MARION RKCOIjI PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY i rIltcr;anl Proprietor. EnfprwlTTthroHtotru-.- it. Marion as ond-rlass r-til matter. Hon. Clin. M.Cook, of Tui Imrg, w.ih on Monday appoi itel by (iov. Carr to bo P.-cn-tary of Stat to suwHl th Into Octavius Coke Mr,.lohn S. iah of Cahlvell, has !.ou-ht tl.o Inoir Topic ami tak s H.nrR thi- w.-k. WV- r-Kn-t to sec Mr. Scott retire from North Carolina journalism and trust that his retirement i '" temporary. A Stat; silver convention will ho, held in Uah'ih in the n-ar tu ture Such men as ;x-Senator Jarvisand KM. C. Smith are at the hf-ad of the movement and it promis to he a siue.e-s. Tin I'n.ident litis reappointed ex-Senator Ransom Minister to Mexieo. Thin is as it hh uld have hern, ( r.ansom will tart for the city of Mexieo within a few clave, his health having improved Euiliciently to admit of his return. The le.dinq K.-puhlieans and Populi.-tsof C!evehul county are out in a card endoiing Daniel L. Kufw-ll as the fusion candidate for Governor in 1WK. llussell is one of the hitt-rest Republicans in the State, and the negro vote is said to e solid for him. : im According to a special to the Charlotte Observer from Kaleigh Marion Butler and "certain Demc crats" are preparing to give us a Bong ami dance, so join hands and be ready for tho grand proinenade all, after which the papers will ho signed and fusion will be complete so far as Marian and these "certain Democrats" are concerned, but de livering the goods is tho question. Conventions seem to be tho or der of the day just at this time. The negroes have issued a call for a convention to be held in Raleigh on September 1 1th. The call says that the negro furnishes three fourths of the Republican vote in the State and thai they should be represented on the ticket and the smaller offices divided equally be tween both races. They say that now is the time for them to act. Wonder what tho Populists think of this move. We sec no reason for a State silver convention just at this time. The last State convention of the Democratic party adopted a free silver platform and so far as that party is concerned that declara tion stands until the next regular State convention and no set of men have the power to change it until that convention is called and assembles. Of.'ourse, any number of people have a right to assemble and declare for certain principles, but they can not speak for any of tho political parties. A greater fraud was never perpe trated on the tax payers of the State than the appointment of the Arrington Investigating Commit tee by the recent legislature. This committee meets in Raleigh when ever they want to go on a "jag'' they proceed to Raleigh, under cover of a committee' meeting, and remain there at the expense of the State, so long as they can stand drunken debauchery. If Pat tie has any cause of complaint, and wo have no doubt but that she has, let her stay and fight her case in the courts. Who ever heard of the Legislature of a great State hiking in hand a little divorce case be fore. Honey in Dairy Product . We need to plant more hoof on our hills. No market, you say? Make a market. If a business man has anything good to sell, he ad vertises and makes a market. A lady in Waynesville was in oven way an exH-rt and scientific butter maker. She wrote me there was no market for her butter. I wrote her to ship mo 25 pounds at 25 cents. I paid express which made the butter cost me 28 cents. I let a friend, president of a female col lege, have half of it at So cents butter on the Rak-igh market was 35 cents. It was sweet, rich de licious butter and wns all user! be fore it taiutevl. V,', I ordered some more, the lady couldn't sup ply it. She wrote that the college president had engaged all she could make. Prof. Massey in Far mers Institute at Gastoniu. IIon.Cctr.viom Cok Sretar) of State, ihcd at his liun in j Kaleigh last Friday. The moie the better class of cit izens of the State sop of the fruits of the fiiHoii L'-slat'ire the more they Income disgusted and remin ded of the days of lsf. In fact the laws and conduct of members of the body of 1K)5 were even more disgraceful than that of VA We stand today in disgrace from the re.-ult of the last ejection. The Arrii:gt n committee now in ses- ion in Raleigh i one of the things that can be pointed to by the ad mirers of that b.xly with pride and then if their cup is not full to overflowing they can turn and point w ith greater pride to the fine display of magistrates scat tered over the State who were tip pointed by the Douglassite.?. Of course, in some cases, good men were appointed, but in the majori ty of cases they are a lot of incom petent, political boot-licks who wereappoiuted at the suggestion of cross-road politicians who named a class of men w ho stood ready to do their bidd ng. Magistrates should be selected from the very best citizens of any community, but the Douglassites could not realize this fact but appointed a class of incompetent men whose workings will be felt for years to come. From all accounts Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is h Godsend to the afilicted. There is no adver tisement about this ; we feel just like saying it. The Democrat, Carrollton, Ky. For sale by Mor- phew & hite, Druggists. The Wilmington Messenger re marks that there are no Democratic naners in North Carolina that ad vocato a single silver standard of money. This is not only true of the newspapers, but of practically all tho silver advocates. They op pose a single gold standard but thev do not on the other hand tavor a single silver standard. Th'-y merely contend for tho restoration of silver to free coinage at the mints on absolute equality with gold. The distinction is often lost sight of in the zeal of the silver advocates to remove silver from under the ban of adverse legisla tive discrimination. We take it that few thoughtful men advocate tho demonetization of gold on the adoption of a single silver stan dard. Mr. Horr said m his debate w ith Mr. Harvey that the govern ment could no more demonetize gold than it could do bread wheat This was probably an extreme statement and a rattier incon gruous analogy. But there is very little cry for the demonetization of gold. Tho silver men of this nation merely ask that it be brought upon an absolute level with silver. It has been suggested by one financial physician, whose name we do not recall, that the government make its money of linal redemption of an alloy com posed of sixteen parts of silver and one part of gold. This opens a field fcr speculation, but there are many practical and physical diffi culties which would arise, as, for instance, the1 re could bo no more ten and twenty dollar coins, as the proportion of silver would make them too large and luavy. It would also render the transporta tion of com from one1 part of the country to another impracticable. Press-Visitor. A hacking cough kecj-s the bronchial tu!us in a Mate of constant irritation which, if not speedily removed, may lead to chronic bronchitis. Xopromp-tt-r remedy can be found than Ayer's Chcr-y 1 Vet oral. Its effect is imme diate ami t lie result permanent. A "Sew Star on the Flag. A special rom Washington says : Another star, the forty-fifth, is" to be added to the flag. The new star will represent Utah and the order for its addition to the national colors was issued by Secretary Ua mont to-day. The star will he plaetd to the right of the fourth row from the top. The order for the addition of the star is accom panied by one change in the size of colors. Heretofore the standard has been six feet by five. The new order makes the regulation size five feet six inches by four feet five inches. The order provides for the new colors to be issued to all infantry, artillery and the bat talliMis of engineers and also for new standards for all cavalry. The new Hags will be very handsome. They are to be made of the finest American silk. Utah will not at tain statehood until the -It'i day of next July but all the Hags here after contracted for and issued will contain the star heralding the ad mission of that the Union of the United States. Itiicklcir Arnica Salve. The best alve in theworJJ for Cuts, J.-.... v,lV,. net-r,. San PK-U!::. hevcr Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction Price -J5 cents per box. For i:U bv M'.rphew White. Memorized Speeches. .tlnnta Constitution. J The Memphis Commeicial-Ap-. peal lie"ives that the decline in j oratory is largely ow ing to tho fact j that our speakers, with few excep- ttons, no longer prepare aiu mewi-, orize their spoeches. The great orators of former days, like Webster and Hnyn, thought over their ieeches in advance, and practically composed thm, even wlvn thev did not write them out. Thev memorized their most im- nortant elf'-rts, and so trained their memories that it was easy for them to retain tight or ten thou sand words in their minds. More over, the ohl-time' speakers prac tised their poses and gestures, ana left nothing undone to prepare them for great public occasions. The sneakers of the present Jay are too busy or too lazy to make proper preparation. They say whatever is uppermost in their minds and revise the reports oi their speeches. Generally, when an orator makes a brilliant hit it is because he Ins composed a speech and given it his thought. Many orators who have come down in history as great extempo raneous speakers were in reality depending upon the work of others. The popular idea of Mirabeau is that he was always ready with an eloquent speech in any emergency. One of his biographers, however, tells a very different story. The great Frenchman could not bear the drudgery of the pen, and he was not a ready speaker. He mem- firizod th snoeches written bv his secretary and delivered them with great energy and power. If he had to reply to an opponent ho al-.-.ays threw the assembly into confusion and forced an adjournment, and thus gained time for his secretary to write a speech w hich he fired off next day. Upon one occasion 31 1 rabeau found that his employe was missing. The dissipations of Pari 3 had tempted him away from his post. The police searched every dive for him, and finally brought him in after midnight. The master was in a rage. lie abused the drunken scribbler, and seizing him by the collar pounded his head against the wall. Then, when tho victim was half qober, Mirabeau deluged him with cold water, tied a wet towel about his head and forced him to sit down and write. The angry statesman literally pounded his ideas into the fel'ow with his fist and by day light the speech was ready. Tt is needless .to say that the tribune mastered it and delivered it with so much fire and force that it pro duced a profound impression. Doubtless, if tho truth were told, the fact would come out that all great orators have spoken memo rized speeches. In a recent letter to the manu facturers Mr. W. . Benjamin, editor of the Spectator, Rushford, N. Y., says: "It may be a pleas ure to you to know the high es teem in which Chamberlain's med icines are held by the people of your own state, where they must be best known. An aunt of mine, who resides at Dexter, Iowa, was about to visit me a few years since, and before leaving home wrote me, asking if they were sold here, stat ing if they were not she would bring a quantity with her, as she did not like to bo without them." The medicines referred to are Chamberlain's Cough Ilemed-, fa mous ro its cures of colds and croup; Chs m'ierlain's Tain Balm for rheumatism, lame back, pains in the side and chest, and Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Itemed' for bowel com plaints. These medicines have been in constant use in Iowa for almo t a quarter of a century. The people have learned that they are articles of great worth and merit, i nd uncqualed by any other. They for sale here by Morphew & White Druggists. ISoantifiil Answer. A pupil of the Abbe Sicord gave the following extraordinary an swers : What is gratitude? Gratitude is the memory of the heart. What is hope? Hope is the blossom of happi ness. What is the difference between hope and desire? Desire is a tree in life, hope is a tree in tlower, and enjoyment is a tree in fruit. What is eternity? A day without yesterday or to morrow, a line that has no end. What is time? A line that has two ends; a path which begins in the cradle and ends in the tomb. hit is God? The necessary being, the sum of eternity, the merchant of nature, the eye of justice, the watch maker of the universe, the soul of the world. Does God reason? Man reasons )ecauso he doubts; he deliberates, he decides. God is omnipotent; He never doubts; Ho therefore never reasons. Which is worse, imprisonment for life or a hfe-lonj? disease like scrofula, lor example9 The former, certainly, would be preferable were it not that Ayer's Sarsaparilia can always ccme to the rescue an irive ilicMWi.iirfn.r I !,-. It ct..H- ;, :., ' "Woman's Sphere." Tbej talk "a cmau's fbre" As though ii Lad a limit ; Third's not a plact in earth or heaven, There's not a use ir mankind given, Th rf't not a blersin or a woe, Tlier. 'i not a wliU; tt, yeiw or "no," Tl.eri'j not a life, or death, or birth, That l;as a fratbf-r'e weight of worth Without a wcmai in it. Gov. Can has issued a requisi- sion on the Governor of Tennessee for Dr. W. L. Hill, who is wanted in Stokes county. The papers filed with the Gv vrnor state that Hill seduced his cousin under the prom ise of niarmge and afterwards at tempted to produce an cboition and that after he thought he had ecu red the destruction of letters which passed between them, he cruelly told her he would never marry her but wvuld marry a kdy. It is one of the worst cases tver reported to tho executive. The unfortunate girl's friends and rel atives made two attempts to force him to marry her. Then ho fled the State and went to Tennessee. If the facts are correctly stated what Dr. Hill needs is a doie of shot gun. Several years ago I was taken with u severe attack of flux. I was sick in bed about ten days and could get nothing to relieve me until 1 used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured me and has been a household remedy with us ever since. J. C. Marlow, Decaturville, Mo. For sale by Morphew & White, Druggists. lYayucsvillc's Dispensary. We think wo can safely say that all the liquor and intoxicants that are sold in Waynesville comes from the dispensary in sealed packages, and we believe less is sold now than before the establishment of the dispensary. Some of our citizens object to the system, but, as a rule, the peo ple like it in preference to an open barroom, with its" screens, loafing inducements and drink trade, cr the prohibition farce, with its drug store saloons and common blind tigers that are usually very plenti ful and very demoralizing when ever you find prohibition as it gen erally exists. Waynesville has tried all three plans and we think we voice the sentiments of the ma jority of Waynesvillo's good citi zens when we say that the third and last plan has proved to be the most satisfactory. Waynesville Courier. Its Value Recognized by Phys icians. As a rule I am opposed to pro prietary medicines. Still I value a good one, especially when such is the source of relief from pain. As a topical (external) application I have found Cnamberlain's Pain Balm tho best remedy I have ever used for neuralgia of any kind. I have conscientiously recommended it to many persons. William Home, M. D., Janesville, Wis. Sold by Morphew & White, Druggists TO YOUNG HE OFFER A REMEDY WHICH INSURES SAFETY TO LIFE OF MOTHER AKD CHILD. "iotas' Friend" ROBS CONFINEMENT OK IT3 PAIN, HORROR AND RISK. " My wife used only two bottles. She was easily and quickly relieved; is now doing splendidly. J. S. Morton, Jlarlow, N. C. Sent by express or mall, on receipt of price. $1.00 per Imttl. Hook "TO MOTHERS" mailed free. imAPFIF.LD KKGUI.1T0R CO.. iTLANTl, 01. BOLD B7 ALL DEUQQIST8. THE Normal Collegiate INSTIIUTE FOR YOUNG WOMEX, ASHKVIM.E, X. C, OFEXIKG SEPT. 18. OFFERS TO STUDENTS: 1. A Classical Course, including An. c:ent ana Modern Languages, Sciences, Mnsic, Drawing, tc. 2- A Normal Course for the thorough tmininer of Teachers under instructors frnru tbe bet Normal s'clioola. 3. Commercial Course, including h'tenc grajthy, Tj wriiing, B jok-l eeping, etc. 4. Domestic Science, including Scien tific Cocking, Draughting, Cutting, Fitting and makir.p o! (intiiieatj. System a t'c ?sudy of tlic Dible in all de pa rtrr. nts. Teinisior Beard and Tuition in an? of the departm.Tts, $S0 per term, or $100 per jear. For catalogue, address Rev. Thos. Lawrence, D. D. AsbtTille, N. C. NOTICE. By ririue of a decree of the Superior Court made on the loth li.y of Aeust lh&5. in the rase of Andrew Tonnt administra tor with the will annexed of Noah Yoont deceased ?a W. H. Wiliiams and otren I will fVU oa Monday the 7 th day of October lf93 at the Court House doer in Marion at 12 o'clock m., all the real estate belo iging to Noah Vount deceased, adjoining th Und3 of ilofritt, Austin anl others coq tiioitg abaut Sixteen (16) acres, tniiland will be sold to make arsets to py debU against the estate of the saiJ Noah Yount deceased. 7EUMS: One baif of tbe purchase eclt o le paid on day of sale, lalante or. a credit of 12 cjcuths, title wr.hel J till purrl!i.?e money is paid. TLis Septfmber -, lr.". Andrew Vount, A.tnin'r HOT A SICK DAY- For Over Thirty Yeais! AYER'S PILLS "Ayer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty years hare kept me in good 'health, never having had a sick day in all that time. Before I was twenty I unffered almost continually as a result of con stipation from dyspepsia, headaches, neuralgia, or feoil and other eruptive diseases. When I became convinced that nine-tenths of my troublea were caused by constipation, I Wgan the use cf Ayer's I'ills, with the most satisfac tory" results, never having a single attack that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wife, who had been an invalid for years, also began to use Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly restored. With my children I had no ticed that nearly all their ailments were preceded by constipation, and I soon had tire pleasure of knowing that with children as with parents, Ayer's Pills, if taken in season, avert all danger of sickness." II. Wettsteix, Byron, 111. AVI ill FILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilia Strengthens tbe System. REDUCED RATES. Co ton States Internaiional Exposition ATLANTA, GA., September 18 December 31, 1895. For the above occasion tbe Southern Railway Co. will sell low-rate round-trip tickets to ATLANTA, GA., and return on the follow ing basis : FROM Alexandria, Va Asheville, N. C Burlington, N. C. Burke ville, Va Culpeper, Va Chatham, Va Charlottesville, Va... Chapel Hill, N.C Concord, N.C Charlotte, N.C Danville. Va..' Durham, N. O Front Uoyal, Va Greensboro, N. C...'.. Goldsboro. N. C Hendersonvillc, N. C. Hickorv. N. C High Point, N. C Hot Springs, N. C .... Henderson, N C Lynchburg, Va Lexington, N. O Mortranton, N. C. ...... Marion, N. C Newton, N. C Orange, Va Oxford, N. C Richmond, Va Reidsville. N. C Raleisrh, N. C South Boston, Va .... Strasburg, Va. Salisbury, N. C Statesville, N. C Taylors ville, N. C .... Tryon, N. C Washington, D. C .... West Point, Va Wnrrenton, Va Wilkes boro, N. C Winston-Salem, N. C. (Rates from intermediate points in proportion.) EXPLANATION. Column A : Tickets will be sold September 5 and 12, and daily from September 15 to Decem ber 15, 1895, inclusive, wiih final limit January 7, ia. Column B: Tickets will be sold doily from September 16 to December 15, 18W5. inclusive, with final limit twenty (20) days from dae of sale. Column C: Tickets w 11 b sold daily from September 15 to December 30, 1895, inclusive, with final limit fifteen i5) days from date of sale. No ticket to bear longer limit than Janu ary 7,1893. Column D : Tickets will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week from September 17 until December 24, 1895, inclusive, with final limit ten (10) days from date of sale. Column E: lickets will be sold daily from September 15 to Decern her 30, 1895, inclusive, with final limit seven ( days from dte of 6le. SOUTHERN RAILWAY 19 the only line entering the Exposition Grounds, having double track, standard ruage railway from the center or the city of Atlanta to the Exposition Grounds. For tickets and full information apply to your nearest agent, or address J. M. CULP, W. A. TURK, Traffic Manager, Gen'l Pass. Agt., 1300 Penna, Ave., Washington, D. C. Chamberlain's Eye arid 8hln Olntxne&t la a certain cure for Chronic Bore Kyca Granulated Eye Lids, Soro Nipples, Kle Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum and bcald Head, 25 cents per box. For tale by druggists. to nonsi: OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fire healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Ond:t:on I'owders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, euro loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney Qieorders and destroy worms, giving cew life to an old or over worked horse." 25 centa per package. For sale by druggists. Morphew & White, Druggists. GETtTHE BEST When yoa are abotjt to tray a Sewing Machine Co not be deceived by alluring advertisementa ana be lea to think you can get the best ranis, finest finished and " Most Popular for a mere song. See to ft that you bay from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest -nd square dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There is none in the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as the New Home It baa Aatosaatlc Teaston. Doable Peed, alike on both sides of needle patented no other has it ; New Stand (Patented driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing frictioa to the tTimiTtiWTty WRITE FOR CIRCULAROe THE IEW HOIE SEWHG HICHH2 CO. Caa.MAS. Bono. lUsa. S Tina Bonn. X.Y Cmicaoo. Itx. br. Lorn. Mo. Vallo-. Iciu. bM Fmxfcuw.VAL. ATLxrtM.O. FOR BALE BY ABC D E I 28.2519.25 H.Offl 12.8T,! 9.401 5.75 18.7013.70j I 9.65 23.8517.05 11. m 25.3018.55! 113.50 20.8515.30 jl0.55 23.25117.05! 12.401, 30.4015.0ff io.arJ 14.20 10.4tt 6.55 13 151. 9.65 5.85 SO.ftVli.TO1 10.20 20.40 15.00! 10.45 26.25 19.251 14.00 17.6512.95! 9.20 21.7515.95' 11.00 11.70; I 8.(30 5.25 15.30 11.25 7.25 16.95 ;12.45 8.40 14.00 10.50 6.75 20 4015.00; 10.45 23.60 10.50 ill .50 16.05' 11.83 8.05 15.30 11.25 7.25 14.85 10.00 7.10 15.30 11.25 7.25 24.5518.00 13.10 20.4015 00 10.45 I23.2517 05 12.40 " 118.85 13.80 ! 9.70 20.4015.00 10.45 '21.5515.80 10.80 26.2519.25 14.00 15.30 11.25 1 7.25 Il5.: 11.25 7.25 16.35 12.00 8.15 10.75 1 7.85 1 4.90 , 2)5.25 19.25 14.00 23.65 17.35 12.M 20.25 19.25 14. 00 22.95 10.85 11.30. ... 19.0013.95 i 9.80 JAMES MCRKIS- JAMES C LINNEY. Attorneys ttt Zatc MARIOX, - - - N.C. Will practice in McDowell and ad joining counties. All business intrus ted to their care will receive prompt and pains-taking attention. pE.NESOX A McKESSOX, ATTCSNSYS AT LAW, JIORGAX T( ) X, x. c. Practices in ihe Courts of McDowell. w. c. NEWLAXD Lenoir, X. C. M. A. XF.WLAXD Marion, X C ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. MARIOX, V C Practice in the courts of the 10, 11, and 12th districts, and the Su preme court of X. C, and the U. S. Courts of Western District of X. C. J, N. MORGAN CO- Xo. 3 Public Square, Asheville, X. C. Wholesale ami Kefail ' DEALERS IX BOOKS. STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUP PLIES AND STATE TEXT BOOKS. i Prices guaranteed as low oh any oilier house, WRITE FOR PRICES. 1 ,000,000 People Wear Wlfloiigias Shoes HAND d? TM"ira ft iif.ct SEWED 3 IN THE PROCESS. 4J;rfJwnnr r &5.00I xsrx 13.00 xi ' wnitki $4.oo $3.50 $2.50 $2.25 For Men $2.50 $2.00 $U5 For Mi fanrl Youths Wear W. I. Roarfaa shoes and ia, from I.60 to S3.WO m pair. All Klyl- and Idth. 1 ho F.rivancc in leather hat Inert-mod price of other makes, but the quulity and priori of W. I.. Douclat shoes renanin th an me. Take noMibsiiiuti-; name an.l price is stamped on sole. W. I.. IosisrIaMt Ukucxtox, ilxis. Sold by J. S. pysa v DR. B. L ASHWORTH. Physician and Surgeon OI,D FORT j G-EO. J?. lEIEIID. i i'Ji 1MI IAIV and SUHGEON 1 Offers his professional services to the public. Office : Old Fort, N. C. Watch this space. Newland & hki I f WILL HAVE SOMEMHINU INTERESTING TO TELL YOU NEXT WEEK; YOTJ HAVE- Now is the Time and This is the Place TO IN VEST T- SAVE YOUR DOLLARS BY MAKING VOI R ITRCKAKKS AT General Merchandise Store. Headquarters for HATS, SHOES, and CLOTHING. A pair of pant for :rt. Overalls and Shirts till you can t rest. liry Good and Notions at jour oa price. ' GROCBIES O1 ALL lXNJDS The verj finest grades of Coffee Agents for Longman A Martinez raJy mixed Paints, and the celebrated Ni&Mrn Wagons. Sgko. -ii i ii if r 1' i- w i n flHIfl R1VPR P, ruiDicPTnu ........ w, wiinnkKOiuil K. R. Passenger Department irXortl, Going North r - i v. 32 vmuiira r, 1.10 piu 1 rm JC.00 ,)tn 8 00 an 10.55 n, x". 1: 2.00 pIn! 3 25 pm !:! m No. 3- urea inn Ar. Blacksbnrg Lv. Blacksbnrg Shelby 4 Rntherfordton Ar. Mai ion (loin? South. Lt. Marion " Rntherfordton " Shelby Ar. Blacksbnrg Lt. Blacksbnrp 8 CQ pm " Rock Hill 10 32p m Ar. Camden , ,12 53 jir , No. 33. Dinner at Cersbaw o'j. 11 and 12 hare connection at NL. rion with Southern Riiwiy. S. B. Lumpkin, G. r. A. A. Tripp, Superintendent. jta Poor f means so much more than vou imacrinc serious and xyou imagine benuus anu "i fatal diseases result from t triflinc ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's i greatest gilt healtn. If you are feel in r out of sorts, weak and centrally ex 13 hausted, netvova, j 1'ave no a:t-etne 1 and can't work, J Iron Bitters ing the most tella ble strengthening medicine, Inch is Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few hot. ties cure benefit cones from the very first duse-tf mtm'i stain teeth, and 1 1 ' a pleasant to Ukt. 7 It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood f Malaria, Nervous ailments Women's complaints. i Get only the aeuin it has crossed red P ltnM nn f tut miDfiH. All othra are aub- i atitutes. On rsceiot of two sc. stamnt we will send set of len BeatrtUul WorM's I Fair Views and book free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. M0. J- J. WHISNAN1, IH,ACK8nUIt, H '., DEALER IS SASH; DOORS AKD BLINDS PRICES FURNISHED CN APPLICATION. H ealth IE FBI EMS of MORGANTON, N. C P. Ebwix, Pres't. 8. T. Peaiwox, Cahif Burglar Proof Vault, Patent Time hodt Chromo Steel Safe for Caih and Valuables. Exchangw on NVw York end other Tratta Centers bought und sold.

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