.-. ' . , :.. ryr1J! -A. ' eases! aaaes- f ?J jil v p I : ' McCall & Coulcy extern! to their m.-.nj fri.mN A KAPPY NEW YEAR GREETING! We take ple;eure in announcing our incivcsed i".viiiti'j to so.-vr-yo,". Bring us ALL YOL'Ii niODl'cn And got Coods Cheaper thnu any where el iu Town. E5AI,'lUAl' CrilA:TOH U;5JAK?.j:v MOLI mMWvnttJ 7 i 1 '-- -"- ----rrir3-"--r---.: ; l t.ta I o g- Kr:EiiT ike ;-rnv.F Tin. LOCAL GLEANINGS. l or lr-rI HvaJer. j , nr ! A-he?il! News matter is i i"Jt wwW. ! ... i. .,M Ja;oH at V. J. fclarjt asA; 1 1,- rt snow we hv,? haitl-h v.:.,.-r mud" its awarurt Tu,.day niht. ... , (Miiitiiijiiii -!in wa li:tnlt-J lib ;r. in Niv 'r--'-k this week, but as n .: .it..!) ii.-.. it nn! riii'l. 71 llll ' HI1' r-" ' ' 1 r -, j:. ,l.iys sin jour nam.-. Mis 4ar:iTit -irai-t.. on of the ., i -lest :in 1 p.'ettiwst lit t !- ladies in M-iriuti. pud Hi" UK'1""-'' 11 j.i.M-.ni! vi-it Monday. Mis-, Si ' 1 1 m i ' i li'irl li ')!. oi M: iw , ;l -) V Ml 'I -1 1 rl I" .-; 1 I:,' drullfb'ers. I, i, - .-i" !') l.i'ii --! on.-, v:. '., to attend .-cif.ol. . ( :tiit. John 'r-ii'i has j'i t killed n .-, rj line h-phTd dug. v.iii-ii bad ,-,.!i-';.li"li.i. 1 !" '': ''it u tint- ho;,' v. I.irb (lit 1 il.--'-. ; he A ib.'it ru in s.lk-i to trim it at ibiv yo'l i l.r.'t -::;! I'.ii'l V. :'. i'.Unl'i.iV. Its nil t!:-1 'i i'1" , .. ! !,.. iit.; .1.1. W. !'. ;:l:ilt:!. I h'i-i li.i-T !!i.-- !i:iri , wli- b i "Y i?s ,n print !'-! iuk, ;n".v ;;;;'.-., a.'.d low J I" j -:-. W.. r -iri-i t. l' Irirtt tfi.it fii:r c.s- ... in.-! fri.-nii, !i,t. r;. ;. (i.ui.-n. r A Milt i-i ;:. - v'-!.!-V.:i.-.Tn N-irth Car)!ii!!Mi arc- iiit- i"ht"J, a'-.inst ihu Knoxviii v'-nth.-r:i Uaiinad (Jo. Wlu nt Kut- u;- i::y in K'Mvviii- in favor .f th p'aitit:;!,. Tijj Ki: -xvi!le Triour,,. "'J'lie (b'cpe as r-filfrtil by .lude Kfy yesterday hIIdws Hr l'.t'f, A -':)., .J. W. WiJsi;n fnf M.rirt'i!i;ii, N.O. i aud V. iiiir-i:) ,'.,f MaHu. X. C.j tb-'r i laiius in full against tb raiiKoad. V. IJ. Cn-u-biiv; and cfi-iain otbt-r c-iviJ "K'ni'frs hN trt tU-ir rlaims al!At-d i irrci iy iiaiu.-l liic railriiA'l I .)ilij).lt!y.. As to t!i-justice of t h d.-cir son tbvr is but mir opinion. It is !i;iiv'rmlly o:ii:iifiid-d. ThfMoiu! amo:: of t in; rer:ovi;ry t nhut r..o00. 'j l.-.-r" i., al-ri-aJy u .fluid in-ortl d" inort- tban ).!! iip:u-a:id o:tav.i jiae.s. and t !;: jr:);i!' rc:-TTitly t:ik"n is HiiHirifut to ni-iku :ino! Ii'-r record of ext -.-it. It i-a -ry iitcre-t ng and i::i)ort ;itit lit i-r;it in,-. 'J it- b'a liti contractors atid t!:.' li'ijiiiip-d to Ib.vn iire as follovs : . J(m;cs. $ tn," s:v; Thomas M.'l-'ar-I-'.m.!, :;),.;:); cbi-ijs Living. m, '"'!: St-.'VC ;.:iib:.:, .J'J'.t.tn'l ; JIcricTt. ii.-iil, ;.n:io. I'bc of ?.!c!!,-.'. v,hb !iist bc paid ii lull, amounts t o illJ.Oti'j, jn;iking a total of owr V.iii Moinitiin. i ill. :i?id (. i!iii;,. d t ,-o;n moil of t i l . H. ii.I.bil! t. Clark tbi!in-r;.ri..i.-u: iM-irl.i !lc:ilcr-i of Marion, lmtii-l j.j,. oior- extra f. Me pic of work t j M. r.-u:lo!), ind .itbr'r poiiits ;isl of b'T - . it b,i tietu surest el by n i:n ii,:;rrol lady tb it. l.aeiiel, ri b. taxed $Menh ti t lb ' Vi'rinneiit. Sbe is cvbb -it!:, ''tu -K" on a vrry --tin'fy mnii, tjnd ttiiuk he T..uid marry bfiore be S MU ti pjj th tT. . n T:ievday oilit Mnu; scounorel U,.- one of 'A i . .J. h. Iysart":s !)orsv:s (,ui. .it hi -t':!-, and ro le him until ah:. ut daylight, when the b irse was f.turv.l wt witli .nvii.ir;lio:i. 'I'bi-; U a pf:i;t.:iMary o'?:!c, an.i we h p - tl;- mvi w!io v.iJ it will cuiil. !?ow that. jrin is c;n;iiiof, and our iii'btori will bei:! to put new r on tb ;ill .. 1 ot berrvis- m proti lb-ir bo:i-, jofl would d.) w.iU j.i write, to I.. Sw-cpsjoo-I. Astiovillu, N. C, tb Ui li-'W "vll paoT iw;;!er of wiarry. la;cr f a'.l kinds, fam.-y d orail i Af. Ut'ap. Th -dit.;? .f tb- U:'' .-:i liad tb- n,it:r ot in;-titf o th oist-boi::d trtin Uit llnln7, I'un. H. M. r urniat who Ursula Auditor, r.nd ti' hand- Amnt . tf.il in rb Ststa. .Mr. K.ir- .u i-? a lfl -.uVd, hihtoncd ?.:id osrvAifl int!r.;n, an xould ra-fi4!iy adora ti.a b'rnaloriai i.di4. Car.li out ai;o:tT"-in: tbr -irri;. of our to'f.nmiii, Mr. ".Vtn I'wllirifur, to l-isopbi'-.w Mcrtoti h ..i inriir th i r!de;i:o of Nr. Prank L. Morton, ia i'iiiivb-lpbi uU Fe'o. JJ. "r. lMlitri;.r ii onn d' our iu-.t 'itMt.a.at;.Jtl oitiiJis, an-1 is pro-iirit-jiad u:wr of tbfl Ue'P.i.eer Hotel. T xi4id to him and thu fair Udy our bist i.hes. K.?v. W. IF. Whilei delivered very b'sic.-kl and forcible st-rmon last Snn day ui''ht at tbe Motbodist churc'ti on th'g'.ibiet of th horror of bell, and tbo umiuenchablp ilro. A iood and :t- imtit audience was prfnent; and il w .iil 1 no' b-i out of pla -a, w.' I rust . to aa.V th.V the sextou illustrated to .some cMent tin. Mit.j.-et by bavin- the bur.di red bo! and twice full of smoke d irini; the entire services. . T.. leirii t.lir.i.i 'b Mr. J.tl. 'oant that "vir. V. li. Co'nr, who is well known iu Marios, died on the 61 b ins! o. ciB.-;iiiiii. Mr. Co'u.r eatu to Marii.u with the writor of tbi. liotic in ls;o iroui Ivetitucky, aDi pure based o..iiMl-r.kile urcrvr.T brs. B o". ned .t thoSi.a.; of bis dxath tb(ol'!.'. (. Nichols property on (iardeti street nt t. tbc iir.-b'.r place, besides other Nropertv. Hi' win an estimable man .ml we n:-e sorrv to barn of bis de.lt It. In anotber column "A li tnocral i j.'Sts tin ii:nu.( "f Maj. t'onlej t -r the lei-d:j:ur. We raK p'.e.v'ire endorsiuL-all b sys b.ut tb.' Major, ltd it' wrt had space would add more I it. vrulisui-hituii.il tb r ir-1 party , t h(t Uunoerfs) ean wb'p both the S".-ond ( KeB 'i'lioans ) rd Third parties ml ie t. ttajor Cunley i an ii'tass lciinir entUmatt. atid so far a Ve litiutv Itevor bwld IB Ouiee illd IK'ViT ask . l fi r one. lb' is a pro;re-iv f.U'cesifnl lu.i.i, who pof.-.s ail ibe obnract-risriea of a true ire at leiiian. and has the ability to fere us in iny position with credit. The Hsi "i;r has referred in pre vious Usuhs tot be practice of removinK sii,Mis,tfps,ra. On last aturd;ty niiht . siirn which V.r. Uicliards, the popular artist, put up at bis ! tint, wl-.'.cb read: "Only Two Weuk- Longer" wa" re:uoT el frotn bis pH-. of business and p it up at tbe door of our esteemed cou:r.i p:rar.T,tbeltvobitien. Di' coirs ', some o ae "with ddvilish intent, o:i iuisc!iif bent" did this job. but at the same time the party who did ii viola: -d an ordi nance and ou'ht to be ptin:b-l. Mr. Richards has authorized ti- t.i -.cicr a regard far the juiity party. Jr. iiicb ards put tbi i!?: up to hurry iu-..pU up who wanted the unci o! phot .rr:li tnken. and th." ra-c '.' woo rc- ruovjd it to the Revolution oil! -t- wat;t ed evidently to convey the idea thai the devolution would only be lure -two weeks longer." Our oilicers ousr'nt to look after this matter. I'i i' S: s r;t j2 y. Mr. i ii. Richard-;, an artist of-vr.i-ordinary abiiily, -,as been io-Wed in ?darion lor several wek. fie In; don? Work for most of our best people, and bis wor k is as fine m any w-? have ever seen. V the : nder.s:pra.?d de.- ire totc -.- lilytliat we liavs louni Mr. Richard.; to l.e .i plea-ant and honorable ."vntle ni iti, ai:d that. a a Photosfranher be lias tio superior. We recotntnen 1 liis work to people wherever he may a s the very best : .1. Yatvey, jr., W. Mc!. Knr'.'iri, A. B. GiIk-v. .1.(1. XichoU, M-rcbant, J. C. McCurry, i M., li. II. (!ar liii. Slieriff, Win. Sweeney-, J. V. St reet :u.a:i, J. 15. Swindell, V. M. Mar till. Merchau', J. A. McIona!d, McCall it c.i:l.'y, Mer.-iiants, J. Brown, Reir- i-t-rof Heeds, Kx-Sberiif J. i. Neal. ii. J. i.urjrin, !entit, das. Morris Mayor. I. I'. Vnc-f, ('. S. 0., ' apt. ,J:!ir. Carbon, J. I". Norton, 'A. A. Elliott, Dr. M. V. Morpbcw, J. Y. Turnbill. W. V. I'daiilo.u, L'.. A. Tlioma:;, I. J one.-;, M. . N-wl.in l, attorney ai law, J. K. M.ir- pbe'.j . at! j iiey ai law, G. E. L-c, ll. II. J. H. Atiiiu, Edii;r Record, J. C i'r. V,. A. ChcU, V. A.CoP.iev. Tb.' above is etieerfully pivenwilh- int any solicitation en tbe part of .:.ir. Kicha.-4s. i-fs.-i.v-i hy Dri-ii-: Zf.c vaikt! t'Mii- Hi.vr. ("fvky -.Ii , ; ll .n o t x i-kv. ;.o to rotarn to his co"t j; al F"i'i Kib y, lCu:;sn. .va,-dro.vni-: :io.ir that laco o:i Jan. Tii;- f; 1 i -.v i - rv vivcil lioru l.y SeJiini-U, a forni'-r h-1- si I-r in tlr; I'rj '-tate.-i Ar:-,iy, .uri'l v. ;i"tii fri.-n-i 'r.M'-,ii, (v?,Luhh : Foi:;- P.tr.vv, Kansas. Mr. J-iooh S-hial-U, M:ri..:i, N". ('. WV. ; Charts Moil lo.-.-nt ly in Mnri iii? if ; i. -t rti-'tl h- r,- on tic i.iolit of tli-' 10th January. Was crazy from tlj;; r-OVct-i of lri:ik. That ti-ht h-. w.uid-'rMl avt:y fr-'iu I'io ii.:r:-:"-k, a'i! walk ed iiit i tho riv-r.- liis . --.y was fnn id vosti-ivhiy. at"! h" was liiiriccl to'lav." Cat.:. A. Vv'-i-.oi,, Ci'ot. :'.-) ArUib;.y. F.-'i. 5, 1 S04. Moll Inul h-.-i-n in t:u; r.-iitod Slat'-s Army 2 years, scrying as hauler, un-.l only h:'.d two yc;trj n!'" to serve when h" could have rotiivd with a p- ni :i of s.;3 r montii for iilV. He i,; wcll-knov. n in Marion, Jiayiii-; stuliom-d ti"ar hero for two years s i-no i'O v a:s :tf ) wlii'o. I'i 1 ":;:,v--riinie; it had troop-; in this county to check and destroy :. th-; hlockado tlis-tiii-'i". V. I', blardon ha-; a full !:ti9 of rveryt l.i'o.- now. Ca'l on f-.iai, ?.!so !ias a coiiifjiele J i ri of School Books. Mr. Alfred V. Brywn. who has for ,:ii!:i":imf bvenintn ixprc.-.: s-rv.C'J on diil'erent ri3roads, has reiuriied. h:):n. Mr. Charles F. McKe ...on. cf Me.- -a- lon, wa- iu t : -c; frt.'f-y. Mr. !.!. t rawfvrd ot Old Fori, -.vks m tow n t hi-- week. J.a;i!.'; H. Ile-nribill w?. in Morr.a- toa ' :.is week. Mis, Alexander, of Ashvil!e, i vis- itirip l'r. ii. A. Cbet-U this week. W'.A. Elli-V.t and A. B. (Jilkey, were in But herfordton last week. Mr K. IS. Wright, of Asheville, wa here Tuesday. Mr. ,J. !. Weaver of Thermal Ciiy was iii town lat week. Or. Morplo-r.- Itft last week with a car loail of cattle, chickens, turK.-ys, t:ef. for baricst'Ot. W. II. tbaiiid, of New Yorl:, was the Ka.'le iioicl last week. W. I. kinirsiey, Central Mana.ur and special reporter for the New York World, was registered at the Ka.de Ilotf ! on Ian Saturday. Maj. W. A. t'onl.ty and family have lic'n visiting friends in t th is week. To Til :: "ry-mri. A nrizo Hlit took olaeo a hvr nirttts a''o, at th" Dancat: crossing at the t i-.viish it) line helween M.,n.-... v..:. town-hit). h- iv.e-'n th- Ji"l-d P. ill liehai t- i Lilt!.- '.i . and -Ali tizo Wallae.'. corsefidy ca!l"l !) doddle. DecdoJ.Ue kno-k. d Ih!l .ml on ihe s'svio-l rout! h and i'ii! claitns that he was drtr-d, and ,s roinr to fiuht it over. Jast how liiiinv ri -etator:; were present, or how-much was paid for s'-ats, is not k'o.wn. It is said V" adirvc Ptnou in Marion townshiti an ! knockal liis antHC.onsf-:t into Neho City (.inl ine; the seeojjil r ;.i;ul. The cnv.' ol .,:!i::i!o!i!.t:r v-i. Hes ter for iiil r ativi material n t .saw mill hofi.ro J. C. S.vsdim, 1. 1'., on Saturday lat, wa- ..- d a;rcat in- ti'rest, aid tnim a-. a., -u. ie- .vitno.-;s;-.i :'.nd h-a-r: '-.: ar:':- nient of h-a. ::c ! c -Vi-A o!; c-tl'.or de, ih--- ii i.c i- ar :tc'idii: into S-vihiv. Mes-r. Craig ec ( -art -r, oi .vsi.cvi.,-, u-s- etttion. while J'.avc., Lmi., a at o 5 rifrsrt v f;i 1 u Tat t n f;s Si.- Jl-!!cvi-- ! Under tho income tax hill wliich thi papt r h..3 ko frequently ni-:n-tuaid, hceausH it is jn-t -.- 1 riht, th.j followiiii: are t; fw of ihej-oh!-h'.i.s and hon-l-liohh r w iio will 'havs to dance to the jingle i f i!ie income tax plan cs set l.y the I'orii -crats in (' i-gre.- : John D. RockefLd'er will pay $lo-.2io per yr ar to the supn. -rt of the Gov- t-rnm-nt under wh.oe3 protecting v. iis hj has i,atliri..l his glitter-ii'.'.--: :o!d, and gi!t--cged bonds. W iliiam Waldorf Astur wiil he pr t; c.d iun5 !!!;!- B. .s O. By speci.d arraniuii'.'iit we are tn- abb d to suid Jon I'm; .1 khn l:v:oi!i and iiie New Yerk V-e-kly VVcrld for one yi-ar for iu aatan.-. OUsub- scribsrs who pay up of eour.- ;ire en title! to tbi-. :;;.;. I'ii: Worid is the best and larj;e--i iievvs;iaper published in America, aud Tuu r.ia-ouo i:u ply does t tie best it can in a county where so many people do appreciate a home paper. Everybody kuowa oil Iiosum, form erly ov. ad by ( 'Lamp Elliott, -r. i to bis memory be has nn hand the cele brated Kosuiu eiijars 0 cents each. i'eter Ileadersoi Co.'s tiarb-n Seeds .ire the be.-.l, and van be Uz.i at. 11SI.'SVA'.S lCvi Sinus, Old i ert, N. C. J. M. Fleiuminej A: Co., Ashe- ville, N. C, will pay you the hie.!;- est market price, in cash for your IT '0 ace. Dr. W. II. Y'ak-'tUlJ of Win ston, N.C.. will "Oe- at th I-'h-m mine; llouv i;j Marion on Friduy Ke'o. lGth. out- J;tv. i'raeticc limit- Lv; Eye, Uar, ute, and Throat W.nt;:u: A partner with live hundred dollars to invent iu a e.jod I'avino- liuaiue.a. Apnlv ut tliis oukv ior particular.'. Tiie Keatuclij Baron W-5t Main St n:. artlie bridge, has on L.iad at al times drinks to a' i.- i'y the thir.s: of tbv- uuttt fastidious. f Mari-m, appe;vrod lor oi' C.idiillt II iiie;-. J ll.M ' ' m., was najournod lor s.uni-.er. .1 aft.-r a calm impartial beano" the cent ! ive a Vi'.iil'. v .-ov.iiud' the oru'U'V- ot j a"tic; ten hian;:- - ai .rT- : ;'-' .-ut-t i-u-i - r ..T. d ; , ih- . ' (!ii-rt. . The KevKal atilie. ..h-i !: .-iisl n-eli h.i ; i.e -o v ifi-i; lie Lively n throuirh las;, week and ftil! cot: t. Is tdl!V Its .Unill'L' iv -V. Al- l.ert She:r;!i in this ir.;i,il work. i'r W I'helos. who bas leei: (taite sicfe witn ia sripp o-'s ic-.o ; recovered, ami win pieaen in Marian on Sunday the IM i mst. in i!ie mnniii!. a no. at Obi I-oi! the same nrnt. Ii s liitie liocx iHii-e will he very srjad 1-ar htm aiai:i ; an.; we will also he pleas' d to have many f our citizens as t cuioi' out :ud hear this earnest p!"e:u-le r. Tii ut'iht 1 olives tilts Week ior ii,., '.Mw',i..i-M Kis't. tlanie anil )vster Fa;r and Ivpes thai iu t: n';xt Hecokp (or the next ) to have somethin.tr to say ot iU many wonder.s and attractions. Feh. li', lS'.M. SlDNKY STEK G SRArHui' ANTED - from Two d;v to one week's vvor in Marion, North Carolina, dttrin the lirst week of M.-Dowelhs Coun ty's Superior C airt hy ad-Jivs-ano; I'ond Cri "L, L. County, Oklahoma Territ erv. st:.lin-4 salary wanteil l-'r- orr- Kf..-!frf, Suspended. .i. W. Alsoaugh, of Winston, La assigned. Thirteen coal ir.iner.s at Wilk-.s- i'arr , I'a., '..ere huried alive hy a cave in on last Tuesday. Hon. II. A. Gutter, of A-heyiih-, i - J" ; ioL; s !y ill. W. (!. Lronton got drunk in (xi-eensh. ii-o .;i Tuesday and feil ; dt.ad while in this condition. Lr-o;i Hreion, another crazy and 11 tlnous son o.-a-juu ha iari, r.-quircd tf pay per year i?17S.OOO, expr-ded a homo m a cate under-., tve f.u;),v,rt itt t.(. the. n-t d lertninus on aionuuv last, .'lie says he did it to avenge th- execution of Valliant, who ha.3 ht-en ciecutvd recently for a simi lar oiiVane. Fifteen persons were (Seriously wounded hy the explosion of Di-et'Ui.s I'omh. ilarn him. A terrihlo w ind and snow storm viait.vl Cl.'icago Sunday n'ght, and it caused .fJJAK) damages. During the .services at a Catho lic Church in Brooklyn last Sun day, pri-.st h'ather McDonald etime :;i;;l buily in.-ano and assault ed another priest, Father Hill, in liictinir painful injuries. The con gregation t-.ued th'i l'ron:cied man. Jas. McMillan, a prominent citizen of Knoxvillo, 'iVim., who was partially pariilyzed and could not walk, v. :ss Inirned to death in a sale btahle i:i Atlanta, one niglit last week, lie was a horse dealer and when the stahlc cauglit lire, he could not move, and had to re main still, whiio the terrihle flameB encircled him. AI? il!?c yiiiiivr-a. A cottiparison d the "oustn.-se irecio;v ot Aslieviile m IMi, Inch we pu'dished Jan. !2Cth, with the bushier ilirect-.uy of that city i h:)t, eh-'vw;-s wonderful achieve- .er.t:.; of that tfimo little city, nio.rc; the ;;a:n- r"Ur- hreis which have adde'l to A.'rheville s gr -wih ;;nd been idetMilied with her arious interests is the linn of oveli -c Snider, whoh'3aIe and re tail grocery u.crcnanis. i uvy iiandle everything 'hi th;) fancy and icavy gro: ry line, and sup-ply country mere!iaut any Kind ol groceries as cnea-p as tiiey can be nought m Northern Markets. Call or. ti eai, ano. eacour".g? n.ura e;,- u-i-:-ris -. I.Ewiti Minurs, t'FKsmi.NT. I- P. Mr Lofi, Cashicb. CAPITAL $50,000 Worn I take grei;t pleasure SURPLUS $21,000. We Lilth Special facilities f.-r hnndlir.g t!:i l-.uu'itw f Kcrchanti a:id cth. id in Western North Carolit a. If rev Lot, no Hnk acoonnt or thin'; oi a change, wo will ho glad to have you correspond with us. 1 hay. ju-t n-Ci-ivod a h tter from JudLTe Shilford, who i-; to hold our Court which begins March otit. stating tie r- will : e . nly oiie we. K if court. AH jurois wri na,e eon ,uinmo.-al fo ti. .s -c-nd seek ar. hereby notiti-d to mu at tend. H. i. 1 l.'t't, Clerk Stip- riur Court. When you want curiam pobs, win dow shades, picture eerds and picture hangers call i.u Cieo. A- tiiikey. ' When jou ant furniture, call a Ceo- A. tiiUey, lie i.a- a nice unv a-.u will elI it cheap fer casL. LoTers of i,-eo.! cigars can ":id tb.iu at J. W. Mrciiuau tTUif jtor ETcrytbiin; at cost for Ik) days, v want to male r,iu fi:f !priuj; fovus. try us, e im-an just wbai we- -y. Merlin Bios. ho r,:.:...; Th ! 1 h' e: C-... oi. i .... ! iiV'tii.-,, Av. - vilie, is taamg a pi isition nsti.e front rank of tuiccessi'ul merchants f that city. They handle hwotn, sh es, tniiiKs. '.vc, and carry a argo an attractive ,,el; ,.f gods. Mr. J. D. F.lant n is a Marion boy. and his many friend i tlirougiiout this county are gratified to know that he is meeting with success. h.ich he rictily deserves. The" tire alarm was sounded Fri day ni 'lit. and the lire was found in the rear of the Eagle warehouse on alley si reel, in a noti.se i e- ionging to C. C McCarty. It was insured for $l,o',X), stn-i was destroy eJ. Tne wandtouse was also in sured, and was slightly demaged '-Co West yoan ;- niea," and buy your tickets of . I. ..Cirant,at Xo. East Main Street. Best grade of Tenn-'sse.. b-.;r Teliiio, Swt --t water Valley ac.d Mi.r ristown Choice. Country tlous- also, at A. B. ;ilkey i'i Son's. The friends of t lie I.;,coai, ail go to McCall ( oraley's for t heir fjoods Ti'cy are the cheapest Kiorehants in town. M' (';i!l t Con b-y have th be.-1 Idow in t ho worid. SOUTH BEN Dim mers take not tee. government, Inch has heretofore, mider cor- runt Ketuibiican laws, sctuczed its "current expense" money ont 111 . ailllOUIlCiSg til at i i the laborers and farmers, atal at ho ye v.a mCC 1I1 of the same time protected the rich , . , i bond-holier. iN K " e " Tlie Jay tiouhl K&tato will pay KatS, NeW illOCS aS C(lTl $S0,S.') annually. Gould is dead, Poe iaJ in ailV tO7Il Ot , ;ti ... v ii,:., ' . niiii v. e- nm h.il e nui.ir uv oil nnr. j 1 - moroihanto.riv that if he w,re Sf, UliU here h- would spend iri-rhar-s five will continue to show times this amount at the next hi t ffOods he IllCSt liiodern styles every dacity" to take the tax off the few any a. necessities of life and the poor man, and place them upon gentleman of hi.; f-taiuling. Cornelius Vanderbilt, if $0,900 My lard, just see what those utterly awful Democratic rebels from the South have done! The idea of taxing a man of my in fluence! I'll heh the Radicals and Cue Third party to beat 'o:n next lime ! Y.:,i; ' i.i K. Vanderbilt, $75,000 p. ve.T. ell, couiun t exiect any bet be- when we let vou Democrats JTOOflS. I ftiSO- kCGIi all o - X power, justtaxmg u, toueath J,Jntls gcK)0l j00lvS, Now honest Renublican and Peo- UI w'liCS, Oicu n pies Party man, whoro do you m lUCt a -ltl-G 01 CVerV t;:nd? Can you conseitr.tiouKly j I take produce eav that tt.o JAmocratic party is . "t t ah.og. ;h-r in tho i Iut d;e-s of the ni'in-'v k!iit:s: x-h. no; -.Viieii vou make s.uch n;ir:.rcj)resentittions, you do so v;ithoat coiisultin-r your conscience, ami purely for political purposes, or for want of sens' Let everybody read the Rfi.-okd, and the' v.iii bee before the present vear is over who are t!) - t 'ople'.i friends, and who are not. It isn't o:io ..hatc n-s kiv-ekiasr at r ; i u.t '. : i::ii::e a p-tiv iv .'turn I to allow me nature oi u ts OLD GOODS MUST GO AT ANY PRICE In oider to keep my stock fresh Tilth new :VC. WM PHIZES TALK FOR UBa in exchange for goods. Ccmo one and all and get any thing you want at low prices. Kepp-'Cttuiiy. W. P. BL ANTON. KENTUCKY BAH Pure Kentucky P.yo and North Carolina Crn Whifkios, Vines, Isru d'eshspcr . ih-c-r. Champagne, LIS TH Hardware I toko th.is ruothoi of inforndntf jou t(nt I jr.t cywi tbo LAHOLST fcflD K-OIT Gi;?UL!lTL' GTCCK. CF FARM! JIB irJSFLEfiEKTa, BUGGIES, KAIKS &KC 8?Eii!S WiGCKt, Ever brought to Muiiou. Fresh be.a;ias and orange.-: at A it. Cilkey A 'Son's. McCall & Co'dey are the live n cr chants in Marion. Xew Invss Goods in ir.u dy Peaches, French F.randy, .-lock. Call at once. " , T.o:P.co.:Ia!!d Athmta Weekly :uI 111 lact' tl1 111 a Con.stiH.tio:-. one year .or $l..,e. .. . , c,ifW, Orders -ef-.. rr-..- V.-.-r t-c'-f. fif Tt.rliert ...:s. .... j i V,:.r. and daeirhicr of John II. (Jar.-:- C-u-"' L1 ' son, of Hn ad i!iver, died on Tuesday, the- nth inst. ared 21 years. Sb lirnves young child and many relatives to h m we extend our t ynip.it iiy in their bereavement. Fir the ilepres i it ini,' inn, weakness totn f trein i. n (.rippe solicited from adjoining Address the KENTUCKY BAR, ?,i ASH OS", ?i. C'OOIiI- and KKATIX NTOVKS, oed DoorB, Sash and Blinds, Glass, Paints, Oils, IN'iinf Kruslici-t, XaiC-, ISonso Nhocs Ar. at Viholcsalo prices to country mercln-ttts. I k -p on hand a ropply CF TII& y.r. Wiiiie.tn l.onur. aged about 4-1 years, died on Tuesday the th inst. near liocky Cass, t his county. ?!r..Ii .-ph Chu-kson. who hr?s b? en in f-'cble health for somet imv, died at his item- in Marion li't Monday. He was for ;i:;ny years in the. Cnited States Ar.t'.v as r-gimeiital printer, and r dired a few years ago upon a pension of 7.! per Month. He married a lady in this e.,u::ty aed has sine made his hotn.r in Msri.-u. r ilie o (.'o'.e'ii resti notii'it i is bettt r t'uan Ciipin, I.a't-iien Co.'s Kiiiitlsion of Cod I.Ivit Oil ruei Hypoab' seieti s. Si c, r0e. and $1.c.;j per bo'.t ! at, Imsosway's I. Uric. S-re Iii-:. Old Kert, N. C. (hi to Streetl-lull-, CrUg St'. l'e for hi-ii.,11 -s. Co;ili'S, li-T: Ullierv. toilet artie'.". pure drugs and paknt Uledicil'e!!. xotick: N'ot'ie's::: notick:: W are n..w iu p s-c-sio:i of the iu vr.iuabU niii a property in Mit !. Yancey and MeOowvl! cou:ui?s, a'..,; line titiex-r l.n.L--. and it will pay li.e norther:; cr.p;iahl and h peculators to call on us wh.n in i.ee.l id' such p: erty, la!e ls; At kin. . TAKE XOTil-E! I take tliis n.. ih'-l of repi- sting all who owe rae either i y note or ace u:.t t call and .settle with ine ;-.t on.-.. I relist have what you ow' m . .nd by ." Uiing u;:, you will -,;iv c .t r.n.l tr. 'ui le. T iunk i;.g yi u for p..st fav r.-. I am, Your iv.pe; t fultv. J. S. Dys'-.i.t. Jan. Km FCi? SALE. MOUTtji AGTH SALK td- KOUSK A N ' i ktT llv th'.u.; ur'a .-oer of sale contuine'l in a bi!b'i, e Otsd ex-cult i on ".he 3lii dn;, of Mnreh, Hrt, by -V. i'. J.jii. to j'.cur j.avii i-T.t Of t e ?"::i of ci.e iitud i- t Uodivrj. wl.b-b rrti.l Mviti.'ajs Oee-l is ib.dy recoricd u the o!!ii. cfiii ' Kfis.cr f P ..; of Me D ;tdl co'oiiy iii Morya Dock No. -t, o.i ii'f 277, i!e.- uadersiT. eJ M Tt.i;.-e v, :b ?-'! 1 1 tbe h-.hes'. i.i d-.- f r cn-b. to svi IV said iso-ji;.'. in.c- si a; . crs-ts of s. de, at tS! Cour: V-iuse ;.r ia M.ir'ooi, N. C , on il.n lay, M odi li.a. :l 12 o'ciotk il Ci u Vn!:ic,l lot with the iiw.'I;ia, boa. tli-r-on. sitai t-j-i on th-; e.i:t si le cf ti.r-lia So-"' ! ia iwu of Marin i.iidj-.hiiti, trie lAi of !r. J. U- :!.1 r. ti. ii I'r ice, where W. T. i. iron ! ii.i. t.-;i:f kz.ow:. s tut Oa. r.ct:! tvt.d lut ; aiao 'he- :.!hw!..l l.y a iu tUe "N .rib Ni.triou Ad-Uiion" iv .ii. tia -4 r: v:i: Vlol ia ii No. Iv; 3 1 U-. .ii iM i .-'u. il; o ica? '.a : .o k So. '.' ; -S i-cb in i;:,c So. 2'.; IJ .'.-..- n iU--v ; i j; 'i :i s ia No is. I'uT 111 .;. il :::f ...i 1 c.Tcii.i d- ?e: i,c : u fnl-i 5. i ;eriy n r r-ti .- u l.r. 1.. 1 to the a.i 1 M .: i.ijii- ia.l, r.-e ir-i-i ns i-.:o-t:oi. i'r. s a" j J e. ci Tebriry. A. D. Is"'. J L. v : ;.(;.. y.t rig -rt. J L. I . I'.irl, Alio; a.-v :'o M -..j- vc. Wh;ei- you have Produce of any K.imi in lots large enough to ship, write to J. M. Fieii:niiiig& Co. No. CO Woodhu Street. Ashevili-, N. C. W-- wi'i ;-ay you ih HIIILST M A T I'M-'.T i'-MCE IN CAS 'I, for any of the l e-c.w ia!:i-d articles Nhv Fre-h huttr, Young Fat Chi'Air.s. I t-: ' hgtfs iA-anp, ini..i,s Peuit-s-s and so on. A hrst-ehtss .vw- ll- me sewmg machine t'.inally as good as nv, for sale ch-ap, or exchange. Apj at th Rkoohh othre. c, () - 4 it. o..u i i -:i. Mini- in Mitchell . i.uulj, h i'idrei! a. r s 4,f land ia t be ( r... bit -ii tr 'is uiid otr--. r tiin .. mi:-- Apply '. ii,. Carol iua ia.'-i.c ,-!.-, i-r ; ... Marion, .n. c. B;?i3 3 LiGHT&KS UHi.V.EHT. ! WHITE LILY SALYE. DOLLARS PEP, MOUTH 5ri YCVR Cv.i"i LCCALITV m.i family and lionew'lj. without capi tal, di.riu voi:r ff,.are bo-jr. Any man, woia3n, i)jyVor sirl can do tb w.rk band without t-x: eiitiic. Tiikii.z ua- . :.'....irv. Nvll.;t:4. bko It t'.x iJ;'.r.ey- niakiag eVer o-ored before. Oar w:rkcr xl-r.y prosper. o ttir.e wjfie-a m i..,Fri--r t,R f.'jeinsji. We t3?h yoa In a ai-bt h)w t- sn.-el from t. f-rt ....;r. Tea ov. srak tri-il "ItUct a- t r.-n v,.i:r.e' V' ftftrt TO., fjn..-ll ,.v..rrti.-i- 1 .-.' ! to enrrr -a t!.t busi- r,sj v.-.o-pssfu;'.-, and piarste jen i-'iir.st failure if jr-n bet fv.iow our i',.j,l, plain i.istn:rt;or'. Ponder, if .ir- in lie-el cf ready inoDy, and -.v-.-.it to know all about the bst p&yins isinesa U-fore the public, !e.i us your .-..id r.-s s. and wa id mail you a tt-xu- uici-t giving you a.l tb particUiir?. TR'JC 2i CO., Eox dCO, Au2t:ta, Maine. CELEBRATED PIEDMONT wAGONS, which for price, fjni.-h und durjbilit3 hfc-re no Th3 ar T-trrintd for'. II inoittsh. W. Pi REPAIRING A SPECLVLTY, Prompt Attention Given to Work Beceired BY MAIL. Estimates Furnished as to Charge?. RETURN POSTAGE PAID ON REPAIRS SWI1ELL, TBE Jfflffl, 7 r