! PUBtlSIlEI) EVEKY TJICTSI'AT or. c- liin'xte 2". F.tlitcinnl I'roprilor. Kiitm! -'it tlin jostollire in Marion as sciond-rlass u.uil i?!.nt tr. kki:i of-kbf'OKM roLrtftc-AL. PB1S. Extract from a private letter to tlio editor: uThe more I mo and rr-ad polit ical iK'W-paprs the more I f-the xiwd of brave and lionet ditor. "It is a lamentable fact that I r at ia tlie dishonesty ami ho high tii? j ivjudir-e of ninny f our prominent editor, that a v-ry lar; jkt wnt. of the raiding niat tefound in the columns of judit ical ncwrpnp-rrt must be, ai l is, brand, d as glaring li-s by nil lin--.-:t and iut-llint rwu!TH. But thiTO are thousand of the h-s? honest ami more illiterate, and I bide my fa co with hame vhn i ray it, "that jrulp this matter down as r.pd truth, Mid l'ed upon it Tint il t!if y ar ; insane with preju dice. Too many of our pa per are con trolled by the money over of the laiiJ, too many are under the thumb .f " scheming loIi ticians arid demngom. As n cring ing hungry hound stands at the feet of his "manter and waits for a hone or crust of bread that the -master is about to cast away, so many of our editors stand at the leet of their political bosses, rrady to rise or fall, 'stand up" or "lie down" or'turn over" at any com mand and not even howling when their tails are trampled npn, hut whining submissively, and all for the hope f a reward in the shape of some mean little government ofliue. "Many editors, too, at the same time sit tin top and stand on both sides of every Uetion tliat comes along, simply b cnuse they arc afraid they will lose a subHcriber or a patent medicine advertise ment. Instead of shaping public opinion, as they should, they wait for public opinion to shaH them. In my opinion, on all subjects that concern the public welfare, people in general and leaders in parti Hi lar, and more especially editors and public speakers, nhould con-H-ienciously and can fully study to find the right side of every (pies lion, and having found the right Hide should advocate it regardless of who it plciibcb or who it oiTendH." I Wbnf ChMncfjr JH. lftepcw Bald. j The lion. Chauncey M. Dopew, in speaking of the south to the ; alumni of Yale college, said: The net result of a visit to the south, j to my mind, is just this the south , in the bonanza of the future. We have developed all the great and sudden opportunities for wealth ' or most of them in the northwes ( tern states and on thy Pacific slope, j but here is a vast country, with i the best climate in the world, with I I conditions of health which are ab- solutely unparelld with soil that j j under proper cultivation, for little t capital, can support a tremendous i j population ; with conditions in the j atmosphere for comfortable living, winter and summer, which exist j nowhere ele in the country; and j that is to be the attraction for the i young men who go out from tho j farms to wek settlement, and not j by immigration from abroad, for i jl do not think they wifl go that 'j way, hut by internal immigration j from our own country it is to be come in time as prosjwrouH as any j other section of the country, anil j as prosjx rouH by a purely Amer ican development." Exchange. The well-known tirin of Wallace ! Bros., of Statesville, assigned Sat 1 unlay, September 14th. They have been doing business in Stateaville r.iany years and their large whole sale store lias been tho chief source jif supply for the country mer chants throughout almost the whole of the State west of Salis bury. Their liabilities are said to joo above $ L'CO.OOO. Assets are thought to be equal to liabilities. It is hoped that arrangement can jo made with their creditors by vhieh the lirm can resume husi :iesn. If this arrangement is not ; made the business of Statesville vill be injured one half. Coutrarl fu Re 1 iliill i a jm, ! lion Vt'iir Heme. Mark Twain recently had a dis Hission, says the Critic, with Mrs. j Thomas K. Botcher, on immor ality, taking the agnostic siiln ? he asked him if he would confess ! us error if he should meet her in ' leaven a million years hence, lie promised he would", and wrote these tanzns, one each on three stone?, o bind the contract : . : If yon prove rijrht and ! prove wrong, A minion .rem from now, n lnjruaj; I'lin an.l frink and jtrcne i if j error I'll avow j i (To yonr dear mocking face).' If I proveriRht.br Cod his grace, j Fullrorry 1 half b( or in that fblitude no trnc i There'll he of you and me, j Vor of our vnnislied mce) " i A million years 0 pafipt son. ! j You've waited for thii tnes.ntgo, eliver it a million years " ' Survivor purs ex pressive." STATKMIWfs. Wake For. st College has 220 stu dents thus early hi the sea-ion. A, shirt factory is to estab lished in Winston by Northern people. Judge am! Mr John fSrr.y Dy num will celebrate the I'.jth anni-Versa'-v of their marriage at Greens- 1h)P on the 21t. j At Burlington lat Thurwlay a prominent cotton null man ami a well kne n North Carolinian made a wager that the piiee of cotton would reach 10 cents by March 1st. The people of Lincolnton have voted to buy the Lincolnton Iron Works and present them to tho Chester fc Lenoir Hail road as an inducement for the railroad to move its shops to Lincolnton. It is reported that there is a scheme on foot in which John Wanamaker. of Philadelphia, ami other Northern capitalists are in- t rested to purchase LinvilleCity, just Mow lllowing Hock, and make of it a popular summer ami winter resort. In Cherokee county last week M. Hrice, an Irish spectacle ped dJer, was struck on the head with a chair by one Bob Dockery. The blow crushed his skull and he died next day. Theevidcnce before the coroner's jury showed that IS rice had not said or done anything to Dockery when the latter walked up behind him and struck him. Hie murderer escajxid. From all accounts Chamberlain's Cough Heniedy is a Godsend to the afflicted. There is no adver tisement about this ; we feel just like Haying it. The Democrat, Carrollton, Ky. For sale by Mor phew & White, Druggists. Prof. Chas. L. Coon, of Conover, Catawba count)-, will take ciiarge of the Lincoln Courier and the first issue under his management will appear next week. The name will be changed to the Lincoln Democrat and many improvements will be made. Prof. Coon is a bright young man and, no doubt will make a capable newspaper man. The Citizen says John T. Neigh bors, who lives on the old Zeb Vance place near Asheville, loaded his gi.ti with buckshot Thursday and went a shcrt distance from his home to watch for a l awk. While watching ho saw a negro man prowling about in his house. lie ran to the house and called to the negro, who had started to run away, to stop. The call was disre garded and Neighbors fired, killing the negro. He was a stranger and at last accounts had not been iden tified. In his pockets were found several articles stolen from Neigh bors' house. Neighbors surren dered to the officers. . "Now, Mr. Frisk,"'' in-gan the lawyer who conducted, the cross exammatian, "is it not a fact that you harbor a female who goes by the name of Mrs. Frisk?" "Yes, sir." "Do you support her?" "I do, sir." "Is she your legal wife?" "No, sir'' jurors scowled. "You will admit that, although you have never been married toher,he lives with you?" "Yes, sir." "That is all. You may step down." The legol light looked victoriously at the jury. "One moment, Mr. Frisk," said the opposing lawyer. "What relation exists between you and the hdy referred to?" "She is my grandmother." St. Louis Chronicle. Several years ago I was taken with a severe attack of Hux. I was sick in bed about ten days and could get nothing to relieve me until 1 used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedv, which cured me and has been a household remedy with us ever since. J.C. Marlow, Decaturville, Mo. For sale by Morphew A: White, Druggists. The investigations of an iiufuir ing statistician have brought out the fact that getting born costs the people of the United States $2oQr 000,000 annually; that the total expenses of getting married are o00.0M,000, and that getting lu ried costs $75,000,000. The addi tion of the fact that getting drunk costs us $)00,(X)0,000 per year adds a new and sarcastic impressiveness t: the admonition: "With all tin getting get underdanding."PitU burgh Dispatch. Jefre gnins on a aea-voyage or into tlie country, be Mire and put a box of Ayer's Pills in your valise. You may have occasion to thank us for this hint. To reliexe constipation, biliousness, am! nauseati. Avers Tills are the best in the world. They are also easy to take. The Carolina Central railway is to be extended by the Seaboard Air Line to Spartanburg, S. C, r.-om Kutherfordton, it is positive 1 s'ated. Itiirklen s Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Tuts, Bruises, Sores, fleers, Salt Kheum, V ever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Krup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It f guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 rents per ho. For sul-by itorphew White. Ifoiv'Ioiii Pniuc Destroyed' Hie IStbtc. Iv n j risen in France in the year ?. 'JLThonuih Paine write the book agninst the Pib!e entitled, "The'p.g of Ib'ason." and said "he had-Wtr-yed the liible, and in the course .f fifty years, whoev r i'-sirt-d to s e a copy of it would have to go to a niu.-uem and pay twenty-live cents for the privilege of Kholduig an exploded relic of n past upertition. Jn 1809 Mr. Fame died in great agony of mind, nravimr. it is said. "O. if there be it Gh1, let Him have mercy upon me." Put tim Bible still lives it has not vet Income a "relic" but is in the Jlood-lido of success, in creasing daily in numbers, in- 11 tin ice ' a il power. It is hot translated into three hundred dif ferent langu. ces and dialects, and during tl;e last seventy-five 1C0, 000,000 copies of this blessed Word of Life have been published and circulated among the people like "leaves or tlie tree of lite, for the healing of the nations." Tlie Ideal Panacea. James L. Francis, Alderman, Chica go, says: "I regard l)r. King's New loscovery as an Ideal Panacea for Coiitrhs, Colds ami Li:nsr Complaints, having used it in my fanii y for tlue hut live 3 ears, to I he exclusion f physi cians prescriptions or other prepara tions " IJev. John J5urus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: "I have been a Minister of the Methodht Episcopal Church for 50 years or more, ami have never found anything so beneficial, or I hat gave me such speedy relief as Or. King's Xew Discovery " Try this Ideal Cough Uemedy now. Trial Kettle Free at Morphew & While's Drugstore. A C i y for Justice. Marshall (Madison county) Republican. Think of it, fellow citizens! Our jail contains, right now, 16 priso ners 1.5 of whvni are charged with murder. Would such a humiliat ing fact confront us if even-handed justice had been dealt out Jo our criminals of the past? Is there no deterrent force in just punish ment for broken law that we have not tried in the case of our ila grant criminals? Better expunge all statutes from our books for tlie punishment of crime than not to enforce them. " Penovate the jury box. Scru tinize the list. Put. in only men of probity, of character, as well as freeholders We must purify and purge our county. In this appeal the Republican is not crying' lor blood, but justice, protection to life a:?d that security under the law which should coer every- cit izen with its broad aegis which we have spread oyer our own heads with our own hands. II Jlay lo as Jtluch for Yon. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that he had a Severe Kidney trouble for many years, with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so called Kiney cures but without any good result. About a year ago he be gan use of Klectric Kitters and found relief at once. FJectric Hitters is especially adapted to thje cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles, -and often gives almost instant iepef. Ojie trial will prove our statement. Price only 5()c. ; A tM uruhtf w AW 11 it e, j&ggl Jefferson's Ten Ilulcs.' 1. Take filings always by the smooth handle. 2. Neerycrid your money be fore you have earned it. 3. We seldom repent of having eaten too little. i. Tride costs more than hunger, thirst and cold. 5. Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly. 0. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 7. Never buy what "you do not want because it is cheap. S. How much pain the evils have cost us that have never hap pened. 5). When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, count one hundred. Mayor L. A. PrisroJ, of Mor- ganton, is to be married to Miss Ida White, of Asheville, Septem ber iO, savs the Herald. In a recent letter to the manu facturers Mr. W. F. Perjamin, editor of the Spectator, Rushford, N. Y., says : "It may be a pleas ure to you to know the high es teem in which Chamberlain's med icines are held by the people of your own state, where the' must be best known. An aunt of mine, who resides at Dexter, Iowa, was about to visit me a fw years since, and before leaving home wrote me, asking if they weie cld here, stat ing if they were not she would bring a quantity with her, as the did not like to be without them." The medicines referred to are Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, fa mous for its cures of colds" aud croup; Chamberlain's Pain Palm for rheumatism, lame back, pains in the side and chest, and Cham berlain's Colic, Chokra and Diar rhoea Remedy for bowel com plaints. These medicines have been in constant Use in Iowa for almost a quarter of a century. The people have learned that they are articles of great worth and merit, and unequaled by any other. They are for sale by Morphew A- White, Druggists. 1 In X passed which makes eirU ineligi ble for matrimonv until they are proficient in knitting, baking and ' Spinning. Certificate of nrof- ciency have to ho earm-d, and with- ; out these no girls mav marrv. Madison Observer: A certain; lady teacher in one of ti e public schools of this count, in trying to expla'n the mean 'tig of the w ord "clow," illugtrat' d it by walkinsr across the lloor. Then "she usl ed the class to tell l ow she walked. She nearly fainted when a - boy at the head cf the class shouted, "Row legged, ma'am.'' A young lady in St. Joseph, Mo., met a voiinc? farmer on th srvt the other day and took him in her J arms and kissed him before he j knew what was going on. She ' said in relation to the alTair: J "I never saw the o:mg man be-' fore, and I knew he was a stranger j before I ki.-sed him; but I coulkn't help it. When I turned around my eyes met hie, and he looked so good, so noble, and so true that I. wanted to kiss him. I didn't think ; there wasn't no time" to think. I only knew thatjl had met a real man, and T wasn't sure that I would see am ther one " ! A I-'Otler From Yancey. Correspondence of The JJkcohd. The crops in old Yancey fir; v-ry fine especially the fruit roji. You can jijus , apple trees winch ha nrt borr.e in five y ars sinil oil limbs are brnliii and break ing under iheii loads ot fruit. Not oniy this, but tbeccrj ciops indicate Ihet train j m-n will not be seen carrjing the sack next (all. The public schools of Yancey have o ened with a good nticrnlanre. Prof. ' E. Hawkins has takeiijchal-ge of Burnsville Academy which has u fplenuid aiteudau- . U'e 3ori; lo see tlie time corr.e when soi e of Yancey 's boys wi'l find ' ats in ihf . tional Congress, ttnrefore we encouie education. At Mic.;vii;e last Sunday tbe people met f at the grave yard and decorated the grave of the di ad. Uev. J. lJ. Naiig'e rande n eloquent speech, wLich was wtilrecei ed by the people. Politics in Yancey are like they nie most every wheie. The Deiuotr.iis are in fa vor of silver b-in mde equaj wiifi gold. They say that drover fooled them once j but cau'i doit again, Wje think lhat Fi!ver was stabbed below tine fifth rib and lrfi lor dead in 1 tj73 but l.ow sh is ub!e to" take up her bed nnd walk. Let all who vole go to the poles in lfGnnd vote for -Morgan of Ahibaria, for iresfdmt, aud be freed irom the tyranion.'T'S'flrt'iY of Wji'I Street a:id Great lsrittain one tim. . ; I'ensacola, Sept. IS. Kolt V. UlCdl : Its Value Itecog;mze4 Vy Iliys- As a rule I am 'opposed to pro prietary medicines' Sfill I value a good one, especially when" such in the source of relief from pain. As a topical (external) application I have found Chamlerlain's Pain Balm the best remedy I have ever used for neuralgia of any kind. I have conscientiously recommended it to many persons. William Home, M. D.,Janesville, Wis. Sold by Morphew & White, Druggists OFIIOMF -woheb UbLl y IB 1 la Should Use SRAPFTF.TjP'a FEMALE REGULATOR. IT IS ft SUPERB T0NIG ?nd exerts a wonderful influence in strengthening her system by driving through the proper chan nel all impurities. Health and strength are Guaranteed to result j Irom its use. My wife v as bedridden tor eighteen months, after udinp BUADF1ELD "S FEMALE HEUU LATOKlor two months, is getting vreli J. M. JOHNSON. Maivern. Ark. IIBADFIELP KEeCI.ATOE CO.. ATMNTA. til. Sold by all DrucfUu t SI. CO per bottl. THE Normal Collegiate IHSTIIUTE FOR YOUNG WOMEN, ASHKVII.I.E, X. C, OPKXIX SEPT. 18. OFFEItS TO STIJDE.'I S: , 1. A Classical Course, including An. cient and Modern Languages, Sciences, Music, drawing, etc. 2. A ormal Course for the thorough trininpf ol Teachers ur.der instructors from the best Normal Schools. 3. Comaiercifil Course, including Steno graphv, Tjpi writing, Book-keeping, etc. 4. Denustic Science, including Scien tific Cooking, Draughting, Cutting, Fitting and making ot Garment. Svsteuatic study of th; Eihle in all de partnv nts. Tetnis tor Doard an.r Tuition in rht of the departm-tits, $50 per term, or K0 per year. For catalogue, address Kf.v. Tiios. Lawbexce, D. D. Asheville, N. C. NOTiCE. Pt virtue of a decree of the Saj eri. r Cowrt nr.ade on the luih Cut of Autt in the cnit of Andrew Youot idn3ini.tr tor with the will annexed of Xoah Yonm deceased vs W. H. Williams ai,d ethers I i!I sell on Aloudar the 7th day of October at the Court House door in Marion at 12 o'clock m., all the real estate be'oiging to Xoah Vount deceafed. adjoining "tbe iands of Moffitt, Austin and others con Uinitg tUul Sineen IC) acres, thisl-ind will be sold to make sfseij to pay debts agaiiiSt theestnte of the said Xoah Vouut deceased. 7KKMS: One half of tbe purchase money to i e paid on day of sale, talance on a credit of 12 months, title wiihel J till purchase mouejts paid. TUia September 2, ltsir, , Andrew You.it, Jldmin'r nr.h'ill annexed ol Xah Yunnt, dee. TURNING GRAY AND THBX ATE WED WITH BALDNESS Tie Dinger is Arerted ty T7sir . AVER' HAIR VICOR "Nearly forty years ago, after some weeks of" sickness, my haw turned gray and began falling out so rapidly that I was threatened with immediate baldness. Heariag AVer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of, I commenced using this prepara- tion, and was so well satisfied with the result that I have never tried anv other kind of dressing. It stop ped the hair from falling out, stimu lated a new growth of hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of Aver's medicines to my friends." Mrs. II. M. IIaigiit, Avoca, Xeb. Ayer's Hair Vigor TRFrARKD BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. Ayer' Sarsa par ilia Remove Pimple. REDUCED- RATES. Cotton states aitf Irmaiicnal Exposiiioq ATLANTA, GA.. September 18 December 31, 1895. For the above occasion the Southern Railway Co. will seU low-rate round-trip tickets to ATLANTA, GA., and return on the follow ing basis : FROM D E Alexandria, Va Asheville, N. C Burlington, N. C. Burkeville. Va Culpeper, Va Chatham, Va Charlottesville, Va... Chapel Hill, N. C Concord, N. C Charlotte, N.C Danville, Va Durham, N. C Front Koyal, Va Greensboro, N. C Goldsboro. N. C Hendersonville, N. C. Hickory, N. C High Point, N. C Ilot Springs. N. C .... Henderson, N. C Lynchburg, Va. Lexington, N. C Morganton, N.C Marion, N. C Newton, N.C Orange, Va Oxford, N. C Richmond, Va Roidsville. N. C Raleiirh, N. C South Boston, Va . . . . Strasburg, Va Salisbury, N. C Statesville, N. C Taylorsville. N. C .... Tryon, N. C Washington, I). C West Point, Va W'unenton, Va Wilkesboro, N. C Winston-Salem, N. C. 26.2T.W.25 14.00 12.8.11 9.401 18.70 13.70! 5.75 9.65 ll.tfij S1.2517 .OS'... 25.no:is..v... 1-20.85 1--..301 ... k-i. UUi 10.55 23.25,17.0")!... 0.40' 15.00 ... ..I12.401 ..ilO.35 H.'JO' !10 401 65! 6.55 5.85 kiO.OV14.70.., V..W. . 9, .. 10.2W JO. 40 15.00'... ..10.45 ,..14.00 ..I 9.20 ..111.60 26. 2519.25... 17.ft)12.'J.V.. 1.75,15.95.. 11.70! 8 60 50 5.25 7.25 8.40 6.75 i5.:; :n 16-0; '12 14.00: !10 b).40,15.00,.., ..10.4a ..111.501 .6010.50.. 16.05 ;11 80;. 2.V. ,90. ,25!. 8.05 15.30 11 14.85 10 15.301 11 7.10 7.25 24.fi51S.nO.. ..iia.io1 20.4015 00.. ..'10.45' ...112.40' ... 9.70 .. .10.45 ... 110.80 123.25 17.0V. . 18. 85 !:... 20.4015.00.. 'i vi i r. Rft . 2K.25 19.25 .. !15.:)0, 11 15.: 11 ;l.:i5 12 110.7.1' 1 7 2.1.25 1H.25.. 2:.c")17.:j5 .. 2f..25 1.25 .. 22.H.)li5.K.. il9.00n.95 .. ...14.00, 7.25 7.25 8.15 4.90 85 .. ..14.00 .. 12.0 ... 14.08 ,..,11.30 ..I 9.80 (llates from intermediate points in proportion.) EXPLANATION. . Col umn A : Ticket will be Bold September S and 12, and daily from SeotcratMr45 to 1h.-ember 15, 1B00, inclusive, with final limit Jiniuary 7,189..-. - '-' . -v Column B Tickets will be jold daily frora September 16 to December IS, 1895. inclusive; with final limit twenty (20) days from date of ' Bale Column C: Tickets will be sold dally from September 15 to December :J0, 1895, . inclusive, with final limit fliteen (15) days from date of sale. No ticket to bear lonirer limit than Janu ary 7, 1896. Column D: Tickets will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week from September 17 until December 24, 1895, inclusive, with final limit ten (10) days from date of sale. Column E: Tickets will be sold daily from September 15 to Decemlr 00, 1895. inclusive, with final limit seven (7) days from date of sale. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Is the only line entering the Exposition Grounds, having a double track, standard ffuage railway from the ennter of tbe city of Atlanta to the Exposition .Grounds. For tickets and full informutiou apply to your Dearest agent, or address J. M.CCLP, - W.A.TURK, Traffic Manager, Gen'l Pass. Agtn 1300 Penna. Arc, Washington, D. C. Ch&zibcrl cin'o Zys and Skin Ointmaat Is a certain enre for Chronic 8ore Eyte, Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Ifipplea, 'iie Eczema, Tetter, folt Rheum and Scald Head, 25 cents per box. For pale by druggists. TO H0B32 OWNERS. For putting a horse in a fine Wealthy con dition try Dr. CadyV, Condition I'oadera, They tone up the Fystera, (tid digestion, euro lot of appetite, rellere constipation, correct kidnev disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or ever worked horse. 25 CfcTitd per package. For sale by druggists. Morphew & White, Drugijta. GET.THE BEST When yon are about to bora Sewfni? Machina co not be deceived by alluring advertisement and be led to think you r?n get the bet mfitm finest finished and "w Most Popular for a taere song. See to It that yon buy frora reliable manu facturers that have rained a reputation by honest and eqaare dealii:, you will then Ret a Sewing Mach;ne that is noted the world over for its dura bility. Yoti wart the one that it easiest to manage aza is Light Running Ther Is Bene in h wnrll ty, can eual in mechanical con CiSi structjon, dtirabiUtv of wortrnjj in arpearanee, or has as bast improvement as the New Home It baa Automatic Tension, Doable Feed. ilDte on both side of needle ( ptentrif no other baa it ; NewStacd (a.Vw.WV, driving wL.eel hinged on adjustable centers, thtu rencic2 fxictioa to the rr,iirrrm. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS THE HEW HOHE SEWLIQ KiCHUE CO. OaAXoa, Hu. Borrow. Km. a Tnoi Benix, W.T Ctucou. Iu 8t. Umi. Mo. '-" - -fcAJ fMAMTUCO, I al. Atuu, Ma. m rO SALE BY j g Nichols 4 bro JXMT.S C. LIXXEY. Glomus fc IAXXKY, Attorneys at Law MARION', - - - - N'.C. Will practire in McDowell and ad joining counties. AH business intrus- teil to tlieir rare will receive prompt and pains-taking attention. pE ARSON & McKESSOX, ATTOENSYS AT LAV?, . M()l!(JAXTOX, X.C. rracticesin i he Courts of Mctowell. w. c. jrrwuxn Ienoir, X. C. W. A. XEJI UXD 3frion. X C ATTORNEYS A XI) COUXSEM.OIJS AT LAW. MARION", - - - X. C Practice in the courts of tlie 10, 11, and 12th districts, and the Su preme court of X. C, am! tlie U. S. Courts of Western District of X. C. J. X. MORGAN GO- Xo. 3 Public Square, Aslieville, X. C. Wholesale ami Retail DKALEliS IX BOOKS. STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUP PUES AND STATE TEXT BOOKS. Prices xuaraiifee as low as any otIiefhoie, WHITE FOR PRICES. 1 ,000.000 People Wear WLBouglasSIioes i BEST IN THE WORLD. 53.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.T5 For Boys 0 9d aMYontlis Wear W. I. Dnaslai shoei atut nv fram 9I.OO to 3.00 a pair. .Ml rl unj U'MM. 'i ii? nlvanoe in Irutlirr li iucrrawd tlie rric of irtlM-r mHki . but the quality mi.l nrkri of W. IMalns thun rrmnU (b utmr. Take noiilmt.liitc: piliat lunw ami prW I tiamix-il on aole. W. I. UmiIh, Ikucktu, AIaiv 8old by J. JS. Dysart DR. B. L ASHWORTH. Physician and Surgeon " I,I FOKTj H. V. G-EO. IP. IREIID- rilYSH IAN aiil SMtfil-OX Oilers his professional services to tavpiiblie. Ollice: Old Kort,. Watch this space. JAUKS XI ORRIS. "lid 2 hid hand s-fl SEWED V rJ PRO CSS. tZLZmJ $3.50, tj j $2.50 . i WILL HAVE SOMETHING INTKHKSTINCi TO TELL YOU NEXT WEEK; BE BE TO ALL OTHERS Until you seo our line of HATS AND SHOES. The bottom has dropped out on Hats, The STOVER TIES are tlie leading Mens course shoes on the aiarktt. Try one pair and you will use no other. . One Pound package of soda 5 cents. Visit us at the old Hyam.' stand. Respectfully, of 1 J C-.-rt Ilil OHIO RIVER & CHARLESTON R. R. ra.seicer Department. Going North Lv. Uamden Uock Hill Ar. fJijiclwsbnrp No. 3.1. 1.30 H . .. j-tn No. 12, 8-410 mi li3.itn Lx. r.'ack?burg Mielbj Ru'.herforilton Ar. M ion Coin? South. Lv. Marion " Kutherfordton Khclhr Ar. lUackfburg No. 1:. 2.t0 Jni. 3.21 jim COO No. 33 , Lv. RIackfbnrjj 8(0 rru Kock Hill 10 32p m Ar. I'mdeii 12-53 jni. No. 33. Iinner at Cerjhatr 'o'a. 11 and 12hve connection t Ma. rion willi Southern Umiw.it. U. Lurr?i.klo, 0. 1 A. A, Tripp, Superintendent. :Poor'' :;Health means so much more thanl you imagine serious ana "i J fatal diseases result irom triflincf ailments neglected. J Don't olav with Nature's greatest gift health. Uyoearcfeelinr out of sorM. weak Browns : Iron :: Bitters hausted, rvos, M and rant work. iK the mot rh- M Die SHCTHincniin mcdirine,hich is Brown's Iron Bit. ters. A fw bot tles enre beaett very first dost it ttfth, and pleasaut tv Uk. J It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria. Nervous ailments Women's complaints. Get only the ri it has crossed red lines ou the wrapper. All othet s are sub stitutes. On receipt of two sc. stamp we will send set of Tn Beautiful World's Fair Views and twok free. DDmvu ruruiru v bii nuner tin J. J. TTHISNAN1, m.ACKSDUHC., H V. DEALER IX SASH; DOORS KD BL1SDS PRICES FURNISHED (N APPLICATION. BE MOEGANTOX, N. C, Burglar Proof Vault, Patent Time Lock, Chrome Steel Safe for Cah aud Valuables. Exchange on Nevr Centers bought and sold. Banliin hours 9 a. m. (o 3 r. u.

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