jJ(l,LI8IIKI KVKRY THURSDAY lUltcnnrt Proprietor; Entered at tli postofliMi in Marion as R'yud-clPHS matter. $r. Walter U. Page, w ho recent lyWign&t tlit editorship of lh? Forum on account, of thl difl.:rif-c-with the owners as to lia luiii--s mariageiit, irt figuring starting j a new Ucvicw. lage hw-i..i- editor, ft youngEnglishrnan i.:im 1 , Kcet, iHin charg'i ot m; rorum, hut Hie directing mind in f.till Ihat; of the nreftid-iitof the company, I. L liic, a rich lawyer and fortn-r collcgrj prof-or. lie has a g.iod deal of money in tin; ei.terpn.-c, Mid has always held the magazine, closely to the" lines upon which h" originally planned it when M tcalf was the Editor. The, Forum now repp-write a capital actually p'it .up in money during its career of $i:io,(KK), and is worth a good deal more than that Mini as a property at this time News and Owrvcr. Mr Pug", who is a native North Carolinian, enjovs an enviable, rep utation uk a writer of periodical literature. Under hia editorship the Forum has taken position in the very foremost rank of Ameri can journals,. Vhere need I- no necessity for people buying a bale of hay, a pound of meat or lard, or a can of 'canned fruits that is not produced within the borders of the State. We cannot be a prosperous people so long as we buy from the North .,.,.1 Wes.t more than we sell abroad. The merchant who would annual ly order $5,000 more of goods than he could 11 would boon go to the -.vail and his stock into the hands of the sheriff. The same law that applies 1( the individual applies to a. community or a people. Jf we Vrodncw a wurpIlH which WO cannot sell at a profit wo are just as badly off as if we did not have it, be cause the surplus represents labor and capital lhat lias been expen ded in its production, and, if there in no demand for it, it is so much capital locked up and of no bene Iit to any one. The people of the South might and should be one of the most prosperous people, on the face of the earth. They are favored by all the natural conditions necessary for such a happy consummation, and it. lies within their power. And this condition will bo reached when the people grasp and intel ligently utilize their opportunities and natural advantages. "Fricml of the runner." To the Editor of the News and Observer : At the great Alliance picnic in Cary on Thursday, I carried a wagon load of watermelons, hoping towdlft few. As 1 am an Al liaticeman and a Populist, I thought it would bo no harm to M.dl a few melons to those who pre tend to be working in the interest of the farmers. After I had put 1113' wagon had of melons in a good place, one of the managers told me that I must move off fifty yards that they did not want the speak ingdisturbed. I moved away at directed In a few minutes I saw that the managers, who had driven me away from the good position, permitted a milk shake table and 11 drink table to be put in the place from which 1 had been driven, and to le run by men who never saw a farm. I have found that when the case is pressed closely upon them, those who talk so loudly ahout Peing friends of the poor farmers always go back on them in order to help .me man who is not a farmer. I do hope that my friends will rrnn'inkT this when the great po litical fight comes, aud will meet them with the matter when they begin to spread themselves as the friends of the farmers. A. II. Moody. The Marion Record nominates Judtre Armfield for (Jovernor. We second the nomination, as we bt lieve him to be one of the best and most brainy men in the State. Watauga Democrat. A Desire to Surceetl Kscnlial to &ucee. A boy who wants to succeed in the law will probably do so. An encouraging thought, as far as it ges. Put tho power to want to do a tiling is as inueh a talent as the power to do it well, and the two are very apt to go together. So that I am not offering encourage ment, but stating the first inborn gift which the boy l orn for the law must have. J mUv Oliver Wen dell Holmes, .Jr. The Xiw says that Mr. E. T. Nutt, of Mt. A r -, raised 1G4 bush els of onions on one acre. Hiu kleu's Arnica Salve. The l., st Salve in the world for Cuts, i5ruise. Sores, I leers, Salt Klieum, Fever S . re. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chiiblums, Corns, and all Skin Krup tie as, and posit iveiy cures Piles or no p::y required. U is guaranteed to ive perieet Ki i.-ia. t i:i or money refunded. j rice eeii! s per box. For sale -Morphew it W(,t ITVtuiKrlitU Onles a( Old Fort. CAPT. R LOCK Kit S PAItl.OI: A l'LACK OF ATI k ACTION". yf. Kf oX CAPTUUK8 THK KoitT. OorresjiomTnr of Mi Recoko. Th spurious iuz;i anil f-.logatit parlor of O. II. oker, Eq.. ure jtift new tlf? center of attraction for Old FortVt. younjr gentlemen : a party of charming Floridian's be ing the power that draws them thith'.-r, Tli'j fft note of the guitar :iccouipanil by s: mingly rmtml voh--m urcmifllv hrii noon :V(.nin- ,r0i.rj: wh;jc fetriwrrt manhood sits enhanced. The meetings at the commodious Presbyterian church are well at tended and the power of Evangelist (lahs is felt more and more at each succeeding service. The mor ning hour of Praise and Prayer is well. worth making an effort to at tend. Our merchants close their stores from 11 to 12 m0 and there is no excuse for any one remaining away, u c nope mat our couniry friends will avail themselves of this ricJf opportunity to hear the Bible read and explained in a man ner that ca'u not fail to benefit. Mr. (Jale! is probably the most earnest and forcible man that Old Fort lx ople have ever had with them, and all should come to hear him. We were glad to see the lovely taces and gallant forms ot many of Marion s people in our town on Sunday last and sincerely hope they may come again, as their pres ence added much of grace and beauty to a bright Sunday. Among the ladies were Miss Lilly Yancey, the Misses Crawford, Mips Motz with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. C. Bird and Mrs. J. L. Morgan. Of the gentleman were Messrs. Jno. and Sam Yancey, Hemphill, and Lin- ney, of the Uncord. Possibly the lateness of the East bound train may have detained them longer than they wished but certainly not Ion ire r than we were pleased to have them. Sidney. Tlic Dicovery Saved His Life. Mr. 0. Cailloiu-tte, Druggist, Heavera- vi'. le, III., says: "To Dr. King's New Dis covery I owe my life. Whs taken with La (rirpe an J tried ail the physicians tor milts nbtnt, tut of no vail una ws given up and told 1 could not live. Having Dr, King's New Discovery in my store I sent for r hotlle and h gun its use and from the first dofe oesrau to get better, and after using three bottles as up and about again It tjt worth its weight in gold We won keen store or house, without it." Get ft free trial bottle at Morpuevv & White s Drug Store. The Muddil's Prayer. The following is the prayer made bv Dr. Samuel Johnson, on the -0th of September, 17G5, when about to enter upon the studv of law : Almighty vjoo, tne giver ot wis dom, without whose help resolu tions ar vain, without whose bles sings study is ineffectual, enable mo to direct the doubtful and in struct the ignorant, to prevent wrong and terminate contentions and grant that I may use that knowledge which I shall attain to Thy glory and my own salvation for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. A Novel Incubator. A gentleman from Peachland Anson countv, intorms us mat an old negro woman, named Charity Huntley, has perforrreda feat the like of which has not been before heard of in this country. A few diysagoa setting ' hen quit her net ami Charity declared that "d'-m aisrs habe to be hatched for dey done been spiled .for eatin purposes, and suiting the action to the word ehe gathered those eggs to her bosom and kept them there for three days and then she had the pleasure of seeing ten chickens thatched. Monroe En qe.irer. I lie knitting mill at aldese is to be moved to Newton. The Populist clerk of Cumber land county last week appointed negro justice of the peace. Hie Newton Enterprise learns that a young man named'Reil was going to liocK springs camp ground Sunday evening of las week and when near mere came uion three negroes upon the road side who caught his horse's bridle and demanded his money- Reil told them he had no money but they persisted. His horse jumped and threw Peil out of the cart and the negroes seized him. He got out his knife and cut one in the throat and the others ran. The wounded negro is expected to die. The Local Ministers Conference, in session last week at Rutherford College, proposed the erection of a monument to the memory of the late Dr. Abernethey. 4I don't believe," writes Rill Arp, "that the ladies lace as much as they used to. I haven't seen but one girl in a long time who excittd my fears, and I am still concerned for fear she will break in two, right at the coupling, or become uncou pled some of these days. A good healthy-sized waist is absolutely necessary to a healthy wife, and nobody but an idiot would marry a woman with a dirt-dauber body. Nevertheless, I like to see women fixed up nicely w ith corsets on. In fact, with anythingon save Mother Hubbards. A hack driver of Raleigh, Rog r Kell'-y by nam, lias recently gone crazy ovr baseball playing, and lias heMi taken to the colored in fi.nipf aylun at Goldsboro. Poor fellow 1 If sill th rest who have "gone crazy' fron. t ie tan o ctuso wen put -in the asylum with him, he would not le the least bit lone some. The hair, when not properly cared for, Io- its lontre.bwoinea crip,harsh, and dry, and falls out freely with every coming-, lo prevent this, trie Left dress i a r in the market is Ayers Hair Vigor. It imparts that silky gloss so -ritial to perfect beauty. CJov.Carr ordered a special term f Forsyth court to begin last Monday for the completion of the trial of the negroes who partici pated in the riot in, Winston Sun- lay before last. The trial is in progress and t lie testimony as given in by the leading citizens of Winston, is very damaging against the rioters. A fatal shooting and cutting af fray occurred on Bull Creek, Mad ison county, Tuesday night of last week.Zeb K. Whitt was shot and in stantly killed,while Jeff Mace,who, it is said, killed hitt, was cut so badly that he will die. A little distilled spirits ot ftell fire, pass ing under the "non de plume of corn licker was the cause of the trouble." Mr. C. I). Yonker, a well known druggist of Bowling Green, Ohio, in speaking of Chamberlain s Cough Remedy, says': "I take pleasure in recommending it to my customers, for I am ertain that it will always please them. 1 sell more of it than all otherekinds put together." For sale by Mor phew &, White, Druggists. The Franklin Press has at last declared its position on the finan cial question. Here is its plat form: "We have been asked re peateuly how we stand on the money question. U e are in favor of gold dollars, silver dollars greenback dollars all being receiv ed on subscriptions at this ofhee at 100 cents in the dollar. We also favor 10 to 1, that is our subscri hers paying us $10 to where, they have been paying us $1. Cigarette Smokiug. Dr. C, A. Clinton, of the San Francisco Hoard of Education, has made a special study of the effect of cigarette smoking among the public school children of that city and expresses himself in the fol lowing unmistable language: "A good deal has been said about the evils of cigarette smoking, but one-half the truth has never been told. I have watched this thin for a long time and I can say calm Jy and deliberately that I believe cigarette smoking is as bad a habit as opium smoking. I am talking now of boys, remember. The effect upon grown men is. of course, not so marked. "A cigarette fiend will lie and steal just as a morphine or opium fiend will lie and steal. Cigarette smoking blunts the whole moral nature. It has an appalling effect upon the system. It first stimu lates and then stupefies the nerves. It sends boys into consumption. It gives them enlargement of the heart, and it sends them to the in sane asylum. I am physician to several boy's schools, and I am often called in to prescribe for pal pitation of the heart. In nine cases out of ten it is caused by the cigarette habit. Every physician knows the cigarette heart. I have seen bright boys turned into dunces,and straightforward honest boys made into miserable cowards, by cigarette smoking. I am not exaggerating. I am speaking the truth, that every physician and nearly every teacher knows." Se lected. The Standard says that "Aunt Betsy Freeman," a one-legged wo man, lives alone, a few miles from Concord. A hen and her chickens were under the house lost Sunday night and a black snake got among them. "Aunt Betsy" raised a plank and tcok from the nest all the chickens except the hen. She re turned for the hen after safely placing the chickens in a basket and to her surprise a black snake, about four feet long, was coiled about the hen. She lifted the hen out and as she did so the serpent coiled its cold form around Aunt Betsy's neck. She did not scream, but jerked the snake off her neck and placed her chickens in safety before finishing the battle. EXPECTANT We Offer Yo REriEDY Which INSIJKE4 Safety f Life to Math er and Cblld. MOTHERS, linnnTiirrifti iviuintift FRIEND" Robs ConteBDtofiti Pain, Horror tad Kit My wife nsed MOTHERS' riMrvn" tore birth of Ler tlrst rliiUl. slie did not inner iron iKar.r ril.ts waijkky relieved ut the critical tour suffering but litile she liaU no pains afterward ami her recovery was rard. E E. JonjJSTOK. Eiifaula, Ala. Sent ly Mail or Express, on receipt of prir, f 1.00 per MUt. Book "To Moth ers mailed Free. DUADFIFI.Il KlU UTOIt TO., lllaata, Cia. SOLO BT ALL DRUGGISTS. A Good Sunday Sermon. El Jer P. D. Gold in Zion'a Land mark: I advise Primitive Bap tists to "study tolj quiet, teen out of grog-shops, mind tl eirown busi ness, lalor with their own hands, pay their debts, stay at home and labor, except when going to preach ing, or recti ired to be away from home, buy only what thev need, or would profit them, shun foolish and extravagant fashions, keep their children at home more, and teach them to labor, and trust the Lord in keeping His command ments." This advice might be taken with profit by all. Boyhood's Delights. I'd like to be a bov aeain with out woe or care, with freckles scattered on my face and hayseed in my hair. I'd like to rise at 4 o'clock and do a hundred chores, and saw the wood and feed the hogs and lock the stable doors; and herd tho hens and watch the bees and take the mules to drink, and teach the turkeys how to swim, so that they wouldn't sink ; and milk about a hundred cows and bring the wood to burn, and stand out in the sun all day -and churn aud churn and churn; and wear mv brother's cast off clothes and walk four miles to school, and get a licking every day for breaking some old rule, and then get home again at night and do the chores once more, and milk the cows and feed the hogs and curry mules galore, and then crawl wearilj' up , . i i:n.i 1 1 1 stairs to seeK mv muu uu, uuu hear dad say, "That worthless boy ! He isn't worth his Lreadl" I'd like to be a bov asain a boy has so much fun. His life h just round ef mirth from rise to set of sun. I guess there's nothing plea- santer than closing stable doors, and herding hens and chasing bees and doing evening chores. Wash ington News. Conscience. In the majority of cases, con science is an elastic and very flex ible article, which will hear a deal of stretching and adapt itself to a great variety of circumstances. Some people by prudent manage ment and leaving it off piece by piece, like a flannel waistcoat in warm weather, even contrive, in time, to dispense with it alto gether ; but there be others who can assume the garment and throw itolTat pleasure, and this, being the greatest and most con venient improvement, is the one most in vogue. Charles Dickens in Curiosity Shop. Since 1S78 there have been nine epid mic3 of dysentery in different parts of the country in which Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was used with perfect success. Dysentery, when epidemic, is almost as severe and dangerous as Asiatic cholera. Here tofore the best efforts of the most skilled physicians have failed to check its ravages, this remedy, however, has cured the most ma lignant cases, both of children and adults, and under the most trying conditions, which proves it to be the best medicine in tho world for bowel complaints. For sale by Morphew & White, Druggists. Definition of a Cigarette. A cigarette is a roll of paper, to bacco and drugs, with a small fire at one end and a large fool at the ether. Some ot the cniet enjoy ments are condensed nightmare, fits, cancer of the lips and stomach, spinal meningitis, softening 01 the brain, funeral processions and families shrouded in gloom. There are plenty of subjects left, however, who are perfectly willing to under go trials of such a trivial nature for the sake of putting on a certain amount of style. Mammoth Spring Monitor. Mr. Natanael Mortonson. a well- known citizen of Ishpeming;, Mich and editor Superior Posten, who, for a lonff time, suffered from the most ex cruciating pains of rheumatism, was cured, eight years aero,by taking Ayer's Sar?apanlla, having never felt a twinge of it since- Wilborn Childere, of Alexander county, eomes out with a rattle snake that's hard to beat. He kil led it last week near his house and it required three shots to do it. The rattier wore u rattles ana was eight feet long. The snake's hide was stuffed and it required one bushel, one peck and one gallon of brand to do this. A car load of twenty-eight pupih came from Texas to attend Bing ham school at Asheville. My little boy, when two years of age, was taken very ill with bloody flux. 1 was advised to use Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, and luckily procu red part of a bottle. I carefully read the directions and gave it ac cordingly. He was very low, but slowly and surely he began to improve, gradually recovered, and is now as stout and strong as ever. I feel sure it saved his life. I never cin praise the Remedy half its worth. I am sorry every one in the world does not know how good it is, as I do.Mra. Lina S. Hin ton, Grahamsville, Marion Co., Florida. For sale by Morphew & White, Druggist's. Little Fofes. Among mr fender vioes I rjr A lutle '.ex ntmed Dy-and-br. Turn scluponbim quick I say. The wi t joung hunter Rigbt-away. Arouod each tender vine I plant I fiul the little iox--I-can!t. Then, fast aa i-ver Vu'nter ran, Chase him with bold and'braTe T-can. ' " No nae-in trjiog lag anJ whines. This tcx t iong toy tender vines. - Men tli ire hire low and drive him bih. With thisgocd hunter named IH-trj. Among the vines in mv kic'all lot Creeps In the joung fox I-lorgot. Then bunt him out and to bis den With I-will-not-forget-again. A little fox U hidden there Among raj vines namrd--.I don't care. Then let I'm-sorrj bunfr-true Chase him afar from vines and jou. Selected. Marion Institute, MARION, - - - N C. OPEXS SEPTEMBER 4th' 1895. Full courses in English, Ancient and Modern Languages, .Music, Elocution, Physical Culture and Dook keeping. TERMS MODERATE. Apply to the Principals Mr. J. E. Guy, Mrs. J. E. Guy. Chimbarlain'a Zye and Bkia Olntmsmt la a certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyea, Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Nipples, Pilea Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum and Scald Head, 25 cents per box. For sale by druggists. TO 1I0SSB OWVZB8. For potting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up tho system, aid digestion, euro loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, ce ; life to an old or orer -worked horee. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists. Morphew & White, Druggists. 1 ,000,000 People Wear WOouglasSioes PROCESS PROCESS. dffSTJORlD. $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.T5 $3.50 $2.50 $225 For Boys afliYontts For Men!5:2 Wear TT. RoaclM shoe and aave fntm Sl.OO to 83.00 a pair. All My Ira and price of other makes, but tlie quality and pnefi of W. K. Dim(Im shoe remain the same. Take no iibt iiutc ; that name and price it stamped on sole. W. I IaslM VjtoCKTOM, LUss. Sold by . JJysar THRICE-AhWEEK EDITION. The twice-a-week edition of the New York World baa been converted into the Thrice-a-week. It furnishes 3 papers of 6 paces apiece, or eighteen pages every week, at the oid price of One Dollar a year. This gites 1!6 papers a year for One Dollar and every paper has 6 pages eight columns wide or 44 columns in all. The Tbrice-a-week World is not only much larger than any weekly or serai-weekly newspaper, but it furnishes the news with much greater frequency and promptness. In fact it combines all the crisp, lresb qualities of a daily with the attractive special features of a weekly. Our special clubbing rate with the Th nce-a-week World will be the same as with the Twice-a-week World. You cua get the RECORD and World for $1.60. THE BBJOBD is the BEST PLACE to get all sorts of JOB PRINTING done m atedt $t m and at lowest prices. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, ENVELOPES, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, BILLS. POS- TERS.ETC. ETC. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SEND YOUR OHIERS TO THE Marion, Record, In ml M MARION, N.C JAMES MOKRIS- JAME9 C- LIXSEY. MORRIS A IJtfSEY, Attorneys at Law MARION, - - - " Will rrartice In McDowell and ad joiningrcounties. All business intrus ted to their cre will receive prompt and pains-taking attentlor. pEARSOX & McKESSOX, . . ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MORGANTOX, X. c. Practices in the Courts of McDowell. W. C. N'EWLAXD Lenoir, X. C. 1C. A. NEWLAXD Marion, X C ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. MARIOX, - - - . N. C Practice in the courts of the 10, 11, and 12th districts, and the Su preme court of X. C, aud the U. S. Courts of Western District of X. C. J, N. MORGAN CO- Xo. 3 Public Square, Asheville, X. C. Wholesale ana Retail DEALERS IX BOOKS. STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUP PLIES AND STATE TEXT BOOKS.: Prices guaranteed as low as any other house, WRITE FOR PRICES. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. hmi hid I On the 1st Monday in September next,' bj virtue of a decree of Court ia the case J of Nancy M. Holloway and busbaid v.J it . n. uurr ci ii.f 1 arum sen ai in coun bouse in Marion 2 nice frame cott.tgea with three lots, containing about two or three acres, the property of the late E. Witter, deceased, in East Marion. Terms of salt-: One third cash, one third in six months and one third in twelve months, note and approved security for de ferred payments. Title retained until pur chase money Js all paid. This August 8th 1835. Fred. R. Tiff.tny, Commissioner. DR. B. L. ASHW0RTH. Physician and Surgeon OLD FOllT, X. G-EO- IP. RBID. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Offers his professional services to the public. Office Old Fort, N. C. Watch this space WILL HAVE SOMEMHINO INTERESTING TO TELL YOU NEXT Will. IF 1TOTJ H-Vm- Now is the Time and This is the Place TO I1TVE3TIT. SAVE YOUR DOLLARS BY MAKING YOUR PURCHASES AT General Merchandise Store. Headquarters for HATS, SHOES, and CLOTHING. A pair of pants for sw Overalls and Shirts till you ean't mt. Dry Goods and Notions at our o price. GBOOEBIES OF jIJL, KIJSTDS The very finest grade of Coffee- Agents for Longman & Martinez m&J mixed Paints, and the celebrated Nissen Wagons. Geo. OHIQ RIVER & CHARLESTON R. r Passenger Depart menr. Going North Lt. Camden Rock Hill Ar. Blacksbnr Lt. B'acksbnrg Fhrlby Rutherfordton Ar. Marion 8 00 ac, 10.55 hqi lHla Going Sonth. Lr. Marion Rutherfordton Shelby Ar. Blackaburg 2.00 ,m; 3 Ma So. 38 . Lt. Blacksbnrg Rock Uill Ar. Camden No. 33. Dinner at Cersbaw 8 00 pm 0 32i,m 1255 I'm. 'oa. 11 and 12haTe connection at Ji. rion with Southern Raiiwaj. 8. B. Lumpkin, 0. r. A. A. Tripp, Superintendent, to , 1L liVCLUll Uilil means so much more than i vou imagine serious and fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's greatest gift health. If yea irtfeelinr out of sorta, weak and generally ex hausted, netvous, Cave no appetite aud cant work, begin at oncetak ing the most relia ble strengthening medicine, which it Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few bot. lias cart benefit conies front the very first dusa-tf won't statu pmr tteth, and it's pleasant lo take. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and liver Neuralgia, Troubles, f Constipation, Bad Blood W Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Get onlv the Pennine it tiaa crossed tA f lines on the wrapper. All others ate s Vstitutes. On receipt of two ac. stamps will send set of Ten Beautiful Worl Fair Views and book free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, M0. J. J. WHISNAN1, BLACKS BURG, S '., DEALER IN SASH; DOORS ASD li LIN 1)3 PRICES FURNISHED CN APPLICATION. 1 1. 1 ut m run of MORGANTON, N. C P. Ekwix, vres t A. T. Pakmv, 33. 1.30 j, 4.14 ,.m ; : Browns Iron : Bitters mi Burglar Proof Vault, Patent Time 1 numa Ktl Rnf for Cash and Valuables. Exchange 01 York and other Trade Centers bought and sold. Banking hours 0 a. m. to 3p."

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