MA1MOX KKCORI). Ksiu-red Ht the :o-iofTice nt Marion, N. St ifcnml 'it3 m.utrr. J. If. ATICIX, I-Milur !il I'rop'r. SAtf JGNE8CN POLITICS. Democrat aiitl Itrpnblitcaiis arc rt:is-aH but tUv Third Parly Man in a roo! The Tronlilo not Willi (lie Inl ilii (lit; Man. "The Third Party u party f the Third Part, r whatever you rail The alreilisit rat. s of ili; liKCO. l ..aannalil ami will lit furnMifi zi appliet.ti-.ii. All H-lvertU-monU at- p,- it, may get to JI :iV('ji, I.llt they will un!fii.i-tlliiiR!igi nient8Kre : n .y.-r get to It is not ('-.-il:H'i'io. Uatkh. Oik- Y ar ix Months i.0 o').; Marion, N. ('., .Jim- 22, IsiU. There ar n t ':- :i' J ' !'' Mtuns in t!l counties in tl;c union iwof. ju tur which inipiv intelligent iirang re favorably o,- iiniiivr o.hly and Jlt-V ir tin? publ; roadand county newspaper. Next totli.-HH in importance are churches and school. Tlitf c ut r)ni ; of any g. tting richer ajid the poor poorer ,., tvciin be determined lv the under our present Jaws, There on th way. Washington is the v. ickifi' xt phice on earl!). It i the home of the devil. The average Democrat and Republican politi ciarsuiv little better than rascals, hut the Third Party man is a fool. You can reform a rascal, hut. did vo.u ever undertake to monkey with a fool? ''J'hev want to borrow money from the (ioycruiiienl at 2 per e'lit. when the government js now bor rowing at o. Wo hoar a great deal of foil's talx about the rich COMMUNICATIONS. Eihtok IJkcord: How wouM joti an J your rca!cr-i likelu seethe name of ('lias. N. Vance put at I la.' si.a-t-iieiui of every iltiiiocratic paper in the '.tli Congressional lislrh-t as our standard bearer? II is a talented yotnig' man and wry familiar w itli liatitmat ntt'air.j and would soon take tlie i;!ace of liis distinguished father of whom he is a jkifi-ct type. OK! Tort Sew. We have had fine rainsthis week and gardens have liccn very ii:ik.!i hcneJit tcd thereby. Owing to sickness Mm Mutual provt-ineiit Club were unable to appear in Marion this week, hut it is their in tention t-jdo toon next Moiu'ay night 2", h inst. P.. 15. 25 i'Cr, S 1). litiirzs s njreiit far J M. Yo:ni an. I t!ie licit ft ot linens 15 hiivrr t It :i;prriu J rum 'lie auMn-it of C. II. J:irtiu, Sheriff of Mi II ouBlJ, tlutt I lie h ffiiiaiits I'ujj!: JI. Bruwu, Tuo. l!rorn ami lUiy l!rou lire defendants iu !lic:il'iiv; riititiod action htj not in Mc I'oriil county, and county after due dilli genoe c:'.nnot Ije found in the State. St ii ;Iier-!'oie ordered, t!i:it notice cftUis I ac ion l.o 1'iilli .-lud once h week for sis J week in -ln Mnrion RrroKi), a iietrspnpe ! putilished in !cDowe!I county, setting foi '!i t-ie title of this action, the purpose of the Fitie und reijuii'iiin; the kail Defendants j to appi ar bLdbre Jo'iu S. JU-E'roy the ref eree in this net ion p j j ii ti il 1 y tl.e Sii.e rio.r Court of Vun cev en the the 23rd d r We were pleased to meet Ml (own to- of J(,T ,0 t.,kc uiJ lucoun, bttvveen ty S!r. Miet.sMd, of the Hound Knob j tl . of McW. Yonnir. of Vaacev eoun . Hoiel, Mr. M. is a pleasant gentleman , fy nni, of j Vfjiinff pf j.cDoirtll nd is keeping a good hotel au.ed by ; countv a,, lieirs t ,.IW of G. u. Si!vcr 'Jr. Miller d' Chicago. j f ya,.,..- , ,,p f lin r,, irnnei Satuiay last was Chihlri-ns Day at the in Yancey county, and answer or aptist churt h, and jiecially interest- j demur to the complaint of the plaintiffs 'r Mod- aoin'iirance of tlieso tliin osty forbids us to enmei,t upon McDowell county newspapers fur fi.T than to nay that if a paper dot p not starve to death Iw-ic it is fi ,t the j pie' fault. We have l nty of readers but few payers, ;v id if a p:jH-r is not what it ought to be, don't blame any one but your own old stingy kohI-j for it's short-comings. li'itaa a public and permanent enterprise, va are interested in the roads of McDowell county. We would that our entire population .;u!d take r.i! excuivion to soino pro-revive farming srcton ot t'le South, iind ride for one tini" on a few niih-s of 'ood turnpike. A good road to your farm makes your land worth more money, and en- abli- you to haul larger loads, and .hive wherever you want to go in comfort, besides saving the cost of making the good road in the wear ahd tear id' vehicles. The most important thing this year in McDowell county politics is the road question. The roads yvo have would be a disgrace to the most remote county iu America, ami absolutely no steps are even taken by anybody to bring about a reform m this nuu- t'T. ' Let us have a good turnpike to fJillespics' gap, and good roads in indirections. Nominate men to represent us in the Senate and Legislature who w ill pledge themselves to do something in this direction. If it is best to work the roads by Lixation do it do anyway to se enre better roads. Wo are reliably informed that not only overseers, but other oHi cials will bo indicted in the next term of our Superior Court for their neglect of the public roads. Wo unhesitatingly say that some of them, yes, most of them, ought to be indicted, and the sooner alow example are made t?n belter. Another public nuisance is gat across public roads. lake tor instance tlie gate on either sidri of th-. river on th 'hik.-rsville road. Would any enter .rising board of county commis sioiiers or road supervisors tolerab sucli an abomniMe nusancc foroiu mouth, much less wars and years? We say not. For the want of a dioit string of fence, on each .id of the road, which would be a littl trouble to a few individuals for a diort lime, or while it was being built, the public is annoyed for ever with these g'des. Wo must take some steps for ward if wo over advance. l!ecaus our grandaddies went to mill witl with th" corn in one end of sack and a rock in the other to make i balance, is no apology for nj'r h ih argy and indolence. nevT wa prove it." it greater lie and l'il lie cited theca ,os t;f Yiuiderbilt, Stewart, (iold, Carnegie and others, all of whom had started from hum ble beginnings. 'There's nothing the matter with the law. It's the man that's at fault. There's a lawyer on that side ot the house who mattes .f-'t),U(J) a year. lore's a little pet tifogger whoso family is starving The law is not to blame. It's th man himself. Hero's a physician making !fTU,0'.X) a year. There's little doctor over m the other cor ner 'Jiiu't make his salt. The law is not to blame. I preach nearly every day to S.Oil!) people and here,: little preacher sitting behind me who can't average 2W. The troubh is not in the law, brother, it's n your noggin. "The difference is organic. If all the wealth in the United SJ.aiea were divided out to-day each mail woiuu got aooui ami in loss than six months some follows would bo riding in palace cars and the others would bo walking crosstit and howling for another divy.:' North Carolinian, Noi:TiicAi:o:ivA, f -JJEEF PROPOSALS. T.,,"v:7Zp:;..!,;t?!r.-,tcr of Mo St-aletl proposals (endorsed for Yj..n;r, .Ve vm Yv..n. i: L. Voungi. "'of Contract ) will he received at v-." 1 niv oflieo from now until 10 A. M. of Julv Mil, for furnishing Ieef to the .State Hospital for the period beginnim? Julv loth, 18U-1, ending July mi 1895. l'.H'f to be prime, quality, butch ered in tlie vicinity of, and deliv ered at th -Hospital on the Mon- j day, Wednesdays and ! ridays ot each and every week, in quantities ranging from 1,500 to 1,800 jiounds a week. 1'ond with approved security will bo required for faithful perform ance of contract. Tin; Executive Committee re serves the right to-.reject any or all bids. v ' F. N ..vfc;oo(;s. Steward. ly iiIer of the Ex. Com. mmmmv. w " of MOBGANTOX, N. P Geo. P. Ebwix, Pres't. : Burglar Troof Vault, Pak-nt Ti-iw t , Chrome Steel Safe for Ca.j fi, Valuable?. Exchange on York and other Trade Lc-nters bought and sold. Banking hours 9 a. m. to 3 r. M exercises were lield, consisting of j lionises, solos and recitations by the upils. An address by Mr. K. P. Pur er, was unusually intere.-'tin;r,ho!diii the attention not nly of the little ones but those "children of lartfff growth,"' who were o fortunate as to be present; this jrrMleioau uith liis i-harining wife peiiding a short time at the YVet- niore Jbjfel in cnjoyiiietif til' our fine climate. To Prof. P. Harmon and Miss Maude Terr ill, much credit is due for t he success of the musical portion of the exercises, and the children are to he praised for the correct manner in which they recited, not one being at ill imperfect. Fitvy. Ohi i'ort. N'. "., June 20ih 1894. t he 'elief therein d.f mil tided will be granted This Juiy Hth 1604. W. 11. Banh", C S. (1. Yanrer county. NOTICE. North Carolina. McDowell County. $ J. B. ISostie. ) John Carson ann athers Notice of Execution sale. The Hate Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction. Hon. John V. .Scarborough, has selected Tuesday, .hineidti', as ill.' dab-for a general meeting of all the county superin tendents in th-- St;tat Moreheud City, during the Teaehofs' -s5i-tn-Idy. This will bo a iro.t impor. taut meeting and nfeivnco m the interest of the public school:, of the State, and it is hoped that every count)- superintendent will i As there is a great deal hein said and written in regard to the lelav of the Senate in passing tariff bill which is now ponding. We think it would bo but fair for us to looK oat'K iiiiu maivo a con parisoii between the passage of th Mclvinley biij, and the present bill, and see the dab' when the Senate ussed the McKinley bill ami when it av:u- appnved bj' the President, so that the people can see whether the work upon the preseijt bill lias boon as rapid as that upon its pre decessor, i he .jclinley lariit uiu pa.-sed t!i' Senate September 10th IN'JO, was approved by the Presi dent October 1st bs!.)0. The indica tions now are that the present bill will pass the Seiyite and become a law before August. A great howl has boon sot up nil over the land upon the fact that the com mittee has offered 0!) amendments to tiie Uson nni. ino same com mittee offered ;()'.) amendments to the McKinley bill. The present lull is a reduction tt '2o fi-l per cent from the McKinley bill. This is the groatst national question be fore our Congress and Senate, and it wo.'.dd be unwise and dangerous for the Senate to hurriedly pass a bill of such magnitude and impor aneo. The Senate should thorough ly discuss and carefully weigh each and every section of the bill as it is now doing, adopting thorn one by one'. It is natural for us when we are suffering, to get impatient, but we could not expect any legislative body t make such a wonderful revolution in the laws of our groat nation in a day, and wo should not got impatient, and fool only the more secure because of the careful and cautious nun nor-in which the pivd-'ht tariff bill is being disposed of by the pre-eut Senate. .Vjsi'i l ove !te. YVhear harvesting is the mo,t prom- : t!t feature with us this week. Owing the late freeze wheat i. not very jcood. Mr. W. E. Hrow n is visit inii his par ents here. Miss Eva Dale, of Marion, is visiting relatives here. V.'e are ;hul t have Eva with us, she is a pleasant irl We h-arn t hut Mr. Olin Avery, of Uurke count y, was here a few days since on a business (?) trip. Missj j.ouisij Mcfali, ho accoinpan ed her uncle, Mr. )l S. McCall, on his return home to Asheville, has after a short stay, returned home. -A? Lawrence MyOatl returned home hist week from Ceoria, accompanied by his brother, Sainmie, who for the past year, has been w ith Ijisuncje there. Witli r.'ad hearts we welcome Samnne among us agaia, The sociable givt'ii at the residence of Mr. dames iirown, not long since seemed to lie greatly enjoyed by all pari ieipanls. And now the young peo ple are anxiously looking forward to the "Fourth"' for their anticipated day on I.inville, to the Pinnacle, where they intend to participate n all the joys afforded at a picnic. Kev. Mr. White will preaeh at the school house here on the night of the 23rd, also on the -Hh a. hi. inst, June 1st h, ls.;4. (iAXY.MH)!', Lkwjs Madpcx, Pkksipkxt. L. P. Me Lorn, ('as -.TT I . 1 l . l-l l -R.-T r S A L V-T" TTVTT V -r - Morganton, N. C, June 4), lS'Ji. W J X' -tU-CO-L-N oxuajxiN JIST; I t the same time bids will be re- ASHEVILLE. X. V. chived for furnishing the Deaf and Dumb School 2o0 to 400 pouiuls of ltoof per. week, under the same reg ulations and conditions ad above Delivery to commence about Octo ber 1st 1894, and ,nd July 10th, RZ P.irlj to hn Ri 1rl endorsed proposal for beef r.tract), and and other in Western North Carolina. If you have no P.ank accouc audressed to Prof. h. McK. Uoil- ivf ,.i,.w nn ;u l, :A t loivo von r,wro,.,,,i :o. . Morganton, X. C. June "Jth lcSSH. IESIG3fATFI STATS DKPOHITORY. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $25 Onn "We have Special facilities for handling the business of Men-ham, SPECIAL RATES TO THE WEST. The following special railroad rates went intoctlVet March 1st First class limited rates via the Missouri Pacific to San Frai:ei-eo Cal., will bo as follows: t: M,.,ni.. .... v;. t . ,,: . l o present it possible, .H pro..wv -2: U,,Und trip $47.oO posed changes in the school law good for 0) days to r uirn, goo,l will bo fully disctissid ai,d amend- ging one route and returnins r!cttcvi:h-. st Aay Hp. "Well, does your husband still lrin?' "Yes, ln ithv-r, and it is worrying iho life mt of u;e." "I.;id you try thu plan of brcaldnjf him of tlie habit t'lat I saget.tetl to fou?" "Yes." "Did 3'ou put whisky in Uiu coC :c?" "Yes." "YVlmt did he say?" "Ho said I was tl'.o only woman he had seen since his mother died who knew how t make coffeo 43 it shoulJ be made." Texas Siftiu",.s. No Iim-ulfy. The lioston Courier reports o bit of feminine dialogue overheard at a eook lag lecture: Lady (talking to hernelf) Now r.he has got it cooked, I wish she'd tell us how to use up cold mutton. Next Lady (in a sympathetic tone) 1 have six llrst-rate recipes. 1'irst Lady (opening her note-book) Will you fawr me, please.' Seeoud Lady Six boys. ments thereupon will bo prepared for the eon.-ideratio'i of the Cener al Assembly, in Iialeijjh this winter. When a man sits down and wears ln l s in his pants magnifying the h "dness . of the times ho fhow? symptoms if having boon inocula ted with populiftie virus. I;x. For particulars, address, A. A. (.tAI.T.AOHKU, Southern Passenger Agent, 1U" Read Hotixe Chattanooga. The Richmond fc Danville Rail- Itecoi-a tiiil IVorltl .$1.50 IJy special arransreinent we are en abled tosend yon T11 k 31a piox Kkcord and the New York Weekly World for one year for $1.5) in advanre. tld suh ribers w ho pay up ofeourse are en V:tled t tt;i; rate, On tlio Sufo Siilp. Mr. Slimson AVillia, didn't yoa fro to the trEiik-maker'a yesterday and tell him to send around the trunk I ordered-? Willie 'Yes, sir. Mr. Sl'misrlii'Wcll, here Is tho trunk, but no strap, piiln't ho say anything about the strap? Willie Yes, sir: but I told him 1 puessed you hadn't better have anj strap. Judge, A Mistaken Inscription. A friend of mine iu a Pennsylvania town recently celebrated tho day that rounded the quarter centuiy of her married life. A number of acquaint r.!x-3i presented her wilh a lars-e eoftea pot, but iuv.igine her c'lavin to sea cii graveil on the salver those wor.'ts: "To Mrs. , on the P.niiivcrs:.rr of her 25th wedding." N. Y. Mai and Es press. l ii tainted Lottery in Clarion Post Office. J. M. Vaughn; Miss Carrie Tate; C S. I'estnti: Sainiul Ash; A. K. JimnH-r-son; Miss Millie Kineaid: Mr. Thomas Ausbon; H. C. Ardiss; Miss Julia Jones, eol : Daniel Sookers; Mary C Miller. J. t M i kkv, P. M. J. A. McDonald, Proprietor, M Alt ION , y. c. 15 v irttie of an execution di reeled to the undersigned from the superior 00 art of M:hoi,vell county in the above entitled action, I will on Monday, the 2nd day July, l.M, at 12 o'clock M. at (he court house door in said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execiieion, all the right, title and interest Vrhich the said John ("arson, one of the defendants above Mint d, has in the following described real estate, to wit : A ceit.iin tract ot land ynz f"d bin in McDowell County and mljoinitip; the land of Riclinrd Tumer, X. C. Corpening, nd iienry i'oteet. and known ns the John athan Puncan landa, and conveyt-d by J. A Porter to John Carson by doed, registered in the office of the Register of'Dfeila lor McDowell county, in Book 22, oa page HC. Coutainin; about 1 0-'J acres. A certain tract of land granted by the Slate of North Carolina to John Carf on, on March 18th 1872, lying and being in gaid county on the ater3 of Uig Buck Cretk, on Bull Hidge, adjoining the iesds of the late J, K, Hawkins! and others tlie S'Od grau t boii.g registered in tbe olliee of tAe Register ol Deeds for MeDoweli county, la Book 14, pugs tSC'. Containing about 374 acres: A certain truit lying and being in Me Dowell county, on the waters of Clear Creek, adjoining the hinds of J. S. Brown, J.imea M treelee and others, deeded by J. K. Hawkins, on 7 th July 1812, to John Carson and re'istei'3l in th fiegistera Office for McDowell co'intj, in B ok 11 . on Pae.jl'l. Containing abnul lil'J acres. A certain Ko of lots in the town ot'M.iri in X. C, conveyed by the A ugnstaMarieu In est meitt Cui;):aay, to .Jiiiii) Carson bits No 3d and 31. Block 0; 'ots 1, 3, i and 3 BlockNo it; sec map iij tin oi'ice of Ueg- is'er of Deeds tor McDowell county, Bjok 1 i, jiagei:U. A certitin paii-cI of laud lying and being in McDoy cil county, on the tst-3ide of Xonh J:ork, nj jinicg the lands of Widow !i;Xeely and the .Murphy lands. Containing abuul 1U0 acri s more or less. A certaiii tract of hind Iring and being in sai l county on the East Bide of the Xortli Ft-rk, adjoining the lands of Dobion on the East, Joe Craig on the .South, Emanuel Leu-is and ethers on the Souh. Containing one hundred ajid forty acres more or Ies A certain tract of land ljing and being in the comity of McDowell, on the waters of Little Buck Creek, adjjining the binds of Spencer Elliott, l'atton Snipes, Hick Stroud and others CoiUainii.g I'll acres more or less. Several tracts of land on Catawba River and Nix Creek, in McDowell Co., all of said tracts adjoining and bounded on the North by the Ablolihus bruin lands,on the West by tin Catawba River, the lands of J. S Brown, John H. Davidson and Mallia Tate widow of W.n. Tate deceased, on the South by the hinds oft'.u Eaid Mathu Tate a il l the lands of John 15 dley deceased, on the East by the lands of Henry Huffsteieer. Wm Bellinger and the said Krwin lands, thev being the lands devised to John Carson hv Jeo. M. Csr.un, deceased, aiso t'.ie land purchased by the snid John Carson from A Burgia, administrator of J. L. Carson, de ceased. Consisting of C tracts and destrib in the deed for t'"- same e sccutcd to the sid John Caisou, by the said A. Burgi.i, administiator, als the same purchased from John Baiby, now dead, described in a deed from said Cailey to the said JjIiu Carson, lso the land purchased from Mary Erwin ai.d J. S. Erwin, deceased, in a ded from t!ic said Erwiu'a t; John C'arsan, and on which I sit i Ued the uiiii of t'le stid .lolin Cursi ij. A ceitiin liumber of lots in tlie Au- tiS fc. Maricn Inresluieut Comj.iuy aiiition to the tywn of Marion, as will appear fioin majisi.i the oilier ol the Register of Deeds lor McDowell county ia Book 13, on page 590, the following is the number: block Xo. 1 containing 1! b.ts; Block Xuirber 3 containing 4-5 lots; Block Xo.- 4, bo indtd as Ijilows: On the XortU by Crcsrent Ae nue, on t'je West by Blcck Xo. 3 and Main street, lands of Wm. McD. Burgiu cu the South , aud Uarden s reet on the East Block o. 5 containing 51) lots; Biock Xo ti containing 11 lots; Block Xo. 7 contain ing 2U lots; Biock Xo. H containing li; lots. For a more particular description, see Book of Deeds 22, on page 3'Jtl, in tbe office ot Register of Deeds for McDow ell county. This June 2nd. 1301. G. II. Gaudis, Sheriff of McDowell Coan y. Whik the styhi of the firm has changed, we are still the same Moi phew and Streetman that h' 'n with you for years past. M'e have only consolidat'.Kl, inertly put two stocks together, We arii now doii:; ! business at Dr. Morphews old stand, where you can find a firs-class lie; of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Patent Medicines, I)v e Stuffs, in i When in jlof cny Goods, call fact anything usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. We thak youf and we me, I have got the Largest Lino in town, and sell them low down, and I know it will hi' you to EXAMINE Mr GOODS AND PRICES before nutkingyour purchases, as I ar. .save you money. Yours ior low prices and fair dealings, r." wm ii. pour past favors and wish a continuance f same. We will tippreciati your trade, whether its for live cents or one dollar. e have special prices for Physicians and Country 8tores. Giye tt3 a call when in n Very Jtcspccf full Y, STIvBETMAN' MARION, N. C. INSURE YOUR LIFE Mo-4 Il 'JV'.bJel'ompiiny in tlie WOULD." THE NEW YORK LIFE. We paid to t MY Policy Holders from Jan" 1st..; to pee. SM.lMtt: J ' 1.674 KvyKt'eojul, 4100.42 Kvery Minute, $0,025.02 Jlour. . '18.200.16 Kcry Day, . $29.200.90 Kve-y Week, :; . 1.203.20 4.18 Kvc'ry Month, 15.038.450.27 Durii.g 1S93. We are the people, and will visit your city. Think of your i uteres. MO WITH T Will be Found at Uu Gt l ( 1ii JtiI:it? -i'; 0 ilie Choicest, Largest and Cheapest SXuck. of p ods ever offered m Marion. I wish the Public to come and see niv i:',v Gi:"i and new prices, and defy all com petition. STOVES. HARDWARE AND UME SPECIALTIES. J. S. DYSART REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Prompt Attention Given to Work Received BY MAIL. Estimates Furnished cs to Charge Jiorfffinton. n. c RETURN POSTAGE PAID ON REPAIRS SWINDELL, II JEWELER Pearson &Mcl)owdI, KENTUCKY BAR Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. l'uro Kfntncky I'yo and North Caroluuv Corn Whiskies, Wince, Iiraudie.Exiort 1'eer. Clianipagno,'achoij, French Lrandy, and in ?::, all liquors kept in a flrt-olas S;ilxn. Orders Holiyited from adjoining counties, Addref-i tlio KHXTU CKYliA n; 31AltlO,.x: FLEMV1INQ HOTEL. 9Iarioit, X. C. .MM, .1 1:.. rnopisiKTon. i ? MTi.f ..... ..ATAi i ANIFhALEXiKAU i! PrepareJ accorliii?to tho forroui"1 ' 3CTAVIG- BLOOD BALRfl. ti Mrh,?i'?ihoU r?m"rty for all Hloo-1 and U anil VSZS'li"u'nalim, '"!, Salt Khrom S ?if T81 Paramount nealinp, purify ht "uuuin up virtues. One bott:e S 5J ,ther kind- 11 buill "P the health ; g and strength from the tlrst dos f ration. -. .,' "j'li- S tLOoVntl!?70"' looal flfurelst. send I S ,L 'P.'. larf ? poiUC or 5.00 for six hot- ! 5 paid, by meulcl,1 wU' sent, freiRht t mi. AV3I. A. IIAMJIONpf In his laboratory at Wfc!", Dm " IT.IFB9EIr. fr.,ni tiie I rain. " eases f tlie iirain mi'l nervonn "' (uri :KllXLIM!,ln.ui IhP -I.lii..l Z olimsea l lha corii. (I.oCuUi''ur'- . 'r.4HMr f-..-n ihr. l.f-art. f or tlirf6 ""'Jl": . Jfjthe t.-Hies. (Airoj ty ot tl.r rp.u l" i OVAHIXi;from tlieovuri".11'4'"" ! Of tli-ovaries : nimi u.K, iiM-i use, tnyroui.-ie, r; . a m. Five Drtju. rrk IS In !" . T ie phyaioloriral m-rtii Vr,M!','';.'!1rati I Ih f--!iiiif.f Iiiiini --.0 Ii-al. -xtiiiar!.H'.n "'''J,, t ary Men lion, aucin-'" j vf.,r.- of th-. ,1rrrA i The A HIDEllI X of the puis with tention In t.- in lncreaned urinary w- vi uie expulsive 1 in muK-ular atrpfiirin aii'l NEW EQli:?MZHT3 THDUGHOUT - iari tZ-? jwl. I lost a leather home-made ! pocket book m Marion, or First-class Sample Room FKEE I31LLIKliS. on t!w. v ; ? . i . t - . c i , J y lrom ,lome thf"ret which con a0.- a...,. ca i.,., rvl muei some valllaUe papfjrs ciuute m connection. CreaH(t ,,t rlaina in ell'-r'. - a i aud inercaard app tii- Hi.rt rtit"-'' ' n4 T Where I.ieal (Iriit'iri- t nr- ""y. )i h? will be mail.-.). !..!!. rt vi' " , , r,r. 9 'eratureuo the.suiject.on recti!'1 1 by - rn f TnGrt.i nnii rurnirtt t- X Waoiiliwora. I. ' 1 ! Votif-e. i 1 .1 i) tir.v..- 1 tn ild all tit-- 'v'r ,. liberal reward vilU given rnv I -i"f H, f" 7,'urr s. ! one who will find and u ? ? Vl" a trsaI- ' l X' ...... I-.,.,. w... ..It A " AA.v.JU-, iinrw irams. ., ftlJ1 imu ana rf,turn jt - R i..rl.frrl"'P- IB-T.'tun furni,hed I me, or II. B, Price. Trui'vrn'.. application.,! This June 5 .'04. T Ti Tr,. j. .1. ','ur' v.f I "' .M'-tr