1 MAIUON UKCOK1). PUBLISHED EVERY TJMJHSDAY cr. c HiX-tsT-Tsrim y dilei'nl rri;t-i'tor. Entered at Uu tofice in Marion as tfecond-class r-hi I matter. flow .tSarloii Has rown Mure There was x rhajis n ver a inor'j desolate lookup place, than v-a Marion whe1 tii? of th - tnejnocjfble Kr; had ;f uf d irvu . It hciiihI that tii; til-- had made! the iluc here the town onee was forever unlit for human hahitation. lifgimiiiig with anl inelndin-j th" ost ufilc'J next to the hi ik s! re hnildin U.-l.i'in to Vr. J. C.M: Citrry and o;eiiied I'.v Ni'-ii"!-I5n.. c;rv hiiildiri on that "' of Mt in 'trf t down to and inelti vlinth; dwelling next to Mr. iihm-t- naoecuiid hy K. J. Jusliee- was destrovHl. And every huildin on the ithor side of Main street from Maj. James NeaPrf residence to Burni's store hiiildiM. A hand some hriek luiilinir, im h;mlsome and tuhtstantial as ean le found in any town, has l.een ereeted on al imjfet every one of these dd hites. aVIr. MeCurry has relmlt the post lhce l uihlin and his t-tore huild ing next to it, and the store huild ing is occupied hy Mr.J. T Del linger with a new and well selected stuck of general merchandise, herill Ni al has rep!ae-d his old wooden huilding with tw of the nicest store hiiildin'is to he found nnywher'. One of the store rooms is oei-uiied hy Mr. V- J.. KatlilVe. Ia the second stories of the Sheriffs huildini;anr nice rooms heautifully finished for oflices and other pur poses. Next to H ill's is the time huilding "f Mr. J. 1. Norton. "The wall of tliis l-uildiag, heing -ry thick and well made, was not in hired hv the fire. It is now a far hetter huilding than it was he fore the fin; and is occupied hy the drug btore of Drs. Morpliew Sc White, Mr. Win. Sweeney's harher shop. Dr. lJurgin's dental ollice and Col. Morhew;s law oKico. S'ext comes the hrick huilding wnel hy Mr. Y. MeD. Ihirgin and occupied hy A. V. (lilkey it Son, rocerymen. This huilding, in which a part of the old wall was used, has heen greatly enlarged, heautitied and in many ways im proved. It formerly had hut one room; it now hua two excellent rooms. Next comes the large and handsome store huihlim: ()f A. lh. ANTON A- Co. This is one of the in s! l uilding-'. if not the hect in in'.vn, and A Illantoii &. ('u., keej a stock of g)ods that can scarcely he equalled ho far as quantity, variety of as sortment and low prices go. Then comes the new store huilding of Mi;. Tiio. Mi:m. Mr. Medd's huilding, though not jso large t4 lllanton's, is no less .beautiful, and he will soon have as large a stock of gjods as ever. Me. .1. S. DvsAin's new store huilding stands next in order jut across the railroad. Mr. JDysart a!sj carries a large slock of general merchandise. After passing Mr. Dysart's store huild- imrwecome to the residence of ilrs. L. (. Neal which is now un .der process of construction, and when completed will he one f ih( handsomest residences in town. Crossing over to the other side .of Main street we come to the hand-ionie new resilience of Maj. James Xeal. Going hack up the Ktvet the next huilding is the Craig huilding, occupied hy Du. V. 1 Joxks. " dealer in hardware and Mrs. J. P. Norton's millinery store. The Craig building is now one of the yerv best huiluin m town, ami has throe -ootl utore rooms in the first btorv and ei-ht or ten niee oll'ice rooms jn the up,tairs K 1 U1 lxu 11 )y '"P v. . 4, . ,. . ! lu tween. It is woiulertul to see .Next, on th- corm-r ot Man. and ilow 1H:uiy hours th. se pn,mpt peo Pept ttiei ts, is the lan-e hriek j pie contrive t make oi a tlav: it tstore huilding ot" is a il'they picked up thv 1110- C'.xi-r. Sk k ni!its which the dawdlers lost. This hmhlinu- is also a verv tiro AlKif 0Vt'r.VuU - 1 vouelf where .. . i you Iiave -t nv.uiv thniLTs pressing Luihl.n.amlis occiqued hy the j up,M that vol. hardlv know general merchandise stt.ro of Mar- 1 how to hegin, let mo toll you a so tin llrutheis ami the furniture j cret : Take hold of the very first More of Mr. Geor-o (Jilkev Ju-t I on'' l'iat oouu's tu lnnd. an.l vou in the rear of this huildin- is Ta.tt ! llw a faM lnto t5Ie' ,i . . 1 : and t.. How after, like a eomnanv bo s ,,'w hnck ivsitlonco. Next f well-tirilled soldiers, and thUn is the new sttuv huildinj of Mr. ; work may he hard to moot when'it i ouet, on tne site lormorlv oceti- pi'd hy Mr. C. A. J)ale ivsidoiuv and adjoining it is the now Mero I'tiildin of Mai;t;n 1hitiii:r. ' ' hli !,' ar.- m,v u:,-, r . f c.-ntrticiitei i .1 'ih: tess rt)rtnl..t. I i ;n l i i vny i-uiiu:::' L ei '!HJ)!'.'(- lit c ; v. 1 : . 'i "w v v, i'i ' i i few v.- -k-Kvnv tii- r i v. rjuit .v. n Ltii'iiit.;? t-t'ok of "i ii'-r: witli lli"ir lare i I'ott-fi'r. !.;ai't!::.:; will h.- f k.?:?: 1 1 i v-J y, c m i .nra tiv!y, .snirlativo : i... i iv, si rn :it imd -hriuu"; country. Mf,.M:Cam.&Com.ey j ..... . ,i , , r. ,11. their l:,n? and well aborted stock oi merchandise. . JSVxt in the hriek budding -j lorciii" lo Mr. J. (i. Viinc-v and! u.u ,i hwh e C.t I.ar. n.i wasthe hr.-t hmhiin -...f!.-t d ! alter the fire. Lonon l-KernF-ic's 'arm v m. mcu. J.urii. are .aringtohuilduii tl sites iwxt ... al-ov tne "i ancey buildup. . j The town now has four or live in r- stor- ro.iin than th-r: w-r' i ore 1 lie lire, ate the lite, ami v.hm tli - einM- ;::g- of I.onon Uro.-.. ;u.(l lUir.ijin are conqdetetl there will lie; six or seven more. (J..e of the' new Luil ilingrf is worth almo'st as much as all the buildings" destroyed by fin?. J. C. Davis, the unfortunate lu natic embezzler and forger of Wil mington, escaped from the insane asylum at lialeigh and walked 2U0 miles to New J'ei ne to visit the grave of his dead mother. lie was brought back t the asylum last eekhyth; Steward of the Asy lum, lame and foot-sore, without having seen that for w hich he had walked such a long tiresome dis tance. Forest fires now burning in the western portion oi" the State of Wa.-hington are doing considera ble damage. Millions of feet of timber have been destroyed. The smoke is so dense that navigation on the sound is becoming danger ous. The fire department of Ta eoma has .been kept constantly busy fighting lire on the outskirts of thecitv for a week. Wanted. A friend who v. ill recognize me when 1 am compelled to wear patched pants; who will take my hand as 1 am sliding down hill in stead of giving me a kick lo hasten my descent ; who win lend nie a dollar without two dollars securi ty ; who wil 1 come to me when I am sick; who will pull oif his coat and light lor me when the odds are two to one; who will talk of me behind my back as he talks to my face. Such a friend is wanted by ten thousand beings throughout the whole world Durham Sun. Mr. Charles 15. Rous?, the well known New York millionaire, wants to put up a memorial build ing for Confederate veterans at the Cotton St.t .'s and Internation al Exposition, lie proposes to make it a meet ing place for lec tures and speeches by vef'-rans and t lie sale of Confe erate relics. Mr. lloiiss, who.- 1 1 i i ; i i f a Co:i ledcrate veteran, and who went to New York without a dollar at the close of the war, recently gave .1(H),0()0 for the erection of a Con federate memorial building to be 'located in some large city and made a repository for Confederate historv and archives. A country newspaper publisher sizes un the "snan of lifer' and the trials and troubles of an editor as follows. A child is horn; the doc tor in attendance gets a $10 fee; the editor notes it and gets noth ing; it is christened and the min ister gets $5; and the editor writes i( up and gets 00; it marries and the minister gets another .$10 ; the edit"i gets a piece of cake, or 000; 1 - A 1 C A A ' .1 r.i me course 01 nine 11 mes. me I'-etorgets from 45 to $100 and he minister perhaps gets another 5, the undertaker to 50; tiie ilitor prints a notice of its death ami an obituary twocolumns long, and a set of resolutions of a bulge or organization to which the de ceased belonged, and receives 000, and then has the privilege of run ning a free card of thanks and a let of poetry, besides. l'roiii pt IVaplt-. Dun't livo a sini!'1 hour of your lif witliout doiiii exactly what is t !t done in it, ami uoing straight ilirouu'i it In tin l-.eirinnin; to ernl. Work, nlav, stmlv whatever it i?. take hold at ttnee, and tinish it up t-tiuarelv; then to the next thinir, . . i a.: ' flnirgos in a stiuad. it is oasilv squat vanquished if you can hrinp: it into lino. You may have often seen the anecdote of the man who v. 41, . a et; tit in tMieii so .. i. t ' ' " 'much in -U lif. '- Jortil- 1 am sorry everv ,-ne in . , THE ft ... i.' ' ixiz 'r ri:;:l r's Sarsepan!Ia il';'Then i t1" U '' ' " !- t":!- ,;--:-vile-. Mrri n Co RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. ,n. in ie is the ecret ihe nuiL'ic . i.-i ... t . - , . .. :l ; xxonl now I-Mtrchaut Sentinel'. Whit Drmn's y 'loTlLJ AYER'S Piils Save Doctor's Bills. Xiisiiah and lioopen. Kiinv ;;; Tril.etr". I fi:'l ;iJ)"?!t l!;e mitlter ours is emihiitie;ii!v, ti!:! u:al! v. ij.-i- Th' ",,:i;,is of th" Jimo furnish n.Jhni to compare with it; (-reece - ft oirunistolico; ISonie Wasn't. "no where;" Venice couldn't hold uh a candle, while all the modern nations sink into insignifi- , f nu,a!if.r .m (1 lw.p,.r aii h,y r, f;1t.r ;;iul - furth'T and make inor.-noi-e, ami n-e hi-h.-r, J.i.cl . .o.- .t. ia.KLS 'ai luer, ami deeper, and cleaner thf)t(i if ,my jthor nation. H jias ,norf. cataract?, and they fall farther and faster a'id harder, and i i ii i. . i. i lour ioiici, mio kk j:iuiio i umu oth'-r eataraets. it lias more snow on them and they an- harder to get up, and easier to fall down than all other mountains, It ha more gold, and it is heavier and brighter, and worth more than the gold of other countries. Our rail road cars are bigger, and run fas ter, and pitch oil" oftener, and kill more people than all othe r railway cars. Our steamboats are larger and carrv bigger loads, and ''bile their buster" ofTner, and tin cap tains swear harder than in any other countrv. Our men are big ger, longer, thicker, and can fight harder and faster, drink more whiskey, chew more tobacco, spit more and farther, stick up their heels higher, and oftener than men in all other countries. Our ladies are prettier, dress finer, spend more money, break more hearts, wear bigger hoops and shorter dresses, ami kick up the devil generally, and to a greater extent than all other ladies. Our politicians can spout louder, lie harder, make gass faster, dodge quicker, make more noise and do less work than every body else's politicians. Our nig gers are blacker, ivork harder, have thicker skulls, smell louder, and need thrashing oftener than any body else's niggers Our children squeal louder, grow faster, get too big for their trousers quicker than all other children. It is a great country! It is the corner stone of all nations; it is the top of thf pile, i lie head man oi the heap, the last button n the coat, the crow ning jewel in the dia dem, the capital of the column, the last link in the chain, the ob served of all observers. It will eat up all other nations faster than Pharoah's lean Kine ate up the fat one. When all other na tions are numbered with the things that were, it will be just rejoicing in its strength. It will Hck al. other nations out of existee.ee it will lick them up as a cow lieketh K .lt. And finally, it has louder thunder, faster lightning, bigger hail, colder ice, than can lie found in any part of the inhabited globe. Hurrah tor the prodigious constel lation of free States ! Ilai.g a man that woiuiin't praise his own countrv. marvelous llesiilts. From a letter written by Rev. J Giuiilernian, of Dnnorulale, Mich., we are permitted to make this extract : '"I have no hesitation in recommending Dr King's Xew Discovery, as there suits were almost marvelous in the case of my w i!e V. hile I was pastor of the JJapt ist lu'rcii at Rives J titicriou she was brought down with I'lieumciiia succeed ing La (liippe. Terrible parox ysms of coughing would last hours with little interrii jilicn and it seemed asit"-he could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's Xew Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial boltle free at Morphew & White's Drugstore. Regularize 10c and $1. Story of an Editor. An editor died and slowly wen ded his way tu hell. The devil saw him and paid: For many years thou hast home the hlame for the errors the printers made m the paper. The printers have dev iled thee on .Saturday eve for w aire- when thou hadst not a red to thy name. Men have taken your paper w ithout paying a cent, yea, verily, and cursed thee for not i.-suing a hotter one. All those things hast thou home in silence. Thou canst not come in. There will he a continual dunning of de linqueiit suhscril ers (for hell is full of them) and discord will he created in our kingdom. ISogone! Heaven is your home Mascot. See A. illantou it (Vs. new ad. They have larjre bills of fronds arriving every day. They buy tlu-ir poods in such la r ire quantities that they cau af ford to undersell other merchants and still have a profit left. My little hoy, when two vears- of nge. was takev..ry ill with bloody liux. 1 was advised to use Chani herlain's Colic, Cholera and ?)i:ir- 1 , TV. ...... 1 l I.. i -i .......ui.wu.uiiu-niCKIiy procu - reil part of a bottle. I carefully read the direct ions and jrave j ac cordmglv. He was very low,! hut slowly and surely he began to improve, gradually recovered, and is now as :dout and strong as ever. ! 1 feel sure it saved his life. I never j cn praise the Homed c hlf Th? Wnyorihtf Woiltl. ella wrirn.ES wilcox. r.jeid: ir.d tbe world l:iahs with xoi, V.'crp, .m l you wip alone, For t' e ph1 oi l earth must borrow its mirth It has tremble enough cf it? own. Sinp, an J the hills wil! an ;wer, Sigh it is losloa the air. The echoes hound tonjojfu' sounJ, But shrink from voicing care. Rejoice, and men wiil seek jou, Grite, and thej turn and go. Thtj wast full measure of your pleasure-, Put ther dt not need josr woe. Tic glid and your friends are many, Its sad, aj-'l yu lose ilx-m all, TLei -; none to :h- our nect:r me Cut alone you must drink life'j gall. Feast, and your bulls are crowded, Fast, and the world gees by; Succeed arid givt, an d it helps you lire, I?ut no man can help you die; There is room in the hail cf pleasure for a lrue and lordly train Cut one by one we must nil file oh. Through '-he narrow aisbs of pain. A Religious Prodigy. Claret ta Xorah Avery, a colored girl aged only nine years, has dur ing the past few weeks developed into a wonderful preacher, and .all who come within the sound of her voice are amazed at her utterances. So savs the Columbia State. She was born in Washington in 1885, and has been doing what she calls "working far God" for nearly three years. Though she can barely write, she has committed almost the whole of the New Testa ment to memory. Since she was three years old she has never let a Sunday pass without attending church. She has a wonderful memory, and is able to repeat a sermon word for word after hear ing it preached once. She preached her first sermon in Raleigh this State; then went to Oxford. Here 150 persons profes sed religion under her preaching. She went then to San ford, YVades boro, Monroe and other places in this State, and frcm ten to fifty converts was the result of her preaching at each of those places She is pleaching now in Marl boro county, South Carolina, and she numbers her converts among white people and negroes by the score. A II:ri!oiiioits Couple. Mrs. Perkins (calmlv reminis cent) "Jonathan, we've biu mar ried 40 years next Tuesday, an' never had a cross word yit. Mr. Perkins "I kuow it. I've stood yer jaw in' purty well." Mrs. Perkins "Jonathan Per kins, you're a mean, hateful, de ceitful old thing, an' I wouldn't marry vou agin fer love ner money !" Judge. He My love, wo have been mar ried two years. She Yc s, darling. He Upon our wedding day you were twenty-four. To-day you tell tha cejifeus man 3011 are thirty one. Dear me, how timeiiies when one is happy. Detroit Tribune "Libert j.ell" will start from Philadelphia on September 11th, on its wa to Atlanta for the ex position. Its route will be through Virginia and Tennessee, and along the route -patriotic people will watch it with a feeling of venera tion. It w as on the morning of July 4th, 3 615, that the deep sono rous tones of this old bell went rolling out of the bell tower in Philadelphia to 'proclaim libert throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." w OVERWORK -INDUCED Nervous Prostration Complete Eecovery by the Tse "of Ayer's Sarsapariila " Some years ago, as a result of too close attention to business, my health failed. I became weak, nervous, was unable to look after my -interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's Sarsapariila, bean to improve at once, and praduall v increased mv weight from I - one hundred and twentv-live to two j Lundred pounds. Since then, I and my j family have used this medicine when needed,' and we are all in the Wst of health, a faet which we attribute to Ayer's Sarsapariila. I In-Iieve my chil dren would hare Wen fatherl. ss to-ar had it not been for Ayer's Sarsapariila, of which preparation I cannot say too much." II. O. IIiox, Postmaster and its I rl. x ' : j . o A-t Yellow f. vr i- raging in Cuba. : Mrs. I). Ta linage left her entire esfate to her husband. The estate is valued at $100,001 Two Democratic candidates elec ted Zachary Tavlor. Two Demo cratic candidates elected Abraham Lincoln. Gold standard extrem ists are fixing themselves leauti fully to elect any man the Repub licans name. Hickory Press and Carolinian. waxted. We want an intelligent active man, in each localitv, to gather rilKi arrange statistics relating to the advantages and manufacturing interests, of the different sections. for the Real Estate mid inaneial Journal. To such an one we can give teniKrary employment in his own locality, or a permanent posi tion traveling for us. We want a man who has faith in the South and can speak up for it in such a manner as to convince our North ern subscribers that it is to their interest to locate among us, or to invest in uie couin. THE SOUTHERN PUB. CO. j Florence, S. C. i I'roteet the Oaiuc and Fish. Shoot or fish only in the proper season and escape the game war den bv observing the laws. Many states have new game and fish laws this year, and if you don t Know them, send five 2c stamps for a copy of the Game Law issue of The American r leld, l'4o ctate t?t., Chicago. Chamber! aia'o Ero and Gkin Ointment Is a certain euro for Chronc Sore Eye:, Granulated Eye Licb, Sore lipples Klej Ixzeraa, Tetter, Salt Kheum and Scald Head, 23 cents per box. For sale by druggist TO II0ESS OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con.- dition try Dr. Cady's Condition rowdera. They tone up the pvstera, ail aifes,won, curt- loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct new life to an old or over vorked hor?e. ' 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists. orpliew Jc line, nrujrgisTS 1,000,000 People Wear IW.Oou$asSIioes HAND 1&OQ SEWED S BEST IN THE PROCESS. WORLD. $5,001 $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.T5 For Boys aMYcnt&s $4.00 $3.50 $2.50 $2.25 For Meir Wear W. I" IMislii sUocs and ma-vn from 81. OO to t:t.O psiir. All M!e and WiUtiiH. '1 lie p.tlvatice In lentlior 1ms increased the price ol'i'tlK-r iimkts. L:tt the qtt;l:ly :m.l prices of YV. I.. IoiicIiih nliM rem sin t!io fcJiirse. Vake no substitute ; -c that name ami price is stamped liii solo. W. it. iutflua, Uux;KlO.N,iLi3S. tsold by J.S. Dysar THE 0O"EID is the BEST PLACE to get all Borts of JOB PRIXTIXG done in and at lowest r rices. LETTER HKADS, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, VISITING fJARHS, UCSIXESS CARIS, 13 ILLS. TO.S TERS, ETC. ETC. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SEN'D YOUR ORDERS TO TIIE javes .mokkis JAVLS C IJXXEr. Attorneys at Zaw MARION, - - - - N-C Will practice in StcPoweH and ad join in g counties. All business intrus ted to tin ir care "win receive prompt and pains-taking attention. pEARSON & McKESSON, ATTCENSYS AT LAW, MOIKJANTOX, X. C. Practices in the Courts of McDowell. w. c. XEWI.AXD Lenoir, X. C. M. A. KKWLiXD Marion, X C Maui I: hki ATTORNKYS and counsellors jr piox, AT LAW. - - - X. C Practice in the courts of the 10, 11, and 12th districts, and the Su preme court of N. C, and the U. S. Courts of Western District of N. C. J, N. MORGAN -a-CO- Xo. 3 Tublic Square, Asheviile, X. 0. Wholesale anil Retail DEALERS IX ' BOOKS. STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUP- l pj ,rc 11 Mn OTATC TCYT nnniTC n I ' ! j Irlces guaranteed OS low as aiy oIIiei house. WRITE FOR PRICES. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. ' On the 1 t Monday in September next by virtue ;t a decree of Court in the cse -ofXancy M. Holljway and hushii-id v. i A. Ito-se tt h1., I shall sell at :the coutt 1 bouse in Murion a nice f ame cottage with : three lots, containing about two or three j act-ps, tlie property ol the late E. Witter, dpceased, in East Marion, j Terms of sale: One third cash, one third :n six months and one third in twelve months, note and approved seourif v for de fer, ed payments. Title retained -until pur chase money is all paid. Thi3 A.ueust 8th j 1895. Fred, R. fiffmy, J Comniiseionbr. DR. B. LASHWORTH. Physician and Surgeon G-EO. REID- PHYSICIAN and SUKGCOi Offers his professional services to the public. Office : Old Fort, X. C. Watch this space. WILL HAVE SOMEMUIXG INTERESTING TO TELL YOU NEXT WEEK. THIS RBU Now is the Time and This is the Place TO IISrVIEST IT. SAVE YOUR DOLLARS BY MAKING YOUR PURCIiASES AT General Merchandise Store. Headquarters for HATS, SHOES, and CLOTHING. A fiair of pants for ' Overalls and Shirts till you can't ivt. Dry Goods and Notions at jour ow n price. G-BOC.RIES OIF1 ALL IKIUSTDS- The verj finest jrrades 0f cff. Agents for Long-man & Martinez fj mixed I'aiuts.and tne celebrated Nisen Wagon-. JGeo. OHIO RIVER & CHARLESTON R.U Pnsseitjrcr Department. Goin North No.' 3 Lv. Uamden 1.30 r,, Reck Hill 4Hpm Ar. Blacksbnrjr 6.0') j,m So. 12. Lv. K!ck?1nrg 8 00 atl Shelby 8.53 am Kutherfordton 10.55 Mtn Ar. Marion 12 30 j m floinjr South. Xo. 2. Lv. Marion 2.to pm! Rutherfordton 3.25 pIn SbtTby 5.12 jm Ar. UlacksbtiTg 6.00 pm Ko. 33 . L. Rlacksburg S CO pm Rock Hill 10.32pm Ar. Jradea ,12. 55 pm. No. 33. Dinner at OrsTiaw No's. 11 aad 12 have conuection t Ma ricn with iwutheru Rat. way. 5. 1. Lumpkin, G. P. . A. Tripp, Superintendent. -"i H Fmpnnc cn miirh mnrp thnn 1 xyou imagine serious and trifling ailments neglected.! greatest gift health. 1 If yon arfelin) out of sorts, weak and generally x- iEruu-ns Ilave no appetite r (Iron ana can t work, j begin at oncetak- 1 ing the most rclia- J U1C BIIC1IKH';""'K medicine.which is Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few hot tls cure benefit comes from the very first dose it Bitters won't st mi your M . a nrei, a u u its Y- pcaani i ias. J It Cures Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Kidney and Liver Troubles, Malaria, JNcrvous ailments 4 nr - t- Gel onlv the reimine it "ia crossed red r lines on the vrrauoer. All others arc sub- 1 4 KtiMitM. On rfrriot ot two ctamM 1 r will send set of Ten Beautiful World's Fair Views and book free. ' BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. MD. J. J. V HIS NAN! . 15 1. A liS BUI Wi, S C1., DEALEil JX SASH; DOORS AKD BLINDS PRICES fURNISHED CN APPLICATION. TEE BOOT ealth mi of MORGAKTON, N. C. 1. Ekwik, Prest. 8. T. Vzahhos, Ca-d'r Burglar Prrf Vault, Patent Tim Chrome Steel Safe for Ca.-h anl Vahndih'.. Exch-iii'?1 n 'v MARION, X. C Rankint? hours 9 A. JI. to 3 P. M-4