmas ; week here with his wife, has returned to Alexandria, Va. Alexander Sinclair, who has been attending the State Industrial School, is home on a visit. The freexe this week has furnished ic enough for a number of ice kouses and plenty of skating. J. G. Xeal is having a store room completed first door below Xichols Bro's. for W. B. Rati iff. Mr. Sam Turner, who is 'destined" to represent Mitchell in the next legisla ture, was in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Maloney,of Ilen dersoiiville, parsed t trough town yes terday en route to GItiiwood. On last Monday night a concert was given by our local talent for the bene fit of the fire sufferers, which was lib erally patronized. B. . Halliburton has built, him a barber shop on his lot, where he is now prepared to give you a neat hair cut. shave and shampoon. A -arty was given last. Saturday night at the residence of Mrs. Carter, on Gardin street in honor cf Mr. and Miss Way, of Ashevillc. Capt. W.H. Ramseur.who for a num ber of years was conductor on the Three C's railroad, hasaccepted the position as manager of "FJorida on Wheels." R. R. Brookshirc will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church in Marion at the usual hours on the 2nd Sabbath of January 1895. 2TO 1- Tie Fiery Fi eni Run us out of the old stand, but we are now and Mrs. Josephine Bi.mto of "tiea up in the Hyams Store House, next this Dlac. and w imivroi!K- -. lored for his many nobie traits of ;f,00r to the Baptist Church with a larcre character. j a f Brinj? us all your produce. V JlcCALL Jb COXLEY. s II M I r Lost: A small crooked-handled brown cane from the Presbyterian church last.Sunday. Finder will leave same at Record office. D. W. Greeulee. The 'jchedulo of the Southern RuilroaJ hau boen changed. The westbound passynser train is due iere at 1 :57, and th LHstbuund at 4:11 n. ni. Prof. Bird and Prof. Mccarty, the celebrated musician and magician, will give a flrt-class concert at the court house tomorrow (Friday) night. Go and see them. O.i the 2nd Monday in January, the 14t h, the school at the academy will be opened. There will be about two months of subscription, before the pub ic school brgins. Wanted: By a young lady of intelli gence and experience, a position as teacher in public or private schoo', or clerk in store. Apply to the editor of Ekcckd for tier address. Mr. J. A. McDonald received on Dec. 21st one bale of pla'ds from C. . Gra ham & Co., Greenville, S. C, for the benefit of the Marion sufferers. It was immediately turned over to tne relief committee. Last Friday night was the coldest Friday night ever endured by freezing flesh among the hills. We kept watch on the thermometer till it got below zero, and "froze up' and coulJ'itell just how cold it was. Some days ago, Mark Grecnlea, one of the best known old darkies in this county, died, lie was a good old man. In his last illnessjhe wasgcared for by Mr.and Mrs. VcKay,and received every attention that human kiidncsscould suggest. Died: Miss Jennie Ogle died cf fever, and was buried at Trinity the twenty-eighth of December. She was an amiable lay, andjir.d been a mem ber of the Presbyterian church for sev eral years. May.,God comfort the be reaved family. Rev. Wm. 11. White will preach in North Cove, at the McCall Sccoolhouse on the 2nd Sunday in January ISO's at 11 a. m. He will also occupy the pulpit at Si loam at 11a.m., of the 1st Sab bath of January 1895, and at Old Fort the n ght of the same day. The liberality shewn by the msur ance adjusters in settling'the claims of the losers by the late fire in Marion and the promptness ith which the companies have been, paying thei lesers, to all who were insured, is o the most commendable character. It also shows that the inturai.ee eompan ies represented in Marion by W. F t'raig, doing business through the agency of Thos. II. Haughtcn, Esq, of Charlotte, are among the most re liable doing business in the state. The following paragraph from the Democrat shows that thij good peop e of Kutherfordton are going to mani fest their sympathy for the people of Marion; who sufTeied losses bj the re cent fire, in a practical way : - The musical and dramatic talent of Kuther fordton will give an entertainment at Mil T.EAVPR v....i..i , . iceiZl rth PoIe' r'l.t.lO ai m. CmpeCod .! fi!,iJ,i2'-W- New York (,lIlf 1 m- Chicago - t" !tJt,h'lla-m- ARRIVES At Marion s- J,' JN 4? a- , vh, i! p. m. WILL RECEIVE BY THIS TRAIN. 1 Case cf Rings, consisting of Ladies Mis and Children-,' plain CHAS. D. ELAXTON was born in C'vc-arid county, on the SOth thy of August, lie wivi elected mayor of Ashovi'lo twic by the largest niaj ri i any candidate for that office ever re ceived. He as a big-hsarted, lib eral and progrefisivo man, and his untimely death is mourned by all cf our people. The following is copied from the Asheville Citizen : Roc'" ford, Surry County, N. C, Dac. 22. Chas. D. Blanton arrived at Rockford on the 12:50 train Thursday. He procured a team and driver to go to Hugh Sprinkle a and to the place of Mr Sherman. fifteen miles from here, in ladkin county, to take some whisky out of the warehouse. Mr. Blanton left Rockford about 1 :30, went to Yadkinville, when? le spent the night. He was com plaining, and did noteat anydin ner. The driver said he ate ver little supper or brsakfast. About sven o clock a. m. Mr. Blanton went to Hugh Sprinkle's distillery. Ho went to the ware house wilh Hugh and John Sprin kle, V. F. Mounts and the driver. Mr. Blanton as general store keeper, and while stamping some barrels, ho fell to the lloor. Sprin kle said to him : "Are von hurt? Ashe'made no anwo, Sprinkle and Mounts ran to him, raised him up, and bathed his face. Mr. Blan ton breathed only twice after he was raised up." The remains of Mr. Blanton were brought to Marion Sunday, Pec 23rd, and after an impressive fune ral service, conducted bv Dr. Lan drum, were laid at rest in the cem etery, being attended with Masonic and K. of P. honors Swallowed a Poand of Cotton. Two days ago a cotton planter came f mo natron, grinding a coupieoi Dales of cot;6ri? with lu-ii. He tratft-lod through mud and rain ann when lie reached iialeisrh he wa lUartln Bros. We desire to thank the kind friend?, and especially the ladies, through the Kkcord, for the aid rendered us in the work of living ur ;:.odrf durinsr the r cenl .n. dir-ip, c.;:iMy and uncomfortable, but j Wm now have a goxl att:k he proceeded to :;o around among the ! general mviCiiandisir opened of in oaiJd, engraved band and stone set gold riiic 1 Casaof Watch Chains, nice assort;ue it Stick 1W ' ""CC ' " 1 in'- T l'.n..Prf .nd i SSilTl.te S"S" S,,"a llUUM Kui"" 1 ril TUS .JK tuyerf, was finally offered five cents for bin cotton and drove off to the plat form, lie returned with his certificate of weights, secured his check and went and drew his money. By this time he was very damp and chilly, so he con cluded to take just a lifle of the "ar dent.' He Went to a saloon, called for a "short." lie poured it out, took it up. when a by-stander said, "Give us a toast?" All right, said the farmer, and rais ing the glass to his lips, he said : "Here goes a pound of ei'tton." Holiday Kuckcts. We learn that Ben Snipeg was shot in the legs at Mica last Fri day night. Ic is reported that Joo Washburn shot John Lowry through the hand on Pepper's Crtek. It is whispered that Henry Mc Kiuney made an ugly wound on Milt Hoi i field's head with a rock. It is doubtless a fact that Jim Washburn was flourishing a pistol and threatening to shoot Samu?l our ii.vr ouiiaimr, an-.l inite our frienda to come and see us. Respectfully, MARTIN BROS. Notice. I have openod up my millinery in the Eagle Hotel, Room No 11. Persons desiring anything in that line, will please call at the above number on Second Floor, where CAPITAL $50,000 they will find Miss Lula Norton in charge. A great reduction in prices of everything. Your patronage is solicited. Respectfully, Mrs J. P. Norton. Lewis M.nncx, Phesidkxt. I P. McLor ft. Casiiii. ASIIEYILLi:v.!V. C IBSIU.ATF.I mTK UKE'OftlTOItT. SURPLUS $25 000. We have Special facilities for handling 1U huaiu,, of Merchants and others in Western North Carolina. If y,.u hVo no Bank account or think of a change, wo will be g'a l to have you correspond with us. " Saved From the Fire. I have saved bedsteads, bureaus, washstards, clir.irs, springs, tables and safes. All who are in need of such things can find me at A. B. Gilkey's residence. Geo. A. Gilkey. A, B. (tILKE YuSOl ale of Valuable Land. Bv virliie of a decree of the Superior Brown, when the weapon was dis- Court or McDowell County, rend red at ran lenn, iau, in me case oi jonn charged, the ball taking effect in Idash!)tirn's lesr. Carson against K. A. Thomas and others, I wijl sell at public auction at the Court Mouse door in Marion, North Carolina, on Monday, January 7th, 1805, at 12 o'clock M. the interest of the said E. A. Thomas, Joseph L. Elliston, I". K. Brooks and Robert P. .Hate in and to a tract of land in the town of Have opened their Grocer Store in'th Southern end of the Flo mining Hotel, wJieo they are prepared to furnish the publi w everything in the Grocery Line. We will aso have our , Livery Stain C. F. Grifflng. Mr. C. F. Grilling was indicted recently at Ashevillc for obtaining money under false pretenses. Mr. John C. Brown, of this county, went on his bond for $400, and Grilling failing to appear, Mr. Brown may have to pay the cash. A Pleasant Surprise. The members of the Chameleon Club were treated right royally by Dr. and Mrs. Cheek, on the occasion of the meeting of the club at their house on Fr'day evening. Miss Fannie, the pretty daughter of the house, received her guests with her most charming manner, making oue and a 1 feel at home, several very amusing games were played by the young people. At nine thirty, the doors of the din ing iuom were thrown oj.c;i, and a more sumptuous repast w as never se;n in Marion. Two tab!e.', one for mcaN Tfotice. All parsons indebted to W. P. Blanton mrst call at once and set tle, also nersons runnintr accounts v n t,:k ..n- a.-.a must settle, and no more can be in a deed made by John Carson and CQUippCd Wltll CTOOd IlOrSCS aild VCHIO CS in f , , A. . . wife to the said Ihomas and others,! A x 4 pui on me oooks, as uie esuue which deed is recorded in the office of T n must be closed. Big reduction in Register of Deeds of McDowell co-inty, feW (ltlYS ieSpeCtlUly all lines of merchandise. Call early 8Cription reference is hereby made te and save further trouble. deed reco-ded as aforesaid; also T , ,.r five lots in Mount Ida Tark, being de- J. u. i tAL ana n-.jvi. 15LAto?t, scribed as lots Numbers 27 and 28 in A. B. GILKEY & SON We Administrators. Ittnst Collect. Klock No. 1; nd Numbers 1,2, and 3, in Block No. 3, as will fully appear by reference to a deed made by John l an- Ilnving suffered a severe loss by Jr., to said Robert P Hare, record r ed in Book PJ, on page 33 in the Regis ter's office aforesaid. Terms of sale: Cash. This Pecen.ber 1st, 1S94. B. B. PRICE, Commissioner. the recent fire e request all our friends and patrons to make imme diate settlement oi all accounts du? us, or th same will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. MORPHEW & WHITE, x Druggists. To Those Who Owe U. HARDWARE Sale of 'aluable Land. By Virtue of s decree of ihe Superior Court of McDowell County, rendered at Fall Term, lf.94, in the case of T. l Greenlee, Executor, vs. J. S. Mills, Ad ministrator of M. B. Mills, and W M. Hudgins, Heir at Law, the undersigned irommissioner, appointed by the Court Hardware w 4 MT.'Vnafn for that purpose, will sell to the high- We desire to say to our cueto- t fo;ca9h at theCourt mcrs and all who owe uh that we ' door in Marion, on Monday, January , i ,.:.i-mq iOJ 7th, 1S95. at 12 o'clock M. a valuable uuviug untiu tuusmcu.!, ,v farm on the wateis of of Jake's : reek, during the recent fire are compe'iea adjoining the lands of the Heirs at law 11 . ... 111.,, K.r , ,L,a of E. H Grant, deceased, the Heirs at 'J iuiiwv uirij miicii mc, J " us by the first of January next. Friends whom we have accom- Hardware. the circumstances that will force t:s t coil "tt our accounts, and w groaned under the weiiit of so many gotxl things, turkey, ham, corned bi'vf, together with salad and colli-, ainbm- the court houc t ext Tuesday night fur pia, custard, Ave or six different kinds law of W. F. Cannon, deceased, Wm. II Greenle- and othrs, and being the tract of land upon which the late M B. Mills lived : for certain and specific d- modated we hope will appreciate script ion of the said lauds reference is . tu.t -ill f, hereby made to i he cnmplaiiit fi'-d in the said oajsc. The said and will be solu o -atiffy t: e judgment rendered the other with refreshments, Hirly ,TliI !llVM to do no bv law if you do: 71. rl not pay us by the first of January." Thanking you for past favor; ot the vitiset nt R.tnsvi'', iisi. and soliciting a continuance ,,f : n-.-"ev.T wi:i.ot a t.tti f Oajer- your patronage, we tiesure to say ; j,COb b own. t 'ra.iin. mud nt of ib that new goods due? old Htand of cake, raudy, nuts and fruits of all kinds, were arranged with so much taste, that t' e appetites of the guests w. re increased tenfold. I am afraid if the company had indulged as freely as i heir hostess pressed them to do, the head of the house would have had many ca Is before day light. At twelve o'clock everj girl with her attendant beau, had departed, but be fore biddies their hostess adieu, they j which I one and all voted it the most elegant I time. supper it had ever been their god for OF ALL K IDS. ........ ..vf.. : Respectfully yours, MARTIN BROS the benefit of the sufferers by the Marion fire. The program will be a most attractive oee, embracing reading, recitations and music by both the string and comet bands. We hope, and believe, the citiiens will liberally patronize the entertainment." iria Tried. On Tuesday, Dec 25, 1S94, at the res lience of the bride's father, by Rev. John Brown, Miss Stella C. Walton was married to r. JohfTMiller. On Wednesday evening, Jan. 2nd, in the Presbyterian Church at Morganton Br. .inhn Ti.rnhilL of Marion, was mar ried to Miss Hennie Anthony, a charm- ' their club has been treated so royally, ing young lady of Burke, Uev. Mr. An- I mistake not, Mis.- Fannie prepared rf. nfficiaHeir. The bridal narty i st f h good things indulged in : ---.-.-I ;.. f rit", to-dv. a- d will be night. M. - ...... .niirhr it Mr J The REcoaDand"AtIant Weekly watch chains, fresh from the fac- i lurnbill s ; Constitution one year for fl.40. j tory, at Swindell's. N. C. I lnve a full assortment of nil. kinKof .nljvrc, iuclu tting Uniklcrs- supplicn, such as. nailst-locxsarvl. hinC, we have hc mpiete stock of j t: ' ;l1so, paint, oil and white lead, i liavc a fine line of Gun. roods cheap for cash or pro- hn m.thi8 Uo know itonb r wii 1 , . ao ra ' st d Ifi HO at our buiidmg in rear of the "a to e wi.i,oni i... Kr s.i by vor , ti breach and muzzle loartcrs, Irom i$z o npioiu v . For Sale." I have a good two-horse hack wiil sell for cash or on i Wm. Mc J. Burgi.v. ! W. C. SBWI.ASD Lenoir, X. C. M. A NKWLASD. I Marion, X. C. tune, in which to indulge. The young peopl are loud io their praises of Mrs. Cheek's kindness, as it is the first time Geo. A. Gilkey has opened up hisfi:r- ; niture in the M. Call store room near j the R. & D. depot. i New line of mantel clocks, big' rptow. of all prices and kinds, including tbe celebrateu w raroa Cook Stove. Heating stores of all t il.r. An iH kinds of T i Roofing and Outtenng. X eoc.d . for CO cu; M.U6ek for 0 eU. & mllmn 'erLi.. the hardwirou.ioeu; I think I m .W VvI rouWli in iny line at th. vrry )?w,.t price po.s.bU jii w - - . ATTORNEYS AN D CQUXoEI.IXJlts AT LAW. MARION, - - - - N. C Practice in the courts of the 10, Respectfully, value, sure to suit, at Swindell's. 11, and 12th districts, and the Su- , i ! i i Dreme court f N. C, and the L. A select line of ladies and gents Pir" tv wlNrorgonton, N. C t