.MA UlON KKCO l I). rVKAtUFA) EVERT THUKSI'AY ; rilitcr' !! Proyrlrlor. KnUrd :d 'Jiv stil!U-e in M:irn.n as .:..":.:.:l-r1a-s r..H:I in:itt-r. Tlr Liudmark haa li:rvt.fro iMlin'iatuit?.MK'f thatthfTO r.-.i.-n .i(;vin-nt n f'"t s5''-! :i'r tafu i-lsirsnf p( lit'ckin:-: in Nort.i t'ur.!ii:u ! ri-ij? aUnt a fw.-iyn i. Uv M) the I)jin-Tati: and t.n-IVj.uli.-t parties. Ileo-nt ''ts ric uiufli w!r to that Ik-!:'-.. (I-.v.Jarvis Million. V. H- B-u-r rv:-iitlv at Morantou and 1h;; iit(,r .f tho ll'-raia an eis-.i-nidly KiiJ-iM- find cuis-rvativ.' in,ui who Uard the p lerhf:. n. t"riift. l t!.'-ii to I'O an apf-al to 'tl.i? Populists for fui'!i. Ar! th Kai'ih -.;rr ;)ond;it. of lh; Char latto ()')- rvr thinks th r-is s;i-h a movnif-nt brewing. Ho has talked with Do'iior-ral-, U says, -vho favor it, aid an -xjr-t from his rv.rr -ponfl.Mif-, print 1 1 wlr r is '-vidcure that tier- is h';im. t!iin in lh rumor. k du not want to hi hasty. If then; if such a rnovnicnt it may di; out; or the Populists may t-purn it as v; hhouhl f-xp' t them to. IJut it Wants to Ik: un(i-r-'to..(! ri'ht no'v that thfnraru y-t a few IXtiio'-ratn in the S tut; vlm hohl priiu-iphi abov: temporary expediency above the -sire t gt office and they wiil "die m the last ditch" l.( loro th'-y will coii.-ent to this fusion. A Kit of riu ki County History. Morpinton Ilcrnhl. The following clipping from the St. Loui.s ( i Iobe-I)inio;rat was handed us hy l.'iicle Bnrtlett Sisk, wlio mivh he renumbers hearing of the same uprising: "HicJiMoxn, Va., July IS From on old lady living in Southampton county, Va.. the ccene of the aw ful Nat Turner negro insurrection of August, copy of the con fession made by Turner has been obtained. The insurrection was the mofct horribl.M it kind in the country. Fifty-five whiten, half of them rliiidren, and many babes, were hacked to pieces with axes, while they slept, by the murderous negroes, who went from farm house to farm house on thfir mission of death." Prompted by the above, Uncle IJarth tt tells us the following in teresting bit of early P.urke comity history Jlesayw:' "In tho year 1N1, when I was a boy, a negro man named "Fed" came from Vir ginia to the Jlrindletown gold mines. Here he began fomenting discontent among the slaves work ing the mines, and began organiz ing an outbreak. He succeeded so iv.ll t,l. .11 llllJ ami cacti negro instructed about what to do and the very day was 6et. The plan was, to nend a ne gro up on Pilot Mountain, near where (.'apt. Mills now lives, about o o'clock in the morning where he would blow a buule loudly. This could be heard for miles around iind as the negroes would be en the alert, the signal would start them on their work of death, vnas sncrein; white men. women and children in their very beds, with axes, knives, sticks, rocks etc" Two days before this night of laughter, a negro man belonging to Col. ('arson of McDowell, gave the plot away and the leaders, ex it pt tie prime mover, "Fed" es cajx'd. The bugle was never blown to start a hundred crazed negroes on an errand of death, and so the outbreak was (juelkd and things ran on peacefully at the mines. Uncle Parlett eay?J the overseer John F. Uutler would not allow the mine bugle to be blown for a month for fear some of the igno rant negroes would hear it and think tl.' uprising was really to take phi. " The negro w ho told of the plot was given his freedom and $100 in gold. This is a pecu liarly interesting part of Purke county history and a part with which, very few are familiar. Uncle Partlctt Sisk was a boy w hen this happened, sixty-four years age, and this reminds us that he is one of the nu st int resting talkers we know, and besides telling a good joke, he is full of lvminiscenscs of tfurke county people and events. Ve are glad he brought the forego ing to v'ur notice, as it is a valua ble addition to our ocunty history, which has been so sadlv neglected. Tho :t'v Secretary of State. The appointment by (Jov. Carr of Capt. C. M. Cooke Secretary of State to succeed Capt. Coke," de ceased, came as a matter of sur prise as Capt. Cooke's name had not been mentioned in connection with the cas Capt. Cool:. us tl native of Frank lin cotmiy and lives at Louisburg. He served several terms in the Legislature and was at one time Speaker of the House. He served throughout the war and was a gal lant Confederate soldier. He is a lawyer by profession and is a prom inent member of the Baptist Church. Last fall he was the Democratic candidate for Congress in the fourth district and was de feated. Landmark. This Jlan Kicls to Srv WUr A;oi-sta, Ga., bVpt. 0 "Uncle G-jorj?"' Tillman, of. South Caro lina, has joined the ranks of the Wai e ; ai d ot ier propl r-U o' blood. Unci' (jeorge was in Congress a c uph' of t-rm. and lias b. ' U rc-jran'e- t!i mildest m:;nn'-red man i;i Sout!i Carolina politien, ovi ii if his name is Til!m-n. Yf-s- terdav he gave expre.-siuii to his j vi:ws: ,:0;ir pe'-.ple are desperate, said Uncle (leorgo. "We are approach- . niga war betwef-n the ric!) anl tie: pfor, a'.:d 1 lovk for lots of throat cutting between now and lfHK). The niillionaiie.s have opposed the masses until the latter are like a squ .ezed lemon. They are unable to educate their children, to travel and improve their mind., or to read books, papers, and magazines. They merely make a living and a scant one at that. They have "Town desperate. The millionaires buy up half the masse? and put arms in thir hands with which to intimidate the other half, and thus keep them all in subjection. The time is coming when these people will rise in a bloody conl'ict. I lock for it during the next Presi dential campaign, or the one after that. "All the writers on our govern ment unite in declaring that if t his Kr-t)uhlic ever iroes to pieces it will be at the period of a Presiden tial elect ion in a conflict over the spoils of olliee and the administra tion of the faculties of taxation. Calhoun told the truth when he saiJ that the tendency of republics was toward despotisms, never to ward aristocracies. So firmly do I believe that this revolution is coming that I am already prepar ing for it. I have three sons, and to that end I am giving them all a military education, so that when the throat-cutting comes they will not be hi ah privates in the rear ranks." How to ISriui; Down a Son and How to ISring up a Son. Young Men's "Era. Let him have plenty of spend ing money. Permit him to choose his own companions without restraint or direction. (rive him a tatchkev and allow him to return home late in the evening. Make no inquiry as to where and with whom he spends his leisure moments. Give him to understand that manners make a good substitute for morality. Teach him to expect pay for every act of helpfulness to others. Mf.ke homo the brightest and most attractive place on earth. Make him responsible for the performance of a limited number ot oaily duties. Talk frankly with him on mat ters in which ho is interested. bometinies invite Ins triends to your home table. Take pains to know his associates. Encourage his confidence, by g ving ready sympathy and advice. ro careful to impress upon his mind that making character is more important than making money. The Coining Flour. P read is no longer the "stalf of life," because the real food ele ments are eliminated these days ley the various "processes to se cure onlv tho v. hi test or starch part of the wheat. This starch white Hour of commerce is an impoverished food containing lit tle or no gluten, sulpher or phos phates necessary to the strength of body and brain. For the lack of vitality the body becomes often an easy prey to disease. The early decay of teeth, loss of ee sight and defective hair are mainly due to the use of this modernized flour. We have Graham Hour, but it is often made of poor wheat and the outer husk retained, while the Hour produced is so coarse as to act altogether as an irritant to weak stomachs. Now, line Hour of entire wheat" has the thin, indigestible scfale re moved, and the whole kernel is made tine by what is called the "American granulating" process. This gives a dark flour but it makes the sweetest ami most nu tritious bread. Shall health and strength be sacrificed to sentiment? Said one pale faie lady, poor in health if not in pocket, and sickly in senti ment, we might add "if 1 knew my he.ilth would be improved by the use of yur "natural food" I could never place any but the whitest bread upon my table, it looks so beautiful !" But are not the joy and beauty of health more to be de-sired than whiteness in the staple food of life? Meats and vegetables are still allowed to appearon our tables in aheir own natural colors, and we hope1 it will be long iefore a sense less fashion shall demand that our beef steak be subjectected to the arts of a bleacher to make it a fit companion for snow-white bread! llucklen'o Arnica Salie. The bt sf ule in the world for Oct., Kruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Jttheuin, Ft ver sort-s. Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChilMains. Corns, and a!l Skin Vr.m. j Hons, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to ie perfect sat ifaclion or money refunded. Price 25 cent per box. For sal by Murnhew y White. Students fnm sven states have entered the Agricultural and Me chanical college at Raleigh. A brute in Putherford county poured kerorno oil ovr another! man scow a:ei sei u on inc. uc; co-.v has since suffered terribly. s. The Wiikes'-'oro Chronicle says Dr. Tyre York raised 04 busb'Js of wheat on four acres this year. "Ohl York" is some thing of a farmer. 'Morlgnsri the farm, if necessary to send the boy to college," says the Ib'ligious "Herald. "Mortgage the farm for nothing on eartlr'says the Piblical P.ecorder. John Sims, who killed his wife near Huntersville last July, has If e n decidetl insane and will be sent to the State Hospital at Mor ganton. Cyrus Murphy.the Populist clerk of the Superior court of Cumber lanel county, has appointed a ne gro justice of the peace in that county. The Raleigh Press-Visitor says Mr. L. Banks Holt, of Graham, the owner of John R, Gentry, the fa mous race horse, lias refuseei an offer of $20,000 for him. T.J.Jerome, Esq., of Stanley, has written a novel "Ku-Klux-Klan, No. 40." It is a love story interwoven with something of the history of the Ku-Klux. The popularity of Rev. J. A. Weston's Ixjok, "Historical Doubts as to the execution of Marshal Xey," is so great as to make a sec ond edition necessary. The first edition has about been exhausteel and Mr. Weston has begun to re ceive a small royalty on his book. From all accounts Chamberlain's Comrh Remedy is a Godsend to the afflicted. There is no adver tisement about this ; we feel just like saying it. Tho Democrat, Carrollton, Ky. For sale by Mor phew'tfc White, Druggists. Marshall Republican: Belle Boyd (Hammond High) who calls herself the "Rebel-Spy," and who knows less about the Southern Con federacy than the Kheelive of Egypt, 2a me to Hot Springs about three months ago with a man, two women and a boy, and left last Sunday without paying their board bill. Realizing the fact that the girls of North Carolina do not have tho same chance te obtain an educa tion as their brothers, President W. E. Abernethy announces that for the next year Rutherford. Col lege will give free tuition to ' any girl who cannot pay for it. Boarel in the town will cost about .$5 per month. The remains of Ling Gun, the Chinaman who was murdereel near Paint Rock in November, '93, are to be gathered and shipped to China. 1 he relations of the dead aiel in the work and the skull and queue have already been obtained. A special to the Charlotte Ob server sas for several months A. D. Tanner, a leader of a new sect of negroes, has been preaching on the streets in Asheville ami his eloctrines have aroused feeling among the negro population. Meet ings protesting against Tanner have been helel and Tuesday night a mob of 200 negroes went to Tiin ner's presumably to run him from the city. The Tannerites fired on the mob which returned the fire. Three ne'groes were sh6t but not dangerously ; none of the Tanneri tes were hurt. Several years ago I was taken with a severe attack of flux. I w as sick in bed about ten days and could get nothing to relieve me until 1 used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured me ami has been a householel remedy with us ever since. J.-C. Marlow, Decaturville, Mo. Fer sale by Morphew Sc White?, Druggists. Kev. Wni. H. "White will preach in the McCall school house on Friday night before the 4th Sabbath in this month. In a recent letter to the manu facturers Mr. W. F. Berjamin, editor of the Spectator, Rushford, N.Y., says: '"It may he a pleas ure to you to know "the high es teem in w hich Chamberlain's med icines are held by the people of your etwn state, where they must be best known. An aunt of mine, who resides at Dexter, Iowa, was about to visit me a few years since, and before leaving home wrote me, asking if they weie sold here, stat ing if they were not she would bring a quantity with her, as she did not like to be without them." The medicines referred to are Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, fa mous for its cures of colds aud croup; Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, lame back, pains in the side and chest, and Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhea Remedy for bowel com plaints. These medicines have been in constant u?e in Iowa for almost a quarter of a century. The people have learned that 'they are articles of great worth and merit, and uneepualed by any other. They are for sale by Morphew & White, Druggists, Hot Springs Arfc- Tragedy. The terrible deed of Dr. Ernest Remington, who last w-k in H t Springs, Ark., ki led his mother, Mrs. Marj It n ington, and then committed suicid-, u.ts interest tor Buncombe people. The double i crinuwas committed some timet between Thursdav nff-ri;o ,;i and ml I Saturday night last we.'k, but was not discovered until late .donc.ry afternoon. Tiie young Doctor, af ter killing his mother, opened the arteries in his thisrhs and bled to eleath. By his siele was a pyrinue containing cocaue and morphine, and a blooeh knife with wlii:ii he is supposed to have killed himself. Dr. Remington was assistant city physician at Hot Springs and hatl worked himself down in a mallpox epidemic there last win ter. He had shown svmptoms of insanity. The Doctor was 24 years eld and was graduateel from Da vidson college, this State, and also from the meelical department of Vanderbilt. universitv, Tenn. He was a grand-nep'iew of the late Nicholas U . oodfin of Ashcvihe. He was the grandson of Mrs. Waters, who is the mother of Mrs. J. A. Reagan of Weaverville. Mrs. Watery lived with her daughter, Mrs. Remington, but hael been for some weeks on a visit to Mrs. Rea gan at Weaverville. The news of the tragedy was brought to " Mrs. Reagan Thursday. When the tele gram came Mrs. Waters ami Mrs. Reagan were at Mills River, visit ing Mrs. Waters' sister Mrs. Posey. Asheville Citizen. Ayer's Ifa'r Vigor tones up the weak hair-roots, stimulates the vessels and tissues which supply the hair with nu trition, strengthens the hair itself, and adds the oil which keeps the shafts soft, lnstrioeis, and silky. The most popular and valuable toilet prepara tion in the world. The Hickory Press and Caro linian says that last Satueday af ternoon Mr. David lledrick, ageel 77, of Oxforel's Ford, Catawba county, walked emt to the saw mill where the boys were at work. The engine hael stopped, for some pur pose, right on the eccentric. The old gentleman gave assistance to start the engine by pulling at the belt. When the engine did start it went oil' with a whiz and the oh! man was thrown violently under the belt against the blocks under j the engine. One of his legs was broken anel tho next morning he dieel. Its Value Recognized by Phys icians. As a rule I arn opposcel to pro prietary meelicines. Still I value a gooel one, espt?cially when such is the source of relief from pain. As a topical (external) application I have found Cnamberlain's Pain Halm the he?t reined' I have ever useel for neuralgia of any kinel. I have conscienliemsly recommended it to many persons William Home, Al. i).,Janesville, Wis. Sold hy Morphew fc White, Druggists hers9 Friend" mm Cures Risin I have been a midwife for many years, and in each case where "MOTH ERS' FRIEND" -rras used jt accomplished won ders and shortened labor and lessened pain, it is the best remedy for RISING OF TnE BREAST known, and worth the price for that alone. Mrs. M. M. Iirewster, Montgomery, Ala. Sent by Express or mail, on receipt of price, f 1.00 per bottle. Book "To Mothers" mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Qa. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIIE Normal! Collegiate IN3TI1UTE FOR YOUNG WOMEN, ASHEVILLE, X. C, OPKXIXO SEPT. 1 8. OFFEltS TO STI DEXIS: 1. A Classical Course, including An. cient ana Modern Languages, Sciences, Mnsic, Drawing, etc 2. A ornjal Course for tbe thorough training ot Teachers under instructors from the best Normal Schools. 3. Commercial Course, iucluding Steno graphy, Tjpj writing, B jok-keeping, etc. 4. Domestic Science, including Scien tific Cooking, Draughting, tutting, Fitting and making ol Garments. Sjstercatic study of th: Bible in all de partments. Terms for Bonrd and Tuition in anr of the department?, $50 per term, or H0 per year. For catalogne, address Kev. Tiio?. Lawrence, D. D. Asheville, X. C. NOTiCE. Pyrirtueofa decree of the Superior Court made on the loth day of Airu.-t in the case of Andrew Yount administra tor with the will annexed of Xoah Yount deceased vs Y. H. Williams and ctfcera I wiil sell oailondar the 7th Jiy of October 135 at t!ie Court House doi.r in M.irion at o'clock m., all the rcai estate belo giig to Nonh Ycunt deceased, ncjoinirg tLe iurtj i.f .Vcfiitt. Austin anJ others con t .iniLg aU.it iiTfec ( aCres, tnis l.nd wiil be fold to make assets to pay debts ginst the esute of the said Xoan Yount deceases. TERMS: One half of the purchase n.cn j to e paid on day of a:e, talanie on u. ciedit of 12 months, title wi-.hel l till purchase roouey is raid. This September 2, lsC'5. Andn-w Yount, Aduiiu'r wr.h wi!l aunexei ot Noah Ycunt, c?ec. iyioiiyiB UNTOLO MISERY FROM RHEUMATISM C. E. Kixij, Water Valley, 2fis3., cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla " For five years, I suffered nntold misery from muscular rheumatism. I tried every known remeUv. consulted the bt-st 1'hysi cians. visited Hot Spring. Ark.,threc times, spending $1000 there, l esi.les doctors' liSls; t-ut cou'.d oUain ur.:y ten;;-orary relief. My flesh was wasted away sothat I weighed only ninety-tl;ree pounds; my left arm and leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles being twisted up In knots. I was unable to dress myself, except with assistance, and could only hobble about by using a cane. I had no appetite, and was assured, by the doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at times, were so awful, that I could procure relief only by means of hypodermic injec tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged in clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but these gave only temporary relief. After trying everything, and suffering the most awful tortures, 1 began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Inside of two months, I was able to walk v ithout a cane. In three months, my limbs began to strengthen, and in the course of a year, I was cured. .My weight has increased to 105 iounds, and I am now able to do my full day's work as a railroad blacksmith." The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. AVER'S 1'ILLS cure Headache REDUCED" RATES. Gottsu States and Itfeniatlooal Exposition ATLANTA, GA., September 18 December 31, 1895. For the above occasion the Southern Railway Co. will sell low-rate round-trip tickets to ATLANTA, OA., and return on the follow ing basis : FROM n Alexandria, Va Asheville, N. C Uurlinjrton, N. C. IJiirUoviilo. Va Culpoper, Va Chatham, Vh Charlottesville, Va. . . Chaiel Hill, N.C Concord, N. C Charlotte, N.C Danville, Va Durham, N. C Front Koval. Va- Greensboro, N. C Ooldsboro. N. C Hendersonville, N. C. Hickory. N. C High Point, N. C Hot Springs, N. C . . . . Henderson, N. C Lynchburg, Va Lcxinjrton, N. C Mora-anton, N. C Marion, N. C Newton, N. C Orange, Va Oxford, N. C Richmond, Va Reidsville. N. C ltaleisrh. N. C South Boston, Va .... Strasburjr, Va Salisbury, N C Statcrviue, N. C T.rlnmrlllC T C. Tryon, N. C Washington. D. C .... West Point, Va Wnrreiiton, Va Wilkesboro, N. C Winston-Salem, N. C 26.2519.25!... . .H.00 l-i.85' 9. 18.7013.70 ... 4Ul 5.75 .. 9.6.5 23.2517.051... ..ll.J.: i-,.S018.ft.V... o.srl5.3nj... ..!i:j..Ki ..10. i3.2P17.0T)... ..112.40 20. W 15.00... 14.20' 10. 13.15). I 9. 20.05 14.70... ..10.3: 401 65: 6.55 5.85 ..10.20! . . 10.45! .. 14.00; ..! 9.20! ..11.60) 20.4015. Ou ... 26.25 19.25 ... 17 'h5 12.WJ ... 21.75,15.95... 11.701 8. 15-:30i 11. lfl.!(5; !12. 14.00, 10. 60, 2T; 4.51 50 8.40 0.75 20.4015.00... :2.50 10.50.., ..10.45 ..'11.50 lu-05 11. 15.30 ill. 14.85; 10. 83.... ,25 .... ,90.... 8.05 7.25 7.10 15.30 11. 7.25 24.5518.00... 20.4015 0O... 23.2517 05'.., 13.10. ..10.45). ..12.40 . ..! 9.70. ..10.45, ..110.80. ..14.00. il. 85 13.80 .. '20.4015.00 ... '81.5515.80... 20.2519.25 .... 115.30 11 115.30 11 12 2i.K) 19.25 . . 2:lt,17.:j.v... 20.!i" 10.25 ... 22.9510.85 ... l'J.OO 13.95 ... 7.25 g::::: .. 14.00 .. 12.00 .. 14.00 ..11.30 .. 9.80 (Hates from intermediate points In proportion.) EXPLANATION. Column A : Tickets will be sold September 5 and 12, and daily from September 15 to Decem ber 15, 1895, inclusive, wiih final limit January 7, 1898. Column B: Tickets will be sold daily from September 16 to December 15, 18l5. inclusive, with linal limit twenty (.20; days from date of Bale. Column C: Tickets will be sold daily from September 15 to December 30, 195, inclusive, with final limit fifteen (15) days from date of sale. No ticket to bear longer limit than Janu ary 7,1896. Col iimn D : Tickets will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week from September 17 until December 24, 1895, inclusive, with final limit ten (10) days from date of sale. Column E: lickets will be sold daily from September 15 to Decemler 30, 1895, inclusive, with final limit seven (7) days from date of sale. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Is the only line entering the Exposition Grounds, having a double track, standard guage railway from the center of the city of Atlanta to the Exposition Grounds. For tickets and full information apply to your nearest agent, or address J,M.CrjLP, - W.A.TCRK, Traffic Manager, ' GenT Pass. Agt ., 1300 Perm a. Aye., Washingfcyj.JC. Cfcamberlain'o Eya and Skin Ointment Is a ceitain cure for Chronic Bore Eyes Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Nipples, ttle Eczema, Tetter, Salt Iiheum and fcScald Hear?, 25 cents per box. For sale by druggists. TO HOXSEOWNEES. For putting a horse in a fire healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid dipeftion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over worked horse. 25 ceiitd per package. For sale by druggists. Morphew s White, Druggists. CETtTHE BEST When yon are about to bay a Sewing Machine Go not be deceived by alluring advertisement! and be led to think you can get the best made, finest finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to it that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest an J square dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for iis dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There Is none in the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or hat aa many improvements as the f&yji390Z-y- ..... X H A CSS, New Home It tas Automatic Tension. Doubt; Peed, alike on both sides of ree-'le ( patented). r.n other has it ; Ne mt Siasd fat en teSh driving wheel hinged ou adjustable centers, tiius reducing frictica to tbe rp'TiTi". WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE EEW HOME SEWIKG MiCHIKE CO. OaiycK, Mass. Borrov, V ajs. ts Tinos KfkXn, V. T Chicago, Ft. Isvix, Mo. rui TUii. 6JI FSAXCteCO. C Al ATT-AJTTA, Ca. i FOR SALE BY J. G NXHCLS & BRO JAMKS MORRIS- JAMES C. MXXEV. 31 0 St SUM cV.IJ2VJTKY, Attorneys at Law MAKIOX, - - - - X.Q. Will i raotice in McDowell ami ail j.Tining' counties. All business intrus ted to their care will receive prompt and pains-taking1 attention. pE ARSON & McKESSOX, ATT0EIT37S AT LAW. MOIWiAXTOX, X.C. . Practices in the Courts of McDowell. W. C. NEW LAND LenoiryX. C. M. A. XKWLAXD Marion. X C Newland Mai ATTORNEYS AXI) COUXSEU.OKS AT LAtV. MAKIOX, - - - - x: C Practice in the courts of the. 10. 11, and 12th districts, and the Su preme court of X. C, and the IJ. S. C.urU of Western District of X. C. J, X. MORGAN s-Ci. Xo. 3 Public Square, Asheville, X. C. lYIioR'Kalc ami IScfail DEALERS IX BOOKS. STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUP PLIES AND STATE TEXT BOOKS.' Prices guarantcei! an low a any oilier h oust', WRITE FOR PRICES. 1,000,000 People Wear WOouglas Shoes 1 BEST IN THE PROCESS. $5,001 53.00 $2.50 $2.00 $4.00 $3.50 $2.50 $2.25 For Men $1.T5 For Boys andlonllis Wrar W . I.. Doa2la ;hocs a'nl tntit from 81. OO to a pair. All Hlf lea and Widths. '1 i.s r.dvaiH'v in leatlirr lias incrrairj Hie price vf otiirr make, t'lt tlie qn-lity ami priori t-f W. a.. DoNflniiAhnei rrniain tlie mkif. Take 110 snl)Mitiitc : n e tlmt name n ml prico i it impoj ou sole. IV. Im ouk1oji, Uuocktos, Mass. Sold by J. JS. Ijysa DR. B. L. ASHWORTH. Pliysician and Surgeon OLD FOItTj ar. v. GKEO- DP. r 1 1 m 1 a ui s iiita 1:0 iv Oilers Iiis professional services to the public. Olliee : Old' Fort, X. C. Watch this space. 1 v-'-'- WILL NAVE SOMRMHIXfi IXTEItKSTIXO TO TELL YOU NEXT WKLK Are daily receiving new goods of all classes. Shoes and Hats LATEST STYLES AN'I LOWEST PRICES. COFFEE and TOBACCO A ,I i:c,Ai,rv. -A.C3-L.1TTS fr the Nis-n Wagons. Call ami sw us at t'' Old Ilyams stand. ri mm Oeo. r--T f -y tr :. . - . . i .1 LWZ:.r:fi i Vl..nl,l,.a F-rr-lian.ro r,n New Lrl llm York and other Trade i'i:,VMWi Centers UukU plgAgg and sold. OHIO RIVER & CHARLESTON R. R. 1 Passenger lci:n tin n(.; Going North IjV. I'umden Keck Hill Ar. CiKcksbnrjr No 4 1; pi. I'm N.i Lv. r.Iacksburg " Mitlby 4 KutlierforJton Ar. Ma.ion S Ot 8.:.:. 10.5:, 12 ' an 'ri Pn (loinp Sonth. Lv. Marion 41 RutherforJton Shelby Ar. Blacksburg -" " tm. I :n Lt. Blacksbnrp Hock Hill Ar. Camden 1 t -n No. 33. dinner at Orslmw No's. 11 and 12 lmve connection V... rion with Southern Ruiiwsir. li. Lumpkin, V. .. A. Tripp, Siiperinu-ii.leM. In i;Poor J llluiia ov iuuv.il iiiwiv. wiiiin 1 T vou imanine serious and i fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature's ( I greatest mil neaiui. If yon areOflirir. out of aorta, weak and generally ex hausted, nervous, tlave no ajjxrli( and can't work, begin at once tak ing the most relia ble ftrcnRthenitiif medicine. huh i Brown 'a Iron hit ters. A few hot- i Browns Iron Bitters ties cure benefit comes from He very firM dose-i muem't stain n-ur Uttk. a 11 1 1 1 ' m pleasant V Ukt. It Cures ; Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Dad Blood Malaria. Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Get only the cenuine it has crossed red lines on the wrapper. All others are sub-1 stitutes. On receipt of two ac. stamps we will send set of Ten Beautiful World's 1 Fair View and book free. D DA11M S-LJ C M Af m DAI TIHODC tin H ealth J. J. TVHISNAN1, m.ACKSBUKC;, S i '., DEALER IN SASH; DOORS -SD BLINDS PRICES FURNISHED (N APPLICATION. THE P1EDII7 M of MORGANTOX, N. C. I. Eewin, FnVt. M. T. TrikMiN, ;ai:f ntirrrlnr I'nif Vtiult. Patent Time L"tk, r'Vimmr. Ct.1 Kofu fr Caah and banking hours 9 a. vi. to 3 r. M.