DRAGS mWjSl An attractive ainllHiit line of fancy and Toilet Articles, also TROPiCAL FRUITS, aud a full line DRUGS AKD MEDICINES,' at .11. 3IOi:iIIElV' McCall fc Conley extend t. their many friends A HAPFY NEW YEAR GREETING ! y take pleasure in announcing our incn-iistl favi'. 'i - t serve you Urinous ALL VOLII J BODITK Amlgft (Jood Che i -r ti:. ny wher rise in T..v..i- -VOL 3 LOCAL GLEANINGS. IIcjim f .' or JL4" Import aii t' I'oint'tl) I'rinU'rt l or Itccoil ICul(r. MIR,I01T, 3T. O, FRIDAY, J-UnSTIE 22 1894 i:.nl-y, of A-ltt'viiU', was in sumh'.y. nl to Morganton this .. (..- city I'.. !:. l'ri .,.,4. on bu-itn-s. W. C. Cooper left for lit s home in ,,:lt,-vili- Monday. .lini I oimui. of North Cow, was in lli,- . il v Wediirsuaj . . - Tliad !': ''' t Tuesday for Ashe liiic. !" goni- 1 1 1 1 1 a while. -vi i Maggie Xeal returned home sal unlay t" j'iul her vacation. llcv. M. I.. Kaylorwiil preach at Vic Mi-t liodist church Sunday night. Mr. Agnes llyanjj is visiting l, ii inN and relatives in Rakersville. Sif in : n illii-r column ad of Wet-ininv'.- Ilii-ii.f-s Srhool, iit Old Fort. Inline It) mini is spending ti few j- at tl.- reidece of J. ('. McCurry. IU.li McCitU, of Ashevillc, soent .1 j,u il.i in the city (luring the hist The Populists will meet at Old Kurt out he .--oil. inst. and will bold a (o.inty Congressional Convention in Marion on July 4lh, to endorse Ki. h mond Pearson for Congress, and liomi Jiate a county ticket. The hoys are preparing to dis course sweet music to the peopleor run the inhabitants crazy with their prac ticing. The Marion Cornet Kami lias organized ami will be ready to furnish such music as may desired. It is said a prominent Populist GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. I'AU V;itAPIIt;i roft THE " lil t OKl) IELAIH KS. A 'movement has been started at JMeJjiuond lo erect a monument there to the woijilmi of the South. Senator Gordon, of Cleonjia, is to deliver his lecture, "The Last Days of the Conf.k'racy,'' at Burling ton, July -JUh. Senator Sherman has the dis- h-adcr in thecounty recently posted up ! tinctioii of havln," i.wn in Senate longer than any other person, not excepting Sejiator Denton. Ex-Postmaster, General James, of New York, said ir an interview, that he thought It !t. T. Lincoln would ie the Republican nominee for President in 1890. k. lari'iii c Link and his sister, Miss Carrie, made Mrs. A. .1. (iilkey a visit weesi. W. II. Miller, editor of the Shelby A-urnra. paid 1 he Ki: oi:i ollice a visit la-l week. W. 1. Moore, of Spartanburg, S r.. i-visiiin.ir his brother-in-law, Jr" i:. .1. hurgin. - MUs Kiisi-dna Sledge, of llender-.-miv i 1 is visiting her sister, Mrs. .1 I.. Knglish. Itev. .1. A. II. Fry passed h;re jes fcnlay on his way home from Vander bilt I'niversily. It. 15. A. Ch.ek, accompanied by lii Mm. went to Mrga' ton yesterday ii:i .n f 'iou:il luisincss. See in another column the profes sional card of lr. I! L. Ashworth, who I a- ..c;:lfd at Old Fort. X. C. I.'ev. ''. J. J'ogers w ill fill his reg ular appoint nient at Snow Hill and lr 1'i.md chiirt lies next Sunday. Lin! Sinclair rcttirneii liome yes- cnlav Iroin Italeigh where w has Iv i'ii a'ti'iidiiig tli- A. and M. c(dlege .) I.. :. I'.inl, Misses. I.izzio K. Ni'.-i! anil r.iiiuiie Keid, went up to V in in I Knob Saturday aid back tin .i 1 1 c day. Mr-. John Newton returned Sun ila from i:icliii'o;i'. 'a where .-hu bar Sj-m-m i-.iting her fat her-iti-J.iw, Kishoj N.Wtnll. -I. I. lilahtoii drove t trough ."oiiii- try in in Asiieville J uesday bringing villi him Miss NeJJie Lebarbe, a friend ! Vi-. I'l.cit jii. We call the attention of our reader- to the legal advertisement of T. W. Young administrator, which appears i:i anut her column. I. en A.T. Curtis, Old Fort's hust ling lumber man, has shipped three ir loads of locust pins during the past J'-w weeks to Norfolk, Ya. a paper eallingfor ineetingof his party friends, and that his wire, a most esti mable lady, happened to see the call w ith his name on it, and ''dula" took it down. - Evangelist Oales, wife and daugh lar, and Mr Fitch Taylor, left last Fri day for Asi'eville, where they will pend a week. Mr. (Sales and family made a great many friends while here and w ill ahvavs b welcome to our midst. Kev. Win. If. White, will preach in the McCall school limine, Xorth Cove, oa Saturday night before the 4th Sab bath (2Kb; at 11 a. ni., and at night. He will preach at Siloam on Saturday be fore t he 1st Sabbat h of J uly at 4 p in., aud Old Fort at night of same day. High Henry's Variety Company gave two plays here, Monday and Tues day nights, June 18th and Hth in the Court House. Their plays were new, comical and entertaining. The large audience were well pleased with the performance jiikI the company deserve a liberal patronage wherever they go. It is well worth the price of admission. Mr. 1. X. Lonon was married to Miss Ilessie Yancey, daughter of Col. J. (S. Yancey, at the residence of the bride's father, on Wednesday. 1'ev- John Oreenlee otliciating. Mr. and Mrs. Lotion left on eastbound train to visit northern cities. While north Mr. Lonon will purchase a stock of goods, and will soon establish a mercantile house in Marion. Messrs. L. II. Smith and V.'oodville Yotiug, of Yancey county, were in town last hcek. These getitlemcnsre sterling democrats, and Mr. Young is prominently spoken of for 1 be demo cratic nomination for siterilf of his county. They tny they are going to nominate a good live man for senator and say if McDowell will furnish one of equal ability, we will carry the dis trict by . Wit o titKl majority. So let us nominate a man well-known over the district. At a regular Communication of Mystic Tic Lodge No 237.A.F.& A.M. held l.lthday of June 1S!U, the follow ing officers were elected for the Mason ic vear heirinniiiir June "ilth lS'.ll : H. Price, W. M.: W. T. Landis. s. Thomas Morris, J. .: J. L. Morgan, treasurer and (5. AV. Crawford, Secre tary. The ollicirs will be mstaiteu puu- licly at one of theehurches in the town at ;$ p. in., on June SOth, and Ilros. M. M. I.andrum and W. 11. YUnte, are expected to deliver a masonic lecture to the lodge and the public. All are m- ited to attend. For the lodge, IS. W. Crawford, Secretary. Mi- I. una Neal returned home ia-t Saturday from Farmers, Kandolph county, where she has been teaching. We arc glad to welcome her back. The hour for holding Sunday -.Inml at the Methodist church has been changed fro;u :;.:() p. m. lo 11 ;30 a-in. Let every one make a note of t'u-. All the members of t lit Kp'vortli I.eagm- are .-peciaMy reouested to b !'i'e-eiit at the regular meeting Friday "'gin I'.viry one is cordially invited I" attend. tjuite a number of young people we"' to thebeautifuland romantic fall nf the juir.i ami limpid waters of Kuck Creek t his morning to spend the day picturing. Kain! Kain!! Kain!!! Ob, bow we 'vi-li it wiiird. This immediate vicinity i- -;nl!y in need of it. We have had one t two - ight showers, but not enough 'In any good. Among the manv other attract ions at the ice cream parlor of Messrs t'lie.-k and I'obbitt, js an elegant sod b'uiiiain loailed down with all llavor of nii and plenty of ice. A ery iiiterestingcommunication ie, rived at this ofljee this week I'm a- we make it a rule never to pub hh a;i thing written on both sides of "", paper, we could not publish it. Mis-es. Hvams. Knglish and Mc Kinney, of Mitchell, jiassed though the ' 'J la-t week on their way home from A.-h.-vilir. They have been attending " linel ami are jm-t oil" for their vaca-ti.it-. - u'. 1". Lowe, K. A: I. agent at ( o:ir,e;:v Springs, who received an ac I'ideiita! shot in his right hand last Niti:n!ay. is visiting his long-esteem-irii-nd. Long the nomilar agent at rt. Orang.i Page, the negro murder er who escaped from the countv jail at Raleigh sometime ago, has been recaptured and will no doubt sull'er the death penalty. The Asheville Citizen has figur ed out a majority of 3,000 against Richmond Pearson th.? Republican Pnpulist Iudopondent candidate tor Congress in the ninth district. The Governor has appointed State Geologist Holmes to repre sent the State at the national con vention m the interest of the good roads, to be held at Asburv Park, X. J., July 5th and Gth. Richmond Pearson, Independ-ent-Populist-Repuhlican candidate for Congress in the ninth district, opened his campaign at Rrvson City last week. His speech was re plied to by ex-Collector Elias. J. P. Alderman, assistant opera tor in the depot at Tahun, S. C, was brutally murdered Sunday night and the depot robbed. The body was carried about 100 yards in the woods and was very much disfigured. Lenoir, June 19. The Democrat ic executive committee for the 8th congrcssioimldistrict met in Lenoir to-dav and called a convention to meet in YVilkesboro on tVcdnesday July 25. to nominate a candidate for congress. A special received from Rich mond announced that under the reorganization of the Richmond & Danville the election of officers re sulted as follows ; President Sam uel Spencer; Vice-President, A. 1?. Andrew; General Manager, V. . JI. GreOM. Sen.-itor P.titlor and Gov Till man, v.hoaret) emvass South Carolina for the Tinted States Seh atorship, opened their campaign at Rock Hill Monday. A large crowd was present but there was no disorder. Senator Rutler had a little the best of the joint discus sion. Wilmington, X. C, June 20. The Wilmington Cotton mills are closed. Saturday operatives were notified that wages would be re duced yesterday (Monday). The board of directors had a nieetingat It is earno.-tly desired that the 1 which hearing wasjjivc ;n the com- THE EDITORS' MEETING. 3Iorg:aiiton ICeceives 3Ir miters of the Press with OuUIrecIicd Arms and Opeu Doors. Our last issue contained an account of the meeting at Morganton lasi week of the editors of the State in conven tion. We desire to add a tribute to the kind, progressive and hospitable people of Morganton, but cannot find language to do them justice. The business of the convention was attended to bv the members of the Press Association in day time, and the members of the Press were attended to by the citizens of Morganton, Wednes day and Thurso iy nights, "and the editors were royally entertained by our hosts. There was no need of latch-strings on the outside, for Morganton's doors were wide open. Genuine hospitality surpassed the meaning of the words, ind at the ball, reception and banquet, Morganton's refinement, beauty, grace md chivalry, to say nothing of beauti ful ladies, love and flowers, made eter nal impressions upon the hearts and minds of every North Carolina quill- driver present. Old editors grew young, middle-aged ones were carried back to their happy teens, and the young fel lows like your humble servant w ho had just started in business to fill long-felt Wants were so over-whelmed wit'.i the joys of the occasion that their minds were entirely freed from the troubles of past-due bills and the cussed n ess of delinquent subscribers. At the banquet speeches were made by several of Morganton's citizens and a number of editors. The reception given by Hon. John II. Pearson, Mayor, at his elegant and palatial residence was the handsomest ever tendered the North Carolina Press. The banquet supper was sumptuous and elegant, and the ball was the grandest ever seen in Western Xorth Carolina. The editors were driven to all inter esting points about the city, among them the Western Hospital, where they were pleaatly entertained by Dr. Mur phy and assistants. Morganton cannot be excelled whatever she undertakes. The Absociatiou elerted the follow ing officers for the ensuing year : Pre.-i dent, W. C. Krwin editor of the Mor ganton Herald; Vice-President, C L. Stevens, second Vice-President, YV. F Marshall ; third Vice-President, . ( Dowd; Secretary and Treasurer, J. 15 Sherrill; Orator, John 11. Webster; Poet, Andrew Joyner; Historian, K. J Hale. The next meeting of theassoci- ition will be held in Greensboro. BUSINESS PARAGRAPHS.! Items of Interest iu These Hard ' You can se v h-re otlur jicople Times. ; sell at cost, just call and see our The Record $1. per year. - ' J goods and prices and compare, See the nice buggies and carts for , tUo Jr nl will se3 where bargains are. McCaM. & CoNI.EY. Confederate veterans ot , J.urke, Caldwell and McDowell meet in Morganton on July 4th,lS'.)l, ba the purpose of arranging for a re union at some time in Augut. Let ea.)h of the counties semi ,1 ..... l . T I.i- some ueiegaies u ..uoig.iom "m - ly 4th. Don't fail in this. YV. G. Turner, President Rurke Co. Con federate Veterans' Association. IVo ice. Py ordor of R. M. Furman, State Yuditor, 1 hereby notify the follow ing named gentlemen (the County Advisorv Board of Pensions) to meet the County Commissioners, Sheriff and Clerk of the Superior Court of McDowell County, consti tuting the County Roard of Pen sions, on the 1st Monday in July in accordance with the Pension Law of the State: W. F. Craig, A. L. Finley, T. R. Hemphill, J. M. Neal and R. W. Brown. John Cahsox. Chairman Board County Com'rs. J. C. Bkowx, Clerk. mittee ot operatives. After a full discussion of the matter the direc tors decided to adhere to reduced schedule ot wages winch the opera tives declined to accept. The nulls wele running on full time, and notioe. of a reduction was unex 4ectcd. Xo prospect of a settle ment in sight. In regard to the unfortunate con troversT over the exact location of the spot where Senator Vance's re mains shall rest permanently, the Asheville Citizen says the remains ot the nrst -Mrs. Y ance have never been removed to Riverside from the Presbyterian cemetery, and the statement that the Senator's re mains were removed from the side of his fi rst wife's grave is incorrect. However, it was the Senator's re quest that he be buried by her re mains, audit was, and is yet we take it, intended to place her re mains by his side. fucial I.i! lu t! ISeep. "How do vou do," said the crab to the lobster; "how is vour dear littlo baby? "Very well, indeed," said the lobster, "We haven't named her yet names aro so hard to find." "Why not call her Clawdia?" Bug Ccsted the crub. Jnry. Generally Delightful. Miss Ernestina Worker Do you know the effect of cotktails on the human system? Charlie dayboy That depends on whether you're used to them. I should advise you to go very easy at first, trooklyn Life. sale by W. P. Jones Xew line of latest style Alpiiii Hats at W. P. Wantons. Thk Record and Atlanta Weekly Constitution one year for $1.50. - New line standard paper novels just received, six and eight cents each at Swindell's. i All kinds of Spring and Summer 1 dress goods at lowest prices at Medd's Variety Store. Think of it a 400 page cloth- bound book Aldine edition for 19 cents, at Swindell's. Tinware, Glassware, Crockery, lamps, Looking-glasses and Clocks cheap at Medd's Variety Store. Just received a fine lot of mport d kipperwd herring, boneless pig feet, and a nice lot of French candy, crackers, oranges, and a keg of apricott cider, etc., at J. P. Xortons. T. A. White, the old and estab lished wood workman can alwaj's be found at his old sta'ul, ready to do any any all kinds of wood work, and do it cheap. The Kichmond & Danville railroad will sollS. K T. tickets to (ioldsboro $11.20 or to (ireensboro f(!.50 and return. Tickets on sale June isth to 22nd, in clusive. Limit June 2", ls:,l4. Cane Mills, Grain Cradles and G rass Scythes, for sale by W. P. Jones. Boots or Shoes we all must wear, The good will wear, the bad will tear, Have patience folks and don't be scared At the Piedmont can be repaired. It. W. YViiliams. The Kichmond & lanvil!e railroad will sell S. It. T. tickets to Commence ment at Davieson College, Davidson, X. C , at .73. Tickets on sale June 8, to Hth, inclusive. Limit June 1C, 1894. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Sifters, Buckets, Baskets and pictures cheap at Medd's Variety Store. The Kichmond aud Danville Kail road will sell S. It. T. tickets to Annual Session Urand Lodge K. of P. at Salem X. C, and return for $7.J5. Tickets on sale June ISt h, l'Jth and 20th. Limit June 23rd 1SU4. The largest line of notions and novelties m Western Xorth Caro lina at Medd's Variety Store. Wanted: One white girl for waiting on dining room Address, MlliUSSET & MlLI.EIf, Round Knob, X. C. The ltichmond and Danville Kail road will sell S. K.T. tickets to Annual Meeting of Xorth Carolina State Fu neral Directors Association, at Win ston-Salem, X. C and return at $7.1.", Tickets on sale June 18th, l'Jth and 20. Limit June 2;J,1S!)4. Bottling. All sizes, shapes, colors and Prices, we nre going out of the clothing business, and will give Bargains-in the lino we have on hand, we could duplicate Jacob's .coat, as spoken of in Biblical times. Mi Cau. & Coxi-kv. WET MO RE'S Commercial School, W. H. Wetmort will opm his Commercial School at Old Fort, X.' C, on July 1st. The term w ill last six we?ks. Mr. Wet more is an ex pert book-keer and teacher. He has had splendid succes in teach ing double-entry hook-keeping, banking and penmanship, having just closed a fin? school at Lex ington, X. C. All young men should avail themselves of the opportunity to attend the school, which will pre pare them for all branches of business. Special terms will be made to those joining the class nt $K1 Fcrt on July 1st. Board from $10 to $12 per month. For fur ther information address, W. H. WRTMORK, o; Y"U .-an tell by our advertising '"win. us the merchants who have got the h,--t ;m ri.;ttiv;.j i..,ds, for good tliKig- t i 1 1 crop out, and men who have B 'd ihiiig. win advertise them. "Lost: A pair of gold spectacles. A liberal reward is offered. Return to this office. -Administratrix .otice. Remarkable Thouchtfclueft. Ilojack So poor Staggers is dead. Tomdik Yes; end did you hear of th Wise forethought of Mrs. Staggers? He jack What did she do? Tomdik Had him laid out in (in as bestos bhrouiL Judge, A Masterly Defense Mokcby ITow did you come cut on & chickcn-stealin' case? Johnson All right. Mah lawyer proved dat de jedge didn't hab no juris diction, 'cause it was his own chickens i done stole! Puck. flad Some of the Crockery. "I met Wadsley on the street yester fay, but he did not recognize mc." 'perhaps ho was w ithout his glasses. Tres. but that's no excuse. lie wai J his cups just the tame." Chicago Jicrws. l'p to the Time. JIow old is your coat of arms?" fcsked Mrs. Dimling of Mrs. Freshrox. "Old?" replied Mrs. Freshrox, with tome feeling. "YYhy, we had that coat f arms made to order. Harper's Ear Piedmont aeons always in tock at Jones' Hardware Store Swt-et Water Valley and Tellico Hour fresh, just received at B. Gil- key & Son. A KANSAS PONY. Having qualified as Administrii of Dr. J. T. Keid, deceased, late of Dowell coioity. X. C , this is to nfiiry all p crs ?! having claims ni.ain-l the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, on or before the l.-t j day of June, A. D 18!", or this notice Ordered by the court that 11 rsons Mwim: Lixes and s receiving countv claims of any kind whether witness tickets, jury tickets, nalt- c.m i;,.l:,-.f or nnv other countv c r in-1"'- " - . uaj in Jiini, ' I-----', "i iii- -ii., claims, must present them to the t will be plead in bar of thier recovery. Countv the T bv directed not to 1K!V the same when thev have been" transferred! to other parties. J. C. Bkowx, Clerk Board County Commissioners ( lean up Vour Premise. All persons are required to keep their premises clean. Those failing to do so will be prosecuted. 15. A. Chkkk. County Superintendent of Health. itv Treasurer for payment, or j All persons indebted to said estate w ' ,-r-;il be -nd is here-i l'leae make immediate payment, .oeasuier will lu, ami is ntn i TLis31st dav of Way, lii. ill II- Y". It kid. Administratrix. J. I,. C. Bird, Attorney. NOTICE ! NOTICE!! NOTICE !! YVe are now in possession of the most atuab'.e mica property in Mitchell, T"""-"" 7 i t Yancey aud McDowell counties, also YVaxtep: A girl tor general j-Sneti,ber lands, and it will ,'pay the h tel work. Address, northern capitalists and speculators to 11 lu .' ivait on us when in need of such prop MlEUSSET o: ULLEK, jv Kouud Knob, X, C. - Pale Atkin. 1'Iie Bumps on Your Face. Ait i lujed by impure bloii, and will-ni-vt-r hi; weil unless you cKaase it an ! built; It in. ia rici:u-s nd purit v. liot.n ic U'.eotl Ualin, the gro it bluod j'uri'icr nad ;.. :. .....1 ii... l, r.n 1 m. ...it! i clear vour i:on.plrx:o.i and purify your blood. Try if Price $1.00 ptr bottle. For s.ile ily d uKissts. Taxes! Taxes!! Taxes!!! All persons owing me taxes, must pay me. I am compeLed collect all due me as soon as possible. All parties in Old Fort Township j owing me taxes are requested to meet me at Old Fort June the COth ! and pay their taxes. G. II. Gardix, Sheriff. ! Member of tho Taiully Can nl,; Him Kut lie ltUn Stranger. There is a man who Jives near Aj thonv. Kan., who makes considerable mnnov juit of a well-trained pony. No oue knows the history of the animal. which is u half Indian and half Texan, tnd which can run a mile against an nri-ra-'i! thoroughbred. Us master ai:d any member of the ."amilv can rido it anywhere with ease and it appears to bo the best behaved notiv the world has ever seen. l!ut it oblccts stron?lv to being ridden by strangers, and when times aro hard its owner will get into a croud and olfer bets indiscriminately that no one can rido the pony a dozen blocks. Those who know the pony are much too dis creet to take any chances, but II tliere are strangers present there are al way- takers, and when the stake is put up it is to all intents aud purposes the prop erty of the pony owner. Tho very best of riders fail ignominiously when they try to exhibit their skill on this pecul iar little creature. It does not waste anytime on ordi nary bucking, but proceeds demurely for a few paces at a rocking chair gait. Then it sv.-ir.sf udilcnly around, cither to the right or left, with vtry limb sti.Tened out. with the rider generally goirg off at a t inger.t to his utter as tonishment. When thi- trick fails tho pouy ha another one which ia fctill more bewildering iu character, and if these fail it has a way of slipping down on its haunches at an inopportune mo ment, which disconcerts ev;n an expert cowboy. MAOT COPPER WORKS ESTABLISHED IN lsso. ' "ri u Uepairingand Fitting up Register ed Distilleries on short notice. I have Stills. Caps and Worms. CHEAP ran CASH. Guttering and Hoofing, all kinds of Baths made to order, in fact any thing in the metal line. Sewing Machines repaired and put in good running order. J. G. McN.t oHTo.v. Valuable Presents Free. We wish to introduce our System Pill-: into rvery borne. We know that we mn ufacture the very best remedy oa earth for the cure of Consumption, Pilliou9uefi, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles, Torpid Liver, etc. unit tbat when you have tried the 30 pills you will gladly recommend them to others, or t'nke an agency, and in this way we (hull have a large, well-paying demand treated. As a special i'i Inn iner.t for every reader of thi3 paper to try these pills and take m agency at once, wc will give to each person who senile twenty-fire cents in cash, or thirty cents in ft imps, for a box of System Pills, one of the following present?: A Handsome Cold Watcu, a good Silver Watch, a Yalunluttbie Town Lot, a Genuine Old Fort, X. C. j Diaraoud King, a Cftsket of Si!v erwnrc or it Ueouine fj CO Gold Piece. Every purchar er gets or.c ot the above presents. There are no exceptions, fcbaw IJemeJv Co. butheilord, X. .1. CIS MAIN ST11KHT, MAUIOX. N. C. Keeps in stock 'he best of RYE AND CORN WHISKIES; WINES, BIIANDIKS. BEEB ALE ligars, Tobacco, and Bottle Goods. Respectfully so'icit a ihare of jour rat ronagc. CHAMP ELLOIT CHARLESTON CINCINNATI & CHICAGO SAMUEL HUXT,Ag'nt for Purchaser, Time table of the Charleston, Cin i-iiiiiati and Chieairo Kailroad, in ef fect from and after licrember 17, lH'.KI, GOING NORTH 1 No. 33. 1 Lv. Camden 12 05 pmj 44 Kershaw 1 08 pin; 44 Lancaster l 41 pm1 44 Catawba . I line., 2 15 pm 44 Kock Hill, 2 45 pm 44 N ewport : 0 pm 44 Tirzah, 3 10 pm 4- Yorkville 3 40 pni! 44 Sharon 4 OH pm 44 Hickory Crove 4 28 pm 44 Rlacksburg 0 45 pm 44 Earls 0 58 pm 44 I'atterson Sp'ngs 7 Ot pm 44 Shelby 7 15 pm 44 Mooresboro 7 43 pin i 44 Henrietta 7 54 pmj 44 Forest City 8 12 pm 44 Ktitherfordton 8 2Spnij Ar. at Marion 0 30 pm Knit Sai.k: A Valuable Iron Mine. Call on or address S. A. Wis KM AN, Marion, N. C. Finest "lock of Bazors and pock et cutlery at Jones' Hardware. 1 44 pm 2 15 pm 2 38 pm 2 55 pm 3 03 pm 3 10 pm 3 31 pm 3 41 pm 4 3d pm 1 45 pm 4 52 pm 5 02 pm 5 30 pm 5 40 pm 5 58 pm 6 15 pin 7 20 pia THE L.IR,Gr-:EST AND THE That has ever been at NEBO.X.C. The rapid increase of my trat'e encouraged me to com plete my stock in everything that is generally kept in a lirst-class country store. " Come one and all and ex amine, it is here impossible to enumerate, -oiiic and sec for yourselves a bargain in evciything I sell 1 can also furnish lumber and laths in any quantity desired at the lowest prices possible. Respectfully, G- 3L ANN IS UOIN'O SCM'TH No. 3. No. 32 Lv. Marion 44 Kutherfordton 44 Forest City 44 Henrietta 44 Mooresboro 44 Shelby 44 I'atterson Sp'gs 44 Earls 44 Hlaiksbiirsr 44 Hiekory (Jrove 44 Sharon 44 Yorkville 44 Tirzah 44 Newport 44 lioek Hill 44 Catawba June., 44 Lancaster 44 Keihaw Ar. at ( 'aindeti. 8 05 am 0 0i5 atn 9 24 am 9 42 am 0 52 am 10 22 am 10 35 am ti 45 am 7 47 am 8 03 am 8 21 am 8 32 am 9 00 am 9 11 am 10 45 am, 9 18 am 11 15 am 10 10 am 1 1 -S3 am 10 55 am 1 1 5ii am 11 18 am 12 13 pm 1 1 4( am 12 25 pm 12 08 pm 12 32 pm 12 18 pm 12 50 pm 12 50 inn 1 Kl pm! 1 10 pin 1 44 inn 141 pm 2 3i; pm. 2 3C pm 3 20 pm' :; 20 pm Road Carts $12.30. DR. B. L ASHWORTH, Physician and Sunieon I J ;i)LD FORT. X. . Trains Nos. 32 and 33 run daily ex tent Snndav, and train- o. 3f and 37 run on Sundays only. Nos. 32 and 3C hav? connection with the C C A: A. at Rock Hill. Xos. 32 and 3:: connect with the Seaboard Air Line at Shelby. At Koddys, Old Point, King's Creek and London, trains stop only on si jrrial Second Clav trains, w hich also carry passengers, leave Camden at 8:20 a. m and arrive at Rock Hill at 2 p. m. Re turning they leave Rix k Hill at 3 p. in. and arrive at Camden at 7:45 p. m. Trains of the same character leave Rlacksburg for Marion at 9 a. m., and retnrn at 9 K1 p. m. S. Ii. I.I MPKIV, (i. P. A. A.TfciPr, Supe rintendent. 35 COMPLETE NOVELS NKATLY IIOI XI), AND A VE.-iR'd St'DSCRIPT.'g.V a lare l(j-pns illuit itU-d tuoiithly magazine for ONLY 30 CENTS. This is a Diofet liberal offer as Housidiold Topics, tlm mngazine relerred to, is a hirh -class paper, replete with stories of love, ndveuture. travel, and iliort mteitsting and instruct live skcti hes of fitt and fancy ; and in the llt fcf 3 5 novels rre such treasures as 41 A l'rare Cowards by Robert Louis S'evenscn ; A iSlncksmitb's Duugliter, by Etta W. Pierce; Xinetla, a most pleasinz storvJiy M. T. C.ildor; A tolded Sin and lletwt-t n Two Si is, by the author of lor;t Thore; The Trulh of It. tv the fciuir writer. Hush Conway; and the Moo rehouse Trage dy, rather sensational, by Mrs. Jane C, Austin; A Heroine, a delightful story by Mrs. Ilewecca II. Davis; Wall Flowers, by the popular Marion liarland, and the grt-ul story Guilty or Not (iuilty, by Amanda M. Douglas.'. Space forbids mentiooihg the other novels but they are all the same high grade, popular, blight, roraiotic, spicy. iiitere5tirij stories. Tha 35 norels and ihe rnrrent issue of Household Topics will be seutyou the day your o.-OiT i received. This will supply you with a srasoa's reading for a men eonj; and will he appreeiited by all in the household. Ser.d at one 50 centijo HoeskiioLD Topics Pce. Co., 1. O. Cox 11 5 .Vtir Vork Citr N. V Mrs. Norton has on hand a fii.e line of Feat herst one Corset of every vari ety and style, Childrens, Misses' ai.d Ladie:'. For beauty of form, durability and ease in wearing, it i unequalled. Kvery corset warranted. The best cor set made.