cr" An attiM'tivc and b-gani lineof McCall & Contey extend y their many Jrieriuj A HAPPY KEW YEAR GREETING! We takp pkaauiv in announcing o;ir itiriv:iM( frei t mtvi)-.u. Lringu ALL YOU a I i.C;M Ch And get Gtxils C1i,--t !(;, ,,nT. Lr ! iiiT..s i!li-'V i'-'Kl J "H r .VIli-'T'S. Ill SO TROriCAL FfiUiTS, i'. a lull ii. DiliiCS 'Ai.0 KF.0!D!HES, at Jiatiiis:r" VOL 2 LOCAL GLEANINGS. jiiii r oisitool J Iril-I l of It ceo re lU it'A r. 5r-STLES3 HUMANITY. ,-.T, 2.5ZOIT' FRIDAY, 2ABCH i SUPERIOR CQJJIiT PROGEEDiHci rowi- V. !!. I hs- i--::,-il ..r-i ,inee Vjri ii 1-t. j ,'!ay ti i r! rt. .f lit w"ek. f , v. 1 " r1 "I W i.i;-.rri---l t' j . v..-!l, i:t th brid-'' . .-.-liity. i.iv.-r ' r. ! pi' P.v.-rthieM! Pce? mttv ru1 - I :.( . tfi-n ! the ico:i. I I'nrcly iN rsoual. Mrs. .-drdK'e, of JlM.'i'rr.,::vii;! is in t wn. Mr-. Kiizn li'Ifiii" ; beeri vihitbi oh! Fort. 'r Wiinnj, of ?ftl;'.!,r-, wa in to an .Si; a 'lay. Dr. A. J J;rinkl..r, of J'.ik I'ark, is in town. The l'ol!ow!;s? , vrr Ii- i0!,ti Of f;(f 1 f.,t TJjIf,. Hi!! Adjourn fratur-iay. r tve vi. J,,. C!iMij ioti, .L!t an !'-ij, i:o!. firog. T.H.l.ryr;i:i.rt1M..,.i:-.1 nol. .ro3 S!"'e ':"t. J r k an. K:i.i JY.-ur, firr:;c.-.Mc. nJ h.i.iUry, t.pif for I rii.v. I'ra;. er Tjr j.j roritiriiii: J. Site . S,-t;' y, i i or;, r-cjl. i) frrrirj; con- YOU'D BETTt'R KEEP POSTED! ! i.lw Iiif Adrr!iitr. & ton !''. 9 189-4 TE jT EVENTS If.TEkEST ! yaw, t lit i-f.'l.'irf i lnii-1 :iirlt of P.'itLe for-iton. wi r ii -h Vn-r:. -f N'-..N ill's '., Mr. .!'.l:ii;t!ian !iritir-. ,, ,,,'intv. Lull; .Mi.''-! 2 r. -i. f N.. Ki.-ii, in ii ,-: r ; y Tlir .-..i:T r.-ii-t Hi- .-!'i:r:ii!i I , , ' .-ii.,!l l. ti.i- J.l.-if w i; II,.- work v. ill ! !'n .I,.;.-. r.-t!i f !- !! 1 rt nml M . I - ; i i ' Win n-r! Ur.-m- i :' . t j j ' 1 1 . i i at t i !;:.U;-ri-il F:ir, in lli- n,.:-i .Tu-i'--II i i !, ) ly wat li-i- ru.'l wiff. oT oil, V. i! !, K View f intv. Mr. fulli.i.-i ;.. A'ii Iv t h'wv. Mr. T.iii I-r .In -t ro i-nt to Jint Ii'-r-forfllon T'H'sd.iy. Hi Iiin Crun fonl of OM F(,i t, it? viIl ii if-ml in lowu. I om for ! -I ! lil.-inton, of A:-li.'viII.-, wan Iron ' '''u'"" H'is w-ek. ut!..-:!: Mr. 'I'iiu-.. jjp-itrr, of (;!! Alpine, wa. ia town r1niar. u: v"- 'i' !" .Shuforl, Bxsa'i !t nI hat- ' r.ol . jro. ln-ap, a pij ;.t ti:is tJ5:, c. Tiik ilF. i?n ami Atianta IVrfkly 'or.s;itution out- year for ?!.V.. i h.iTc ip-:!fil a rrt-da Kf.tsrf.:it nniir JJr. ;ijr:n' ol'ii-f. I.unrhos- at all I;orr. Ja 5c Cornc'iini- i ! Kt:in.'J;y r.aron W st Ma:i St. I m-At l!;o liri(!vj lias on liand xt r.i j l:n;c- (iriiiks to n:it isfy the tiiir.u of the J faM iiiiony. c: n c i iveaj.ijn, imi. j.rf-s. Mute vs. (Joiuui-Hin I-yilr, re h om riL-r''2iio'i F..;;- I t.,'i ...! L.v.n-1 in !,., fcff2-;v to a" prurV.-oi., I v . tiTin to trriM ut -t 2, .... - - . . .1 'f tnr ifjTt-s::!on, wi.incs' ana " ' "'u,1"r""!l'Hi!:li re.,ijitii.ff Xn.m I. a (;.-ippt-. j l.vo, with indant cf prarl. A v v.. Dun L :.!oa soi J.riH Sutiirj 1 . s r.i:ni!sion of i; J.ivt-r (;1 sin! ' . , ,, Ji-tutU-ij rtii,;, cun-r-,,,,,, a'v I ' J hi ., ami f ' W i '' !''Jt o;r;I 'ally weicom ,;..,;., c pi-r b .ttl.. at. i.ur mitlrt chr.r.-TMn ludy. rrn, l!r William DeHiinrtr, returned ,..., . with hi bri,V, i.e Uisl j.-hju , fo--I"J J CoMiiienlril Mcrton, one of I'h:la-,lph!a'a v.ti m- j fr X:r,-C' irs. t;n;a,: H'irs. At r '.n n m ti , nedi.: neighbor, invito to a "57" i "l!rItth,l.ri(iJKi. ' ul 111 rcreivuiv in hrr weddinsf jrown, which j . ' I,Tlnk- i.u.k:;.v is-rs. .t , p. tn. t l in- r' t,-.. .ts a pretty toiMtr cf gray -!o!h and ! D:i:i. ?!audiibr hain'tnl l,v tin, rrith rut?tcI triiumlns. Many j sno! at Sparta a fcr nihta i-incci iii!iu-,or!;e prosenti were Ii played, ; -r 1--- ;uurder of two men. after dinner cofTcn pooiis, ,rane ISTK i ststt- dealer, tpoouu, U-iry cpuons, fiiar pon, j 1 AhJivil!tf, l.j failed. LiaJuli ojster f;rks, lutt?r kuiTf?, biiriT but- j ii' 4'05,CK)0 ; asi. t. 13.".U. tr l.nive, sliver pnddin dish, indi- . , . Ti.!i:il silver butter dishes, cake basket, ' ':U1 ifyrd, f r many I-o.nyxchis-Lii. etching and ei;tfr.nT- j VT'"' m, Pr."mil,0,lt "HTohaiit of inland i-v-uisite t hiim; alM. from ' j-V K"t to thu TalL the hride's Mster a daintv ffold Dok- I J.'' ;? l!ti';j AbMfta claimed "W CABOLOTA DBA 3211 AKIIBTILLB, If. W i:i:ICXATFl MATK DKI'OSITOBY. CAPITAL J50.Ctt SMRPH5S2IOOO. Ww Ijuth Spcial 'facHitiwa for handling t!i buaintaa of UtrckaBlg mid other in WsUrn North Carolina. If yo bar no Sank account or think of a change, e will U glad to hav job orrpoa4 witk it. Ir. I'.r. ji'ir-irJ, Moorc'.iior: - in Ion n Saturday. Sr. I.. r.n-Iisi . ( II "I h l ' ! rl of Knox-, il!;. ti:i ii, .""tn to vs V A V,o',t i :s nd J. J. u vcm-fMl.i-7.:eme .t, n!ia4 ct;.irt, coi.tiunii. nil . ii. i, fri .M-t-r, i;:(.v " ! v-i.i;.,rn ;; ,s ;.v ,, , 1 r:v f 1 M -. 'A r - i:i Mil r. ill A f-'- i r.'i;l. .1. . I,!-' l! yon !wv: '!'..(. of i'.ri.l-r.'-.v.ilfr. lioml. a-. I'. .-tun- -ii'i :':u:o-r. 11 appoii-lin-iit , ,( ,,ii,'. II" i i o!.:.'tf i,l to (io .. .. !- :i ;,;-..(! I nicrral. ., ui'l all ! S-Mriav Ma-'-li llth' . ! I i. i o Mi';ii.y I rain- -n t Ii" i;. No-. i1 :;7 will di Ti,. ri'?,ul;:r m iivd.ilc ,t wi .'li w ii! not !u . 1. ; r.lh-uifii r. or.-i.-nl i nar . I. I.'. Vd-i-f in Sown la t wi't k j r,T . r, ..; of lli. ir r..:ui. i'r m.-r- ::r. .-i hv :;!! lrt-!'t from , .r..i mo! otlu" " '.'ru pdl!trt I !,t tii' iy f Marino, N. '. Kt.tei-pri-i'. ' ; .p n iuvi r. !.;r.r: a pa.vinfT l,i i . k r- ... ;Ji,.p.--.f..r-'d l-..v;!',Qt-.l f.;rn?.-.-. . .ol ii:i piairi'- Arid r. It o-ilr r-'U.rf -ia f irna -o of Si t It? ti. i'i.Ilt'd .-?!!'. ' ,-. r. ol r.i. I.andrnr.i re i.rr.: ..ii-i.;:y fr-' NiK.i-i,-;. v.lwr V..,L ,,,f, xvf.-Skf kjto t ' Ti-it IS'" :"' ihi ;,.r. w:i. w.ts frin!y ili. ;r ,'!.! in i:irn h.i w sniSi iin-.-.! .'! t'J n; vrheii 1 '" -'d l.-o.irt:i .tar!trtl for M..r;.'.i. I ' 'v-'.wi i.r.Si r i- i v;rii ;f '1.-1 1 .-oii'm j w-men .:--J ; a- . .r j.ria. fi't a l' rt wilh ! Ho?ikS , !?( Ull- i Le.n :;' not A '!!, 1 . : .i.-.s i h c?:il !y . and Ix not lirfii.-.-, but Sot:','l.t ,111 of riotV So ..: t i- wry ii.incud - i.sial.t do w-il to -!. n,- Scri. ty r.ut ll'.iC.'il. on I -t 'lull- . i ::: !. iT : or'" i n;;' i-'.-rri-'s -'rc ;,, vJ i.j iit . I'. .!. Ho-'cr.. ail' r . vrry inl.-ri-.tin-; piir:iin a- !.: I roii-i-l inir of r. .: i ;it 'i.-. :;. ar.d M-b.s. m .-.eiy i ?;roW i.i :::(. w I . ii nn'inSa'r-liip i?o An I l'l- : :. It I"-'- t tl"' I'"---' Mu:l u.'.uli. ill r.T 1 . M t 1 . t : io ; I n' 1 ! 'K '. - ' f.v an. u !:o . as !..,; i. l"u ion !'' t'-V" 'A ' ,o at :i '.!-. tir.u mi lis-1 f ;o.u ol V,,-., I 3 '.::i! r !!: ski'l!t:l :v,! i:. v.l i I'r. !'.. A. x-h.-tk. lv- o,.Vd -,: ''ru'iitU f bcut.r.nd cuii'ir w !i i ,. j . , U a ii-iui: rka'.K' ra'. . ,. ,, i-. He K -hot wills a V.i -aii-,. to !.!. tin- b.iil I'lHi-iur lii- left !--..,....t in-inw-liatvly aboe tl. ln-art, ' in- ftaiii't ti'" -bouliU'l- blau.'. vl.vr-it j- now. Cowan -coins to if rou!'u-. no; w iib-i.;niiin. tb" -r,.i .i'iiditi..n b" i in. i : 'tr ir. :! : i r !:i.s w-: .': H. r,;:i:f. v. t lit o,t1o A:hr- ill", Wi'dnt-sday. .1. .1. Wlii.ntn!, of i'.ia.-k-bur, wss Ii. i-- this week. I'.. S. V'at.on, of P.iirns villf. is ;vcr this v""k on professional bu-in:s. Mr.(ii;o. 11. iri't-nlot", of Mica, was in tnvn Hii.s wook. Mis. .1. F. Moi ph.w is visiting I, or ji.-'.rt-ii! in Piedmont, Ala. Mr. i'.rn Ivry, rn l wife, of Henriet ta, w re in town tiiis wet.k. .1 A. Forney, attorney of KutSier !'ori!t on, b'n r. toinlintr; our court Me.-- r .1 u.t ice and M.-Hrayer. two of Jlatb -rfordton's prriiiiinent lawyeri , iii e aitendiiit; eourt here. Cot. N. "o!k , of Cif!w-)1 county, in at the Kac'e I.'ot-l. Mr. V.'. M. .lai.ifs passed lbrou;iii town hist week for, Mi.-s. (lorn-rai .tore-Ve.-cr T. Slimes, of Afhui'.lc, b3 in town TTcdnrjiJaj. Mr. L. F. T-on', V. 3 '. A petat at Old Fort, was in town this week. Ai i s. oe: ?, of Catawba, is' t i fijr h-r datirjl.tft.-, ?.i ri. .1. K. M jrati. lr. i!..;. J'i'ti.-v and i'biidre-i likve r.!nri:d iVo'-.i a viit to 'S iluiinton. Mrs. !,.('. Ncal who went tN,-w-port, 'J'.MMi., !r,.. t Friday, hs ri'L.:rnr:j Ir. M. F Morphe-v, li ft Wrdt-.aisy f v.iifi a .- bi.i.i t fcitt! for CSuTlwstos, I'.r. ;.'.;; i?t":'!.yr of Ki;! b.rford t.itt.ii rdtt-ndir.r Marion Court thi week. J. K. IVili-m, mil Vajar I. T. A of MbrnaUn, . ia town Ihil Co!. .1. F. Murpiicw, the j.pti!ar t- or:iy, Tf'. i: rued f rum Vareha!! four; in i,y. Mr-. I..!.. M"Kay b-r: Marion far iiaeon, (ir.., !!. weoJt, Vfiiei hh?. will remain fio:i:? w eek. Mi'ri !. I. and A. F. V.'eaver, ami Ir. IV. J. J ib.nsur:, nf Thermal City were it! Sown Monday. Mr. U.S. Ms-fall, of A ih. it!-, is hands wit Si bin many idd frieitd.s here this week. .1. Ii. Ciles, of tilen Alpine, cts in i:v.n, and .tr.inn- a reat mirij (it'n-r., s:i!)-.-ri!.-i! for th.' iv: ;:!. Con-ral F. S. Store-kee;)e:- f. f. ?-'i:il !., of A she ilie, sper.i a few ImUiM in Marion lat w.'ek. and ave tin? K:'t oi:! a p'.c-:'.'-.i;.t call. Mr. !i. J. i;rii".-s lamih of I;I.:!-ks-l.uri', S.C., wa re up Saturday on a pleasant tri ji r. fi ii'.in Holland, of Ch-ve.and count . w.t- larHed via of to the Asylum al .'.ii.i'":u,ii'U, X. f . ( :;ir for.:,, r l .1. '.. M y. ba ''I i:.';.S U; ,r i.;:iJ Ht ; , w. i-av! 1 -V.:., i:-,. .k i .. : '! ljl-i.i'a' ,t'i t.: ! i. :...;.:v ; .' ;iriTi;il iu (-oi::)1t j ;i! 4 uiun:!i aiiis. Ji;!i,i iJuriraa is to lcuv-i infill 'S'.i t ;n, Ul,.?.i i i In. , ari l burhood or j;o n, jail. Suit" vs. .Imi'o. Klliottnini Avfrr Fliiol Biriaiy, l.oth guiiiy. iSlate vs. T. A., H.-s.nlt teiy, liin.i ) nnd s.. .'ie vs. lojlrtg .or',iTiriiaud GsitSit-r Morri-, affray, f 10 each and eofts. .vtnto vs. K.ijcrt, j-.j and Trmaic, tt-miti;: n hog frn;e:ictd to prrdtuu ii,uy fix rnonlbs. Slat.- vi, J iaiesbird Rn.I Mary Ilouk, de-f-duls, pita ) ; Uir.l fiaed ff.O una copt? ; I, ,Hi ci,.f, ndnais rr.piirfd to ive a howl of for fa.. ! behavior for two years. Mriry iiouk is in jti! at present . ."Uto i. Joliri.-on i.edbettt-r, canyiug pistol, pu;!'y, fint; iiii coet. Tho 15ird-(l:inii! lill PUit v.-aa continued till iixl wmrt. Farmer, take your Utrsrsto Mcfa!! & f onley, and pet the casn. "I'm a j'onc isurkcr," is wiip.t a child saitt wlicn hi mother v.-am-J li i ut. 2or. 15. M. JlHlIyhnrtoM h;i i' "tti rt-l riul r;vr::it:sL the .Morpiaion Iir Asiciaiioii. F"H t.K. A p.-.-jd Ss i, Vr.r?, ..n lia, ; .'4 si. 1, y, moat . ti:it ; tvt dit.m g'.a lifiicUr, o j Fort, .S". !. o and Worr. ar,!; on 13 7 Ti-alS Old; .'lev, or A . J. TS: iS;.l s-:Ji the wkid i::d 1 hM b!bw our Skirt kn idh, Hut hravia is j'lrt in.d cu!j the di.ft 'l!.t fliL-i iu ih ) K 1 mau' eya. T!: larf i.t lino of notions and .tr.v!ti"k, in W.-sti.-rn North Caro lina at Medd'ti Ya.fictv Stor. isnswAY s i)-.ix:n to?:k. old Fort, . f. Co to'i::i drt:- rtfiv for "-.i,li. , :;. )crfu:i.-ry, toil. i. r.n uvn a:nl W.i . '. A p:ir'::'-r with fv l.;;; ! d..i!nrs t iuv-vt In u - " nayir, l.ueir.ts. Applj at this of'ico for Faint.1, cdls, Hillside plow?, well I.rnnps, iron pipe, l'idi.iont wagons iind 'ii';ies at .loiies. , livery thing1 Rt cost for 30 days, we want to make room for spring .voods try us, w ine.-.n jt;?t what sit: 'I art in P.ros. A firsi-rlass Now Homo sowini? liiarhinf1, equally as good as now, for sain cha p, or excdiaivo. Apply Rt 1 1 1 0 il'A OKI) oiiicV. Konn nio.-r that Tom JJartinV It'-'stanratil is the uy-t plae to j;ot a iscjuan' sn-'al wlicn you come t court next week. Buy your grocer ies from him. Mr. J. I'. Norton lias just nveired a hsw stock of e!s-asit prin millin ery, embracing' vverythiiij in the mil linery Ii T.e, ladius hat, bonnets, trin. niinjjM iti;. Tinware, Chtsisware, Cr-ickery, 1 ..imps, i.:.oL-iii-L:hi.ssos nd Clocks chfap at Medd's V,riaty htor. iery etna to !:oi tiv. Mr. ovindeli, tiio j-wjler, lu-f. ne lii-atost R!u inosl attrac weiry hour-; , ev; r in Marion, now ;:,:;. fttted u: reoentiv Thm t!i UrniJ should prfotia i:n vi',sl finc'.ionf, it w beo!i-t-lj iirrfsvry il s!is.:l,l ant oit.y ,r l.tirf; hut ri-h in life t; iviau i-b'tziPiits. Ta-?r ruifs are SK-. fl'iH l-'i !.y ti' a of t ti - . '!' -k-iowa t'nn inrd blood p a "die", Ac'i iSisip- I will pr.y jrood prbrey for Cattle. I. TI. MitTi.v. f . I your t lover ed, Onions and CodVe from Mcfail ii fcr.iey. "Wliihtiintr iliio" S-'h-iton, who killed ;t named Caui-nell in Madison cottniy a low y.ars ao, t:;s killd a few days ap) ley a man mimed Honsley on Spill Corn (;. ( k in .iidison c u-.ty. S'm I t on and H-nd.-y had arranoil to sUt'-ml Maislifill court tontlier. i SI: pii! It .n caih,d a -tn.atel t!i h A: h y's iu.iis. e w::: s en'' dis- oy Mieriii .eal on .Main Ktreotj v,r.ici is nkvlv finished uj. The! pa.r.Lin.'r wa; done hv J. L. iicCov. X&m. Clithlnjrawfui cheap ft Mef all ' i t on.ey . fn to Tdc-Caii iV ('cnieyV for ail your l)ry t.isds. 'i hey are tht? cheap irierch u.L in Ma.-ioa. Court began here last Monday, Judge Geo. A. Shuford presiding snd W. C. New land,' Solicitor. Judge Shuford is a higii-tonod g eitcMtian, c h-arr.ed and aide lawyer, and an impartial Judg.). J lis charge to the grand jury was iisiw! fror::hly comineiited on by all who were present. Court will adjourn to-morrow, (Saturday.) SZSrc.a to McS'ail & ('onley' for I'h.eap '1'oha.cco, Xaiis, UorT,e and Mule Shoes, Cartridges and all kinds of Hard ware. l'y our next irstie we will have -ptice, ;;n l type suiiicient to give room iorouroia Astseville rejmn is.'onees. which have been crowded out for tluv-e weeks. All kinds of Springand Summer dross .,(ds at lowest j-.riees at Metlil'n Variety Store. A B'rivate 5nici- i inti a S;ilL!ic o:ifii' fii'is. A printing o.'lici. is a public- trust, bo.-aiiso you iiavi; to tntst t lie ub li.; tr su'-Sv" iiitiotis. Ab?ciit-?IinI'fl "JIoW KnKr. Sc.tne time a:?;'j one of our promi ;; it f-.-:n;s, who !ive about thrm ..ii! :. in (he o i:i;.ry, i;i,iie io iov,:i i,j nnd liitehcd Ii:r b.'i.t in l!nr- y ius i-.t. T .-. lny pt..ed,!!id eveuii: can;. T:;s fii iter, r.j , U his usitil Sir.: , .i;;t:-;.i on U.i. Us hud j ,U!U been in tii habi? f w&lkia.? to town cratic when l:is stock w.u busy. A lie wss cros:in-1 he branch three niilen from town, and w ithin a hundred-yards f his home, i;e came to a halt, and medi tatine: for a mourtnt, be muttered to himself: "Mow my mule drank here as I went to town this morn in 7. I-i-d I ridi or walk? Yes, I remember uiy mule is hitched in liurijin's lot. Con found it, w hat niiall I do? Let him ro till to-morrow? No; re's had r.o din ner, hnd I'll go back after him." It was then very dark, but be went bark; and when he reached th eld boneyard his mule was th? otily living thinsf to be f.und. lie rebuked the descendant of ililaam's sad.iie hor.;e for beinjr ao sfa pid and absent-minded, but mounted bin!, and soon reached ho:ns Oa be inj; asked why be w.ii ?o late getting home, be said be was detained in town. This same nun week earn to town and hitched bin horse in Dysart's let, wdieu he had been iu the habit of hitcSi-ing-in IllautonV. Late in the afiernooa ii went tc his usual liitchiu; place to get Ins horse and start home. Nut tind injr Slim, lie mad some inquiries, and wa told thf a exactly fllliiif the descriplio:: of hii "critter,'' broke l.i. bridle and ran o;r i-ome time before I!e onclud-i thit hi Uorstf gone lior.te. and after eousiderabln trouble, he aecuritd another horse a:id started honn; and upon nteutiiitr a friend who tad ?.en him Jiitcli 5iia horse in Mr. lrrL's let, and not in I'.Ianton'a, be Ti ar;aiu rxminded that any kind of a "Ho.-m brute" wa-$ stupid nnd sbsent nsinded, and returned the horse he had obtiined, wnt t Dysart'a lot, jpot hi.i horao, nnd started home, awrarinj that walking wa the oaly Rafe. waj to traT el anyhow. Now, don't think .'ohn I'oo' h the rcntivaiau referred to. I. If. Fotist. tx-i-anhior of th; First T.tionai i'.auk of Saiislv.irv ht'.s ! , benienced to two vears in th. ;K iiitentiary for emimzzliitg fiioih, which were in hi handi. J A dispatch to the Charlotte Ob- ) svvv r ays thet linr. l ! i'.slhlTe, a L. pi; list reptes -titntiv j isi tin' .ii.-r.issi:u Lfcti-jlatitn-, nh 1 'nil kit im. .-. A. JiOKSci . it Ii.-i.i. - .:ber of the same bod at liOaciiuko, Miss., last Saturdav. Two other men were also killed 111 the sdine tnr.e. irapto Was in Iror. I'n.m tiie f nien. '1 jrt an att'u-W in your paper of ITjirik I.n fioui one '-Jwpliu"cf Vtl)o-fll coun ty, in which he says: 'On of tLf best reu '!wti cf ilsiion Utely cliand banda on accouat cf its Lsing Biortagid to Jir. Have .on on by J. H. Grant.' I Leinjj the one who built tb reiidaace, wish to say that "-(JrapSio'' ujust liavr wtittm the arilcl aiUt-r to ii.j ji or mi liciously misrrprsient the facta ia th case. TSie facts l'ed hy "Grispho'' in raard to the mortgage of the ri.!nc to Ut Dave I.ouon are abpohitelv fa te at tba record of UcDowai 1 will ahnw." J. 5. (.BAST. Marios, .. C. March 3, US 4. fa The distilb ry of J. P. Salmon, on liroad i.ivr, has been seized by revenue ofiicers. Mr. J. N. Wright, soliciting freight and passenger agent, of th Seabcrd Air Line, was in Marion in the interest of his road Thursday. Ktts-t:c, at Ar V?e- 'TTrSi. diTesy.vjr nwt-ind irtitl drink T M rnVjri-rf, end Ivia wwryhtjf th life ov:t A ms." "Did yon try the plan rrf vVilBj jvon of tlxs Laiit that I eujivAod J rir,i?" "TvM "F'fd yrm rr:t vrWs'?.y In ha c3-r?3?" Vr'nr.t did PyT "Ho eid I r.-ts t'ro only vrsr.isn h hvt neon a:n"e hit mother cSSed who knrtvv how t ranks epe &s it ahoalJ 00 made." TercaR .' iftiat. - Cr 'Doctor," aid un anxioua citi zen, eoniething has happened to t!tf wife. Her mouth eeema set, nnd he can't eav word'. "Vv'h v, fliie must hav lockjaw I aid the doctor. "Do you think o? V'oll, if yea are tin mv way some time next week I wish vou would -tr"p in and ee what vou can do for hor." ncAiaia fir vogudt: fioud Mica Minn in Mitchell county Orie huntSred acres of land in th tract. ,lnO birch tres ?.nd other timber a Hargain Apply to the Carolina Improvement Ci., Marian, X. C. Lovers of (rood cigars can fni them at J. V, Sire-ttmans liruy Store- While von are in town Court week don't fail to get prices on Hardware nt Jotses. J. Grar.t is dninj" an tctivo businesa in Real estate and Emigrant ticket. Ci- Me"a!l A Conley, art tailing Gc . ) -.wfu! cheap. mm ard"C7ai?o !?Iniif3S Irduro .TSnrkrl. Corrected weekly by McCall A Conley Mimns, N. C, March, iltti, lfi!)l. V.'heat .... Corn - - - - - 1 .( A. T Oats Kye Thite Heant Cel. He mi -flay l'eas Chickens Onions Iih i'otatee.a S,veet " l:ettcr 2?e ne.. 40c. &0c. - 15 W)c. - 10 to 20. - - - - i'H 10c ... - iV ic. .V'r. ir.fvi'o. C'-v-l-sci 1 st h-n f.ttn'- I taka thia i)tho4 of iafrnieg js tfeat I aarv t jit pTi tii LARS EST AKB i;G3T COMPLETE STICK CF KARDWARE, FARKniBI IUFLEI.ENTS, BUSCIES, KA6KS ANI SPIIKI WACIK3, Irer brought Miariaa COOUIKU and XIKATIRfl STOTES, Q4 CfaeapX Doors, Sash and Blinds, Gloci, Paint, 0ilsf rlnt Rrnwkea, Halls, llano Khars Ar. at wholeal pricM to onntrj merchant. I lrp on han4 a wipply It will be .,-. r li-ay le b i .:) a few w it ;i! .,::! a '. si.-i-in. (.;.-.. , : S-oin. remcmbei.'. that k 1 .1 la' bro' ''ti near cks -in ' . ll' was in b.cinv: at the time. I hive J.i s bof..i-e he ! lr. J. t'. Kiid at- j 1 :el the !'l a. tli-.ed iliii not knit tojretSicr. a:-.L. ::. S'r. toi- -lie in tl to o-an -i , a-. - ' Mr. H" le to a il. ; .:...:,) ho-pital. He wa there . t.ei-.ti...'. by lr. Hunter Mc( .aire, who report hi- cm? as without a par age: i:i his varied experience. Heaajs l Ht., lr. lb-id who at tended this .:i:-.-. and lie i a phyai.dan of ability, .tid .:id jn-t t-xaeily what any oilier ... .,1 I oe; ,.r v. on Id have done, snd it i 1 ... ;l.: t that the bones have net . ki:i:;ei t-s. :!ur. 'I' be cause is l f it".-.' ha- irr,,wii he-e between the ,.:d en 1- of He? 'Ho-, a hind of ; '.. ;r li-.-ue, !r. " I he tibialis aiti. The t atietit ws- ot . i ated 01.. a. rind i- doil'ir Well. lev:-. 1 i..r.-..:i-,.L. C 'llft W,ll C ! ti next M !..: Cl.'lYn.g. Hal. Sho---, SiiVrs, l'.iickets. basket and id tt.rts h -tp at M'-dd'-, V;ri"1y Store. J!e-.-i;. J. l.ii llrtuohill, 1'r. it- i 3. t'i: n i . I uni Sainii 11 , J. Ili.i b o: Sm ilia, T. V I.j tl J I.. Hur-ir., h d many otlu r OiJ Fort f. isle's ver.' ia tuvva t!ii week. Me-.-r.-. F. !. C.irt.r. I.aeke fran;. .1. 1. Murphy. Maj V- H. Mabme and Judge T. A. Jones, all prominent attorneys of Ashevilb. were reri-tered at the;le Hotel, attending Cuurt here thi, w.eU. Mr. J. V Carrison, of Morg,t:i t 'ti, was in Mtirion Thur-i'ay. Cashier S. T. l'ears n. of Mor oamon, is in town. Mr. A. W. Morgan, of Faiwb w, is in tow n. Col. T. J. Walton, ..f M.-rganb i. A. J. Dti'a. of uid Fori. T. D. Vance, Spent- and W. C. Val.-!i. bik bark, were among the nuny arriv als at the Kl. -mining Hotels litis week. Mr. C. K. Tate, of (ilen Alpine, was in town this week. Mr. SI. A. New'and. Ceueral Travel ing Fass.-riirr Acent for tie' S-a!oard Air Fine was in town this ek, and s.tys par;ii- leavi;-.-or. t Is.-;; c's at a. pi. and arrive a; '; a; ll::o 11. r.i. s'.n arrive a: Kateu-a at p. m. ss.ine vlay. givin t hours at fharlotte r.'-.d reiurniiiic the same day. V.'" ar ori-v to 1 urn tl:At Mr. lb 1 I.-.v.-he is ill. II- btvame eic's vt-ry sud...t-'ily Wednesday night. Heavy f'assimere sold at any prieat McCall A Conley 'e. take his wif-.'away from after only a tVw words b He-s'vv s!;oL S!i--ilott, wl tii-- tl ex.'laimtnt;. "I. in -rcy on me ; and fer nary th: a few minutes Vli'g l' itn. and 1 passe-i fell to di have - lias killed me. :?' He died in 1 c There will !e a'of Knight -i of 1'ythias I n-i ali'd h-T." nest e-rk by K. A. Klbei-i tlrand -ilor of N f. The following are tin oil'..-: d the new oivani.ation. lb i. Fri. e, C, ('.. M.F. Morp'.i--.v, V.f.. II. .J . -1 1; -; 1. -V. C , John Yancey, jr. u. of K. and S. ;eo. A. (oik-y. M. el' F , . ii llennett M. 4.-f i'.., nun. K. Lev. .'. Nichols, V" F. illauto!'.. Trustees. Wm. Stvee-n-v M. A. Mr. i'. V.. Hbhards who oi-iranijt.d thw I.e.ige. i; hhakir.v' hands with himself over his suc cess in Mvurbi-j ;e-li an excellent m-jmbership For the very best i lover seed, tro to McCall i Csnlcy. Only 1 cents per jctiild. No'lTCF.l NoTH'F.:: NOTICE:: We are r. w in p:.--es.-:-.n ! tii? m..-t valuable i::iea pr-ap-ri y in Mii 'h.ri!, Yatteey and Mclne-veil ciuint ies. also line timber lands, ar.d il will pay the northern capitalists and s-m-cijluiers to call on u.t when in need cf such prop erty, Fale A Atkin. our i'lew s frem Mffall aoy tli-.-- wlio have v.'t rk b do. I'.v.-n if yo-i liave no furt.'ier bn-i-tn -s tlntn to bring in a pe-co of spring e.'try and borrow it '"chaw" of tobacco from the editor, you ought to do tiiis as soun as possible and go well, go fishing. Idleness is the duvii's work shop, but a print ing .!:;' is s iei"ty's work s'.ioj , morality's, work shop, islueat ion's w-. -rk sh p, and for the Lord's sake don't trv to convert it into a! "hafrt-.i dett.' The very w-rdf. ar? lo fiti l sitrtiifieant of the desUi ;iti-,!i, d-egra.i;itio:i pov-j rty. n:i ! misery tltat prevails to-j d.ay throughout th? country. Why i ssi the th ureler, don't you g to; work".' lio.v d you live anyhow? IVt'.tiit us to suggest one thing: If you I.ave nowhere else to stay, just stay away from here, and we will !e satisit" d. Wi- ln.-an tins fr Citronie loai'ers and not business men or worki:ig;re-n. A chrnie loafer i a c! cur---, a wart -n th- faee of s.c,-i.ty. a hr:ke:i spok" in t!i wheel of pro- ot s (-not; I t' 3T 'onl. A Conley, they have the South Herd u-male memleie oyer work d has i ow l.e i a ;.- -t in the world. t): wi.;:ld 'som.- gift the piftie yoti. to s. e yourselves as others 1 do. ami vo'i w ni l c-mniit sut::de before 1-reakfiis.t some nmrniiiff. liut Mari.n hai produced s ure modd loafers. Whole families can l grow up in.-re. and none mil tiie How ! . -. ,;.v tr.v'to.i. Ktxt O.n a syii.iuliieuv: ton?) I here sl.t first-rate rv?cipes. lyady (opening her noto-boolc) Wilfyoii fvr me, pie saw? Second La'iy Sis b?ya. f)a the ?jr :. Mr. SHra-vn WilHo. didn't ri ffo V) the's yt-aWday anrl tcil h:'ra t eon' a-r.Mtn-I tix-trujiiC I orderod? Willi.- ?s dr. X?T. f'hrwon TTel', h'.-m is the trnnliv j bv.t no ptrap. Iiidn't bo aay anytbrnff , .b-ir!.t t:.rtr-?psr j s-i-.i! Ye tin bvri I hbn 1 i 2T,osrvi vmi ba-'.n't beHr ha-wj any i tirnp. JQ'Sfn. i A MUtafi I-MU'.-lp'.lr. J to'.rn r x-ently ewlebrrfte-I the ftrj- that i nntndod lb quarter eintsary of be-r trtN.cie'. life. A nmStr of a.-qaaJrtr aflce-, prv--ntxl ax-r veith a larr r?9 P"U bat ImQ-yhie her chngrta tr e evt grarrst on tie aale jr tHese vmi-S-a "To Mr. , oo annirerrary c4 her 2Xh wcd.Hng." . Y. Hail and E prvMfeV The popular and rliabli liable liar wishrs to announce tbat it hai ju-t re ceived a frsli supply vf the purest ii-pt! r that money ca!i buy poods for medical purj'-,s. Go to the Sprin-n wSin you ar thirsty. Send erilerf for pure corn, or other 1 ignore, to ('.. I-la-gle bar. lari a, X. C. (jrderi r ronipt ly fr ied. ?: 3 V. rJf!-e !..". i.y sj-f i.r:;.-.'i iHi, :? are en abled 10 s lid .VOU J'ilF. M AKIoN Ki.Cf.Kl and the New York Weekly World for one y-'nr ft r fl.'.O i-i alvynce. Ol 1 sul scriberswbo pay up of course are en til ied to tl-i rate. '- r - v - ' .-.-S,J' mm EiRD S LiGHTK'irvC UKiSEST. ::?jti WHITE LILY SALVE For PII.Ks, cut, bruises and o, . '01VS.WHITK LILY" SALVE is u 1 r T. Gr!tt-l tTmn:h cccaaionalle ep'-.'-.iiic, i a!wva nior or ba prevalent. rii ht r'n"Sy f"r thia complaint . Ajir'a f'.crfy r.- '.or.tT. " I it rlr e. I tr.k 'ii rtoarn wlh I..! flrir e. t t:rs. ! w om'ctrlT pr.--l:nh 'ir.'.'i't rr j- fcraarlilD; ltr 1 r?t 'en'..--1 s If af.llne'l In a a l.-.n raV". I pr'K-tirfd a rolt!e of Ayer'a " rrrv P-rtora'. faA no ? tal I bejrrta tT'.;:r.? '.: tba?. it. Itcf followed. I eotiM notb. i;. ve li.r.t UieeSiKt woitt.S heorafil an tt-.a cie so It l tniljr a wtilr-rf nl isod i ' W. II. ii.MAMa, Crook t'ily, S. D. AVER'S ' Cherry Pectoral Prompttoact.surotocure CELEBRATED PIEDMONT irAGONB, whirh for prica, Hnih an4 dnrability, lia bo faaaaal. Thv are warrantee for IS moafcba. m. P, -Jonocia REPAIRING A 'SPECIALLY. Prompt Attention Gircn to XTork Becoircd BT MAIL. Estimate Famished as to Charges. RETURN POSTAGE PAID ON REPAIRS TEE JHRLB, 2wJK,IOT. 3-T CD and Avery plows it is, it puzzle us. , an'ei a f-ur cur?. a