7 S! 3 t4sCaU & Conley tWtid iVth?ir rrmny frierda A HAPPY WEW YEAR GREETING ! We take .!. .lt.,,r.- in announcing our inorca-cd i.h i ;U t Mrveyou. Bring us ALL YOITU I I'.ODl'ch Andgt fjoods chv , -,- r.ny. where el, in T v.'.,. An attractive and elegant line of Taney arid Toilet Articles, alo TROPICAL FRUITS, and a lull lino DRUGS AND MEDiCiStS, nt .11. f. 3ioi:riu-:w3. VOL 3 LOCAL GLEANINGS. ZVL-XON, 1ST. G, FRIDAY, MABCH S3 1894 Items of .More or Less luiport UU(c I'ointrtlly Iiinted For ltcord Header. The "Be-volution" indisposed. U.-v. W. H. White was in OM Fort thN weeW. L-'T. J. f i ibl.w of Iiriilgewater is in yv,n this wck. ir. '.'. Smith, of Ashcvillf, whs in town Monday. Mr. i. W. Craw lord wont over to licili'- Twsday. Mr. W. II. Raiisciir, of Shelby. v,mh h-r- this wt'i'K. Mi-" Fanni" ( ln k, returned yester day to fire-m-boro. The number of arrivals at th Kagle Hotel during the month of March an- 108. Mr. J. L. Morgan went over to Abbeville last week. Mi Keh -a (Jardin was viniting friends h-re this week. I..I. Carter ami w ife. of Kuther-on,-jnt Sunday here. M:nler Jom-jiIi. F. Johnson paid t.vr office a visit this week. .T-ir-i. H II. Hemphill visited his par ents in Burke eonnly tliis week. 'I first lei I in e of I he .-eason was b-ought to town by V. T. Springs. We -a J I attention to the "ad." of :V.' F.agle Hotel in another column. Mrs. .In... I'.laloch, of Old Fort, vi-.itin friends in town this week. It. 1. I.ovelaef, we are tjlad to note, is able to he on the .street again- - ; us Martin killed seven wild luks on (he Cataw ba river lat week. Mrs. L. ('. Neal and K. J. Justice wire in New port, Ten n., last week on business. Messrs. W. A. F.lholt, J. I.. Oilkey and Ab. Wanton went to Old Fort .Sunday. The number of arrivals at th" Hotel IcN ichohis only number two I his w eek. The arrivals nt the Fleming Hotel during the month of March, to date, number W. Superintendent Tripp, Samuel Hunt and other 3 C.'s otlicials were here las- week. If you want to rent or buy a resi dence call at J. O. Oram's ollice, No. ! Main street. Mr II. Simmons, of Ashcville a toin.cr citizen (if t hi county, is vis it iiiff iclat i lu re. .Mr J. II. Scagle purchased of Kcg-i-u r Kcown this week license to marry I 'era I.ce I'uckett. Mr. and Mn. Oco Carson and Mrs. W. i -on ley were visiting relatives in the city this Week. The bridge over Cataw ba river is Mill standing, ami so is your subscrip tion for the last year. W. II. Ilobbitt left Monday on a tour through l&urkc county for W. Mcl. Iturgin, Peputy Collector. KeV.O. W. l'helpps w ill preach in the F.piscopal chinch to-day at 11 o'clock and at 7 ::m o'clock at night. Ir. M or phew will open hi soda fountain to the public on or about the 1st ir April, the weather permitting. Our Foreman. W. H. Cheek, who for the paM t wo weeks has liecn sick, j we r.re glad to say is at his post again- The third story of the F.agle Hotel i- i-.enriug completion, and will soon be ready for the reception of summer v i-iiors. The F.ditor is this week attending court at Moriranton. therefore we Lope our leaders will look over all short comings. W. T. Imdis has opened a cabi net maker's shop in the old shop for merly occupied by John Burrows, hear the depot. Mcssr. T. J. Sinclair, M. A. New laml, J. F. Morphew and K. J. Justice were in Morganton this week attend ing Burke court. W. 1. Springs, proprietor of the F.agle bar, had a package of whiskey ecucd by the Tillman spies last week at Yorkville, S. C. The ;i C.'s railroad is going dow n bill every day (except Sunday). It has to do this in order to get t Charles ton and other points south. The Ladies' Aid Society gave a Traveler's Tea at the Court House l.tr-t night. The entertainment was largely attended and highly enjoyed. Sum Creswan, of Arm -Strong, is in tow ii this week. Sain says that the indications point to a large ami early stock of ratt le snakes this year. --- It seems from recent occurrences that when the officers of our town can not have a racket any other way they will get one up among themselves. Kev. M. L. Kaylor will Till the pul pit of Mr. liodgerx at the Methodist church in this place next Sunday, and Mr. Rogers will preach at r.ridgewater. Money has been raised by the members of the F.aptist church to car pel the aisles, al-o t buy a new chan delier, and to generally clean up the church. Cha ii i Klli irt is s'i!rLrin from a s evere attack of still' neck. He says it was caused by I). J. Ktley giving him a ten cent cigar, and he threw his head too far back. The families of V. T Springs and Thos. Martin, visited Mr. I. A Kanipe, family and fish pond, and report the catching of no suckers, but lassoed 12 full-grown carp. Messrs. K. II. Bennett, J. C. Mc Curry, l. H. Cardin alid J.O. Nichols went to Iluck Creek this week on a lishing trip, and succeeded in catching about twenty speckled trout. The firm of I. J, Ktley & Co. will suspend their bar in Marion on April 1st, They say there is not enough money here to hold them, and thank the people for the patronage received by them. People are poin. all over the world to visit fprinrs of various kinds of waters, but Springs of the F.agle b?r, can supply those in search of the "O, be joyful" kind with i quality that is unHiirpassed. Since the survey made by the C, C. & C. road the trains have been about three years late at Spruce Pine. Mitch ell county, X. C, but there being no connection to be made, the passengers were put to no inconvenience. Kx-Sheriff J. C Neal last week bought a hog and turned him loose in his lot, and it seems as though the cli mate did not agree w ith him, and he laid down and died plum dead and at last accounts was still dead. If a man was to get drunk or lost during thu night and happen to fall into J. (1. (J rant's llower pit and wake up in the morning, it would take very strong witnesses to convince him that he was not in the land of flowers. There uasan interesting debate at Providence last Saturday night, by John Pool ami John F. Morphew, the subject of the discu.-ion was: Iiesolvd that nature is a stronger evidence of a Supreme neing than the llihif; it was said to have been ably discussed. loni Dale says that some one stepped on ami broke the handle of one of Mr. Atkin's shovels, and he imme diately applied Bird's Lightning Lini ment, and White Lillj salve, and in the course of twentv-foiir hours it was healed up, and was as good as new Mr. J. It. Carson is making quite a reputation as a trapper. On last Fri day night he displayed some of the Cow ISoy's tact by Inssoeing the terror long known to the inhabitants of Ituck Creek. It was a wild cat of an unus uh! size. Mr. Carson during the cap turing thought that the Custer mas sacre was nowhore. If a man breaks the Sabbath there is something said about it, but a Shanghai, Ounghill or liaiitom haa, as he thinks, a right every Sunday morn ing about 4 o'clock tu break day, but friend Copenning the other morning retarded one of the bravest efforts a chicken ever made to bring day light about two hours sooner than prescribed in Ayer's or anybody else's almanac. Mr. J no. li. Xewton arrived here Wednesday via New Orleans from Cal amar, Republic of Columbia, South America, at which place he has been employed f r the past eight or ten months as civil engineer on a road be tween Cartagena and Calamar. He tell some intere.d nig things concern ing that country. High Hiding. The liighfst riding known in this part of tho moral vineyard was don; when our esteemed con temporary mounted Jupiter ami rod to the country to spend a few days. It wa.-i said in heathen my thology that when Jupiter frowned the earth quaked and tiembled. We did not notice anvtliinr of th,. kind, but wo did observe that when ' YOU'D BETTER KEEP POSTED. Tlie Record TelU Who is Aliv. Dead Jlen Can't Talk. Live Ones Advertise. ST Get Shirts and Shoes at McCall & Conley's. A good Texas Cow boy Saddle for sale cheap, a ply at this oOice. The Record and Atlanta Weekly nis master spurred Jupiter jumped Constitution one year for $1.10. ana rattled oil in a camp meeting trot. COMMUNICATIONS. Mr. Will McCall, of Marion, U at home for a short visit. We are gruuJ vtiiUren in pnct'j.U- uf lionrsty and right, a f.r me li:u my Ut end cuinr 1 Wilb to owe no one. uiol do thinl. timi Lew is Maddux, Phesidk.nt. HeFJMrcl fully. M. Wa.-hbvhm, S. ShVaVS irlau to see W iIIih. ' "oulu ' very many to owo nu-.uii Mfas .Sallie Jarrett in spending MU,ej B"' fu b tfllrr thin'iLcy some time at .Marion, at .Mr. .Iik "" " lu f"1- Brown's. Mr. James Avery and family, of Gardin City, are visiting relatives here thi week. Mr. Harrison Gibbs and wife, Published by rq ie.t. Dear Sir: II, ing A rrat jMifterer unj j citi7.cn of yonrconty, I felt a to be m duly ! CAPITAL $50,000 I t yon to publish the following: I hre 1 McLood, Cisaiik. ASIIlIYILldE x. c IKSKJATFI MATE DKrOSITOUV. SURPLUSES oor r.i Mi Tr.lliu ltrmrn l,u.lr tl,.. , . . A O 11.-1V S ri;il fn.lWI.vo f. t..wli:.,.. 1, :.t t 1 . . V nice line of cassimers. ie.ms and , , , T 01 ine tiapiiat shBrcli iroio v " i neroBn.i .. , , . . , leave ior iurKR count v last vreeK l ladies dress goods, just received at,ull(iro fllt.v m, ;, -r .,',;: i w -u-ta w.th , and olhers ... vntern North Carolina, lfvoti have no Hank accou. t - ' McCall & Con ley's , "r" t, i " j uoim, tuj utta treated fori The poople of old times bolii-vd I J ' home, lo the newly married cou- game. I never saw :uiy i,iouj or h,-..rd lor think of a change, we will lie ilad to have vou correeiwnd w4tk u. in signs and prophecies, but the power of foretelling future events een)s to have been lost in modern times. However, there were some predictions made recently by pome knowing person or persons, that were as accurately futhlled as any made by the ancient prophets. Only two weeks longer. J Ilamp. Parks was fined $1 and costs for striking a colored lady m the iaco. This w-ek we furnish our read ers witli a supplement containing the tariff sjieech of Congressman Crawferd. which we think will be found interesting and instructive. The. representative of the Third Party has deserted his post, joined hands with Sent land, and gone to the Highlands (with Scottie) fish- in". Mr. (J. W. Crawford was m Anheville this vc'k in consultation with the "'unterrified" brethren of his political creed. J. Ci. (J rant has about twenty five tine Coeheu China chickens which In; will sell very low. Call and see thfin. NOTICE. The following list of wach- being In 1 1 by I J. R. 13r.jokshif.-r two to four years, will b! sold for repairs unless called for within thirty days from date: C, Darl ton. Win. Lane, P. A. CosejT, (Jad dvs, 8. A. Uowiiutn, (iibson. 11. II. liallard, Cosby, Will Wells. Tom Carson, Logan Jackson, James Wilkerson. Jamks 13. Swixdeix. March 20, lim. Go to Street man's drug store for pie who have just started on their bn:ehes, combs, perfumery, toilet jroad of j"1 life, we extend articles, pure drugs and patent uu , T',, nt Ttlc medicines. yi jle) j8 visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wasted: A partner villi five jV''in on. hundred doTlara to invest in ai gfjod-i We are glad to have the acqui- paying business. Apply at this sition of Mr. and Mrs. Lonon to office for particulars. our circle, and hoe they may so . ,. , 1 much admire our kittle -vallev, Paints, oils, Hillside plows, well ... . .ir.,ri,M anitl pumps, iron pipe, Piedmont wagons and buggies at Jones'. gjS Heavy Cassimere gold at any price at McCall & Conley'.s. Everything at cost for 30 days, we want to make room for spring goods try us, we mean just what we say; Martin Kros. All kinds of Springand Summer dress goods at lowest prices at Medd's Variety Store: jQu Clothing aw ful cheap at McCall &Conley's. A first-class New Home sewing machine, equally as good as new, for sale cheap, or exchange. Apply ..4 4i... r Ul LIIU IIIA.UUKUIIITO. II.- -. ,1, ...... 1 success and happiness in their new .McCall & conley, nave just receiveu jlome a line lot of Pants. Everybody go to them for a pair spring pants. . Remember that Tom Martin's of the world, that they will make their future permanent home with us. They occupy the residence and farm recently vacated by Mr. J tunes Avery. Mr. Clarence Mfc&all, after a few months' stay with us, returns again to Marion. We regret to have him leave, for we always find him pleasant. Clarence is a young matt of whom any community should feel proud to speak pious, sober and energetic. Such-are tho boys who make life a success. Mr. Sauuial Prown, Jr., and family, have recently moved to Mitchell county. We regret to lose them, and wish them much The young people seem to be lieve that though Cupid accom plishes her work successfully, and Restaurant is the best place to get ! has been the means of a number a square meal when you come to of. their circle 'eing led to the curt next week. RUv vour gr. .Ccr- Hymeneal altar. They may still, ies from him. v , w ith the few that remain, parti- -h:it.viii lh. ir rrvmaki'iirs. and Q. McCall & Conley, are wiling ! !eiljoy a nvo'ly time, as they have Goods awful cheap. haJ a numj)(.r cf sociables recent ly, all of which seemed to be en joyed to the tit most. Mr. Collins, of Georgia, with his linery line, ladies hats, bonnets, trim- j family, have recently moved to Frank Gaines, colored, who has been working for Mr..!. A. McDonald, at the Eagle Hotel, has skipped for parts unknovn, after getting three dollars and fifty cents from Mr. Mc Donald on an order supposed to have been from Mr. W. W. Cooper. Sometime ago Gaines bought a suit of clothes from Mr. Cooper, and Mr. Me Donald agreed to keep the money out of Gaines' wages and pay it to Mr, Cooper. On last Saturday Gaines came to Mr. McDonald and asked for what money was due him. Mr. Mc Donald refused to give it to him, say ing that there was not enough due him to pay Mr. Cooper. Gaines insist ed, saying that he had received a tele- grain saying his father was very 5ick ami that he had no money to go on Mr. McDonald then told him if In would bring an order from Mr. ooper for the money that he would give it to him. Gaines went oil', and in a .-hort while came back w it h' the order from Mr. Cooper. Mr. McDonald paid him the amount. It was not discovered that the order was forged until Gain had left. Wauled. A bank in Marion. Water works in Marion. A Graded School in Marion. A company to buy nnd complete the Catawba Hotel. A big crowd of summer visiters to 1 spend the coming summer in Marion where fogs, lno.-uitos. mr.lin.i imM exorbitant prices are unknown, and good hotel accommodations are abun- ! dint. All subscribers who owe the Kr.ci;t and do not intend to pay, to stop their paper. And all who have any interest in the county to come in and subscribe for this paper, and pay in advance. Our readers to buy goods from the merchants who advertise. Merchants ITIarioa a a S;ujihm-i- Resort. Marion now has first-class hotel facilities, and all who intend to visit the mountains this summer for health or pleasure, will find it the most delightful place in West ern North Carolina. Our hotel men oifer most liberal rates to vis itors, and furnish their tables w ith ill the market affords. Stop here when vou start to the mountain and see if vou do not get more sat isfaction for the mon -v than vou 'et anywhere else. The scenery surrounding th own is unsurpassed for grandeur. e are within a short distance ol many great and noted mountains in the Appalachian chain, and have roads leading in all directions, so that the tourist can visit places of interest. The gigantic mountains, the beautiful watercourses, the hunting md fishing (speckled trout and various kinds of game, being with in a few hours ride), our delight ful climate, superior water, first- class hotels, railroads and hospita ble people these and many other inducements are oll'ered to those who eek a home for summer or w inter. It is cooler here in sum mer than it is in Asheville. We have no mosquitos, malaria, or fogs. Consumptives should try this climate if thev would avert the perilous fogs which some resorts have. Mrs. J. I'. Norton has just received a new stock of elegant spring millin ery, embracing everything in the mil voices 'till tba third time, ubir.h commen ced in Sepi, while in the hosp ital. Those visionj auj oaiuri firt come in tbt name of my urn child, fudirr in-U " moilier-in law and sister iu.law, who are ueaJ. Ii increased hourly until 1 uow re-' ceue luo names .f morj ibitu one thuiisa-ni nut !l At once, but nt Ji IT relit timet. Those angel visious are of the best cliri tuns I knew on earth. I have seen visions of the Savior, speaking hU own uame each day. I ha re heard the Almitby's own voice spoken every hour. It may be probable that i: my departed fiieudj wiio give imt His bume. I think it mor-i probable that cne great power does it al 1. The cause is uukuown tome, I hear these voices every mocent, unless I am asleep, with a 1 1 his, I ha'ie been at home twelve mouths doing my own work, tu; owo tra ding, going t church with n good b.lia vior as I ever did. I Drive n-y wagon and tuniuge. w iih my ou family or alone. Thi e&i-itemcul caused by this i liable to take tny life at any moment. lieai -mbtr this, iricnds, th.it I am a lover of Christian ity. Z- S Hawkins. f CR0C7 mings &v I Everybody that wants their walls whitewashed this spring, must eall on McCall & Conley, and get the finest thing on eartl), the Plastico. All colors in stock. Tinware, Glassware, Croekorv, lamps, Looking-glasses and Clocks cheap r.t Medd's Variety Store. . Farmers, take your Eggs to McCall & Conley, and get the cash. For t he verv best clover seed, iro to McCall & Conley. Only-' 1") -cents j sympathy. our valley-, and occupy a portion of Mr. W. A. MeCalPs larm. Miss Nannie McCall. after a suc cessful term of several months, has closed her school. Sabbath school recently organized is in fair progress. Let us all make an earn est effort and make it a grand success. Died.5 On the morning of the 19th. infant daughter, Annie Lee, of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCall. To j the bereaved family we extend our A. This week's paper was nt the h Tids of Messrs. Arthur Mirh..tr AN ill W. Xeal .nd Tom De.ii. brou. hi w ho w ill not suuDort a home paper by into exibtt-iae. Editor, reporter and printer. If the arrests made in the Mivor's court ' ante up" for tne past week, the Mayor's roflee pot is a hummer. Mayor Morri always impartially a lministers the law. advertising will not be too liberal with vou in business transactions. The County Coimnisi-ioners to put another story on the court house, to be iwed for a public hall, and otherwise improve the appearance of the old eye- j I never loved a tree or flower dure structure. j But what 'twas first to fade away Obituary. Pi-parted this lift! on or about March 5th, lrtJM, tlit- weakly Knolution. It bad been sutltting, ".- noptiriousU" speak ir.g, as s.i i -1 by u learned gtli'lemau of color, from t crt-1 to iiial nieniiigetis. Its most intimate irirmts Sav it wa never a healthy child, and never grew so laro but ill-it the proud bird of liberty wIih Ii it uuro at i:s h ad could without any exeni in curry oil" ihe whole tnisi-it-ss far aay beyond the habitation of iu-ws-piiperisui. The Kaglo has unfurle-l t!. is mortal coil and joim-d the bird giug and gone to pans unknown. One thitig we lo ktow, that tne bird nr.J pper tolh ate gone, and no towtls are datnpeued with tears '-y its i iir url!;re. n ny our l-t5l peoph-. ii 'v:u i j.rtit-t.-.l by i-eai t ut tin-,.- wsr .-. -:.c-mies iL.it it wou'.d become vit--.:ia to I t::e t:it.il -.iisoriier, nad swoon away sooner j than i; did. Ttoy even limiit J i: abode t,i- rih to two wek?. but it bore up o.!-.ite auhiie under that f it.il disorder that woulJ have m-tle many who were stroiis er bite the du.-t. Its bereaved friends h.ive our beiirtft It sxmpatiiics in their affiirtion, e.-;)eii.i!: its tear tela'.ives, who c ir.uct reaiic i3 i;id death, ome tven claim that it is not dt-ad, but slt-e-etb.'' but its chief mourner is particularly bowed down and overcome with grief. All his hopes wrre i-ertere-J io this chibl. lie looked forward to t!:e tiaie when it would become a rawer iii tiie laud, but alas, ail Lis Uopos lire cru:a-.-d 'Twas ever thus from childhood s Lour, I've seen my fondt-st hopes decay; per point' gjS" Oo to McCall & Con ley's for cheap Tobacco, Nails, Horse and Mule Shoes, Cartridges and all kinds of Hardware. J. fJ. rant :s doing an active business in Jteal estate and Emigrant tickets. T. A. White, the old and estab lished wood workman can always be found at his old stand, ready to do any any all khids of wood work, and do it cheap. George A.Gilkey has a nice line of Provision Safes, from 3 up. Call on George A. Gilkey and get a baby carriage. I have just received a new lot of oak cxtention tables, six fret long, which I will sell very cheap for cash. You can get any kinds and sizes of window shades at George A. Gilkey's furniture store. All parties indebted to the firm of E. J. Etley are hereby notified to come at once and settle their accounts. 1). J. Eti.ev & Co. The stock can be had cheap, other wise it will be shipped to Louisville. Martin 1'ros. have just received a full and complete line of spring and summer shirts, in variegated colors. Co to McCall A Conley's for all your lry ;oods. They are the cheap merchants in Marion. North Cove, X. C, March 19. If you want anything like a handsome necktie Martin 15ros. has the only nice display in town. If they can't suit you you wil: have to visit the Northern markets. If you need anything in the no tion line call on Martin Bros. Go to A. 15. Gilkey & Son for first class syrup "Sugar Drip" at 40c per gallon; also Tally in different Uavors, at 15c. jkt pound. Fok Sai.f.: A G'.ud almost new f iT l-'ire-poc-f Mife. in as j-rood coedi iioii s tlw (In? it ws ij-uht. Terai-, CaMi. Call on or aMres 1. J. Etley, Marion, X. C. Editor Marion Recoui:-I have been reading j our paper and several others, nnd the all, alike, advocate reform, but it stems to me that they brgin reform too far I frot.1 borne. They all alike, begin at the head of the me ft at Washington, but it looks to me like that wi bad better begin reform at home, and get our county gov ernment right, and next to tha-t, get our ftutc I tws riht, aud then onward and up ward. The law that conflicts most with us poor laboring pt-ople, is the hoim suad law, that ever has been worse than nothing, and has bien educating our people to dishonesty at;d it set uts to me that it is so arranged in nature that wo l.ae to act for and wiih each other, nnd the more we confide in each othei it we me worthy of trust, tu easier it is for us to get along financially. j Almost ever piper I read has more or j less 'mortgage sales advertised in them, i and it is very probable that the. very last c.-d'.'s worth of potoperty belonging to te mortgager is to be sold. Now in such cases I cannot ace for the life of me what gcod the homestead law is tiding us when nine- en t lis of the people can't get a cent's worto ou time without wraping up double the value iu mortgage. 1 do not favor repudia tion, direct or indirect. I am in favor of tue collection of honest debts under a plain simple ftt'-ni of law (call it execution i' you wish ) to the last dollar the debtor is worth. I l.ave expected to rvad after meuof brains toti bad honest purpose in this nut ter, but 1 imagine my side of tliis piclur. is so unpopular they are too cowar-Jly to venture on it, but I ijiagine they all know its wrong. I am going to sptak out my opinion with the best fte ings to al1, auu ailow cvvrj body the 8iiit! p miw ge that I take foi myself I only wish that our peopie may consider for their bcS' interest, and furihertujre ptofit by the riiitakes m.eie by their fath rs this b ouk stead aflair," in my judgment was one of the broadest mistakes, anil so far ns I hav had txptriince, nevirknew ua i.otiest rnun or uiu.n b-nifntid Vt; it ha Urn the bar. oi il :!et d( Ug8 , sxf.r.p !lio jur p -'i:t; i. Stde oi my ac- 1 ;V'.:y, 1 !.. c l.nos r. aeu, t'.i it it they bad j trijJ m u-tr-i to j-ay their ticl-ti us :hy did I to keep from it, they vtoul l Lave been iu oclial HiUory. Wiitteu for the Kkcoho. ''tSeorge Wathingtou first to the White House came, And next ou the list is Johu Adams name, Tout JtflVrson then filled the honored place; The name of Jcnus 1'adisou next we trace." 'The (if h in succession was James Monroe, And John Quincey Adams the next below. Tht u Andre-v Jackson was placed in te chair; Next we find llartiu Van Uuren there.' Then Wm. II. Uaniaon was the choice you know, But died to make, room tor John Tyler below. At the next election, by the way of a joke The Dtmocrats elected James K. Polk Then Zacnarjr Taylor was designated To govern a peoule by victory elated( But died in his office, us did Harrison ol yore And was happily succeeded by Millard Fillmore. Now, next Franklin Pierce, the distinction ore. He was born in New Hampshire in eighteen and four. It was in this contest the ''Haas" first appeared, 11 ut nothing in history, fiom them is j heard. ''The fifteenth name was James Ducbanan they say, Who. for Abraham Lincoln, prepared the way. Who's martydoin gave Andiew Johnson ch nice. The eighteenth nsme was Ulysses S. - Grant's.". 4Bv means of various and aunrtry ways The nineteen tt nue was It. 15. IIa)S Then James A. Ga. titld took the chair of State, Hut was soon' removed by the band Of fate." -Then Chester A; Ailbur filled the term unexpired, I5ut of the party in power, the people were tired." So they chose Urover Cleveland to serve I in his stead, To 'turn out the rascals," and likewise he did. For four long years be honored hs trust( I5y serving the people in a way that was just. Our so::tU land rrjoiccd and gladly they ftg The praise of Grover, wlu beat Jimmie Blaine. Then Benjumin Harrison was chosen, a ptrt little chap, He had nothing to recommend him 'ct-pt hi. grandfather's bat. Which only was worn a month as jou know By the vt-nriable president ofyearsago. The people got tired, and 15cnjims.ii beat. So Grover was aain put back in the beat. 3?? FOR US. i j. II 1.0 TM LLO in -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL-! I take this method of informing you that I hnve just openwd lbj LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, BUGGIES, HACKS AND SPRING WAGONS, Ever brought to Marion. COOKIXr: ami Hi: tUX. STOVES, Good and Chm ! Doors, Sash aud Blinds, Glass, Paints, Oii( Paint Kriislics, AaiN, IIor.no .S'horM Ac. at wholesale prices to country merchants. I koejt on hand ft iii7ply IK THE Foit PALE. Two good milk bell circumstatces to-day than they eov. Call ti J. S. Klliott. Kodak Headache Cure, ten eentr y -r paekago, at Morphew 's. All kinds of garden seed at W. McD. P.iiririnsi. The largest line of notions and novelties in Western North Caro lina at Medd's Variety Store. tEL. Got your I lover seed. Onions j and CoU'ee from McCall & Conley. i Clothing. Hats, hor?, Siftvr, : Bucket.-. Baskets and pictures cheat at Medd's Varic'v Stove. gj" Buy your Plow from McCall & Conley, they have the South Bend and Avery plows. thev would b:ive had a good reputation at lea-t I Lave had twenty jars exjerictice under tiie oM encuiiun !.iw, and twenty years erperie- re under homestead devil ment, aud the people under tl.e old system wns 100 per cent better oT than they are now. This de.es:a':,!e i.o:iiretead curse moi'Jy concerus us !nt:oc'-l;ani'.e fellows a'trove-a':! other bd law. i". wjs io my opin- iioa a tcwarJ ourrta rascauiy in r.s ! . . . . . , ons;m, a curse tual was !ro gu; on us cj our legislators and voters, a crime ol the (etp'.t and by the people, which has long much brought on its own punishment. As far bi it concerns me individually, I ai-k nutinn?, expect nothing acd ouiy wish a change for posteritys sake. My highrst arubi;i"u is to educi'.e my u.'. ir3 aui liht(iition. TO WHOM IT MAY CO.nC'ERV. Know all n-cn, th". V. A'. Insart ar.d J b Tysar:, hert'oToi doing l.uiness at p.rii-e.'S a-idcr ilie firm naiiw t-f V. V. litsiitt i Co., at Ljsrisvilie,in McDowell County in NottJ Carolina, bivethis day dissolved their buiuess interests, and that all dtbts due to the raid firm, acd all uVbts owing by it shall be paid to and ry W. W. fysart. Mariou. N.C.. Jiarili Stu, J i. .Marion 1'ioduce ?Iarket. Corrected weekly by McCaiJ &. Conley. MjUuon, X. C, Mar:h,6th, 1-504. Wheat r'- Corn V"- Oats - - - - ' - 40o. Bye Wc- Wh'te Denns .... ?1 Col. Bc-ans ... - l.fX. Clay Pea3 .... 50c. Chickens .... 10 to 20. Onions ----- 00c. CELEBRATED PIEDMONT wAQONxJ, which fir prico, finit-h and durability, have no equal. -Tkfy are warranted for 12 montliH. W. PP -Jones, Eggs Irish Fotatos -Sweet Butter 10c 60c. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Prompt Attention Given to Work lleceiv. BY MAIL. Estimates Furnished as to Charges. RETURN POSTAGE PAID ON REPAII in 15 to 23 i L